Conspiracy for husband: for return, for photo, for item, for ex. How to bring your husband home

Has the man called for a long time? Stopped appearing? What could have happened? What has cooled him down, why does he not want to communicate with you?

In this topic:

By asking such questions to yourself, you can be tortured, suffer, suffer, but this will not give any result. But if you take more tangible steps than self-torture, you can achieve the desired result.

Walnut shell ritual

To make your boyfriend remember you and come to you with his love, you can perform a strong ritual to attract a man. You should prepare a little for this ritual. First take the shell walnut and drill a small hole in it.

You need to insert a thread into it and tie it in a knot so that it does not slip back. Water is taken into an ordinary bucket, and the shell is lowered into it. We need to hold her by the thread. The shell will float on the surface, and you will pronounce the spell:

“The seas and mountains are not a barrier, come back to me soon, my love. I cast the spell of Ghana: love is always right, my dear.”

Then, holding the thread with your index finger, immerse it in water and begin to rotate it. This movement should cause the thread to wrap around your finger. She should end up completely wrapped around him. While winding, you need to say the cherished words 2 more times. When the thread is wound to the end, the shell will be pulled towards your finger.

After this, you can remove it from the water and take it out of the house. Behind the doors, the thread is removed from the finger and placed inside the shell itself. In this form, it is buried near the entrance to the house or entrance, if you live in apartment building. After this ritual, you only have to wait a little while for the man to remember you and return.

Ritual with sewing on buttons

There is an effective ritual associated with sewing on buttons. He encourages the person to appear at the place of the one performing the ritual. You need to take 12 buttons, black thread, sit down with your face facing east, and sew buttons to any underwear.

It could be a T-shirt. You cannot cut the thread with scissors; you must use a knife. While sewing, read the defiant plot:

“Lord, have mercy on me. Theophan the recluse, arouse love in the heart of God’s servant (name) for me, God’s servant (name). Open the way for the meeting, and do not delay the meeting, do not let it interfere with either the old or the young, or wives, or husbands, or the highest ranks, or the lowest ranks, neither the first nor the last. May the holy apostles help my meeting. Amen".

Then this underwear is put on and worn for 12 days. Therefore, it is better to take a T-shirt for sewing on buttons, rather than another part of the lower wardrobe. While these 12 days are going on, a meeting with the desired man should take place.

Ritual to call a loved one

To wait for your loved one's visit, you can perform the ritual described below. Action begins at midnight. At half past eleven you should already be completely alone in the room with the window open. Church objects (icons, candles) are first removed from the premises.

The electricity must be turned off, and to make it light, they light a simple candle or several, the main thing is that they are also not from the church. You need to lay any black fabric on the floor; if there is no fabric, you can use a black wardrobe item. Then they undress almost completely. A nightgown or T-shirt should remain on the body, that is, it is better to choose something without buttons or zippers, as simple and comfortable as possible.

There shouldn't be anything else on you. You will have to remove all hair jewelry, watches, and other accessories. Makeup is completely removed. In this form, with your hair down, you should stand on a prepared black cloth. Each heel should stand on the same coins white. Next, clearly imagine your lover and say the following words:

“I will go out of the door without blessing, from the gate without crossing myself, I will go into an open field, behind the open field there is a green grove. In this green grove there is a large tree - an aspen, and it has a green top. On its green top sits the largest and eldest devil. Damn father, help me, do me a great service. Call 99 of your imps and send them to the red young man/girl (name). Let them take his/her heart, take out his/her soul, dry out their chest with longing. They will bring their soul and heart to me, (name).”

When the next morning comes, you need to stock up on change and give it away different people who beg for alms. Be sure to give gifts to at least two people asking. Then they wait a few days and perform the same ritual again. This should be done until your loved one arrives.

Red candle ritual

To attract a lover to your home, spell words are often used on a red candle. To carry out the ritual you will need not only a red candle, but also a photo of the man. You need to place the candle in front of the picture, and use scissors to cut the flame from the candle and say the magic text:

“I cut off the flame from the red candle, I cut off all obstacles, all obstacles, barriers, people that interfere with the reunion of the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name). So that you cannot, the servant of God (name), not sleep, nor eat, nor drink, nor live without the servant of God (name). Just as wax melts from a burning fire, so you, the servant of God (name), from my mighty slander, appear before the servant of God (name), not in thoughts, but alive. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the word “Amen” is pronounced, cutting movements cannot be made. This ritual has a special impact because it is based on ancient fire magic. The red candle also plays its role. The color red is very widely used in magical practice, not only in love rituals, but also for protection against dark forces.

When turning to special conspiracies designed to ensure that your loved one comes to you, you must remember that one visit is not enough to establish a relationship. Therefore, you need to make an effort to ensure that the man who comes stays with you for a long time.

To prevent the young bride and groom from being jinxed at the wedding and from causing damage to divorce, before the wedding ceremony you need to read a special charm charm for the young bride and groom. Before the ransom, before the young man - the groom goes to the bride's house to take her to the registry office or for the wedding, the groom's mother should be at her home to inside jacket pin English

  • The plot needs to be read to return a husband to his wife or a wife to her husband even after a divorce if the wife or husband stop loving each other. This most loyal and effective magical method can be used not only by a husband to return his wife or a wife to return her husband, but also by people close to them (mother, father, sister, brother, children) who have quarreled. A conspiracy to reunite husband and wife after a quarrel or disagreement

  • You can cast dryness on a person with a conspiracy while being at a distance from him. To induce dryness, a photo of a person and knowledge of the words of the spell are enough - a spell that will quickly bring severe dryness to a person. Take in left hand photo of the person you want to dry out and cover it from above right hand read the words of this

  • If your husband has left for his mistress or is just about to leave you, this will help strong conspiracy against your husband’s mistress who will quickly make your husband hate his mistress and forget her. The conspiracy will help to quarrel between them and completely cool their feelings for each other and make the homewrecker disgusted with your loved one. Read the words of the spell - you need to spell early in the morning on

  • It will help to stop loving a person after a breakup white magic and a simple spell over water. It happens that people break up and it doesn’t matter who the reason for the separation was, a man - a husband or a woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help relieve the severity of the separation and fall out of love someday loved one and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you just need to change the words in it

  • Love drying made using this method is very strong and has a long-lasting effect. The following dry spell of love is equated to the effect of a light love spell, but it is very convenient that magic words spells - dry spells are spoken when meeting a person and do not require special preparation other than memorization short text love suffocation. If you decide

  • The most powerful cemetery love spell is done during the day in a photo right on the cemetery and gravesite. This ritual belongs to black magic and is done once and for life. Remember, a love spell cannot be removed either on your own or with the help of sorcerers. To conduct an independent ritual for love, take a photo of the person you want to bewitch and find it in a cemetery

  • This strong love spell You can make it yourself at home using a photograph of your beloved girl and church candles. To cast a love spell, you need to purchase three candles from the church and bring them home to read the love spell. In the evening, when the moon appears in the sky, get ready for the ceremony. Before performing a love spell, place a photo of your beloved girl on the table and put

  • This is perhaps the most powerful and fastest-acting love spell that you can read on your own at home. For reading love plot you need to have a photo of your loved one, which will be rendered unusable during the love spell ritual, so take this into account when choosing a photo for a love spell. Rituals using a person's photo are very common and can be read

  • Casting a love spell on a loved one with prayers is a very common ritual of white magic for love. Magic words to make your loved one fall in love with you without consequences for yourself and him are read in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open for you magic words on how to make a loved one fall in love with you or meet your soul mate who will marry you, for this you need to read the most strong spell -

  • Very strong love spell words said to water in a glass front door They will make your loved one very bored and force him to always return home. Read fast love spell on water any day and at any time - this easy ritual can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife of cheating. As soon as the person leaves

  • If you want to bring a certain person, then you need to use a call. It works in several cases, but the closer your communication, the sooner the effect will occur. Sometimes you are too shy to call. Use a “magic phone” for such purposes. In order for your secretly loved one, boyfriend or legal husband to come to you sooner, it’s worth learning a few simple conspiracies. They work even in difficult situations. If your husband went out with his friends and forgot about you, let him know about you. Any woman can carry out a conspiracy for her beloved to come. They are safe and simple. Try your hand, feel how your lover is rushing to your door. Bringing a man home is not so difficult if you call him correctly. This is a simple spell that can be done even without special training.

    The road is under your feet

    How does the challenge work? This is simple if we consider our communication with people from the perspective of the Subtle World. The energy doesn’t go anywhere, it doesn’t disappear. If you often communicate with a person, then you exchange energy communication channels. That is why, with a very close person, it is possible to predict a call, a sudden arrival, and feel sadness, pain or joy. If a person does not communicate with you, then there are no such connections. In this case, the calls do not work, or you need to be a very strong magician to perform such an action. A person just walks without looking at the road until he collides with you. But such a result requires years of hard training and magic.

    Calling your husband is easy, especially if you have a long, very warm relationship. He will hear your call from many kilometers away and will hurry home. This can be convenient if the husband, for example, went on a party with friends and completely forgot about the time. Call - he will come. If this is your guy, the result also comes quickly. Very convenient way for reconciliation after a quarrel. He himself will be the first to make contact. Sometimes, he will even come to your home late in the evening to talk.

    Call your loved one home with magic

    The challenge will only work when you know each other. Calling a stranger is not a task for a novice magician. The most ideal conditions to call:

    • you know each other well;
    • communicate regularly, and not the last time 5 years ago;
    • the person has at least friendly feelings towards you.

    Calls are made at any time of the day, at home or on the street. Some of them require a little ritual. More often - church candles, photo or personal item. If this is your husband, then calling him is easy, because he will return home. Our home attracts no worse than any magic - this is the place where we leave our energy. But don't overuse calls. Do them no more than 1-2 times a week. In an emergency, more can be done, but your health may deteriorate, headaches, migraines or colds may appear. This is a simple conspiracy, but it requires a lot of your personal energy.

    The most popular calls for a boyfriend or husband

    Not complicated, fast and works. It is these spells that help best in difficult situations. Try them all. Some will work better for you, others worse. Choose the trouble-free one. Then your husband or boyfriend will fly to you on the wings of love.

    Call by photo

    Very simple and fast. All you need is a photo of the person you are calling. If this is a husband, then you can use wedding photo where you are together. In other cases would be better suited single photo of your lover.

    You need to take the photo in your left hand, and right palm put it on your heart. This way you activate communication channels with the person in the photo. Say three times:

    “I’m waiting for you, I’m waiting, I’m showing off my new clothes. I am sending God’s servant (name) My guardian angel for you. Let him bring you to me. My word is strong. Amen."

    Now the effect should come quickly. At the very least, a call. Ideal option- your husband came home in the next 30 minutes - 1 hour. If this does not happen, then try a stronger challenge.

    Concentrate hard enough on the object

    Church candle challenge

    Do you need wax candle, purchased from the Church. Need to buy:

    • on Sunday;
    • for small coins;
    • give money with your left hand.

    A candle is lit where it is not visible sunlight. Say three times when the wax starts to melt:

    “The wax of a candle melts - it melts, it smudges from the fire. So you, servant of God (name), cannot find a place without me, you long to appear to me. You come, and I will greet you. Amen. Amen. Amen"

    Look at the flame for a long time, imagining the face of the one you want to call.

    Plot for 9 matches

    To make sure your loved one comes to your home sooner, make a spell using matches. You need to buy 9 boxes, take 1 match from each. Fold them on the table in a circle, and in the center put any thing that the person touched.

    “I took nine splinters from nine aspen trees,
    I burn with fire, I’ll burn, I’ll release smoke.
    The smoke is cheerful and curly, help,
    (name of your loved one) call him home as soon as possible.
    I call him, my beloved, to my feet, to my lips,
    To an obstinate body and a zealous heart.
    Like nine splinters burn and glow,
    So that the feelings of (the name of the beloved) would glow and not fade away for a moment.
    So that they would welcome him to me and never let him go.
    So be it."

    Now light each match in turn and bring it to your personal item. It works very quickly, the maximum waiting time is 9 hours.

    Reprimand for 3 nights

    Done 3 nights in a row. This ritual is good for those who are in a quarrel. In order for the husband to return home, or the guy to come to make peace, you need to perform this small ritual. For three nights the text is read:

    “In the sub-eastern side there is a black hut, in it lies a melancholy, how to lift that melancholy and send it to the slave (name). Just as in that black hut you can’t see anything, so that the slave (name) without me (name) won’t see the white light until he comes and appears before my clear eyes. A hut in the forest, melancholy not in the hut, melancholy in the slave (name). As it was said by me, so it was ordered by fate.”

    You can paint the rope yourself, and it must certainly be natural

    While you speak, tie knots in the thick black rope. The thickness of a little finger, no less. With each knot, imagine yourself pulling the person in. First his attention, then his thoughts, then the desire to go. After the third night he will set off and will soon come to your home. The rope must then be burned so that it never comes undone.

    Ritual for change from a wallet

    You need all the change in your wallet. As much as there is there, put it on the table. Sprinkle salt on the money and speak to it 12 times:

    “I will go out of the door without blessing, from the gate without crossing myself, I will go into an open field, behind the open field there is a green grove. In this green grove there is a large tree - an aspen, and it has a green top. On its green top sits the largest and eldest devil. Damn father, help me, do me a great service. Call 99 of your imps and send them to the red young man/girl (name). Let them take his/her heart, take out his/her soul, dry out their chest with longing. They will bring their soul and heart to me, (name).”

    Now go to the church and give the money to the poor. When you give someone a coin, quietly say “Paid.” The effect will not be long in coming. The person you called will quickly respond and come to you.

    Black Challenge Bassoon

    This is a very strong call, but it belongs to black magic. It mentions the names of demons. They must be learned by heart, but repeating them just like that is prohibited. This is very dangerous. Learn only silently, without speaking out loud. It is done at night after 12 o'clock. You will need 6 black candles. Place them on a table covered with a black cloth. It is best to lay out a pentagram and place candles at the ends of its rays.

    When you are ready, imagine the one you are calling. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a husband or a boyfriend, just a lover. The call will work.

    “Bassoon, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind (name) with fire, sky, earth, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Feppe, Feppe, Feppe, Elera and in the name of all devils.
    Bassoon, take possession, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind of (name) until he appears to fulfill all my desires and orders.
    Go like lightning, ash, storm, Santas, Quisor, Carracos, Arne. Turn him around so that he can neither sleep, nor stand still, cannot do anything, nor eat, nor cross a river, nor sit on a horse, nor speak with a man, nor with a woman, nor with a girl until he will not come to fulfill all my desires and orders.”

    Bassoon is the demon of the wind

    Challenge at the crossroads of 4 roads

    In order to succeed, you need to go to the intersection of 4 roads. Stand in the middle and read on 4 sides:

    “I’ll go out without blessing, I’ll go without crossing myself, I’ll come to the crossroads of 4 roads, I’ll start calling my dear one. Oh, you little devils, help me, turn my dear servant of God (name) for me. Let his little legs carry him to me, let his soul reach out to my soul. Pull him towards me, drive him away. Let him not eat or drink until God’s servant (name) comes to me. So be it!”

    After that, leave 9 coins in the place where they were. Say "Paid". Go away and don't look back at that place.

    If the call doesn't work

    This magic is not the kind of “maybe it will work out.” The rule that you cannot invite a stranger to your home is an important one. If you still think that it will work out just like that, suddenly, as an exception, try it. Who knows, maybe you have a strong gift. But most often this does not happen. You waste your energy and become disillusioned with these useful spells. A person may not come for various reasons:

    • he is very sick. Such an impact will only do harm if the guy is lying at home with high temperature, and you call him. Better wait or call
    • you are sick. In this case, the energy goes to protect the body from the disease; it will not be enough. These are simple spells in essence, but the energy cost is greater than they seem
    • the person was bewitched. It is being held somewhere by forces greater than your influence. He will feel your call, but he will not be able to come. This is the most difficult and terrible situation.

    In other cases, you just need to choose the summoning spell that works best. Experiment, you will succeed!

    When starting a family, people hope that they will be “not like others.” Will .

    But where does it go? At first some disagreements come, then quarrels, then all this accumulates, giving rise to the worst thing - alienation.

    Why should strangers live together? What is a divorce? Naturally, it cannot come to this.

    Our ancestors long ago figured out how to return harmony to good family. They listened more to the laws of energy. After all, quarrels and disagreements accumulate in the family field and do not disappear anywhere.

    Winds and storms will not remove them. This “black weight” will put pressure on members of the clan and push them to new aggressive actions.

    But magic deals with this “good” quite calmly. Cleans everything up clean. Love shines again, like new, giving birth to the very “mode” that you dreamed of.

    Spell on husband for peace and quiet

    Make it a habit to cook, for example, Sunday lunch. Previously, we didn’t go to restaurants, we ate at home.

    So the mother of the family sometimes baked a “reconciliation cake.” And she bequeathed it to us, why not use it?

    Of course, you don’t have to bake a pie if you don’t know how. And cook what you love.

    Bring your purchase home and read the plot right from the door:

    “Mother Most Holy, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, help, return your spouse to the family! So that his feet only go home to the doorstep, so that his heart misses and yearns for a return to his family. So that the blood leaps and leads to my bed. Forever! Lord, help me, please! May Your Servant (name) return his soul to me! Amen!"

    Now unpack your purchase. Place the slippers as if your husband just took them off. Remember how he scattered them? Maybe he put it neatly on a shelf? Do so.

    Read more plot:

    “(Husband’s name) ran through the forests, jumped across the fields, but did not find happiness anywhere. Came home back! Slippers are waiting, keeping you warm! Amen!"

    So that your spouse does not cheat and does not look to the left, you can influence him by the image. Especially when you are separated.

    1. Take a photo of your spouse and sit in front of a mirror (you can use a small one).
    2. Position the photo so that you can see your reflection and his face at the same time.
    3. Looking at the mirror say:

    “An old grandfather walked along a wooded road, groaning, puffing, and looking at the world with longing. There is no old peace, my back is sore, my leg is lame, my head is gray. This is treason. Slave (name) is like that, dragging along, barely moving his legs. That grandfather has no place on earth, it’s time to rest in the shroud. You wander under the moon, never return home! Amen!"

    In order for the husband to return to the family, the photo is also used. You need to take the latest image and a red felt-tip pen.

    On back side photo write a short spell:

    “In the name of love, bring your heart and soul home! I will not break my oath! And you (name) preserve honor and love, so that your blood does not run cold! Amen!"

    The photo should be placed near the Icon of the Virgin Mary. If you don't have one at home, be sure to buy one. The icon must be illuminated.

    Place it in a prominent place, and attach the photo with the plot to the back. Light a candle daily and think lovingly of your spouse.

    Spell on husband's things

    Such rituals are used to perform various tasks, from creating a protective talisman to casting a love spell.

    If you need your husband to stop being angry, then he often uses the following words:

    “The wolf’s anger and the fox’s cunning flow away, but you (name) are left with affection and love. We live in harmony, we will overcome any trouble! Amen!"

    To help your husband earn more and not be greedy, say the following words to his item on Monday:

    “Nikola the Pleasant gave Slave (name) a talent and ordered it to be used for good. So that the family has money, peace and quiet. May you and I be happy! Amen!"

    To prevent your husband from going out on a walk, cast such a spell on a thing:

    “Lord Jesus! Teach your servant (name) a lesson about fidelity and love, so that your chest is tight! Amen!"
