How to treat aphids on tomatoes at home. How to fight aphids with folk remedies What late blight likes

Simple enough spray the bushes affected by aphids with a soap solution(200 g per 10 liters of water).

For ease of execution just chop it into small chips and wait until they dissolve in water. It can also be used for prevention.

You can use the soap solution as independent remedy, and together with ash or onion peels.

Another advantage of using laundry soap from aphids, is the product is completely harmless to humans.

Green soap

Green soap for aphids is widely used in gardening. In addition to protecting trees and preventing plant diseases green soap effectively helps to get rid of or prevent the appearance of sucking ones, namely aphids.

How to prepare a soap solution for aphids? You can prepare a solution at the rate of 200-300 grams per 10 liters of water or prepare a mixture using 20 grams of mustard powder, 200 grams of Green soap and 9 liters of water. While stirring the prepared solution, pour into it copper sulfate(20 g per 1 l).

Experts advise treat plants during their active growth no more than 3 times per season. Soap solution Excellent against aphids against pests.


Wood ash is not only universal fertilizer , but also good remedy from aphids. In this case, an ash solution is used. For it you need to boil 300 g of sifted ash for 25 minutes, then strain and add 10 liters of water.

When apple aphids appear on your trees you can “powder” the leaves, pre-wetting them for better adhesion.

Following the opinion of experts, aphid ash is also the best remedy to prevent the appearance of aphids.

Ash contains a high percentage of potassium, so by adding it to the soil and increasing the potassium ratio, you automatically eliminate excess nitrogen, which is one of the main reasons for the appearance of aphids. The required dose for an adult tree is 5 kg per year. There will be ash against aphids effective method extermination of insects.

Ash-soap solution

For the solution you will need 1.5 kg of ash and 50 g of Green soap. Dissolve all this in hot water and let it brew for a while. In most cases, the solution is used to control pests, although it is a reliable feeding agent.

On ordinary days spray plants every 10-14 days, but during the mass appearance of pests, this must be done more often - once every 5-7 days.

The effect of this remedy will be more effective if you do not start the situation and use it as soon as the annoying bugs appear.

An infusion of aphid ash is an effective pest control solution. We'll talk about fighting aphids with vinegar next.


Many people ask the question: “Does vinegar solution help against aphids?” Aphid vinegar has many fans among gardeners. Some argue that fighting aphids with vinegar, using it only 2-3 times, will help you forget about the existence of aphids in your garden or garden.

To prepare the solution you only need 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 1 liter of water. When using vinegar essence take 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water. Vinegar against aphids is one of the best means of control. Spraying with vinegar against aphids should be carried out systematically. More on mustard and the fight against aphids with its help.


Ants are often the cause of aphids. To get rid of them You can use a product that they don’t particularly like - mustard against aphids.

Sprinkle dry store-bought mustard in areas with the largest concentrations of ants and perhaps the next day they will already be gone. Thus, mustard against aphids is an excellent means of pest control.

This method can be used also for prevention, unless, of course, you have pets walking around the yard.

Another option for using this product is a solution (100 g of powder per 10 liters of water). Spray the bushes as pests appear. Read more about iodine for aphids.

Iodine and milk

Another popular folk method is milk and iodine for aphids. More Its use will be effective on rose bushes. However, it is worth testing it on fruit and vegetable crops.

If you asked the question: “Iodine against aphids, how to dilute?”, we will answer: for the solution, prepare 100 ml of milk, a bottle of iodine, a syringe and 1 liter of water. First, add half a cube of iodine to the container with milk. Mix thoroughly and add the resulting mixture to a container of water. After shaking, you can use it by spraying the solution onto the bushes.

After the first use, observe the aphid's reaction, repeating the procedure if necessary.

Iodine against aphids is an effective means of combating garden insects.

Baking soda

Baking soda against aphids is a time-tested method known to many. The advantage lies in its simplicity and accessibility. 75 g baking soda 10 liters of water are poured. Fruit trees are also sprayed with this solution., and vegetable bushes.

If this method does not help you completely remove aphids, it certainly will not harm your farm. It is known that fruit trees baking soda helps get rid of and prevent rot, and for cucumbers - powdery mildew.

Determine the frequency of use, as with the previous method, yourself. Read on about garlic against aphids.


One of the most effective means is garlic from aphids. It contains elements that are toxic to aphids. Therefore, gardeners actively make garlic infusions or add the product to other remedies when pest problems arise in the garden.

How to prepare garlic infusion for aphids? There are several ways to prepare a garlic tincture for aphids. The first is a concentrated solution that can be used gradually by diluting with water. To prepare it you will need to chop 200 g of garlic and infuse them in a liter warm water within 5 days. As you use it, dilute 100 g of garlic infusion against aphids in 5 liters of water.

A “one-time option” is also possible - chop 2 large garlic and add 10 liters of water, leave for 24 hours. It is recommended to spray trees for 3-4 days in a row.

An infusion of garlic against aphids will effective method fight against aphids. Onions from aphids, more on that later.

Onion peel

For urgent spraying, an infusion of onion peels is very suitable. It's great at repelling pests, so 1-2 procedures will quickly “survive” aphids from the beds.

The recipe is very simple: pour 200 g of onion peels warm water(10 l) and leave for 12-15 hours, then filter and spray the plants without diluting the infusion with water.

Onion peel against aphids goes well with other decoctions, infusions and fertilizers.

Potato tops

If you notice aphids, but you don’t have any means of getting rid of them at hand, they can help cultivated plants with insecticidal properties. One such plant is potatoes.

Of course, it is at least unwise to use potato fruits, but the tops of this crop are quite capable of helping.

Potato tops against aphids. An infusion is made from it, which is good combined with the use of other aphid remedies and which is absolutely safe for humans.

The result of using an infusion of potato tops will appear after the first spraying. This infusion helps well in the initial stages of aphid appearance.– when there is already a lot of pest, additional “medicines” may be required.

The preparation recipe is very simple - 1.5 kg of fresh or 0.8 kg of dry tops is infused in 10 liters of water for 3-4 days. After this, filter and spray the plants, special attention giving inside leaves. You can add 30-40 laundry soap to the resulting infusion for better adhesion. Potato tops against aphids will help gardeners get rid of insects.

Tomato tops

One more cultivated plant containing phytoncides and insecticides is tomato tops.

You can use alone or in combination with other herbal infusions, for example, with an infusion of celandine or garlic. The result of spraying affected plants with a decoction of tomato tops will be immediate and very long-lasting.

Like any other spray product, The decoction is not recommended for use in rainy weather or water the sprayed plants for 2-3 days after the procedure.

To prepare, you will need tops dried in the shade, which are chopped, placed in a bucket and filled with water. Boil for about half an hour. Concentrated decoction must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. For every 10 liters of water add 40 g of soap.

Tobacco dust

Very effective during the flowering season and it is safe to use tobacco dust. This is an environmentally friendly and harmless product, which, in addition to being used in the fight against various pests, is often used simply as a fertilizer.

Tobacco dust has insecticidal properties, and therefore has a detrimental effect on garden pests. It is better not to combine its use with the use of other chemical or organic drugs.

Tobacco dust works after the first use, however, in serious situations, one procedure may not be enough.

To combat aphids, use either an infusion or a decoction of tobacco dust.

To prepare the decoction, tobacco dust is poured with water. at the rate of 1 to 10, boil for 30 minutes, adding water that evaporated during boiling. After a day of settling, the broth is filtered, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and soap is added (40 g per 10 liters of water).

The recipe for preparing the infusion is very similar, only instead of boiling, tobacco dust filled with water is infused for 1-2 days. Concentrated liquid must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and add soap.

The resulting infusion or decoction is sprayed onto the plants.


Aphids are unpleasant and dangerous pest and inaction when it appears may lead to more unpleasant consequences– disruption of photosynthesis of your plants, distortion of young growing shoots and the spread of viral diseases.

Useful video!

When the flowering period of tomatoes begins, they are often overwhelmed by destructive aphids. It is necessary to immediately begin to fight it and mercilessly exterminate it, taking prompt measures and protecting the future harvest:

  1. First, it is advisable to sprinkle the tomatoes wood ash . The majority of aphids will die from this procedure.
  2. Next you should spray the plants tobacco solution: pour about two hundred grams of shag and about one-fourth of a piece of laundry soap into a whole bucket of water, and also add about three handfuls of garlic peels. Leave the solution in the sun for about three days.

Spraying plants is best done late in the evening. This folk remedy is very effective and works one hundred percent. And the very next day all the aphids on the leaves will be dried.

When the first tomatoes begin to ripen, they should be minted. Removing the tops helps increase yield.

Late blight of tomatoes

At the end of summer, around mid-August, tomatoes are sometimes affected by late blight. The foliage turns brown and the stems turn brown. As a result, the fruits become covered with brown spots and unripe green areas remain on them. Vegetables, unfortunately, begin to rot.

In order to begin the fight against this devastating disease, you need to prepare potassium permanganate solution and add the husks, garlic pulp and a little iodine. Ten heads of garlic should be placed in a whole bucket of water, which must first be passed through a meat grinder. And then add about ten drops of iodine there.

It is necessary to spray the plants with the solution at least twice a week. It is advisable to immediately remove damaged fruits and stems.

Tomatoes are usually affected by late blight if they were planted after peppers or. And good predecessors are legumes, carrots and.

Folk remedies are very effective in controlling pests and plant diseases. Using the above methods, you can do without various chemicals that are very harmful to human health.

We suggest exploring alternative and gluttonous ones.

We wish you a bountiful harvest of fragrant and juicy fruits!

How to spray cucumbers against diseases good harvest

Sufficient sun, regular watering, fertile soil and the absence of pests and diseases is the key to a rich harvest of cucumbers. But often even experienced gardeners Questions arise about how to spray cucumbers against diseases, what preparations to use for feeding and in what quantities. Let's consider folk remedies that are used for the prevention and treatment of the most famous cucumber diseases.

Treatment of cucumbers against diseases

Cucumbers are most susceptible to fungal diseases. Among them are powdery mildew, root and gray rot, bacteriosis. The danger of these diseases is that they affect several vital parts of the plant at once, which leads to a decrease in yield or to the death of plants. Let's consider publicly available folk remedies that can be used for treatment and prevention.

Treatment with iodine for root rot

The causative agents of root rot are fungi that live in the soil and multiply when high humidity. Rot appears after planting seedlings in browning of roots, yellowing lower leaves, death of ovaries. Regular pharmacy iodine will help cope with root rot.

Treatment of cucumbers with iodine is carried out with a dilute solution: iodine is mixed with cool water in a ratio of one to two and the plant stems are lubricated 10-15 cm from the ground. Treatment is carried out every 3-4 days until the signs of the disease disappear.

Treatment of cucumbers with milk and iodine is considered effective. To prepare the product, take 1 liter of milk, kefir or whey, 1 tablespoon of crushed household or liquid soap and 30 drops of iodine per 10 liter bucket of water. Cucumbers are sprayed with the prepared solution once every 10 days.

Gray rot is a bacterial disease that affects all plant organs. It appears as gray or brown spots, which increase in size over time and completely cover the leaves, fruits and stems gray coating. Large amounts of moisture contribute to the development of the disease. Kitchen soda helps to deal with gray rot.

Treatment of cucumbers with soda is carried out with a weak solution (75 g of soda is dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water). Plants are sprayed every three days.

Treatment of cucumbers with trichopolum against bacteriosis

Bacteriosis of cucumbers or angular spotting appears in conditions of high humidity on open beds and in greenhouses, it appears in the form of brown angular spots on leaves, cotyledons and fruits. The disease is especially dangerous during the flowering period of cucumbers.

To treat plants, spraying and watering with a trichopolum solution are used. For spraying, dissolve two tablets of the drug in 1 liter of water; for watering, use five tablets per 10-liter bucket of water. As a preventive measure, before planting, a Trichopolum tablet is placed in the hole, and a few days after planting, it is sprayed with a freshly prepared solution.

Treatment of cucumbers with brilliant green against downy mildew

Downy mildew or downy mildew is one of the most dangerous fungal diseases of cucumbers. The first symptoms most often appear during flowering and fruiting in the form of yellowish-green spots on the upper part of the leaf and a gray coating with a purple tint on the lower part. Over time, the spots increase in size and the leaves become brittle and crumble. As a result, the development of fruits slows down, already ripe fruits lose their taste.

The danger of downy mildew is that fungal spores can remain in the ground for several years and infect plants every year. For treatment, use brilliant green. Thanks to the copper contained in the preparation, the solution not only acts as an antiseptic, but also feeds the cucumbers.

The healing qualities of brilliant green

Few people know that damaged cucumbers can be stored. If the skin of the fruit is slightly damaged by a disease or pest, carefully treat it with brilliant green. If there is surface rot or mold, it must first be cut out. A wound treated with brilliant green is covered with a film and the fruit can be stored for several months.

Treatment of cucumbers with brilliant green is carried out with the following solution: 50 g of urea, 2 liters of whey and 10 ml of brilliant green are dissolved in a bucket of water (10 l), and sprayed once every 10 days. As a preventive measure, spraying is repeated three times a season after the start of flowering, once a week.

Feeding cucumbers

Cucumbers, like any plants in the garden beds, need fertilizing. We recommend using root dressings(entering nutrients into the soil, under the root), their effectiveness is much higher due to the rapid penetration of substances into the root system. Foliar feeding(spraying) are important in preventing diseases and the spread of insects.

Feeding cucumbers with iodine

In addition to its powerful antiseptic effect, iodine, even in small quantities, accelerates metabolism and stimulates plant growth, increases the yield and taste of fruits, and promotes the accumulation of vitamin C.

To fertilize, add a few drops of the product to the settled water for irrigation. Watering cucumbers with iodine is also a preventive measure against the development powdery mildew and root rot.

Iodine can be used with milk or whey. To do this, dissolve 30 drops of alcoholic iodine and 1 liter of milk in a bucket of water and leave to infuse. Watering cucumbers with milk and iodine is carried out every 10-14 days.

Feeding cucumbers with brilliant green

It is worth treating cucumbers with brilliant green not only when yellow or brown spots appear on the leaves of cucumbers, but also as a preventive measure. For spraying, add 5 ml of brilliant green (the contents of half the bottle) to a bucket of warm water.

In addition to fighting diseases, fertilizing with brilliant green promotes the accumulation of copper in the soil, which is especially important for areas in swampy areas. This microelement improves plant metabolism, promotes the formation of chlorophyll, and accelerates fruit development. To prepare a solution of 10 l cold water add 10 drops of brilliant green. Water the cucumbers once every 2 weeks after the first leaves appear.

Feeding cucumbers with soda

Baking soda is one of the most useful and available fertilizers cucumbers It protects plants from fungal diseases, microbes, insects, increases productivity and improves the taste of fruits.

Cucumbers are treated with soda to prevent the appearance of aphids and the development of powdery mildew. To prepare the product, add 1 tbsp to 5 liters of warm water. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. baking soda and 1 tablet of acetylsalecic acid (Aspirin-S). Spray the prepared solution once a month after sunset or in cloudy weather, due to the likelihood of the plant getting burned.

Watering cucumbers with soda begins when barren flowers appear on the ovaries. To prepare the mixture, dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda in 10 liters of water and water the cucumbers once every few days.

Bottom line

Processing cucumbers with iodine, milk, soda and brilliant green is very popular due to the availability of ingredients and a wide spectrum of action. Few store-bought products can boast of simultaneously feeding and protecting against diseases. Using folk remedies in the right proportions will help you grow a magnificent harvest and save on the purchase of expensive drugs.

Surely you have heard the saying more than once: “Everything comes in handy on the farm,” and it must be said that these are not just words. In particular, when planting garden crops and further care for, you will undoubtedly find the standard products contained in many home first aid kits useful. If you don’t yet imagine the use boric acid or hydrogen peroxide in the garden, then this article is definitely for you.


We are accustomed to using this remedy only for treating wounds and sometimes for inhalation, but in fact the scope of its possible application is wider. Considering that iodine is good antiseptic, we can assume the effectiveness of its use in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms on plants, in particular rottenness.

The prepared solution, consisting of 5-10 drops of this product, diluted in 10 liters of water, reliably protects strawberries and strawberries from the disease, of course, if you spray it with the resulting liquid before the first flowers appear. Such prevention should be performed at intervals of two to three times per season, with a pause of 10 days.
By dissolving just one drop of iodine in 3 liters of water, you can easily use it to increase the productivity of the crop and the size of the tomatoes you grow, and all you need to do is water the seedlings with the resulting mixture. After transplanting them into open soil, you can additionally water the plants a mixture of water and iodine: there are only three drops per 1 bucket. The resulting solution is poured into the soil at the rate of 1 liter per 1 bush.

By mixing 10 liters of water with 40 drops of iodine and adding a spoonful of peroxide, you will get a mixture that protects the bushes from the ubiquitous late blight. And if you add 10-12 drops of iodine and another liter of low-fat milk to nine liters of water, you will have a solution against downy mildew that lives on cucumbers. In addition, this brown liquid is a component of preparations intended to prevent the appearance of yellow leaves and their drying out, as well as to rejuvenate the vines of some plants.

Important! Even the most useful substance should be used with a sense of proportion, because if you overdo it with the amount of potassium permanganate, its excess in the soil will negatively affect the growth and development of crops.

If you have problems with fruit set, boric acid will help you. Just 2 g of the substance, diluted in half a liter of water, and then brought to required quantity another ten liters of liquid will help formation of the ovary after spraying. In addition, the resulting solution will help prevent zucchini from rotting and will allow tomatoes to more easily cope with the heat in greenhouse conditions.
It can also be added to a weak solution of potassium permanganate, as mentioned above, and used as a top dressing early spring. It will not only have a positive effect on yield, but will also increase taste characteristics.

When using boric acid as a component of the nutrient solution, the seed can be soaked in it before placing it in the soil. To do this, two small handfuls of onion peels need to be filled with one liter of very hot water and add the ash solution prepared in advance in a 1:1 ratio. For one liter of the resulting mixture add 1 g of potassium permanganate, 5 g of ordinary soda and 0.1-0.3 g of boric acid.

You can also achieve the fastest germination of crops using hydrogen peroxide: when using it, cabbage seeds are soaked in a 4% solution for half a day, and tomatoes and beets - for 24 hours. This remedy is also suitable as an alternative to potassium permanganate in the matter seed disinfection. You just need to dip the seed in a mixture of the specified product (10%) with water, in a 1:1 ratio, keep it like that for twenty minutes, and then rinse and dry well. Can be used for different plants in the garden and vegetable garden.
Hydrogen peroxide is excellent for soaking carrot and parsley seeds, although cucumbers also respond well to its effect. All of them not only germinate quickly, but also have stronger immunity, which has a beneficial effect on the future harvest.

To protect tomatoes from late blight, treat them with a mixture of ten liters of water, forty drops of iodine tincture and one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Ready solution is an excellent preventative.

We can safely call universal remedy, since it not only nourishes the plants, promoting their rapid growth, but also helps to get rid of many things in the garden, for which you just need to water the beds with its solution once a week (there should be one tablespoon of ammonia per bucket of water).
If young trees in your garden are attacked by aphids, then a mixture of water (one bucket), two tablespoons of ammonia and one tablespoon of shampoo or liquid soap will help get rid of it, which will improve adhesion.

This substance is also quite effective in the fight against ants, as well as onion and carrot flies. In the first case, places of mass accumulation of small inhabitants are watered with a mixture of 100 ml of ammonia and 1 liter of water, and in the rest, the plants are sprayed with ammonia diluted in 5 liters of water (1 ml is enough).

It will be useful to take ammonia with you into nature, because by spraying the area near your resting place, you will drive mosquitoes and midges away from it.

This remedy helps to effectively cope with headaches, and in some cases even prevent it, saving you from the appearance of pests on your home. summer cottage. In the very simple version application you can use the tablets for disinfection of contaminated soil(one tablet is diluted in 1 liter of water), treating plants, stimulating their growth and development.

In particular, this drug is used to help crops in the initial stages of fungal diseases (the ground under the plant is watered with the indicated solution) and to protect against many ailments (1/4 tablet is diluted in two liters of water).
For use on horticultural crops aspirin is diluted in the proportion of 0.5 tablets per 2 liters of water, after which the resulting composition

The harm from these small animals is considerable - they will suck the juice out of the crop, which will provoke its death, while actively multiplying and spreading. From the affected and already dead individual of tomatoes, the pest will move to the next organism, and then even to the neighboring bed, and the situation will repeat.

Signs of defeat

So, how to determine that tomatoes have been affected by this particular pest and how to fight aphids? The first signal of an “attack” can be the leaves of a plant that have lost their usual shape. They usually become deformed and curled. Each individual must be carefully examined. Particular care must be taken to examine the reverse, underside of the sheet.

How to fight

After you are convinced that the plants are affected by aphids, you need to try to get rid of them as quickly as possible, having first chosen a means and method of control.

Thus, physical methods include collecting aphids by hand, as well as washing them off with a stream of water from a hose. You can protect the plants with glass covers or fence the beds with a copper rim immediately after planting the tomatoes.

Chemical methods

The action of this group of drugs is based on the use of chemical drugs. That is, to defeat pests, it is enough to treat the crop with certain solutions. Chemicals They perfectly destroy insects, but can also have a negative impact on humans. Therefore, if you decide to fight aphids in this way, you need to be very careful.

The most commonly used drugs are:

  1. "Karbofos" has an unpleasant aroma that quickly disappears. The solution must be prepared in the following proportion: 30 g of the drug per bucket of water. "Karbofos" will defeat adult aphids on tomatoes, but will not destroy their eggs. It is better to spray vegetables with this solution before flowering. Why? Because the drug is destroyed after two weeks, releasing harmful substances.
  2. “Trichlorometaphos” has an oily structure, so dilute it with water in a ratio of 20 g per bucket of water. It is better to treat plants with it in early spring. It is not advisable to use the drug more than twice. "Trichlometafos" defeats not only aphids, but also mites and caterpillars.
  3. “Bleach of lime” is used against aphids in an amount of 1-2 tbsp. l. For a bucket of water. It is better to grind the lime, making a “porridge” out of it with a small amount of liquid. And only then will it be completely divorced. Treat the affected leaves from below. This solution can also disinfect the soil.

Biological methods

Birds can also destroy aphids: sparrows, tits, hummingbirds. To attract these animals, you need to install drinking bowls on the territory immediately after planting the vegetable.

Folk remedies

You can fight aphids traditional methods. There are a huge number of them, but it is worth considering that some of them are not applicable during the harvest period. Otherwise, pesticides may harm the person consuming the fruits of the crop.

A well-known folk remedy is solutions of soap and ash. They will destroy aphids and protect the crop from diseases. Soap and ash also act as fertilizer for tomatoes. The recipe for preparing the solution is simple: you need to sift 300g of ash, then pour boiling water and boil on the stove for up to half an hour. Strain the resulting mixture and dilute it in a bucket of water, adding 50 g of laundry soap.

Spray vegetables with the prepared mixture in the evening in dry weather. Why? Because this way the leaves of the plants will not be burned, and the solution will not be washed off with water.

Another popular folk remedy is herbal decoctions. It is recommended to spray plants against aphids with solutions of garlic, celandine, wormwood, yarrow, and pepper. Why? Because, thanks to their aroma, such decoctions instantly repel pests. After one treatment, insects immediately become visible in fewer numbers.

You can prepare a decoction by preparing one unit of herb and two water. Then pour boiling water over the sprouts and put on the stove for 15 minutes. Next, strain, if desired, add 40 g of laundry soap. Dilute a liter of solution in a bucket of water. Using a ready-made decoction, you can get rid of pests almost immediately.

You can also fight aphids on tomatoes with tobacco infusion prepared with your own hands. This plant is very effective in getting rid of pests. Why? Because it has a strong bad smell, which not only repels, but also kills insects. It is better to use tobacco infusion in combination with chemicals.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 400 g of crushed tobacco with 800 ml of boiling water and boil for at least half an hour. Then the resulting mixture should be filtered, adding 40 g of soap if desired, and diluted in a bucket of water.

Video “How to deal with aphids”

The video tells in detail about aphids and how to fight them using folk remedies.


Prevention is an important component of growing tomatoes. After all, it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later. In addition, prevention allows you to avoid chemical treatment harvest, which has a positive effect on your health.

Tomatoes do not need to be fertilized frequently with nitrogen, because as new stems appear on the affected plant, aphids spread to them.

Video “Clandestine will rid your garden of aphids”