Why do you dream about wearing a new coat? Problems in the business field. An abundance of shades and styles: From good luck to sadness

Clothes in a dream symbolize a person’s plans and aspirations.

New clothes mean new plans, which will be successful, new acquaintances, relationships.

Old stuff is a sign of trouble, needs and deprivations.

The interpretations fully relate to the coat, dreams about which are interpreted differently by different dream books.

Why do you dream about a coat according to the family dream book?

Good sleep - put on a new, brand new coat. The dream predicts favorable changes in life that will not take long to arrive. The more expensive and beautiful the coat, the better things will go for the dreamer.

A torn or dirty coat in a dream- a sign of humiliation, difficulties, great troubles. A dream in which a person lost, stained, or dropped his coat has a similar meaning.

If the dreamer someone took my coat, then in reality a person will face problems in his personal life and difficulties in business.

Large coat, which is clearly great for the dreamer, means grief and failure in a matter that turns out to be too difficult.

Why do you dream about a coat according to Freud’s dream book?

According to Freud's dream book, a coat is a symbol of male nature. It is also a symbolic representation of certain sexual aggression towards a partner.

Why do you dream of a new coat according to this dream book? To the appearance of a new sexual partner in the dreamer’s life. If in a dream a person is the owner of a large wardrobe, which includes coats, jackets and other items of outerwear, then in reality he has several intimate partners (or the dreamer dreams about it).

The coat is dirty, old, torn - a warning about a disease associated with intimate organs, or a warning about impotence. Losing a coat means breaking off a close relationship with a partner.

If you dream of a coat with torn buttons, then the dreamer has sadistic tendencies.

Why do you dream about a coat according to Miller’s dream book?

According to the interpretation of this dream book, a coat in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer’s stubbornness. To achieve mutual understanding with loved ones, you need to change your attitude towards them and life in general.

If in a dream a person puts on someone else’s coat, then in reality he will have a hard time because of mistakes made by someone from his environment. To cope with the situation, you will need the help of relatives or friends.

Why do you dream about a new coat? This is very good sleep. The dreamer will begin a white streak in life: his cherished dream will come true, he will be lucky in literally everything.

If the coat in a dream is dirty, old, torn, then in life, on the contrary, everything will be very sad, difficult times will come, sorrows and failures will come.

A dream in which the dreamer has lost his coat is extremely unfavorable. The dream predicts that, due to his own short-sightedness or outright negligence, a person will lose everything, lose income, work and find himself on the brink of poverty. We will have to work from the very beginning to restore the previous position.

Why do you dream about a coat according to Vanga’s dream book?

The interpretation of a dream about a coat according to Vanga’s dream book is connected with the fate of a person. If the clothes are clean and tidy, then everything in life is going well and the person is moving in the right direction. Torn and dirty outerwear portends disappointment, loss and grief.

It is very bad to lose your coat in a dream. This means that previous ideas about life turned out to be incorrect and led to collapse. The dreamer will have to arrange his destiny again. Another interpretation of a dream about losing a coat is bitter remorse for one’s own gullibility or careless conduct of business.

Wearing a coat from someone else's shoulder is a harbinger of difficulties. You may have to accept something difficult or unpleasant decision, which will change fate.

Wearing a coat that the dreamer likes is a favorable dream. This is a harbinger of success: all dreams will come true, circumstances will work out in the right way.

Why do you dream about a coat according to Hasse’s dream book?

A dream about buying a new coat foreshadows finding a new friend. This person will be spiritually close to the dreamer, so the relationship will be long-lasting and bring joy.

If the dreamer sees a coat that was custom-made for him, then he has found his purpose in life. The dream means that life path chosen correctly.

Seeing your coat on a stranger is a good dream. It means that in real life the dreamer will hear a lot addressed to him kind words, and from strangers.

The dream that the dreamer stole a coat symbolizes loneliness and lack of attention. If his coat was stolen, then in reality one should be wary of an evil slander or betrayal.

Why do you dream of a coat with holes and patches? In reality, the dreamer will find himself embroiled in some complicated matter. If the coat is too big, it will be frightening. Outerwear pink color means pipe dreams.

Why do you dream of a coat according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to the interpretation of this dream book, a coat is dreamed of as a sign of some kind of purchase. If a person has been planning it for a long time, but could not decide to purchase it, then after such a dream it is worth deciding to spend money: it will not be in vain.

Why do you dream of an old coat, but it’s clean and doesn’t cause irritation or disgust? The dream is favorable. It foretells success as a reward for previous efforts.

On the contrary, a dream about a new coat often foreshadows some losses, problems in the financial and business sphere. If it hangs on a hanger, then financial difficulties will not interfere with maintaining the previous positive image.

If in a dream the dreamer buys not the coat that he would like to have, but the one for which he has enough money, then in reality he will have to save. You will have to forget about previous requests for a while and live within your means.

Why do you dream of a coat with fur trim? You'll have to defend yours good name, and perhaps honor. If a woman dreams that she is sewing a coat in a studio, then in reality she should reconsider her image. Perhaps it was chosen incorrectly.

Why do you dream about a coat according to the modern dream book?

An old coat with holes and patches foreshadows a difficult situation that will arise in the dreamer’s life through no fault of his own. To cope with circumstances and survive difficult times, you need to enlist the support of like-minded people. Eye outerwear dreams of humiliation and poverty.

Why do you dream about a new coat? To meet a new person who is close in spirit. It is quite possible that acquaintance will result in a strong friendship for many years.

Picking up a new custom-made coat from a tailor shop is a very good dream. He foretells that the dreamer will experience triumph, unprecedented success. The more expensive the custom-made outerwear, the higher the takeoff will be.

Trying on a coat in a dream is an unfavorable sign. After such a dream, you should take a closer look at your surroundings or a loved one. Possible betrayal on the part of a very cunning and hypocritical person. If the dreamed outerwear belongs to the dreamer in reality, then the blow will be close person, whose trust is unconditional. If the coat is unfamiliar, then strangers will cause trouble.

Altering your coat yourself is a favorable sign. This portends the fulfillment of a desire, long-awaited success, good luck in all endeavors. Luck will be the answer of fate to the efforts made by the dreamer in the past.

Lose your coat- a sign of a quick change in the situation. In bad or good side everything will change depends on the circumstances of the dream and the dreamer’s feelings. If he experiences relief and joy from the loss, then in reality he will have to start arranging his new life, and this will bring the joy of renewal. If the sensations in a dream are negative, then changes in life will be perceived as painful and unwanted.

Seeing yourself wearing a coat with fur trim- to gain financial well-being and high status. The authorities will note the merits of the dreamer and reward him according to his dignity.

The color of the coat has meaning for dream interpretation. A red thing for women is a harbinger of true love or the restoration of marital relationships. For men, such a dream is unfavorable: it warns of the danger of being deceived by swindlers.

A yellow coat warns men about meeting a mercantile lady, and women about slander and evil gossip about her. After such a dream, you should be especially careful and avoid dubious offers and adventures.

A green coat symbolizes travel and pleasant changes, while a black coat symbolizes a fair reward, a large financial reward. Seeing a white coat in a dream means a quick acquaintance with your future spouse, a happy marriage. Outerwear blue warns of the machinations of ill-wishers, which will be unsuccessful.

The coat evokes autumn thoughts, memories of yellowed leaves, a bright but no longer warming sun. We can say that a coat is a rather emotional sign that carries internal experiences. To understand why you dream about a coat, you should pay attention to the inner feeling that accompanied you in the dream and look into the dream book. The coat, according to many interpreters, is associated with the dreamer’s ability to make compromises.

The children's dream book considers a coat to be a symbol of the dreamer's dissatisfaction with human warmth and attention, the lack of which can develop in a person anger at the world, nervousness, and aggression. In the near future, you should devote time to your family and spend as much time with them as possible.

Scientist and psychologist Gustav Miller explains in his dream book why a coat is dreamed of: it may mean one’s own stubbornness and inability to find a common language with loved ones. Asking for someone else's coat in a dream means failures and problems caused by a stranger. Perhaps even because of whose coat you borrowed.

Trying on or walking in a new coat in a dream means that victories and improvement on all fronts await you soon. Great luck will suddenly fall from the sky and illuminate all areas of the dreamer’s life with its radiance. However, if the coat belonged to another person, this portends a difficult situation, from which friends and relatives will help. Without outside help it won't work.

If you dreamed of a man wearing a coat, it means that you will soon find an influential patron or friend in a circle of high-ranking officials who will give reliable protection in a risky business planned for the future.

Why do you dream of a giant coat? To solve a difficult problem that you will have to cope with alone. It’s worth accumulating strength, resting and good location spirit to solve your problems.

A man in a huge coat - to great and sincere love, full of erotic pleasure.

Appearance of clothes

A white coat in a dream represents a successful search for a partner for life, according to the dream book. The coat in this interpretation is a symbol of great and sincere love. Often the object of adoration becomes someone who was previously perceived by the dreamer only as a good friend.

A blue coat indicates the existence of ill-wishers who are trying in every possible way to ruin the dreamer’s life and tarnish his reputation. But don’t worry, all their attempts will not bring the expected result, but will drive the offenders crazy, which will have a bad effect on themselves.

A black coat is dreamed of as a great moral and possibly financial reward for the dreamer’s excellent personal qualities: the ability to listen, to provide help at the first call of loved ones. For these valuable qualities you will be generously gifted by fate. Dedication, modesty and hard work are your main strengths.

Why does a man dream of a black coat? To a great reward for services rendered.

The green coat, with its interpretation, should delight avid travelers or those who dream of radically changing their lives. Such a dream foreshadows pleasant changes that will be associated with a long-awaited and long train trip, a change of place of residence, and great prospects in another country.

A pink coat, according to the dream book, can be compared to rose-colored glasses. If you dream about it, it means it’s time to say goodbye to childish naivety and take responsibility for life into your own hands. Excessive daydreaming and the tendency to build castles in the air in the real world can lead to great painful disappointments. Of course, there is no need to kill the child in yourself, but going too far in this matter will become unnecessary.

Why do men dream of a red coat? To the danger associated with deceivers, swindlers, scammers. For women, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with true love, and for those who are married - to the improvement and renewal of marital relations.

Yellow is the color of lies and deception, according to many beliefs, according to the dream book. A coat of this color that a lady dreamed of means evil gossip, slander and various events, which are arranged in order to denigrate the name of the dreamer. Try to protect yourself from ambiguous situations. For men, a yellow coat is a warning against meeting a woman whose mind is only about profit and deception. You shouldn’t believe everything she says, much less get involved in dubious adventures.

New coat

The interpretation of a dream in which you happened to see a beautiful new coat depends on what exactly you did with it.

  • Wearing new clothes means that soon the dreamer will finally be able to complete all the important matters that have been delayed for a long time, and new prospects for growth in various fields of activity will open up before him.
  • Trying on a new coat means being the happy owner of a sharp mind and flexible thinking. You probably want to change your lifestyle, home or your image. Go for it! Now is the right time for long-awaited changes.

  • A coat with fur speaks of gaining high status and prosperity. Finally, your hard work will be rewarded.

Actions in a dream in relation to clothes

Admiring yourself in the mirror while trying on a coat indicates the need to agree to help. influential person, since it will not be possible to achieve the goal without it.

Buying a coat indicates that the dreamer is very popular and respected among people in his circle.

Losing a coat often indicates a lack of tact and flexibility in the dreamer. This may offend his friends and family.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 03/20/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is filled with activity and an abundance of varied subjects. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

A coat seen may foreshadow events that are associated with the image of the sleeper or his internal experiences. Various dream books Such a dream about a coat is interpreted in its own way; more accurate interpretations can be obtained by paying attention to what color the clothes were and what role it played in the dream.

Women's dream book

For women, seeing a coat in a dream can be a harbinger of emotional distress and torment. New, beautiful outerwear is a sign that pleasant events and joy lie ahead. And putting on someone else’s coat means losing everything you’ve acquired. It is also not good if you dreamed of a torn coat - failures will follow in the near future.

Children's dream book

Dreams associated with outerwear speak of mental anxiety, confusion, and the search for a way out of a difficult situation. You need to find someone who will listen and help.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

A dream in which you see a coat warns that troubles are coming due to the fault of another person. This is the main interpretation of the dream book. The coat is new - expect trouble from a stranger, trust others less.

    wearing someone’s coat means suffering from other people’s mistakes;

    new - luck;

    torn - grief;

    to lose - to repent.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

    coat larger size- get scared;

    a stranger in your coat is a new love interest;

    to lose - to troubles;

    putting it on someone means life’s difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

A difficult period will come in life if you saw someone else's coat or someone wearing yours. Beautiful and new outerwear means great happiness and peace of mind.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

This dream book interprets dreams related to coats in more detail. To interpret a dream and understand what it portends, you need to pay attention to all the details.

Coat color

    white - to a like-minded person, buying a coat of this color - your endeavors will be supported by your loved ones;

    red - there is a risk of becoming a victim of hypocrisy, pay attention to your close circle;

    black - your good deeds towards other people will be appreciated;

  • green - all difficulties will be solved thanks to your perseverance.

What did you do with the coat in your dream?

    lost - incorrectly set priorities will lead to loss of money;

    given as a gift - expect a stranger who will play an important role in your life;

    stolen from you - gossip and intrigues of relatives.

A woman's coat in a dream says that you lack emotions, but love will come soon.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud believed that a coat (outerwear) in dreams speaks of sexual experiences, insecurity, or warns of dangers that may happen to partners.

    A dream about a new coat means a change in sexual partner;

    dirty - diseases of the genital area;

    torn buttons - the desire to have several partners;

    losing a coat means a break in the relationship.

Also, from the dream in which you saw a coat, you can judge the upcoming weather. The worse the clothes, the more inclement the weather will be.

A coat in a dream represents a person’s character, his qualities and the ability to make compromises. To understand what this dream is about, you should remember your dream in small details, analyze it taking into account the plot and your own emotions in the dream, and project what you saw onto real life and circumstances. After receiving a meaningful picture, you need to look for its meaning in the dream book.

IN Children's dream book, the interpretation of the dream - coat, reveals the need to receive warmth and attention from loved ones and relatives. Manifestations of anger and aggression are possible due to the need for protection and understanding of the sleeping person. This time, in reality, you need to spend with your closest ones. dear people.

Miller's dream book positions the coat as problems arising from one's own stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise. Borrowing outerwear in a dream means that the cause of the dreamer’s failures will be other people’s problems and mistakes. Wearing or trying on a new coat in a dream predicts a person’s success and luck in all areas of life. Wearing someone else's clothes means a difficult situation, in solving which you will need the help of friends.

A man in a coat symbolizes the dreamer's good security before an important and risky undertaking, the presence of a patron or friend from a circle of high-ranking persons.

Seeing in a dream a coat that is too large for your height promises a collision with difficulties and obstacles that you will have to overcome on your own. Seeing a stranger in this outerwear is a sign of an upcoming love interest.

Color, length and condition of the coat

The appearance, condition and color of this item of clothing are very important in determining what such a dream means.

Why do you dream of a white coat? The dream book indicates meeting a person in real life, which will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions and joy. Perhaps the emergence of sincere and pure feelings for a person who has been nearby for a long time as a friend.

A blue coat predicts success in the dream book, despite the attempts of envious people to aggravate and influence the outcome of an important matter supervised by the sleeping person. The inability of enemies to influence the situation will embitter them, forcing them to make mistakes, thereby provoking themselves.

Worthy remuneration and well-being are caused by the dedication, hard work and courage of a person, this is what a black coat means in a dream. The dream book identifies a person as a peacemaker who, at the right moment, comes to the aid of relatives and friends. For men, this dream foretells a special reward for the provision of services.

For people who love adventure and travel, it will be useful to know what a green coat means in dreams. A similar picture indicates a quick change in the dreamer’s life associated with a change of place of residence, moving to another city, change of position or job. It is worth remembering that all changes will be mostly positive.

The dream book deciphers wearing a pink coat in a dream as getting into an unusual difficult situation due to one’s naivety and daydreaming. If your outerwear is old and shabby, it means you should finally look at the world with open eyes, not hide behind people’s backs and learn to make decisions on your own.

Seeing a red coat in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a threat to suffer at the hands of vile and hypocritical people. You should be wary of the proposals of those people who are opponents or rivals, because something bad is being planned against the dreamer. A woman’s red cape in a dream reflects a meeting with a person who will win and conquer the heart of the sleeping person.

Dressed in a yellow coat, according to the dream book, means the spread by ill-wishers of false and provocative rumors about a person, which can greatly damage one’s reputation and change one’s life. negative side. For men, such an image warns that there is no need to get involved in dubious adventures and give up love affairs.

To find out why you dream of a new coat, it is worth remembering your actions that were carried out in relation to this item of clothing. A new coat predicts the implementation of long-planned goals and the opportunity to complete a long-drawn-out task.

Trying on a new coat in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the likelihood of a new assignment, a change of job, or a desire to change your lifestyle. This image also characterizes the dreamer’s success, the ability to navigate correctly in difficult situations, the presence of a flexible mind and ingenuity.

Wearing a coat with fur in a dream means the dreamer’s rapid prosperity, financial success, material and financial well-being, which will allow him to occupy a high position in society.

An old coat, according to the dream book, means humiliation, poverty, and for businessmen - bankruptcy, a difficult financial situation. A dirty coat represents dubious affairs, and if you take part in them, it will be difficult to wash yourself off. A long coat, according to the dream book, symbolizes having secrets that you don’t want to tell anyone.

Manipulations with outerwear

Most dream books ambiguously interpret what dreams of buying a coat mean. If you have to buy a coat for yourself in a dream, spinning and looking at yourself in front of the mirror, it means that you should not reject the help and patronage of a distant person, because you will not be able to achieve success on your own.

Buying a coat in a dream means that those around you perceive the person very well, as well as the presence of a person of the opposite sex who is close in spirit to the sleeping person.

Putting on a coat and making sure that it is too small, according to the dream book, is interpreted as the occurrence of a series of unpleasant situations in real life; if the coat turns out to be too big, it means there is a major quarrel ahead and a showdown with a colleague.

If your coat was stolen in a dream, it means you should prepare for the fact that you will soon hear gossip and rumors spread by dear people and friends behind your back.

If a person in a dream happens to lose his coat, then the dream book advises to reconsider his image and attitude towards life, because due to his excessive self-confidence and tactlessness, a person may lose reliable comrades and sincere love.


  • When I tried on the new coat, it fit right away and I gladly bought it because of the opportunity, because it turned out to be cheap, even though the color was dark, but with a pattern. But then I saw beautiful expensive shoes, both with and without heels, colored, but rubber, like galoshes, I didn’t take them :)

  • Today is May 14, 2016. I had a dream how my relatives gave me a new unusual large long coat expanding from the waist, like a large ball, the shape at the bottom resembled the bottom of a snowman. The coat was three-colored: the top was beige, the middle was black, the bottom was red from the waist to the floor. I wonder why I dreamed about this? Possibly to a lot of trouble, because today I'm throwing an anniversary party best friend my husband? Let's see how everything goes so we can analyze what my dream meant.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a coat in a dream means that you will suffer from your stubbornness.

Borrowing a coat from someone foretells that other people's mistakes will become the cause of your failures.

If in a dream you are wearing or looking at a new beautiful coat, this dream foretells exceptional luck in the fulfillment of your desires.

If you realize in a dream that you are wearing someone else’s coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support.

If your coat is torn, the dream promises you great sorrows.

A dream in which you lost your coat is unfavorable - you will have to re-arrange your fate, and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Freud's Dream Book

The coat, oddly enough, is a phallic symbol.

A new coat symbolizes your desire to change your sexual partner or have another one.

A dirty or torn coat symbolizes genital diseases or impotence.

Torn buttons or a ribbon symbolize the desire for sex with elements of sadism.

Several coats in your wardrobe symbolize your desire to have several sexual partners.

A lost coat indicates the need to break off relations with your sexual partner.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A coat that is too big for your height means frightening; good - honor and importance; lose - you will get into trouble; to see someone taking away - you will encounter difficulties; seeing someone wrapped up is a hobby.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Family dream book

We saw a coat in a dream - so as not to suffer from our own stubbornness.

If you took someone’s coat to wear - the reason for your failures may be the mistakes of others.

A beautiful, new coat seen in a dream portends good luck and the fulfillment of Desires.

If in a dream you suddenly realize that you are wearing someone else’s coat, in reality, in a difficult situation, turn to your friends for support.

A torn, worn coat - dreams of trouble.

If you have lost your coat, you may show excessive gullibility and negligence in financial matters.

Why do you dream about a coat?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Sewing a new coat means a change in image; put on - you need an assistant (heir).

Why do you dream about a coat?

Spring dream book

Crimplene coat - to memories of a good life.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Summer dream book

Seeing a crimple coat on someone in a dream means buying a new thing.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Autumn dream book

Seeing yourself wearing a Crimplene coat in a dream means a misunderstanding.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you buy a coat is a sign of a good attitude towards you from a distant but spiritually close person.

Sewing a coat in a studio means that in reality you have chosen the right path, which sooner or later will lead you to success in life.

Trying on a coat in a dream portends tears because of the unfair attitude towards you of a person to whom you were recently ready to give all the fervor of your soul.

Letting someone wear your coat means that in reality you will hear the most flattering compliments and praise addressed to you from complete strangers.

Wearing a coat from someone else’s shoulder means a lack of attention to you from those closest to you, which causes you mental anguish.

A patched and patched coat - portends complicated circumstances from which you will emerge with honor, having received the support of true friends.

Re-facing a coat portends exceptional luck in fulfilling your cherished desires.

Losing your coat by leaving it in a public place is a sign that you will have to rebuild your destiny.

If in a dream your coat was stolen or robbers took it off, it means that in reality you will hear gossip about yourself coming from your friends or even your closest relatives.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Coat - New - honor, respect - dirty - poverty, humiliation - out of size - great fear - good - honor and significance - to lose - you will get into trouble - to see someone taking away - you will encounter difficulties - to see someone wrapped up - enthusiasm

Why do you dream about a coat?

Esoteric dream book

Coat - for bad weather.

The worse the coat, the stronger the bad weather.

Unusual coat - weather anomalies.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to your own stubbornness.

Borrowing a coat from someone foreshadows failure due to the mistakes of others.

If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires.

If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support.

Ragged coat- portends big troubles. A dream in which you lost your coat is also unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny. You will curse yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Coat - acquisition; new - losses in business; old - success; buy - family troubles.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Modern dream book

Seeing a coat in a dream is a sign that you will suffer from the stubbornness of other people.

Borrow a coat - a prediction that mistakes strangers will make you unhappy.

If you dream that you are wearing a beautiful new coat, you will be extremely lucky in realizing your desires.

To dream that you are wearing someone else's coat means that you will turn to a friend with a request to ensure your safety.

If you dream that you are wearing a torn coat, this foretells the loss of a close friend and the sad state of your business affairs.

Seeing a new coat in a dream is a harbinger of literary success.

Losing your coat in a dream means that you will have to reconsider your attitude towards life, since too many losses occurred due to your self-confidence in conducting commercial affairs.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Eastern dream book

Seeing a coat is a sign that you may get hurt by other people.

A new coat is a harbinger of literary success.

If you borrow a coat, it means that the mistakes of others will be fatal for you.

Wearing a nice, comfortable coat is good luck.

If you are wearing a torn old coat, expect failures and losses.

If you dreamed that you lost your coat, it means that you will have to reconsider your attitude towards life: too many losses happened because of your self-confidence.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

new, clean - honors and respect; old, dirty - poverty and humiliation.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Put on a new coat - use it good chance/ get a new man.

Someone else’s that doesn’t interfere, you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

To see a small, black coat on a friend - he will leave you, but will regret it all his life.

Putting yours on means getting ready for the road.

Breaking is a failure.

Taking off your coat on the street is a disease.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Coat - exposure; old - acquisition; new - a mistake, an oversight.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Coat mean in a dream - recognition in society awaits you. Imagine being served a beautifully tailored, high-quality coat, trimmed with fur.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Star dream book

You dreamed of a Coat - a new dream means good luck. Old - to health problems, poverty. Capricorn.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Coat - you see a new fashionable coat on yourself - your most cherished wish will soon come true; A dream in which you see a long coat is especially favorable. You see a coat on you from someone else's shoulder - only with the help of friends will you be able to stand on your feet in a difficult situation. You see an old torn coat in a dream - only fortitude will help you survive the coming sorrows. It’s as if you asked someone for a coat for a while - you will pay for other people’s sins and mistakes. It’s as if you’ve lost your coat - the dream says that you allow yourself to be careless in financial matters and in paperwork; through this unforgivable negligence you will have losses.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does a Coat mean in a dream - to recognition in society, respect from others. Imagine an outerwear store. You see a lot of different coats there. Imagine looking at them and trying them on one by one, and then choosing the one you like best and buying it. It must be an expensive, beautiful, luxurious coat that suits you very well - perhaps the one you dream of.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Coat (jacket) - Personifies the external representation of a person, his image. It can be a sign of protection from external influences or a means of disguising a secret. Wearing a coat indoors means keeping your secret. Wearing someone else's coat means having a decent appearance in case of financial difficulties. Tearing a coat in a dream means unfortunate circumstances.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Russian dream book

What does a new coat mean in a dream - respect in the family and at work; old and dirty - poverty and humiliation; borrow a coat - you risk “borrowing” other people’s mistakes.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Women's dream book

Dreaming about a Coat – Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to one’s own stubbornness. Taking someone's coat for a while portends failure due to the mistakes of others. If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires. If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support. A torn coat portends big troubles. A dream in which you lost your coat is also unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny. You will curse yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Coat - a manifestation of stubbornness. Putting on someone else's coat means correcting other people's mistakes. Trying on a beautiful coat means good luck. A coat that doesn’t fit your height means you’ll be afraid of responsibility. To lose is to get into trouble.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Coat - patronage. The coat is new, clean - they will help you; old, dirty - vulnerability.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

See Clothes.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Old Russian dream book


Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream book of the future

A new coat means respect at work and in the family; old and dirty - poverty and humiliation; borrowing a coat from someone - foretells that other people's mistakes will become the cause of your failures.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Online dream book

If you dreamed of a coat, you will suffer because of someone’s stubbornness.

If it is blue, this is a warning that someone will try to harm you, but there will be a very wise and influential person who will protect you.

It suddenly breaks - you will lose some friend, and things at work will go very badly.

If you dream that you have a new one, you will be successful in the literary field.

Lost coat - the dream book says that you urgently need to look at your life from a different angle, since due to your excessive confidence you can lose a lot of money.

According to the dream book, choosing a coat means meeting a person who will radically change your destiny, color your usual days with new colors, and make you experience a lot of positive emotions. Your life will change for the better.

A dream in which you see yourself in a green coat foretells you troubles that those around you will cause you, but you will cope with them safely, and in the end you will only benefit from this situation.

To see the process of trying it on - someone who was wholeheartedly trusted and for whom they were ready to do anything will behave extremely ugly with you, which will greatly upset you.

I dreamed that you were buying a coat white- you will find a like-minded person who will be very friendly towards you.

If it is black, what you are now doing for others, while infringing on yourself, will be accepted with great gratitude, and will return to you with a trinity.

If you saw a very beautiful red coat in a dream - all your plans will certainly come true, the circumstances will turn out to be the best for you.