How to attach string to a kite. A technique for creating different types of flying kites with a guarantee of successful launch. Diagram of a triangular kite made of polyethylene

This complete instructions on kites (kites). It includes sections on basic flying techniques, wind corrections, introductory maneuvers, kite improvement, etc.

Kite lovers call it the “Bible”


All kites, without exception, are subject to the laws of physics. Depending on the wind strength, mass and design of the kite, its behavior changes, but again without contradicting the laws of physics. This manual and the author who wrote it do not bear any responsibility and make no guarantees regarding the use of kites, either in accordance with the piloting rules or outside of any rules. This manual does not tell you how to make a kite or about kite history, we would just like to convey the basics of piloting and slightly lift the curtain on these fragile but graceful creatures - kites.

Chapter 1 - All about wind and terrain

Wind characteristics

Most people don't spend much time defining wind, or thinking about wind at all. Sailors, pilots or others whose profession is related to the wind will be an exception, because for ordinary people the average wind has little effect on them daily life and, as a rule, they do not notice any minor changes.

There are different types of kites. The kite-wind connection itself is a system in which the wind is the engine, no engine - no flight.

Experienced pilots, and those who are directly involved with the wind, have the habit of watching the wind almost constantly, even when not flying. They look at flags, trees, circles on water and other signs of air movement in space.

Wind awareness is what transforms you from a wind enthusiast to an experienced flyer. Therefore, regardless of your level of training, we want to warn you that the wind is not to blame for anything! Many began to think that the wind should listen to them and do what they say, but we will disappoint you, everything is exactly the opposite, it is you who must “listen” to the wind, predict its behavior, because the wind is on its own, and it has the right to do whatever he pleases. If you learn to cope with the energy of the wind and direct it in the right direction, then you will become one of the best air conquerors.

So start observing the wind, become one of those thoughtful observers who always notice the slightest change in the wind.

Wind has two characteristics: Smoothness (smoothness) and Strength!

Let's talk first about SMOOTHNESS (SMOOTHNESS)

Finding a smooth wind for flying is as important as finding a smooth road for a comfortable ride. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a “steady breeze,” just as there are no absolutely perfect roads without bumps and holes. Although it seems to you that the wind is often stable and even, and that it is just a mass of air moving from one place to another, there are still a lot of nuances. The wind is influenced by many factors, such as friction with the ground, which slows down its movement, and obstacles such as trees, buildings and hills create quite a few barriers to the wind, including temperature changes, which also greatly influence the wind regime.

Let's look at the wind in the pictures, the direction of the arrow will indicate the direction of the wind, and the length of the arrow will indicate its speed.

If the earth were completely flat, the wind would look like this:

Friction of air with the surface of the earth causes air near the ground to move more slowly than in upper layers, even if the wind is quite strong.

You can even test this for yourself; on a windy day, you can simply take a horizontal position relative to the ground and feel how much the wind force has changed. In other words, the closer the wind is to the ground, the more it slows down, this phenomenon creates the so-called boundary layer - the area from ground level to the level at which the wind is no longer affected by friction. Everything above the boundary layer is called free flow or free flow.

Here's what you need to know about the boundary layer; its thickness varies. And, as a rule, it is best to keep the kite in the free layers, since the boundary layers are less stable.

The boundary layer is the layer that we cannot change, but we can learn to work with it. But there is such a thing as Turbulence, and it's definitely bad news.

Turbulence is caused by anything that gets in the way of the wind, be it a rock, a tree, a building or any other obstacle, even your kite generates some turbulence. Turbulence downwind of an obstacle is called its aerodynamic shadow. All wind shadows gradually disappear, depending on the distance from the obstacle, but this does not happen immediately.

For example, the shadow from ordinary wood extends for several hundred meters, while a large building can leave a shadow one and a half kilometers long.

The difficulty with flying in turbulent conditions is that you will experience sudden and unpredictable changes in wind direction and strength. Depending on the severity of the turbulence, it will be either easy or, in extreme cases, impossible to cope with.

POWER is different important characteristic wind

When defining wind and talking about wind strength, let's immediately determine the average value of wind force, and often this figure is 5 m/s. At one point or another, the strength of the wind, in other words its speed, will change.

Probably for a better understanding of the wind strength you should look at the Beaufort table. It was developed by Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort in 1806 as a standard guide for describing the strength of winds on sailing ships. We have modified the table and slightly adjusted it to kites to make it clearer for you.

Beaufort table:

Choosing a place to fly.

There are two main things to consider when choosing a flight location: the terrain and the safety of the launch area.

Terrain – as we already know, flying into turbulence is not an easy task. And turbulence arises due to obstacles, but not only those that are on the ground, but can also be caused by unevenness in the shape of the ground. Let's look at how air flows over a hill:

On the windward (front) side of the hill, the air flow is compressed and accelerated. This part of the hill is good for piloting, and this ideal shape of the hill can even help smooth out the turbulence that will form on the back side of the hill. As you already understood, with reverse side the wind and its flow will be noticeably different from the flow in front of the hill. Wind flowing over a hill creates turbulence that can range from moderate to severe, depending on the strength of the wind and the shape of the hill.

If a slight tilt has a positive effect on flight performance, then you might think that steep slope will good place, but is this really so? let's figure it out...

A sharp break at the foot of the cliff causes the wind to hit a dead end, creating a zone of turbulence. And the gap in the upper part, as exemplified by the back side of the hill, also forms a zone of turbulence. That is, as you already understood, the rocks are not better place to fly a kite.

The ideal place for flying would be a huge wide area, ideally without various trees and barriers. The most best advice It is advisable for you not to fly the kite downwind of trees, buildings or geological formations, and to avoid areas of turbulent shadows.


We will talk a lot about safety, you will often hear about it from your friends, kite shop owners and other specialized kite organizations, and all because the kite in the sky, although controllable, is not predictable, just like the wind is not predictable. You can injure others, injure yourself, and damage equipment. Even in a moderate wind, the speed of a kite can be about 100 km/h, and I think you understand that there is nothing pleasant in the fact that something from the sky will fall on you at such a speed. Tight slings pose an even greater danger, so do not neglect safety tips.

Here's another one of the most basic safety tips that you should definitely heed - stay away from power lines! Everyone who says that kites do not conduct electricity is a lie, and if the kite is wet and you launch it in a thunderstorm, then this is an even greater danger!

Most main advice- watch out for those around you. The most common example: a beautiful day, perfect wind, there is only you and your kite, but soon your kite attracts people, ahhhhhhhs are heard, there are more and more spectators)

Some children are attracted to your kite and they run around chasing it, you are flattered, you try to show some trick, the kite performs imaginable and inconceivable pirouettes, it seems to you that everything is just perfect, but it is not so, you are in trouble! Because no matter how good you are, how prepared you are, there are rules and they must be followed! The wind is not a predictable thing, and if your situation is similar to this, then we advise you first of all to tell their parents about the danger for children, tell them that the best and safest place is behind the back of the pilot.

In general, the better you choose where to fly your kite, the less likely it is that something will go wrong. The launch site should be clearly visible and preferably the larger the better. Be careful, have common sense both with you and with yours kite Everything will be fine!

Chapter 2 - First flight

Most people who ride bicycles did not learn to ride it right away; there were many falls, bruises and disappointments, but they did not give up and sat on the saddle again and again, making new attempts. You should not forget about this when learning to fly a kite. If you don’t succeed right away, try again, don’t give up after the first two or three failures. If you have never flown a kite and there is no one nearby who can teach you, do not worry, we will try to help you, here are some tips for this:

1) Almost every kite you can buy comes with instructions, so be sure to read them all. If it is not there, you can contact the store where you purchased it, they will help you. The instructions usually contain useful information both about the kite in general and about the launch.

2) I hope you have read the previous chapter and have an idea about choosing a launch site. You must identify one or a couple of places that are ideal for launching.

3) Check the wind speed (strength). For your first launch, the ideal wind will be 8 m/s, more is also good, but not so easy.

4) If possible, take an assistant with you; having one will make the launch much easier. Also take with you a piece of dowel, or something like a screwdriver, this will be your ground anchor, we will talk about it later.

Assembling a kite

When assembling, simply follow the manufacturer's instructions; usually everything is described in detail in the instructions. Kites have differences, but general outline they are all similar. Almost all of them are made of clear vinyl tubes and struts, which, roughly speaking, are the frame of your kite. When assembling the kite, make sure that all the tubes are firmly and completely seated in the spacers, because a poorly secured frame can simply fall apart in the sky, or if the slightest fall occurs, the kite will have to be reassembled.

As a tip, you can put a small roll of electrical tape in your briefcase; if some spars constantly pop out, you can secure them in this way.

Once your frame is assembled, carefully inspect the straps. For perfect launching all lines
must be separate from each other and not twisted with the kite frame itself. The key to a good launch is careful preparation. If there are no loops at the ends of the lines yet, be sure to learn how to make them; there are special instructions for attaching lines to kites. Typically, power lines are attached directly to a swivel rig, which helps reduce line twist.

Also common mistake When you first start, there is a mishandling of the handle in the wrong hand, this is the case if the bar consists of two separate handles. From the outside it looks funny, you want the kite to turn right, you pull the right handle and it flies to the left)) So be sure to make sure that you have the right handle in the right hand, usually the right one is indicated by some kind of red element, if your hands don’t have this, you can color them yourself.

IMPORTANT: When buying a kite, measure its tubes and all other parts, this is necessary in the event that your kite breaks and one of the parts is lost, you can find, buy and replace it.

Lay the lines directly to windward, the length usually varies from 30 to 45 meters. Lines shorter than this length reduce the kite's response time to your control, and the kite moves too quickly, which is not good for first launches and learning.


So, you took the kite control sticks, red in right hand as you already know. Have your helper hold the kite by the base or center of the struts. There should be tension in the lines between you and your assistant. From your assistant's point of view it should look something like this:

Pre-launch control:

1) Check the area where your kite is expected to fly, preferably for people or other hazards.

2) Look back, there should be a lot of room for maneuvers and your movements.

3) Make sure all lines have the same tension.

4) Make sure there are no other kites in the sky that you could collide with in the sky.

Well, it seems like you have already learned how to fly a kite, it soars in the sky, you are delighted, but there is still a moment left, what to do if you don’t have an assistant, or he simply cannot help you at the moment, sit at home and wait? No! Definitely need to learn how to fly a kite on your own!

Self-launch requires more preparation and patience, and the launch method differs depending on the air kite model; we will analyze the launch on models such as Delta and Diamond. They come in a large number of shapes and sizes.

1) Lay out the lines directly on the windward side, place the handles so that the right (red) one is on the right hand. Remember about the ground anchor? Now we need it, you should secure your control handles in the ground in the form of an anchor. Stick the anchor into the ground at an angle away from the kite, and place the handles with lines on top of the anchor.

2) Grasp the kite itself and, walking as if with your back backwards, pull the lines, making sure that the anchor is not torn out of the ground. When flying a Delta type kite, you need to position it so that its base is towards the ground and tilted slightly back. And the diamond kite should stand on a side stand, with its nose buried on the ground on one side and the other pointed upward.

3) Now we return to the anchor, take the kite control handles and check the tension of the lines again, but you need to do this lightly, because if you pull them too hard, the kite will begin to try to take off prematurely, or simply fall to the ground.

4) Do not forget about the rules of pre-launch control.

5) Further movements in order to lift the kite (kite) off the ground should be done in this way: take a couple of steps back:

There is also such a useful technique for launching a Delta type kite:

If you are launching your kite on a beach where there is a lot of sand and your anchor cannot be securely anchored, do the following. Lay the kite flat on its “back”, that is, the outer part, and sprinkle sand on the bottom edges, especially on the corners. Then you return to the control handles and carefully pull them. The kite should begin to rise and be filled with wind, the sand will slowly but surely crumble freeing the kite and lifting it into the sky.

So, you have learned how to fly a kite, you can now hone your skills. But here’s something else I’d like to say and warn. If you decide to move away from the kite for a short time and rely on the anchor, then this may backfire on you. You can't, remember IT IS FORBIDDEN leave a kite ready to fly unattended!

Separately, I would like to talk about independent launching of kites by type Parafoil.

Parafoil(eng. parafoil) - a soft fabric shell wing, inflated through the air intakes by the incoming air flow. Lifting force is created due to the flow of counter-current air around the wing profile. This term is often used to describe a frameless type of kite. Parafoil consists of upper and lower shells, ribs, and stabilizers. Ribs define the profile of the wing and divide the wing into sections.

The peculiarity of such a kite is that it will fly only if the air intakes are filled with wind. There are cases when sand or other debris gets into them and the kite stops flying as before, you have to land it and clean the sections.

To launch a kite with the help of an assistant, no special work is required; your assistant must stand behind the kite, grasp the canopy on both sides and position the air intakes in the wind so that they are filled with air during the first toss, and you, in turn, will simply have to pull the lines and the kite will soar into the sky.

The technique of starting it yourself without help is almost more difficult. To do this you need to position the kite outside to the ground, with air intakes from the wind, sprinkle it with a little sand, but only that part that is closed from sand and other debris. Then move back to the control handles (bar), take a couple of steps back, and tighten the lines. With this tension in the lines, the front edge of the kite, which is not currently covered with sand and has open sections for air intake, begins to rise and fill with air. A couple more movements, a step or two back, and the kite, having straightened all the sections and filled them with air, goes straight into the sky.

Launching into a stronger wind alone is, in principle, possible, but there is a possibility that while you are walking to the control handles, the kite will fill with air and spontaneously begin to take off, and if you did not take care of the ground anchor, then your kite can do a lot of trouble.

Chapter 3 - Piloting Basics


You can already lift a kite into the sky, but you are having difficulty controlling it, we will try to help you with this:

That’s actually the whole story with control) Whatever maneuver you want to make and no matter how difficult it is, there are basic concepts for piloting, and they involve turning right and left. But nevertheless, let's take a closer look at each of the movements.

When flying straight the kite does not necessarily have to move vertically upward, the concept of a kite flying straight means that it is moving in a straight line in the sky. The figure below shows options for moving straight:

There is a big difference in kites by type, model and design, and accordingly some fly better straight, some are better at various tricks, more nimble or less controllable - it all depends on the type of kite, but also on the design, because For example, one delta may perform some maneuvers better than another. The best thing you can do in this case is to experiment with various types and brands of kites.

When you pull the right handle towards you, the kite reacts accordingly by starting to turn to the right, but it does not necessarily fly exactly to the right side of the sky, it still depends on the correctness of your movements and on what you need from the kite. It is enough to simply set the direction of the kite and it can easily, for example, move from the left to the right edge of the wind window.

In each of these pictures below, the kite is turning right (left turns work on the same principle):

No matter how many kite loops you make, your kite will always remain in the sky and controllable. In order to unwind lines that have become twisted during kite loops, it is enough to point the kite in the other direction.

Body positions

The correct position for piloting is one that allows you to enjoy control and relax at the same time. There is nothing complicated, just stand up straight, arms at your sides, elbows bent, elbows pressed to the body, or close to the body, gaze fixed on the sky at the kite. The movements are smooth and purposeful, that is, either to the left or to the right, there is no need to invent anything and try to pull the lines particularly strongly or to the side.

All unnecessary movements only waste your energy and nothing more.
Keeping your hands above your head will not make the kite fly higher.
Holding the controls tighter will not improve your kite control.
Moving your hips will not change the position of the kite
Keeping your hands further apart will only make it more difficult to control.

Focus on the flight, watch the kite and at the same time think through its trajectory, try to control the kite to move it across the sky as you want. Some special additional or sometimes unnecessary movements will only attract the attention of other people but will not add anything positive to your flight.

Don't forget to smile))) Flying a kite should be fun ;)

First maneuvers

Let's go back to the moment when you just learned to fly a kite, and of course you want to perform some kind of maneuver, or even just a meaningful element of piloting. Let's try to help you with this:

When launched, the kite flies upward:

Your control handles are placed at the same level, the kite can yaw left or right. If the kite turns to one side, add a little tension to the opposite line to even out the direction of the kite.

If the kite turns left, pull a little to the right.

If he turns right, pull slightly to the left.

When you reach a certain height, pull the right handle and point the kite to the right, being careful not to overdo it. The movement should be smooth, do not allow the kite to make a kite loop (loop).

After this, when the kite has flown about 1/4 of the loop, pull the left control stick so that the kite makes a left turn well above the trajectory of the first right turn. Then fly the kite straight without overdoing the left turn to avoid a loop.

Then RIGHT again and STRAIGHT

Congratulations!! You have just made a horizontal figure eight. Now do it again!

Most best way mastering kite flying means trying something new again and again and honing the maneuvers you have already learned. Over time, you will understand that the main thing in piloting is refinement and precision, that delicacy is much better than brute force.

Note: Never drop the controls while the kite is in the sky, this can lead to dire consequences. Some models of kites can then glide over long distances, and the control handles “dangling” behind them have a direct danger to everyone on the ground; without human control, they can be dangerous!


There are three types of kite landing, but we will specifically focus on the first two: random, normal and what we call “Eagle has landed”, the third method is the most difficult and requires individual skills.

Random (emergency) landing, in its essence, is not a method of landing a kite, since in most cases the kite falls to the ground due to the inability to land it correctly, or simply because there is no desire to do it carefully. The only negative this method Besides the aesthetics of flying, it is that you can easily damage the kite. If, for example, one of the spars is broken, it is not so difficult to repair it, but who wants to do this instead of flying a kite. The usual reaction of a person who, for one reason or another, could not hold the kite in the sky and watches it fall uncontrollably, is to grab the handles tighter and pull them towards himself, while taking a step or two back.

This is what 90% of all beginners do, and it’s true. But you don’t need to do this, as you already understand, since by pulling the lines and pulling them towards you, you will only accelerate the kite and it will fall to the ground with more force than if you did nothing. The whole point is that the entire flight depends on how tense the lines are; there is no tension, no flight. If you release the kite, it practically stops in the air, and then glides to the ground like an ordinary leaf. All that is required of you is to try to reduce the tension, if possible, you can quickly run towards the dome. This is the most reliable and safe way save the kite during an emergency landing.

Normal A (recommended) landing is the planned landing of the kite at the point where you would like it to land. This takes advantage of the fact that the kite loses speed and thrust as it descends into the edge of the wind window, whether it is the right or left edge, it makes no difference.

When landing you need to guide the kite under small angle to the edge of the wind window, feeling that the thrust has become less, and when there are only a few meters left to the ground, you need to make a slight left turn, this will allow you to bring your kite parallel to the ground. After which it is possible to completely loosen the lines, or another movement of the hand, but only to the right and the kite will very gently land on the ground by itself. Congratulations, the landing was successful..

With practice, you will realize that you can sit anywhere and wherever you have planned.

Kite packaging, assembly

When you are finished flying, take a few minutes to pack your kite properly. To do this, make sure that the lines lie parallel to each other and are not tangled with each other, the next time you want to fly a kite you will not have to spend time untangling the lines. Next, disconnect the lines from the kite (kite) and carefully wind them up, then if the structure has tubes and other frame parts, they should be disassembled and carefully placed in a special case, which, by the way, should come complete with the kite. After them, put the kite itself and lines in the case. Another piece of advice: if you have time, you can check the lines to see if they have stretched, because after long flights there have been cases when they stretched and became different lengths.


Cases when a kite breaks are unfortunately inevitable. Whether it is a regular puncture of the dome, or broken parts of the structure, repairs cannot be completed without special repair parts. The best and most commonly used canopy repair material is nylon ripstop, the same material your kite is made from. You can purchase it in specialized stores that sell kites. Typically, the puncture is repaired on the spot in a matter of minutes, and you can once again fly your kite into the sky. Repairing spars without special spare parts is practically impossible, and when using them on site, repairing the kite is not always quick, but it is doable.

If it seems to you that you cannot repair the kite yourself, or are simply afraid of doing something wrong, then you can always contact specialty stores, which most often double as kite clubs, they will definitely help you!

Chapter 4 - Study of flight conditions and modes

So what conditions are needed to fly a kite? First of all, of course, the strength and density of the wind, its speed, the model of the kite and its configuration. There is probably no need to explain that in weak winds kites do not fly, there is not enough power. In this section we will study the kite's response to wind conditions and how to influence the kite's response. And also what should be done if the conditions do not meet the norm.

When you fly a kite, your kite is usually downwind. As you know, in the sky it moves across a large space, and depending on the direction of the wind and the area (part) of the sky in which it is located, its behavior changes.

Central line is an imaginary vertical line straight downwind.

Wind center- this is the area in which the kite (kite) has good speed and maneuverability. The first maneuvers are usually done in the central part of the wind. The size of this area is not fixed, but varies depending on the strength and speed of the wind, weather conditions and the design of the kite.

Window edge is an imaginary line from the center line to the ground, extending to the right or left of it. A kite located at the edge of the wind window has minimal thrust, which means it is less maneuverable.

Between the center and the edge the kite will fly normally, but slower than in the center. It is worth remembering that the wind zone increases in proportion to the strength of the wind; in a strong wind the zone will extend to 120 degrees, and in a weak angle it decreases to 45.

Chapter 5 - Advanced Piloting

Having studied the previous chapters, you already know how to launch and land a kite, learned how to perform some maneuvers, as well as control the flight. In general, we learned all the essentials that are needed for a pleasant time with a kite. But what to do if you don’t want to stop there, and for you kite tricks are something more than just daily entertainment. In this case, we suggest continuing to study advanced skills:

Flight Control

As you probably understand, there are two ways of piloting: the game form and the practicing form.

When you fly a kite in a playful way, your piloting is limited to some simple tricks and you are not striving for anything new, your main task is to relax, have fun and give a smile to others. This style of piloting allows you to escape from the thoughts that bother you and suggests relaxation and inner peace.

The practicing form is significantly different from the gaming form, as it has purposefulness and a high degree of concentration. A person who wants to progress in piloting skills is aimed at specific tasks, studying specific maneuvers and behavior of the kite. Naturally, there is no reason to separate one from the other as things that are completely distant from each other; one does not interfere with the other, so to speak. You can easily play for a while and practice new skills for a while.

Level flight

Horizontal flight is performed along the horizon, from left to right or from right to left, in a straight line. Doing this is not as easy as it may seem at first glance.

Most likely, you will not be able to perform these maneuvers “cleanly,” since to perform them cleanly requires not only training, but also the ability to concentrate and maintain constant control. You need to learn to concentrate your attention on your hands and transmit commands to the kite exactly as you want to see in its movement. You will feel the line tension increase or decrease depending on what part of the sky your kite is in. You can't think of a better exercise for controlling a kite, try to walk the snake, as shown in the picture above from top to bottom, reaching the lowest limit, which can be a meter from the ground.

Direct flight

As a next exercise, try to mentally “draw” straight lines in the sky in any direction, not necessarily along the horizon. Use the same skills of concentration and complete mastery of the kite and you will succeed, because nothing is required of you other than complete control. As you understand, performing this or that trick or maneuver that was planned earlier is much more difficult to write out some ordinary maneuvers in any order.

Throttle control

This concept involves increasing or decreasing power by simultaneously tightening or releasing both lines. Controlling such a plan is a high level of preparation. Remember, steering and throttle power are two different things: steering refers to the change in power relative to the tension of one line relative to the other, and "throttle" refers to the tension on both lines at the same time. However, most often you will use both styles at the same time.

Vertical figure eight

It is performed in almost the same way as the horizontal figure eight, with the exception of one thing: in the upper layers of the air the kite moves more slowly. To perform this trick on top level you will need to draw smoother lines through the center of the figure eight.

A kite is the very first flying device that man was able to lift into the sky and give it movement with the help of gusts of wind. Kites come from China, a country where every holiday was and still is accompanied by colorful images of dragons.

Kites did not always serve as a toy or a beautiful holiday attribute; for example, at the beginning of the 20th century, cameras (for aerial photography), radio antennas, etc. were raised with the help of such devices. Kites can be various types and designs: box, monk and flat.

Rules for making kites

Firstly, there must be a center of gravity on the body of the kite. It is better if it is located on the line that divides the body in half. If the center of gravity is shifted, the kite simply will not be able to rise into the air.

Secondly, the lines with which the aircraft is controlled must be selected to a convenient length and secured in certain places.

And thirdly, do not forget about the serpent's tail: it is not only beautiful decoration, but also the steering wheel. This is why the tail must be well and correctly adjusted.

Basic requirements for a kite

The body of the kite should be made rigid and durable so that the wind does not deform it. At the same time, a flying kite must be light, otherwise it simply will not rise to a height. The ability to easily fold, unfold and transform is also prerequisite.

How to make a kite

So, what do we need to make our kite fly above the clouds? All the “ingredients” can be easily found at home:

- newspapers or plastic bag;

Wooden sticks 91 and 83 centimeters in length;

Fly strip (or ribbon);

Wood knife;

Strips of fabric.

The ends of the wooden sticks (make recesses in them in advance) need to be wrapped with tape.

On a long stick, measure 25 centimeters on top and tie a second stick crosswise at this distance. Wrap the joint with tape to make it stick better.

Then take a strip of ribbon and wrap the kite so that it goes through all the notches you made. Now seal each recess with a ribbon with tape.

Now the made frame needs to be placed on a bag prepared in advance and cut to shape. After this, secure the cut package tightly to the frame using ropes or tape.

Now let's turn to the slings. Unwind a rope 3 meters long and tie it to the bottom of the kite and to the place where the sticks cross, and decorate every 20-30 centimeters of the rope with bright fabric strips.

If you did everything correctly, then your kite will fly very beautifully and impressively! Happy flying and beautiful kites!

Prepared based on materials from the site

From available means, it was very relevant. It was impossible to buy it in a store. And assembling it yourself was considered a task increased complexity. Now the situation has changed. Only the demand for kites has decreased very much, which is very wrong. This article describes the procedure for making two designs of this kind. Their main advantage is that you can make them at home from what is available.

We will need

Before assembling the kite, first of all, let's pay attention to the frame. To make it we will need thin wooden sticks. They should be light, durable and well dried. The frame proportions are usually 4:5 or 4:6. It is with this aspect ratio that the best aerodynamic performance can be achieved. For assembly, either threads complete with glue or tape are used. Also

You will need a strong garbage bag that performs the functions load-bearing element. You will also need a skein of durable and strong fishing line.

Option one

Now let's figure out how to assemble a kite in the most in a simple way. First you need to take 2 sticks 120 and 90 cm long. On the first one we make a mark at a distance of 30 cm from the edge. We measure the middle of the second one. In the place of these notches, we fasten the sticks perpendicularly to each other using tape or thread with glue. Next, a durable garbage bag is put on this frame and secured with a certain step (2-3 cm) using the same tape. A fishing line is attached to the edges of a 90 cm long stick. A tail is attached to the back. It can be made from fishing line and pieces of a bag that will be tied to it. The result should be a diamond with a tail. After the completed manipulations, the kite is ready to launch.

Option two is more difficult

It's a little more difficult to make a kite in the shape of a rectangle. One of its sides should be 58 cm, and the other 45 cm. The diagonal is 75 cm. This is the length that both sticks that form the frame of this air apparatus should be. Also

You need another one, 45 cm long, which is installed in the front.

The order of assembling this kite is as follows: install the front bar, and on each side we place two diagonals crosswise. All three joints are secured with tape or threads with glue. Then a plastic garbage bag is put on the resulting frame again. Otherwise, the algorithm for how to properly assemble a kite is similar to that previously described. Even the components are exactly the same. It is worth noting that it is much more difficult to do. There are no clear angles and must be determined by selection or complex mathematical calculations. This is not always convenient. Therefore, this method of solving the problem “how to assemble a kite in the best way” is suitable for more experienced craftsmen. Only after successfully assembling a simpler kite can you proceed to the more complex, second option.


Now you know how to assemble a kite. The instructions consist of the following main steps.

  • We make a frame from boards.
  • We put a plastic bag on it.
  • Add a tail to all this.
  • Attach the handle.

The rest (decoration and addition of any details) can already be added at your discretion.

Hello again everyone! Warmth has finally come to us, and at the same time our most favorite pastimes - picnics in nature, family active recreation and conscientious feeding of mosquitoes. But we somehow learned to cope with the latter using all sorts of means. We'll get serious about picnics and campfire menus someday. But today we have on our agenda: active games with kids. One of them is launching a kite into space. Therefore, I declare the creative workshop open. And very soon there will be a do-it-yourself kite with drawings and dimensions. Forward?

Materials and tools that can be used for design

The beauty of this craft is that whatever material you have at home, you can choose for yourself suitable model. And I will convince you of this now!

First I will give a small clear example. Windy weather occurs periodically in cities. This is when the wind blows and blows for days, blowing away everything that doesn’t lie right. Various light objects fly up, just as all sorts of things are torn down from the balconies. But one day the wind subsides. And the period comes. Which I call " chinese lanterns" And indeed, the trees are neatly “decorated” with plastic bags. Why? Yes, because all these windy days the bags were carried on their own, no worse than gliders. Got the idea? Then I will develop it.

What can you build an aircraft from:

  • made of paper;
  • plastic bag;
  • thin tracing paper;
  • old umbrella;
  • made of fabric;
  • and even newspapers and magazines will be used.

So, look around and you will realize that you have the most basic material. But what else is needed in order to make the design:

  • Main material;
  • Thin strips. These can be hollow metal rods, bamboo sticks, or grape branches (they are lighter than usual);
  • Scotch tape or glue;
  • Rope, fishing line or strong thread;
  • Spool to adjust the length of the thread;
  • Scissors.
  • Pattern.

I want to say right away that the model, as well as the complexity of the craft, will depend on how old our little one is, for whom we are making it. And the conditions under which we do this. For example, if the baby is very, very small, and will not be able to run around the field, flying a kite, but we want to give him new emotions, or if we are already in an open field, and before that we did not plan to create anything, because of the materials we have We are not even half the list, you can still come up with something.

Ideas and DIY

Craft for kids

For example, here is the most basic, but no less cool craft:

  1. take a simple plastic bag of a T-shirt;
  2. tie her arms in the middle with a thread.

All that's left is to catch the wind! It's that simple! But believe me, the little one will be delighted. Moreover, you won’t have to run much, the kite will “inflate” itself and take off, as soon as a breath of wind touches it. True, it won’t fly high, but children under 5 years old will still find it interesting.

But let's talk about something more complex that you can do at home with our helpers.

A paper kite that flies high in 5 minutes

This option seemed to us the simplest and fastest, so we immediately made it at the first wind. I, my son, and even my husband really liked it, although he was very skeptical.

Details in our video:

The simplest kite design

It’s the same package, or rather, I’ll describe it with a package, but instead of it you can use any of the above materials.

We will need:

  • Package – 1-3 pcs. (depending on their size);
  • Wooden sticks (choose light ones) – 2 pcs.;
  • Scotch;
  • Knife and scissors;
  • Fishing line;
  • Glue;
  • Marker;
  • Coil;
  • Strong rope.


  1. We cut the sticks so that one is 60 cm, and the second is 35. We fold them crosswise. We place the shorter one on top of the longer one, retreating 15 cm from above. We fix them by tying them with tape.
  2. We cut each edge of the stick in the middle to a depth of 1 cm. wrap it with tape under the cut. This will make the structure more durable.
  3. We pull the fishing line into the cuts and pull it tight.
  4. We wrap it with tape several times to secure the fishing line.
  5. We fold the bags, perhaps if they are too small, they will have to be firmly glued to each other to get right size. We place the “skeleton” on top of the cellophane “canvas” and outline it. After adding 1.5 cm of cellophane on each side for tucking, we cut out the base.
  6. We attach the frame to the base and tuck the edges. We secure them with tape.
  7. We tie a 50 cm fishing line to one and the second edge of a short stick.
  8. We also tie a 25-40cm rope to the top of the model. Its length will depend on the kite angle you choose. If you want the structure to fly almost horizontally, then its length should be minimal; vertically – maximum.
  9. We tie the middle of the fifty-centimeter fishing line to the fishing line that is attached to the top.
  10. We tie a rope to the junction of the lines. Secure it firmly with tape.
  11. Decorating our balloonist. We tie another rope, small, about half a meter, with cute bows attached to it to the lower end of the frame.

We draw a picture on the “front” side of the base.

According to the same scheme, but with different materials of construction. Cocktail straws, paper and rope are used here.

Based on materials

Parchment paper snake

To work you will need:

  • parchment paper 36*51 cm;
  • wooden sticks or light slats: 2 x 60 cm, 48 cm and 36 cm;
  • colored crepe paper;
  • strong thread;
  • reel with fishing line;
  • glue stick and PVA;
  • small metal ring;
  • scissors.

Fold the parchment sheet in half to mark the middle line. Place the smallest stick along the top edge of the narrow side of the rectangle, stepping back a centimeter from the edge. Lubricate the free edge of the sheet with glue and wrap it so that the stick is inside, it should be tightly fixed.

Grease a 48 cm long stick with PVA and glue it to the center line of the workpiece.

Place the remaining sticks along the diagonals of the rectangle.

Glue them with pieces of paper as shown in the photo.

Cut out squares or random shapes from colored paper and paste them onto the front side of the rectangle.

Make a hole on both sides of the intersection point of the diagonals.
Using pieces of thread, tie the ends of the sticks along the upper corners of the rectangle, pulling them together a little.

Tie a long piece of thread to the upper right corner of the kite. Thread a ring onto a thread, it will help control the flying machine. Then thread the thread through the holes previously made in the center of the rectangle and pass it through the ring again. Tie the end of the thread to the upper left corner of the product.

Tie the end of the line tightly to the control ring.

Glue long strips of corrugated paper to the bottom of the kite. These “tails” will help him balance in air currents. Their optimal size 5 cm*2.5 m.

The air wanderer is ready to surprise you with its flight characteristics. Have a good flight!

Simple DIY Box Kite

Snake Rokkaku

More serious design.

Convenient kite reel

Draw a circle with a diameter of 20 cm. Cut out two such blanks from cardboard. Cut convenient slots for your fingers on them; they should completely match on both circles.

Cut several strips 2.5 cm wide.

Mark the inner circle, use a compass or a suitable template.

Roll the cut strips along the contour of the cutouts and glue them with hot glue.

Glue the inner ring in the same way.

Glue the second circle on top of it.

Glue the end of a long thread to inner surface spools and wind the thread.

To prevent it from getting tangled, tie a match to its end and secure it with glue. Thread the thread into the slot on the outer ring.

With this convenient device your flying kite will conquer not only the sky, but also the hearts of your children.

* based on materials

Mechanical bird

Not quite a kite, but it also flies. And even without a motor and wind. Make one like this homemade toy Anyone can do it, no special skills or tools are needed. All you need is skewers, paper clips, super glue and plastic. This mechanical bird is very light and strong, and it is very interesting to play with it.

As you can see, everything is very simple and doable! I wish you fruitful collaboration with your little one in creating a kite! Also, have a great launch! I hope you’ll tell us how your weekend spent outdoors and whether you managed to amuse your baby (and yourself too; I’m still in awe of the flights of this wingless “beast”). I say goodbye until we meet again and remind you to subscribe for yourself and your friends!

Have you wanted to build your own kite? Here's an easy way to make your own snakes! The kite consists of the following main parts:
The Spine. This is the vertical or horizontal base of the kite.
Spar(spars). Guides that are placed either across or, as well as obliquely relative to the “spine”. Sometimes they are curved.
The Frame. Together, glued together or otherwise assembled, the base and guides form a frame on which the fastenings for the slings and, of course, the main covering are located.
The Cover. Paper, plastic, or fabric (nowadays nylon is often used) that is attached to the frame to capture airflow.
The Bridle. One or more spine restraints or spars that help control the kite in the air.
The Flying line. The ropes, now often made of nylon, act as a line for the kite to keep it in the air.
The Tail. A long strip of paper or nylon tape that helps balance the kite's flight. Not all kites require a tail.
The Reel (reel). A reel on which nylon ropes (slings) are wound. Used to control and control the kite during flight.

Diamondback kite
You will need following materials:
Rope, preferably nylon nylon
tape or glue
1 sheet thick paper(102 cm x 102 cm), or nylon fabric
Two straight wooden or bamboo sticks, 90 cm and 102 cm
markers, paints or pencils to decorate your kite.
1. Make a cross from two sticks. The small stick should be positioned horizontally, and the larger one vertically. Make sure both sides of the cross are equal in width.
2. The sticks must be perfectly perpendicular. The ideal way to make sure of this is to apply a small amount of glue and hold them together for a while.
3. Then cut a groove in the middle of each stick, as well as along their edges. The groove should be deep enough so that the sticks fit together more securely. Cut a piece of rope, it should be long enough to cover the entire frame and hold the sticks together. Place the sticks together and wrap the rope tightly around them. Then coat this fastening with glue for greater reliability. Stretch the rope around the perimeter so that the frame of the kite becomes more durable. Make a strong loop and secure it to the top of the kite. Make the same loop at the bottom of the kite. Done, the sling should tension the frame, make sure that the sling does not deform the perpendicularity of the sticks and does not change general design.
4. Place the sail (paper or nylon fabric) on the table. Place the finished kite frame on the material. Trim the material around the kite, leaving 2 - 3 centimeters from the edges of the kite. Fold the edges of our material over the frame of the kite and glue these edges so that the material holds tightly.
5. Cut the rope approximately 122cm long. tie it to the top loop of the kite and, stepping back a little from the top, make a loop and pull it to the bottom of it. Secure it there.
6. Make a tail by tying small ribbons, about 10cm each. along the entire length of the tail. Attach the tail to the loop at the bottom of the kite.
7. Decorate the snakes as you wish and to your taste.
Well, that’s probably all, it’s time to start flying a kite.
Some tips:
It is better to place the support (attachment) point of a long sling slightly in front of the center of gravity.
Installing a tail will give additional stability and efficiency to the kite's flight.
Check if the kite is balanced by holding it by the line. If the balance is out of balance, you can correct this defect by attaching paper.
Each kite is different in its own way, so you may have to make some adjustments to the design yourself.