St. Petersburg MTO Academy. Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A.V. Khruleva. Military Academy of MTO

IN recent years there was a disdainful attitude towards training. Maybe the DOSAAF obligation played a role in previous years. Someone was scared off by not the best trainers, who use the same and primitive methods to train both shepherd dogs and poodles. And the trainers themselves often see the purpose of a dog only to bite - whether to defend the Motherland or the owner - and do not really understand why else a dog is needed.

Unfortunately, in our country “civilian” types of training are still considered unprestigious. Some owners believe that there is no point in working with a dog, “it’s already smart.” I would like to object: can you imagine a professor’s son who “has had enough” primary school? The more capable the child, the more parents are involved in his education.

And now the arguments on the merits. Besides the fact that a trained dog has less risk of getting lost or getting hit by a car, besides the fact that it is much more pleasant for you and those around you to live with such a dog, the dog itself simply has a better quality of life. They often take her with them everywhere, she is less bored at home alone, her life is richer and more interesting than that of her ill-mannered brothers, and her “suffering” owners are unlikely to get rid of her.

And the most important argument, in my opinion: the dog must have opportunities for mental activity. She is not a pig, and her needs do not end with food and affection. Imagine that you, an adult, are fed, watered, taken to the toilet and sometimes (or often) stroked on the head. It looks either like a prison or a hospital, doesn’t it? Even a six-year-old child protests against this attitude.

So let's respect our Dalmatians! They are smart and even talented. In a good dog, the desire to be useful is a vital need. Remember how proud a dog is of himself when he carries your bag or guards summer cottage plot! And the prestige of the breed among others depends much more on the dogs’ upbringing than on exhibition successes, which are understandable only to professionals.

I would like to note that all over the world a lot of attention is paid to dog training. In the USA, Dalmatians are indispensable participants in obedience, agility, and tracking competitions, and often win such competitions. Training competitions are often held as part of special breed exhibitions. In Europe, a Dalmatian without agility is not a Dalmatian; All big role dogs play in providing social assistance to the disabled, the elderly, and children with developmental delays. And only in our country the activities of dog handlers are fixated on exhibitions, perhaps because at one time we fell behind in this and are now enthusiastically catching up.

In addition, training is available to all Dalmatians - both champions and pets. Owners of non-show dogs get the opportunity to realize themselves and not worry about “wrong” assessments.

What types of training are suitable for a Dalmatian? First, obedience or OKD. This is accessible and necessary for all dogs, both in life and for more special types training. The rich history of the breed has left Dalmatians with a legacy of both hunting and guard instincts. True, they are expressed to a greater or lesser extent, differently even among littermates. Find out your puppy's natural tendencies. Just like humans, dogs like to do what they do best.

Almost all Dalmatians are good at agility. This type of training seems to be specially created for our breed. All you have to do is come to the site once, and the Dalmatian will infect you with his excitement and delight. This is a great opportunity to lose energy in a short time, build muscles, an exciting, spectacular sport with a great future. In addition, agility is a lifelong passion. Dogs usually compete at international competitions after 6 years of age - after all, the main secret of agility is not the ability to jump, but impeccable obedience, mutual understanding between man and dog - after all, seconds count!

You can start training at 6 months; agility equipment is safe and non-traumatic. One of my puppies, Bagration from Snegi Siberia, completed the agility course at 9 months on the first try, including a soft tunnel and a wheel jump.

In the USA, tracking competitions are very common, where Dalmatians successfully participate, because the hound tends to follow the scent. True, in the States, search training is not associated with arrest. In our country, it is best to train according to the rescue dog program, this is directly stated in the latest breed standard. And in life this skill will come in handy more than once. And Dalmatians have excellent sense of smell and search abilities. My bitch Anais Alcide found her keys lost in the forest after 8 hours. Her daughter Nice followed the trail (not mine) for almost an hour and found the lost leash. But even among hunters, a coniferous forest is considered too difficult for hounds, since the pine needles drown out other odors. And both dogs did not undergo special training.

The hunting instinct is also well developed in many Dalmatians, and with a skillful approach they would make good hunters of both animals and birds. The guard instinct is also well preserved in most Dalmatians. In the introduction to the American standard, the following words are dedicated to the Dalmatian: “this calm creature is an ideal guard who knows perfectly well when they bark for fun and when they bark for business. He is very kind with invited guests, but if necessary, he is always ready to protect the owner and give a proper rebuff the enemy is a sensitive and reliable watchman."

To the future owners of Dalmatians... About education...

Morning... There are several calls... The girl on TV said: “Dalmatians are difficult to train because they are too cheerful...” :)

Laughing... I walk with my five and control them mostly by whistling! :)

Raising a Dalmatian is both simple and difficult. A creative person who is ready to cooperate, slowly “sculpt” the habits and character of his pet for at least a year, spend time and effort on this... The Dalmatian will be an ideal dog that will return everything a hundredfold and bring many joyful minutes, hours, days and years...

When my children (puppies) are adopted, I always advise using the first two weeks not for active education, but to “make” the Dalmatian puppy fall in love with you :), accustoming him to the gentle voice with which the owner speaks to him. And don’t use strict yet. Of course, I’m not going to reinvent the wheel - a lot of books on training have been written, and a novice dog breeder needs them. A beginner can’t do without visiting a training ground. It’s a great idea for little ones to have individual lessons. A person who does not have the skills to handle dogs definitely needs help!

But each breed has its own characteristics, which even trainers do not always take into account, and this also needs to be remembered. The primacy in raising a dog will always belong to you and only you!

When you understand that everything worked out and your puppy “fell in love” (and this will be immediately noticeable!), consider that the first step has already been taken, try to maintain this relationship - trust and love - for the rest of your dog’s life. And, believe me, you will have a minimum of problems.

The next steps are also simple. You begin to consistently, slowly, patiently, and, most importantly, persistently show the dog what behavior you expect from it, and what behavior is extremely undesirable. A stern voice, which the dog is not used to, will be very useful here. I notice that I sometimes “growl” at an offending dog. Yes, yes, my voice and facial expressions look like a growl! And it's very effective!

So if you are not happy with the dog, “growl” and it will understand you faster than if you simply raised your voice. Of course, do not use this often, so as not to break mutual understanding and not lose the dog’s trust.

The Dalmatian is a dog that must “respect” its owner. This is exactly the case and there is nothing you can do about it.

When I see disobedient, sometimes completely uncontrollable Dalmatians, there are two reasons: disrespect for the owner and lack of trust and mutual understanding.

Dogs usually lose trust very quickly. simple things. In order to educate someone, you need to decide what you ultimately want to see as a result. And, naturally, it is impossible to allow one thing today, and then prohibit it tomorrow and allow something completely different. What is allowed once will be fixed almost for the rest of your life. And, believe me, to get rid of the problem you will have to work very, very hard, and sometimes the habit will remain, and you will be forced to put up with it. Therefore, immediately determine your line of behavior, consult with family members, and come to a consensus. Otherwise... your dog will do what he thinks is necessary, not paying attention to all efforts, he will quickly understand that there is no unity in your ranks and will be happy to take advantage of this... I often ask owners: “Do you want the dog to be smarter than you? "

Of course, the concept of “respect” also includes the authority of the owner. In the case of a Dalmatian who has a courageous personality, it is enough strong character, it is desirable that the authority of the owner be indisputable.

This helps me a lot in managing my dogs. In any situation, each of them remembers that I am “the absolute leader of the pack.” Dogs are pack animals and by forgetting about this, by humanizing them, we lose a lot. You cannot demand from your friend human habits and, especially, human relationships... It is also good to remember that (after all:)) we are at a higher stage of development and it is easier for us to understand and adapt to this situation. And yet, since we are more developed beings, we are responsible for the life and health of our pets. And any disobedience, and especially insubordination, is fraught with a threat to life, especially in the city!

So there are no trifles in education. And one more thing – every dog ​​is unique! For each, you need to pick up a “key” and invest a little of your soul... As a result, you will get a wonderful, cheerful, smart friend for many years.

Good luck to all of us, love! And mutual understanding...

Elena Moskalenko

Brief description
Behavior with children
Security Guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

Today the Dalmatian is a companion dog. He is treated as a friend of the family, especially children. After the release of the film “101 Dalmatians” in 1996, the breed experienced a peak in popularity that has not subsided to this day. Every third child dreams of having a white dog with black or brown spots as his friend.

Throughout their history, Dalmatians have been used to perform a huge number of tasks like no other breed. In ancient times they hunted big game. They served as Turkish fighting dogs during the Battle of Vienna in 1683. The Americans used them for security. In 1986, after an earthquake in Mexico, Dalmatians saved people, which neither people, nor equipment, nor dogs of other breeds could do. Until now, in some countries, the Dalmatian is a fireman, security guard, watchman. But best of all, he, of course, copes with the task - to be a devoted, active and cheerful companion of his owner.

The breed belongs to group 6 “Hounds, bloodhounds and related breeds” in the ICF classification, to section 3 “Related breeds”.

The Dalmatian dog is an ancient breed. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations: in Austria, in the ashes of sacrificial fires dating back to approximately the 2nd-3rd millennium BC (end of the Bronze Age), the remains of a dog were found, the structure of the skull of which is very similar to the skull of modern hounds, especially the Dalmatian. Experts have proven that the exterior of the ancient “ash” dogs is very similar to the appearance of hounds: such body sizes, hanging ears.

Interesting! The term “ash” or “ash” dog refers to a group of animal remains found in ashes in the territory from the Amur to Austria.

The most popular version of the origin of the Dalmatian says that the breed was formed in the territories of modern Croatia and Montenegro and former Yugoslavia. The word "Dalmatian" comes from the name of the historical region of Dalmatia. This version claims to be the most reliable, since a dog of this breed was depicted on the coats of arms of the Yugoslav princes. In documents from 1737 that have survived to the present day from the archives of one of the bishoprics, there is mention of the breeding of large white dogs with black spots, and that they were used for hunting.

However, there are other versions that are also supported by strong arguments:

  1. Version 1. India is considered the homeland of Dalmatians. In Indian epics there are more than once references to a white dog with black spots. But how did dogs get to Europe? Perhaps the breed came along with the gypsies - nomadic tribes who founded settlements in the 14th century Eastern Europe and territories Balkan Peninsula. It is also believed that white spotted dogs were taken out with Roman legionnaires.
  2. Version 2. The country of origin of the breed may also be Ancient Egypt. Images of spotted dogs were found on its territory.

Interesting! In favor of these versions, experts argue that the Dalmatian tolerates heat very easily, which is typical for breeds formed in hot climates. India and Egypt are countries with a hot climate.

Most researchers are inclined to the Yugoslav origin of the breed. The question of which dogs were the ancestors of the breed also remains open. Experts put forward several “candidates” that could be the progenitors of the Dalmatian: the Istrian Pointer, marbled great dane, Celtic brakk, old Dalmatian brakk.

Dogs spread throughout Europe in several ways: with sailors who took Dalmatians on voyages, and with circus troupes. Gradually the dogs became famous in Italy, France, the Czech Republic, and England.

Europeans immediately appreciated Dalmatians' strength, endurance, and ability to run long distances. Since the 18th century, they began to be widely used as carriage dogs. They protected the owner of the horse-drawn carriage and his property from robbers or wild animals. The cheerful nature of the dogs allowed people to while away the time in the company of the Dalmatian, and thanks to their courageous character, they were excellent protectors. became very popular among the aristocratic community.

The breed's exhibition career began in 1860, when two guard Dalmatians brought from Dalmatia were presented in Birmingham, England. The first breed standard was developed in 1890 by members of the first Dalmatian Club in England. A international standard from the IFF, which is still in effect, was created in 1926.

Despite the fact that Dalmatians originated in Yugoslavia, the British honed the breed to perfection. In the 18th century, they were inoculated with the blood of the extinct white English terrier and black pointer.

Characteristics, description, character

Due to their original appearance, unlike any other breed, Dalmatians are very popular. They are often bought as gifts for children. If your child asks for a Dalmatian breed, the price of which is not very high, then do not deprive him of the opportunity to have such a loyal friend and protector.

The appearance of the Dalmatian is recognizable by its perky black or brown spots on a white background. It is noteworthy that the spots on the head and limbs are smaller than on the body. If the dog is characterized by brown spots, then she will definitely have a nose brown, and black and white representatives have a black nose.

The Dalmatian has an athletically built body, long limbs, a muscular back, a wide chest, an elongated muzzle and floppy ears, which during their “carriage” past were cropped so that predators could not even grab the ears. The coat of dogs looks very aesthetically pleasing: it is short, smooth, moderately hard and shiny. Even in the photo of the Dalmatian you can see how the fur shines beautifully and nobly.

An excellent friend, a good nanny, a companion during active walks - all these epithets apply to the Dalmatian breed; the dog has a wonderful character. The breed is characterized by responsiveness, playfulness, energy, balance, friendliness, great intelligence and quick wit.

What else makes a Dalmatian different?

  • The dog is not aggressive towards strangers, although it does not like to come into close contact with them.
  • Does not like the company of other dogs.
  • He is brave and fearless when it comes to protecting his master when he feels that the master or his family is in danger.
  • Doesn't like to be left alone, suffers greatly when alone, becomes nervous.
  • The Dalmatian is smart, soft, sensitive, and sociable.


In the Dalmatian breed, the skin and kidneys are the most vulnerable in terms of health. Dogs are prone to urolithiasis. If your pet does not allow himself to be stroked on the lower back, then you should be wary, since the first symptoms of the disease are pain in the lumbar region, the dog has difficulty jumping when lying down or standing up. Even puppies can develop kidney problems.

Skin diseases, such as bronzed skin, are a consequence of kidney problems. This disease is characterized by bald patches, abscesses, and red-brown skin in the areas of the abscesses. Allergic reactions may also appear on the dog's skin.

Dalmatians are also diagnosed with:

  • gastric volvulus;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • glaucoma, progressive retinal atrophy;
  • congenital deafness. Up to 12% of Dalmatian puppies are born deaf, so it is important to diagnose them with this condition as early as possible.

Care and maintenance

Caring for a Dalmatian, just like other short-haired hounds or hounds, is not difficult.

  1. Your dog should be brushed regularly every week to remove dead hair. If you train yourself to brush your pet every day, this will prevent shedding hair from getting on the furniture and floor.
  2. The Dalmatian is very clean and will never get into the mud during the festivities, so it is unlikely that he will need frequent bathing: one bath a year is enough. It is necessary to cut nails, as long nails impair gait, and in puppyhood can lead to deformation of the limbs, because too long nails prevent the paws from squeezing.
  3. Dalmatians' floppy ears require regular inspection. If sulfur and dirt have accumulated in them, they should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in water or an antiseptic solution.
  4. The problem of brushing teeth becomes relevant if the pet is fed natural food. By using special means and brushes must be removed once a week to remove plaque. And if the dog eats dry food, the plaque is removed naturally when she chews on the pellets.

If your pet is a Dalmatian, caring for him also means organizing proper nutrition. The breed is prone to kidney problems, namely the development of urolithiasis. The amount of protein in the dog's diet should be reduced. Dry food, in which the protein content reaches 25%, is not best option. The dog's diet should be based on a vegetarian menu.

The breed is great for keeping in an apartment; the Dalmatian constantly wants to be part of the family and participate in its life. An active dog requires long walks. If you love jogging, cycling, active games, then the Dalmatian is definitely your dog; it will accompany its owner everywhere. If the dog does not have the opportunity to throw out the energy accumulated during the day, he will begin to spoil things, furniture and mischief.

Dogs of the breed are susceptible to cold, so on cold and windy days, it is better to reduce the walking time. A hot weather they tolerate it very easily, the main thing is to give her something to drink more often.

Education and training

Raising a Dalmatian should begin as soon as it arrives in its new home. The puppy should not be allowed to do things that would be prohibited: sleeping with the owners in the same bed, begging for food from the table, biting even during play. Eliminate these habits adult dog it will be very difficult.

Consistency and the absence of double standards (all members must be unanimous in the requirements) are the main rules for raising puppies of the breed. The Dalmatian must feel what correct behavior They pet him, treat him with treats, and for wrong actions they scold him, lightly slap him with a rolled-up newspaper. Rough training methods should be excluded, since dogs of the breed are sensitive.

It is important to show from an early age who is boss in the house. Even as a Dalmatian puppy, he will want to be in charge, so the owner must show which one is the leader. Experts advise that during the first days the puppy has contact only with the owner, so that he develops an attitude towards him as the only authority.

Dalmatian training should begin with teaching the “No!” command. If the owner sees that the puppy is seeing something forbidden, a loud and stern word should stop all his attempts. But, as a rule, the puppy at first does not understand the content of this command and does not respond to it. In such a situation, you should approach him and slap him a little with a rolled-up newspaper. It cannot be assumed that he will not carry out the command.

Command “Come to me!” is also mastered from the first days of being at home. It is easiest to combine training with the feeding process. Before feeding the puppy, you need to take his bowl in your hands, call your pet by name and say: “Come to me!” The Dalmatian will willingly run up, and the dog should be praised for this. Until the puppy goes outside, you need to bring this command to automatism, so that later and during walks, despite any temptations and instincts that have awakened in the dog, it will not ignore the owner’s command and will comply in 100% of cases. Accustoming to other commands should also be carried out at a “civilized” level, persistently, patiently, not rudely and with mandatory encouragement. Punishment and rudeness are a direct path to losing contact with your pet.


A Dalmatian puppy is a gentle and vulnerable creature. What the owner puts into it is what he will receive in the future. When raising a puppy, you should remember that there are differences between beagles and beagles. If, for example, exhausting walks are not needed, then spotted mischief-makers will become mortally bored without active and long walks. The puppy's first walk should be carried out after all vaccinations, it should not last more than 15 minutes. Ideal option, if the owner has the opportunity to walk with the puppy often, but not for long: 5-7 times for 15 minutes.

As your Dalmatian gets older, his walks should last about 2 hours. So that the dog’s behavior does not deteriorate, so that it does not get bored and splash out all the accumulated energy, it is necessary that it walks or runs up to 8-10 km.

Dalmatian puppies are purchased at 1.5-2 months. By this age they become more independent. The puppy you choose should be outgoing. If, when approaching him, he joyfully wags his tail and barks cheerfully, then this is the correct reaction. Fear or aggression should alert the buyer of a puppy; it is unlikely to grow out of it good dog and a true friend.


How much does a Dalmatian cost? Inexpensive. Anyone can afford it if they consider themselves responsible and capable of keeping an active dog.

The Dalmatian is a famous ancient dog breed. It is difficult not to pick them out from the crowd, thanks to their peculiar white and black color.

The origin of the breed is still disputed by scientists. The most common version says that the historical homeland of dogs is the north-west of the Balkan Peninsula, Dalmatia (Yugoslavia).

There is also an opinion among experts that Dalmatians appeared in the northern part of India, and came to the peninsula while traveling with a wandering camp.

The ancestors of the dogs are considered to be the Istrian Pointer and the Marbled Great Dane.

Dalmatian belongs to large species dogs (average height - 60 cm at the withers). There are only two types of animal color: brown or black markings on a white background. The color of Dalmatians' eyes and nose depends on the color of their spots. If the spots are black, then the nose and eyes will be the same, if on the contrary, they will be lighter.

Interesting fact: Dalmatian puppies are born snow-white, but acquire spots over time.

The animal's lifespan is 13-15 years. In some cases, the dog lives up to 17 years. This breed is included in the list of long-living dogs. At proper care there is every chance that the pet will live a long and healthy life.

Character traits

Dalmatians are considered real aristocrats. They are reserved, refined, but at the same time they love to play and play pranks. This is both a cunning and very naive breed. Gentle pets can be polite or sassy. That is, Dalmatians have a rather unique character.

You can’t get Dalmatians just for beauty and style. No matter how cute the animal may seem, it has a strong and very complex character.

In fact, dogs of this breed really need people and friendship with them. The pet will not be able to live alone in the yard. It radiates energy wherever it is present.

Dalmatians are endowed with extraordinary acting abilities. If a dog does not want to obey its owner, it will demonstrate stupidity and misunderstanding. In addition, the dog can pretend to be deaf, sleeping, dying or offended. The acting skills of Dalmatians will outshine any professional actor. That is why these dogs were filmed in the wonderful film “101 Dalmatians”.

Who is the Dalmatian suitable for?

The best host for an energetic actor is just as active cheerful man. The pet is not suitable for very young children or the elderly. Since it requires delicacy in relation to it and constant attention.

The pet owner must be decisive and firm, but not cruel. Intimidation or showing force during parenting will not help. Such behavior will only spoil the dog's character. And if you simply change the intonation to a more strict one, the Dalmatian will understand what you want from him.

Animal nutrition

Before you get acquainted with the diet of Dalmatians, you need to learn the main rules of feeding them:

    Food served to dogs should be at room temperature.

    Do not overfeed your pet. The portions served depend on his age. It’s easy to identify them: if the dog doesn’t finish the food, next time you need to pour less food into the bowl.

    Food for the animal must be fresh.

    Raw meat is more suitable for feeding than cooked meat.

    You can't salt dog food. Dalmatians need 10 times less salt than humans. It is enough to occasionally give him feta cheese or salted fish.

    You should not feed your Dalmatians sweets and baked goods.

    Pets of any age are fed exclusively after a walk.

Often, the average diet for Dalmatians consists of meat, vegetables, buckwheat, fish and cottage cheese. But in different periods life of the animal, it is necessary to supplement the menu with other products.


Useful internal organs for pets are: liver and udder. You can feed Dalmatians bones and cartilage, but in small quantities. It must be remembered that boiled bones have no benefit for the animal.


Dalmatians are given only sea fish. It is preferable to start introducing it into the diet at three months of age. Feed the fish to pets, after removing the bones from the product. The serving size can be increased 2-3 times compared to the served meat portion. Since the value and calorie content of fish is less than meat.

Cottage cheese

This dish is considered the favorite delicacy of Dalmatians. You can serve them cottage cheese at the age of love. In addition to this raw milk product, it is useful to feed Dalmatians yogurt, kefir and homemade yogurt.


The healthiest cereals to serve Dalmatians are well-cooked rice and buckwheat. If you often feed your dog oatmeal porridge, its coat will soon lose its shine and acquire a yellow tint. Pearl barley and millet porridge are poorly digested by the body of a pet of this breed.

Vegetables and fruits

You can add various vegetables to your pet’s food that will suit his taste (zucchini, carrots, beets, potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin). Vegetables are served both raw and boiled. Raw foods can be seasoned with vegetable oil before serving.

Dalmatians are also given apples, which they love very much. Sometimes dogs may eat berries or even citrus fruits. But you need to make sure that the subsequently eaten delicacy does not turn into an allergy for them.


Dogs of this breed do not require scrupulous care. Dogs shed constantly, but their hair does not fall out very profusely. All that is required is occasional bathing and frequent brushing.

Dalmatians do not have a specific dog smell and are very clean.

The frisky nature of the animal requires constant walking and great physical activity. The dog needs regular runs and games. And the more there are, the healthier and more energetic the animal will be.

Education and training

WITH early childhood You need to accustom your puppy to a leash. Training begins in quiet places where there are no distractions for the dog. Training your pet requires regular praise and rewards with treats.

In order for a Dalmatian to obey his owner, you need to establish trust with him. friendly relations. The owner of a Dalmatian needs to carefully introduce the dog to surrounding animals and other people so that it becomes a sociable and friendly pet.

If there is already a Dalmatian in the house, then before you get another animal, you need to convince the elder of the steadfastness of your love for him. At first, dogs show despondency, refuse food, and lie down all the time. But it's just a show.

It is necessary to accustom the dog to the fact that the owner can communicate with other pets as early as possible. And then jealousy will not arise.


The Dalmatian is generally a healthy and strong dog. But there are still a number of diseases characteristic of this breed:



    colic in the abdomen;

    hip joint;



    eye diseases;




Dalmatians are more susceptible to symptoms of the latter disease. Because the level of acid in their urinary fluid is several times higher than that of representatives of other breeds. This can cause a blockage in the urinary ducts. In such cases, in addition to treatment, the doctor recommends special diets with a minimum of proteins in the food content.

Dalmatian video

Dalmatians are loyal friends and good actors. They love increased attention to their person and need constant activity. The breed has a complex character, but if you properly raise and train the puppy from childhood, it will grow into a friendly and obedient dog. Also, such pets love affection very much and become sad if the owner does not pet them for a long time.

Tell me how to train a Dalmatian puppy to raise a worthy dog?


Developed general rules in dog training, but must be taken into account in education pet individual character traits. Knowing the prerequisites for a dog’s behavior, it is possible to outline the right path to forming a pleasant disposition of a little friend with whom you will feel comfortable and will not feel ashamed.

General warnings against incorrect actions

Small dogs evoke tenderness; you want to endlessly caress, cuddle, and carry pets in your arms. You absolutely cannot do this when raising a puppy!


  • allowing the Dalmatian to climb into the master's bed;
  • settle down on the sofa among family members;
  • hang around dining table begging for food;
  • bite;
  • meet people by swooping and jumping.

Mutual understanding in the family is the basis for good dog education. Household members should adhere to a single line of behavior. The puppy must understand that the owner is the main one in the “pack”, requirements and commands are the law.

Great harm is done to the development of the Dalmatian if the first member of the family begins to pamper the dog and connives, and the second begins to behave strictly and coldly with the puppy.

It’s bad if today the dog is prohibited from doing something in its behavior, and the next day the animal is left to its own devices. In such a case, the Dalmatian puppy will test how mature he is to take a dominant place in the group.

Elimination of omissions and unclear situations

A small dog should not be treated roughly. Kindness and patience are the correct behavior of the owner. The solution will bring success in the relationship between man and animal. The puppy has the right not always and not immediately to understand the wishes of the owner, what kind of behavior people expect. If a baby tries to lick an older friend, it means he is asking and wants to make up for the misunderstanding with affectionate behavior.

If the dog reacts correctly to a person’s demands, it is recommended to reward the pet: give a tidbit or stroke it, praise it with words in a soft voice. Dalmatians are sensitive animals, they try to please the “leader” and make them happy.

Intonation is an important component when talking to a puppy.

Masters pay attention to the skillful use of intonation and selected words when communicating with a pet.

If you need to correct your child’s dog’s misbehavior, use pre-selected words and a consistent tone: authoritative, firm. There is no need to be verbose, a short “no!” will let the dog know that the behavior is unacceptable.

When praising a Dalmatian, you are allowed to “coo” and speak affectionate, drawn-out words in a joyful and happy voice.

Command words in a dog’s “lexicon”

From an early age, the dog learns a certain number of words with which associations arise.

The extremely important word “No!” It is recommended to use whenever the puppy does something inappropriate. Confident intonation is required. If the little sly one does not respond to the command, but continues, looking sideways at what the owner decides to do, lightly spank the prankster with a newspaper. When the puppy does what is required on its own or with the help of an adult, the baby needs to be generously rewarded.

It is possible to wean off petty theft of food from the table by provoking the Dalmatian: place a plate with your favorite delicacy on the edge of the table. Having assumed an indifferent look, you should distract yourself. If the Dalmatian cannot resist and grabs favorite dish, it’s worth saying a prohibiting command and giving the thief a light slap. The dog will understand exactly what he did wrong and will be punished for the violation. Sometimes the “exercise” has to be repeated a couple of times, but the result is the same - positive education of a patient character.

My home is my castle

From the first minutes of the little Dalmatian's appearance in the house, show your pet a corner. It is recommended to prepare a comfortable place that gives the dog a feeling of safety and comfort.

When accustoming the puppy to a place, take or take the dog there. Then try to place him on a soft bedding, stroke him and treat him with a treat, reminding him in a friendly manner: “Place.” They do this until the puppy understands that it is good here. Then the baby will begin to find a home after playing on his own. If you want to send your baby to a place on command, it is necessary to ensure that the dog understands that it is pleasant there, that something tasty awaits the dog.

Place training may take some time, but the desire to raise the puppy correctly will give strength to patience in training. Every correct action is rewarded! By repeating: “Okay!”, a person reinforces a behavioral stereotype in the dog’s mind.

Important command

From childhood, Dalmatians are taught the command: “Come to me.” Try this while standing at the dog's bowl. A small dog will gladly fulfill the request, running up to the caller. It is helpful to call your Dalmatian by his name at this time. Try to get the command executed automatically. Training is carried out before the puppy goes for a walk with the owner.

In difficult cases, when the dog does not want to approach the bowl or the person, it is worth trying an element of the game: pretend that the person is hiding or is about to run away. The Dalmatian will certainly run up. It is permissible to take a toy or a stick or a treat to lure the dog. Correct execution of a command is followed by encouragement.

It is important for the dog owner to remember: do not punish the approaching puppy, otherwise the dog will develop an expectation of punishment when approaching a person.

Mastering the command “Come to me!” - the basis for successful further training.

Other commands

The command “Sit!” Your four-legged friend will learn quickly if you voice the word repeatedly with the help of a treat raised above your head. Raising his head up, the dog will certainly sit down. It is permissible to force it lightly.

When meeting a person, a Dalmatian should not jump on him. The “don’t jump” command should be used in education from an early age. With your fingers spread, sharply extend your palm towards the puppy’s muzzle. You are allowed to step lightly on the back paw and firmly say: “Don’t jump!” There will be no immediate result. The procedure will have to be repeated four times, then understanding will come.

A way to curb your curiosity

Little creatures are curious, want to explore the world, to which they are good-natured. Appearance a beautiful baby attracts strangers who try to treat or pet the baby. The movement is supposed to be stopped. People need to explain that they are interfering with the education of a dog, which is designed to have contact only with its owner.

With a Dalmatian who has been home trained and has mastered it well, it is possible to go out and explore outdoor walks.