Forecast of magnetic storms in the sun online

The forecast for magnetic storms and solar activity in January 2019 is quite optimistic for people who are weather dependent. Magnetic storms will be noticeable until mid-January 2019. Solar activity in January will affect a person’s well-being. Knowing the days when magnetic storms are expected will help people prepare for sudden changes in their health.

Experts' forecast of magnetic storms in January 2019

The next magnetic storm is expected on January 6, on this day it is especially important to monitor your well-being and save your strength. As a result of solar activity, a chronic disease may recur, so you need to take care of the availability of the necessary medications. It is also important to exclude junk food, alcohol and smoking from your diet on this day.

Another strong magnetic storm will take place on January 10, people dependent on the weather will feel weak and depressed. On this day, it is important to refrain from heavy physical activity and factors that negatively affect your mood and psyche. In order to maintain your emotional health, it is recommended to drink a herbal decoction at such moments.

Magnetic disturbances are also possible on January 7, 8, 11 and 16, but experts similar phenomena They do not elevate them to the rank of storms; they consider such changes to be irritation of the magnetosphere. Considering that the effect will not be strong, these days there may be a headache and sudden surges in blood pressure.

Preparing the body for solar activity in January 2019

Many people feel dependent on natural phenomena, are very sensitive to magnetic storms. Solar activity in January will not lead to severe consequences and will not greatly affect human life. However, by learning in advance about possible changes in the atmosphere, you can prepare your body for such unrest.

In order to reduce the effect of the sun on the body, it is necessary to devote more time to rest, avoid negative information, give up alcohol and smoking, and also spend more time outside breathing fresh air. Massage helps relieve tension on sunny days. You can do it yourself using the point method. Much attention should be paid to the palms and massaged with your fingers for several minutes. This method will help the body expand blood vessels and restore the movement of oxygen to the brain, which in turn will prevent sudden surges in pressure.

Knowing the schedule of magnetic storms will protect every person

It is important to know the forecast of solar activity, because it can save the lives of people suffering from heart disease. Magnetic storms disrupt the coordinated functioning of the body, as a result of which the blood becomes thick and the functioning of the heart is disrupted. Experts have proven that changes in the atmosphere also affect a person’s emotional health. On days when “space weather” changes, people may experience unreasonable fear, severe nervous shock and migraines.

According to the collected data, on days of solar activity, people often experience strokes and heart attacks. Experts also assure that not all people will feel the influence of magnetic storms; some may not feel the influence of magnetic storms at all.

For July, experts predict that the Earth will be covered by several magnetic storms. Weather-dependent people will need to survive 3 days of weak and 1 day of strong magnetic storms.

Due to the constant burst of fiery lava on the Sun, charged particles spread throughout the system. When these particles reach the Earth, they affect our natural magnetic field, thereby causing a reaction in our body.

Depending on the density of these particles that reach our planet, the magnetic field may be larger or smaller. Splashes magnetic field and are magnetic storms that can occur every month.

Magnetic storm schedule for July 2018

What days to expect magnetic storms in July 2018? Our article will give you the answer! To protect your body from the harmful effects of magnetic fields, be sure to look at the magnetic storm chart for July 2018.

Schedule of magnetic storms for July 2018. When will there be strong magnetic storms in July?

Experts report that the strongest magnetic storms of 2018 are expected on July 15 and 18. These days you need to be especially attentive to your health. Doctors advise spending a lot of time on fresh air, reduce physical activity, reduce the number of tasks at work. If you have such an opportunity, it is better to take a day off. It is necessary to add foods with high content vitamins, avoid smoking and alcohol.

Magnetic storms today. Several peaks of cosmic “discontent” are expected in July

On July 7, 29, 30, scientists predict weak magnetic storms. They won't provide strong influence on your body, but if you feel unwell, it is better to consult a doctor.

According to experts, in general, this July will most likely not upset the inhabitants of planet Earth with frequent and strong magnetic storms. No particularly serious solar flares are expected yet, and scientists are warning us only about very minor geomagnetic fluctuations.

Throughout July 2018, solar activity will be at a minimum - a calm and favorable period for weather-sensitive people. Starting from July 1 and until the end of the second decade, the strength of disturbances in the earth's magnetic field will fluctuate at the level of 0-2 points. The exceptions will be July 15 and 20 - magnetic storms of up to 4 points are likely on these days. But do not forget that sometimes solar flares are unpredictable and the geomagnetic situation can change in a matter of hours.

Magnetic storms, what to do. What effect do magnetic storms have on humans?

On hot days summer days Magnetic storms are especially difficult to endure. It is important for sensitive people to be careful. Experts recommend not going outside in the hot sun. It is better to take walks in the early morning and evening hours, when the sun's activity has subsided.

Some simple rules that will help you feel good and avoid health problems during a surge in magnetic activity:

Make sure you have the necessary medications on hand in advance, especially if you suffer from any chronic diseases.

Walk more. Such walks saturate the blood with oxygen and help restore emotional balance.

Avoid long trips. It is better to postpone the desired trip for a few days.

Avoid conflict situations. A favorable emotional state will help cope with poor health.

A magnetic storm can be an unpleasant surprise for anyone unprepared for it. Especially if it reveals sensitivity to magnetic storms or other atmospheric phenomena.

August 2016 is not the easiest month in this regard. The calm July was replaced by a very eventful and risk-filled time. Solar activity is not yet strong, but it is extremely unstable. That is why meteorologists warn about a possible magnetic storm on August 15 and 16.

What to expect from magnetic storms in August

Magnetic storms will only become stronger by the end of the month, and a real outbreak is very likely on the 20th. But the risk remains in mid-August. For those whose doctors have diagnosed a chronic disease, it is better to remember about medications. At this time, electrical appliances may work intermittently (however, the storm is unlikely to reach such strength). Recovery will slow down, and you may suddenly feel a headache, fatigue, or drowsiness.

It is best to protect yourself from troubles with prevention. Get enough sleep on the 14th, 15th and 16th, do not abuse alcohol and cigarettes, so as not to create unnecessary stress on your body. Meditative practices, self-massage, and soothing infusions help. Don't watch TV at night and don't sit in front of the computer in the evening.

Astrologers about the magnetic storm on August 15 and 16

Astrology will also not stand aside and warns: not only the Sun is now unstable. Saturn has emerged from its retrograde motion and is now in the axis of catastrophes. And on August 18, a layering is expected lunar eclipse and Full Moon. Fortunately, the eclipse will not be total; it will not be visible from every point in the world, which means that the shadow of this event will simply not fall on many. But astrologers still urge caution.

Don't forget to strengthen your well-being and energy. On Monday, such rituals are especially relevant, since the day may not be easy. Fortunately, the solar wind will not be too strong these days, so it is likely that there will be no strong geomagnetic disturbances at all.

To find out what this week will be like, look at horoscopes. We wish you good health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.08.2016 01:51

Prolonged magnetic storms negatively affect the health of many people. Sensitivity to changes in atmospheric pressure and...

Weather-dependent people should play it safe in March: solar activity will be at its peak at the beginning of the month, and...

The warmest month of spring will bring three geodisturbances that are hazardous to health, with a peak on May 17, 2018. An accurate schedule of magnetic storms will allow you to take timely measures to maintain good health and choose favorable days for a business trip. An important interview or declaration of love.

Magnetic storm forecast for today

The beginning of May 2018 will be stable in terms of the geomagnetic situation on Earth. Nature will rest after a powerful magnetic storm that hit our planet on April 20. Today you can allow yourself to relax and prepare your body for the challenges ahead. Scientists have proven that there is a way to train yourself so that your sensitivity to natural disasters decreases. Strong magnetic storms in May 2018 will not disturb you if you take a contrast shower every morning, and in the evening - walk in the park and communicate with nice people. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods from your diet, and also cleanse your soul of negativity by turning off unnerving television programs.

Magnetic storm forecast for 15 days

The first time a geodisturbance of medium intensity will appear on the night of Tuesday, May 8, 2018, will last for two days. The solar wind will test the strength of people and equipment, subsiding soon enough. However, by May 17, the intensity of passions will reach its climax and a powerful magnetic storm will cover the Earth for the second time with much greater energy.

For the third time, an unfavorable health situation will deteriorate literally in two days: from May 20 to May 25, 2018, you should take care of your nervous system from stress and take preventive treatment for chronic diseases.

The strongest magnetic storm in May 2018

It makes sense to talk in more detail about the powerful geomagnetic storm that is expected on May 17, 2018. This storm will be the result of very intense solar wind, which will reach the surface of our planet in mid-May.

The natural disaster will be felt most strongly by elderly people weakened by illness, as well as children, who will significantly add to the troubles of adults. The most typical manifestations of geomagnetic effects on people: insomnia, mood swings, surges in blood pressure, exacerbation of existing diseases for no apparent reason.

A well-ventilated area, lack of stress, medication, and prepared tea from medicinal herbs will help reduce health risks.

First aid for magnetic storms

Many people are interested in the question of what to take during magnetic storms. Herbs help quite a lot (melissa, mint, valerian, St. John's wort, wormwood infusion or herbal teas). Aspirin and activated carbon- the first drug thins the blood, causing it to run more quickly through the vessels, and the second one removes accumulated toxins from the body.

Dizziness during magnetic storms will help remove the glass clean running water, as well as foods rich in potassium and magnesium (bananas, raisins, strawberries, kiwi, spinach, nuts, tomatoes).

If you have hypertension and magnetic storms always provoke deterioration in your health, never plan important days during periods of magnetic storms! Wait this time in a well-ventilated place out of direct sunlight. Take all medications prescribed by your doctor and drink plenty of water.

Magnetic storms 2018

This year, strong geomagnetic disturbances will shake our planet 35 times during all twelve months. Although the total number critical days will be much more, since not only strong storms are taken into account, but also magnetic storms of medium and low intensity.

We have already experienced strong magnetic storms in September 2018, when a powerful solar flare added to the hassle of people with chronic diseases. An equally dangerous period occurred on the first days of the New Year, as well as on April 20, 2018, when extreme magnetic storms were also recorded.

The most dangerous period for weather-sensitive people is expected in July 2018 (five magnetic storms per month), as well as in August, when there may be more than seven serious geodisturbances in one month.

Doctors warn that they will feel the most acute Withstrong magnetic storms in May 2018 people under stress, as well as subway and airplane passengers or motorists on the road. Residents of the North (people living north of the 60th parallel) will also be at risk.

During hours when a strong magnetic storm is raging over the planet, avoid direct sunlight on your body. These days, give up fatty foods, alcohol and walk more in the fresh air in the saving shade of large trees.

How often do we hear the excuse for feeling unwell: “Yes, these are magnetic storms, probably.” Is this process really to blame for everything? According to scientific research, during the period of geomagnetic manifestations, the number of complaints about one’s health increases by 1.5 times. Agree, I would like to predict such an event in advance. For this, in principle, you need a special forecast, in which you will find a schedule of magnetic storms for today or tomorrow. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

What are magnetic storms

Magnetic storms occur due to solar flares, which is why we get a natural hydration of the Earth's magnetic field. The consequence of such a push is that the Sun ejects charged microparticles. They usually reach Earth within a few days. The magnetic field of our planet protects us from the effects of this flow, but perpendicularly located particles are still able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the Earth. It is precisely this protective reaction of our planet that is commonly called magnetic storms.

How to prepare for magnetic storms

Magnetic storms are undoubtedly stressful for the body, but if you prepare for it correctly, the losses will be minimal.

  • Remember that metropolitan residents are more exposed. Therefore, if you live, for example, in Moscow, or St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), or in another big city, then during this period try to pay more attention to your health than usual;
  • during unfavorable days be sure to review your diet - give up fried, fatty and unhealthy foods;
  • Don't neglect walks. For example, if it takes half an hour to walk from work to home, then it’s better to refuse public transport and spend this time outdoors;
  • Avoid any stress. Probably each of us has heard the expression that all diseases are caused by stress. This is partly true, therefore it is better to avoid what depresses and upsets you;
  • People who are weather sensitive are also at particular risk. Therefore, if you belong to this category of people, then you better think about your health in advance and prepare well for magnetic storms.

Magnetic storms online monitoring for 3 days

  • 0 - 1 point- in this case, you don’t have to worry, there will definitely be no magnetic storms.
  • 2 -3 points- the probability of magnetic storms is quite low, and even if something happens, it will not affect your health.
  • 4 - 5 points- and in this case, the possibility of a magnetic storm increases, but it should not cause much harm. Only weather-dependent people can feel a slight malaise.
  • 6 -7 points- these indicators already indicate a strong magnetic storm, which means that some of the population of our planet may experience a deterioration in their health. But, as they say, the best medicine is proper prevention.
  • 8 - 9 points- but these coefficients already indicate a very strong magnetic storm. During this period, you need to closely monitor your well-being, as there is a possibility of migraines, nausea, decreased performance and attention, increased blood pressure, or severe weakness.
  • 10 points- solar activity, one might say, is at its peak, which means that magnetic storms are the most pronounced in their effects. If possible, it should be avoided physical activity, contact with a large number of people, it is advisable not to drive, and in general, ideally, it is better to wait out this period at home.