Psychology of color in clothing. Blue color in clothes: color psychology and stylish combinations. The meaning of blue in ancient times

Each color affects our psychological state. Some colors attract attention, others, on the contrary, repel. Therefore, the color of the clothes we wear creates certain psychological sensations from our presence in those around us. By understanding the meanings of colors, you can manage the impression and create.

It should be taken into account that there are various factors that influence color perception, such as age, social status, territorial factor, as well as individual psychological characteristics

Blue/light blue color

The blue color inspires trust and creates the impression of seriousness, thoughtfulness and reliability. This is the color of authority; it is no coincidence that men have a business dress code for business official events prescribes wearing a dark blue suit. Blue color calms, but at the same time keeps you in good shape. Represents conservatism. Blue color is conducive to communication. Choose blue clothes when you want to overcome anxiety and excitement. This color is attractive to people of phlegmatic temperament. The combination of blue and white is considered ideal for careerists; this combination develops flexibility and the ability to adapt. This color is necessary if you need to restore balance in life. The most popular corporate color. The color of wisdom. Causes processes in the body that promote relaxation. Blue clothing symbolizes trust and loyalty.


Combines positive properties both blue and green. It has the ability to strengthen all body systems and gives rise to self-confidence. Wear turquoise to give yourself confidence and strength.


This is the most comfortable color for visual perception. Green color relieves fatigue and improves tone. Perfect color to accumulate strength. This is the color of stability and prosperity and is often chosen by bankers. A dark green suit for men is a sign of conservative views, but at the same time, a small accent of this color in a tie creates the impression of a stubborn person. Light green, on the contrary, personifies youth, lightness and frivolity. In Islam, green is associated with heaven. A symbol of will and self-affirmation. Represents growth and development. Green helps suppress feelings such as jealousy, envy and greed. If you are a stylist-image maker, then be sure to take the course “Psychology for a Stylist”.


This is dynamics and passion. A woman in a red dress is always noticeable. Red should be worn when you want to attract attention and be in the center of events. But at the same time, if you want to establish contact and win over your interlocutors, it is better to choose softer shades of red, because rich red can not only attract attention, but also psychologically suppress, it is a very authoritarian color. Choleric people love red. In most Asian countries it symbolizes marriage, happiness and prosperity. People in red clothes seem more respectable. At work, too much red can make you nervous. A small element of red in clothing will help emphasize courage and energy. Add this color to your life if you lack enthusiasm and interest in life.


The color of tenderness and love. When a girl puts on pink clothes, men awaken the desire to protect and protect her. Evokes tender feelings. Among men pink Only the most confident people choose. The color is absolutely not suitable for the business sphere, because it can be associated with naivety and frivolity.


In ancient times, purple dyes were extremely expensive since they are rarely found in nature, so only members of the royal family could afford purple clothes. Since then, the color has been associated with royal grandeur and respectability. The color purple expands the imagination of creative people.


Orange is the color of joy and optimism. Scientists say that prolonged contemplation of the color orange compensates for the daily dose of vitamin C. Orange creates a feeling of well-being and positivity, it gives energy and lifts the mood. This color is not recommended for use in a business environment unless your business is related to creativity. Symbolizes creativity, inspiration, uniqueness and activity. Awakens appetite. Orange rooms are conducive to conversation. This color is clearly visible, which is why it is present in the clothing of road workers. Choose orange clothes when you need to lift your spirits.


Just like orange, it lifts your spirits because it is associated with the color of sunshine and joy. Yellow, being a very bright color, always attracts attention. By choosing yellow clothes on a cloudy day, you will ensure good mood yourself and those around you. Yellow, like orange, is attractive to sanguine people. Radiant color. Symbolizes intelligence. Yellow combined with black is considered a danger sign, most poisonous insects painted exactly like this color combination. In Japan it is associated with courage. Yellow carries the semantics of change, release and dynamic tendency. It personifies humor; it’s not for nothing that emoticons are colored yellow. Speeds up metabolism. Physiologically, it is the first color recognized by human vision. The visual sensation is brighter and more voluminous than white. An unbalanced person can be driven to extravagant actions by an excess of yellow. Yellow is suitable for those who are insecure and those who need to attract attention. In small quantities it can give vigor and increase concentration. Improves memory. Yellow and purple are considered a mystical combination.


Brown color is attractive; it is associatively warm and soft. This color promotes frank conversations. Well suited for a first business meeting or interview, in brown you will give the impression of a respectable, practical, stable and attractive person. This color helps in trade and financial matters. Brown imparts wisdom and the ability to maintain smooth relationships.


Neutral color, it does not cause bright emotions, therefore suitable for a business environment, as it does not distract from focusing on important matters. Gray is the color of balance. Also, if you want to show your willingness to obey the rules, this may be relevant in a new workplace, wear gray. Gray symbolizes calm, regularity, security and maturity. But, at the same time, frequently wearing gray clothes may not have the best effect on your image; you risk appearing as a faceless, withdrawn and uninitiative person. This color is indispensable in situations where you need to take the position of an outside observer, remaining on the sidelines. Native Americans associate this color with honor and friendship, while in Asia it is a symbol of compassion. Gray color is especially pleasant for melancholic people.


Symbol of purity and lightness. Psychologically “quenches” irritation. White clothes solemn and elegant, since white is a very easily soiled color, unlike other colors it does not appear so often in everyday wardrobe, so white always attracts attention special attention. Throughout the world, the white flag is a symbol of reconciliation. Very bright white For some, it may cause feelings of anxiety and discomfort. At the same time, this color promotes clarity and freshness of thought.


Black color is elegant, but it does not catch the eye and does not stand out from the crowd. Positive associations: sophistication, grace, dignity and mystery. In China, oddly enough, this is a color for young children, in Asia it symbolizes career and knowledge. In Japan it is a rebellious color. Black color strengthens the will and helps to concentrate. Black builds distance, helps to distance oneself, it is chosen by people who communicate a lot, which is why in many stores consultants are dressed in black. Color therapy classifies black as a color that stimulates self-confidence.

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Psychologists around the world rightly argue that the choice of clothing color indicates, at a minimum, a person’s momentary mood, and, at a maximum, his vision of himself in society. After all, it has been proven that the brain perceives colors differently and associates them with certain feelings and situations.

The psychology of color in clothing explains the choice of a particular color from two points of view:

  • the first is the internal state of a person (intuitive choice);
  • the second is the impression that the individual wants to make on others (conscious choice).

Often people subconsciously choose the color of their clothes, depending on their psychological state caused by various troubles. This could be troubles at work, frequent conflicts in the family, or simply the mental torment of a person who has not found himself in this life.

With the help of the psychology of clothing, you can even incline towards the desired point of view. Public people regularly use this, paying a lot of attention to their wardrobe.

The meaning of clothing color in psychology

Psychology believes that contemplation of color has an impact on the human psyche, including sudden mood swings. Therefore, it is important to choose an outfit so that it does not irritate either the owner or others during the day.


Psychology considers a lover of the color red in clothes as an extraordinary, strong personality with clearly expressed leadership qualities. This is the color of love and passion, on the one hand, and aggression, on the other. A person who prefers red is impulsive, ambitious, often assertive and selfish.


Although orange shades are adjacent to red in the spectrum, this color has the opposite meaning. Orange lovers are intellectually developed, active, good-natured and sociable. A rich orange tone is difficult for the brain to perceive, causing psychological exhaustion, so you should wear such tones with care.


In clothing it is associated with the sun, warmth, and cheerfulness. Yellow has a positive effect on mental activity, fights chronic fatigue, and prolonged depression. People who love this shade are always in a good mood, open and sociable. However, they are often very critical of themselves and others.


Green symbolizes assertiveness, toughness and firmness. The choice of green clothing speaks of a person’s desire for constancy, his desire to assert himself. At the same time, green lovers subconsciously want to be liked by others; they lack public recognition.


Blue has a dual effect on the human psyche. On the one hand, this color calms, on the other hand, if it is not diluted with other tones, it causes anxiety and even a state of depression. People who choose outfits in blue tones are distinguished by reliability and calmness.


Blue is associated with the sky, sublimity, and spirituality. Blue evokes trust and respect and promotes a feeling of peace. People wearing blue clothes are intellectually developed, creative and positive. It is easy to find a common language and establish contact with them.


The lilac color in clothes psychologically causes feelings of anxiety and concern in others. You should not wear lilac tones when going to negotiations, as the interlocutor may feel rejected. Lilac lovers are people prone to melancholy and depression. Surrounding yourself lilac tones, they unconsciously plunge deeper into a state of depression. A psychologist will help you get out of this state.


The psychology of purple in clothing speaks of a person’s desire to be realized in this life. People who prefer purple shades are critical of themselves, prone to self-control, but at the same time they are in dire need of support and support. They are sentimental and sensitive. Saturated purple shades can cause apathy, as they put significant pressure on the psyche.


Pink shades relieve irritation, pacify anger, and have a relaxing effect on the psyche. need protection and love. Such people are easily excitable and often become restless for any reason. They are frivolous, looking for vivid sensations and impressions.


Psychology explains the choice of gray in clothing by the desire not to stand out, to be inconspicuous. People who dress in shades of gray are afraid of being seen and often have low self-esteem. At the same time, they are open, good-natured, responsible, you can rely on them and trust them.


In psychology, white clothing is associated with purity and perfection. People who often wear white clothes are neat, punctual, decent and sincere with others. This color has a positive effect on the human psyche and makes people feel good about themselves; it’s not for nothing that health workers wear white coats.


Psychology explains an excess of black in clothes with self-doubt and the desire to hide from the surrounding reality. Often this indicates mental anguish, internal depression, melancholy and a state close to depression. However, this is not always the case. Psychology explains women's clothing as aggressiveness towards others. With this she wants to show independence and self-sufficiency. For men, it is a symbol of rigor, efficiency, and practicality.


In psychology, the brown color of clothing symbolizes earth, life, and fertility. People who prefer brown tones They clearly know their goals and go towards them. They are success-oriented, practical and serious, and indulgent towards dreamers. Brown brings a sense of stability, suppresses anxiety and restlessness.

The concept of warm and cold colors in psychology

Psychologically, a person divides all shades into warm and cold. Warm - shades with a predominance of red and yellow. Cool - shades with a predominance of blue and green.

To perceive warm tones, the human eye expends more energy, because these tones have the longest wavelength. An outfit in which warm colors predominate stimulates the brain, however, therefore, easily excitable people should not wear clothes in rich warm colors.

Cool tones, on the contrary, have a short wavelength and are easily perceived by the eye. Clothing with a predominance of cool colors calms, slows down metabolism, and protects against rash, impulsive actions.

Psychology of color in men's clothing

The choice of this or that shade by a man indicates his life aspirations and desire to make a certain impression on others.

Psychology considers the presence of red in a man’s clothes as his desire to show his superiority over others. It is a symbol of power as well as sexuality. Often wearing red, a man seeks to attract the attention of the lady he likes.

The psychology of black clothing speaks of strength of character and iron will. By dressing in black, a man demonstrates his determination and authority.

Blue tones will give a man seriousness and help him gain the trust and sympathy of others.

Psychology of color in women's clothing

Women spend significantly more time choosing their wardrobe than men. Intuitively, with the help of the main tone of the outfit, they convey to others their desire to either stand out or go into the shadows.

For example, the predominance of a woman indicates her unconscious influence on the men around her. By doing this, the girl tries to look more attractive and sexier in the eyes of the stronger sex, which indicates her dissatisfaction with her personal life. Nevertheless, dark and pastel colors do not always indicate depression, because the choice of outfit is largely influenced by both the momentary mood and the character of the person.

In addition, women of all ages are inherently quite emotional and are capable of acquiring something completely uncharacteristic for them. That’s why almost every woman’s wardrobe is often full of colors and the style changes depending on her mood.

Psychology of color in children's clothing

The psychology of color in a child’s clothing has a very subtle effect on the child’s psyche. Children perceive the colors around them more keenly than adults, so you need to be careful when choosing children's things. Too bright colors can cause anxiety in the baby, he will be capricious and cry.

It is not recommended to dress a child in red, orange and purple tones. They suppress the psyche and have a negative impact. Yellow, pink and blue shades would be ideal. They soothe, give a feeling of warmth and tenderness.

The right choice of clothing directly affects the mood of others and creates the first impression of a person. Therefore, this must be taken seriously. After all, people often judge their interlocutor by appearance, and the wrong wardrobe can ruin everything.

Everything in life is important, especially from a psychological point of view. Every touch, every color in our clothes is very important. For those who know about the existence of a connection between psychology and color preferences in clothing and are able to assess a person’s mood and character at a glance, colors are the pages of a book, in this case an open one...

Yes, yes, it turns out that when choosing the color of our outfit, we “write” in large letters on our body: “I am passionate”, “It’s better not to approach me”, “I am a business woman” and much more.

Let's talk about the language of color in more detail.

Let's start with the “extreme” colors of our outfits - white and black.

The psychology of white color is imbued with optimism and purity of thoughts. Those who dress in white are considered creative individuals who lack persistence.

The psychology of black in clothing is opposite in everything except creativity. This shade indicates a calm spirit. People dressed in black, according to psychologists, are in some way negative, looking at everything through a slight haze of mistrust. In life they are often overcome by doubts.

Next comes the transitional gray clothes, which will be followed by more bright colors. From a psychological point of view, a person dressed in gray wants to be inconspicuous, thereby belittling his importance. Psychologists recommend that such people actively work on self-esteem.

The psychology of color in the clothes of an honest, self-confident person is extremely simple - dress in brown. Among the characteristics of such people are: reliability, decency and success. As they say: “Just what you need!”

Psychology says only good things about the owners of red clothes: brave optimists who easily cope with negative emotions, lovers of adventure.

The purple color of clothing speaks of the developed creativity of its owner. In addition, psychologists note that ladies (as well as men) in purple clothes have a rather painful sense of self-esteem and are very superstitious.

Blue in clothing denotes conservatism and devotion, first of all, to one’s principles and ideals. The one who wears blue is a good friend who will never become ballast or a burden. From a psychological point of view, you should look for friends precisely among such people, because they always empathize with those in need and rejoice for those who succeed.

The green color of things indicates a trusting person, always ready for open communication. Psychologists note that those who wear green clothes have a high ability to adapt, confidence and consistency in their actions and habits. In addition, they are characterized by optimism and an easy-going attitude towards any events.

Psychology says the following about the orange color of clothing: a symbol of determination and ambition. Psychologists note people in orange clothes as cold and influential. It is these people who make the world go round with their intelligence and activity.

Yellow clothes have pronounced “shades” of intelligence and creativity. Noble artists emerge from the rows of people in yellow robes. Psychology divides the yellow color of clothing into two parts. Pale signifies uncertainty, and bright signifies self-confidence.

And finally, let's say a few words about pink dresses, hats, blouses and so on on the list. Ladies in pink are very sensual and positive, capable of a bright expression of their love. In addition, they are distinguished by their touchiness, but grievances almost immediately disappear and are forgotten.

Well, we talked about some features of the psychology of colors in clothing. However, there are thousands of shades that can radically change the meaning of a particular character trait. We found out the opinion of psychologists about “pure” colors of clothing, and next in line are combinations of shades.

The property has been known since ancient times color palette environment to influence the emotional, mental and physical condition people. All colors, simple and complex, are capable of changing the state of the body in their own way, positively or negatively influencing any area of ​​human activity. Each color can tell a lot about the character, psychological state, preferences and needs of the person who chooses this or that shade at a given moment in life. For example, purple in psychology symbolizes wit, observation and high sensitivity of the individual. Black often indicates depression, depression or threat. Any of existing colors and shades preferred by a person is a certain signal that carries certain information about the personality.

Science and color

The amount of information on the effects of color on people has become more and more over the years, and a whole scientific field has emerged - the psychology of color. Research into this science has proven useful in the fields of medicine, television, clothing, interior design, and the advertising industry.

In recent decades, chromotherapy has become widely used. This is a method of treating (an offshoot of physical therapy) many mental and physical diseases by exposing the body to light and color. This method therapy is based on the fact that the colored light flux is electromagnetic wave, which can penetrate body tissue and transmit certain energy. Scientists have proven that every color necessarily has an impact on a person in any state, regardless of his attitude to a given shade. The effect of colors on people can be programmed. It is used to induce various physiological changes in the body for the purpose of treating various health problems. The properties and meaning of colors in psychology and physiotherapy have already been sufficiently studied. Their use together and separately gives good results in treatment.

Signals of colors and shades

Each shade from the existing diverse palette is capable of having its own specific effect on the mental and physical state of a person.

Blue color in psychology is considered one of the most “strong”. It has two opposing properties. On the one hand, it is the color of peace, tranquility and intelligence. It can relieve stress, calm and help you relax. Surrounded by blue tone a favorable environment is created for intellectual activity and the thought process. On the other hand, dark shades of blue can reduce vitality and performance, cause sadness and even depression.

In physiotherapy, the energy of this color wave is used to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, organs of vision, hearing, ENT organs, as an analgesic, wound healing and hemostatic agent.

Shades of red have the opposite effect of blue. They symbolize activity, excitement, courage, as well as danger and aggression. In psychology, the color red is considered an activator of vital activity, energy and love of life. However, with prolonged contemplation, anxiety, restlessness, and increased blood pressure and heart rate may occur.

Bright red shades of flowers attract attention - this is widely used in the advertising industry. In medicine they are used in the treatment of anemia, menstrual pain, and acute respiratory viral infections.

Green color in psychology means balance, harmony, softness and calm. It promotes relaxation, mental and physical rest. In medicine, green shades have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, the cardiovascular system, and promote the regeneration of body cells.

Shades of yellow are stimulants nervous system, emotional sphere, brain activity. In psychology, the color yellow is associated with liberation from irritation and tension. It helps maintain a good mood, awakens inspiration and increases productivity. In physiotherapy, this color is used to have a positive effect on the liver, gastrointestinal tract, increased appetite.

Purple color is obtained from mixing blue and red, so it carries rather contradictory information. On the one hand, it can cause passivity, drowsiness, lethargy, decreased performance, and slow down the body’s vital processes. On the other hand, it can help you relax and take your mind off problems, cope with insomnia and mental stress, and increase a person’s self-esteem. In medicine, it is used in the treatment of arthritis, tumors, and nervous system disorders.

Sunny, bright orange color has a great effect on mood, relieves sad, depressive thoughts, and helps overcome communication difficulties. He can activate vital energy, cause a surge of strength, find solutions to problems. Orange shades help cope with intellectual stress and better assimilate information.

White color has always been considered a symbol of purity, purity and clarity. In psychology, it means secrecy, inability to form emotional attachments. In medicine, white tone is used to relieve pain and spasms, and to have a beneficial effect on the brain.

Brown color denotes seriousness, sometimes depression. He is able to create a soft, calm mood.

The blue shade is obtained by mixing blue and white colors. It symbolizes passivity and calm. Its physiological effects include slowing down vital processes and reducing internal tension. In physiotherapy, it is used to combat insomnia and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Pink color symbolizes femininity, love, tranquility. It is considered at the same time a sign of dulling of anger, aggression and everything soft, kind, associated with childhood.

Black color symbolizes safety, sophistication, protection. At the same time, it can be a sign of depression, apathy, closedness and depression. The black tone helps the process of awakening consciousness and self-knowledge.

Application of color influence

The meaning of color in psychology is widely used in various areas of life.

When coming up with ways to influence people, television and advertising workers actively use bright colors and shades. To attract attention and motivate buyers to take decisive action, red is used. Green, as a symbol of environmental friendliness, is used in food advertising, medicines. Orange color is suitable for advertising services in the field of health care and child development.

Blue shades are chosen for advertising travel agencies, air conditioners, fans and everything related to air and movement in space. To achieve the desired impact on customers, color psychology is successfully used in various types advertising.

Interior and color

The psychological impact of color waves on people is reflected in the interior features different rooms. Great value has the color of walls, floors, ceilings, large furniture in one or another part of the house or apartment. So, for the kitchen you need to choose furnishings in colors that promote digestion and improve appetite. These include green, orange, even red, but better in combination with black and white. For the bedroom, weakly saturated blue, red, green shades, dark purple in combination with pink would be more suitable.

In the living room best choice There will be orange, yellow, green shades that combine with each other, creating a calm, friendly atmosphere in this room. Almost all colors are suitable for the bathroom, depending on the taste preferences of the owners.

To achieve balance in the interior, it is good to combine warm and cold tones, both in one room and throughout the home. Finishing rooms in different styles And color solutions, you can achieve complete harmony in which it will be pleasant for all family members to be.

Clothing and color

The psychology of color in clothing also has widespread. According to the predominance of a certain color range one can judge many character traits of a person.

Red color is chosen by hot-tempered, sociable people who love to be the center of attention. Owners of a “black wardrobe” are most often reserved, uncommunicative and unsure of themselves. Those who love white clothes are considered creative. In general, white color in clothes is universal. It combines with all other shades, is not able to repel anyone psychologically and gives a person a feeling of physical and spiritual purity.

The blue tone predominates in the clothing of people who need a sense of confidence and those who need peace. It usually appeals to modest, conservative individuals who are good friends. The predominance of green shades in the wardrobe indicates the gullibility of its owner and openness to communication. Such people easily adapt to new conditions, are optimistic and self-confident. Those who have a lot of pink things often turn out to be infantile, frivolous individuals. Such people are touchy, love popularity, tend to live in illusions, but are always good-natured and cheerful.

Of course, most people have things in their wardrobe different colors and shades. And they choose an outfit in accordance with their state and mood at a particular moment. This choice can also be used to judge one’s state of mind. If today a person is dressed all in black, this does not mean that he is insecure and withdrawn. Just today inner world requires just such a “shell”.

Was last modified: April 20th, 2019 by Elena Pogodaeva

Red is the color of fire, passion, energy, aggression and risk. It stands out among all other colors and attracts the eye. To be convinced of this, remember at least the famous film “The Matrix”, where a woman served as a distracting maneuver for the program.

Psychological associations with the color red

The impression made by red will largely depend on. The brightest variations of scarlet excite and provoke. They are associated with challenge, activity and passion. Dressed even in strict pantsuit the woman will be perceived as a leader. Keep this in mind when planning negotiations.

Bright is associated with leadership

Psychologists advise women who are unsure of their rightness to use a bright red scarf tied around their neck during debates. It will take attention away from what you are saying.

Dark shades are associated with energy, wealth and luxury. The darker the tone becomes, the more conservative it looks. That is why in business style men can often be seen wearing ties.

Red is most often used in accent sets. As a rule, red accents are used to highlight the most advantageous aspects of your appearance: a belt on a wasp waist, lipstick on plump lips, a bracelet on a graceful wrist, etc. Remember this and use the power of red. No other color will work so well when used correctly.

Who chooses red?

Considering how much attention the color red attracts, it is chosen by people seeking just such an effect. These are demonstrative individuals who are not afraid to be in the spotlight. The biggest mistake would be wearing red without feeling comfortable in it. Uncertainty in this case is doubly noticeable from the outside. When dressing in color from head to toe, evaluate whether you are ready for close attention to your person.

Darkened tones are often preferred by serious, authoritarian and accomplished people. Because such shades produce a similar impression.

Bright red color is loved by energetic, emotional and independent people. It is scarlet that best suits their inner state and attitude. This color excites and excites, which is why they like it so much.

Don't forget that red also expresses strength, aggression and power. Therefore, he often sympathizes with active, purposeful and even uncompromising natures.

Red, so multifaceted in perception, remains a favorite color for many. It excites the imagination, songs are dedicated to it, and your evening look in red will certainly be remembered for a long time. Knowing about the associations that different shades of red produce, it is easier to tame this obstinate color and start using it to create the desired impression.

Text: Valentina Chaiko