Broom: types and varieties, planting, care and propagation. Broom: description, types with photos, planting and care in the Moscow region Broom early albus planting and care

The genus Broom covers more than 50 species of deciduous, sometimes evergreen, and less commonly small trees, common in Western Siberia, Europe and Africa.

As a rule, broom - unpretentious shrub 2.5 m tall, not very widely used in landscaping. Many of these shrubs are suitable for decorating sandy slopes; other types of broom are good, ornamental shrubs for single and group plantings. Of great interest are brooms with fragrant flowers.

Broom forms a dense, interestingly shaped, bright green or grayish bush with pubescent stems. Broom blossoms early spring or in the summer with yellow-white, yellow, purple moth-like flowers, reminiscent of pea flowers, which are collected at the ends of the shoots, and sometimes in the axils of the leaves. Broom is a good honey plant; it grows in ravines, rocky sandy slopes, and can also be found on the forest edge. Approximately 15 species of broom have been introduced into cultivation, but to this day they are little known.

Types and varieties

All brooms that are grown in central Russia have one common feature: they wake up early in the spring, the shoots begin to grow in May and do not finish growing until the frosts. This is their huge advantage: the bushes are all summer season they retain greenery, but then they have to pay for themselves with unripe shoots, which go away in winter along with the leaves, and then freeze out.


Corona broom is native to Southern and Central Europe. A shrub about 3 m in height with green, thin shoots, pubescent at a young age. The foliage of corona broom is alternate, trifoliate, petiolate, the leaves are oblong-lanceolate or oval, obtuse, the upper leaves often have one leaflet. Flowers 2 cm, solitary, in leaf axils, yellow. The fruit of broom is an oblong, flattened bean with 2 seeds.

The leaves of this broom fall off early, which indicates that the shoots are preparing for winter: indeed. The most beautiful and most cultivated in Europe.

Corona broom is suitable for growing in large rock gardens or as a single plant in sunny meadows. Goes well with weigels, deutsias, mock oranges; looks great with heather. There are many decorative forms, however, all of them are not suitable for the middle zone.

Kyus broom

Very popular in Europe.

The height of the bush is 0.3 m. The branches are creeping or drooping with trifoliate leaves and very large white-yellowish flowers. Nice shrub for rocky gardens.

Broom protruding-flowered

Homeland of the Southern Alps, grows on the slopes of the mountains.

For rock gardens in the middle zone, protruding broom may be of interest because it can withstand frosts down to -20°C. Protruding broom up to 60 cm high with miniature trifoliate leaves and very large yellow flowers on long pedicels; during flowering they are visible only from the underside.

Early broom

An early broom bush 1.5 m in height with spreading, thin, arched branches forming a thick, dense crown. The leaves are light green, narrow, lanceolate, up to 2 cm long. The root system is superficial. Bright yellow flowers with a pungent aroma appear in May.

Grows well on sandy light soils of neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Frost-resistant. Early broom is excellently used in landscaping. It is also an excellent shrub for single and group plantings.

Broom crowded

The crowded broom comes from countries Central Europe(Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania).

Of great interest. The shrub is only half a meter high. Bush with a diameter of 80 cm.

Its fabulous yellow-colored low bushes decorate any sunny spot in the garden. The crowded broom is early-growing - it begins to bloom and bear fruit from the 3rd age. The crowded broom propagates by seeds, the germination rate of which is more than 90%, and by summer cuttings that take root after flowering. Sometimes the ends of annual, sometimes perennial shoots freeze over.

Broom oblong or elongated

The homeland of broom oblong is the mountainous southeastern part of Europe.

It can be found more often than others in culture. The oblong broom blooms at the end of May, flowering lasts until the end of July. The flowers are yellow. It grows best in nutritious, loose soils.

Creeping broom

The homeland of creeping broom is Southern Europe.

Bush 20 cm tall. The shoots of creeping broom are green, pubescent, and rooting. The foliage is dark green, oblong-lanceolate, covered with hairs on the underside.

The flowers of creeping broom are from bright to dark yellow tones, located in groups of 3 in the axils of the leaves. Blooms luxuriantly. Creeping broom has fruits - beans, about 3 cm. Used on rocky hills and for planting in groups. Frost-resistant, but in cold winters it can freeze a little. Propagated by cuttings and seeds, winters well under snow, covered with spruce branches or leaves.

Zinger's broom

It grows in mixed forests and spreads to the upper reaches of the Volga, Dnieper, and Northern Dvina.

The height of the Tsinger broom is no more than a meter. The young shoots of this shrub, decorated with golden pubescence, are beautifully leafed with light green leaves.

During flowering, which begins in May - June, the already beautiful branches flash with yellow flowers, which appear from the axil of the leaf 1-2 at a time and the shoots turn into golden ears. After flowering, beans are formed, covered with white pubescence.

Sessile broom

Bush 1.5 m in height with trifoliate leaves. Blooms every year in June. In the sessile broom yellow flowers 2 cm long. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 5. The fruits are small beans that ripen in September. Sessile broom is light-loving and drought-resistant, not winter-hardy. Needs sanitary pruning and shelter for the winter. Used in landscaping on alpine hills.

Black broom

Named because its leaves turn black when dried. The bush is 1 m in height, it grows in pine forests.

Black broom blooms from June to September with yellow flowers, collected in 30 pieces in spike-shaped vertical inflorescences. Extraordinarily beautiful during long flowering. It begins to bear fruit at the age of two. The seeds are very viable.

Broom belongs to the legume family. It mainly grows in the Mediterranean and central Europe. This plant has a pleasant, decorative look. It is often used in landscape design, and during flowering it pleases not only with beautiful flowers, but also with aroma.

What is broom

Broom are evergreen or deciduous, honey-bearing shrubs, grown in open ground, and serve as decoration in landscape design. The leaves of the culture are tripartite, sometimes single. The flowers are in axillary or terminal racemes. The color of the buds can be white, scarlet, but most often yellow. This crop does not grow quickly and only at the age of 3 does it begin to bloom for the first time.


Broom month is at the end of the year in the Celtic calendar. This is the time of summing up, clearing everything unnecessary in the house, character, habits.

Many varieties of this plant are poisonous because they contain a lot of pectins, cytisines, and enzymes. Some of them are used in small quantities for medicinal purposes, but it is very important to know how to maintain the dosage! Certain types of broom can tolerate severe frosts, but there are also heat-loving varieties for which cold is unacceptable. Depending on the variety, the crop can grow in flower beds, near a window, natural fence, or in pots, cache-pots, or indoors.

Types and varieties of broom

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The broom genus includes more than 40 species of this crop.


Early broom blooms in the last month of spring. He has beautiful flowers and a rich aroma that spreads over long distances.


Broom is a symbol of well-being and harmony at all levels of life - physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.

These are just the most common varieties of culture. There are also such types of plants as Kyus broom, floating-flowered, blackening, Zingera.

Plant propagation and planting

Broom propagation is usually carried out using one of the three methods described below.

  • When propagating by seeds, you need to select only high-quality seed material. Seeds are sown in bowls or similar containers in the spring, to a depth of 6 mm. The soil for this is made from equal parts of peat and sand. The container with the sown seeds is placed in a dark but warm place (+18...+21°C). They need to be ventilated and watered regularly. After the sprouts appear, they are planted in separate containers or on permanent place, into the ground. The soil for this is taken from 2 parts of turf, part of humus and 0.5 parts of sand.


If you place broom branches in the bedroom, it will help you better remember and decipher dreams.

  • For propagation, twigs with 3-4 leaves are cut by cuttings. All large leaves cleaned up. The cuttings are rooted in summer, in soil made of sand and peat (in equal parts). They can be planted densely because replanting will be required later. Then they are covered with a transparent, cut-off bottle and the temperature is maintained at about +18...+20°C. It is necessary to frequently ventilate and water the soil around the cuttings. After they grow up, you can plant the seedlings in separate containers or in open ground.
  • When propagating by layering, a long branch is taken and bent to the ground, covered with soil on top. And so that it does not rise from the wind, it is necessary to press it with a snag or small stone. Layers will appear soon. When they grow up, they are separated from the mother bush and planted.

How to care for broom in open ground

Broom has many varieties. In some cases, its care may differ slightly, but most types of broom require certain standards of care.

  • The optimal air temperature from March to the end of October is +18…+25 °C. From November to February it can be lowered to +8...+10 degrees. If the temperature is higher in winter time, then the culture will begin to hurt.
  • The plant prefers high humidity. You can carry out regular spraying or place the pot on a tray with wet peat. But high humidity This plant needs it only in summer. In winter, spraying is carried out very rarely and with great caution, especially if the plant is kept at low temperatures.
  • Lighting should be dim but bright. Mostly, the plant should be illuminated only in the morning and when the sun is setting, the sun's rays should not fall on it during the day. Best location in apartment conditions - on the western or eastern window. But in autumn-winter period light is not important, there should not be a lot of it.

When transplanting and caring for broom, you need to be extremely careful and use gloves, because almost all types are poisonous.

  • Broom cannot grow without fresh air. If it grows at home, in a pot, in the summer it is better to take it outside, to the balcony, to the garden or veranda. If you take the culture to fresh air If this is not possible, then you just need to ensure that the room is regularly ventilated.
  • Watering in warm time years are spent abundantly when top layer the earth begins to dry out. In winter, watering is needed infrequently so that the soil does not become sour. It is advisable to water this plant with water containing lime.
  • Feeding from spring to autumn is carried out once every 14 days with complex minerals. They stop in autumn and winter.
  • The first pruning occurs at the age of three, when the crop reaches a height of about 50 cm. This is done so that the crop does not lose its leaves and begins to branch more strongly.
  • Transplantation is carried out after flowering, if the pot is already small for it. The soil used is a mixture of 2 parts turf, 1 part humus and 0.5 parts sand. For larger plants, you will also need to add a little lime to the soil. It is also important to ensure good drainage in the pot or flower bed. Because the culture does not tolerate stagnation of water.

Broom does not get sick often, but it can be affected by pests and some ailments. In the event of the appearance of moth moths, treatment is carried out with 0.2% chlorophos. Spraying with bacterial insecticides will help against moths, and powdery mildew– 5% copper sulfate. Sometimes the crop is also affected by black spot. In this case, use 1% copper oxychloride, Fundazol or 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Not yet widespread enough in landscape gardening landscape designs, a plant called “Broom”, confidently and deservedly takes its position in this area. Unpretentious perennial shrubs impress with their fluffy compact or, conversely, spreading cascading crown, densely covered with fragrant flowers. Abundant and long flowering broom arouses real admiration among others.

This ornamental culture attracts not only its spectacular appearance, but also its ease of cultivation. How to plant broom correctly and provide proper care for the plant is described in detail in this article. And for those who nevertheless decided to grow an exotic crop on their plot, a varietal description of the plant and detailed video lesson

Broom, plant description

  • Broom is a member of the legume family, there are about 50 species. Most often, these are quite tall (up to 3 meters) deciduous shrubs, less often – small fragile trees.

  • The birthplace of broom is considered middle lane Europe. The habitat has also spread to Western Asia and North Africa.
  • Shrubs attract attention with their decorative appearance, forming a dense green or bluish-pubescent crown.
  • The leaves of broom are trifoliate, alternately arranged and have very small stipules. Some species have spines on the stem.
  • The main decoration of the plant are the flowers: white, yellow or pink. The inflorescences are a raceme or head, elongated, up to 2-3 cm in size, reminiscent of pea flowers. Butterfly flowers have a tubular, two-lipped calyx with a sail, wings and a boat. This unusual structure of the flower allows the stamens to shed pollen as soon as the bee lands on the flower. The flowering period occurs in the second half of spring until July. The broom blooms for the first time after 3 years of age.

  • The fruits of broom are cracking elongated beans; The seeds are small, flat, kidney-shaped.

  • A honey plant, broom, loves open and sunny areas.
  • An otherwise unpretentious crop, broom is found in ravines, forest edges and even on rocky slopes. This decorative adaptability allows it to be planted in similar, non-standard and unacceptable places for other plants.
  • The species diversity of the shrub is represented mainly by wild species. About 15 species of broom are grown in cultivation. A plant that is not widespread enough in the cultural landscape, deserves more attention from gardeners due to its original appearance and ease of care.
  • There are also poisonous broom varieties.

Types of broom

All types of broom in the middle climatic zone are characterized by an early and long vegetative period, when the first leaves appear in May and this attractive and decorative appearance persists until frost.

Let's look at the most popular types of broom.

Crown broom (Cytisus scoparius)

This is a deciduous tall shrub, densely planted with yellow flowers. Coronal broom can grow up to 3 meters in height. Green leaves fall early enough in preparation for the winter cold. Frost-resistant (withstands down to -20 ° C) and widely cultivated species.

This one is planted ornamental shrub both in large rock gardens and individually. When planted, it goes well with evergreen conifers.

Has a lot decorative varieties, characterized by bright red and even two-colored inflorescences.

Kyus broom (Cytisus kewensis)

A dwarf spreading species, reaching a height of about 0.3-0.5 m, and a width of up to 2 m. Numerous shoots of Kyus broom spread almost along the surface of the earth. The flowers are large, creamy, and warm in color.

This species is an excellent option for decorating small rocky gardens or rock gardens.

Protuberant broom (Cytisus emeriflorus)

This species also has other names - edge-flowered or floating-flowered, associated with the structural features of the flower. Large, yellow corollas are planted on long stalks, which creates the impression of inflorescences floating under the leaf or protruding forward.

Cold-resistant species, grows no more than 0.6 m in height.

Early broom (Cytisus praecox)

An unpretentious, medium-height (1-1.5 m) shrub, distinguished by a thick, dense crown formed by spreading and arched shoots. The plant acquires a light green color due to its narrow, elongated leaves.

Broom blooms in May, with abundant fiery yellow flowers with a sharp, specific aroma.

Frost-resistant species, widely used in landscaping and strengthening sandy slopes. Looks great in group border plantings.

The most famous variety is “Allgold”, which blooms very early, even before the leaves bloom. Also popular is the broom variety “Zealandia”, characterized by abundant and very beautiful soft pink flowering.

Crowded broom (Cytisus aggregatus)

A dwarf species, growing in height no more than half a meter. The diameter of the bush is almost twice its height.

Flowering occurs on summer period and continues until autumn. The inflorescences are deep yellow.

Light-loving, rapidly growing (blooms from the age of 3), the plant looks harmonious in garden and park plant compositions.

Creeping broom (Cytisus decumbens)

A popular low-growing (0.2 m) shrub with a spreading and slightly pubescent crown.

Abundant flowering has made this species the leader among all representatives of the broom family. Yellow shades, the flowers densely cover the entire bush, which gives the plant an unusually spectacular appearance.

Cold-hardy, planted both in groups and individually.

Russian broom (Cytisus ruthenicus)

Resistant to climatic conditions Russia, this type grows no more than 2 m in height. Branches, grayish in color, straight or arched, slightly pubescent. The inflorescence is mixed: racemose-spike-shaped with a small number of yellow flowers. The plant blooms in May for almost the whole month.

Broom grows on slopes or along roads and is poisonous.

Broom propagation

The shrub propagates by seed and vegetative methods (cuttings, layering).


This method is used for species of broom.

  • Ripe seeds, collected at the end of summer, are sown in containers and placed in a shaded place. The soil mixture for seeds should be light, for example, sand and peat. Seed the seeds shallowly, up to 5 mm, ensuring their subsequent constant moistening and ventilation.
  • Supporting temperature regime about 20°C, the seeds sprout vigorously in the spring.
  • Then the seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate pots with a special soil mixture(turf soil: humus: sand in a ratio of 2:1:1/2). In the spring, after replanting and successful rooting, it is necessary to pinch the central shoot, thus ensuring subsequent branching of the broom. In just 3-4 years, the bush will delight you with its first flowers.
  • If seeds are sown directly in open ground in the spring, they are first hardened, ensuring higher germination. Stratification is carried out for two months before sowing.


The method is often used for hybrid broom species.

  • Cuttings.

In the summer, after the broom has finished flowering, they begin preparing cuttings for propagating the shrub. To do this, not too young shoots with 3-4 leaf nodes are cut.

The cuttings are planted in separate containers and covered glass jar for rooting. The care conditions are the same as when germinating seeds. Rooted cuttings are planted in open ground in the spring.

  • By layering.

The lower branches of broom creeping along the ground are rooted by bending them with special brackets and sprinkled with earth. Thus, providing the layering with constant sufficient moisture, subsequently, full-fledged seedlings are formed.

Rooted cuttings are separated from the mother bush and planted separately.

Planting broom

When planting broom, seedlings or seeds, choose an open, warm and windless place. Planting is best done in spring (April to May).

It is preferable to choose light, sandy soil with neutral or low acidity.

The only limitation is that you should not plant the plant near water bodies, due to the fact that the toxic substances contained in broom can have a detrimental effect on the living fauna of the pond.

Features of planting broom

  • The plant should be planted in a pre-prepared soil mixture of soil, sand and humus in an approximate ratio of 1:2:1.
  • If the soil composition is poor and poor, it is better to additionally add mineral fertilizers.
  • When planting seedlings, it is important to maintain a distance of at least 30 cm between plants.
  • You can buy seedlings for planting broom at any specialized point of sale. It is better to choose a grown plant with a closed root system.

Agricultural planting technology

  • Place the seedling in a prepared hole with soil mixture so that its root collar is at ground level.
  • Optimal conditions for development young plant There will also be a pre-prepared drainage layer. Moreover, its thickness is landing pit will depend on the quality of the soil (from 10 to 20 cm). The heavier and denser the soil, the larger the drainage layer. Used as drainage broken brick or pebbles.
  • After filling and compacting the soil after planting, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly.
  • By mulching the soil around the seedling, it will be possible to better retain moisture, aerate the soil and prevent the growth of weeds.

Broom care

Broom does not require special care or constant attention; it is enough to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology and the plant will feel comfortable in the garden.


  • Broom is a fairly drought-resistant plant, so it is better to water it abundantly, but not frequently, to prevent stagnation of moisture.
  • And under conditions of systematic precipitation, additional moisture is not required at all.


  • Loosening the soil around the bush and removing weeds - necessary measure for plant care.
  • Loosening should not be done too deep, up to 10 cm, so as not to damage root system broom
  • The optimal replacement for loosening can be mulching the soil with peat about 5 cm.

Top dressing

  • Fertilizer application is an important agrotechnical technique that improves plant growth and development.
  • Experts recommend carrying out several feedings during the period of active vegetative growth.
  • In the spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea) are applied, in the summer - potassium and phosphorus mixtures. The dosage of fertilizing is calculated according to the instructions.
  • If additional stimulation of broom growth is necessary, wood ash is also added.


  • The broom does not require any special shaping or pruning.
  • But, after flowering, in order to form even more young shoots with buds, its branches are pruned to strong lignified lateral branches.

Preparing for winter

  • To avoid freezing of young (up to 3 years old) shrubs, it is better to additionally cover them before the onset of cold weather.
  • If the bush is low, it is enough to cover it with spruce branches. In the case of taller broom, the branches are pressed to the ground with special brackets and covered with leaves or the same spruce branches.
  • Adult plants, as a rule, are quite winter-hardy and do not need such a procedure.

Growing in a container

  • Some heat-loving broom varieties are also grown as indoor plant. Then, in warm weather, the pots are exposed to fresh air, and in winter they are brought indoors.

Pest and disease control

  • Broom is a fairly disease-resistant crop.
  • In case of powdery mildew, use 5% copper sulfate, which is used to treat the plant when the buds have not yet opened. If signs of the disease continue to appear, spraying with foundationazole or colloidal sulfur helps in the summer. In case of broom disease with black spot, similar measures are carried out.
  • When attacked by pests, use appropriate insecticides. Thus, the pest moth that appears on the leaves is easily exterminated with a 0.2% chlorophos solution. And the moth is “afraid” of bacterial and organophosphate insecticides.

Application of broom

  • The most common use of broom bushes is to design park and garden areas and various landscapes. The attractive decorative appearance of the plant could not help but interest landscape designers. Both single and group plantings of broom are practiced. For a long time flowering shrub with an unusually beautiful crown, looks impressive against the background of conifers or cereal plants. Contrast color range advantageously emphasizes the diversity of planted ornamental crops.

  • In the pharmaceutical industry, poisonous alkaloids contained in broom are used.
  • Blooming in early spring, broom varieties are excellent for cutting.

  • Broom is an excellent honey plant.
  • Broom is used in the chemical industry to produce yellow dye and dye natural wool.
  • Durable wood from bush branches is used to make small crafts.
  • In the cosmetics industry, perfumes made from fragrant varieties of broom are used.

Thus, with so many advantages and favorable qualities, broom can easily be grown on your own plot. Love for species diversity flora will serve as an additional incentive to grow broom. And the spectacular decorative appearance of the plant and ease of care will help you quickly realize your plans.

Broom, photo gallery

Video: “Broom. Features of broom. Broom care"

It may come as a surprise to many that broom bush arnica has nothing in common with the very thing sung in the songs. These are completely different botanical families and their features are different. You can read about this unusual plant, which is called broom bush, in this article.

Genus broom

This genus includes one that is familiar to everyone from childhood, growing quite actively and blooming densely. From its tender pods, many made whistles that sounded good and loud.

About 60 species of the broom genus are known. The broom bush is quite popular among gardeners. Its distribution, besides Russia, has been noted in Africa, Europe and Asia.

There are certain differences between ordinary acacia and broom. Related to other acacias only in a common family (legumes), the leaves are several pairs of small leaves. And broom often has trifoliate leaves, arranged on the stem in a regular order.

The moth-shaped flowers of broom, tightly adjacent to the branches during the flowering period, almost hide its small leaves from view. Moreover, the flowers attract the attention of insects well, but the sharp thorns located on the branches do not allow enemies to approach the bushes.

In Italy, broom is called Coal Miners' Broom because it often grows near coal mines. Next, we will describe the broom bush in a little more detail.


Broom is a genus deciduous shrubs, less often small trees from the legume family. For the most part they are deciduous, semi- or evergreens, some with small spines.

Brooms are excellent honey plants, but many varieties are poisonous. The height of the plant varies greatly depending on the growth conditions and species: the largest reach 4-5 meters, the medium ones - 2 meters, the shortest grow up to 0.5 meters. There is also this species, whose growth reaches approximately 20 cm.

The broom bush has small leaves on flexible thin branches. They are trifoliate or single in shape. Some of them begin to bloom in the spring (early or late), while others begin to bloom in the summer.

Broom flowers, similar in shape to peas, are beautiful, collected in axillary racemes: a large upper petal like a sail, two narrow elongated side petals like wings and two lower small petals fused into a shuttle. They decorate the broom for a month. Their color is very diverse, depending on the species and hybrid: yellow, white, pink, purple, red. Two-color varieties are also found in nature.

And the smell is different different types flowers: pleasant, sharp, thin. Flowering at the most favorable conditions broom growth is so abundant that its flowers completely hide the branches of the bush.

The most common varieties

In nature, the broom bush has several varieties. Classification by type:

  1. The broom has green glossy branches, which are covered with numerous yellow flowers in May-June.
  2. Russian broom is a fairly popular ornamental shrub, growing up to 2 meters in height with an abundance of yellow butterfly flowers.
  3. Spanish gorse, or Spanish broom, is a lush shrub, covered all summer with racemes of very fragrant yellow flowers.

Other species: hybrids

The broom bush also comes, as noted above, with flowers of other unexpected colors for this plant. All of them are broom hybrids.

Below we will briefly introduce some of them.

  1. Early broom has slightly curved, drooping branches. It is one of the first to bloom in spring with yellow, bright, fragrant flowers. There are varieties of this species with other flower colors.
  2. Oblong broom is a medium-sized shrub (1.5 m), blooming in June with golden-yellow flowers.
  3. White broom - small white flowers in spring.
  4. The emery broom bush is not tall in size (about 70 cm) and begins to bloom in May with bright yellow flowers.
  5. Purple broom is a prostrate shrub with purple flowers and grows up to 30 cm. It usually blooms in May-June.
  6. Regensburg is one of the most small species(up to 30 cm), erect. Single flowers, collected in small inflorescences of several pieces, have 2 shades of yellow (dense yellow and pale yellow) with reddish-brown inclusions.
  7. Moroccan is the tallest (up to 5 meters), it has large leaves and dense inflorescences yellow with an aroma reminiscent of pineapple.
  8. Creeping broom is the smallest (up to 10 cm) with golden-yellow flowers and pubescent leaves.

A little about the features of growing broom

The broom bush is unpretentious. It tolerates both high and high temperatures equally well. low temperatures, but still prefers to grow in brighter, sunny places.

Brooms, depending on the species, can grow in both calcareous and acidic soil. Even sandy, infertile soil is suitable for shrubs, but it is loose and has good drainage. In the case of growing bushes in flower pots, requires regular watering. And the plant growing in open ground is drought-resistant and requires virtually no watering. Potted crops should be fed with organic matter once every two months, and feeding should be combined with regular watering.

In general, broom bushes look great, especially during the flowering period in any city park areas and on personal plots. They are a wonderful, colorful addition to any landscape design.

There are varieties of broom that are grown as ornamental plants.

Planting and caring for this plant is quite simple. Magnificent broom brushes can decorate the garden and delight the eye even in inclement weather.

Broom belongs to the legume family. There are about fifty species of it. It is a small tree, similar to a shrub. Its shoots are used in making brooms. Evergreen broom is an excellent honey plant.

Often, broom seedlings are planted with the onset of spring. It is also planted with seeds. In addition, broom can be propagated using cuttings, for which the cut cuttings must be planted in separate pots, where they will grow until the beginning of spring.

Selecting a location

Brooms grow well in sunny and sheltered locations in well-drained and light, sandy loam and slightly acidic (neutral sandy) soil. They are sensitive to lime.

Brooms are planted both in groups and individually. They cannot be planted near bodies of water where fish live, as they contain toxic substances: the alkaloid cytisine, pectin, enzyme, etc.

Do you want to decorate your garden with viburnum? Find out how to do this.

Find out how to grow annual dahlias by following the link.

Soil preparation

To plant broom you need special soil, which can be obtained by combining one part of turf soil, two parts of sand and one part of humus.

It is necessary to add additional mineral fertilizer to the prepared soil.

Features of landing and landing time

When planting broom (not by seed), you should maintain a distance between plants of 30 - 50 cm. The root collar of the plant should be located at ground level. Drainage is a must.

For heavy soils, it is necessary to place river pebbles or broken bricks in one layer of up to twenty centimeters at the bottom of the pit. If the soil is sandy, the drainage layer can be reduced to ten centimeters.

Broom propagation

Broom propagation occurs in three ways: green cuttings, seeds and layering.

Seed method

Propagation by seeds occurs as follows.

First, the seeds need to be collected from ripened beans in August-September. Next, they are sown in bowls (containers) with sand or a one-to-one mixture of peat and sand to a set depth of 5-6 mm. Immediately after planting the seeds in the container, it is placed in a shaded place, where the temperature should be maintained within 19-21 degrees Celsius.

Sowing seeds for broom seed propagation is carried out in August-September

Containers with seeds need to be regularly sprayed and ventilated.

The seedlings are planted one at a time into 7-centimeter pots, where the soil will consist of a mixture of two parts turf soil, one part humus and one part sand.

With the onset of spring, grown broom plants should be transplanted into 11-centimeter pots and pinched after transplantation for branching purposes. In the third year after transplantation, the plants that were transplanted from pots into open ground will bloom and reach a height of 30-55 cm.


Preparation of cuttings occurs by cutting semi-lignified shoots with two or three leaves present, while large leaves need to be shortened.

Rooting of cuttings occurs in the summer in a mixture of sand and peat. For this purpose, they are covered with a glass cap, while maintaining a temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius.

Plants should be regularly sprayed and ventilated.

After the cuttings have rooted within one to one and a half months, they should be planted in 8-9 cm pots. Next, the plants are cared for in a manner similar to two-year-old seedlings.

Layering should be done from an adult broom plant. For this purpose, its lower branches are pinched, which should be sprinkled with soil mixture.

Broom care

After planting the plant, it should be watered abundantly in the spring and summer as the top soil layer dries.

In the autumn-winter period, on the contrary, watering should be careful and moderate. This is to prevent soil acidification.

Watering should be done with water that contains lime.

Top dressing

Broom is fed with nitrogen fertilizer in the spring. In the summer it is fed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Broom practically does not need pruning; it is only necessary to trim the branches after flowering


After the plant blooms, its branches are pruned. When pruning, it is very important not to touch the woody part of the plant.

Preparing for winter

With the arrival of winter, it is recommended to cover young broom plants with any covering material.

To make it more convenient for broom to winter, its branches should be carefully tied and bent to the ground.

As for adult plants, they do not need this due to sufficient winter hardiness.

Pest and disease control

Broom has few diseases and pests. So, in the fight against broom moth, when it appears on the leaves of a plant, you should spray it with 0.2 percent chlorophos. Treatment of the plant with bacterial or organophosphorus insecticides or a mixture of them will help against moth broom.

For powdery mildew, it is necessary to treat dormant buds with 5 percent copper sulfate. In addition, in the summer, regular treatment with foundationazole and copper-soap liquid, as well as colloidal sulfur, will help, and these drugs should be used alternately.

For black spot disease, dormant buds should be treated with copper or iron sulfate. Also in the summer it is recommended to spray with foundationazole and polycarbacin, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture and captan.

Perennials for your garden - .

If you are a fan coniferous plants on your site, to you.


In the Russian climate, one of the most resistant varieties The Russian broom variety should be included. This shrub has yellow flowers and reaches a height of two meters.

Emeritus broom is a low shrub that is distinguished by its juicy bright yellow color. Its flowering occurs in May and early June.

Clumped broom with sessile broom and black broom are low shrubs up to half a meter. Their flowering is not too abundant, but very friendly.

Podolsky broom and Blotsky broom have the ability to form shoots underground. They begin to bloom in June.

Also known to amateur gardeners are broom varieties such as crown broom, which has a flattened bean with two or more seeds, and Kyus broom, which belongs to dwarf plants only 0.3 m high, protruding broom, intended for rock gardens with trifoliate leaves and large bright yellow flowers, as well as a number of other varieties.

You will see these varieties in the photo: