SFU admissions committee. North-Eastern Federal University named after. M.K. Ammosova. Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for Eastern Federal University

Schedule entrance examinations for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs at NEFU

  1. Conducting entrance tests for bachelor's and specialty programs is carried out during the period from July 11, 2016.
  2. The results of the entrance test are announced on the official website receive. svfu. ru and at the information stand located in the building technical faculties NEFU at: Yakutsk, Kulakovskogo st., 50:

a) when conducting an oral entrance test - on the day of its conduct;

b) when conducting a written entrance test - no later than the third working day after the entrance test.

Buildings used for admissions tests conducted by the university independently:

KFEN - Yakutsk, st. Kulakovskogo, 48, Faculty Building natural sciences;

KTF - Yakutsk, st. Kulakovskogo, 50, Building of Technical Faculties;

GUK - Yakutsk, st. Kulakovskogo, 42, Main Academic Building;

ULK - Yakutsk, st. Belinsky, 58, Educational and laboratory building;

KGF - Yakutsk, Lenin Ave., 1, Humanities Faculty Building;

MI - Yakutsk, st. Oyunskogo, 27, Medical Institute;

PI – Yakutsk, Lenin Ave. 2, Pedagogical Institute;

s/k "Yunost" - Yakutsk, st. Kirova, 20/1, sports complex "Modun";


Item Date, time, place of exam
Russian language 07/11/16, 10 a.m., GUK: reading room ; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 Room 113 07/12/16, 10:00 h; 07/13/16, 09:00 h., State University of Culture and Culture

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 Room 113

Mathematics 07/13/16, 14:00 h., GUK: reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 Room 113 07/14/16, 10:00 a.m., GUK

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 Room 113

Physics 07/16/16, 10:00 a.m., GUK

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 Room 113

07/18/16, 10:00 a.m., GUK

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 room 113

Social science 07/15/16, 10:00 a.m., GUK

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 room 113

07/16/16, 10:00 a.m., GUK

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 room 113

Biology 07/14/16, 14:00 h., State University of Culture

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 room 113

07/18/16, 09:00 a.m., GUK

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 room 113

Chemistry 07/15/16, 10:00 a.m., GUK

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 room 113

07/16/16, 13:00 h., State University of Culture

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 room 113

Story 07/13/16, 10:00 a.m., GUK

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 room 113

07/14/16, 10:00 a.m., GUK

reading room; 241; 424 , 408, 402 , 406, 139 room 113

Computer Science and ICT 07/15/16, 10:00 a.m., 322, 324, 317 room. GUK 07/16/16, 10:00 a.m., 322, 324, 317 room. GUK
Literature 07/13/16, 10 a.m., room 113, GUK 07/15/16, 10 a.m., room 113, GUK
Geography 07/15/16, 14:00, room 508, KTF 07/16/16, 14:00, room 521, KTF
English language 07/20/16, 10:00 a.m., room 802, ULK 07/21/16, 10:00 a.m., room 802, ULK
German 07/20/16, 10:00 a.m., room 708, ULK 07/21/16, 10:00 a.m., room 708, ULK
French 07/20/16, 10:00 a.m., room 711, ULK 07/21/16, 10:00 a.m., room 711, ULK
Reserve day 23.07.16
Technical Institute (branch) in Neryungri
1st period (full-time)
Foreign language 07/14/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 306 AUK 07/21/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 311 AUK
Social science 07/15/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 306 AUK 07/19/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 306 AUK
Computer Science and ICT 07/15/2016, 13-00 h., room. 311 AUK 07/19/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 311 AUK
Russian language 07/14/2016, 15-00 h., room. 306 AUK 07/22/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 306 AUK
Literature 07/14/2016, 13-00 h., room. 306 AUK 07/20/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 311 AUK
Physics 07/15/2016, 15-00 h., room. 306 AUK 07/20/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 306 AUK
Mathematics 07/13/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 306 AUK 07/21/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 306 AUK
Reserve day 07/23/2016, 10-00 a.m., room. 306 AUK
2nd period (correspondence form)
Mathematics 09/20/2016, 17-00 h., room. 309 AUK 09.22.2016, 15-00 h., room. 309 AUK
Russian language 09.20.2016, 15-00 h., room. 309 AUK 09/23/2016, 15-00 h., room. 306 AUK
Physics 09/21/2016, 15-00 h., room. 309 AUK 09/23/2016, 18-00 h., room. 309 AUK
Foreign language 09/21/2016, 17-00 h., room. 309 AUK 09.22.2016, 18-00 h., room. 306 AUK
Reserve day 09/26/2016, 15-00 h., room. 309 AUK
Polytechnic Institute (branch) in Mirny
1st period (full-time/correspondence forms)
Russian language 07/16/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 403, ULK MPTI 07.17.16, 9:00 a.m., room. 403, ULK MPTI
Mathematics 07/12/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 428, ULK MPTI 07/13/16, 09.00 a.m., room. 428, ULK MPTI
Physics 07.20.16, 10:00 a.m., room. 328, ULK MPTI 07/22/16, 09.00 a.m., room. 328, ULK MPTI
Informatics 07/14/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 428, ULK MPTI 07/15/16, 09.00 a.m., room. 428, ULK MPTI
English language 07/14/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 403, ULK MPTI 07/15/16, 9.00 a.m., room. 428, ULK MPTI
Story 07/11/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 429, ULK MPTI 07/12/16, 9:00 a.m., room. 429, ULK MPTI
Literature 07/18/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 403, ULK MPTI 07.20.16, 9:00 a.m., room. 403, ULK MPTI
Social science 07/13/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 429, ULK MPTI (f) NEFU 07/14/16, 9:00 a.m., room. 429, ULK MPTI
Reserve day 07/23/16 07/23/16
2nd period (correspondence form)
Russian language 09/21/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 403, ULK MPTI 09/22/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 403, ULK MPTI
Mathematics 09/17/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 428, ULK MPTI 09.19.16, 10:00 a.m., room. 428, ULK MPTI
Physics 09.16.16, 10:00 a.m., room. 328, ULK MPTI 09.18.16, 10:00 a.m., room. 328, ULK MPTI
English language 09.23.16, 10:00 a.m., room. 403, ULK MPTI 09/24/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 403, ULK MPTI
Story 09.18.16, 10:00 a.m., room. 429, ULK MPTI 09/20/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 429, ULK MPTI
Social science 09.22.16, 10:00 a.m., room. 429, ULK MPTI 09.23.16, 10:00 a.m., room. 429, ULK MPTI
Reserve day 09/25/16 09/25/16
Chukotka branch in Anadyr
Mathematics 07/11/16, 10:00-13:00, 3-215 Black Sea Fleet
Russian language 07/14/16, 10:00-13:00, 3-215 Black Sea Fleet
Physics 07/18/16, 10:00-13:00, 3-215 Black Sea Fleet
Informatics 07/20/16, 10:00-13:00, 3-215 Black Sea Fleet
Reserve day 07/22/16, 10:00-13:00, 3-215 Black Sea Fleet


UchP NPC code NPC Date, time, place of consultation Date, time, place of exam
ITI 07.03.01 Architecture Professional test - 90 07/16/16,

room 201, KTF

07.17.16, 18.07. 16,

10:00 a.m., room 201,

ITI 07.03.01 Architecture Creative Challenge (Drawing) – 90 07/19/16,

room 201, KTF


09:00 a.m., room. 201, 203, 204, 207, 210, KTF


10:00 a.m., room 201,

Creative Challenge (Composition) – 90 07/21/16,

room 201, KTF


09:00 a.m., room. 201, 203, 204, 207, 210, KTF


10:00 a.m., room 201,

IFKIS 44.03.05 15.07.16 16.07.16-23.07.16

p/b Dolgun

Art. Youth


Art. Youth

IFKIS 49.03.01 Professional test - 70 15.07.16 16.07.16-23.07.16

p/b Dolgun

Art. Youth


Art. Youth

IFKIS 49.03.01 Professional test - 70 15.07.16 16.07.16-23.07.16

p/b Dolgun

Art. Youth


Art. Youth

IFKIS 49.03.01 Professional test - 70 15.07.16 16.07.16-23.07.16

p/b Dolgun

Art. Youth


Art. Youth

IFKIS 49.03.01 Professional test - 70 15.07.16 16.07.16-23.07.16

p/b Dolgun

Art. Youth


Art. Youth

IFKIS 49.03.02 Professional test - 70 15.07.16 16.07.16-23.07.16

p/b Dolgun

Art. Youth


Art. Youth

IUCN 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) ( Native language(Yakut) and literature and Foreign language (English)) 07/18/16,

09:00 a.m., room. 247, GUK


09:00 a.m., room. 247, GUK


09:00 a.m., room. 247, GUK

IUCN 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Native language (Yakut) and literature and foreign language(Chinese)) Professional test - 34
IUCN 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Native language (Yakut) and literature and World fiction) Professional test - 34
IUCN 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Native language and literature of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East and primary education) Professional test - 34 07/18/16,

09:00 a.m., room. 220, GUK


09:00 a.m., room. 220, GUK


09:00 a.m., room. 220, GUK

IUCN 45.03.01 Philology (Domestic philology (Even, Evenki, Yukagir, Chukchi, Dolgan languages ​​and literature)) Professional test - 34
IUCN 45.03.01 Philology (Domestic philology (Yakut language and literature)) Professional test - 34 07/18/16,

09:00 a.m., room. 247, GUK


09:00 a.m., room. 247, GUK


09:00 a.m., room. 247, GUK

IUCN 45.03.01 Philology (Applied philology (Yakut language) Professional test - 34
IUCN 45.03.01 Philology (Applied philology (Yakut language (translation))) Professional test - 34
IUCN 51.03.02 Creative exam - 85 07.20.16,

09:00 a.m., room. 241,


09:00 a.m., room. 241,


09:00 a.m., room. 241,

IUCN 52.05.04 Literary creativity Professional test - 34 07/14/16,

09:00 a.m., room. 247, GUK


09:00 a.m., room. 247, GUK


09:00 a.m., room. 247, GUK

MI 31.05.01 General Medicine schoolchildren 17.07.2016, 18.07.2016,
based on prof. education 16.07.2016, 19.07.2016, 20.07.2016

09.00 h., Assembly hall NEFU clinics

MI 31.05.02 Pediatrics


based on prof. education 20.07.2016,

15.00 h., Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic


09.00 h., Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic

FLF 42.03.02 Journalism Creative Challenge - 90 07/20/2016,

10:00 a.m., room. 325, GUK

07/21/20 16,

10:00 a.m., room. 325, GUK


10:00 a.m., room. 325, GUK

FLF 42.03.02 Journalism Interview – 30 07/21/2016,

14:00 h., room. 325, GUK


10:00 a.m., room. 325, GUK


10:00 a.m., room. 325, GUK

Physicotechnical Institute 29.03.04 Technology artistic treatment materials (processing technologies precious stones and metals)

Creative Challenge - 70

schoolchildren 07/14/16, 14:00 h., room 804, KTF 07/15/16, 09:00 h.

room 804, KTF

07/19/16, 10:00 a.m.

room 821, KTF

based on vocational education 07.20.16, 14:00 h., room 821, KTF 07/21/16, 09:00 h.

room 821, KTF

07.22.16, 10:00 a.m.

room 821, KTF


UchP NPC code NPC Name of the entrance test Date, time, place of consultation Date, time, place of exam Date, time, place of reserve day
ADF 08.03.01 Construction (Roads) 07/11/16,

10:00 a.m., room 418, KTF

09:00 h.,

room 418, KTF

09:00 h.,

room 418, KTF

ADF 08.05.02 Construction, operation, restoration and technical cover highways, bridges and tunnels Profile-oriented interview – 80 07/11/16,

10:00 a.m., room 418, KTF

09:00 h.,

room 418, KTF

09:00 h.,

room 418, KTF

ADF 23.03.02 Ground transport and technological complexes Profile-oriented interview – 80 12.07.16

room 420, KTF


room 420, KTF


room 420, KTF

ADF 23.03.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes (Automotive service, Automobiles and automotive industry)

Profile-oriented interview – 80


room 424, KTF


room 424, KTF


room 424, KTF

ADF 44.03.04 Vocational training(by industry) (Transport) Profile-oriented interview – 80 12.07.16

room 425, KTF


room 425, KTF


room 425, KTF

ADF 23.03.01 Technology of transport processes (Transport logistics) Profile-oriented interview – 80 12.07.16

room 417, KTF


room 417, KTF


room 417, KTF

GI 20.03.01 Life safety (interview) – 60 07/12/16, 09:00 a.m., room 501, KTF 07/13/16,

room 501, KTF


room 501, KTF

GI 20.03.01 Technosphere safety (Fire safety, Emergency protection, Security technological processes and production) Fire safety (interview) – 60 07/14/16, 11:00 a.m., room 501, KTF 07/15/16,

room 501, KTF


room 501, KTF

GI 21.05.04 Fundamentals of Mining (Interview) – 60 07/13/16, 10:00 a.m., room 518, KTF 07/14/16,

room 518, KTF


room 518, KTF

GI 21.05.04 Mining (Underground mining of ore deposits; Mine and underground construction; Open pit mining; Mining machinery and equipment) Minerals of Yakutia (interview) - 60 07/15/16, 14:00, room 518, KTF 07/18/16,

room 518, KTF


room 518, KTF

JPY 04.05.01 Interview on fundamental chemistry – 40 07/12/16, 14:00, room 508, KTF 07/13/16,

09:00 a.m., room 508, KTF


09:00 a.m., room 508, KTF

JPY 04.05.01 Fundamental and applied chemistry Applied Chemistry Interview – 38 07/11/16, 10:00 a.m., room 508, KTF 07/12/16,

09:00 a.m., room 508, KTF


14:00, room 508, KTF

JPY 05.03.02 Geography 07/13/16, 14:00, room 518, KTF 07/14/16,

09:00 a.m., room 518, KTF


14:00, room 518, KTF

JPY 05.03.02 Geography Interview on the geography of Yakutia - 38 07/14/1616, 14:00, room 518, KTF 07/15/16,

09:00 a.m., room 518, KTF


09:00 a.m., room 508, KTF

JPY 05.03.04 Hydrometeorology Interview on basic geography - 45 11.7.16,

10:00 a.m., room 518, KTF


09:00 a.m., room 518, KTF


14:00, room 521, KTF

JPY 05.03.04 Hydrometeorology Interview on hydrometeorology – 38 07/12/16,

14:00, room 518, KTF


09:00 a.m., room 518, KTF


14:00, room 508, KTF

JPY 05.03.06 Interview on general ecology – 45 07/11/16,

10:00 a.m., room 521, KTF


10:00 a.m., room 521, KTF


10:00 a.m., room 521, KTF

JPY 05.03.06 Ecology and environmental management Interview on the ecology of Yakutia - 35 07/14/16,

10:00 a.m., room 521, KTF


10:00 a.m., room 521, KTF


10:00 a.m., room 521, KTF

IP 37.03.01 Psychology
IP 37.03.01 Psychology
IP 37.03.01 Psychology Interview on the topic “Current problems of psychology” – 80 07/15/16, 10:00 a.m., room 404, GUK 07/16/16, 10:00 a.m., room 421, GUK 07/18/16, 10:00 a.m., room 404, State University of Culture
IP 37.05.01 Clinical Psychology Interview for general psychology — 80 07/11/16, 10:00 a.m., room 404, State University of Culture 07/12/16, 10:00 a.m., room 404, GUK 07/13/16, 10:00 a.m., room 404, State University of Culture
IP 37.05.01 Clinical Psychology Interview on developmental psychology – 80 07/13/16, 10:00 a.m., room 421, GUK 07/14/16, 10:00 a.m., room 404, State University of Culture 07/16/16, 10:00 a.m., room 404, GUK
IP 37.05.01 Clinical Psychology Interview on the topic “Current problems of clinical psychology” – 80 07/12/16, 10:00 a.m., room 421, GUK 07/13/16, 10:00 a.m., room 421, GUK 07/14/16, 10:00 a.m., room 421, State University of Culture
IP 39.03.02 Psychology interview – 80 07/19/16, 10:00 a.m., room 435, GUK 07/21/16, 10:00 a.m., room 435, State University of Culture
IP 39.03.02 Social work (Psychosocial work with the population) Fundamentals of Law (testing) – 80 07/13/16, 10:00 a.m., room 435, GUK 07/14/16, 10:00 a.m., room 435, State University of Culture
IP 39.03.02 Social work (Psychosocial work with the population) 07/15/16, 10:00 a.m., room 435, GUK 07/16/16, 10:00 a.m., room 435, State University of Culture 07/18/16, 10:00 a.m., room 435, GUK
IP 44.05.01 Psychology interview – 80 07/14/16, 10:00 a.m., room 419, GUK
IP 44.05.01 Pedagogy and psychology deviant behavior(Psychological and pedagogical prevention of deviant behavior) Interview on pedagogy – 80 07/11/16, 10:00 a.m., room 419, GUK 07/12/16, 10:00 a.m., room 419, GUK 07/13/16, 10:00 a.m., room 419, GUK
IP 44.05.01 Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior (Psychological and pedagogical prevention of deviant behavior) Aptitude interview – 80 07/19/16, 10:00 a.m., room 419, GUK 07.20.16, 10:00 a.m., room 419, State University of Culture 07/21/16, 10:00 a.m., room 419, State University of Culture
ITI 08.03.01 Construction 07/15/16,

room 201, KTF


09:00 a.m., room. 201, 203, 204, 207, 210, KTF


10:00 a.m., room 201,

ITI 08.03.01 Construction (Water supply and sanitation) Profile-oriented interview – 60 07/18/16,

room 201, KTF


09:00 a.m., room. 201, 203, 204, 207, 210, KTF


10:00 a.m., room 201,

ITI 08.03.01 Construction (Urban construction) Profile-oriented interview – 60
ITI 08.03.01 Construction (Design of buildings and structures) Profile-oriented interview – 60
ITI 08.03.01 Construction (Production and application building materials, products and structures) Profile-oriented interview – 60
ITI 08.03.01 Construction (Industrial and civil engineering) Profile-oriented interview – 60
ITI 08.03.01 Construction (Heat and gas supply and ventilation) Profile-oriented interview – 60
ITI 08.03.01 Construction (Expertise and property management) Profile-oriented interview – 60
ITI 21.03.02 Land management and cadastres (Real Estate Cadastre) Profile-oriented interview – 60 07/12/16,

room 201, KTF


15:00 h., room. 201, 203, 204, 207, 210, KTF


10:00 a.m., room 201,

ITI 35.03.02 Technology and equipment for logging and woodworking industries (Woodworking technology) Profile-oriented interview – 60 07/14/16,

10:00 a.m., room 201,


10:00 a.m., room. 201, KTF


10:00 a.m., room 201,

IF 41.03.04 Political science 07/11/16, 10:00 a.m., room. 601, ULK 07/12/16,

10:00 a.m., room. 601, ULK


10:00 a.m., room. 601, ULK

IF 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (History and social studies) Profile-oriented interview - 70 07/15/16, 14:00, room. 522, ULK 07/16/16,

14:00 h., room. 522, ULK


14:00 h., room. 522, ULK

IF 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (History and Law) Profile-oriented interview - 70 07/19/16, 10:00 a.m., room 522, ULK 07.20.16,

10:00 a.m., room. 522, ULK


10:00 a.m., room. 522, ULK

IF 46.03.01 History (History of International Relations) Profile-oriented interview - 70 07/14/16, 14:00 h.,

room 605, ULK


room 605, ULK


room 605, ULK

IF 46.03.01 History (Ethnology and Anthropology) Profile-oriented interview - 70 07/12/16, 10:00 a.m.,

room 605, ULK


room 605, ULK


room 605, ULK

IFKiS 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Life safety and physical education); Physical culture(National sports and folk games); Physical culture (Sports and health tourism); Physical culture (Sports training technologies); Physical culture (Technology of physical culture and mass sports); Physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education) (Adaptive physical education) FC test - 50 07/16/16, 07.17.16,

10:00 a.m., room. 339 GUK


14:00 h., room. 339, GUK

IFKiS 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Life safety and physical education) 07/13/16, 07/14/16,

Ski resort


Ski resort

IFKiS 49.03.01 Physical culture (National sports and folk games) Interview with a profile focus – 50 07/13/16, 07/14/16,

Ski resort


Ski resort

IFKiS 49.03.01 Physical culture (Sports and health tourism) Interview with a profile focus – 50 07/12/16, 07/13/16,

Ski resort


Ski resort

IFKiS 49.03.01 Physical culture (Sports training technologies) Interview with a profile focus – 50 07/13/16, 07/14/16,

Ski resort


Ski resort

IFKiS 49.03.01 Physical culture (Technology of physical culture and mass sports) Interview with a profile focus – 50 07/12/16, 07/13/16,

Ski resort


Ski resort

IFKiS 49.03.02 Physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education) (Adaptive physical education) Interview with a profile focus – 50 07/13/16, 07/14/16,

Ski resort


Ski resort

IUCN Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Native language (Yakut) and literature and Foreign language (English)); Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Native language (Yakut) and literature and foreign language (Chinese)); Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Native language (Yakut) and literature and World fiction); Philology (Domestic philology (Yakut language and literature)); Philology (Applied philology (Yakut language)); Philology (Applied philology (Yakut language (translation))); Folk artistic culture (Management of the ethnocultural center); Literary creativity. Yakut literature (interview) – 44 07/18/16, 15:00, room 247, State University of Culture 07/19/16,

15:00, room 247, GUK


15:00, room 247, GUK

IUCN 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Native language (Yakut) and literature and Foreign language (English)); Yakut language (interview) – 40
IUCN Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Native language (Yakut) and literature and foreign language (Chinese)); Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Native language (Yakut) and literature and World fiction); Philology (Domestic philology (Yakut language and literature)); Philology (Applied philology (Yakut language)); Philology (Applied philology (Yakut language (translation))); Literary creativity. Yakut language (interview) 38 07/14/16, 09:00 a.m., room 245, State University of Culture 07/15/16, 09:00 a.m., room 245, State University of Culture 07/16/16, 09:00 a.m., room 245, State University of Culture
IUCN 44.03.05 Literature MNF (interview) - 44 07/18/16, 15:00, room 220, State University of Culture 07/19/16,

15:00, room 220, State University of Culture and Culture


15:00, room 220, State University of Culture and Culture

IUCN 45.03.01 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Native language and literature of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East and primary education); Philology (Domestic philology (Even, Evenki, Yukagir, Chukchi, Dolgan languages ​​and literature)) Languages ​​of the Ministry of Taxes (interview) – 44 07/14/16, 09:00 a.m., room 220, State University of Culture 07/15/16, 09:00 a.m., room 220, State University of Culture 07/16/16, 09:00 a.m., room 220, State University of Culture
IUCN 51.03.02 Folk artistic culture (Management of the ethnocultural center) Culture of the peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 38 07/14/16, 09:00 a.m., room 241, State University of Culture 07/15/16, 09:00 a.m., room 241, GUK 07/16/16, 09:00 a.m., room 241, State University of Culture
MI 31.05.01 General Medicine

Professional test - 80

schoolchildren 17.07.2016,

15.00 h., Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic


09.00 h., Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic

based on prof. education 16.07.2016,

10.00 a.m., Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic

19.07.2016, 20.07.2016

09.00 h., Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic

MI 31.05.02 Pediatrics


Professional test - 80 schoolchildren 07/16/16, 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic 07/17/2016, 09.00 h. Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic 07.22.16, 09.00 h. Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic
based on prof. education 20.07.2016,

15.00 h., Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic


09.00 h., Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic

07/23/16, 09.00 h. Assembly hall of the NEFU clinic
PI Psychological test – 64 11.07.16

Assembly hall PI


Assembly hall PI


Assembly hall PI

PI Teacher education ( Preschool education); Teacher Education (Primary Education); Teacher Education (Technology); Psychological and pedagogical education (Psychology and pedagogy of vocational education); Psychological and pedagogical education (Psychology and social pedagogy); Psychological and pedagogical education (Psychological and pedagogical support additional education); Special (defectological) education (Speech therapy); Special (defectological) education (Oligophrenopedagogy); Vocational training (by industry) (Informatics and computer technology); Vocational training (by industry) (Economics and Management); Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (Primary education and additional education). Pedagogy test – 64 14.07.16

Assembly hall PI


Assembly hall PI


Assembly hall PI

PI 44.03.01 Teacher Education (Preschool Education) 18.07.16

PI, room 203


PI, room 203


PI, room 203

PI 44.03.01 Pedagogical education (Primary education) ((with two training profiles) (Primary education and further education)) Profile-oriented interview – 64 18.07.16

PI, room 212


PI, room 212


PI, room 212

PI 44.03.01 Teacher Education (Technology) Profile-oriented interview – 64 18.07.16

PI, room 123


PI, room 123


PI, room 123

PI 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education (Psychology and pedagogy of vocational education) Profile-oriented interview – 64 20.07.16

PI, room 227


PI, room 227


PI, room 227

PI 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education (Psychology and social pedagogy) (Psychological and pedagogical support of additional education) Profile-oriented interview – 64 20.07.16

PI, room 217


PI, room 217


PI, room 217

PI 44.03.03 Special (defectological) education (Speech therapy) (Oligophrenopedagogy) Profile-oriented interview – 64 20.07.16

PI, room 223


PI, room 223


PI, room 223

PI 44.03.04 Vocational training (by industry) (Informatics and computer technology) (Economics and management) Profile-oriented interview – 64 20.07.16

PI, room 224


PI, room 224


PI, room 224

PI 44.03.04 Vocational training (by industry) (Economics and management) Profile-oriented interview – 64 20.07.16

PI, room 213


PI, room 213


PI, room 213

TI 09.03.01 Informatics and computer technology (Software for computer technology and automated systems) 07/11/16, 07/12/16,

09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 404


09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 404

TI 11.03.02 Infocommunication technologies and communication systems (communication networks and switching systems) Interview on profile – 80 07/13/16, 07/14/16,

09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 404


09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 404

TI 11.03.02 Infocommunication technologies and communication systems (Multichannel telecommunication systems) Interview on profile – 80 07/13/16,

14:00 h., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 404


09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 404


09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 404

TI 15.03.01 Interview on profile – 80 07/11/16, 07/15/16,

09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 201


09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 201

TI 15.03.01 Mechanical engineering (Welding production equipment and technology) Interview on profile – 80 07/11/16,

09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 201


09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 201


09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 201

TI Professional dictation in Russian - 60 07/18/16, 07/19/16,

09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 202


09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 202

TI Informatics and computer technology (Software for computer equipment and automated systems); Infocommunication technologies and communication systems (Multichannel telecommunication systems); Mechanical engineering (Equipment and technology of welding production). Testing on elements of higher mathematics - 65 07/15/16,

14:00 h., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 404


09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 404


09:00 a.m., st. Stroiteley 8, building No. 1, room 404

IPPE Economy; Management; State and municipal administration Fundamentals of Economics (interview) – 60 points. 12.07.16

10:00, room. 723


10:00, room. 723


10:00, room. 422

IPPE 38.03.01 Economy 14.07.16

14:00, room. 723


10:00, room. 723


10:00, room. 422

IPPE 38.03.02 Management Profile-oriented interview – 60 points. 15.07.16

10:00, room. 809


10:00, room. 809


10:00, room. 422

IPPE 38.03.04 State and municipal administration Profile-oriented interview – 60 points. 15.07.16

10:00, room. 425


10:00, room. 425


10:00, room. 425

YuF 40.03.01 Theory of state and law (interview) – 50 07/11/16,

room 350, GUK


room 350, GUK


room 350, GUK

YuF 40.03.01 Jurisprudence; Jurisprudence (Legal support for law enforcement activities). Criminal law(interview) - 50 07/11/16,

room 350, GUK


room 350, GUK


room 350, GUK

YuF 40.03.01 Jurisprudence; Jurisprudence (Legal support for law enforcement activities). Constitutional law (interview) – 50 07/11/16,

Medical certificate

- Is it necessary to obtain a medical certificate for admission?

Applicants submit to the admissions committee a copy of their passport, educational documents, four photographs, a copy of the vaccination certificate and a medical certificate of health, form 086-u. Additionally, a certificate of disability (if available), diplomas confirming individual achievements at Olympiads and conferences, and other documents are provided.

Upon admission to pedagogical and technical specialties you need a medical certificate form 302N. You can find a list of areas for admission to which you must undergo an additional examination on the website of the NEFU Central Admissions Committee. These rules also apply to applicants to master's programs. Applicants applying to different faculties and institutes of the university can provide copies of a medical certificate.

Applicants under the age of 18 can take Medical examination in clinic No. 5 of the city of Yakutsk under the compulsory health insurance policy or in the clinic of the NEFU Medical Institute.

Admission on the basis of secondary education

I have a high school diploma vocational education. Can I apply without the Unified State Exam, or do I need to take them at the university?

When enrolling in a correspondence course based on a secondary vocational education diploma, the Unified State Examination is not required. Budget places are available, the list of entrance examinations will depend on the correspondence of the specialty of your diploma to the field of study for which you wish to enroll. If you comply, you take the entrance tests established by NEFU; otherwise, you take the same subjects as those entering after school, but in the form of tests.”

Minimum scores

Lists of minimum scores for admission to NEFU are published on the website of the admissions committee. To participate in the competition, you must pass the minimum score threshold in subjects. The total amount will then be taken into account. If an applicant does not achieve the minimum score in the required subject, then he does not have the right to participate in the competition for admission.

Which faculty can I enroll in with Unified State Examination results in mathematics (basic), Russian, English languages, social studies?

Unfortunately, results in basic mathematics are not taken into account. With the rest of the listed subjects, it is possible to apply to several faculties of pedagogical orientation: the Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies, the Institute of Languages ​​and Cultures of the Peoples of the Northeast of the Russian Federation and the Faculty of Philology.”

Entrance tests conducted by the university independently

To enter the Institute of Languages ​​and Cultures of the Peoples of the North-East Russian Federation, NEFU, you need to pass the Unified State Exam in the Yakut language and literature. Do I need to take the exam at the university itself?

The entrance test in Yakut language and literature is being held at NEFU. Acceptance of documents continues until July 10, 2016.”

Tests of creative and professional orientation are carried out for applicants entering the NEFU directions “Journalism”, “Architecture”, “Technology of artistic processing of materials”, “Physical culture”, “Literary creativity”, “Folk artistic creativity", some profiles of the programs "Teacher Education", "Philology". Future doctors also undergo professional tests. Exams are held in the educational buildings of NEFU.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Sat., Sun. from 10:30 to 17:00

NEFU latest reviews

Filippov Evgeniy 16:35 10/02/2016

I advise applicants to think seriously before entering NEFU for non-medical and technical specialties and think about moving to another city.

There are very few really strong teachers, the organization of teaching is ridiculous, the lectures are for fifth graders.

Constant extortions.

The law is not observed everywhere, and people who are just as “tolerant” of arbitrariness are being raised there.

True, not everyone can go somewhere to study, so many students have to study.


Dmitry Rasov 21:03 05/31/2013

North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) was created in 2010 after the reorganization of the Yakutsk state university named after M.K. Ammosov. More than 19 thousand students study at the university in various fields. The most popular areas of study, where the competition is 6-7 people per place, are departments medical institute, Financial and Economic Institute, Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies, as well as the Faculty of Law. Depending on...

General information

Federal State Autonomous educational institution higher education"North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova"

NEFU branches


No. 02411 valid indefinitely from 09/29/2016


No. 02344 is valid from 11/14/2016 to 01/13/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for NEFU

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 5 5 4 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study62.42 62.08 61.61 57.12 58.06
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget65.49 64.77 64.61 58.31 61.03
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis57.11 57.92 56.55 53.02 52.01
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled48.38 47.93 49.37 44.05 38.8
Number of students14337 14346 13113 14680 16536
Full-time department11708 12088 11240 12246 12946
In person correspondence department 254 288 145 120 48
Correspondence department2375 1970 1728 2314 3542
All data