College of Instrument Engineering on Nakhimovsky Prospekt. Moscow Instrument-Making College (division of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov). Informatics and Computer Science


1940, the eve of the great war: specialists in mine weapons are required. The Moscow Kompressor plant is organizing mechanical engineering college. Acceleratedly, in 1942, at the very height of the war, the technical school made the first graduation of specialists in the production of “mine”, or rather, rocket launchers, which later received the famous name “Katyusha”.

The educational institution has such a fighting beginning, which in 1956 was renamed the Moscow Instrument-Making College and has retained this “title” to this day. In the same year, one of the first in the secondary system vocational education The technical school began training specialists in computer technology, and this became the determining factor for all its further development. For more than 60 years, more than 15 thousand specialists have been trained in mechanical engineering and instrument making, in design and scientific organizations, specialists in computer technology, instrument making and other areas. For many years, the technical school was the main supplier of personnel to the watch industry. The fact is that in the 70-80s. The management and technical staff of the First and Second Moscow and Chistopol (near Kazan) watch factories, where branches of the technical school were located, consisted of 80% of its graduates. In 1985, the construction of a new technical school building was completed, in which it became possible to further develop it on the basis modern technologies. On behalf of the instrument-making industry, the educational institution is developing new specialty on production industrial robots and is the first in the country to open training in it. Experienced teachers from B.C. Tergan, N.A. Achkasov, E.L. Nekrasov, L.P. Pumpur, A.S. Nosov and others participate in the preparation and publication of textbooks for watchmaking and robotics specialties. Laboratories and offices are equipped with mock-ups, stands, robots, and computer equipment. Unfortunately, the years of perestroika and reforms significantly changed the situation in the need for personnel, as a result, both the watchmaking and robotics specialties that the educational institution was focused on were closed.

In a market economy, the technical school focused on training computer specialists. All funds earned in the 90s were invested in computer technology and in the development of laboratory facilities. Today, per thousand students studying modern specialties, there are more than two hundred computers and a sufficient amount of other equipment. The technical school has a local computer network with Internet access. In 1997, leading teachers L.N. Myastsova and L.S. Chugunov was offered to create a new specialty - “ Maintenance computer facilities and computer networks" The teaching team has developed state standard, typical educational plans and programs, conducted experimental training and made the first graduation in this specialty in 2000. Currently, this standard is very popular and is in great demand in secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia.

The Moscow Instrument-Making College is known not only for teaching modern specialties. It has well-developed technical creativity of students, participation in various exhibitions and shows. Many teachers and students were awarded medals and prizes from the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements, district, city and Russian exhibitions of youth creativity. City Olympiads in programming and literature are held on the basis of the technical school. Much attention is paid to artistic and applied creativity, sports - there is a student theater, vocal, instrumental and dance groups, a photo and film studio, sport sections. Creative competitions and sports competitions for students are regularly held. To prevent crime, constant communication is maintained with regional internal affairs bodies. A group of the Russian foundation “No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction!”, consisting of young psychologists, sociologists and doctors, has been working with students under the “Crossroads” program for a number of years. In 2000, together with the TNT television channel, the Anti-AIDS campaign was held. Despite financial difficulties, the main slogan in this educational institution is “Don’t spare money for education!”

The team of teachers, mostly consisting of highly qualified teachers, is constantly working to improve their skills, teaching methods and education of the younger generation. There is no case when this team would refuse any of its colleagues to share their experience.

It is not for nothing that the Scientific and Methodological Center for Secondary Vocational Education has repeatedly held seminars at the technical school to improve the qualifications of teachers and managers of other educational institutions. The best teachers are (and not only on the technical school scale) F.Sh. Babaeva, N.N. Gaft, O.A. Ginzburg, L.V. Miklashevich, L.N. Myastsova, O.M. Skvortsova, E.A. Filatova, L.S. Chugunova and many, many others. An example of an innovative teacher should be called L.P. Pumpur, who has worked in the evening department of the technical school from 1949 to the present day. The teaching staff is replenished by technical school graduates who have graduated from universities and returned to their “native home” in a different capacity. The educational institution has been headed by Honored Teacher of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Moscow E.L. for more than twenty years. Nekrasov.


Computers, complexes, systems and networks

In this specialty, students study the principles and fundamentals of the functioning of computer technology. Specialty 2201 “Computers, complexes, systems and networks” is a specialty that allows students to freely navigate the world of computer technology, the principles and fundamentals of its functioning. Provides the opportunity to acquire skills in the design and installation of computer systems and networks. A large number of practical classes allows you to gain fundamental knowledge on assembly, adjustment, configuration, setting up hardware and software systems and maintenance. Students study the structures of modern microprocessor systems, and also master modern languages programming, software development systems. Learn to draw up design, technological and other technical documentation in accordance with current regulatory documents.

Forms of training

    • part-time (weekend group) - based on 11 classes (duration of study 3 years 10 months)
  • Education:

Automated information processing and control systems

Students of this specialty study the principles of an integrated approach to the design, implementation and operation of modern information systems.

The main areas of training are: network and system administration of computer systems; development, implementation and maintenance of databases; mathematical modeling of economic systems; design, adjustment and maintenance of computer networks; maintenance of computer and office equipment; automation and management of business processes; design and programming on the Internet. In our classes, students learn OS Windows families; modern programming languages; Borland Delphi and C++Builder program development tools; office and accounting systems MS Office, 1C, Consultant+; graphic systems 3D Studio Max, Adobe Photoshop.

  • Forms of training:
    • Full-time based on 9 classes (duration of study 3 years 10 months)
    • full-time - based on 11 classes (duration of study 2 years 10 months)
  • Education:
    • free (financed from the state budget)
    • paid (with full reimbursement of training costs)

Software for computer technology and automated systems

Specialty 2203 (OKSO: 230105). Graduates of the specialty are prepared for software development in various fields of science and production.

Graduates of the specialty are prepared for the development and maintenance of automated technologies using modern means programming in various branches of science and production. Students study languages ​​and modern programming technologies, latest methods collection, processing and analysis of information, methods for constructing the functioning and maintenance of computer systems and computer networks (Internet and Intranet technologies). The professional level of graduates has been repeatedly confirmed at interregional and city programming competitions. The skills of working with modern software acquired during training will help you become a knowledgeable and independent specialist.

  • Forms of training:
    • full-time - based on 9 classes (duration of study 3 years 10 months)
    • full-time - based on 11 classes (duration of study 2 years 10 months)
    • Part-time (evening) - based on 11 classes (duration of study 3 years 10 months)
  • Education:
    • free (financed from the state budget)
    • paid (with full reimbursement of training costs)

Maintenance of computer equipment and computer networks

Specialty 2204 (formerly 2201-K) was created at MPT in accordance with the needs of the labor market demand for specialists in the field of computer technology.

Specialists are equally proficient in computer hardware, modern software products and information technology. For high-quality technical maintenance of PCs and LANs, students are trained in assembling, setting up computers and local networks, installation of the required software, network administration. Learn basic and modern programming languages, including latest versions visual programming languages ​​such as Delphi, tools included in Visual Studio Net, as well as graphics packages OpenGL and DirectX. During the learning process, students are taught skills independent work with modern computer technologies using Web servers, network languages ​​XML, Java, server scripts PHP, JSP, ASP, mail servers and DBMS such as MySQL.

  • Forms of training:
    • full-time - based on 9 classes (duration of study 3 years 10 months)
    • full-time - based on 11 classes (duration of study 2 years 10 months)
  • Education:
    • free (financed from the state budget)
    • paid (with full reimbursement of training costs)

Applied informatics in economics

Specialty 2205 (formerly 2203-K) “Applied Informatics in Economics” combines traditional education with modern innovations of Russian and Western business education.

Students study the disciplines: Fundamentals of Information Theory, Programming Languages, Databases, Computer Networks, Development and Operation of Information Systems, Information Security, Multimedia and Web Technologies, Industry Economics, Management, etc.

Main directions professional activity graduate: design, development and maintenance of professionally oriented information systems, design and administration of computer networks, protection of enterprise economic information.

  • Forms of training:
    • full-time - based on 9 classes (duration of study 3 years 10 months)
    • full-time - based on 11 classes (duration of study 2 years 10 months)
  • Education:
    • free (financed from the state budget)
    • paid (with full reimbursement of training costs)

To the applicant

  • Days open doors: second Thursday in September, first Friday in October, December, February, April and second Thursday in May at 5 p.m.
  • Paid preparatory courses work continuously throughout the year. For students of preparatory courses entrance tests carried out in a separate thread.
  • Sports sectional work, creative clubs, music studio. There is a psychological service.
  • Addresses: Nakhimovsky pr-t, 21, Moscow, 117638; Bulatnikovsky proezd, 10B;

Building "Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 21"

  • Nakhimovsky Prospekt metro station, last car from the center, exit to the 4 Eyes store, then walk or trolley. 52 to the stop “Instrument-Making College”;
  • m. "Profsoyuznaya", troll. 52 to the stop "Instrument-Making College"

Biryulyovo building

  • metro station "Nagatinskaya", exit to railway station, travel by train to the station "Biryulyovo-tovarnoe", then on foot;
  • metro station "Kaluzhskaya" or "Chertanovskaya", bus. 671 to the stop. "University", then walk along the street. Kharkovskaya
  • metro station "Prazhskaya", bus. 296, stop. "University", then walk along the street. Kharkovskaya

Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov was founded in 1907. For more than 100 years, the university has always been closely linked to the national economy: the development of commerce and technology food production at the beginning of the 20th century, then - the formation of commodity science, the growth of the cooperative movement, the creation of state economic statistics and a planning system, economic reforms 1965-1970, macroeconomic and sectoral research in the 1980s, contributing to the formation market structures in the 1990s. University Scientific School (academicians L. Abalkin, A. Aganbegyan, V. Mayevsky, L. Grinberg, V. Makarov, P. Bunich, V. Ivanter, V. Kuleshov, corresponding member R. Grinberg) for a long time was the core of the academic economic community of Russia. The high practical orientation of education and its connection with the realities of the economic situation in the country for many years have been unique characteristic university. In 2012-2015, REU was enlarged by joining Saratov State Socio-Economic University, Russian State Trade and Economic University and Moscow state university economics, statistics and computer science.

College majors

Information security of automated systems

  • Information security technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

Information Systems

  • Technical school in information systems, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
  • Technical school in information systems, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months

Computer networks

  • Computer network technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

Computer systems and complexes

  • Computer systems technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
  • Computer systems technician, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months

Social Security Law and Organization

  • Lawyer, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

Applied Informatics

  • Programming technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

Programming in computer systems

  • Technician - programmer, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
  • Technician - programmer, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months

Indicate the word in which the letter E is written in the blank space

Exercise 1 of 5





Check Next

In one of the highlighted words below, an error was made in the formation of the word form

Exercise 2 out of 5

unexpectedly slipped

pack of MACARONS

DRIVE faster

with THREE HUNDRED participants

Check Next

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov painted portraits mainly of old people, on whose faces traces of what they had experienced are imprinted, and of children - these sprouts of hope with signs of a future life, and at the time of the highest flowering of creativity he often turned to creating his own self-portrait

Exercise 3 out of 5





Check Next

In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Find this word.

Exercise 4 out of 5


Today, the Moscow Instrument-Making College is a structural division of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, implementing secondary vocational education programs in the following groups of specialties:

- Informatics and Computer Science:

09.02.01 Computer systems and complexes

02/09/06 Network and system administration***

02/09/07 Information systems and programming***

- Information Security:

10.02.05 Provision information security automated systems***

Besides technical specialties, traditional for the technical school, the implementation of the following educational programs began in 2012:

40.02.01 Law and organization social security

*** - specialties that are included in the TOP - 50

With more than half a century of history (in 2015, MPT turned 75 years old), rich experience and a large stock of accumulated knowledge, we annually graduate more than 200 professional electronics engineers, programmers, network and database administrators. It is no secret that a modern IT specialist must have knowledge in all areas of creating, maintaining and operating computer systems. It is impossible to become a real professional without having basic knowledge in all these areas. Therefore, all our students receive knowledge in all these areas, and in-depth study of specific disciplines ultimately determines future profession. This is the basis for the division into areas from more “hardware” specialties to those specializing in software.

Moscow Instrument-Making College - accepts schoolchildren who are looking for a technical school (college) after completing 9 or 11 grades of school. Modern IT education includes a large number of practical classes and a “distance approach” to learning. With this approach to training at a technical school, yesterday’s school graduates on the basis of secondary general (9 grades) or secondary complete (11 grades) education, after only 2 years of study at the Moscow Instrument-Making College, have a real opportunity to compete in the labor market of modern IT specialists. There is also a driving school on the territory of the technical school.

230103.02 Digital information processing master

- 230103.03 Computer network adjuster

- 230103.04 Hardware and software adjuster

This made it possible to more fully satisfy the needs for obtaining not only high-quality IT education, but also to satisfy the desire for knowledge of school graduates after grades 9 and 11, as well as groups of the adult population, i.e. all those who ask themselves the question: “Where should I go to study?” By main educational programs Training at the technical school is conducted mainly in budgetary basis(at the expense of the Federal budget).

​Structure of the Moscow Instrument-Making College


‒ Office

- Archive

‒ Information Department

‒ Head of Information Department

‒ Laboratory Managers

‒ Electronics engineer

‒ Engineers

‒ Head of the UVC

‒ Technicians

‒ Laboratory assistants

Selection committee

‒ Preparatory department

- Maintenance department

‒ Department additional education

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

‒ Head of departments 1 and 8

‒ Head of departments 2 and 4

‒ Head of departments 3 and 5

‒ Manager correspondence department

‒ Head of the department for the specialty Lawyers

‒ Training part

‒ Methodists

- Library

‒ Chairmen of cyclic methodological commissions

Deputy Director for Educational Work

‒ Organizing teachers

‒ Teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety

‒ Head of Physical Education

‒ Educational psychologist

- Quality engineer

Deputy Director for Industrial Training

‒ Head of production practice

Driving school

Moscow Instrument-Making College of the Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher professional education 'Russian State Trade and Economic University'

College majors

▪ Information security technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Technical school in information systems, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Technical school in information systems, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months

▪ Computer network technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

▪ Computer systems technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Computer systems technician, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months

▪ Lawyer, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Programming technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

▪ Technician - programmer, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Technician - programmer, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months

Nearby colleges

Mission of the college Creating a unified, purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of the student, his family, society and the state with the aim of training competent, highly qualified specialists based on integration and social partnership between employers, the college and students as part of the development of human resources medical organizations of the Moscow Department of Health

Today teacher training college`Cheryomushki` is a multidisciplinary educational institution of a new type. The college employs doctors of pedagogical sciences, candidates of pedagogical and psychological sciences, Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation, Excellent Students of Public Education, Honored Workers of Secondary Vocational Education. Many college teachers were awarded Diplomas of the Moscow Grant laureate in the field of science and technology in education, Certificates of Honor from the Moscow Department of Education. Over the years of the college's activity, more than 12 thousand teachers and educators have become its graduates.

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Technological College No. 34 is non-profit organization, which trains mid-level specialists.

The state budgetary professional educational institution of the city of Moscow `Educational Complex `South-West` was created by merging, over the past few years, a number of educational institutions. The core of the complex is Polytechnic College No. 39. Despite the changes, one thing remains unshakable - high quality training of those who ensure the development and prosperity of our beloved city. Highly qualified specialists with extensive practical experience work within the walls of the educational institution (103 people have the highest qualification category, 21 people are candidates of science).

1940, the eve of the great war: specialists in mine weapons are required. A mechanical engineering college is being organized at the Moscow Kompressor plant. Acceleratedly, in 1942, at the very height of the war, the technical school produced the first graduates of specialists in the production of “mine”, or rather rocket launchers, which later received the famous name “Katyusha”. The educational institution has such a fighting beginning, which in 1956 was renamed the Moscow Instrument-Making College and has retained this “title” to this day. In the same year, the technical school was one of the first in the system of secondary vocational education to begin training specialists in computer technology, and this became the determining factor for its entire further development. For more than 60 years, more than 15 thousand specialists have been trained in mechanical engineering and instrument making, in design and scientific organizations, specialists in computer technology, instrument making and other areas. For many years, the technical school was the main supplier of personnel to the watch industry. The fact is that in the 70–80s. The management and technical staff of the First and Second Moscow and Chistopol (near Kazan) watch factories, where branches of the technical school were located, consisted of 80% of its graduates. In 1985, the construction of a new technical school building was completed, which provided the opportunity for its further development based on modern technologies. On behalf of the instrument-making industry, the educational institution is developing a new specialty in the production of industrial robots and is the first in the country to offer training in it. Experienced teachers of the technical school B.S.Tergan, N.A.Achkasov, E.L.Nekrasov, L.P.Pumpur, A.S. Nosov and others participate in the preparation and publication of textbooks for watchmaking and robotics specialties. Laboratories and offices are equipped with mock-ups, stands, robots, and computer equipment. Unfortunately, the years of perestroika and reforms significantly changed the situation in the need for personnel, as a result, both the watchmaking and robotics specialties that the educational institution was focused on were closed. In a market economy, the technical school focused on training computer specialists. All funds earned in the 90s were invested in computer technology and in the development of laboratory facilities. Today, per thousand students studying modern specialties, there are more than two hundred computers and a sufficient amount of other equipment. The technical school has a local computer network with Internet access. In 1997, leading teachers L.N. Myastsova and L.S. Chugunova proposed creating a new specialty - “Maintenance of computer equipment and computer networks” 230106 (initially - 2204). A team of teachers developed a state standard, standard curricula and programs, conducted experimental training and made the first graduation in this specialty in 2000. Currently, this standard is very popular and is in great demand in secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia. The Moscow Instrument-Making College is known not only for teaching modern specialties. It has well-developed technical creativity of students, participation in various exhibitions and shows. Many teachers and students were awarded medals and prizes from the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements, district, city and Russian exhibitions of youth creativity. City Olympiads in programming and literature are held on the basis of the technical school. Much attention is paid to artistic and applied creativity, sports - there is a student theater, vocal, instrumental and dance groups, a photo and film studio, and sports sections. Regularly held creative competitions and student sports competitions. To prevent crime, constant communication is maintained with regional internal affairs bodies. A group of the Russian foundation “No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction!”, consisting of young psychologists, sociologists and doctors, has been working with students under the “Crossroads” program for a number of years. In our technical school, together with the TNT television channel, an “Anti-AIDS” campaign was held. Despite financial difficulties, the main slogan in this educational institution is “Don’t spare money for education!” The team of teachers, mostly consisting of highly qualified teachers, is constantly working to improve their skills, teaching methods and education of the younger generation. There is no case when this team would refuse any of its colleagues to share their experience. It is not without reason that the Scientific and Methodological Center for Secondary Vocational Education has repeatedly held seminars at the technical school to improve the qualifications of teachers and managers of other educational institutions. The best teachers are (and not only on the technical school scale) F.Sh. Babaeva, N.N. Gaft, O.A. Ginzburg, L.V. Miklashevich, L.N. Myastsova, O.M. Skvortsova, L.S. .Chugunov and many, many others. An example of an innovative teacher should be called L.P. Pumpura, who has been working in the evening department of the technical school from 1949 to the present day. The teaching staff is replenished by graduates of the technical school, who have graduated from universities and returned to their “native home” in a different capacity. Since 2009, the technical school has been part of the structure of secondary vocational education of the State educational institution of higher professional education "Russian State Trade and Economic University".