Filomena balloon fish contents. Description of the aquarium fish Philomena red-eyed. Aquarium fish Felomena, what breed?

Distributed in reservoirs of Paraguay. First delivered to Europe in 1956, brought to Russia and bred in 1964. The fish reach 7 cm in length, usually 4-5 cm. The body is in the form of an ellipse. The female is larger than the male. The body color is grayish-yellowish. The back is darker. The scales are sharply outlined by dark narrow edges. At the end of the caudal peduncle of the phylomena is located yellow spot, large at the base of the caudal fin dark spot. Iris eye is red.
60 liter aquarium with intensive aeration, filtration and bright lighting enough to keep a school of 5-6 phyllomen fish. Duration of daylight hours is 11 hours; a night lamp can be turned on at night lilac color. Comfortable parameters: water temperature 22-26°C, pH 6-7.5, gH 4-20°dGH. Weekly water changes up to a quarter of the aquarium's volume are required. When choosing soil, focus on small pebbles or coarse sand dark color. At the bottom, place various shelters in the form of grottoes and caves. Place aquarium plants on the sides of the pond and along back wall leaving room for swimming.
Holds on Philomena fish in different layers of the aquarium. You can add any peaceful fish of similar sizes as neighbors.

Breeding Philomena fish
Breeding Philomena fish is not difficult and is almost similar to breeding Tetragonopterus. Most suitable conditions for spawning they are created in soft (1.5-3°), slightly acidic (pH 6-7) water with a temperature of 26°. Feeding the fry is also not difficult.
Puberty occurs around the first year of life. A mature female is capable of laying up to a thousand eggs at a time.
A 10-liter spawning tank must have a lid so that the fish, carried away by the courtship process, do not jump out of the water. Turn on aeration. No soil is needed, but aquarium plants should especially have large leaves.
Before spawning, females and males are kept separate from each other for a week and fed abundantly with live food. A week later, a female and a couple of males are planted in the spawning area. After spawning, the parents are removed, and after a couple of days the larvae will begin to hatch from the eggs. After two days the larvae will begin to swim and will be ready to feed. As a starter feed, use brine shrimp, egg yolk, and live dust. After a couple of weeks, the fry are offered crushed dry and vegetable food.
The Latin name for phylomena is moenkhausia sanctae filomenae, a synonym for red-eyed moenkhausia.


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This species is widespread in river systems South America tropical zone, found in Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Bolivia, etc. They prefer clean rivers with dense vegetation flowing under a canopy tropical forest. Currently, almost all fish presented in the trading network are supplied from Asia.

Requirements and conditions:

  • Aquarium volume - from 60 liters.
  • Temperature - 22–28°C
  • pH value - 6.0-8.0
  • Water hardness - from soft to hard (5-19dH)
  • Substrate type - dark gravel
  • Lighting - dim
  • Brackish water - no
  • Water movement is weak

Fish parameters:

  • Size - about 7 cm.
  • Food - any
  • Life expectancy - from 3 to 5 years


Filomena has a typical body shape, characteristic of most Tetras; an adult does not exceed 7 cm in length. The color is silvery with large scales, the fins are transparent, the base of the tail is decorated with yellow and black stripes. Distinctive feature, which gives the species its name, is the red pigmentation of the fish's eyeball.


They eat all types of dry industrial and meat feeds. The optimal diet includes granules or flakes 3 times a day in small portions, as well as bloodworms or mosquito larvae, daphnia once or twice a week. If you do not want to purchase live food, then you should choose dry food that contains protein components or freeze-dried meat products.

Fish thrive in a fairly wide range of water parameters, so no special water treatment is required. It is enough to collect water and leave it for a couple of days. Equipment required: filter, heater, aerator and lighting system low power. When placing a filter in an aquarium, install it in such a way that the outlet manifolds (the place where the purified water comes out) are directed towards the glass - this will not create water movement, since Red-Eyed Tetras are not accustomed to currents.
In design, give preference to dense thickets of plants along the walls of the aquarium, thereby leaving a free zone in the center. Floating plants will provide additional shading. The ground is dark gravel with several shelters in the form of driftwood, pieces of wood or artificial objects (a sunken ship, a castle, etc.).

Social behavior

Active swimmers, peace-loving, friendly, however, high mobility can become an obstacle to sharing with slow-moving species. It is advisable to select fish of similar temperament. A gregarious species, keep groups of at least 5 individuals.

Sex differences

There are no pronounced differences, the only thing is that adult females have a noticeably larger abdomen.


Successful breeding is possible in a separate tank with a volume of 40 liters or more. The water should be soft and slightly acidic. Equipment you will need is a simple airlift filter, a heater, an aerator and a low-power lighting system. Plants with small leaves are required in the design.
The more fish, the higher the chances of creating a pair and subsequent spawning. If you plan to start breeding, then the minimum number of individuals of one species should be at least 12.
Adding meat products or live food to the daily diet is an excellent incentive to start spawning. The fish form a pair and courtship begins - swimming near each other. At this time, the couple is transplanted into a separate aquarium, where after some time the female lays eggs, attaching them to the leaves of plants. After this, the parents return back to the common aquarium, and the lights in the spawning tank should be turned off. A minimum of light is necessary in the early stages of fish development.
The fry appear within 24-36 hours, and within 3-4 days they begin to swim freely. At first, feed with microfeed or ciliates. After a couple of weeks, you can turn on the light and, depending on the size, try to feed larger food particles.


They are hardy and thrive in a variety of conditions. Health problems begin only with a noticeable deterioration in water quality. Read more about symptoms and treatment methods in the section “Diseases of aquarium fish”.


  • School keeping of at least 6 individuals