Where and how to get a mortgage with government support? Russian credit organizations and open joint stock companies Who can issue

Those who are thinking about a mortgage and periodically study the market in search of interesting loan offers have probably already heard that there is a mortgage with government support. What is it? Who is eligible for a government-supported mortgage?

In this article we will tell you what a mortgage with state support means, who can apply for it and which banks are involved in the project.

Mortgage with state support - what does it mean?

The Russian government, looking at the standard of living of the population and current interest rates in banks, is constantly developing new programs to encourage citizens to buy their own living space. One of these projects was with government support.

In March last year, the president signed a decree reducing the interest rate to 13% as part of the program to make mortgages more affordable. To prevent banks from losing profits, the state promised to compensate for lost income with a subsidy, for which 20 billion rubles were allocated. That is, in fact, the government pays the bank part of the interest for us.

Later, the rate in the document was reduced to 12%, and today, in 2017, you can buy apartments with state support from Sberbank at 11.4%.

The government's decision also has a second important goal - to support developers, whose sales have noticeably decreased amid the 2016 crisis, when many banks raised mortgage rates by 20%.

Terms of the “mortgage with state support” program

Until when will the program be valid? At the moment, the program has been extended again; there is information that it will work until 2020.

The program can be completed ahead of schedule only if the Central Bank reduces it to the level of 9.5% - but it seems that this does not threaten us.

Who can take out a mortgage with government support?

Today, the state program has no restrictions on the type of borrower - every citizen of the Russian Federation officially employed in our country can apply for a reduced rate.

Restrictions for borrowers can be set by the banks themselves participating in the project, but they relate only to the requirements of the credit institution and the conditions established by law.

State mortgage support program 2017: conditions

A mortgage with state support presupposes the conditions for obtaining it, set forth in Government Resolution No. 220:

  • Mortgage loans are provided only for primary housing and for properties under construction. Mortgages with state support do not apply to secondary housing!
  • The entry fee should not be less than 20%;
  • The mortgage loan currency is rubles only;
  • The loan rate should not exceed 12%, subject to mandatory life insurance of the borrower (and co-borrower, if any) and the collateral;
  • The maximum mortgage term is 30 years;
  • Payment type – only (equal payments);
  • The bank does not have the right to increase the amount of debt throughout the entire term of the agreement.

Mortgage with state support: participating banks

The list of banks registered by the Ministry of Finance consists of approximately 50 organizations. A complete list of banks ready to lend under the state support program is approved by the Ministry of Finance and published on the official website of the institution. Many of the banks on the list have not received government approval, or lend only to certain regions under the program.

in 2017, 100% of loans with state support are issued by those banks that have a state share in the capital or are in some way controlled by the government:

  • Sberbank
  • Rosselkhozbank
  • VTB24
  • Delta Credit
  • Raiffeisen
  • Gazprombank
  • Moscow Industrial Bank
  • Rosevrobank
  • Primsotsbank
  • MTS Bank, etc.

How to get a mortgage with government support?

You can conclude a loan agreement with a bank and apply for a mortgage throughout 2017.

Borrowers still have plenty of time to collect documents and take part in a government-backed mortgage. If you are given approval, do not delay in preparing the papers. and implementation of the transaction. In the future, rates will only rise, so you shouldn’t wait until government mortgages become 3 percent. with government support is also a fairy tale.

How to get documents faster? Save time for an additional fee, contact directly with developers, or contact credit brokers.


As an example, we suggest calculating mortgages with state support for several banks.


A mortgage with state support in Sberbank in 2016 can be calculated using a loan calculator, in which the main conditions are programmed: the amount of the down payment, the interest rate, the possibility of using a maternal certificate, etc.:

In Sberbank, on the official website, mortgages with state support are limited to 3 million rubles for the regions and 8 million rubles for Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

When calculating mortgages with state support for 2016 in Sberbank, you can see the column in the calculator: salary recipient or general conditions. This program is the only one where this condition does not matter. That is, anyone between the ages of 21 and 75 with at least 6 months of work experience can apply to Sberbank.

VTB 24

Mortgages with state support are issued at the same rate - 11.4% per annum. The application conditions comply with the program requirements: down payment from 20%, loan term - up to 30 years, maximum amount - 3 and 8 million in accordance with the region of residence.

The only difference is the possibility of registration using only 2 documents, but the entry fee must be at least 40%.

Moscow Industrial Bank

A mortgage with state support in the Minbank has some differences from the general interest rate conditions:

  • Participants in the salary project have the right to receive a rate of 11.39% with a contribution of 20%, and 11.3% with a contribution of 40%.
  • Clients on general terms are issued at a rate of 11.49% with a contribution of 20%, and 11.4% with a contribution of 40%.
  • When registering with a reduced package of documents (2 documents) and a contribution of 50%, a rate of 11.9% per annum is applied.

Another difference in the age of borrowers: the Ministry of Bank allows persons from 22 to 65 years old to apply.

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    Most Russians solve their housing problems with the help.

    Long-term installments at a bank interest allow you to become a homeowner almost immediately, but monthly payments for 15-20 years place a heavy burden on the family. The lion's share of it consists of bank markups: as a result, the borrower overpays for an apartment or house by 2-3 times.

    To reduce the payment burden and help citizens find a roof over their heads, the state offered the possibility of interest reimbursement. The essence of their conditions and whether mortgage subsidies will continue in 2019 will be discussed below.

    State initiative and legislative framework

    For the population, the state program of 12 percent subsidies, launched in 2015, has become a popular anti-crisis measure of preferential housing lending.

    But the state also pursued another, no less important goal: to keep the primary real estate market afloat.

    Help for developers

    When at the end of 2014, banks' mortgage rates sharply increased from 12 to 17-20%, people simply stopped taking out loans at exorbitant interest rates, and the “primary” market was on the verge of collapse.

    In March 2015 based on Government Decrees dated March 13, 2015, number 220 “On approval of the rules for providing subsidies from the federal budget to credit institutions to compensate for lost income on issued housing (mortgage) loans” starts. Banks began to issue mortgages at rates up to 12 per annum, the difference was compensated by the state.

    Subsidization was provided until the end of 2016. A decision on further extension or closure of the program has not yet been made at the government level.

    Social support programs

    The regulatory framework for state support is presented targeted programs:

    • governor's programs "Young Family";

    When providing assistance to the population in purchasing housing, government representatives and credit institutions are guided by federal laws in the field of social assistance, the Federal Law “On Mortgages,” and regional regulations.

    State programs

    Federal target program "Housing" helps improve the living conditions of a wide range of Russians. The initiator of the development and also the main curator of the Program is the Government of the Russian Federation. The project includes activities for 2010-2020.

    Mortgage support for citizens provides two options:

    Program "Housing for a Russian family". It acts as an addition to the state program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities.”

    The main direction of the project is the construction of affordable economic class housing in the individual housing construction segment with the allocation of a land plot. It is planned to build more than 25 million square meters of living space.

    The target population group is young families, specialists in in-demand professions, citizens aged 25-40 years.

    The project is being implemented in 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. You can purchase a house with a plot using your own funds or mortgage lending.

    Mortgage "Young Family" program for 2016 – 2020. Depending on the family category, the state subsidizes up to 30% of the cost of an apartment in a new building or the construction/purchase of a private house. The subsidy is limited to a maximum amount of 1 million rubles for a family of four people.

    Requirements to applicants:

    • age up to 35 years;
    • need for housing;
    • having a regular income to pay the remaining cost.

    The family can pay the missing amount from their own funds or take out a mortgage with partner banks. , VTB are the main participants in this program.

    Governor's projects "Young Family" provide regional assistance to citizens in need of housing. The intended purpose is similar to the federal assistance program.

    Basic terms of assistance for young families locally include the following points:

    • the age of applicants in most regions is set to 35 years;
    • the maximum payment is 300-400 thousand rubles;
    • assistance format - a certificate for the purchase of housing or subsidizing interest on a housing loan.

    You can find out about similar projects in your region of residence in municipalities and SZN departments. Limitations also need to be clarified. In some regions, support in 2019 is possible in the absence of federal subsidies.

    Military mortgage or certificate provide for state assistance in providing housing to military personnel and citizens equivalent to this category:

    • the employee must have served in the department as a private/officer for at least 3 years;
    • certificates are provided for a specific purpose. In 2019, its maximum is 2,400,000 rubles;
    • A mortgage for a military man implies state subsidization of interest on the loan - the military man pays a rate of 9.9%, the rest is reimbursed by the state.

    Those who do not have their own housing or need improved conditions also apply for the above support. You can use the support only once, and the military must decide between a certificate or a subsidy.

    Mortgage using. One of the options for using maternity capital funds is to improve the family’s living conditions. Moreover, this goal allows you to use the certificate funds until the second child turns three years old.

    The family enters into an agreement with the lender to pay off part of the mortgage or pay the down payment with public funds. Then the Pension Fund transfers the required amount to the specified account.

    A prerequisite for this method of acquiring real estate is the allocation of shares in ownership to each family member within 6 months after registration of the property.

    Basic program conditions

    Since the official repeal of Resolution No. 220 has not yet occurred, it is worth taking a closer look at the conditions for providing the population with state subsidies for mortgage loans:

    There are no other restrictions or conditions. The problem is different: last year the government allocated for the state. subsidies amount to a little more than 20 billion rubles. This amount was not enough to meet demand, and banks had to introduce internal filters to reduce the number of applicants.

    Innovations this year

    In 2019, families in which a second or third baby is born before December 31, 2022, will expect surprises from the state. In this case, we are talking not only about social subsidies, but also about the opportunity to take part in a mortgage program, under which you can purchase housing on credit at a significantly reduced interest rate. At 6.00% per annum, large families will be able to buy real estate under the following conditions:

    1. The program was put into effect by Government Decree No. 1711 of December 30, 2017.
    2. Families who after 01/01/2018 can count on a reduced rate. will be replenished with a second or third baby, as well as those who previously took out a mortgage, but after the birth of 2-3 children in 2018, they refinanced it. In the latter case, applicants must have a contract for life, health and accident insurance.
    3. The state will subsidize the loan of the family in which the second child was born for three years. If a couple has a third baby, they will receive state support for five years.
    4. The maximum mortgage amount under this program is RUB 8,000,000. for residents of the capital, St. Petersburg, as well as the Leningrad region and Moscow region. Families from other Russian regions can count on no more than 3,000,000 rubles.
    5. When applying for a mortgage that is partially subsidized by the state, you will have to make a down payment, the amount of which can reach 20.00% of the value of the purchased property.
    6. According to the terms of the program, the purchased housing must be only from the primary market.
    7. Subsidies from the state will only be received by those borrowers who make required payments on their mortgage on time.

    Other ways to obtain preferential housing loans

    Banks are interested in growing the number of clients, so they are developing their own mortgage products that are truly attractive to the population:

    1. Sberbank offers housing lending programs for young families, including. Annual rates range from 10.75 to 11.5%. Programs are offered for women who have given birth/adopted a second child to purchase finished or under construction housing.
    2. VTB-24 offers housing loans with a rate of 11% and a minimum amount of 600 thousand rubles.

    Almost every credit institution has housing lending programs with government support.

    AHML – an opportunity to ease the “mortgage share”

    Commercial structure with state participation AHML (Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending) is not directly involved in processing mortgages with subsidies. The organization cooperates with partner banks, where citizens can apply.

    In times of crisis, it was AHML that took on the lion's share of the work on restructuring the debts of mortgage borrowers, and other categories of borrowers. The state support program for problem “mortgages” through AHML turned out to be so successful that in January 2017, with changed conditions, it continued until 03/01/17.

    The results of the “crisis” program to support the Russian real estate market look more than encouraging: the number of mortgage borrowers in 2018 increased by 50%, construction is underway, people are moving into new apartments. But she has exhausted herself. Time and the economic situation will tell whether a new form of large-scale subsidies will replace it.

    For a description of preferential mortgage lending programs, see the following video:

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 13, 2015 No. 220 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations and the open joint-stock company “Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending” for compensation of lost income on issued (purchased) housing (mortgage) loans (loans) »

    Publication date: 24.03.2015

    Date modified: 24.03.2015

    Attached file: pdf, 5.06 MB




    The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

    1. Approve the attached Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations and the open joint-stock company "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" to compensate for lost income on issued (purchased) housing (mortgage) loans (loans).

    2. Financial support for the fulfillment of expenditure obligations for the provision of subsidies in accordance with the Rules approved by this resolution shall be carried out at the expense of:

    budget allocations provided in accordance with paragraph 10 of part 1 of Article 21 of the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2015 and for the planning period of 2016 and 2017" under the subsection "General Economic Issues" of the section "National Economy" of the classification of budget expenditures, in the amount of 11 billion . rubles;

    budget allocations provided for by the federal target program "Housing" for 2011 - 2015 in the amount of 9 billion rubles.

    Chairman of the Government

    Russian Federation



    Government resolution

    Russian Federation







    1. These Rules establish the goals, conditions and procedure for providing subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations and the open joint-stock company "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" (hereinafter referred to as credit organizations, the Agency) to compensate for lost income on housing (mortgage) loans (loans) ), issued to individuals in the period from March 1, 2015 to March 1, 2016 for the purchase of residential premises or residential premises with a land plot or residential premises under construction, under an agreement for participation in shared construction (agreement for the assignment of rights of claim under specified agreement) in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law “On participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as residential premises) and the rights of claim under such loans acquired by the Agency during the specified period ( loans) (hereinafter referred to as credits (loans), subsidies) in a total amount of up to 400 billion rubles.

    2. Subsidies are provided monthly within the limits of budgetary allocations provided in the prescribed manner to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the federal target program "Housing" for 2011 - 2015 of the state program of the Russian Federation "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation", and limits of budget obligations approved in the prescribed manner for the purposes specified in paragraph 1 of these Rules.

    3. Subsidies are provided to compensate for lost income of credit institutions and the Agency up to the level of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, increased by 3.5 percentage points, due to their provision of discounts when issuing (purchasing) loans to individuals at a rate of 13 percent per annum. The subsidy period begins from the date of issuance of the loan (loan), but not earlier than April 1, 2015, until the expiration date of its validity.

    If the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is reduced to 9.5 percent or lower, the provision of the subsidy is terminated and may be resumed based on a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    4. Subsidies are provided to credit institutions and the Agency to reimburse lost income on loans (loans) issued to individuals for the purchase of finished residential premises from a legal entity on the primary housing market under sales contracts or the acquisition from a legal entity of residential premises under construction , under an agreement for participation in shared construction (an agreement for the assignment of rights of claim under the specified agreement) in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" in accordance with the agreements on the provision credits (loans) (hereinafter referred to as the credit agreement (loan agreement) under the following conditions:

    a) the credit agreement (loan agreement) was concluded in rubles no earlier than March 1, 2015 inclusive;

    b) the amount of the credit (loan) is:

    up to 3 million rubles (inclusive) - for residential premises located in the territories of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg;

    up to 8 million rubles (inclusive) - for residential premises located in the territories of Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg;

    c) the borrower must pay at least 20 percent of the cost of the purchased residential premises at his own expense;

    d) the lending rate stipulated by the credit agreement (loan agreement) cannot exceed 13 percent per annum, provided that the borrower enters into personal insurance and residential insurance contracts after registration of ownership. The interest rate is fixed in the credit agreement (loan agreement) for the entire term of the loan (loan). An increase in the interest rate is allowed only if the borrower fails to comply with the insurance conditions provided for in the credit agreement (loan agreement), while the amount of the subsidy is reduced in proportion to the increase in the interest rate. If the interest rate under the credit agreement (loan agreement) is set below 13 percent per annum, the subsidy is provided based on the interest rate level of 13 percent per annum;

    e) the validity period of the credit agreement (loan agreement) is up to 362 months inclusive;

    f) repayment of the loan (loan) is made in equal monthly (annuity) payments throughout the entire term of the loan (except for the first and last months) without the possibility of increasing the balance of the loan debt.

    5. To receive a subsidy, credit institutions and the Agency, within 30 calendar days from the date of entry into force of these Rules, submit an application to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in the form according to Appendix No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the application), to which the following documents are attached:

    a) a schedule for the monthly issuance of credits (loans) by a credit institution for the period until March 1, 2016 or the monthly acquisition by the Agency for the period until March 1, 2016 of claims on credits (loans), indicating the minimum amount of funds allocated for the issuance ( acquisition) of credits (loans) amounting to at least 300 million rubles monthly, starting in May 2015 (hereinafter referred to as the schedule);

    b) information on state registration of the credit organization and the Agency as legal entities and a copy of the license to carry out banking operations issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (for credit organizations);

    c) notarized copies of the constituent documents of the credit institution and the Agency;

    d) a certificate signed by the head and chief accountant of the credit institution and the Agency, sealed, indicating the bank details and accounts to which the subsidy should be transferred.

    6. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation:

    a) registers, in order of priority, the applications and the documents attached to them, specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules, in a special journal, which must be bound, numbered page by page and sealed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

    b) checks the completeness of the information contained in it within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application;

    c) analyzes the total amount of funds indicated in applications. If this amount of funds exceeds 400 billion rubles, then the amount of funds specified in the application planned for the issuance (purchase) of credits (loans) is reduced proportionally so that the total amount of credits (loans) does not exceed 400 billion rubles. The calculated amount of funds for each credit institution and the Agency is established as a limit of funds allocated for the issuance of credits (loans) by credit institutions and the acquisition by the Agency of claims on credits (loans) (hereinafter referred to as the funds limit). At the same time, schedules are adjusted so that the monthly amount of funds planned for the issuance (purchase) of credits (loans) is at least 300 million rubles. If the total amount of funds specified in the applications is less than 400 billion rubles, then the limit of funds is set equal to the amount of funds specified in the application, and the deadline for accepting applications specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules is extended to the next calendar month, while the amount the limit of funds for applications submitted within the period established in paragraph 5 of these Rules is not subject to further revision, except for the case provided for in paragraph 7 of these Rules;

    d) sends a notification to the credit organization and the Agency about the amount of the funds limit in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2. The application with the attached schedule and the notification together are considered an agreement on the provision of a subsidy concluded by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation with the credit organization or the Agency.

    7. Credit organizations and the Agency are obliged to issue (purchase) monthly credits (loans) in an amount not less than the amount specified in the schedule, while the monthly amount issued by the credit institution and the monthly amount of credits (loans) purchased by the Agency must be for each credit institution and the Agency at least 300 million rubles monthly, starting from May 2015.

    If a credit organization or the Agency violates the specified conditions for 2 months in a row, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has the right to redistribute the amount of the limit of funds established for this organization or the Agency between other credit organizations that previously had a limit of funds and the Agency.

    8. To receive a subsidy, the credit institution and the Agency submit to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation no later than the 10th working day of the month following the reporting month, an application for receiving a subsidy (hereinafter referred to as the application) in the form according to Appendix No. 3.

    9. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation:

    a) registers applications in order of priority in a special journal, which must be bound, numbered page by page and sealed with the seal of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

    b) checks within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application the completeness of the information contained in it and makes a decision to provide a subsidy or to refuse it;

    c) in accordance with the established procedure, within 5 working days from the date of the decision to provide a subsidy, transfers the subsidy to the account of the credit institution and the Agency.

    10. If a decision is made to refuse to provide a subsidy, the basis for which is the discrepancy of the information presented in the application with the requirements and conditions established by these Rules, or the presence of false information in them:

    a) The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, within 10 working days from the date of adoption of this decision, sends a notification to the credit organization and the Agency indicating the reasons for making such a decision;

    b) the credit institution and the Agency have the right to resubmit the application with updated information within 15 working days from the date of sending the specified notification.

    11. Control over compliance with the goals, conditions and procedure for providing subsidies is carried out by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision, which, if a violation of the goals, conditions and procedure for providing subsidies is detected, sends a notification to the credit institution or the Agency about the violations.

    12. If it is established that the recipient of the subsidy has violated the goals and conditions of the subsidy, the funds received by the credit institution and the Agency are subject to return in the manner established by the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules.