How can a small business receive financial support from the state? State assistance to beginning farmers

In the current economic conditions, the development of certain industries is a priority for the state. These include agriculture, gardening, animal husbandry, etc. To support the industry and attract new participants, a program has been developed at the federal level to provide subsidies to beginning farmers in 2018.

Getting support

Subsidies to farmers in 2018 are assigned based on the amount allocated to a specific region. The number of such areas is increasing every year, but the distribution of the total amount allocated by the government for development is uneven.

Each region receives a portion according to general conditions. At the same time, it is assessed how much it suffered from the introduction of sanctions, the general level of development of the industry, the presence favorable conditions etc.

This year, the subsidy for farmers amounts to over 3 billion rubles, and the total number of regions participating in the program is 83.

Requirements for farmers

To receive assistance in the form of a subsidy, a beginning farmer in 2018 must meet certain criteria:

  • registration of individual entrepreneur, LLC or legal entity other form;
  • availability starting capital. The minimum limit of own funds is 100 thousand rubles;
  • the presence of a business plan that takes into account the procedure for distributing funds, forecasting the profit and profitability of the enterprise;
  • individual entrepreneur must work for at least 3 years and sell products worth more than 30 thousand rubles;
  • collective farms have the right to apply for state assistance only once during the entire period of activity (up to this point they must have worked for more than a year);
  • personal subsidiary plots, micro-enterprises, and agricultural cooperatives also have the right to benefit from state support.

Despite the fact that subsidies are mainly intended for beginning farmers, enterprises that have been operating on the market for several years have the right to take advantage of the opportunity for government funding. In this case, you can get help for development or expansion. The benefit can be used to pay off loan obligations.

Procedure and features of receiving subsidies

There is a certain procedure for how to receive subsidies for farmers. In addition to meeting certain conditions described above, it is necessary to prepare an application and collect a package of documents:

  • Diploma, other educational document. A higher or secondary specialized education is required.
  • Labor book, individual entrepreneur registration certificate or other papers certifying the presence of experience in the industry for more than 3 years.
  • Agreements, invoices for the sale of products (if the enterprise is not new), certifying the volume of trade turnover.
  • Bank statement or other documents confirming the availability of 10% of the requested amount.
  • Business plan.

What can you spend it on?

The applicant must indicate and guarantee that they have not previously received government assistance. Based on the presented development plan, the commission makes a decision on issuing assistance.

Subsidies received from the state cannot be spent at your own discretion.

At the same time, you need to understand that subsidies to young farmers can only be spent on strictly defined purposes, for example:

  • agricultural machinery;
  • planting material, fertilizers;
  • land plots;
  • livestock;
  • animal feed.

Verification and reporting

The Commission reserves the right to check how funds are spent. The frequency of inspections is set individually - once a year, once a quarter. Analytics and reconciliation occurs based on the articles of the business plan.

Achievement of planned results is also taken into account.

You should be aware that if inaccuracies are discovered, for example, funds are spent on items not taken into account in the plan, subsidies issued to support beginning farmers will need to be returned in full. Read about what other subsidies you can get from the state in the following materials on our website.

In any region, a start-up entrepreneur is provided with at least two types of government assistance:

  1. Subsidy under the self-employment program at the employment center. Unemployed citizens will be allocated 58,800 rubles for these purposes.
  2. A grant of 300 thousand rubles from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.


Each region of our country has certain quotas for the provision of subsidies. You can find out their number at the employment center. If there are few subsidies in your region, consider whether it is worth fighting for - the amount is low. There are regions where, since 2015, such subsidies have been allocated only to residents of single-industry towns or existing entrepreneurs.

It is possible to obtain the approval of the commission - it consists of no more than 6 people. Half of them are employees of the employment center, and the other part are invited guests. You will have about 7 minutes to answer questions from guests. There is no need to talk about the project, because experts get acquainted with it in advance. The main thing for them is that you understand the intricacies of your business.

You will have about 7 minutes to answer questions from guests.

Business ideas that are not eligible for subsidies:

  • stock exchange fraud;
  • network marketing;
  • sale of alcohol;
  • pawnshop.


Having received money from the employment center, you can safely go for a grant. Or you can go there right away - this time the Ministry of Economic Development will help you. The federal program operates throughout the country, but distribution cash handled by local authorities. This means that you don’t need to go to Moscow - contact local funds to support small and medium-sized businesses.

There are chances

  1. You registered as an entrepreneur for the first time, and less than a year has passed since that moment.
  2. You have completed the basics training entrepreneurial activity. Who has a legal or economic education, it’s even easier - you don’t need to complete any courses.
  3. You are ready to invest at least 25% of your own funds from the amount of the desired grant. By the way, the percentage is different for each region. You need to check this with your fund.

No chance

  1. The company is at the stage of bankruptcy, reorganization or liquidation.
  2. You have overdue debt on tax and non-tax payments, fees, and insurance premiums.
  3. Your company has wage arrears.
  4. You pay your employees wages below the cost of living.

According to specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development, first of all they pay attention to the social significance of the project and the real possibilities of recoupment. The state does not want to give out money left and right. It is important for them that the company does not go bankrupt in a couple of months, but develops and grows. If the company develops, then stable budget replenishment is guaranteed. Each region allocates its own priority areas. Somewhere it is agriculture, in another place it is industry or handicraft production.

Package of documents

If you have decided, then start collecting documents:

  1. Application for a subsidy. The application form is different everywhere - look on the website of the Ministry of Economy of your region.
  2. Business plan.
  3. Cost estimate.
  4. Documents that confirm the presence production areas(if premises are needed for the implementation of the project).
  5. List of creditors and debtors.
  6. Copies of contracts or draft contracts.
  7. Copies of required licenses or permits.
  8. Copies of documents for hiring the manager and chief accountant.
  9. Questionnaire for an individual entrepreneur or head of a legal entity.
  10. Certificate of availability and status of a bank account.
  11. Copies constituent documents, if they exist.
  12. Copies of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or.
  13. Copies of registration certificate of individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  14. Certificate of absence of tax arrears.
  15. Certificate of completion of training.

Do not forget that collecting documents will take some time. Pay attention to the “expiration date”. For example, a tax certificate is valid for only 10 days. Call the Small and Medium Enterprise Support Fund and find out about the start date of the competition. Applications from participants are accepted for 1 month, so you need to submit documents on time.

What's in a business plan?

Entrepreneurs should remember that they not only need to collect the necessary documents, but also provide a business plan for their activities. This is a complex document that requires detailed study. It will be easier for those who have an economic education. And for those who have never had to compile one, entrepreneurial training courses will help.

The business plan must include:

  • production features;
  • calculations of investment amounts;
  • presentation of products or services;
  • description of organizational processes at the enterprise, taking into account the calendar plan;
  • forecasting risks and finding ways to minimize them.

Remember that the commission will evaluate each indicator and assign its own points. For example, than more people you will be able to find employment at your enterprise, the higher the score you will receive. If you are under 30 years old, this is one more point for your project.

That's what you get points for.

What are they giving for?

There are some statistics on the issuance of grants. Judging by it, among entrepreneurs who received a grant, about 30% are engaged in providing services, 20% have own production, 12% are from the trade sector.

The easiest way is to get money for the purchase of fixed assets, for renting premises and for the necessary raw materials. As a grantee, you will benefit greatly from being willing to invest your own funds in purchasing the equipment. This will convince the commission that you are serious and believe in success.

As a rule, the state more often finances projects in the field of production and agriculture, science (to a greater extent natural sciences) and education.

Among the entrepreneurs who received the grant, about 30% are engaged in the provision of services, 20% have their own production, 12% are from the trade sector.

Agricultural Grants

Agricultural grants occupy a special place in the system. As part of the state program for the development of agriculture for 2013-2020, the subprogram “Support for small businesses” was adopted, aimed specifically at helping small businesses.

There are several options here:

1. Grants for beginning farmers.

Available for specific purposes:

  • acquisition of plots of agricultural land;
  • development of design documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of industrial and warehouse buildings, premises intended for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products;
  • acquisition, construction, repair and reconstruction of industrial and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions, utility networks, barriers and structures, as well as their registration;
  • construction of roads and access roads to production and warehouse facilities;
  • connection of production and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions and structures to engineering networks: electrical, water, gas and heat networks, road infrastructure;
  • purchase of farm animals;
  • receipt of agricultural machinery and equipment, cargo road transport, equipment for the production and processing of agricultural products;
  • purchasing seeds and planting material for planting perennial plantings;
  • obtaining fertilizers and pesticides.

To receive a grant, you need to contact the regional competition commission for supporting beginning farmers, where grants are distributed on a competitive basis. The Commission annually publishes the terms of the competition before January 15.

To participate in the competition, you must submit an application in the prescribed form. Contacts of regional competition commissions can be obtained from state agricultural authorities in the regions.

This grant can only be received once. At the same time, it must repay no more than 90% of your costs for the acquisition of material resources for the development of the farm.

2. Grant for home improvement.

WITH funds can be used to build housing, purchase furniture and other items for a farmer’s home. However, such a grant does not provide for the purchase of secondary housing. It is assumed that the beginning farmer builds a house himself or buys a new one.

Each region has different terms and conditions of the competition. To participate, you need to track information on the websites of relevant regional departments, as well as regional ministries of agriculture.

3. Grant for a family livestock farm.

The grant can be spent on:

  • development of design documentation for a family livestock farm;
  • construction, reconstruction or modernization of a family livestock farm;
  • construction, reconstruction or modernization of production facilities for processing livestock products;
  • supplying family livestock farms and livestock processing facilities with equipment and machinery, as well as their installation;
  • purchase of farm animals.

The grant amount cannot exceed 60% of your costs. To receive a grant, you must submit an application in the prescribed form for a grant to the commission under the governing body of the agro-industrial complex of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

With the participation of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, an agricultural consulting system has been created in the country. The system's consultants will assist beginning farmers in applying for grants and resolving other issues.

Rules for "granting"

    1. Money is given to the organization to perform these tasks, and not to the entrepreneur personally.
    2. According to statistics, preference is given to the most realistic or most original projects.
    3. Not all grants are right for you. Spend maximum time studying the information: how much money is allocated, for what exactly. Otherwise, you risk being rejected - most often they are rejected precisely because the application does not correspond to the subject of the grant.
    4. If you really need money, then try to adapt your own tasks to the goals of the grant. But even here, be prepared for refusal: it is unlikely that a fireworks retailer will be given a grant as an organization producing agricultural products.

The purpose and amount of the grant are finalized in the business plan and then do not change.

  1. Money never arrives all at once, but comes gradually - in tranches. Each stage of the project will be financed separately. Moreover, where it is necessary to supply you with equipment, for example, office equipment, they will supply it, and will not give you money to buy.
  2. Even paying off a bank loan can be delayed, but spending grant funds on other purposes is unacceptable. Any mistake is an indelible stain on your reputation.
  3. Complete all reports correctly and on time. Do everything as described in the instructions and do not violate deadlines.
  4. There is no need to wait for maximum grants for the first time. Ask for the minimum for what you can’t do without. Such an application has a much greater chance of being selected: it will immediately be clear that you will be busy with business, and not with furnishing your own office, for example.
  5. There is no free cheese here either: income tax You will still have to pay from the grant, be prepared for this.

Remember that problems in the economy are not a reason why you should refuse to start your own business. You can always find optimal solutions. The main thing is to move forward towards your goal, and it’s up to you to decide whether to turn to the state for help or rely on your own strength.

There are people whose power lies in the money they loaned. And there are others whose power lies in the money they borrowed. Auguste Deteuf, economist, writer

In 2012, a long-term program “How to become a farmer from scratch” was launched in Russia, aimed at developing the agricultural sector. Main goal new policy– for the period from 2013 to 2020 inclusive – to increase the number of farms and improve the productivity of the national agricultural sector. As part of the implementation of the set goals, an effective algorithm has been developed on how to become a farmer from scratch. Subsidies and grants from the state in 2019 will help with this.

Farming: types of activities

There are several classifications of activities in farming. And before initiating the procedure for receiving a subsidy, a beginning farmer must become familiar with each category of work. Depending on the chosen focus, the receipt of subsidies and grants will depend.

There are the following types of agricultural production:

  • work on storing finished products;
  • implementation of results;
  • transportation;
  • processing and production of products.

The following distribution is also allowed depending on the territorial location of the future enterprise:

  • placement at the borders settlements;
  • organization within existing farming;
  • detached turnkey building;
  • formation of extensive production away from populated areas with great view works

Depending on the type of work, the following types of farms can be defined:

  • horse breeding;
  • poultry farming;
  • breeding cows, goats, pigs;
  • cultivating land for growing vegetables;
  • cultivation of grain crops;
  • potato breeding;
  • beekeeping;
  • fishing;
  • growing fruits and berries.

But subsidies to farmers in 2019 will be provided in the following areas:

  • payment of fertilizer costs;
  • compensation for the purchase of farm animals;
  • financial investments to improve production;
  • partial payment for construction work;
  • rent compensation;
  • covering the costs of developing finished territories.

Beginning Farmer Program

According to statistics, more than a third of the results of farm production are the merit of small agricultural enterprises. Therefore, in 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture decided to increase the amount of subsidies. The list of purposes for which the Beginning Farmer grant can be spent has also grown.

Transfer amount and conditions for receiving the “Beginner Farmer” grant

This year there are two target areas, which are covered by funds from the state budget. Grants for beginning farmers and a one-time payment in 2019 will go towards:

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • modernization of the economy.

Benefits for beginning farmers in 2019 can be provided only after the following conditions are met:

  • Over ten years of experience in agricultural production;
  • higher education in this area;
  • letters of recommendation from previous places of employment;
  • a rich and sensible business plan;
  • the possibility of investing funds independently (paying at least a tenth of the costs);
  • up to two years of business experience;
  • confirmation of sources of product sales.

Important! The type of farming chosen must be relevant to the region. It is also necessary to prove the relevance of the future enterprise.

Family Livestock Farm Program

There is another opportunity to become a farmer from scratch by receiving subsidies from the state. This is an organization of production in which people related by kinship work. If there are more than a hundred animals, it is allowed to attract outside workers. But only seasonal or temporary workers, and no more than five people.

Transfer amount and terms of provision

According to the requirements, the maximum cannot exceed 30,000,000 rubles. And the benefit provided should cover up to 60% of all expenses. The remaining 40% is the investment of the farmer himself. And at least a quarter of this amount must be available, the remaining 30% is loan money.

But the maximum size of the subsidy for beginning farmers depends on the capabilities of the region, for example in the Altai Territory - this is a maximum of 3 million rubles. The main requirements to receive a grant include:

  • participants must be relatives;
  • Russian citizenship of all persons and registration in the region is required;
  • independent participation in running a business;
  • the family already has a business that has been operating for more than 12 months;
  • Before this, no subsidies were received.

How to write a business plan

Subsidizing farms, as mentioned above, occurs in specific amounts of money. This is the amount of funds necessary for the development of an agricultural enterprise in order to obtain further benefits, both for the farmer himself and for the investor, that is, the state.

The procedure for providing subsidies eliminates the possibility of misuse of funds. And, in addition to the fact that recipients of finance are required to keep receipts for the amounts used, a preliminary spending plan is also required. In practice, such a document is called a business plan.

The main task of planning is to calculate possible costs, the size of future benefits and ways to achieve them. After reviewing the documents provided, government bodies assess the feasibility of the enterprise and the need to invest funds in its development. For the farmer himself who wants to receive benefits, a sound business plan is a guarantee that his request will be satisfied.

When drawing up a document, you need to use the following sections:

  • The title page is a page that contains the name of the farm, the direction of its activities, location and period of implementation of the Program;
  • The summary is the main part of the document, which should contain detailed description the project, its advantages over competitors, ways of implementation and the extent of potential benefits for all participants;
  • setting goals - the ways of implementing the Program and possible costs for each item are described in detail;
  • financial costs - this section must be compiled especially carefully, since it is important for investors to understand the feasibility of investments and the timing of return of money.

The most important thing is to attract attention, since subsidies from the Ministry of Agriculture are given to beginning farmers selectively. It is very important to clearly demonstrate your advantages and capabilities over competitors.

Required documents

In order to be able to receive payments, you need to collect a package of such documents.

The Russian government decided to increase the budget for farm subsidies. The most important regulator for the agro-industrial sector of agriculture is the Federal Law “On the Development of Agriculture”.

The government of the Russian Federation has modeled government program support for agriculture and regulation, which is designed for the period from 2013 to 2020 inclusive. The program includes a full range of government plans and initiatives for the coming time. This document reflects subsections in all areas of agricultural development.

Every year in legislative framework This program is being amended by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Forms of state assistance to farmers

In 2019, farmers can count on the following forms of support for agricultural business development:

  1. Grant for starting a business (for beginning farmers).
  2. One-time support for farmers.
  3. Reimbursement of registration costs land plot.
  4. Credit programs.

Grants can be provided to farmers on a competitive basis. To participate, the farmer must submit an application supported by the following documents:

  1. Questionnaire.
  2. Bid.
  3. Two documents (certifying completion of agricultural special courses, work record book, certificate of education, extract certifying farming).
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  5. Copy of passport.
  6. Business plan.
  7. A copy of the peasant farm registration certificate.
  8. Estimate.
  9. Certificate from the Federal Tax Service.
  10. An extract from a personal bank account.
  11. Certificate of availability of livestock, special equipment, agricultural equipment.
  12. Implementation agreement for an amount of more than 30,000 rubles.
  13. Characteristic.

When submitting a copy work book the participant must have work experience from 3 years in the field of agriculture. Also, when submitting a bank statement, you need to remember that current account The amount must be at least 10% of the grant value.

This list cannot be changed by the participant. All listed documents must be submitted to participate in the competition.

Reimbursement of costs for land registration is also a separate measure of farmer support. In this case, the subsidy is provided only for agricultural plots that:

  1. Transmitted for .
  2. Transmitted to .
  3. There were a plot of land.

The state can reimburse money spent during cadastral work during the procedure for registering land ownership. The subsidy can be 100% of the funds at rates determined by the region according to the calculation per hectare.

One-time assistance for farmers is provided for the following expenses:

  1. Purchase of transport for transporting passengers.
  2. Connecting the living space to gas and electricity networks, water supply and sewerage.
  3. Purchase of housing and subsequent construction and repairs, if it is the only one (the costs of repaying the loan and interest are also included).
  4. Purchase of installations that are intended for cleaning water, heating, gas installations and other devices used for supplying water and septic tanks.
  5. Purchase and delivery of 1 unit home furniture, engineering equipment, communication means, household appliances, gas and electric stoves.

As for lending programs, support is provided for the following areas:

  1. Guarantee for loans.
  2. Microfinance.
  3. Interest-free loans.
  4. Financial support, which provides the right to receive money to repay the costs that the farmer incurred in paying interest on bank loans.
  5. Other types of loans.

In 2019, financial support will be provided by the state in various areas. This list can be expanded to cover costs for:

  • rental of land plots and specialized equipment;
  • purchase of fertilizers, feed, farm animals;
  • execution of installation and construction works (reimbursement is carried out partially);
  • activities aimed at improving agricultural production;
  • landscaping work.

In 2019, the following can apply for state financial support:

  1. Agricultural cooperatives.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs specializing in agriculture.

According to statistics, the amount of government grants intended for farmers increases every year. By the end of this year, the amount of financial support may reach 30 billion rubles. To date, more than 120 farmers have received subsidies from the Federal budget and allocated funds for business development.

Support Dimensions

In 2019, the volume of financing for the agricultural industry was increased. Now farmers can count on more serious support from the state.

The state decided to provide additional funding to the agricultural sector in the hope that this particular investment would be justified and positive for the economic situation in the country.

True, the amounts of subsidies may differ from the published standard due to the different coefficients of the regions.

In accordance with the regulations of Federal legislation, farmers can receive a maximum of 30,000,000 rubles. At the same time, one thing must be observed important condition– the allocated subsidy can cover up to 60% of all costs incurred. It follows from this that applicants must have funds available that are sufficient to cover 40% of expenses (10% personal funds, 30% credit).

To receive a grant from the state, farmers must fulfill a number of requirements:

  • run your own business;
  • have a residence permit in a specific region;
  • use the labor of workers related to them by family ties living in the same region;
  • have not previously received subsidies from the state and local authorities;
  • the enterprise must be at least 12 months old.

It is worth noting that in 2019 the Government decided to financially support beginning farmers, for whom a special program was developed. According to its terms one-time funds allocated from the Federal budget will have to be spent on modernizing the farmer’s existing farm or improving living conditions.

Beginning farmers can take part in this program and receive from 1,500,000 to 4,000,000 rubles. However, applicants must meet the following conditions:

  • the farmer must have at least 10 years of experience in the agricultural sector, and up to two years of entrepreneurial experience;
  • the applicant must have a higher education in the agricultural sector;
  • To receive a subsidy, you must draw up a competent business plan, as well as present letters of recommendation from your previous place of work;
  • a beginning farmer must have personal funds that will be enough for him to pay part of the costs (at least 1/10 of the part);
  • Documentary confirmation of the sources of sales of agricultural products is required.

Beginning farmers need to understand that the chosen direction must be relevant for a specific region. During the presentation of the business plan, they will have to prove that the future agricultural enterprise will be profitable.

New farmers can receive financial assistance from the state in another way. To do this, they should open an organization in which they will carry out labor activity relatives. If the business expands and the livestock increases to over one hundred animals, they will be able to attract up to 5 hired workers for cooperation.

Receipt procedure

To participate in any possible government program, two conditions must be met:

  1. Create a business project.
  2. Submit all necessary documents for participation to the Ministry of Agriculture in your region.

Requirements for participants

The requirements for farmers in 2019 are simple - to have funds in a personal bank account, and also to be able to protect their business project.

You also need to pay attention to the direction of development of your business. If the business project is of a large scale, involves the construction of premises, the purchase of elements of agricultural equipment, there will be a high probability of receiving a grant.

Also, when submitting an application, you need to prepare a complete list of documents required to participate in the competition, which are presented above.

Application procedure

First farmers need submit all documents to the Ministry of Agriculture in your region. Within 15 days, an expert assessment of the applicant farmer’s business project takes place, the result of which will be a decision.

The provided package of documents must fully reflect the essence of the business idea and be as competent, clear and reasoned as possible.

Carefully study the list of required documents. After reviewing the application, a call is received to the Ministry of Agriculture for a conversation. During the conversation, experts evaluate the applicant’s business qualities and make a final decision. If the application is approved, subsidized funds will be credited to a bank account within 1-3 months after the actual grant is issued.


Since 2015 deadlines for issuing grants for farmers started to decline.

Every year, the Ministry of Agriculture of each region sends requests to the Government of the Russian Federation to reduce the time frame for issuing subsidies to farmers; special progress is noticeable in 2019 - maximum term receipt of a subsidy from the date of filing an application for participation in the competition is 3 months, the minimum period has been reduced to 21 days.

Russian Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev is not going to stop on the issue of reducing the time frame for receiving subsidies. Moreover, if the expert commission recognized the application for participation in the competitive selection as highly profitable, then express subsidies will be possible for 2019, the terms of which, according to preliminary data, are limited to two weeks.

On the procedure for subsidizing the agricultural sector using the example of the Rostov region

The procedure for providing funds from the budget is explained by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Rostov region Mironova Olga Anatolyevna.

The process of import substitution, which began after the imposition of sanctions against Russian Federation, is gaining significant momentum in 2017-2018. A state program was adopted based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2012 No. 717. It is aimed at supporting farming activities. Duration of the program: 2013 – 2020.

In order to encourage private farms to expand and formalize, the state has taken measures to provide material support. This support consists of the allocation of grants for agricultural development. However, not all citizens can receive subsidies.

A grant for agricultural development is a certain amount that the state allocates from the federal budget in favor of a farmer.

At the same time, there are several types of subsidies, each of which is targeted.

It is impossible to spend subsidies received from the state on something that is not included in the target framework.

Farmers report expenses, thereby confirming what exactly the money was spent on.

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Agricultural subsidies exist in several areas:

  • compensation for fertilizers;
  • funds for the purchase of farm animals;
  • compensation (not in full) for the construction of production facilities (for example, a plant for the production of dairy products);
  • funds for modernization on the farm (for example, for the purchase of modern equipment);
  • funds for acquiring land, establishing communication networks, constructing agricultural facilities (for example, a pig farm);
  • compensation for leasing payments (literally - rent for a fee).

A beginning farmer can count on several options for support from the state, provided that he meets all existing requirements.

Not only a beginning agricultural entrepreneur, but also an existing one who needs help in developing his business can receive a subsidy. The requirements for all candidates are the same.

There are certain requirements that apply to beginning farmers.

If a person or family does not qualify for at least one of them, then it is impossible to receive a grant.

The state finances only those who can benefit society and the domestic market.

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The list of requirements is not too long, but not all farmers can meet them.

The main criteria include:

  1. Professionalism. Preference is given to those farmers who have higher education or farming experience for at least 10 years. That is, if a person has been running a subsidiary farm for more than 10 years, and can confirm this, but does not have a higher or special education, then he can receive a grant.
  2. Having your own funds to start a business. The state admits that a beginning farmer may not have the entire amount on hand. Therefore, the minimum threshold was set at 30% of all necessary funds.
  3. A competent business plan. Without planning for future business development, funds from the federal budget will not be allocated, since the commission will have no idea what benefits the developed agriculture will bring.
  4. Ownership of at least a minimum amount of land and production facilities. That is, a beginning entrepreneur must own a plot of land and buildings on it.
  5. A clear plan for marketing the resulting products. An entrepreneur must clearly understand how and where he will distribute or sell products obtained from agriculture.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, the grant will be denied until the citizen meets the criteria.

If the beginning farmer does not have enough professional experience, the grant can be approved with the permission of the municipal authorities. That is, representatives of the municipality can give recommendations for a citizen who begins to develop agriculture in the area and expects to receive subsidies.

In addition to the requirements described above, there are a number of mandatory conditions. These include:

  • the applicant has Russian citizenship;
  • experience in agriculture (at least 3 years in any field);
  • failure to receive assistance from the state in this area;
  • residence in the area in which the peasant farm will be located.

In fact, a person can work as a tractor driver for 5 years and then start developing agriculture as a farmer. Work experience will be taken into account when documents are reviewed by the inspection commission.

A special commission reviews the documents and makes a decision on whether subsidies will be allocated to help the entrepreneur or not. The selection is made between all participants who submitted an application. And preference is given to the candidate who is most useful to society and meets the requirements.

Refusal of one grant does not mean that subsidies in another area will be denied in the same way. Therefore, the candidate has the right to submit applications in several directions at once. The commission independently decides what to transfer federal budget funds to.

Subsidies for agriculture can be allocated only if a person submits to the commission a certain list of documents confirming compliance with the requirements.

Such documents include:

  • application for participation (filled out directly when submitting documents);
  • copy of passport (all completed pages);
  • copy of diploma;
  • certificate of registration as a peasant farm (registration with the tax authority is carried out within 14 calendar days);
  • business plan (you can draw it up yourself or with the involvement of third-party organizations);
  • agreement for verification, processing and storage of personal data (modern standard for 2017);
  • letters of recommendation from the municipality, if available;
  • agreement on the sale and marketing of finished products.

If any documents are missing, the commission will not accept the application for consideration, and participation in the competition will be canceled.

You can resubmit your documents at any time. Therefore, if the application does not pass the selection the first time, then submission at a convenient time after correction of errors is not prohibited. The development of agriculture is a priority, which explains the unlimited number of attempts to participate.

In 2017-2018, it is not meant to be a one-time allocation of funds from the state in a single amount, but the conclusion of a government contract as part of the support program.

That is, an agreement is concluded between the farmer and government officials, according to which funds are allocated for the benefit of the business throughout the year.

The contract specifies the following aspects:

  • subsidy amount;
  • reporting deadlines;
  • types of reporting;
  • target purpose of subsidies;
  • the procedure for returning funds that were not disbursed during the year;
  • liability for violation of contract clauses.

If a farmer does not spend the allocated funds in full for 2017-2018, then he will be obliged to return the rest to the budget.

The subsidy period is exactly one year. During this period, the state provides financial support to the entrepreneur, after which the business either gains momentum or shows its insolvency.

We describe typical methods solutions to legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers of our site.

In 2017, the maximum grant amount was 1.5 million rubles. In 2018, it is planned to increase this level taking into account inflation and rising prices. The subsidy program is designed for a long period.

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