How to Eliminate Bad Odor from the Kitchen Sink. Smell from the kitchen sink - how to eliminate it, methods How to eliminate smell from the sink

Extraneous unpleasant odors in the kitchen make few people happy. Especially if there is an odor coming from the sink. After all, it is impossible to get rid of it by simply spraying an air freshener. The most annoying thing is that bad smell in the kitchen from pipes can appear even in the cleanest houses, where cleaning is done constantly. Why does this smell appear from the sewer and how to get rid of it?

Unfortunately, there can be many reasons. The first and simplest is a clogged siphon. Residues of food and fat gradually settle on its walls. All organic products tend to rot and release a characteristic odor. Hence the notorious smell from the pipes. This cause can be eliminated by removing and washing the siphon.

Other causes of odors:

  • incorrect design of the siphon and disruption of its operation;
  • sink for a long time not used;
  • damage to the drain pipe;
  • lack of sealing of the sewerage system from drainage;
  • air in the riser.

If the drain is damaged, water saturates everything and a characteristic moldy smell appears from the pipes. It can be eliminated only by eliminating the breakdown.

A clogged riser leads to the formation of air pockets in it. Draining water causes an unpleasant smell from the pipes.


Before you get rid of the smell, you need to clearly find the cause of the smell from the sewer. After this, the cause must be eliminated.

Clogged riser and air lock

You can remove the blockage in two ways - on your own and by specialists - plumbers from the housing office. The second way is more preferable, since it requires special equipment and experience.

But if there is a long metal cable in the house and a little courage, then you can try to get rid of the blockage yourself by carefully screwing the cable into the pipes and clearing the passage.


  • you can save money;
  • The result lasts longer.


  • If done incorrectly, the pipes can be damaged.

Lack of sewer sealing

If the smell from the sink is due to the fact that the joint between the drain and the sewer pipe has become depressurized, then eliminating it is very simple - just take silicone sealant and coat the pipe joints with it.

Violations of the siphon design

The siphon has a water lock or, in scientific terms, a water seal. It is necessary to ensure that not all water leaves the siphon. The water in it acts as a plug and delays the spread of odor from the sewer pipes to the outside. If the water in the siphon does not linger, the smell in the kitchen will not be long in coming. This happens if the siphon was installed incorrectly or the corrugated pipe sagged. If the corrugation simply sagged and stretched, then it can be fixed with electrical tape or special devices.

If the siphon is installed incorrectly and the pipe does not reach the water, you need to adjust its location by submerging it a few centimeters.

Important : The pipe must not fall to the bottom of the siphon.

No operation

When you are away from the house for a long time, the water in the drains also dries up and a characteristic smell appears from the sink, which has not been used for a long time. To prevent this from happening, you need to add sunflower oil to the drain before leaving. Water will not evaporate through the oil film and no smell will appear.


You can also get rid of odors using chemicals. This method is suitable if the cause of odors is the accumulation of fat residues and other organic substances in the drain and siphon.

Important: You can use the traditional method. To do this, pour regular table salt or a mixture of soda and water into the drain. The mixture should be very hot. After a while, you need to open the water and thoroughly pour the drain, rinsing it. The smell will disappear.


So what needs to be done To eliminate odor from the start:

  • use mesh to protect the drain from food debris;
  • periodic use of funds household chemicals– you can pour Fairy into the sink once a week and flush it – this will dissolve fat deposits;
  • Every day, after each wash of dishes, you need to let it sit in the sink for a few minutes. hot water– it dissolves grease and removes it from the walls.


Getting rid of foreign odors from pipes is quite simple. The main thing is to find the cause and eliminate it.

Basically, the problem of odor coming from kitchen sink- this is quite a common thing even among diligent housewives. The smell of the sewer is crazy and makes you think hard about whether to fix the problem yourself or call a qualified specialist. We will be happy to resolve your dilemma and show you that this issue can be easily resolved on your own.

Where does the smell come from?

The first question that arises when unpleasant odor their kitchen sink - where does it come from? And here, first of all, it is important to turn your attention to the siphon, which often causes an unpleasant odor in the event of a malfunction. Over time, grease and dirt adhere to the pipe walls, which, when rotting, cause a disgusting sewer smell. Solving the problem is simple - just disassemble the siphon and clean it. But if everything were so simple, this article would not have arisen. The cause of a bad odor is not always the accumulation of grease and dirt.

If an unpleasant odor occurs from the sink, the siphon should be the first thing to pay attention to.

There are many other reasons. But to understand their essence, it is important to understand the operation and structure of the pipes running under the sink. Let's try to get into it.

Everyone who has installed it or at least looked under the sink from time to time knows about the siphon. This is where the so-called water seal or water lock, to be called differently, is contained. In the part that resembles the letter S in shape, after each use of the sink and draining the water, a small supply of liquid remains, blocking the flow of unpleasant odors from the sewer into the kitchen. In other words, water plays the role of a cork.

The principle of operation of this locking mechanism remains the same, whether you have a corrugated or flask (also called a bottle) siphon. As soon as this principle is violated, a deadly smell appears from the sink. So the main reason for its appearance is now clear. But if water stops staying in the siphon, then why and what to do about it? Let's look at different examples.

Let's start with the fact that often instead of a siphon they install a corrugated pipe, which has one unpleasant property - to stretch and sag. Even with correct installation pipes, it will still lose its shape over time. To extend its service life for many years, it is better to purchase it complete with a pipe special devices to secure it. Insulating tape can also serve as a retainer. But this method is rather considered temporary.

Siphons are installed incorrectly - this is a fact. This usually happens when installing a drain system yourself. The plastic pipe does not reach the water in the flask, and the unpleasant smell finds its way into the world of the kitchen. Solving the problem is quite easy - you need to adjust the pipe. It should be recessed 2-3 cm in the water, but not reach the bottom.

The siphon must be installed correctly so that the water lock protects against unpleasant odors.

The simplest example of the appearance of an unpleasant odor is the absence of owners from the apartment for a long time. During this time, the water in the flask has time to evaporate. To significantly slow down the process of its evaporation, it is recommended to add a little sunflower oil to the drain before leaving. It forms a film on the surface of the water that prevents rapid evaporation. If the water still evaporates, you will need to pour more water into the pipe, and soon the foul odor will disappear.

It’s better not to skimp on installing a siphon - this is the main guarantee clean air in the kitchen

Often self installation or repairing the drain system leads to a problem due to the formation of an incorrect clog. The water either goes down the drain without touching it or rushes back into the sink. Stretching the corrugation is something you already know, and you shouldn’t install it directly on the riser. Saving in this case is only harmful.

Other reasons

Not only these reasons limit the appearance of odor in the kitchen. Sometimes cracks in the pipe or mechanical damage can cause water to leak and get onto the walls and floor, and there, in turn, mold begins to actively grow.

An extremely unpleasant thing - airing of the riser - appears when there is severe blockage. Accompanied by corresponding rumbling sounds when draining the water and the subsequent appearance of a terrible stench. Usually in this case the problem is so great that it will be necessary to invite specialists.

The joint between the sewer and the drain is a rather delicate place, and its tightness can sometimes be broken. Here it is important to timely treat the joint with sealant, preferably silicone.

Getting rid of the smell

Basically, before calling a specialist, owners try to figure out the problem themselves, and often emerge victorious in the fight against it. Having experience in business matters is a huge help in this case and an opportunity to save a little. In addition, in the age of the Internet, it is quite easy to find an article about solving a corresponding problem and use pictures to study the stages of eliminating it.

If a smell appears, first of all we check the corrugated pipe for stretching and, if it is detected, we fix it in the desired position using electrical tape. This measure is temporary - until you purchase a new pipe (and this must be done) along with fasteners.

You can resort to the use of chemicals. They are easy to get and just as easy to use. They often have a positive effect (unless the blockage is major, of course) and at the same time have quite affordable prices. Among the people, products like the domestic “Mole” and the foreign “Domestos” and “Cillit” are popular.

If you are against chemistry, use folk remedies. So salt is poured into drain hole and after a while the water flow is opened. The combination of baking soda and water has worked well. Two tablespoons of soda are poured into a liter of boiling water, mixed and immediately sent down the drain.

Photo gallery of chemical and folk remedies for removing blockages

Salt - folk remedy for cleaning pipes
Clog clearer
Clog clearer
Clog clearer Baking soda is a powerful folk remedy for cleaning pipes

Technical means

The simplest technical tool is a plunger. We take a little water to submerge it and make simple jerking movements without lifting the plunger from the sink.

Plunger is the simplest of technical means which is in every home

In addition to the plunger, you can use a plumbing cable (or string, to call it differently). It is essentially a long wire coiled into a spring with a handle on one end for convenience. Its length combined with flexibility allows it to reach the most remote and hard to reach places. This good way removing the blockage (if it was this that caused the stench). To help, you can turn on the water and vigorously work with the cable. If it does not push through, you can return it using a reciprocating motion.

The plumbing cable allows you to get rid of the most inaccessible and complex blockages due to its length and flexibility

Has a similar property flexible hose with a conical tip that can be used to remove blockages. The hose is used together with strong water pressure in small-diameter pipes, that is, just like those installed in the kitchen. The hose entry point is clogged with rags to prevent water from pouring into the sink.

This method cannot be used after using chemicals, since in case of severe blockage, water may flow back together with them.

Removing a clog in the sink (video)

Using the above methods, you can fix the problem without resorting to the help of specialists, except perhaps the most complex cases. And then your kitchen will reign for a long time fresh air.

The smell from the pipes in the bathroom or kitchen is a problem with a very unpleasant odor. It occurs mainly when the pipeline and its elements are severely worn out and need to be replaced. In some cases, the cause is the condition of the drains throughout the house. Naturally, you are unlikely to be able to solve this problem alone. However, if the reason is the deplorable condition of the pipes in your apartment, or blockages in them, you can eliminate the smell yourself.

What should you do first?

If the smell appears in the bathroom or kitchen, inspect the pipes before trying to get rid of it. There should be no deformation on them. The joints should be checked for integrity. If there is damage, it is quite possible that this is the cause of the problem. In this case, you will have to change or reinstall the structure. Temporary methods, such as cleaning pipes, cannot be done here.

If water flows into the drain with specific gurgling and other sounds, it is quite possible that the water seal in the system has been broken. Also check the condition of the siphon. Its short partition can cause the water seal to break. In order to get rid of the smell, in this case, it is enough to replace the siphon.

If you have a corrugated pipe in your kitchen or bathroom, inspect that too. If it has lost its former appearance, you can give it the desired

form, twisting and sealing with electrical tape. However, ideally, it should be replaced with a new one.

Simple ways to eliminate odor

If the problem is caused by a blockage, you just need to clean the pipes to solve it. Various chemicals are used for this purpose. For example, “Mole”, “Domestos”, “Mr. Muscle” and others. In order to get rid of the smell, you can use traditional methods:

  • It is poured into the pipeline table salt. Then, after waiting a little, it is washed off with running water;
  • Washing soda (2 tablespoons) is poured with a liter of boiling water. Then the composition is poured into the drain hole;
  • Soda is poured into the drain. Following her, pours in acetic acid. The drain hole should be tightly closed. After half an hour, the drain opens and the water is turned on to rinse off the composition;
  • Prepare a mixture of washing soda and salt. Then it is poured into the drain hole. Salt helps get rid of amber, and washing soda allows you to clean the pipeline.

To ensure that the smell from pipes in the kitchen and bathroom does not bother you in the future, it is recommended to apply the above preventive measures once a week. For this purpose, preventive chemicals can be used. There are also temporary ways to eliminate odor from pipes:

  • The zest of an orange or lemon is set on fire indoors. A small piece is enough. It is important to follow all safety measures;
  • The bathroom should be ventilated after each “bath procedure”. Constantly closed door only exacerbates the problem;
  • Until a solution to the problem is found, you can use air fresheners.
  • If the design is completely intact, the cause of the problem may be evaporation of liquid in the water seal caused by infrequent use of the taps;
  • If you are going on a long train, fill the waterproofing with oil. This way you will prevent drying out in the system;
  • Buy a special siphon. It will be a kind of barrier for amber;
  • Replace the gaskets in the pipeline.

What to do if you have already tried many methods, but the unpleasant smell from the pipes remains? In this case it makes no sense to buy more and more new chemicals, look for traditional methods fight against amber. Most likely, the cause of the problem is more serious than you think, and ordinary means will not get rid of it. In this case, do not overuse air fresheners. Better try to replace the system quickly if this is the cause, or take an interest in the general condition of the sewer system in your home. In the latter case, you should contact the appropriate services for help.

Home smells are an important component of the idea of ​​home and comfort. Smells shape the mood no less than the interior and color palette premises. Delicate perfume bouquets of the bedroom and alluring aromas of the kitchen, the bright fragrance of relaxing bath foam or a thin trail of your favorite perfume - everyone has their own ideal idea of ​​home smells. And immediately the question arises and the unpleasant odor from the sink, which quickly fills the entire house and literally smothers all other aromas.

Why might this problem occur, and how to solve it? We'll tell you in the article.

Installation of a home sink

A siphon is a curved pipe located under the sink bowl. This element is necessary in the design so that the water in it does not allow the smell from the sewer to rise up. The water seal creates a seal for odor from the riser, preventing it from entering the room.

There are self-cleaning (corrugated) and barrel-shaped (or flask) ones. The latter have a removable element that can be removed and cleaned without disconnecting the siphon from the sink.

The water is drained through the pipe, but the last part of it always remains in the siphon elbow, which is shaped like an English S, to protect the fresh air in your home. Regardless of the siphon design, there is always water inside. The slightest violation of this principle will lead to the spread of stench in your home.

Why does the sink smell?

Everything goes into the sink dirty water, food debris, hair, and fat get there. A coating forms on the walls of the pipes, which is the source of the amber. However, if there are no faults, there is no smell from the sink. If an unpleasant odor does appear, you need to look for its causes, which can be reduced to two reasons: problems with the siphon or sewer pipes.

Causes of siphon problems

  1. Lack of liquid in the water seal.

This is possible if siphon installed incorrectly. For example, if the plastic pipe in a barrel-shaped siphon model does not reach the level of the liquid in its flask, a stench is guaranteed.

The problem can be easily eliminated by adjusting the height of the pipe - it should be about 3 centimeters below the water level in the hydraulic lock, but it must not rest against the very bottom of the flask. There are also errors during installation corrugated pipe: the installer forgets to form a water seal, and the water goes down the drain without stopping or, conversely, flows back into the sink.

  1. Water, which is usually located in a siphon, evaporated due to long periods of non-use of the sink.

To avoid such an unpleasant surprise, before leaving for a long period of time, pour a little vegetable oil down the sink drain. Oil forms a film on the surface of the liquid that will prevent water from evaporating. And if the smell still appears, run some water through the drain. The water seal will fill and the smell will disappear.

  1. The siphon corrugation has stretched or sagged.

The S-bend must be supported by a special clamp that firmly fixes the position of the siphon corrugation.

Other causes of problems and odor

An odor can also appear when the water seal is functioning normally.

If you've gone through everything possible reasons appearance of “odors”, but still could not find the reason, call a professional plumber.

Why is the smell dangerous, and how to deal with it?

Is sewer smell dangerous? Maybe you just shouldn't pay attention to him? The fact is that this persistent “aroma” is really harmful. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia with their derivatives - nitrogen, methane, carboxylic acids - are not best friends human lungs.

Method 1

A radical method: call a plumber who will disassemble the structure completely, wash all the components and reassemble the sink, ridding you of the bad smell.

Method 2

Independent struggle with troubles, start by observing the sink. If the water flows normally, but there is an unpleasant odor from the drain, try to reduce the flow of waste that ends up in the sink. The more rapidly the waste in the pipes is replenished, the stronger the smell. Flush the pipes hot water with disinfectant.

Method 3

If the problem of sewer odors lies in the siphon, it needs to be cleaned. Sometimes the cause of amber is an ordinary cotton swab or a toothpick caught in a siphon with dirt wrapped around it. In a barrel-shaped siphon, it is necessary to check the level of the pipe in the hydraulic lock. And with a corrugated siphon, it’s worth trying to change the position, fixing the correct one with a holder.

Method 4

If there is a blockage, buy liquid, powder or gel for cleaning pipes at the store. They are poured into the pipe and left for a while so that the chemicals interact with the dirt and destroy it, eliminating the smell. Powders are used after draining hot water for 5 minutes. Thick gel-like substances are more active and remove blockages better. After any such impact, you need to pour a lot of warm water to rinse surfaces from that are highly toxic.

Method 5

Traditional methods removing odor from the sink is a salt or soda attack. Baking soda or salt should be poured into the sink drain and left for 20 minutes, and then rinsed.

Both substances absorb odors and dirt well and disinfect the pipe. The same functions can be performed by lemon or citric acid, which needs to be poured with boiling water so that it “boils” and dissolves the dirty, greasy residue from waste in the pipes. Baking soda + vinegar will also help, just be sure to plug the sink drain while the caustic vinegar does its job.

Method 6

If it is more serious and is far from the drain, use a string. You can try to push the blockage into the pipe or, conversely, pull it out. Movements when cleaning a pipe with a cable should be vigorous. And the efficiency of the process is increased by running water from the tap.

Method 7

An emergency method of dealing with blockages is a hose with a cone tip to create strong water pressure. Only small diameter pipes can be cleaned this way. To do this, the hose is inserted into the drain and the insertion point is sealed with cellophane. Hot water is then added to break through the mash. This cleaning option is unacceptable after chemical exposure to pipes.

Method 8

If there are no blockages, but there is a smell, we check the pipes. They must be intact, without chips or cracks. Perhaps the smell of garbage and rot is coming from a riser that is poorly connected to your home drainage system. Look for the problem below the siphon level. Fit the structural elements of the sink closer to each other, use fum tape or any other insulating material. Check the fastening points and insulate them.

If you have tried everything, but there is no result, do not worry and feel free to contact a plumber. And to prevent the appearance of odor, you need to carry out preventive cleaning of the sink every month: use special means or at least just rinse the pipes with hot water.

Video - how to eliminate smell from the sink and clean the pipes

First, identify the causes of the problem:

  1. Siphon clogged. The curved part of the pipe often stops functioning due to simple clogging with food debris, hairs, and greasy deposits. The particles settle in the siphon itself, on the surfaces of the pipes from the inside, forming a layer of sediment impenetrable to water. As they decompose, they emit a heavy rotting smell that spreads from the siphon through the sink into the kitchen.
  2. Incorrect siphon installation. There is nothing complicated about connecting plumbing fixtures, but often the cause of spoiled indoor air is errors in pipe connections.
  3. The siphon does not cope with its functions, the seal is broken, air and unpleasant odors penetrate into the kitchen.
  4. Hitting sewer risers air. About appearance in pipes air lock gurgling sounds, as well as slow drainage of water, will “report”.
  5. Corrugation sagging. Even correct installed pipes stretch during use. Various problems arise: wastewater accumulates in the sagging area, and a water seal does not form.
  6. Defects of pipes, corrugations, siphon. They arise due to mechanical impacts on the system, as well as due to the loss of corrugated elasticity.
  7. Problems with sealing the corrugation and riser. All connections must be joined using rubber sealing rings, adapters, and adjusted to the diameters. If the installation is not correct, the smell will penetrate from the pipes into the premises.

Odor problems often arise when taps and sinks have not been used for a long time. There are no blockages in the siphon, but there is also no necessary protection from air and odors in the water. There must be water inside the device, creating a water seal. In the absence of water, pungent odors of sewage and rotting sediments arise.

Why is the smell dangerous?

Foul-smelling air is a big nuisance for household members. In addition to discomfort, it is dangerous due to toxicity. Components of heavy aroma:

  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • ammonia;
  • methane.

The first two substances smell sharp and unpleasant, methane has practically no smell. The presence of these elements in the air negatively affects the state of the respiratory system and affects the nervous system.

A person constantly feels discomfort, anxiety, and fear. Methane causes nervous breakdowns and sometimes fainting.

How to remove smell from a sink using folk remedies

The problem should be resolved immediately. Helpers will help simple remedies Their main advantage is safety and lack of toxins.

Citric acid

An assistant in many tasks in the kitchen is citric acid. To flush the pipe you will need 2-3 liters of boiling water and a pack of product.

  1. The powder from the pack is carefully poured into the sink drain hole.
  2. Slowly pour boiling water inside.
  3. After some time, flush the pipe with clean water.


Excellent help with blockages in the pipe baking soda. Procedure:

  1. Pour baking soda into the drain.
  2. Wait approximately 20-30 minutes.
  3. Pour in hot water.
  4. Then the manipulations are repeated again.

If washing twice with soda does not help, choose more effective option- soda and salt.

Soda and salt

First, prepare a combined composition by mixing soda and salt in equal proportions. All other stages are similar:

  1. Pour the mixture into the drain.
  2. They wait half an hour.
  3. Pour boiling water over it and wait for the result.

Soda and vinegar

An “explosive” mixture for cleaning pipes under the sink is prepared using soda and ordinary table vinegar.

  1. Pour a little soda (2-3 tablespoons) into the siphon through the drain.
  2. Next, pour a glass of the bite after.
  3. Close the drain with a stopper.
  4. Leave for 10-15 minutes for the reaction to occur.
  5. Rinse the sink with hot water.

Mustard powder

A similar method with mustard powder.

  1. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of the product into the drain.
  2. Wait 20-30 minutes.
  3. Pour boiling water over the pipe.

Fixing the problem with a plunger

An irreplaceable thing in the household is a simple plumbing fixture, a plunger. It is advisable to have several plungers: for the toilet, sink, bathroom. The rubber cap of the device is applied to the sink drain and pressed with a handle. Turn on the water and then vigorously press the cap several times. Up-and-down suction streams of water pump the pipe, removing possible blockages.

The plunger is convenient to use if you do not want to disassemble the corrugation. Even women can easily cope with such a device. If the plunger does not help, use special cables.

Using a cable

Plumbing stores offer a wide range of different cables for cleaning pipes. Their length varies from 3-5 meters and more, while the cables are equipped with special handles for rotation, brushes or a spiral hook.

To clean:

  1. Remove the siphon corrugation.
  2. Carefully insert the cable into the pipe.
  3. They begin to push the device into the riser by turning the handle. The cable is screwed into the pipe, passing along its entire length.
  4. Having tightened the blockage, they begin to move the cable in different directions. An alternative is to push the deposits further, hooking them with a hook.
  5. Repeat the manipulations 2-3 times until the pipe is completely clean.
  6. Connect the corrugation, turn on the water and rinse the pipe.

After use, the cable is washed to remove deposits and dirt and lubricated with oil. Place in a bay and store in a dry place.

Disassembling the siphon

Disassembling the plumbing unit will help remove dirt and grease from the siphon. Corrugated tubes are considered self-cleaning; siphons with a flask require regular cleaning.

  1. Place a basin or bucket under the sink and siphon.
  2. Carefully unscrew the flask from the pipe, clean it, and rinse it. To remove greasy deposits inside, dishwashing gel is added to the water.
  3. Reconnect the flask without losing the spacer rings in the connections.
  4. Run water through the sink faucet, flushing the pipes.

Elimination of depressurization of joints

If the system sealing is damaged, you will need to use fum tape or special plumbing compounds. Types of sealants:

  1. Compositions based on polyurethane. They have a sharp, specific odor. It is required to use personal protective equipment when working.
  2. Acrylic. Durable, shock-resistant sealants temperature regime. “Disadvantages”: low elasticity, which leads to depressurization of seams. Compositions of low and high moisture resistance are produced.
  3. Silicone sealants. They do not shrink, are convenient and practical to use on all types of surfaces. The “minus” of silicone compounds is their high cost.
  4. Combined sealants (silicone and acrylic). Plumbers use such compounds for sealing joints, as well as for gluing various materials.

Popular brands:

  • CeresitCS7 (gives elastic seams);
  • Tytan Power Flex;
  • CIKIFIX (high adhesion to various surfaces);
  • Moment Germent (suitable for wide seams);
  • S 4000 (sealant with high mold resistance).

When working, first degrease the surfaces (with alcohol, acetone). Next, apply the composition with a spatula and level it, excluding tears.

Use of chemicals

Apply chemical compositions To eliminate the smell and clean the pipe, you need to be careful.

  • Before purchasing and using, carefully read the instructions;
  • take into account the specifics of the composition (alkaline remove fat deposits, acids act on blockages from hair, threads, soap).

Products are produced in the form of gels, powders, and liquids. Each case has its own method of application.


Gels are considered the most economical. A small amount of the drug is enough to eliminate contamination and solve the problem of a clean pipe.

The list of the most popular drugs:

  • Mole;
  • Domestos;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Tiret Turbo.

The drug Mole is effective - a liquid or powder that is affordable and copes well with all blockages in the system. Disadvantages: pungent odor, suitable for working with metal pipes.

Tiret Turbo quickly clears blockages and removes rotting odors from the sink. The series produces formulations of various concentrations:

  • for complex blockages (red bottle);
  • antibacterial (blue bottle);
  • for prevention (green bottle).

Sanox gel is popular. Clean drain, safe for pipes made of any materials. In case of blockages, it helps little, but is indispensable for preventive flushing of water supply and sewerage systems.

Chirton, Baghi Pothan, and Selena granules do a good job with organic plugs. The first two drugs are based on - caustic soda, which begins to work quickly when interacting with water. Disadvantage of the compositions: high cost.

From budget options Selena granules are popular, giving a quick effect and not having a strong odor when used.

Preventing unpleasant odors from the sink

When solving the problem of a strong odor in the sink drain, do not forget about prevention. It is easier and cheaper to prevent the problem than to call plumbers and promptly clean the pipe.

Prevention rules:

  1. Regularly clean drains and pipes in the kitchen, spilling them with special compounds.
  2. Keep plumbing fixtures clean.
  3. Use special grates and meshes in the sink to trap food debris.
  4. When leaving home for a long time, pour a little sunflower oil into the sink to prevent water evaporation and drying out the corrugation bends.
  5. Use high-quality removable siphons in systems.
  6. Periodically disassemble the siphons and clean the flasks and corrugations.


There are many ways to rid your apartment of unpleasant kitchen sink odors. After identifying the cause, use it to eliminate chemicals or folk recipes compositions. In the future, do not forget about preventive maintenance and keeping pipes and sinks clean.

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