Leather, leatherette or fabric, which is better? What is the difference between artificial leather and eco-leather? How is artificial intelligence (AI) different from robotics? What are artificial fibers

Recently, the demand for genuine leather products has not been so strong. The reason is the emergence of less expensive, high-quality products made from eco-leather. The popularity of this material is explained by its differences in better side from other types of artificial material.

Eco leather- a high-tech material that allows you to create wear-resistant products at affordable prices. Ecological leather is in demand in such industries as:

  1. Furniture: production of upholstery for armchairs and sofas.
  2. Haberdashery: creating bags and wallets, briefcases and purses.
  3. Light: tailoring.

Many companies use eco-leather to produce car seat covers.

Artificially produced leather consists of the following layers:

  • basics;
  • impregnating composition;
  • polymer coating.

The fabric base of the eco-material is made of natural or polyester materials.

The polymer coating of the eco-material is polyurethane. There are other types of artificial leather based on the following polymers:

  • polyacetal;
  • thermoplastic elastomer;
  • cellulose nitrate;
  • rubber.

The structure and structure of ecological leather is porous. Other types of artificial material may have the following structure and structure:

  • monolithic and porous-monolithic;
  • single-layer and multi-layer;
  • baseless on a fibrous basis;
  • reinforced.

Depending on the conditions under which artificial leather is used, such varieties are known as: regular and frost-resistant, acid- and alkali-resistant, water-resistant, etc.

Eco-leather is so close in some properties to natural leather that sometimes only specialists can distinguish them. This applies to the case where the polyurethane substitute material is of very good quality.

How to distinguish leather from eco-leather

If a person decides to purchase something made from natural material, he should be careful not to make a mistake. After all, unscrupulous sellers may offer polyurethane leather instead of natural leather.

It is necessary to take into account a number of features that eco-leather has:

  1. It heats up just like natural material, from human heat upon contact with it. Leaves no traces of moisture.
  2. The design on the front side is very close to the natural design.
  3. Not subject to significant deformation: when stretched, it quickly restores its shape. The fabric feels soft and stretchy to the touch.
  4. Absorbs moisture well.

How to distinguish leather from eco-leather on a jacket

The first thing you should do is find the label on the jacket where the sign is indicated. If the sign is in the form of a diamond, it is a product made from environmentally friendly material. If there is no label on the product, you need to find the raw edge and take a good look at it.

Natural material will not delaminate. But if the cut shows a top coating in the form of a film, and on the bottom layer there is fabric, it is polyurethane leather. If you cannot find the raw edge of the product, pay attention to the seams.

A leatherette jacket usually has closed seams and is very thin to the touch. A product made of natural material may also have closed seams, but when you feel them between your fingers, a “roller” is felt.

A jacket made of natural material will have a specific leather smell. So you can just smell the thing. But some manufacturers resort to tricks, impregnating leatherette with special aromatic solutions - they do not recommend completely relying on such experience.

The weight of the jacket also matters - things made of leatherette are usually light.

Eco-leather products have rich shades. This is because the dye adheres better to the polyurethane coating, therefore the colors look brighter.

Testing a piece of material with fire is an unreliable method, since special additives are added to modern leather substitutes.

A dubious method of checking authenticity is also exposing the material to water. Leather is known to absorb water, but if the surface of the product is treated with a water-repellent compound, the test result will be incorrect.

It would be much easier to distinguish leather from ordinary leatherette. The reason is that the properties of other types of artificial leather differ significantly from the properties of polyurethane and natural leather for the worse.

What is the difference between eco-leather and leatherette

No plasticizer additives are used in the production of eco-leather. Another feature in the production of ecological leather is a special attitude towards the base of the polyurethane film: the material does not test various types loads

The result is that eco-raw materials acquire a flexible structure and elasticity. Polyurethane film occupies no more than 25% of the total mass. Therefore, we can safely say that eco-leather is a fabric impregnated with polyurethane. And for leatherette you can choose a definition: a sheet of polymer reinforced with fabric.

The breathability of eco-leather is significantly higher than that of other leatherettes. This was achieved due to the fact that during the film application process, pores are formed through which air and water vapor pass, but not the water itself. The polyurethane network is very mobile, so polymers can rearrange under the influence of mechanical loads and temperature changes. These abilities explain their resistance to wear and very low temperatures. The polymers of films of other types of artificial leather wear out faster and crack in severe frosts.

Reference! Polyurethanes can even eliminate damage to the polymer network during deformation due to the presence of special groups of atoms that natural leather has.

What is the difference between eco-leather and leatherette?

The leatherette base is made of cotton fabric. The coating of this type of artificial leather is cellulose nitrate, which can be applied not only to one side of the fabric, like eco-leather, but also to both sides.

Unlike ecological leather, leatherette has the following features:

  1. Easily wears out. The wear process can only be stopped if the new product is treated with silicone-based varnish.
  2. Does not tolerate low temperatures: cracks in the cold.
  3. It is highly flammable and burns quickly. In fire hazardous areas it is not permissible to decorate furniture and doors with leatherette.
  4. When burning, an unpleasant smell of rubber is released. Substances released during combustion are very toxic.
  5. Shows resistance to moisture: prevents water from penetrating into the lining material.
  6. Leatherette can be easily damaged without much effort.
  7. Changes color when bent.
  8. Has low thermal conductivity. Leatherette items are cold to the touch. Even if you hold them in your hands for a long time, they hardly heat up.
  9. The top layer pattern is uniform, only vaguely reminiscent of the pattern of natural porosity.
  10. Mainly used as a finishing material.
  11. It gets tougher over time.
  12. It is sensitive to ultraviolet rays. It is better to cover the door with leatherette from the inside.
  13. Does not allow air to pass through. A person is clearly uncomfortable in clothes and shoes made of leatherette. It is highly undesirable to purchase such products, only in case of a shortage of funds.

What is the difference between Alcantara and eco-leather?

Among modern materials, Alcantara has recently become very popular. Many car enthusiasts are interested in having the car interior trimmed with this unique fabric, imitating natural suede.

This artificial suede is produced using an advanced spinning method. The result is a very thin fiber, which is then pierced and impregnated adhesive composition. Inner surface woven material is treated with abrasive. As a result, the pile rises and the fabric becomes soft and silky.

Differences between Alcantara and eco-leather:

  1. More susceptible to contamination due to the presence of small fibers on the surface.
  2. Heats up less in the sun.
  3. More pleasant to the touch.
  4. Requires more careful care. If staining liquids get on the surface, you have to wash the fabric.
  5. More elastic. Alcatara car seat covers can be easily applied to the seats. But if eco-leather covers are not tightened correctly, then over time cracks appear in the material.
  6. Products made from Alcatara are more expensive than those made from eco-leather.

It is impossible to say for sure who is more susceptible to wear and tear of Alcantara or eco-leather - it all depends on how well they were made.

Or is AI a part of robotics? What is the difference between these two terms? We will answer this question!

Robotics and artificial intelligence serve very different purposes. However, people often confuse them. Many people wonder whether robotics is a subset of artificial intelligence or whether they are the same thing.

The first thing to say is that robotics and artificial intelligence are not the same thing at all. In fact, these two regions are almost completely separate.

A Venn diagram of them would look like this:

We assume that people confuse these two concepts due to the overlap between them: artificially intelligent robots.

To understand how these three terms relate to each other, let's look at each of them individually.

What is robotics?

Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with robots. Robots are programmable machines that can typically perform a series of actions autonomously or semi-autonomously.

In our opinion, there are three important factors that define a robot:

  • Robots interact with the physical world using sensors and actuators.
  • Robots are programmed.
  • Robots are usually autonomous or semi-autonomous.

There are many opinions about what constitutes a "robot". Some experts say that the robot must be able to “think” and make decisions. However, there is no standard definition of “robotic thinking.” Requiring a robot to “think” assumes that it has some level of artificial intelligence.

Robotics involves the design, construction and programming of physical robots. Only a small part of it is related to artificial intelligence.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science. It involves the development of computer programs to perform tasks that require human intelligence. AI algorithms can address issues of learning, perception, problem solving, language understanding, and/or logical reasoning.

AI is used in many ways in modern world. For example, AI algorithms are used in Google search, Amazon's recommendation program, and search engines SatNav. Most AI programs are not used to control robots.

Even when AI is used to control robots, AI algorithms are only part of a larger robotic system that also includes sensors, actuators, and non-AI programming.

Often AI involves some level of machine learning where the algorithm is “trained” to respond in a certain way to a specific input using known inputs and outputs.

The key aspect that distinguishes AI from more conventional programming is the word “intelligence.” Non-AI programs simply execute a specific sequence of instructions. AI programs simulate some level of human intelligence.

What are artificially intelligent robots?

Artificially intelligent robots are the bridge between robotics and artificial intelligence. These are robots that are controlled by AI programs. Many robots do not use AI. Until recently, everything industrial robots were programmed only to carry out repeated series of movements. As we already said, repetitive movements do not require artificial intelligence.

Non-intelligent robots are quite limited in their functionality. AI algorithms are often needed to enable a robot to perform more complex tasks.

Let's look at examples.

Example 1: Robot without AI

For example, you can easily program a robot to pick up an object and place it somewhere else. The robot will continue to select and place objects the same way until you turn it off. This is an autonomous feature as the robot does not require human intervention once you have programmed it. However, the task does not require any intelligence.

Example 2: Artificially intelligent robot

Imagine you wanted to add a camera to your robot. A robot's gaze falls under the category of "perception" and typically requires AI algorithms.

For example, let's say you want the robot to detect an object it was collecting and place it in a different location depending on the type of object. This involves preparing a specialized vision program to recognize different types of objects.

Leather, leatherette or fabric WHAT'S BETTER? What is the difference between artificial leather and eco-leather?

Leather, leatherette or fabric: how to choose the best


Easy care at home

Many types of fabric can be cleaned with soap solution and a soft brush, vacuum cleaner or dry cleaning without damaging the color and texture of the upholstery. However, even machine washing and industrial cleaning do not cause much difficulty if the cover is removable.

A wide variety of textures, colors and patterns

Modern fabrics are so diverse that their texture can imitate many materials, including suede. There are smooth and textured fabrics with different densities, type of weave and method of drawing. There are no restrictions on the color of the fabric or the complexity of the design.

Low cost of most types of fabrics

The cost of fabric depends on many factors, but compared to leather and faux leather, most varieties are significantly cheaper. However, there are also high-quality fabrics, the cost of which is higher than that of genuine leather.

Ideal option for sleep

Due to the fact that the fabrics consist of interwoven threads and contain up to 50% natural fibers, the breathability of such materials is much higher than that of their analogues. And since sleep comfort also depends on the flow of oxygen, this indicator is important when choosing a sofa bed.

Shortest service life

Despite many advantages, fabric upholstery begins to lose its appearance after about 5 years of use, even with the most careful care. You should be aware that most types of fabric are subject to abrasion, stretching and pilling.

The color of some fabrics may fade

Fabrics such as chenille and velvet tend to lose color saturation with prolonged exposure to sunlight.

...if you have small children, it's worth looking for a sofa with completely removable upholstery so that it can be machine washed frequently. In this case, impregnated fabrics are not suitable: after washing, the protective properties may disappear without a trace.

...you often have guests over and you host large feasts, then pay attention to fabrics with water- and dirt-repellent (Teflon) impregnation: even if wine is spilled on the sofa or salad is dropped, it will be enough to wipe the affected area with a damp cloth.

... if you have pets, it is better to choose very durable, mostly natural in composition, but not the most expensive fabrics: they will suffer less from claws and will not attract fur.

... the fabric consists of more than half synthetic fibers, then it requires regular antistatic treatment. Otherwise, the furniture will quickly gather dust and “collect” small debris, as well as electrify clothes.



Genuine leather is the most durable material of all used for upholstery of upholstered furniture. A sofa upholstered in leather can last for decades without major visible changes, and slight wear and unevenness in color will even make it look chic. It should be borne in mind that the thicker the material, the longer it will last.

Aesthetically attractive

Leather is an ideal material that emphasizes the status of the owner of an apartment or office. She always looks luxurious and modern methods processing and drawing make leather sofas a masterpiece of furniture art.

Breathes great

Since leather is a completely natural material, it is highly breathable. Thanks to this property, the sofa will not rot and create discomfort.

Has thermoregulatory properties

With significant changes in room temperature, the skin retains optimal temperature, providing comfort of use in hot and cold weather.

Requires regular careful maintenance

To maintain the attractive appearance of leather upholstery, special care is required. To prevent the material from deforming, it should be maintained optimal level room humidity, and also treat the surface of the sofa several times a year with compounds to maintain elasticity.


Leather is a very valuable material, so the cost of a sofa upholstered with it increases significantly.

...you have small children, you should remember that food marks and results artistic creativity cannot be removed with chemical stain removers and solvents - after contact with aggressive chemicals, the upholstery will become unusable. Oily stains You can simply blot it with a napkin - after a while there will be no trace left of them.

...you choose light leather for upholstery, refuse bright or dark pillows and blankets - with an increased level of humidity in the room, they can fade and ruin the surface of the sofa.

...if you have animals, choose the thickest, most durable leather that won't suffer too much from scratches.


Externally practically no different from skin

Thanks to modern technologies, artificial materials, imitating leather and suede, are externally as close as possible to their natural counterparts. In addition, artificial leather can be painted in any color and have any texture.

Cheaper than its natural counterpart

If you want to give the room some solidity, but don’t want to overpay, artificial leather will be an excellent option, since it is cheaper than natural leather.

High strength

Due to the fact that artificial leather has a woven base, it provides polymer material double safety factor.

Easy care

Faux leather is more unpretentious in care than natural leather: you just need to wipe the sofa with a damp sponge from time to time and lightly polish it with special compounds to add shine.

Low breathability

This material is less breathable, which means there is a risk of friction inside the sofa and also makes it an unsuitable place to sleep.

Less resistant to external influences than leather

A substitute for genuine leather is more susceptible to heat, cold and changes in humidity: the likelihood that the material will crack or deform under extreme conditions is much higher than in the case of genuine leather.

...the room in which you plan to put upholstered furniture is located on the sunny side of the house, you should position it so that minimal light falls on the upholstery - it may lose its appearance.

...the upholstery is dirty or exposed to water, it should be cleaned immediately with a soft sponge and detergent, otherwise the structure of the material may be damaged.

...you have pets, it is better to choose a different upholstery material - cracks and scratches from artificial leather are almost impossible to remove.

...you want to use this sofa as sleeping place, it is better to purchase a breathable mattress cover from natural fabric to make your stay comfortable.


Furniture with combined upholstery looks original and beautiful, and there can be a lot of options for combining materials, colors and textures. For example, a widespread option is when the seat and backrest are upholstered in fabric, and the armrests and bottom part sofa - natural or artificial leather. In this case, when choosing upholstered furniture, you should clearly define the functionality that the sofa will perform and choose a product taking into account all the properties of the materials.


Eco-leather Articles - TkanoFF Company

It would be interesting if you were asked to describe a material called

“artificial leather”, then what definitions come to your mind in

first of all? Only honestly? Most likely something like "cheap"

“short-lived”, “uncomfortable”, “not aesthetically pleasing” and so on

associative series.

According to the textbook, in general, any artificial leather is

polymer film coating applied to knitted fabric,

fabric or non-woven fabric. Most common in

Today the film-forming polymer is polyvinyl chloride

Such artificial leather is not called: “leatherette, leatherette,

leatherette, vinyl, vinyl leather, vinyl artificial leather, PVC leather, artificial leather.” This material

familiar to us from childhood: vinyl upholstery of seats in a train, bus,

tram, cafe, clinic, kitchen, etc.

I’ll add on my own that table oilcloth with linoleum is straight

“relatives” of leatherette. All of the above honored

"veterans" consumer market with all the variety of their designs

there is one thing in common: facial, top layer represents

airtight polyvinyl chloride film (PVC or PVC).

Vinyl leather as it is.

IN pure form, without additives, polyvinyl chloride is practically harmless, while it is hard as stone and is widely used for pvc manufacturing- windows, doors and many other structures and products.

It is clear that the upholstery material of a sofa or chair should be elastic and soft. Accordingly, to impart these properties, during the production of vinyl artificial leather, liquid additives are introduced into PVC - plasticizers (various phthalic acid esters), up to 40% of the mass fraction of the entire film. These additives are not chemically integrated into the structure of polyvinyl chloride molecules and, during operation, evaporate from the polymer film at one rate or another, therefore, as the mass fraction of plasticizer in the film decreases, PVC leather becomes rigid and begins to crack at the folds. Of course, the evaporating plasticizer itself does not belong to the category of harmless substances. On the Internet you can easily find detailed, impartial comments on this topic by typing the abbreviation “PVC”. For this reason, by the way, vinyl leather is not used for interior decoration shoes

"Mercedes and Zhiguli are cars... But how different they are!.." (Auth.)

Now let’s try to get rid of the stereotype of “leatherette”, which is similar to cold oilcloth.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce artificial materials of such high quality that it is more correct to compare them not with artificial leather, but with genuine leather.

And what is all this for, you ask: well, it’s better, but the leather is still not natural?!

Answer: I am sure that you will prefer comfort. Eco leather - modern material created precisely with the aim of providing maximum comfort, combining the properties of genuine leather and furniture upholstery fabric.

So, what is eco-leather?

Eco-leather is a high-tech material, furniture fabric, breathable artificial leather without PVC. The production of eco-leather uses all the advanced developments in the global industry of chemistry, technology and high-precision equipment.

Polyurethane is a material with amazing properties.

The polymer that forms the eco-leather film is polyurethane. Its simplest compounds were first synthesized by the German chemist Bayer Otto Georg Wilhelm in 1937, an employee of the Bayer AG concern. The mechanism of its chemical synthesis is much more complex than the synthesis of PVC, it is multi-stage, and most importantly, all the required properties are established precisely during the chemical synthesis of the polymer. Accordingly, no additives - plasticizers - are needed; during operation, the polymer film does not release anything from itself, hence the name - “eco-leather”.

Polyurethane (PU) itself is a class of polymers with exceptionally high wear resistance (think heels) and frost resistance (down to -35°C). These remarkable properties are due to the high mobility of the spatial network of polyurethanes, their ability to undergo restructuring under the influence of mechanical influences or temperature changes. Polyurethanes are even capable of “self-healing” damage to the polymer network caused by deformation.

These properties of polyurethanes are largely due to the fact that modern brands of polyurethanes contain many so-called polyurethanes. “functional groups” of atoms unique to natural leather. I would even say that eco-leather is an alter ego (second “I”) of natural leather.

Comfort technology.

An important feature of eco-leather production technology is the formation of micropores that penetrate through the film; the material, unlike PVC, also “breathes”, i.e. allows air and water vapor to pass through without allowing water to pass through. In some of its articles, eco-leather “breathes” no worse than ordinary furniture fabrics, and in any case, its air permeability is tens and hundreds of times higher than that of any, the most expensive natural leather.

Another feature of the technology is careful treatment of the film substrate; during the production process, cotton fabric does not experience any mechanical stress or stretching, so eco-leather has a very flexible structure, remarkable softness and elasticity.

Which furniture upholstery is more artificial? By the way, people’s favorite furniture fabrics, such as flock, chenille, microfiber, are entirely synthetic from 25 to 100%. In the sense of “artificiality,” cotton-based eco-leather among them is quite worthy of mention as a material with the lowest synthetic content (see table).

Table of properties of popular furniture upholstery materials

Name Compound Martindahl test Bs-5690, cycles Air permeability according to GOST-938-18-70 ml/sq.cm*hour Hygroscopicity Moisture release
  • acrylic 35-50%,
  • viscose 0-35%,
  • polyester 30-40%,
  • polypropylene 0-12%
>20 000 36 000 Material has not been tested Material has not been tested
  • pile - nylon 100%;
  • base - polyester 65%,
  • cotton 35%
15 000-20 000 36 000 Material has not been tested Material has not been tested
  • pile - polyester 100%,
  • base - polyester 70%,
  • cotton 30%.
35 000 18 000 Material has not been tested Material has not been tested
eco leather (renna)
  • base - cotton 75%,
  • coating - polyurethane 25%
>50 000 720-18 000 (*) Hygroscopicity 5.0 - 9.1% (**) Moisture return 4.9 - 8.8% (**)
genuine leather with aniline finish on the front surface
  • top layer of skin, finishing
--- 11-18 Hygroscopicity 19.6% Moisture return 19.2%
genuine leather with sanded face
  • top layer of skin, finishing
--- 1,7-2,5 Hygroscopicity 19.1% Moisture return 18.7%
Notes: Tests for Bs - 5690 were carried out at the Testing Center for Textile and Light Industry Products of OJSC NPK TsNIISHERST. Tests according to GOST 938.18-70 were carried out at the Testing Center "Leather and Footwear" of JSC Central Scientific Research Institute of the Leather and Footwear Industry. Tests using the BEM method “Determination of hygroscopicity and moisture transfer of skin”

(*) - depending on the design, eco-leather can be comparable in breathability properties to popular upholstery fabrics. (**) - depending on the finish.

Eco-leather is a hybrid of the properties of natural leather and fabric.

Eco-leather is warm to the touch, like natural leather, and vinyl artificial leather is cold. If you sit naked on a sofa upholstered in vinyl or natural leather, you will definitely sweat. Everyone knows this. If the sofa is upholstered in eco-leather, then sitting “naked” on it is almost as comfortable as if it were upholstered with furniture fabric. Thus, considering the most important consumer properties, we can say that eco-leather is in a sense a hybrid of fabric and leather; furniture makers sometimes call it “polyurethane-impregnated fabric.”

By the way, this is how they classify it at customs: “fabric with polyurethane impregnation.” But leatherette is called: “PVC sheets reinforced with fabric.” Feel the difference.

So, eco-leather is a material with a unique set of consumer properties:

  • allows air and water vapor to pass through
  • does not allow water to pass through
  • warm to the touch
  • wear-resistant
  • is hygroscopic
  • frost resistance (up to -35°C)
  • doesn't highlight harmful substances
  • good organoleptic properties.

Eco-leather is comfort in your home and office.

In terms of comfort, eco-leather outright outperforms leatherette and competes on equal terms with natural furniture leather.

The fact is that the full-grain furniture genuine leather used in Russia, and throughout the world, in the vast majority of cases has artificial embossing and is treated with acrylic emulsions, after which there is no need to talk about any breathability of natural leather (see table). Professionals usually call it “face-corrected skin.” Almost reducing the breathability properties to zero certainly makes corrected natural leather less comfortable for humans.

Leathers with a natural, “native” face (the so-called “merey”), without artificial embossing and artificial acrylic impregnations, are very expensive, they are called “leathers with aniline finishing” (i.e. they are only dyed with aniline dyes) and which is paradoxical, but true, the consumer, without knowing these nuances, chooses skin with a corrected, but very beautiful face, without scars, pockmarks and other blemishes. “Aniline leather” accounts for less than 1% of the Russian market.

Eco-leathers are inferior to natural leathers in terms of hygroscopicity (see table), but are sharply superior to them in breathability. The third property “responsible” for comfort is that their thermal conductivity is almost the same. As for the organoleptic properties (i.e., how pleasant the material is to the touch), then, of course, genuine leather with aniline finishing is higher than most types of eco-leather. (But not all!) Corrected leathers feel quite comparable to eco-leathers.

Once again about leatherette.

I am sure that you could well get the impression that I am in every possible way “humiliating” leatherette (vinyl leather).

This is not entirely true. Expensive PVC leathers have many advantages. Modern technologies make it possible to give them a good touch, create amazing designs, by introducing very expensive additives, very high wear resistance and other special properties, no smell (because it was treated with polyurethane varnish). That's it. But whatever one may say, PVC film does not “breathe” because... This polymer, in principle, cannot form through micropores, i.e. You will definitely sweat, and due to the lower wear resistance of PVC compared to polyurethane, technologists are forced to add PVC film much greater thickness than PU film, as a result, vinyl artificial leather will always be “cold” compared to eco-leather and natural leather. The cooler the room, the more noticeable the difference will be.

Be careful - you may be deceived.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that popular eco-leather designs have their own “doubles” in the segment of furniture vinyl artificial leather. Moreover, the appearance of the finished product may be absolutely the same; differences will be revealed in the sensations when touched and in operation.

Moreover, sometimes sellers really don’t want to tell the buyer the truth about the composition of artificial leather; they understand that the abbreviation “PVC” can repel a demanding buyer. Therefore, in descriptions of the composition of artificial leather there are “pearls” such as: “polyester polymer”, “foamed polyester resin"and other nonsense.

I have already noted that vinyl leatherettes can have exterior finishing polyurethane to improve the physical and mechanical characteristics of the film, increasing its resistance to friction and scratches, and this is very correct and good, it correct name: “vinyl leather with polyurethane trim.” Cunning sellers are silent about PVC and simply say: “eco leather”. Don't forget about China. For example. Chinese vinyl leatherette with Oregon polyurethane finish. In her description there is not a word about what is in her PVC composition, and how much, some sellers give it to the buyer as eco-leather. Moreover, they will not say a word about the fact that it is Chinese; on the contrary, they can tell a fairy tale about the Canadian origin of the material. Alas. In Canada, as far as I know, there is not a single artificial leather factory.

Sometimes they cheat in other ways. In the store, a version in eco-leather is selected, and it goes to the buyer soft corner, upholstered in vinyl leather. And the color and design were the same from the eco-leather collection. Of course, furniture manufacturers with “name and reputation” do not allow themselves to do this.

One of the popular eco-leather designs - “Dollaro” - is represented on the furniture market in PVC leather by many manufacturers from Russia, Poland, China, Turkey, India, the Czech Republic, Greece and other countries. In PVC leather this design has many names: "Dollaro", "Dollero", "Optima", "Bronko", "DPCV" and others. The "Dollaro" design is close to the popular "Madras" genuine leather design.

They can and should be distinguished from each other.

I bring to your attention the simplest methods of determination:

  • If you have a small piece of scrap or a catalog of samples of ECO-LEATHER on hand (and you doubt what material is used in the product), then, placing the palms of your hands one on the upholstery material, the other on a piece of ECO-LEATHER, try to analyze your sensations. ECO LEATHER, like natural leather, should be warmer to the touch than PVC leather.
  • A more complex determination method involves applying a small amount of vegetable oil to the test samples. The duration of exposure to the sample is approximately one day. The effect will be very visual (see photo)!
A noticeable glossy dent has formed on the surface of the PVC leather in place of the oil stain, and the leather there has become harder to the touch. Roughly speaking, in this place the skin “instantly” aged. Happened irreversible process extraction of plasticizer from PVC film.

But on a sample of ECO LEATHER (as well as on a sample of natural leather), the oil does not leave its harmful traces! The material does not change externally, its properties remain the same.

This is important!

And please, do not forget to ask the seller for instructions on caring for a product upholstered in eco-leather. Caring for it is not the same as for leatherette.

Eco-leather is a modern synthetic high-tech material that must be treated with care, just like natural leather.

To remove household contaminants (tea, coffee, juice, etc.), immediately treat the surface with a damp soft cloth, using light movements, then be sure to wipe dry. In the same way, dust deposits and dirt are removed. If it is not possible to get rid of the contamination immediately, it is allowed to use a 40-50% alcohol-water solution or ammonia.

If your upholstered furniture is upholstered in snow-white eco-leather or eco-leather in light tones, then for better protection products from contamination (for example, jeans can “tint” both artificial and natural leather upholstery of furniture with a dye that cannot be removed), we recommend using special water- and dirt-repellent impregnations for natural leather, textiles and high-tech (hi-tech) materials. These products can be purchased in almost any supermarket, stores selling shoes and clothing made of genuine leather. When choosing an impregnation, be sure to read the instructions for use. If there is an indication not use for PU (do not use for polyurethane coatings), then this product is not suitable for you.

We strongly do not recommend leaving the material wet or damp after care and cleaning procedures. This will lead to partial destruction of the polymer film, and, as a result, to premature loss of the original appearance of eco-leather.

For comparison, caring for vinyl leather:

Treat the surface with a soft cloth moistened with a solution of neutral detergent. Then wipe the skin with a cloth soaked in clean water.

Yu. Zavodchikov


what is it, where is it used, what are the benefits

There is a misconception that eco-leather is inferior in quality to natural leather and is ordinary leatherette, but this is absolutely not true. Several factors contributed to the appearance of this analogue: the expensive price and the complex procedure for making genuine leather. Many people mistakenly believe that eco-leather is inferior to its natural counterpart, but it is not only not inferior, but in some areas superior to real leather. What is eco-leather, what is it made of and what is better than leather and leatherette? First things first.

What is eco leather? Composition and its application

Eco-leather is an artificially produced material. It is created by applying a polyurethane film to a fabric base, usually cotton, but there are other options. The thickness of the film may vary, but it is this that affects the quality and performance characteristics of the item. A thick coating ensures long-lasting wear of the product, but it will feel harder to the touch. In the production of eco-leather, no plasticizers are used, which is why it received the prefix “eco” in its name.

When making eco-leather, the fabric and polyurethane layers are subjected to hard embossing, which is why the final result appears in a pattern identical to that of natural leather. It can be distinguished from the original only by looking at reverse side products.

Due to its similarity to natural material, eco-leather is widely and successfully used by designers. It is used to make bags and shoes, decorate interior items, and sew various clothes. In the furniture industry, eco-leather is used to cover products, e.g. soft sofas and armchairs. A large number of car covers are also made of eco-leather.

History of creation

The history of the development of leatherwork began before our era. Primitive people used the skins of killed animals as clothing; later, a wide variety of things were made from the skins: dishes, bags, shields, shoes and drums. But time does not stand still, and to preserve the environment and animal life, experiments were carried out to replace natural leather.

One of the successful results is leatherette, or, in simple terms, leatherette. However, it was much inferior in quality to its ancestor, which is why it earned a bad reputation among consumers. In 1963, eco-leather was invented in the USA - a material similar in environmental characteristics to natural leather. It was made from synthetic fiber, the use of which reduced environmental pollution and reduced the number of animal killings, which, of course, greatly pleased animal activists.


This material has two varieties:

  • perforated;
  • self-adhesive eco-leather.

Perforated polyurethane leather contains many holes, which ensures the material is airtight. It is mainly used for sewing car covers, upholstery and haberdashery items. Self-adhesive eco-leather is used for making products where the use of glue is not recommended. This type of leather has higher rigidity.

Pros and cons

Eco-leather has gained everyone’s trust due to its ecological origin and affordable price, however, this is not its only advantage. It is frost-resistant and does not emit toxic or harmful substances. Eco-leather is easy to care for, it is elastic and pleasant to the touch, and has a long lifespan. performance characteristics, does not react to direct sunlight, is capable of self-recovery after minor surface deformation. There are different color variations of eco-leather - it can be easily painted without losing its presentability. This material does not have a specific odor, uneven thickness or color defects, unlike genuine leather. At proper care An eco-leather item can last more than ten years. Among the advantages, it is also worth noting hypoallergenicity, ventilation, and safety.

However, every thing has its downsides. They may not be as numerous as the advantages, but they are worth paying attention to. Eco-leather can crack and scratch if not properly cared for and used. You need to be especially careful when cleaning furniture products - they can easily be damaged by a brush, and unsightly scratches can be left from the claws of pets. If this does happen, then it is unlikely that the product will be “repaired” - the polyurethane layer cannot be restored. Eco-leather also tends to get very hot when exposed to the sun for a long time.

How to distinguish eco-leather from leatherette, vinyl and other analogues

Not all sellers and manufacturers are squeaky clean, so if you have any doubts about the quality of the material, there are ways to check it. First, touch the material with your hand - it should be soft, tender and warm from your touch. Leatherette will remain cool and will feel much rougher to the touch. If your suspicions are not dispelled, you can check the composition of the product vegetable oil, if conditions permit. Place a couple of drops on the item you want to check and leave for a day. If the next day you find a dent and the leather has become rough, then you have leatherette. Smell also plays an important role: eco-leather has virtually no odor, while leatherette has a sharp, specific aroma.

Eco leather care

In order for a thing to retain its original appearance and serve you for many years, it must be looked after. Small stains from dirt, dust and liquids can be easily removed using damp cloth. Do not use hard brushes or powders for cleaning - they can leave scratches and abrasions. At the end of wet cleaning, it is necessary to wipe the product with a dry cloth, since artificial leather absorbs moisture very quickly. If the stain is old and cannot be wiped off in the usual way, then you can use alcohol diluted with water. Salt will help with red wine stains, and a vinegar solution will help with coffee and chocolate stains. Fresh orange peel will help restore shine and color saturation. Just rub the product with it and it will regain its original shine.

The stores provide a wide range special means for cleaning eco-leather products. Before purchasing, carefully read the instructions for use, because some gels and stain removers are not suitable for the care of eco-leather. Attention: it is necessary to wash a product made from this material only by hand, at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees, since machine washing is strictly prohibited.

Eco-leather has firmly won the trust of consumers who value humanity and respect for environment. It has a huge number of advantages, which sets it apart from other artificial analogues; it also has practically no differences from natural leather, and even to some extent surpasses it in terms of performance. beneficial properties. The low cost of this product plays an important role, which cannot be said about its natural analogue. Low pricing policy ensures the availability of eco-leather products to almost everyone, and will delight the owner for a long time with its quality and aesthetic appearance.


One of the most popular food additives in the world is vanillin, which is commonly included in confectionery, ice cream or chocolate. This is an expensive and rare spice - due to the complex and lengthy production process, the market simply cannot meet demand. In this regard, artificial flavoring has become very popular. But is it much different from natural vanilla?

Taste and aroma

If natural vanillin is obtained from vanilla fruits, then it is synthesized from petrochemical raw materials. This is what provided the artificial additive affordable price, which, along with the interesting taste and smell, is its key advantage.

The main property of natural vanilla is its wonderful aroma, which is influenced by more than 200 components. Chemical substances imitate only the main one - vanillin, so the taste and smell of artificial additives is more pronounced than that of natural spices.

In addition, the production of flavoring allows you to add new shades to the natural smell: there are vanillas enriched with the smells, complemented by the aromas of fruits, berries, coffee, coconut, rum, Easter cake and others.

Vanillin and health

In addition to its aromatic qualities, natural vanilla has a number of medicinal properties:

  • has a beneficial effect on internal organs person;
  • allows you to get rid of insomnia;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • stimulates the digestion process and acidity in the stomach.

Artificial flavoring does not have such qualities, but a familiar pleasant smell from childhood can improve your mood and even ward off depression.

Neither natural nor synthesized vanillin has a toxic effect. Spice can cause serious harm only if there is an individual intolerance: allergic reactions, skin irritation and pigmentation may occur. Also, people who sort and package vanillin in factories sometimes suffer from similar ailments. Some experts claim that coumarin, which is part of the artificial flavor, which smells very similar to vanilla, is a carcinogen and causes liver disease, but there is no scientific evidence or registered cases of such a reaction yet.

So, artificial vanillin, consumed in reasonable quantities, does not cause any harm to the body, and the taste is as similar as possible to the natural one. By purchasing additives from a trusted supplier who stores products under normal conditions, you can be sure that the properties of the flavoring will be as close to the natural product as possible. One of the trustworthy suppliers is the Muscat N company, where you can purchase high-quality vanillin, enriched with shades of other odors. Discover the world of spices!

The beauty of pearls has attracted people at all times. There are many legends, signs and beliefs associated with pearls. It cannot be any other way, because the very birth of a pearl in a mollusk shell is already a mystery. Pearls are mined on all continents except Antarctica. The extraction of pearls and the manufacture of jewelry from them were familiar to people even before our era. And to this day pearls have not lost their position. In the modern world, pearl jewelry is a sign of refined taste.

Types of pearls

Pearls are formed by sea and freshwater mollusks as a protective reaction to the entry of a foreign body into its cavity - grains of sand, eggs, larvae. Pearl is the only stone that does not require additional processing.

– pearls grown on special farms with human participation. When cultivating pearls on farms, a ball is placed in a special cavity of the mollusk - the pearl oyster. Shells with tiny mother-of-pearl beads attached to them on special garters are placed in the sea or river. In response to an irritant, nacre (calcium carbonate) is produced in the shell. To get a pearl you will need from 3 to 10 years. Young mollusks produce mother-of-pearl most actively, which is why they produce the largest pearls. In the first year, the pearl grows more actively than in subsequent years.

After removing the pearl from the mollusk, the bead is replanted in its shell. In total, during the period of its life, the mollusk can be used for cultivation three times. Sea mollusks give one pearl each. But in one freshwater mollusk several can form at once. Sea pearls are larger in diameter - on average from 5 to 20 mm, and river pearls - from 3 to 10 mm.

Pearl cultivation began at the beginning of the 20th century, and in the middle of the last century the extraction of natural pearls was banned. Cultured pearls are most often white in color with shades of soft pink, beige and blue. But among cultured pearls there are gray, brown and black pearls. The color of pearls depends on the type of shellfish in which they are grown.

They started making it back in the 15th century, applying glass beads special composition from fish scales. Today, cultured pearls are made from glass, plastic, alabaster, pink coral and hematite. Imitation pearls can have both classic white with shades, as well as all sorts of bright colors that are not typical of natural pearls. Modern technologies make it possible to produce pearls that are almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

In the production of high-quality artificial pearls, natural nacre obtained from mollusks is used. Artificial pearls are suitable for young modern girls. Also today, artificial pearls are chosen by adherents of vegetarianism.

Pearl storage

Cultured pearls are not the most durable material, but if stored properly they can last 50 or 100 years. Such pearls should not be stored in very hot and dry, or excessively humid rooms. In addition, pearls do not like direct sunlight, polluted air, tobacco smoke, creams and perfumes applied to the skin. But pearls love their owner: they need regular contact with the skin, from which they receive moisture. Therefore, you should not lend your pearl jewelry to others. It is also believed that inherited pearls do not bring good luck.

Artificial pearls may change color over time, but they are no less durable than cultured pearls, and they do not require special storage conditions.

How to distinguish artificial pearls from cultured ones?

  • The first method is “by eye”. The shine of cultured pearls is intense and uniform, no matter how you look at it. In artificial pearls, the shine may be brighter, but not uniform. To check the shine of pearls, you need to examine them on a light-colored fabric. But defects and irregularities of pearls, on the contrary, are better visible against a dark background.
  • The second method is “by the tooth”. If you run a pearl over your teeth, the artificial one will be homogeneous, while the cultured one will have slight roughness.
  • Method three - "by weight". Cultured pearls, as a natural material, will be heavier than artificial ones.
  • Method four - "to the touch". Artificial pearls are smooth and even. Cultured pearls have a looser structure with slightly pronounced irregularities.
  • Method five - friction. If you rub cultured pearls against each other, pearl dust will form, but the pearls themselves will not be harmed. There will be scratches on faux pearls.
  • Method six - sound. When pearls rub against each other, cultured pearls produce a characteristic squeak, while artificial pearls do not creak.
  • Method seven - temperature. Cultured pearls give off a cooling sensation, which is especially easy to feel on a hot day.
  • Method eight - throw. A cultured pearl will bounce off a hard surface; an artificial pearl, if thrown over a table or floor, will roll but not bounce.
  • Method nine - price. Cultured pearls are more expensive than artificial pearls.
  • Method tenth - x-ray. Using X-rays, you can see the core placed in the mollusk, as well as determine the thickness of the grown layer.

All methods are only suitable for pearls that you already have. When buying pearls, it is unlikely that anyone will allow you to rub the pearls across your teeth, throw the pearls on the floor and rub them together. It is understood that cultured pearls are sold in jewelry stores, and cultured pearls are sold in jewelry stores. Today you can buy natural sea pearls only at auctions.

If you have doubts about the pearls you purchased, you can take them to a gemologist for examination. Many manufacturers of artificial pearls have learned to add irregularities characteristic of natural pearls, and also added weight to artificial pearls, eliminating the lightness characteristic of costume jewelry. Therefore, nowadays only a specialist can distinguish cultured pearls from high-quality artificial ones.