Rules for installing a water supply booster pump. How to choose a pump to increase water pressure. How to install a pump to increase water pressure in an apartment or house

Residents ordinary apartment multi-storey building may encounter a rather unpleasant situation: due to low pressure in the water supply, it is not possible to take a quality shower, wash dishes or do laundry. A check of the pipes shows that they are in perfect order and are not clogged with debris, and the neighbors do not suffer at all from a similar problem, which confirms that insufficient pressure is present in only one room. The solution to this problem is to install a pump that will increase the pressure.


Typically, a pump to increase water pressure is used in cases where water pipes relatively new, they are not clogged with anything, as well as the filter with aerators, and the liquid still flows slowly. This is usually explained by the fact that water initially enters the water supply system from the central riser under low pressure. In most cases, purchasing a pump completely solves this problem, bringing the pressure to normal.

According to European standards, the pressure in the pipeline should be approximately 4-5 bars or atmospheres, which is explained by the requirements for plumbing fixtures. For example, if the pressure corresponds to 2 atmospheres, then the washing machine may simply not start. If we talk about Jacuzzis or showers with special functions, then the situation becomes even stricter - a value of 4 bars will be the minimum acceptable for them.

Therefore, insufficient pressure can really lead to big problems.


Raising and constantly maintaining pressure in the system is carried out using two types of pumps: circulation or self-priming. The first design is arranged as follows: there is a rotor, an impeller is attached to it, and there is also a motor that rotates the entire system. A circulation pump is called because it promotes the circulation of liquid in the pipes. Suction pumps differ more high performance and a more complex device. They are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator with a special membrane. Water is first supplied to the storage tank and then enters the water supply. It can be concluded that circulation pump, which increases pressure, can solve the problem only by separate area, and the suction one - to regulate the water supply in the entire apartment or even the house.

Pumps that increase pressure in the water supply system are also divided into two large groups: with a so-called “dry” rotor and a “wet” rotor. “Wet” models are much more compact than “dry” ones. They do not make noise during operation and do not require special maintenance due to the fact that the parts are lubricated by themselves, by pumping liquid. Such a booster pump simply fits into the pipe and functions like a regular flow pump. Installation takes place in front of the water point or in front of household appliances, for example, a washing machine that requires water under a certain pressure.

These models are cooled due to the fact that water is pumped.

Among the disadvantages of a booster pump of this type highlight the fact that it is not characterized by high productivity and does not demonstrate a high pressure increase coefficient. In addition, the “wet” unit can only be installed in one position: the rotor axis electric drive can only be placed in a horizontal plane.

The second type are models with a “dry rotor”. They have better power and performance when compared to “wet” models. Such a pressure-increasing unit can be used simultaneously for several water intake points. Its power unit is equipped with an individual air cooling system and is located slightly to the side of the main body. As a result, the “dry” pump can only be attached to the wall surface as a cantilever. The internal parts of these models are periodically subject to friction, so it is necessary to ensure constant lubrication. It is also worth keeping in mind that it creates a significant amount of noise.

The device is cooled using blades located on the shaft.

In general, the water pump should only be started when the fluid pressure decreases. Control systems that offer both manual and automatic modes help ensure this. In the first case, the owner himself turns on the pump if he sees that there is a need to increase the pressure. Of course, he must control its use and avoid situations where the pump runs dry, without water.

In an automatic situation, the water flow sensor is responsible for the operation of the device. It turns on when liquid appears in the pipeline and turns off when it is empty. Thus, the pump is protected from running dry and, accordingly, from overheating and damage. Most often, the design is sold equipped with a sensor, but otherwise it can be purchased additionally.

When a part is purchased separately, it is installed after the pump itself.

If installation is carried out in household system water supply - that is, in a situation where the liquid pressure can be either normal or reduced, it is recommended to give preference to an automatic pump with a water pressure sensor. The device will turn on when the pressure is below normal, and turn off when everything is in order. When problems arise in large apartments or a house, you can purchase an entire pumping station. In addition to the pump, the kit includes a membrane-type hydraulic accumulator and a pressure sensor. They will not have to increase the water pressure, since they will create it themselves.

For hot and cold water supply use different systems pumps To interact with hot water structures are created from special materials that are heat resistant. Due to this, their price is much higher than for models in contact only with cold water.

There are also universal models that work in both cases.

The water pump, which is responsible for increased pressure in the system, also has the following technical characteristics: maximum flow, the amount of flow at which the equipment turns on automatically (ranges from 0.12 to 0.3 liters per minute), maximum and rated power, temperature of the working medium and dimensions of a suitable pipeline.

It is worth mentioning separately about automatic fire-fighting devices that increase pressure, because these pumps are used not only in everyday life, but also in industry. They are large backup installations and are used in various plumbing systems oh, and in fire extinguishing, irrigation and water cooling systems.

Their design is based on vertical and horizontal pumps, but the final design depends on the customer’s requirements.

Scope of application

As a rule, in a private house you can independently adjust the water pressure in the pipeline, but in an ordinary city apartment there are no such opportunities. The hardest thing is for the inhabitants of the upper floors. It is possible that the old pipes are completely overgrown with rust or limescale. A drop in pressure can also be caused by filters that have not been changed or cleaned for a long time. In addition, there is a human factor - utility services do not perform their duties efficiently, a neighbor narrowed the diameter of the pipe for one reason or another, and sometimes the required power of centralized equipment was initially incorrectly calculated. In such cases, all sorts of problems begin to arise. everyday problems: a shower can only be taken if the neighbors have gone to work, a malfunction occurs washing machine, turn off gas boilers and electric boilers. There are also situations when the pressure level in the water supply not only drops, but there is simply no pressure, and the water does not reach the consumer. For example, if the riser is too long and the booster pumps at the inlet are not able to raise the water to a sufficient level.

You can also find pumps that increase pressure among car wash owners, although in this case they differ from pipeline pumps. The body is made of plastic, metal or high-quality alloy. Due to the movement of the pistons, high pressure is created in the piston chambers inside the system. Such designs also have a control system that prevents dry running. When the release valve in the gun is closed, the automation turns off the electric motor. This happens at the moment when the pressure inside the pump rises to operating pressure.


Undoubtedly, the best manufacturers pumps that increase pressure are considered to be European companies. However, domestic companies also demonstrate decent results, especially in collaboration with Chinese ones.

The German unit "Wilo PB-201EA" is considered the best water pump produced in this country. It provides both manual and automatic control and has a performance of 3.3 cubic meters per hour and a pressure of 15 meters. In addition, it functions smoothly in hot water and can withstand temperatures up to +80 degrees.

The Russian-Chinese booster pump “Jemix W15GR-15A” occupies a leading position in the “dry rotor” category.

It is inexpensive, reliable and can be used in both hot and cold water.

The Danish device “Grundfos UPA 15-90 (N)” is equipped with a stainless steel housing and an asynchronous motor. It can operate either manually or automatically. The pressure corresponds to 8 meters, and the flow is 1.5 cubic meters per hour. It is very economical, because the power consumption reaches only 0.12 kilowatts. In addition, it does not make much noise, is very durable and has protection against overheating and dry running.

"Comfort X15GR-15" is one of the best budget water pumps. It is manufactured in Russian-Chinese production and has the following parameters: productivity - 1.8 cubic meters per hour, pressure - 15 meters. The device operates in both manual and automatic modes and is mounted horizontally with additional fixation to the wall. The maximum possible water temperature reaches 100 degrees, which means that it can be used in both hot and cold water supplies.

The pump consumes little energy, is not subject to corrosion and is inexpensive.

Among the pumping stations, the Danish booster station “Grundfos MQ3-35” with automatic control. The suction depth reaches 8 meters, the pressure is 34 meters, and the flow rate is 3.9 cubic meters per hour. The station is equipped with a self-priming pump, electric motor and hydraulic accumulator.

It is reliable and has an anti-cycling function.

How to choose?

The more carefully the buyer approaches the pump selection process, the best effect he will get it as a result.

When purchasing a device, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  • Device power. Knowing this indicator, you can determine how many water intake points the pump can serve. The required power depends on which taps, which household appliances and in what quantities require increased pressure.
  • Noise level. It is also recommended to find out this parameter in advance.

  • Installation requirements. Some models can only function when paired with pipes of a certain diameter. Otherwise, the pump will not only not cope with the increase in water, but will also quickly fail if operated under overload.
  • The height of water level rise created by the pump. This indicator is relevant in the case of pumping stations serving several apartments at once.

  • The performance of the device or the amount of liquid that the pump is capable of pumping in order to create the required pressure in a certain time. Please note that the value this indicator should be higher than average consumption water at the water intake point where the pump will be installed.
  • Maximum permissible water temperature. Depending on this indicator, it is determined whether the pump will be installed for cold or hot water supply.
  • Device dimensions. You need to know them in order to determine on which section of the water supply the pump will be installed.
  • Manufacturer. It is recommended to give preference to well-known companies with proper authority and numerous positive reviews.

In this case, you can count on guarantees, maintenance, and repairs.

First of all, a pump is selected based on the outlet pressure, which should reach 4 bars. When choosing a pump high pressure The determining factor may be the presence of automation or manual control.

Connection diagram

The connection diagram for the device that increases pressure is simple. The pump must be installed in front of the water intake points. Thus, as soon as it senses slight movement of water, the flow sensor will react and the pump will turn on. To create a system that will provide stable pressure to all the devices in need, you will also first have to consider the water distribution. Installing a pump at the right point will allow you to limit yourself to one device serving all water intakes.

If in a private house the required pressure is not available in the rooms on the upper floors, then you should think about using a pumped storage membrane tank maximum possible volume and high pressure pump. An increase in flow rate will lead to the activation of the pump, which, in turn, will service the system on all floors. This pumping station operates automatically. Its main element is centrifugal pump self-priming type. Even if the pressure in the pipes is at zero, it will lift water from the required depth, for example, from a basement sewer, and create the required pressure. The pressure switch will be responsible for turning on the electric motor only in a situation where the pressure is below the required level. The storage tank will create a certain supply of water. It will also be under pressure and will be wasted if the water supply in the main is interrupted. Following this diagram, the pumping station will raise the water to the top and provide the necessary pressure.

In a multi-storey building, it is recommended to create a similar system, but with greater capacity, with a huge reservoir and with funds collected from residents for the entire riser. The basement contains a pressurized water supply, required quantity which every resident will receive.

How to install?

It is very easy to install a pump to increase pressure with your own hands - installation is no different from inserting other devices into a pipeline. The first step is to shut off the water supply. If there are common valves that are located outside the apartment, then you should take care that they do not accidentally open. In the selected area, the pipe is cut and a pump is inserted into the freed space, which has two taps: at the inlet and at the outlet. If necessary, they will allow you to replace or repair the device. During installation, it is also important to consider which direction the water usually moves.

External threads are also created at both ends of the pipe, while adapters have internal threads. The adapters are also equipped with fittings.

Then, depending on the material from which the pipes and the booster itself are made, joining technologies are used. For example, to work with polymer pipes you will need a soldering iron. Then the integrity is checked, and control procedures are carried out under pressure and the motor is connected to the power supply. To do this, a three-core cable is installed connecting the pump to electrical panel. If possible, it is better to organize an additional outlet near the installation site and connect the device through a separate residual current device. After the final check in operating mode, you can complete the procedure.

As a rule, the installation of the pump is carried out according to the instructions that were originally attached to it.

If a particular model can only be mounted in a certain position, this condition will be indicated.

  • Before buying a pump, it is still worth clarifying what condition the system is in. For example, the divider on the tap must be cleaned of dirt, for example, using citric acid. If this is not done, then accumulating calcium salts can critically reduce the working holes, which will lead to negative consequences. It is also recommended to visit your neighbors and find out if they have the same problems. If the answer is positive, it becomes clear that the reason is more global, and it cannot be solved by simply purchasing a pump.
  • It is also worth remembering that the situation becomes critical when the pressure drops below 1-1.5 atmospheres. Standard indicator corresponding to work household appliances, ranges from 2 to 3 atmospheres, and the norm for pipes is 4 bar. If there is less pressure in the tubes, the devices turn off.

At 6-7 bars, leaks appear in the line, and at 10 atmospheres the pipes can burst.

If the house has running water, it is logical to assume that there is water in it. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen. Sometimes the pressure is so weak that household appliances, unable to withstand such a test, simply refuse to work; in high-rise buildings, water often does not reach the upper floors at all, stopping at lower levels. It is in such situations that pumps will come in handy to increase the water pressure in the system.

How to achieve ideal pressure in water pipes?

Several values ​​are used as units for measuring water pressure in pipes: 1 bar = 1.0197 atmospheres = 10.19 m of water column. According to standards, the pressure in city water supply networks should be 4 atmospheres, but the reality is that the differences can be very significant. Pressure of more than 6-7 atmospheres has a detrimental effect on sensitive imported and domestic plumbing fixtures and destroys pipe connections, but low pressure also causes no less trouble. At a pressure of less than 2 atmospheres, neither the washing machine nor the dishwasher, not to mention the jacuzzi.

Minimum pressure required to operate most household appliances, ranges from 1.5 to 2.4 atmospheres, in fire extinguishing systems the requirements are more serious - at least 3 atmospheres. If the indicators in the system are much lower, for example, because the apartment is located on the top floor of the building, or because of a large amount of water, then it becomes necessary to use special means (boosting units) that would maintain the required level of pressure.

Before choosing a high pressure pump, it is necessary to specify the problem. The most common complaints are:

  • water flows from the tap, but the pressure is so weak that there is no talk of any comfort;
  • There is no water only on the upper floors of the building, on the lower floors everything is fine.

In the first case, a water pressure booster pump can be a solution to the problem. In the second, it will be powerless; you will have to fork out money to buy a self-priming unit.

A pumping station can solve pressure problems in most cases, but you need to know how to connect this equipment

The choice is very individual, depending on the need for water and several more important factors. Before doing this, you need to make sure that the problem is precisely insufficient pressure, and not clogged pipes, since, due to lime deposits or mechanical particles, the diameter of the pipes can become much smaller over time, the pump will not help here, the water supply will need to be replaced. If the problem really lies in weak pressure, then the equipment will be useful.

Model classification

So, when choosing, they take into account whether it is necessary to simply increase the weak pressure or to transfer water from the lower floors to the upper ones. In the first case, you will need a small device in terms of power and size, an “in-line” design, which is simply mounted in the pipeline, in the second - a high-pressure centrifugal water unit with a hydraulic accumulator. They operate in one of two modes:

  • Manual mode – ensures continuous operation of the equipment. You need to make sure that it does not overheat and fail, and turn it off in time.
  • Automatic mode. With it, the work is regulated by a flow sensor. As soon as the tap turns on and water starts flowing, the pump turns on. This mode preferable to the first, with it the water pump for increasing pressure is protected from operation in dry mode (in the absence of water), which means it will last longer. The automatic option is more economical.

There is also a classification of pumping equipment according to the method of cooling the housing. It can be carried out using an engine impeller or using the pumped liquid:

  • Cooling using blades mounted on a shaft, the so-called dry rotor design. Such engines are characterized high efficiency and slight noise during operation.
  • Cooling using the pumped liquid, the so-called wet rotor. The unit with such a cooling system operates almost silently.

The size of the pump is also important for the user, because the equipment often has to be installed in small rooms.

The dry rotor pump boasts high efficiency

In contrast to the previous one, a pump with a wet rotor operates silently

Usually carried out at the entrance to an apartment or house. It is important to take into account that there are universal pumps that can be used for cold and hot water supply systems without further hesitation. And there are those that are used only for either cold water or hot water.

“Heavy artillery”: how to choose a household pumping station

If you are convinced that the pipes are not clogged, and the water simply does not reach your floor, then you will have to acquire a more powerful unit - a self-priming pumping station. The pump can be installed with or without a hydraulic accumulator. Many owners of small apartments choose the latter option, but experts strongly recommend choosing the first, even with the smallest tank.

The pumping station will allow you to “lift” water from the lower floor or from the well

The station itself is a surface centrifugal unit for increasing water pressure, which is connected to a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch that controls the entire system. With its help, water is taken from the system and supplied to the tank. Even after the pressure switch turns off the pump, the consumer can use the stored water; this is very convenient if the water is turned off frequently. At the same time, the pressure will drop. As soon as it drops to a certain level, the relay will work again and the pump will turn on again. It’s easy to guess that the larger the tank, the longer the equipment lasts, since it turns on and off less often.

Connection diagram for water supply in a private house

A typical connection diagram for a pressure booster pump in a private house is shown in the figure below.

Installation diagram pumping station in a private house with a nearby well

Video: how the pressure booster pump works

What to consider when choosing a specific unit for a house or apartment

So, choosing pumping equipment, you need to take into account several important points:

  • the assigned task;
  • characteristics ( throughput and created pressure);
  • authority of the manufacturer;
  • the dimensions of the room in which the equipment is planned to be installed;
  • the amount you plan to spend on its purchase.

Without knowledge of the required productivity and pressure, right choice very difficult to do. All necessary calculations It's better to trust a specialist. Many companies that sell such equipment provide this service completely free of charge.

If you just need to slightly increase the pressure in the system, by about 1.5 atmospheres, then compact pump, which can be easily and simply cut directly into the pipe, is ideal. Diagram (to photo): 1 - Circulation unit; 2 – Filter; 3 - Shut-off valve; 4 – Thermoregulator; 5 - Safety valve.

Compact pressure booster pump can be mounted directly into the pipe

Some experts consider installing an expensive and powerful pump unnecessary. In their opinion, a more rational option is several devices of lower power, which are connected directly in front of the analysis points and household appliances, the operation of which needs to be optimized.

Video: installation and switching on of the unit

Video: installation and launch of a pumping station with a storage tank

Purchasing pumping equipment to ensure good water pressure in an apartment or house is not a problem; it is presented quite widely in household appliance stores, in online stores, on construction markets. But it’s better to go to a branded salon, where there is a wider choice, there is an opportunity to get specialist advice, and there is warranty service, which is especially important for those who purchase an expensive model.

A pump to increase water pressure in the water supply system is purchased to stabilize the pressure in the system. Indeed, for the simultaneous operation of several points of consumption, for example, two taps, the pressure in the system must reach 1.5 atmospheres. A washing machine or dishwasher will only operate at a pressure of 2 atmospheres (and no less). And Jacuzzis and showers with a hydromassage function “start” at a pressure of at least 4 atmospheres.

At the same time, in household water supply there is often no minimum pressure (1.5 atmospheres), not to mention standard indicators (4-4.5 atmospheres). As a result, installing a water pressure booster pump is the only way to ensure any acceptable living conditions in the house. After all, without this pump, neither a shower stall nor a washing machine will function.

And in this article we will discuss the choice of devices used to stabilize the pressure in household water supply systems at an acceptable level.

Firstly, if there is water only on the lower floors of the house. Secondly, if you open one tap, it is no longer possible to use the second source of consumption. And thirdly, if the system has a frankly weak pressure, which is not enough to service household or plumbing appliances

In short, both a conventional pump and a powerful self-priming pumping station are used if there is no stable pressure in your water supply. Moreover, problems with the plumbing will certainly affect the overall level of comfort, reducing the “quality of life” itself.

Therefore, you will have to buy a pressure pump or pumping station:

  • Firstly, it is quite powerful, but without frills: after all, increasing the pressure to 6-7 atmospheres can destroy internal elements(seals, valves, etc.) shut-off and control valves.
  • Secondly, it is relatively cheap: after all, money needs to be spent “wisely”.
  • And, thirdly, it is compact and low-noise: after all, the immodest dimensions of the unit will spoil the entire interior of the home, and noise pollution will disrupt the comfort of living.

But both a conventional pump and a pumping station fit these criteria. Which is better? Let's figure it out.

Household water pressure booster pumps

Such devices are installed in the internal water supply of a house or apartment. Therefore, pumps should not be large and noisy.

Moreover, there are two schemes for operating such equipment:

  • A permanent option that requires almost 24/7 operation of the device.
  • Automatic option, turning on the unit “on demand”.

In the first case, we only need a pump, and in the second, we will also have to add a flow sensor to it, which, of course, will affect the price of the equipment.

But the more expensive automatic option is still more profitable than the cheaper permanent one. Let us explain why: during operation, the pump heats up and fails due to overheating. Therefore, continuous use of such equipment is strictly contraindicated.

And working from time to time automatic pump, turns on only when the flow is caused by water consumption (an open tap, a washing machine on, and so on). Therefore, it will never burn out. And such a pump consumes much less electricity.

In the end, any prudent homeowner will choose the automatic option, despite the slightly inflated cost. And permanent pumps are good only in one case - if they are used in one-time operations. For example, if necessary, stabilize the pressure after activating the irrigation system. In this case, the pump is simply “plugged in” and turned off after the procedure is completed.

Pumping stations

Essentially, this is the same high-pressure vibration or centrifugal water pump with a hydraulic accumulator or hydraulic tank. However, unlike pumps, stations are installed between the water source and the water supply. As a result, it is the pumping station that generates the pressure in the water supply.

Moreover, almost all systems are equipped with similar installations autonomous water supply. And to stabilize the pressure in the system, you need to either replace the existing station with a more powerful one, or replace only the pump or storage tank of the station with a more productive analogue.

In addition, to increase the pressure in the pipeline, you don’t even have to change anything! It is enough to simply adjust the operation of the pressure switch. The essence of this solution is that a special device is “responsible” for the pressure of the station - a pressure switch that monitors the operation of the pump and storage tank.

Let us explain in more detail: the pump pumps water into the storage tank, which releases it into the water supply system. In this case, the pump does not operate constantly, but only when the pressure in the storage tank is less than the minimum. Then it turns on, pumping water until the pressure in the accumulator rises to the maximum possible.

The maximum and minimum pressure in the storage tank is determined by a special relay. Increase the time of the lower pressure limit in the accumulator, and it will increase throughout the water supply.

How to choose a pump?

The selection of a high pressure pump is based on the following rules:

  • Firstly, the pump must work as long as needed, without pauses or long breaks, without overheating or shutting down. Therefore, you need a unit from a trusted company with a good reputation, and not a Chinese-made clone.
  • Secondly, the pump must increase the pressure in the system to an acceptable level of 4-5 atmospheres, and no more. Therefore, purchasing a heavy-duty station for deep wells not always justified. And if you cannot calculate the required unit performance yourself, contact a specialist. In specialized stores, this service is offered to all pump buyers absolutely free.
  • Thirdly, the pump must fit the purchase budget. Good equipment is not cheap. But it pays for itself due to trouble-free operation. Cheap pumps require frequent maintenance and practically do-it-yourself repair. After all service centers there are simply no no-name manufacturers. Therefore, if you do not have plumbing and plumbing skills or do not have time for such work, buy a reliable unit from a trusted brand, for example, a wilo water pressure booster pump. This technique will pay for itself 100 percent.

As you can see: the selection rules are very simple. But if you have doubts about your decisions, contact a specialist.

Most specialized companies offer a solution to the problem of insufficient pressure in a turnkey format. That is, with calling a specialist for diagnostics, calculating and selecting equipment and subsequent installation of all units in the water supply system.

Often water supply systems have insufficient pressure, which complicates not only the adoption water procedures, but also the operation of auxiliary household appliances. For example, the correct operation of a washing machine or shower may be disrupted. To get out of this situation, you have to use a pump to increase the water pressure. In an apartment or house in such situations, it is indispensable.

Many residents of houses and apartments experience low water pressure

Devices that increase pressure in the water supply system are small structures with an engine operating from a conventional electrical network. Installation of the device is carried out by inserting into the pipeline. During operation, torque from the rotor is transferred to the impeller, which creates additional pressure.

All products can be divided according to the control method:

  • manual devices are switched by a person during operation for a certain amount of time;
  • automatic devices switch independently, as they have a special sensor.

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Another classifying feature is the type of cooling;

  • models with a wet rotor operate almost silently, as they pass liquid directly through themselves;
  • products with a dry rotor create noise during operation, but are more productive.
Pay attention! Before purchasing a pump to increase water pressure in an apartment or residential building, you must also take into account the permissible temperature of the working environment. However, there are also universal devices that operate in a wide range.

Requirements for the device

If the problem associated with insufficient pressure in the water supply system is solved by using a special pump, then you should understand what requirements are placed on it. Basically they come down to this:

  • uninterrupted operation;
  • optimal working fluid pressure;
  • affordable price;
  • required performance.
Pay attention! If the water does not reach the upper floors of an apartment or private house at all, then it is recommended to purchase a special station instead of a conventional pump. The necessary pressure is created in them.

Various models of pumps to increase water pressure: prices and manufacturers

High-quality devices that can serve well for many years are produced by trusted manufacturers. In this regard, it is proposed to study the prices of well-known pump models brands. The following products are popular in the modern market.

Model Wilo PB-088EA

Of all the water pressure booster pumps, Willo PB-088 EA can be considered the most suitable for home use. The device is installed on a pipeline with a working medium of up to 60 degrees. It is low noise, so its operation is quite comfortable. The device can operate in two modes at once - automatic and manual.

The productivity of the device is 2.1 cubic meters. m in one hour. You can buy it at specialty store for about 3500-4000 rubles.

Model Grundfos 15-90

As alternative option For home use, the Grundfos 15-90 water pressure booster pump model can be used. Its characteristics are very similar to the above-mentioned products. However, its cost is slightly higher. It reaches 6000 rubles.

Other analogues

The product range is not limited to the models listed above. The table shows products from other manufacturers, the quality of which is beyond doubt.

ImageModelPower in wattsCapacity liters per hourCost in rubles
Vodotok 15GZ-15120 1 500 3 100
Unipump UPA 15-90120 1 500 6 200
Unipump UPA 15-120120 2 700 11 500
Comfort X15G-10B90 1 200 2 500
Comfort X15G-18260 1 800 4 600

Pay attention! It is impossible to buy a high-quality pump to increase water pressure for a small amount of money. If the cost of the product is much less than the minimum amount indicated in the table, then it is better to refuse to purchase the product.

How to install a pump to increase water pressure in an apartment or house

It is quite possible to carry out the installation of the device yourself. However, it is still necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of installation in order to avoid catastrophic mistakes. Refusal to involve professional workers will save on installation.

Familiarization with the installation process

When installing a pump to increase water pressure in a house or apartment, a small piece of pipe is cut out at the inlet part of the water supply system. The device itself is connected directly to the two ends. If the pipes are made of plastic, you may need a special soldering iron.

The device must be inserted between the cut pipes

When connecting to a pipeline, you can confuse the direction of water movement through the device, so you should carefully look at the instructions that come with the product to improve the pressure. After installation is completed, the device is connected to the mains.

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A properly installed pump will ensure that your home’s water needs are met for a long time if you follow these recommendations:

  • It is advisable to protect the installed equipment from blockages by installing a coarse filter at the inlet;
  • Shut-off valves must be installed in front of the pump so that preventive measures can be carried out;
  • the unit must be located in a heated room that is protected from moisture;
  • At first, it is necessary to check the device for leaks in order to identify malfunctions in time.
Pay attention! Preferably for safe operation devices that increase pressure in the water supply system, equip a special one, which will be connected through a separate RCD.

Main selection criteria

When purchasing a product to increase pressure in the water supply network, certain points must be taken into account. Typically, six criteria are taken into account.

  • Power indicator. The value of this parameter will determine how many consumers can operate the device simultaneously.
  • The level of noise generated during operation. Models can operate loudly or very quietly. This primarily affects the comfort of use.
  • Possible height of water rise. Some devices may not reach the working environment directly to the required level.
  • Device dimensions. The size of a particular model will determine the possibility of placement in a certain room.
  • Section of connected pipes. If this criterion is not taken into account, problems may arise during installation.
  • Manufacturer's fame. Mostly quality products produced by companies that are highly popular in the market.

Summing up

With the advent of pumps to increase water pressure in apartments and detached houses, the shortcomings of plumbing systems can be completely eliminated. Such devices are accessible from an economic point of view to a wide range of consumers, and therefore are in demand. In some cases, it is better to purchase a device to improve pressure yourself rather than solve the problem with specialized services.

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Pumping station for a private house: water supply, types and installation features

Insufficient pressure in the water supply pipeline is a common phenomenon that owners often encounter summer cottages. The situation is typical for an area where a water tower is used to meet the needs of the population. There are several options to solve the problem. It may be necessary to install a pump that increases the existing pressure in the water supply, as well as carry out maintenance of the water supply system.

Is a boost pump really necessary?

When deciding whether to modify water supply systems, several technical points are taken into account:

  1. Whether there is water pressure in the water supply, the pump will only increase the existing pressure. If the pressure is insignificant, less than 1 bar, then installing one device is unlikely to help; a comprehensive solution to the problem is necessary.
  2. What is the reason for low pressure - the cause may be clogged filters, pipes overgrown with rust. Even after installing pumping equipment in such a system, it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem of low pressure in the water supply system.

If after inspection and preventive work on cleaning filters and replacing clogged risers, the pressure remains the same, they look for an alternative solution, install booster pumps for the water supply. It may be necessary to additionally install a water storage tank or an automatic station that will maintain the pressure automatically.

According to technical standards: to geysers, washing machine and dishwasher, water pressure in the water supply below 4 bar is considered insufficient. This pressure is sufficient to ensure normal operation household appliances.

Which pumping equipment to choose for water supply

For water supply systems there are many various models pumping equipment. To facilitate the selection of a booster pump for water supply, pay attention to the following criteria:

After determining the choice of equipment for pressurizing the water supply, we proceed directly to installation work.

Installation options

Perform general and spot installation. Each solution has its pros and cons.

  1. General pump for the house - vortex type equipment is suitable for this purpose. The device is distinguished by high power and good performance. The device is installed on the central supply riser (boosting pumps, with rare exceptions, are placed on cold water). The strapping is being done. To increase the efficiency of the solution, it is recommended to install a storage tank of 100-200 liters in front of the pump.
  2. Selective installation - in this case, a pump to increase the pressure in the water supply will increase the pressure only for one plumbing point: a gas water heater, a washing machine or a dishwasher; the equipment can be installed on a shower, etc. In-line pumps are used for the work. This solution has its advantages. There is no need for piping, as in the case of connecting a vortex pump, and costs are correspondingly reduced.

If the reason low pressure risers overgrown with rust, the water supply will not be enough to create pressure in the plumbing pump system. You will need to install an automatic station with a built-in water storage tank. This option will completely solve all problems. The pumping station has only two drawbacks: high cost and the need to allocate part of the premises for installation.

With water pressure, all leaks in the system are detected. To avoid unpleasant surprises when turning on the pump after cutting in the equipment, the pipes are checked for leaks by pressure testing.


The pump connection is made based on the material of the existing pipeline.

  1. The metal module is installed in the water supply system with rigid fixation. If the pipes are made of metal, a welder will be required.
  2. PVC - recently plastic is increasingly used for stationary connections. This option makes installation easier and reduces work time. The pump must be secured using American ones. If necessary, the housing can be easily removed later.
  3. Another option for connecting a pump to increase water in the water supply is installation using flexible hoses. The same connections are used for taps on a sink or washbasin. It's better not to use cheap hoses. If a breakthrough occurs, the switched on pump will pump water without stopping. Connection using hoses is suitable for temporary use before inserting the pump using metal or PVC.

If necessary, a pump can be connected to a metal water supply using PVC. For this purpose, a section of pipe is cut out and threads are cut on both edges using a die, and the coupling is screwed on. By soldering, a pump is connected to increase the pressure, the work is carried out according to a pre-designed connection diagram.

Who should install pumping equipment

Any changes to the water supply system inside a private house are the prerogative of its owner. As long as you have the right tools and the right skills, the changes will be easy to make. The work will take about 2 hours.

As for a multi-storey building, modifications before wiring to the apartment must be done by utility services. The pipeline entering the home from the central riser, starting from the shut-off valve, can be repaired and modified by the owner. Of course, provided that the main technical parameters of the system do not change.

According to the existing law, it is possible to supply pumping equipment that will create a pressure not exceeding what is specified in the documentation. If deviations from the norm occur to a greater extent, this is punishable by a fine and the need to return the system to its original position, at your own expense. Considering that plumbers in apartments are a fairly common occurrence, it’s not worth the risk of violations. It is better to ensure that the water pressure inside the pipeline complies with the standards prescribed in SNiP and GOST.

Installing a pressure or booster pump on the water supply pipeline solves the problem of low water pressure. Professional plumbers with experience and appropriate approval can take into account all the nuances of choosing equipment and perform installation without errors.