A story about a new school in English. Topic MY SCHOOL

My school is very big and not very old with its traditions. It is named after V.V. Mayakovski. On the ground floor there are several classrooms of English for the Primary school and workshops, a cloakroom and a canteen, a library and a headmaster office. There are a lot of interesting books in the library. In the library there are many portraits of famous Russian writers on the walls. Our school has two PT classrooms. One of them is located on the underground floor. This PT classroom is smaller than another one, which located between the ground and underground floor. This PT classroom is very useful for our students. And in our canteen room we always buy very tasty cakes.

The classrooms of the first, second and the third form are on the first floor. But sometimes we spend there some breaks. My favorite classroom is the Biology classroom and English. Biology classroom is very beautiful; there are many flowers and animals there. And in English classroom there are not many tables, because our class is learned by three teachers. In our class there is a map of Great Britain. I like English, because it"s a subject I am interesting in. I like to learn new words, to dramatize texts and dialogues, discuss interesting things.

There are 500 pupils in our school. Some of them love our school but some of them think that it is a load of their life. I thought this way some years ago, but now I understand that all these ages I have spent in my school - the best ages in my life.

School year begin, as a rule, on the 1st of September and ends in May. It lasts 9 months: from September till May. We have 4 holidays a year. The Summer holidays are long. They last 3 months. The winter holidays are shorter, they lasts only two weeks. During the holidays we don't study, we have a rest. We go to school every day except Sundays and Saturdays. On weekdays we work hard. On weekends we have a rest, as a rule.

All pupils of our school learn some foreign languages. All pupils of our class learn English and German or French (on their mind).

At the lessons we check our home tasks. We ask and answer the questions, we read English texts and translate sentences both from English into Russian and from Russian into English. We describe pictures and speak on various topics. During the English lesson we do many exercises, we speak, read and write English. Sometimes we listen to the tapes. We don't speak Russian in class. As I want to learn, to speak and to read English, I must be attentive in class and I must always prepare my homework.

Each lesson lasts forty minutes. During the breaks we just stand outside, talk, play and repeat our homework. We haven't got lunch. But some students eat in the canteen, but most bring their own lunch. WE usually have a lot of homework and it takes us several hours to do it. Sometimes we have to sit up to write a composition, to prepare a report or to learn a poem by heart.

I like my school, because I"ve got many friends there and I always remember: "Education brings a child the world."


My school is very large, but not very old with its traditions. It is named after V.V. Mayakovsky. On the ground floor there are several English classes for primary school and seminars, wardrobe and dining room, library and director's office. There are many interesting books in the library. The library has many portraits of famous Russian writers on the walls. Our school has two PT classes. One of them is located on the ground floor. This PT class is smaller than the other one which is located between the ground and underground floor. This PT class is very beneficial for our students. And in our dining room, the room where we always buy very tasty cakes.

The first second and third level classrooms are on the first floor. Sometimes we spend some breaks there. My favorite class is biology and English classes. The biology room is very beautiful, there are many flowers and animals there. And in the English class there are not many tables, because in our class there are three teachers. Our class has a map of Great Britain. I like English, that's why I'm interested in learning it. I would like to learn new words, act out texts and dialogues, discuss interesting things.

There are 500 students in our school. Some of them love our school, but some of them think that this is their whole life's work. I thought the same thing a few years ago, but now I understand that all this time that I spent at my school - best age in my life.

The academic year usually begins on September 1 and ends in May. It lasts 9 months: from September to May. We have 4 holidays a year. Summer holidays long. They last 3 months. Winter holidays are shorter, lasting only two weeks. During the holidays we don't study - we relax. We go to school every day except Sunday and Saturday. On weekdays we work hard. As a rule, we relax on weekends.

All students at our school learn some foreign languages. All students in our class study English and German or French.

During class we check our homework. We ask and answer questions, we read English text and translate sentences from English into Russian, and from Russian into English. We describe pictures and talk about various topics. During English lessons we do a lot of exercises, we speak, read and write in English. Sometimes we listen to recordings. We do not use Russian in class. Since I want to learn, speak and read English, I must pay attention in class, and I must always prepare my homework.

Each lesson lasts forty minutes. During breaks we just stand outside, talk, play and review our homework. We don't have lunch. But some students eat in the cafeteria, but most bring their own lunch. We usually have a lot of homework and it takes us several hours to complete it. Sometimes you have to write an essay, prepare a report, or learn a poem by heart.

I like my school because I have many friends there and I always remember: "Education brings peace to a child"

My school

Many people look back on school years with sadness and some nostalgia; others, on the contrary, with hatred and boredom. As for me, I am fond of my school. I study in the 10th form of a local comprehensive school which provides advanced study of some subjects. I chose the class of Maths because I think that I’m good at it. And other subjects don’t come so easy to me. So there are 6 lessons of Maths every week in our timetable. By the way we don’t have those day-books which our parents used to have. All our marks can be checked in a special electronic register in the Internet.

The building of our school is very big and made of red brick. It’s neither old nor new, but it is well-equipped and modern inside. Our school has 3 floors. The classrooms are spacious and light. Many of them are equipped with a teacher’s computer, a TV-set and an electronic board. There are 2 computer classes, a library with a reading-room, an assembly-hall, a dining hall, a gymnasium and a swimming-pool in our school. There are also 2 football fields and a sports ground outside the building.

The bell for the first lesson rings at half past 8 and we usually finish at about 2 or 3 p.m. As a rule we have 6 or 7 lessons a day and we study 6 days a week. There is a long 20-minute break after the 4th lesson to have lunch or just a snack.

I love and respect our principal and most of our teaching stuff. Although some of them are quite strict and old-fashioned, they give very interesting lessons and proper knowledge. The atmosphere in our class is always friendly and busy. Fortunately we haven’t had any bullying or rude behavior among our classmates. I made best friends with some of them. We often take part in school activities together. There are musical performances, intellectual games, concerts, school and inter-school sports competitions and class parties in our school. I"m sure I will miss my school life after I finish the 11th form.

Many people look back at school years with sadness and nostalgia; others, on the contrary, with hatred and boredom. Personally, I love my school. I am a 10th grade student at a local comprehensive school that offers advanced study of some subjects. I chose a math class because I think I have a knack for it. Other subjects don't come so easily to me. Therefore, our schedule includes 6 math lessons per week. By the way, we don’t have the same diaries that our parents had. All our assessments can be checked in a special electronic journal on the Internet.

Our school building is very large and made of red brick. It is neither old nor new, but it is well equipped and modern inside. Our school has 3 floors. The classrooms are spacious and bright. Many of them are equipped with a teacher's computer, TV and electronic board. Our school has 2 computer classes, a library with a reading room, assembly hall, dining room, gym and swimming pool. Outside the building there are also two football fields and a sports ground.

The bell for first lesson rings at 8.30 and we usually finish around 2-3 o'clock in the afternoon. As a rule, we have 6-7 lessons every day, and we study 6 days a week. After the 4th lesson there is a long 20-minute break to have lunch or just a snack.

I love and respect our principal and most of the teaching staff. Although some of them are quite strict and old-fashioned, they provide very interesting lessons and necessary knowledge. The atmosphere in our class is always friendly and businesslike. Fortunately, we never had any aggression or rude behavior among our classmates. I found my best friends among them. We often take part in school events together. The school hosts musical performances, mind games, concerts, school and interschool sporting events and classroom nights. I'm sure I'll miss school when I finish 11th grade.

​ will be useful not only in school lessons. After leaving school, we often reminisce and tell new friends about our classmates, teachers and classes. Topic on English language My school (My school) will help you communicate freely on this topic.

Also topic in English My school will help you better understand the story about your friends’ school and ask questions. Also with the help English topic My school you will be able to compare studying at your school with how your friends studied in other cities and countries, which can be very interesting to do.


My school

I am going to tell you about my school. It was built twelve years ago and has three floors. The classrooms are spacious and bright. There are classrooms for different subjects: Physics, Mathematics, History, Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, Literature etc.

There is also a computer class, where we study computer science. This class has the most modern equipment and the Internet access.

There is also an assembly hall on the second floor. All the celebrations, concerts, meetings, conferences and rehearsals take place here. We participate in theater performances, sing songs, and recite poems for all holidays.

Our school has a gym and a swimming pool. Some students attend table tennis, volleyball or swimming classes after school. Other children attend various art classes; they play musical instruments, dance or paint.

We usually have five or six lessons a day. The first lesson starts at nine o’clock. At twelve o'clock, we have lunch at the canteen.

The teachers in our school are very skilled and the lessons are interesting. My favorite subject is English.

We are usually very busy, because we have lots of homework. However, we all know how important it is to study and to have good marks. Most of my classmates are my true friends; we like to spend our free time together.


My school

I'll tell you about my school. This is a three-story building that was built twelve years ago. The classrooms are spacious and bright. Each subject is taught in its own class: physics, mathematics, history, biology, chemistry, English, geography, literature, etc.

We also have a computer class where we study computer science. This class has state-of-the-art equipment and Internet access.

On the third floor there is an assembly hall. All holidays, concerts, meetings, conferences and rehearsals are held here. For every holiday we stage plays, sing songs and read poems.

Our school has a gym and a swimming pool. Some students attend table tennis, volleyball or swimming classes. Other children are engaged in art: playing musical instruments, dance or draw.

We usually have five or six lessons a day. The first lesson starts at nine o'clock. At twelve o'clock we have lunch in the dining room.

The teachers at our school are very experienced and the lessons are interesting. My favorite subject is English.

We are usually very busy as we have a lot homework. However, we all know how important it is to study and get good grades. Most of my classmates are my real friends, we really love spending our free time together.

We present to your attention short and interesting story texts in English for children. Stories with translation into Russian - this will make it easier for you to learn English. If you want to practice more in English, not only online, but also via Skype, then knock on my Skype door - markandvika (Canada). I'll help you.

You will also find other texts in English in the section interesting and useful. When copying text, translation or audio and posting it on supporter resources, a link to this site is required.

Do you like to go to school? How often do you go to school? What do you know about your school? What subjects do you like to study?

My name is Alena. I am 9 years old. I"m a schoolgirl. I go to school every day: on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sometimes I need to go to school on Saturday. We study English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, the Russian language, history , geography, literature, science, and other subjects.

Best of all I like to learn English. It is interesting and useful. I love to travel, so I try to learn English for my future trips.

I study English with a tutor 3 times a week. We discuss some English texts (topics) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. We learn via Skype.

My school is really big, light, modern and comfortable. It has a great number of classrooms. The school has four floors. Plus, the students can use a dining room, a rest room, a dressing room. We gather in the assembly hall when anything important happens. I love my school teachers. Sometimes the principal comes to see our lessons.

It is very important to get good marks. I don't want to make my parents upset, so I try to study hard.

There are modern computers, TVs almost in every classroom!

My school

Do you like going to school? How often do you go to school? What do you know about your school? What subjects do you like to study?

My name is Alena. I am 9 years old. I'm a schoolgirl. I go to school every day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sometimes I have to go to school on Saturday. We study English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, Russian, history, geography, literature, science and other subjects.

Most of all I like learning English. He is interesting and useful. I love to travel, so I try to learn English, it will be useful to me in the future.

I study English with a tutor 3 times a week. We discuss texts in English on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. We work on Skype.

My school is very large, bright, modern and comfortable. It has many classrooms. The school has 4 floors. There is also a dining room, a rest room, and a locker room. When something important happens, we gather in the assembly hall. I love my teachers, sometimes the director comes to our lessons.

It is very important to get good grades. I don't want to upset my parents, so I try to study as hard as I can.

Almost all classrooms have modern computers and televisions.

I am going to tell you about my school. My school is new and modern and I like it very much. It has three floors. The classrooms are light and spacious. There are classrooms for different subjects, such as English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology Literature etc.

There is a computer class in our school. We study computer science here. The computer class has the most modern equipment and the Internet access.

We’ve also an assembly hall, which is located on the second floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all the celebrations take place here. We prepare different performances for all holidays. We sing songs, recite poetry, dance, and participate in theater performances.

There are many opportunities to go in for sports in our school. Our school has a gym, a sports ground, a football field, a swimming pool, and other sports facilities. There are many different sports groups: table tennis, swimming, athletics, football, volleyball, wrestling, and rhythmic gymnastics. Many pupils of our school attend these sports groups.

In our school we have also painting group, dance group, theater group and rock group. All these groups are very popular and many pupils attend them.

The teachers in our school are very skilled. They try to give us all their knowledge and awake our interest to their subjects and to self study. Besides the school subjects, our teachers tell us about everything, about different problems of our world, such as ecology, nature protection, climate changes etc.

There is a good tradition in our school. Every year people who graduated from our school come here to meet their teachers and classmates. These meetings take place every first Saturday of February.

I think that school years are very important for every person. It’s a period of becoming adult, achieving knowledge, and choosing your way in life. Often school friends remain your friends for all your life. So I’ll never forget my school, my teachers, and my classmates.

My school

I'll tell you about my school. My school is new and modern, and I really like it. It has three floors. The classrooms are bright and spacious. There are classes for various items such as English, history, physics, mathematics, chemistry, geography, biology, literature, etc.

Our school has a computer class. Here we study computer science. Our computer class has the most modern equipment and access to the Internet.

Our school also has an assembly hall, which is located on the second floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all holidays are held here. We prepare interesting performances for all holidays. We sing songs, read poems, dance and participate in small theater productions.

Our school has many opportunities for sports. The school has a gym playground, football field, swimming pool and other sports facilities. We have many different sports sections: table tennis, swimming, athletics, football, volleyball, wrestling and rhythmic gymnastics. Many students attend these sports sections.

Our school also has drawing and dancing clubs, a theater group and a rock band. All these clubs are very popular and many students attend them.

Our school is taught by very qualified teachers. They try to convey to us all their knowledge and awaken interest in their subjects and in self-education. Teachers not only teach us school subjects, but also tell us about everything, about various world problems, such as ecology, nature conservation, climate change, etc.

Our school has a good tradition. Every year, school graduates come to meet with teachers and classmates. These meetings take place every first Saturday in February.

I believe that school years are very important for every person. This is a period of growing up, acquiring knowledge and choosing a life path. Very often, school friends remain your friends for life. Therefore, I will never forget my school, teachers and classmates.