DIY sliding system for interior doors. How to install sliding doors with your own hands. What needs to be provided for the construction of structures

Quite often we are faced with the problem of lack of free space in rooms. We can solve this situation in apartments by installing sliding doors.

Already now, when planning an apartment, we always take into account our space and try to save space when implementing interior design ideas. You can install it yourself, without even involving expensive specialists.

So, we will talk about how to install such a door, what they are like and what you will need for this.

Initially, select the sliding door you like

Follow simple instructions you will install such a door without special skills and tools.

What tools will you need?

You will need liquid nails, wooden blocks which we will use as spacers (various sizes will be needed - 5 x 45, 5 x 80, 5 x 110), plastic dowels, as well as nails (size 40 mm and small ones to complete the work).

To install sliding doors, prepare the following tools:

  • (size is better than 1.8 m),
  • hacksaws for metal,
  • wood hacksaw,
  • don’t forget a screwdriver (can be replaced with screwdrivers),
  • spanner,
  • hammer,
  • as well as a hex key and a mallet with a rubber striker.

System installation, door installation

The choice of design for your future doors depends on your preferences and wishes. These doors look good in various interiors and rooms. Therefore, with their help you can perfectly transform a room. Installation of this type of system is quite simple and you can handle it yourself. However, for example, systems weighing over 100 kg or glass sashes are more complicated work and it is better for specialists to work here.

It is better to install a sliding door in a ready-made version rather than individual components. This is much more convenient and simpler. Therefore, it’s better to choose right away finished design. And then we begin the installation.

First you need to secure the top

We place the door leaf tightly against the wall next to the opening where we will install the sliding door. On the wall we draw a stripe along the top line of our door with a pencil, for example. If the floor is uneven, then the line may “walk” a little. Therefore, we re-mark after we have installed our door in the opening. We also mark the top level of the sash on the wall.

It is very important to ensure that our line drawn along the top of the door must be strictly horizontal. After all, we then measure 7 cm from it and draw another strip - this is for the upper guide rail. If the lines are not straight, your doors will become skewed and may not move smoothly over time.

Above our second drawn strip (which is drawn 7 cm higher than the first) we place a 50*50 mm block and attach it with self-tapping screws directly to the base. The length of the bar should be 2 times greater than the width of the opening. The block should be pressed very firmly against the wall. If the wall is uneven, then use a couple of extra screws. Be sure to double-check the horizontal line with a building level.

The next step is to install the guide. It must be attached to the bar from below. First, let's calculate the mounting location on both sides. We divide the thickness of the door leaf in half + a small distance from the wall (this is no more than 3-5 mm). We mark these points on the block and fix the guide with self-tapping screws on both sides. Do not clamp too tightly, so that during final installation you can check the distance between the wall and the sash and then clamp completely. The distance must be sufficient for the door leaf to move freely and without problems along the rail. Otherwise you will have to repeat everything again. I repeat once again that the important and main condition for installation is ideally horizontal and direct location guide, no matter how uneven the walls are. After all checks, the guide is finally secured.

After that, we assemble the carriages and test the ride. We do not secure the bolts in the carriages and rollers completely, but so that they protrude slightly from the hole. In this state, we insert the carriages into the guide and carefully check the movement. Does it move smoothly along the guide, or does it move freely in the direction of movement? There is no need to lubricate anything. After checking, we attach limiters with rubber shock absorbers along the edges of the guide.

Next we need to secure the bottom groove

We retreat 15 mm from the edges of our sash and in this place it is necessary to drill a hole up to 2 cm deep and 7 mm in diameter. This hole is drilled on both sides. Strictly in the middle of the sash on the end side it is necessary to cut a small groove for our lower guide. We cut a groove 2 mm wider than the guide itself and about 18 mm deep. To cut the groove, you can use a drill, parquet saw or router. It is quite difficult to make a perfectly even groove at home, so you can use a U-shaped profile or a pair of slats as a guide.

Now we need to install the mount to the carriages on the door. We attach them in the middle of the door leaf, retreating 2 mm from the side end of the door leaf. It must be installed in such a way that the semicircular cutouts face the wall.

At this stage you need to call a friend! We need to install the door leaf itself, so we need one more person. We place the door leaf against the rail, lift it slightly to align the carriage bolt and the cutout on the bracket. We leave the adjustment washer outside the bracket, and insert the bolt into the hole for fastening. Do not fully tighten the nuts on the bolts.

Now we must move the door slightly away from the wall, while holding it in order to install the lower guide into the cutout we prepared in advance. We return the door to its original position, while moving the guide knife to the open position. We fix the position of the knife on the floor at its longest length. Now we begin to adjust the distance from the door and the wall - this is no more than 5mm. Self door leaf remove from the top guide.

We align the groove in the end part at the bottom of the door with the rail and then hang the door again. We control the distance from the floor to the sash by tightening or loosening the bolts on the carriages. After this, tighten the nuts all the way. Check the level position of the lower guide; it must be strictly horizontal to avoid further failure of the system.

So, the door is already installed. There are only small moments left to install the platband, baseboards and other decorative elements.

Video on installing sliding doors

As a rule, platbands are installed 5-10 mm higher from the line of the top guide. All decor components usually match the color of your door, or you can match the color of the walls, and also paste them over or paint them.

And in conclusion - . This completes the installation of sliding doors.

An excellent option for any apartment or house would be the installation of sliding interior doors. They can replace conventional swing doors and save space. With their help you can effectively and beautifully divide the space large room, installing them in the right place from wall to wall. Having decided on the design and shape of the doors, you need to purchase all the necessary parts, starting with the door leaf and ending with all small details fittings and subsequent finishing. How to install a sliding interior door with your own hands is best considered using the example of the simplest design with one solid door leaf. During the description of each stage, the nuances of installing other possible systems will also be described.

Getting ready for installation

Before installing the door, you should put the opening itself in order and decide on which side of the doorway the sliding doors will be attached.

Look at your usual route from the entrance to the apartment and to the outermost rooms. For aesthetic reasons, it is better to make the sliding door mechanism from the side of the room you enter. This is especially true for doors that are not hidden in the wall or behind a false panel. However, in view of the fact that the space where the door leaf is retracted cannot be occupied by furniture and things, in the case of a passage from the corridor to the room, it is more logical to mount the entire structure from the corridor side. There is not much furniture in it.

Sliding door installation process

1. Installation of guides

The first step is to install sliding doors yourself by applying markings on the walls to further secure the guides.

If you use the bottom guide, it must be deepened into the floor. It is advisable to think about this at the installation stage. flooring so that the guide is secured to the very base of the floor ( concrete screed). You can check the horizontality of the guide using a level.

The top guide profile is installed next. The reference line should mark the position of the bottom edge of the guide. The height of its placement is equal to the height of the door leaf and an increase of 15-20 mm for the lower gap to the floor and the upper gap from the door leaf to the guide. The last parameter can be determined from the instructions supplied with the fittings. Typically 10-20 mm to access the adjusting nuts on the door holders.

It is necessary to strictly observe the horizontal installation of the guide, otherwise the door will subsequently begin to spontaneously shift towards the inclination. You can check the correctness of its placement using a building or water level.

The length of the guide is twice the width of the door leaf plus 4-5 cm of reserve for its normal movement. The margin for installing plugs and the space for the closer, if any, are also taken into account.

Example of a sliding door delivery package

Typically, brackets are used to secure the top track, but for solid doors made of solid wood or glass, the structure will need to be reinforced. For this it is better to use wooden beam 50x50 mm in size or wider depending on the width of the guide profile, which will be securely attached to the wall, and the guide narrower to the beam. In the case when the door is installed on a plasterboard wall, it is necessary to provide an additional profile in the wall frame and attach the guide to it or in close proximity using plasterboard anchors. If the wall is monolithic or brickwork, then dowels are used (in the case of brickwork holes for dowels are located in the volume of the brick, and not between them). Additional strengthening and use of a base in the form of a beam or profile is even more important if a sliding compartment door or multi-sectional options are installed, which involve the use of a guide with several grooves.

2. Fastening holders to the door leaf, fittings (handles, locks)

The next step is to attach brackets to the door leaf, with which it will hold onto the roller carriages. They must be installed following the instructions, along the sides of the upper end of the door, retreating 1 cm from the edge. The best option for any type of sliding doors, except in the case where the holder will be in the form of a clamp on the sides of the door leaf. For completely glass doors special fastenings are used in the form of metal plates with rubber backings, between which the edge of the glass is clamped. Such grips eliminate the need to make holes in the glass.

When assembling the accordion door, holder brackets with a rotating roller are installed on each section. Most often, each section is secured in the central part, but it can also be secured along the edges of the sections. In this case, on the first section the staple is held by one edge, and on the next by the opposite edge. This is how the positions on all components alternate.

At the same stage, you can install the necessary elements into the door leaf, such as handles and locks. Installation of lock mates on doorway It’s better to put it off until later; we still have to hang the door on the guide and adjust it. It should be noted that for doors that will completely extend into the wall space, handles and all fittings are selected and installed deep into the door leaf and do not protrude beyond its dimensions.

It is better to install brush seals on the bottom or side end of the door after the first installation of the door on the guides and their adjustment.

3. Installation of the door leaf

Having secured the guide and the necessary elements on the door leaf, you can carry out control unit to adjust levels and check steps already completed. For this stage, you will need an assistant who will support the blade while you insert the carriages with rollers into the groove of the guide. If a partition door is installed to divide the space of a room and the guide is fixed from wall to wall, the carriages are inserted into the guide in advance, which has a special window for this. Fastening the door leaf in this case comes down to joining the bracket holders on the door and the anchor extending from the carriage.

4. Installation of limiters and closers

The limiters will prevent the movement of the door leaf along the guides and will prevent the carriages with rollers from falling out of it. It is important to correctly distribute the stops, especially if it is a multi-section or folding door. Stoppers will prevent the structure of such products from coming together too tightly, thereby damaging the connection between sections. Plugs made in the shape of the guide profile or as pins, which are inserted into the guide in the required places, can be used as a limiter. It is advisable to choose limiters with special stops made of soft plastic or rubber. With them, there will be no constant sound of impacts when opening, and the moving parts of the doors will work longer.

5. Fastening platbands and extensions

The trim covers the sliding door mechanism to protect them from dust and debris and to give an aesthetic appearance. This is not relevant for doors built into the wall or behind a false panel. In this case, only corners are installed on the edges of the walls with brush seals to close the gap between them and the door leaf.

Installation of platbands is carried out on brackets pre-screwed to the wall or to the guide itself using latches. This option does not leave any visible fasteners on the outside.

A boundary structure is installed against which the door will rest when closed. This can be either a wooden beam with the necessary finishing, or a special profile, which is purchased along with the rest of the fittings. It is installed strictly vertically, using a plumb line. The counter part of the locking mechanism of the door lock will be installed in this profile. Its installation should be postponed until the door is completely installed on the guides and adjusted.

6. Check and final adjustment of the door

Since previously the door guides were installed strictly horizontally, which prevents spontaneous opening or closing of the doors, the position of the door leaf is adjusted to a greater extent for visually correct perception. The door should fit snugly and evenly against the boundary structure and move parallel to the floor surface. Using this setting, you can visually eliminate some unevenness or distortions of the floor or walls by adjusting the average position of the door leaf.

If you have purchased a sliding door system for an interior opening, then do not rush to invite a specialist to install the kit. The service will require quite a bit of money. It might make sense to take the tools, read our instructions on how to install sliding doors and do the work yourself. Do you agree? Then let's move on to detailed recommendations.

Sliding doors help you save usable area indoors, create cozy atmosphere. If the swing door opens away from you or towards you, the sliding kit moves with a slight movement to the right or left. This piece of furniture is made, like the swing one, from the following materials:

  • array;
  • veneer;
  • laminate;
  • glass.

It could be by design:

  • deaf;
  • with glass insert, mirror;
  • completely glass.

According to the configuration:

  • single leaf;
  • of two or more leaves.

By opening type:

  • compartment door;
  • accordion door.

It differs from swing elements in the installation process and the hinge system. The sliding system contains guides and rollers that allow the door to open quietly.

The coupe-type sliding door is one of the most simple designs.

We've sorted out the variety of swinging interior doors. Let's move on to the installation of the interior kit.

Methods for installing a swing interior system

At the stage of finishing work, it is necessary to choose a door installation method that will optimally solve the problems of comfort and coziness in the room. There are two ways to install sliding doors:

  • along the wall after finishing the walls;
  • in a hidden box placed in the wall before working with drywall.

Installing a swing door on an open wall

For any assembly work you will need to prepare special tools, consumables, door kit. At the time of installation there should be no small things that distract attention.

Installing a door on a wall using guides is less expensive than installing it in a frame.

Tools for assembling a sliding door:

  • construction tape;
  • corner;
  • water or other level, plumb line;
  • drill with drills;
  • screwdriver with bits;
  • hammer;
  • rubber mallet;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • spray foam gun;
  • set of chisels;
  • screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • dowels;
  • plastic plugs for self-tapping screws;
  • polyurethane foam.

What should be included:

  • canvas of the required size;
  • extensions, door frames;
  • metal profile for rollers;
  • components for sliding systems;
  • block 50*50 for installing the guide;
  • bottom guide flag or threshold.

Before installing a sliding door finishing work must be completed. Pay special attention to the opening. It must be prepared:

  • have a flat surface;
  • wallpapered or painted (if there are extensions in the color of the facade, they need to be installed before the stage of work on the door);
  • no door frame required.

To purchase canvas correct size measure with a tape measure door frame. The canvas should be higher and wider than this size to prevent cracks from appearing. Add 4-5 cm to the gaps. Usually they offer to buy platbands complete with the canvas. They will be needed to refine the opening after installation is completed.

Layout of the guide and rollers in it.

Preparations are complete, let's move on to installation.

  1. Take a tape measure and a pencil, measure the length of the future guide. It is equal to the width of the canvas multiplied by two. We leave indents to the right and left of the opening, adding to the length.
  2. Draw a horizontal line. It should be perfectly smooth, without displacement. The correctness and noiselessness of the movement of the canvas depends on this.
  3. We draw a second horizontal line just below the first at a distance of the width of the embedding block under the guide.
  4. We drill holes for self-tapping screws in the wall and the block at a distance of 300 mm from each other. This will make it easier to tighten the fasteners.
  5. Screw the block to the wall with a screwdriver. We check the level of the horizontal bar.
  6. We saw off the metal profile of the door guide to the required length. We drill holes every 20 mm and fasten them to the block without displacement. This is a mounting guide that holds the sash and allows it to open.
  7. We print out the accessories. We insert the wheels with bolts into the side slot of the base. To ensure the wheels are stationary, we insert limiters inside from the ends of the guide, which prevent the sash, installed independently, from moving out of the groove during operation.
  8. We remove the door element from the packaging and lay it on the floor edgewise. To avoid damaging the surfaces, place a soft underlay on the floor.
  9. Following the instructions included with the fittings, attach the fastenings to which the rollers will be screwed to the upper end of the door. There are two of them. We install it indented from the right and left edges, securing it with self-tapping screws.
  10. We hang the canvas by connecting the mount with the rollers and tightening the bolt. Checking the movement of the sliding door. There should be no jumps. Movement in any direction is smooth if the guide is level. The vertical end of the door and the opening must be parallel.
  11. Let's move on to the bottom of the sliding structure. To ensure smooth movement There are not enough upper rollers. The door should rest on the bottom stop. How to install it correctly with your own hands? There are two ways:
  • a recess in the lower end of the blade for a groove for the control flag;
  • securing the guide rail from below to the edge of the web.
  1. Before installing the sliding door yourself, decide the issue of the bottom fittings. If you are making a groove, you must be clear and accurate. It is not allowed to shift the recess and thickness of the track even by a millimeter. Any difference will not allow the flag to sit exactly in the profile and the sash to move without interference. If available special machine To select a recess, choosing a groove will be easy. If there is no such apparatus, the stage of removing excess is carried out manually with a chisel and hammer.
  2. To facilitate the installation of a sliding interior door, you can choose alternative way, securing the guide along the bottom end. This will eat up several centimeters of height, which must be laid down at the stage of measuring the doorway.
  3. We install a flag or limiter on the floor covering. Let's bring the facade to the wall, opening it as much as possible. Mark the location of the base with a flag on the floor covering. It should be at the end of the track, preventing it from leaving the rail.
  4. Remove the door from the rollers. We drill holes in the floor for the base of the flag and secure it.
  5. The sliding door is now ready for final installation. We take the canvas and place it on the lower runner. We lift it to the wall and fix it on the rollers, tightening the bolts with a wrench.
  6. We check the operation of the system. If adjustment is required, perform it by screwing in or unscrewing the roller adjusting bolts.

We looked at how to install sliding doors with your own hands along the wall in a room without an additional frame. Let's study the nuances of the second method of installing a sliding door.

Installation of the facade in a closed box

If the first option for installing a sliding interior door required complete finishing of the room, then the second method of work begins at the stage cosmetic repairs rooms before applying drywall or other finishing sheets.

Doors mounted into the wall require renovation of the entire room during installation.

  1. In the wall where the canvas will be located, we assemble a box and a hidden cabinet. Its dimensions should be larger than the facade, because space is needed for the sash to move easily and to secure the upper and lower guide system. We create a false wall from metal profiles or bars. The ends of the passage must be additionally reinforced so that when installing platbands or extensions there is a base for screwing in self-tapping screws.
  2. We fix the guide on the wall in the same way as the first method of installing a sliding interior facade.
  3. We start the rollers and stoppers and check the operation of the blade.
  4. We install the bottom guide in a way convenient for you.
  5. If the installation of all elements is completed, we cover the box with sheets of plasterboard, creating a false wall. We finish finishing the walls before installing the decor of the interior opening.
  6. We fix the platbands on one or both sides of the interior opening. It depends on the design of the room. Vertical and horizontal decors are installed to hide the system of upper guides and create unity interior space. We install vertical bars along the edges of the opening. If the canvas is not hidden from view, the second strip is installed at the end of a horizontal beam with a guide. This will be a decorative opening. If the canvas goes into the wall, we make the design around the interior opening.
  7. We cut veneered or solid overlays to the required height and length.
  8. We fix it to the installed beam, keeping it parallel to the wall.
  9. We install the top decor, which hides the system of the top guide and rollers. The overlay can be secured with self-tapping screws, if additional timber was laid, or on furniture corners, tightly screwed to the wall.
  10. We figured out the question of how to install sliding doors yourself. Small touches remain: a handle, locks and sealing brushes.
  11. Installing hardware on a sliding door element
  12. If the door performs its function well, we proceed to installing fittings, trim, and side stops.
  13. We previously discussed how to install handles and a lock on an interior door with our own hands in our articles. The difference between sliding door handles is the need to recess it into the facade. Especially if it goes into a wall. When hanging on a wall in a room, there is also the inconvenience of a protruding handle; it will cling to the wall with inside which will damage the finish.
  14. Make the necessary recess on both sides of the canvas. Install the trim handles flush with the surface.
  15. Install a lock, if required, according to the instructions on how to install a door lock.
  16. Feature swing door there is a need for a seal that will protect the fittings from dust and dirt. Remove the adhesive strip from the door rubber seal, stick it on the facade or doorway. It depends on how the sliding facade is installed.

At this point, all stages of installing a sliding door with your own hands can be considered complete.

Having studied the installation technology of a single-leaf sliding structure, you can easily install more complex structures.

Features of sliding interior systems

The modern market offers a choice different systems division of space. We considered the option of one blade on a guide system. But the sliding structure can consist of more elements. For example, the system interior partition, which allows you to divide a room into two parts or combine it. The wall is created not from plasterboard, but with the help of several canvases suspended on their rollers. All doors can open or not. The system of upper and lower guides is formed from several rails, in accordance with the number of moving elements. It is necessary to correctly calculate the sequence of facades and locking pins so that the sashes do not move chaotically. More details in the video:

A popular option is a double-leaf sliding structure, when the panels slide off to the right and left at the same time. A long guide is installed, allowing the elements to move apart. Such a system could be like open plan, and hidden in the wall. In the first option, it is necessary to take into account the nuance that the placement of furniture, lamps, switches, paintings and other wall elements is unacceptable. They will make it difficult to open the sliding elements freely. To save space, it is more advisable to choose a hidden design.

Installing an interior compartment door is a task that is completely solvable even for a non-specialist. In this article we will talk about the types of sliding doors, their advantages and disadvantages and, of course, how to install an interior compartment door yourself.

Purchasing interior doors is a responsible matter; there are huge selection sliding structures, which can fit favorably into any interior.

According to the shape and method of fastening the guides, they are divided into the following types:

  • Straight and semicircular, which are used for both cabinets and rooms. They can be quite original in design.
  • Compartment interior doors mounted in the upper part of the opening, on the ceiling, floor or wall. Such a variety of fastenings allows them to be used in almost any room.

You can buy any of the listed options. Installation can be done with your own hands without any problems, and the price will depend on the finishing materials and the complexity of the mobile mechanisms.

Attention: The use of compartment doors with lower guides is fraught with a violation of the aesthetics of the room and the occurrence of some inconveniences associated with the accumulation of dust and dirt in the slats. Because of this, some time after the start of operation, the structure takes on an untidy appearance, to which is added the difficult movement of the rollers.

The use of compartment doors for the arrangement of small apartments or studios, which require separation of zones, is difficult due to the violation of the integrity of the interior. In order to hide this drawback, it is recommended to mount the guide system flush with the floor.

To do this, you must first prepare a recess in it into which the lower slats will be inserted.

To give the structure strength and stability, it is recommended to install a series of upper rails along with the lower guides. This requirement is mandatory if the owner decides to use not light chipboard sheets, but heavy doors made of wood and glass (see). The main load in this design is borne by the bottom row.

For installation of such heavy models, stronger and more durable rollers are provided. Often, compartment doors with rollers only on the top panel are used to arrange the space.

Depending on the location of attachment, these partitions are divided into 2 categories:

  • Mounted that are mounted along the ceiling or wall;
  • Hanging models, the panels of which are attached to the top of the doorway.

The first type of partition is similar to curtains. The movement system of hinged compartment doors is hidden in decorative panels. Their drawback is that the doors do not fit tightly to the wall, which eliminates sound insulation of the room.

This system of fastening partitions also does not allow furniture doors to be placed along the movement area, which reduces the possibilities for arranging the interior.

They are more practical hanging models compartment doors Their use allows not only to divide the space into zones, but also to make a certain contribution to the decor of the room. Suspended structures They fit more tightly to the wall, and therefore have greater sound insulation.

A special type of compartment doors are sliding models. Distinctive feature of such structures is that they do not move along the walls, but slide into them.

This occurs due to the installation of a special cassette inside the wall. Sliding models compare favorably with their analogues due to the possibility of the best organization of space. Their disadvantage is the high labor intensity and cost of the installation process.

The video will also help you choose interior compartment doors the right option designs. Please pay special attention on the mounting base and the wall, because the choice of the mechanism itself will depend on this.

Necessary materials for self-production of the structure

To design compartment doors yourself, you will need to purchase a minimum amount of materials. When creating a simple model at home, no more than 3-4 components are used.

Laminated chipboard used as doors.

Attention: When choosing this or that canvas, it is important to pay attention not only to the quality of the material itself, but also to its thickness. When designing compartment doors yourself, experts recommend using chipboard with a thickness of at least 16 mm.

  • This is due to the need to maintain a presentable appearance of the structure during its constant use. Application thin sheets requires the installation of a fastening system similar to that used when modeling a glass door.
  • For this reason, experts recommend stopping at standard sheets Chipboard 16 mm thick, which can be framed with aluminum profiles to protect against deformation when constantly colliding with an opening or other door.
Roller guide panel system

Their use makes it possible to design compartment doors that silently and easily slide along the walls. There are a huge number of roller systems on the market designed for structures of all sizes and shapes.

The use of this type of guide differs from similar systems in the principle of operation - the doors are fixed to a durable rail, and do not hang on it like standard models. The entire load falls on the lower profile.

Selecting accessories

When constructing compartment doors, mortise handles and, if necessary, a lock are used (see). In this case, fittings are used non-standard forms. Thus, the handles look like holders recessed into the surface of the door. The locks are not equipped with standard latches, but with hooks.
Self-tapping screws

With the help of which guide systems are attached to the surface of the floor, walls or ceiling.

To install compartment doors, in addition to the standard set of building materials and elements, tools are required, including: electric jigsaw or a circular saw, a screwdriver, a router, a working level and a set of screwdrivers, pliers, screwdrivers and a hammer.

Materials and tools required for installation

Preliminary measurements

Before buying everything you need for installation, carefully measure the doorway with a regular tape measure:

  • The canvas should be 5-6 centimeters wider and higher than the opening, if there is only one.
  • If you are planning interior compartment doors - installing two or more panels, their total width is calculated based on whether they will move apart or overlap each other.

So, we decided on the sizes.

What else is needed for their installation and decorative finishing:

  1. Door fittings and fasteners.

When purchasing ready-made compartment doors, fastening and sliding elements are usually included in the delivery package. These are metal guides, rollers, screws, etc. They can be purchased separately at any large building and finishing materials store.

  1. Wooden beam with a section of 50x50 mm.

This structural element is necessary if you install the doors yourself with the guide attached to the wall. Its length should be equal to double the width of the door leaf. If there is no doorway and doors are installed up to the ceiling, the guide can be attached directly to the ceiling.

  1. , additions and platbands.

The frame is a frame framing the doorway to which the canvases will adjoin closed door. Extensions and trims (see) are necessary to disguise fasteners and decorative framing of the opening.

  1. Anchors for fastening the timber to the wall, as well as additional screws and finishing nails.
  2. Tools: tape measure, level, plumb line, screwdriver, pencil, milling machine or a chisel.

Preparing to install compartment doors

We’ll talk about how to install compartment doors a little later, but first we need to talk about preparatory work. At the stage of rough finishing of the room, only the sliding systems themselves can be installed if it is planned that the door will “move away” when opened into a niche in the wall.

In all other cases, installation is carried out at the stage of finishing work. Before installation, make sure the opening contour is correct. Its walls must be strictly vertical and parallel to each other. If this is not the case, try to correct the opening.

Attention! If the compartment door will be installed on an opening in plasterboard partition, above it during its construction it is necessary to install a timber mortgage.

The procedure and features of the work

Now consider, below are instructions on this issue. A strict requirement for installing compartment doors is their installation on a perfectly flat surface.

Regardless of the location where the structure is attached, be it an opening or a cabinet, the first thing you need to do is check the floor or bottom of the furniture using a building level for any violation of the general line.


  • It is acceptable to have small deviations that will not interfere with the installation of compartment doors. Normal is a violation of the horizontal surface of up to 5 mm. It is impossible to install the structure if there are deviations greater value. Therefore, it is important to avoid the presence of depressions and bulges in the floor. If necessary, such shortcomings must be eliminated.
  • Experts recommend doing everything construction work before the actual installation of the compartment. It is necessary to cover the opening with wood or plasterboard in advance, treat it with putty, apply paint or wallpaper. Following this recommendation eliminates the risk of damage to already installed doors these finishing materials.

The process of designing and installing compartment doors is a sequential process that should be considered point by point.

Assembling the guide system

Is the most important stage work, which includes several nuances.


  • Before installing the frame for the compartment doors, it is necessary to make a marking along which the strips will be attached. It is important to maintain an exact parallel between the floor and ceiling slats. For this purpose, using a building level, clear lines are drawn along the entire perimeter of the opening.
  • After this, following the markings, the guides are attached. To achieve greater aesthetics and structural strength, it is necessary to use guides of the same length.

Attention: It is important to trim the top and bottom strap. At the same time, we should not forget about the reliability of the frame, carefully securing it with self-tapping screws.

Door assembly

After installing the guide system, we begin manufacturing doors for the structure. At this stage of work, certain difficulties may arise due to the small size standard apartment. But you can organize the production of doors in a small room.

  • Before starting work, you need to decide on the dimensions of the future product. So, having an opening 1800 mm wide, it is necessary to make 2 doors 900 mm wide. To these values ​​you must also add 50 mm to overlap one panel with another.
  • Having decided on the dimensions of the doors, proceed to trimming chipboard sheets. Before this, using a pencil and a long ruler, lines are drawn on the panels to outline the products required sizes. After drawing the contours using a saw or jigsaw, the doors are cut out along the lines.
  • Despite the accuracy of the craftsman, chips often appear along the edges of the plates. This deficiency must be hidden using aluminum profiles.
  • Edging the doors is the next stage of work. Its features depend on the type of fastening of aluminum profiles. So, some are connected to the doors using self-tapping screws, others are glued into a groove cut in the chipboard panel. Having little experience working with a router, it is recommended to go with the first option. To hide the screws, caps to match the chipboard are used.
  • You cannot do without using a router at the next stage of work - installing the rollers. It is necessary to attach the roller to the bottom area of ​​the panel at a distance of 100 mm from the edge and outline its contours. After this, a groove is cut out according to the outline to place the roller in it, which is firmly fastened with a self-tapping screw. In a similar way, fittings are cut into compartment doors. A pen is applied to the selected area on the door, the contours are outlined with a pencil, along which it is cut out through hole. The halves of the holders are installed in the passages and secured with a screw.

Door installation

This stage is not difficult and consists of installing the panels on the guide system.


  • The mounted doors are alternately moved up the structure, then, lifting, they are placed on the bottom rail. The installation phase of the panels can be made easier by using special rollers with latches, with which, if necessary, they can be lowered before installing the doors into the structure or raised to engage the panels with the bottom strip.
  • After installing the doors on the guide system, it is necessary to adjust the movement system. The adjustment is made by rotating the mechanism along the displaced center.
  • The process of designing and installing compartment doors is not difficult. But for a person who does not have the skill to work with building materials and tools, it may seem impossible. If you have such doubts, it is recommended not to even start independent work for the manufacture of doors, and entrust this to professionals.

Interior compartment doors will serve you faithfully for many years, the main thing is to choose the right installation mechanism for your option. Therefore, analyze everything before making a choice.

Interior doors are one of the key elements in the interior of a house or apartment. Installing door structures allows you to solve several problems at once: isolating a specific room from other rooms, increasing its level of comfort, protecting it from noise and drafts. Modern manufacturers offer consumers door designs in a wide range of types, and one of the most popular solutions is interior sliding doors.

The key difference between sliding doors and other types of products is how they open and close - the slider simply slides apart, moves to the side or diverges. In the article we will talk in detail about the advantages of sliding doors, their features, and also give step by step instructions for self-assembly of structures.

Types, pros and cons of sliding interior doors

The demand for sliding interior doors among buyers is growing and this is explained by the fact that their installation in the interior allows for rational and ergonomic use of living space, which is especially important for rooms with small area. Sliders are classified into several separate varieties:

  • Structures built into the wall. Their installation involves mounting rollers on the door leaf and guides on the wall or doorway. Such sliders open and close in the same way as compartment doors, that is, when the rollers move along the guide elements, the doorway will open for entry or exit from the room.
  • Accordion sliders. Doors of this type are made of small lamellas that fold to open the entrance to the room.

Accordion sliding doors are an interesting option for modern interior, however, it is extremely important to choose a design made of high quality and from high-quality materials, otherwise the product will quickly fail and lose its useful functionality.

Before deciding whether you will install interior sliding doors in your home, you should study in detail all the pros and cons of the designs. The advantages of sliders include the following characteristics:

  1. The originality of the solution allows you to create an ultra-modern interior;
  2. Space saving;
  3. Safety in operation;
  4. Reliable room insulation.

There are also disadvantages to interior sliding doors. In particular, it is worth keeping in mind that their installation is a difficult and quite expensive process, and the structure itself and its elements will require regular maintenance.

Features of the functioning mechanism

In order to install interior sliding doors with your own hands in a high-quality manner, it would be advisable to study in detail in advance the mechanism of operation of the structures, which can be:

  • Hidden type. Movements for opening and closing the door will occur in the interior space and therefore the mechanism will need to be installed at the stage of wall construction by installing the door frame inside.
  • Open type. Doors with such a mechanism can be installed without problems at any stage of repair and construction, including the finishing stages. Installation of the product will not require any adjustments to the wall structure, since the movement of the canvas will occur along guide elements located along the wall surface.

Doors with external mechanism functioning are presented on the market in wide range, which gives great opportunity pick up best option to suit any interior style and room size.

Having decided on the type of door based on its functioning mechanism, it is also important not to lose attention to the selection of guide elements - profiles along which the door leaf will move during operation. Profiles can be mounted in different areas of the doorway - in the upper or lower part, on both sides at once.

The simplest option is to install a sliding door on runners placed at the top. Profiles mounted in the upper part of the opening have a fairly long service life, since they are less susceptible to mechanical damage. However, this arrangement of elements is suitable only for low-weight door structures.

Roller for sliding doors

For heavy doors it is better to use combined option guides, which also provide a smoother movement of the blade when opening and closing, but installing guides at the bottom is rarely used, since the runners mounted in this area quickly deform and require constant cleaning.

Step-by-step guide to self-installation of sliding interior doors

Below we provide detailed instructions By self-installation doors with external functioning mechanism. Preparation process for installation work They always start by purchasing material and collecting tools that may be useful. It’s worth preparing in advance:

  • The door structure itself with all components;
  • Door fittings – profiles, locks, handles, rollers;

The number of rollers is determined by the weight of the door - if its value exceeds 30 kg, then it is advisable to use four rollers. It is better to purchase locks and handles of a hidden type to avoid damage finishing walls as work progresses.

  • Bars with a section of 50x30 for fixing the runners;
  • Fasteners;

Tools that will be useful for installation work include a level, tape measure, hacksaw, drill and chisel.


At this stage of work on installing an interior sliding door, it is important to accurately determine the location of its installation and the side of its opening. After measurements and calculations, it is dismantled from the opening old design(if any), and the opening itself is cleared of debris, dust and dirt, after which a box is installed in it.

When installing a frame in an opening, do not forget about the need for a technological gap between the door structure and the floor surface. If the floor in your house is completely finished, it will be enough to leave a gap of ten millimeters in height before finishing the finishing layer. If fine finishing surfaces are yet to come - to the height of the gap you need to add the height of the screed and the thickness finishing coating surfaces.

Work with the opening

This stage begins with measurements - the height and width of the door structure should be determined. To obtain accurate indicators, measurements are taken at several points at once - at the top, in the center and at the bottom. The height of the structure is measured in two states at once, closed and open. This approach to measurements will allow you to take into account floor unevenness and avoid mistakes when installing the door.

Next you need to strengthen the bars. They are installed along a line that is drawn directly above the top edge of the box. Center installed timber should be located above the side of the box that you choose to open the door. That is, if the door opens to the right, then the center of the block should be on the right side of the frame.

After securing the beam in the selected area, the upper guide elements are mounted. They are fixed to the bar using fasteners. A simple test will help you make sure that the guides are secured correctly: run a roller along the profiles and if it moves freely and easily, you’ve done everything right!

Installation of the lower guides can be done using various methods:

  • By inserting the rails into part of the subfloor.
  • By installing elements directly on the floor surface, followed by closing it with a threshold. The threshold will protect the runners from mechanical damage.
  • Installation of a packet knife, which will support the structure and ensure its correct movement.

Another option is a non-threshold system with carriages and roller elements. It is optimal because door design It will be easy to move when opening and closing, there will be no damage to the floor covering, and there is no need to waste time installing the rails.

Assembly and installation phase

To assemble a sliding door, you should initially install a roller mechanism on it in the upper end part of the structure. At the bottom of the product is done. To make the groove correctly, you need to drill holes on both sides, at a distance of about 15 millimeters from the edge. Between the finished holes, choose a groove ten to eighteen millimeters deep.

Having finished with the fittings, all you have to do is install the door into the opening into the guides. Having put the structure in place, be sure to check its progress and, if everything is fine, insert rubber shock absorbers into the profiles, which act as limiters holding the door in place.

They complete the installation of the interior sliding door by masking all visible structural elements. Decorative trims are used for this purpose.

As a conclusion

Interior doors are a beautiful and functional element of residential interiors that can last a long time, provided correct installation design and regular maintenance. There is also nothing complicated in installing the product - you just need to spend time studying some of the features of the work and have basic skills and knowledge in the field of home repairs.

We hope the article helped you find out useful details about the process self-installation interior sliding doors, and now you can easily carry out this work on your own, without the involvement of professional craftsmen.