Management of the transport complex (using the example of the Department of Improvement and Transport of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "City of Izhevsk"). Transport management at the state and municipal level

Organization of the city's transport complex. Analysis of the state of transport in the municipal district of Shchekino. General economic characteristics MO and the state of transport in the city of Shchekino. Analysis external environment control systems of the transport complex of the city of Shchekino.

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Features of managing the city's transport complex

The city's transport complex includes intracity passenger

transport (bus, tram, trolleybus), intercity and suburban passenger

transport, freight transport, specialized transport (transportation

bread, milk, gasoline, export household waste, medical transport

etc.), transport parks or depots, garages, tram maintenance services

tracks, contact network of electric transport, stations, parking lots, gas stations

stations, repair and others service departments. In some cities for

intracity transportation uses rail and water transport,

V largest cities- subways. Such a complex complex requires

municipal regulation and management.

The 2003 federal law places within the competence of settlements the creation of conditions

to provide transport services and organization of transport services

population within the boundaries of the settlement, and to the competence of municipal districts -

inter-settlement transportation within the boundaries of the region. A particular problem is

municipal regulation passenger transportation in a competitive environment

municipal and private transport.

When organizing the management of the transport complex.

For urban passenger transport, it is important to comply with the necessary compliance

capacities of individual links of the transport system. These calculations are based

lies in determining passenger flows for all types of travel in different

periods of the day, day, season and year. Average daily passenger flows determine

the general nature and volume of transport work in the city. Passenger flows

during peak hours determine the nature of mass movements and serve as the basis for

determining the need for rolling stock when resolving issues regarding transportation

and the capacity of transport and the city's road network.

The distribution of passengers along routes is determined using the coefficient

unevenness characterizing the occupancy of rolling stock according to

route length. It represents the ratio of the product of the maximum

number of passengers per haul length to the total volume of transport work per

in this direction. This coefficient is used when calculating the route

city ​​systems.

Municipal government organization of passenger transportation in the city

designed to ensure that the needs of all segments of the population are met with minimal

waste of time. The mode of operation of transport must be linked

with the work schedule of large city-forming enterprises.

Tasks of municipal transport management

The main tasks of municipal management in the field of transport:

Ensuring the reliable condition of transport lines and the development of highways;

Modernization of traffic management systems, dispatching

and quality control of transport services for the population;

Bringing municipal rolling stock to proper condition,

corresponding to technical parameters and standards;

Ensuring transportation safety.

Functions of local governments in managing the transport complex

cities are shown in Fig. 4.5.2

Local government bodies may be vested with state powers

on financing municipal and private transport enterprises

and carriers to compensate for the transportation of preferential categories of passengers

(subject to receiving subventions from the federal or regional budget).

In the context of diverse forms of ownership of vehicles and competition

municipal and private transport main regulatory mechanisms

passenger flows are subject to municipal transportation orders

and transportation dispatching.

Abroad, the main tool for managing the urban passenger system

transport is project financing as one of the varieties

municipal order. A competition (tender, auction) of projects is held

various companies organizing transport transportation, with the involvement of ex-

Pertov. Based on the results of the competition, a project is selected for which a grant will be issued.

municipal order. Such a choice of performers contributes to the development

healthy competition in the field of urban passenger transport.

General performance indicators of urban passenger transport are shown

in Fig. 4.5.3.

Problems of the city's transport complex

The urban transport system of most Russian cities has accumulated

many complex problems. One of them is the problem of fare control.

To solve this problem, automatic turnstiles are installed abroad, in some

Russian cities encourage the purchase of travel tickets of various types for this purpose.

period of use and further holding of cash and clothing lotteries according to

numbers of purchased tickets.

Another problem is the wear and tear of rolling stock. In most Russian cities

Municipal passenger transport is almost half worn out.

City budget funds, as well as part of the revenue from municipal passenger

there are not enough enterprises to repair rolling stock, since a large

part of them goes to compensate for the travel of preferential categories of the population. Promotion

fares only cause an outflow of passengers to private buses,

As a result, municipal transport is running idle.

A serious problem in many cities is the road network, its capacity

ability. Overpasses and bypass roads are necessary; in separate

In cases, it is necessary to widen the roadway of the streets, which is extremely difficult.

Taking into account the state of the road network, the type of mobile vehicle must be selected

composition of transport.

Mass motorization necessitated the creation of a large complex

service providers ensuring the operation of transport. Serious problem

represents the organization of parking for individual vehicles (parking lots)

on the territory of the city, construction of collective garages, including multi-storey ones,

in the city center. In some new residential buildings first floors and basements

are designed as garages, which is convenient for residents. Another problem is gas stations.

stations and points, car washes, emergency repair and tire repair shops.

They should also be located throughout the city.

It is necessary to link the work of internal and external transport. Control

objects of external transport (railway and bus stations, river

And sea ​​ports, airports, etc.) is carried out, as a rule, by government

enterprises or large joint stock companies. Organs

local governments are obliged to ensure the “connection” of these objects with routes

intracity transport, a network of trade and public enterprises

food, other city services.

Criteria for the efficiency of urban transport

Criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of municipal passenger transport

transport can be divided into criteria for transport efficiency

and performance criteria

Performance criteria and criteria used in conjunction

management efficiency can sufficiently comprehensively characterize the system

urban passenger transport as a subject and object of municipal


Municipal transport authorities

The administrations of most large cities have structural divisions

in charge of urban transport issues. Preferred is

scheme with a single structural unit in charge of transport issues

structure (municipal institution) of the municipal customer service

transport services. In this case, the structural unit of the administration

issues of regulatory and legal regulation of transport

activities on the territory municipality and transportation financing

The customer service distributes transportation volumes between municipal and private

carriers, sets traffic schedules, carries out dispatching

Local government bodies are not included in the system of authorities state power. This distinction between local self-government bodies and the system of state authorities does not exclude local self-government from the system of general public administration.

Local government bodies are elected directly by the population and bodies formed by the representative body of the municipality are vested with their own powers to resolve issues of local importance.

The structure of local government bodies includes:

  • -representative body of the municipality;
  • -the head of the relevant municipality;
  • -local administration;
  • -control bodies of the municipality;
  • - other local government bodies.

The presence in the structure of local government bodies of a representative body of the municipality, the head of the municipality, the local administration (the executive and administrative body of the municipality) is mandatory.

The representative body of the municipality is a legislative body, formed from deputies elected in municipal elections. Deputies of the representative body are elected by secret ballot of the population of the municipality. The chairman of the representative body is selected from among the deputies. Meetings of the representative body of the municipality are held at least once every three months. The issues discussed during the meetings are prepared by the structures of the representative bodies; their number varies depending on the size of the municipal body, as well as the volume of tasks being solved. The number of deputies of the representative body of a settlement, including a city district, is determined by the charter of the municipality and cannot be less than:

  • -7 people - with a population of less than 1000 people;
  • -10 people - with a population of 1000 to 10,000 people;
  • -15 people - with a population of 10,000 to 30,000 people;
  • -20 people - with a population of 30,000 to 100,000 people;
  • -25 people - with a population of 100,000 to 500,000 people;
  • -35 people - with a population of over 500,000 people.

It should be noted that a representative body of a settlement is not formed if the number of residents of the settlement with voting rights is less than 100 people. In this case, the powers of the representative body are exercised by a gathering of citizens.

The name of the representative body is determined by the charter of the relevant municipality. This could be a Duma, a Committee, a Council, an Assembly. In turn, the main structural units must be assigned to each representative body of the municipality. The competence of the representative body of the municipality includes:

  • 1) adoption of the charter of the municipality and introduction of amendments and additions to it;
  • 2) approval of the local budget and report on its execution;
  • 3) establishment, modification and abolition of local taxes and fees;
  • 4) adoption of municipal development programs, approval of reports on their implementation;
  • 5) determining the procedure for managing and disposing of property in municipal ownership;
  • 6) determination of the procedure for making decisions on creation, reorganization and liquidation municipal enterprises, as well as on the establishment of tariffs for the services of municipal enterprises and institutions, performance of work;
  • 7) determining the procedure for the participation of a municipal entity in intermunicipal cooperation organizations;
  • 8) making a decision to remove the head of the municipality from retirement.

Deputies forming the representative body are elected for 4 years. The composition cannot be changed during the current convocation. They do not have the right to work in government bodies or be a member of management commercial organization, engage in other paid activities, with the exception of creative, scientific and pedagogical, be members of management bodies, trustee or supervisory boards, and other bodies of foreign non-profit non-governmental organizations.

The head of the municipality is the highest official; he can be elected by voting or selected from the members of the representative body. He does not head the representative body, but can control its activities. In particular, he signs and promulgates regulatory legal acts, adopted by the representative body of the municipality. The head of a municipal entity cannot simultaneously be the chairman of a representative body and the head of the local administration. Exceptions are made only for local governments with a population of less than 1,000 people. Control and reporting of its activities is the responsibility of the representative body.

The following requirements are imposed for occupying this position: he must be a citizen of the Russian Federation at least 21 years old and have lived for at least three years in the territory of the relevant municipality. The main areas of activity of the head of the municipality include planning the development of the territories of the municipality, organizing the work of the local budget, determining the structure of the administration, monitoring the activities of the local administration, etc.

The head of the local administration is the head of the municipality or a person appointed to the position of head of the local administration under a contract concluded based on the results of a competition for filling this position. The terms of the contract for the head of the local administration of a municipal district are approved by the representative body of the municipal district, for the head of the local administration of the settlement - by the corresponding representative body of the settlement in the part affecting the exercise of powers to resolve issues of local importance, and by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation - in the part relating to the exercise of certain state powers, delegated to local governments by regional and federal legislative acts.

The local administration is the executive and administrative body of the municipality. The administration prepares an annual report on the results of its activities and sends it to the representative body of the municipality for approval. Also, the main functions of the local administration are:

  • -development of budget projects, programs for the socio-economic development of the municipality;
  • - budget execution;
  • - ensuring the functioning of municipal housing and communal services, transport, municipal institutions, educational structures, health and cultural institutions, and other municipal institutions;
  • -disposition and management of municipal property.

The local administration, in essence, carries out the orders of the representative body. The structure of the administration itself is formed by the head of the municipality upon approval of the representative body. Representative body of the municipality and local administration as legal entities act on the basis of provisions common to organizations of this type.

Control bodies of local self-government are formed through municipal elections or, in some cases, by a representative body. These are the Chamber of Control and Accounts, the Audit Commission, etc. The results of inspections of these bodies must be made public.

Municipal government is the primary level of public authority in the country and is closest to the population. This is a legitimate form of organizing local groups of citizens to manage public and partly government affairs, taking into account their needs and living conditions.

Thus, the effectiveness of public administration largely depends on the cooperation of state authorities with municipal authorities. In particular, interaction is necessary on such issues as: establishing minimum state social standards that serve important conditions development of human potential of the territory; legal issues of implementation of state powers transferred to municipal levels; a clear delineation of the relationship between the local level of management of public and state affairs and state affairs with the regional and federal level, etc.. Until now, on a number of issues, the competence of municipalities is not clearly defined by federal legislation. For example, the issue of financing the powers to register citizens at their place of residence has not been resolved. This does not fall within the competence of local government bodies. However, in practice, municipalities perform this function by spending funds from local budgets.

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Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects municipal management of the transport complex......................... .................................. .... .............................. ................ .............. 4

    1.1 Features of transport complex management

Cities........................ .........…….............. ..... .............................. ............... ....4

    1.2 Municipal transport authorities and their

Tasks………….....……….…..…............. ................... .......... .......6

    1.3 Criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of urban transport and its problems...................................................... .......... ......................... .........8

    1.4 State regulation of transport unitary

    enterprises…..... .................................. ........................... .............10

Chapter 2. Organization of transport complex management in Nizhny Novgorod region.............................. .............................. .......................……….... 15

Chapter 3. Ways to overcome the problems of municipal management of the transport complex of the Nizhny Novgorod region.................................... .................. ............ ....25

SOURCES AND LITERATURE………………….....……………… ………...30


Life activity in the cities of the Russian Federation depends to a greater extent on the work of public transport services than in any other country with a comparable level of national income. At the same time, due to the specifics of Russian conditions, urban and suburban transport transports about 64% of passengers from the total volume of traffic carried out by all types of passenger transport combined. Compared to this, the share of public urban transport services in the same Western Europe, is approximately 20%, and in the USA - 3%. If public transport works poorly, it immediately affects the functioning of Russian cities, towns, factories, institutions, schools, shops or families.

Thus, in Russian conditions, among the numerous problems associated with the harmonious development of modern cities and towns, one of most important places are occupied with the problems of functioning of urban public passenger transport. It is no coincidence that in many models assessing the standard of living, the factor of transport services often comes first.

The insufficient development of the transport services market, especially in large cities, can lead to territorial social injustice for residents of peripheral and residential neighborhoods, which is a phenomenon of people not receiving basic vital services, leading to a significant decrease in the quality of life. Basic vital passenger transport services include: transport accessibility to the place of work, the ability to visit hospitals, schools, and institutions.

The combination of these circumstances determines relevance selected topic of course work.

Purpose This work will study municipal management of the transport complex.


1. Study the features of managing the city’s transport complex.

2. Study the problems of managing the city’s transport complex.

3. Develop ways to overcome problems.

Object research course work is a municipal entity - a populated territory in which local self-government is exercised.

Subject of research– socio-economic processes on the territory of the municipality.

Practical importance This work lies in the possibility of using it as a clear example when improving management methods.

Methodological basis Coursework includes publications of domestic and foreign authors, Internet resources, as well as Federal laws and regulations.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion.

    Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of municipal management of the transport complex.

    1.1 Features of transport complex management


The city's transport complex includes intracity passenger transport (bus, tram, trolleybus), intercity and suburban passenger transport, freight transport, specialized transport (transportation of bread, milk, gasoline, household waste removal, medical transport, etc.), transport parks or depots, garages, services for the maintenance of tram tracks, electric transport contact networks, stations, parking lots, gas stations, repair and other service services. In some cities, rail and water transport are used for intracity transportation; in the largest cities, subways are used. Such a complex complex requires municipal regulation and management.

The Federal Law of 2003 refers to the competence of settlements the creation of conditions for the provision of transport services and the organization of transport services for the population within the boundaries of the settlement, and to the competence of municipal districts - intersettlement transportation within the boundaries of the district. A particular problem is posed by municipal regulation of passenger transportation in the context of competition between municipal and private transport.

When organizing the management of the city’s transport complex, its features shown in Fig. 1 should be taken into account.

For urban passenger transport, it is important to maintain the necessary correspondence of the capacities of individual parts of the transport system. These calculations are based on the determination of passenger flows for all types of travel in different periods day, day, season and year. Average daily passenger flows determine the general nature and volume of transport work in the city. Passenger flows during peak hours determine the nature of mass movements and serve as the basis for determining the need for rolling stock when deciding on the carrying capacity of transport and the city's road network.

Rice. 1 Features of the city’s transport complex

The distribution of passengers along the routes is determined using the unevenness coefficient, which characterizes the occupancy of the rolling stock along the length of the route. It represents the ratio of the product of the maximum number of passengers by the length of the stretch to the total volume of transport work in a given direction. This coefficient is used when calculating the city's route system.

Municipal management of the organization of passenger transportation in the city is designed to ensure that the needs of all segments of the population are met with minimal losses time. The operating mode of transport should be linked to the operating schedule of large city-forming enterprises.

1.2 Municipal transport authorities and their


The administrations of most large cities have structural divisions in charge of urban transport issues. Preferable is a scheme with a single structural unit in charge of transport and maintenance of city roads. Another promising scheme is the separation of the municipal customer service for transport services into a separate structure (municipal institution). In this case, the structural unit of the administration is assigned the issues of legal regulation of transport activities on the territory of the municipality and financing the transportation of preferential categories of passengers through the municipal order system.

The customer service distributes traffic volumes between municipal and private carriers, sets traffic schedules, and carries out dispatch control.

The main tasks of municipal management in the field of transport:

Ensuring the reliable condition of transport lines and the development of highways;

Modernization of traffic management systems, dispatching and quality control of transport services to the population;

Bringing municipal rolling stock into proper condition, corresponding to technical parameters and standards;

Ensuring transportation safety.

The functions of local governments in managing the city’s transport complex are shown in Fig. 2

Rice. 2. Functions of local governments in the field of transport

Local governments may be vested with state powers to finance municipal and private transport enterprises and carriers to compensate for the transportation of preferential categories of passengers (subject to receiving subventions from the federal or regional budget).

In the context of diverse forms of ownership of vehicles and competition between municipal and private transport, the main mechanisms for regulating passenger flows are the municipal order for transportation and traffic dispatching.

Abroad, the main tool for managing the urban passenger transport system is project financing as one of the types of municipal orders. A competition (tender, auction) is being held for projects from different companies organizing transport transportation, with the involvement of experts. Based on the results of the competition, a project is selected for which a municipal order will be issued. Such a choice of performers contributes to the development of healthy competition in the field of urban passenger transport.

General performance indicators of urban passenger transport are shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3 Performance indicators of urban passenger transport.

1.3 Criteria for the efficiency of urban transport and its problems.

Criteria for the efficiency of municipal passenger transport can be divided into criteria for the efficiency of transport and criteria for the efficiency of its management. The list of possible criteria is presented in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4 Criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of municipal passenger transport.

The criteria for operational efficiency and the criteria for management efficiency, used in conjunction, can sufficiently succinctly characterize the urban passenger transport system as a subject and object of municipal management.

The urban transport system of most Russian cities has accumulated many complex problems. One of them is the problem of controlling fares. To solve this problem, automatic turnstiles are being installed abroad, and in some Russian cities they are encouraging the purchase of travel tickets for this purpose. for various periods use and further holding of cash and clothing lotteries according to the numbers of purchased tickets.

Another problem is the wear and tear of rolling stock. In most Russian cities, municipal passenger transport is almost half worn out. Funds from the city budget, as well as part of the revenue from municipal passenger enterprises, are not enough to repair rolling stock, since most of them go to compensate for the travel of privileged categories of the population. An increase in fares only causes an outflow of passengers to private buses, as a result of which municipal transport is running idle.

A serious problem in many cities is the road network, its throughput. Overpasses and bypass roads are necessary; in some cases it is necessary to widen the roadway of the streets, which is extremely difficult. Taking into account the state of the road network, the type of rolling stock must be selected.

Mass motorization has necessitated the creation of a large complex of services to ensure the operation of transport. A serious problem is the organization of parking for individual vehicles (parking lots) in the city, the construction of collective garages, including multi-storey ones, in the city center. In some new residential buildings, the first floors and basements are designed as garages, which is convenient for residents. Another problem is gas stations and points, car washes, emergency repair and tire repair shops. They should also be located throughout the city.

It is necessary to link the work of internal and external transport. Management of external transport facilities (railway and bus stations, river and sea ports, airports, etc.) is carried out, as a rule, by state enterprises or large joint-stock companies. Local governments are required to ensure the “connection” of these facilities with intracity transport routes, a network of trade and public catering establishments, and other city services.

Job Description

The purpose of this work will be to study municipal management of the transport complex.
1. Study the features of managing the city’s transport complex.
2. Study the problems of managing the city’s transport complex.
3. Develop ways to overcome problems.


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of municipal management of the transport complex.................................................... ........................................................ ...................4
1.1 Features of transport complex management
cities...................................……........ ........................................................ ....4
1.2 Municipal transport authorities and their
tasks………….....……….…..…................................. ...............................6
1.3 Criteria for the effectiveness of urban transport and its problems.................................................. ...................................................8
1.4 Government regulation transport unitary
enterprises................................................................... ........................................10
Chapter 2. Organization of management of the transport complex in the Nizhny Novgorod region.................................................. ...........................................……….... 15
Chapter 3. Ways to overcome the problems of municipal management of the transport complex of the Nizhny Novgorod region.................................................... ...................25