Pancakes according to Dukan attack with kefir. Dukan pancakes with different fillings. Needed for filling

Diet food is a priori considered monotonous, tasteless, bland and uninteresting, which already drives us into depression in advance. However, the enormous popularity of the protein food system has given rise to a lot of excellent recipes for every taste, and even Dukan pancakes without starch have a place here. Yes, corn polysaccharide is allowed in this diet, but many people try to reduce carbohydrates as much as possible for greater effect, but they always want to eat something tasty.

For those who have been living according to the Dukan regime for several days, they have probably repeatedly encountered in recipe descriptions such cunning components as isolate and gluten, with the help of which you can prepare various delicious baked goods without using forbidden flour and even quite carbohydrate-intensive starch.

What are these wonderful components? And what is the Dukan Diet's ruling regarding their use?

Gluten for pancakes according to the Dukan diet

Surely many have noticed that after boiling cereals (rice, oats, etc.), the water in which the cereals were boiled becomes thick and sticky.

This effect is achieved due to gluten or gluten, which is found in abundance in cereals, and which is plant protein in its pure form. Gluten makes baked goods soft and fluffy, which cannot be achieved with such a meager Dukan diet, where you can only consume oat bran as a baking base.

In addition, gluten has a number of quite significant advantages:

  1. This is not an DOP;
  2. It can be used from the attack stage, 2 tbsp each. per day;
  3. Gluten allows you to prepare almost any dietary and very tasty, fluffy, bran-free baked goods without any problems;

Protein isolate for pancakes according to the Dukan diet

A low-fat, cholesterol- and carbohydrate-free powder consisting of almost 90% protein, obtained by ion exchange and microfiltration from various protein products, is called protein isolate (not to be confused with simple protein).

This component also has a green light in Dukan recipes, because it is very, very useful for a protein diet:

  • Doesn't count as an extra!
  • The amount of isolate consumed is not limited by diet, but doctors do not advise exceeding the daily intake of 60 g;
  • Allowed from the attack stage for baking, as an additional source of protein and as a complete and carbohydrate-free starch substitute;

Well, now, armed with such chic helpers as isolate and gluten, we can start baking the most delicious Dukan pancakes at home.

Dukan pancakes without starch and bran


  • — 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - pinch + -
  • — 100 ml + -
  • — 40-50 g + -
  • Protein isolate- 1 tbsp. + -
  • Gluten - 3 tbsp. + -
  • Flavor (optional)- 3 drops + -
  • Baking powder (soda)- 1/4 tsp. + -

This recipe for our all-loved flatbreads has been tested many times, and we can assure you that these pancakes turn out very tasty, and are not one iota inferior to ordinary flour pancakes. In addition, they are easy to fry, they do not stick, do not burn, and do not come out lumpy.

  1. Beat the eggs with a mixer with sugar substitute and salt.
  2. Then add gluten, isolate, cottage cheese to the egg mass and continue beating until smooth.
  3. Now add flavoring, milk, sunflower oil and baking powder to the main dough.

The dough is ready and you can bake pancakes.

Dukan pancakes with bran: recipe without starch

This version of the main Maslenitsa treat involves the use of not only oat bran, but also oat bran flour, which makes them very tender, like traditional flour pancakes.

Pancake ingredients

  • Oat bran – 2 tbsp;
  • Oat bran ground into flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Whey protein isolate – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Chicken egg 1st grade - 3 pcs.;
  • Milk 0.5-1% - 200 ml;
  • Sugar substitute – 2 tsp;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;

Making pancakes Dukan style

  1. Using a whisk, mix the eggs with sweetener, salt and bran flour until smooth.
  2. Then add milk to the mixture and, without ceasing to stir, introduce isolate and bran into the dough.
  3. Grease a heated frying pan with olive oil using a silicone brush and bake pancakes, frying them until browned on both sides.

If you intend to eat pancakes with salty filling, then the amount of sakhzam must be reduced or completely eliminated, and the salt increased to ½ tsp.

These thin pancakes can be used to make excellent snack rolls.

  • For a sweet snack, you can use low-fat curd mass, jam or Dukan Nutella spread as a filling.
  • For salty snacks, the range of fillings increases significantly. This can be plow, minced meat, low-fat salmon, stewed cabbage (from the rotation stage), crab sticks with garlic and much more.

However, the classic tandem of pancake + sour cream remains unchanged.

Chocolate pancakes Dukan style

These pancakes are a great option for those with a sweet tooth who are experiencing the true torment of unsweetened life on Dukan. Chocolate cakes + chocolate syrup will charge you with positivity and energy for a long time, without disrupting your diet regimen.


  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • SOM (skimmed milk powder) – 3 tbsp;
  • Stevia – 1.5 tsp;
  • Vanilla flavoring – 3 drops;
  • Water – 2 tbsp;
  • Cocoa powder – 1.5 tsp;

How to bake pancakes according to Dukan

  1. To prepare pancake dough, we need to add eggs, COM (2 tbsp), cocoa (1 tsp), sweetener (1 tsp), flavoring, water (1 tbsp) and mix everything until smooth.
  2. After that, bake pancakes in a greased frying pan.
  3. Now let's prepare the syrup. In a saucepan, mix 1 tbsp. water, cocoa (1/2 tsp), COM (1 tbsp) and ½ tsp. stevia, then mix all the ingredients, put on the fire and bring to a boil.

Fold the pancakes into triangles, place them on a plate and pour the sauce over them. Bon appetit!

As you can see, even with so many prohibitions, you can lose weight deliciously and with pleasure, the main thing is to know the approach. Dukan pancakes, even without the use of corn starch, turn out successful, incredibly aromatic, appetizing and even less calorie and carbohydrate-free.

Happy owners of a slender body can easily afford pancakes and pancakes. But what about those who have just begun the journey to achieving an ideal figure? After all, during a diet you really want what you can’t. Lucky are those who chose the Dukan weight loss method. There are many recipes for pancakes and pancakes that do not contradict the diet and will be a godsend for those losing weight, fitting perfectly into a healthy eating pattern.

Basic nuances of the Dukan diet

Gennady Malkin

We are all living people and, no, no, we might want to break our diet and eat something sweet. But, alas, this cannot be done. According to the Dukan method, it is forbidden to eat sweets, flour and fatty foods. After all, the main rule of this diet is to consume large amounts of protein. This means that, in theory, there should be no pancakes or pancakes in the new healthy diet. But, using some little tricks and approved healthy products, it becomes possible to treat yourself to such goodies. To prepare these dishes, you most often need low-fat dairy products, oat bran, sweetener, eggs, baking powder, and corn starch. All ingredients are low in calories, but still give you a feeling of satiety. Pancakes and pancakes must be fried without oil, preferably in a non-stick frying pan.

But you should refrain from buying pancakes and pancakes - you can never be completely sure of what they are made from. They are usually tasty, but not healthy and high in calories, which is contrary to the principles of the diet.

When can you make healthy pancakes and pancakes?

The diet consists of 4 phases:

  • An attack is a kind of “attack” on the body, in which you can only eat protein foods, because they have a complex structure, and the body, digesting them, spends more calories than they contain (about 78 foods are allowed). The stage lasts no more than 10 days. At this stage, out of habit, there is a strong urge to break all the prohibitions and eat some kind of sweetness in order to somehow survive the moment of restructuring the body. In this case, it is allowed to prepare bran pancakes or pancakes. The low calorie content of the dish is explained by the fact that the recipe requires only low-fat kefir, yogurt, bran and no unhealthy additives.
  • Cruise – “alternation”; Low-calorie vegetables in any form are added to the diet, but at the same time cereals, peas, corn, and potatoes are prohibited. This phase extends for more than a month. At this stage, the choice of recipes becomes larger: you can make pancakes with vegetable, meat and curd filling. This will not harm your figure, but you will no longer feel the lack of variety in your dishes. The main thing is to know when to stop everything and remember the goal you are going towards.
  • Consolidation - a gradual return to the previous diet, adding some fruits, sweets, duration of this phase: 1 kg lost = 10 days. This phase allows you to let your imagination run wild and show off all your culinary talent. The ingredients for the dough also help you stay “on the wave” of a healthy diet, nothing extra, harmful or high in calories. Only grapes and bananas should not be added to the filling and cream.
  • Stabilization is the last phase, consolidating the results obtained and establishing the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle and eating right, which can become a good habit and last a lifetime. During this period, you can choose standard recipes for preparing pancakes and pancakes only once a month, giving yourself unique unhealthy free days. The rest of the time, it is preferable to prepare dishes from the right ingredients to maintain a toned figure.

Delicious recipes

In the first phase, you can treat yourself to pancakes and pancakes using these two recipes. Here you will find the answer to the age-old question: “What else can you eat to lose weight?”

Recipe No. 1 - Healthy pancake “Attack”

The most correct and harmless recipe for the first phase is considered to be the one for the preparation of which they use: 3 tablespoons of bran, the same amount of low-fat yogurt, half a teaspoon of baking powder, 4 tablets of sweetener (ground into powder) and a little cinnamon. The mixed ingredients should stand for about 10 minutes, then you can start frying them in a frying pan. This will also take about 10 minutes. An average of 5 pancakes come out of the dough; the calorie content will not exceed 69 kcal per 100 g of product.

  • proteins - 9.1 g;
  • fats - 5.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.5 g.

Bran pancakes, starch-free

According to this recipe, to prepare the dough you need to grind 2 tablespoons of oat bran and 1 tablespoon of wheat bran into flour. Beat 1 egg with 2 tablespoons of kefir and 1 soy isolate. Add baking powder, sweetener, flour and a little boiling water to achieve the desired consistency. After 15 minutes, start baking. Each pancake will take no more than 2 minutes to prepare. The dough will make about 4 pancakes; 100 g of product will contain about 90 kcal.

Approximate ratio of BJU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 9.2 g;
  • fats - 5.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.8 g.

Video: Dukan pancake recipe

It is better to try the remaining recipes by moving to the second stage of the diet.

Kefir pancakes

To prepare pancakes, you will need an approved low-fat dairy product - kefir, approximately 300 ml. It needs to be combined with dry yeast (half a teaspoon), after 10 minutes add 2 eggs, 20 g of gluten, 40 g of corn starch, 3 g of crumbly sugar substitute. Leave the resulting mixture undisturbed for 30 minutes, and then mix with half a teaspoon of baking powder. And you can start frying pancakes. You will get 4 pancakes, the calorie content of 100 g of product will not exceed 100 kcal.

Approximate ratio of BJU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 9.1 g;
  • fats - 5.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.5 g.

Bran pancakes

Here the main ingredient is bran (two tablespoons); everything rests on them, so to speak. Add to them 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of yogurt, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, a little sweetener and baking powder for fluffiness. It will take no more than 10 minutes for the dough to sit, after which you can start frying the pancakes. You will get approximately 6 pancakes, the calorie content of 100 g of product will be 125 kcal.

Approximate ratio of BJU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 9.2 g;
  • fats - 5.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.6 g.

Curd and bran pancakes

To prepare the dough, you will need to mix 100 g of cottage cheese with one egg, two tablespoons of bran and a pinch of baking powder. After the resulting mixture has infused (about 10–15 minutes), they can be fried. Pour a spoonful of batter into the pan, wait until one side is browned and turn over. You will get 4 pancakes, 100 g of product contains 100 kcal.

Approximate ratio of BJU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 9.4 g;
  • fats - 5.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.5 g.

Video: Dukan pancakes

Kefir pancakes

To do this, you need to beat kefir (0.5%, 80 ml) with egg, baking powder and crumbly sugar substitute. Add 2 tablespoons of bran, a spoonful of milk powder and half of starch. And you can fry pancakes in a non-stick frying pan. To do this, pour a little dough over the frying pan; as soon as that side turns golden, you can turn it over. You will get 5 pancakes, the calorie content of 100 g of product will be 110 kcal.

Approximate ratio of BJU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 9.8 g;
  • fats - 5.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.8 g.


Mix 1 egg with 2 tablespoons of kefir and ground and whole bran. Pour one spoon of batter into a warm frying pan, wait until the pancakes are browned, and turn over. You will get 3-4 pancakes; 100 g of product will contain no more than 100 kcal. Pancakes can be decorated with fresh berries.

Approximate ratio of BJU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 9.0 g;
  • fats - 5.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.9 g.

Video: oat pancakes

Milk pancakes

Beat one spoon of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and sugar substitute. Then slowly add 100 ml of milk, add 2 tablespoons of starch, a little soda and finally add 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting dough will yield approximately 8 pancakes, in which you can wrap any protein filling (meat with spices and onions, or cottage cheese). Caloric content of 100 g of product is 125 kcal.

Approximate ratio of BJU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 9.4 g;
  • fats - 5.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 13.0 g.

Video: delicious milk pancakes according to the Dukan diet

Pancakes with starch

Mix 2 tablespoons of starch with egg, baking powder, salt and sweetener, beat, first adding 150 g of low-fat kefir, and then another 20 ml of hot water. You will get approximately 6 pancakes, 100 g of product contains only 90 kcal. You will spend no more than 20 minutes preparing them.

Approximate ratio of BJU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 8.8 g;
  • fats - 5.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12.7 g.

At the third stage, you can prepare mini cottage cheese cakes or pancakes with any fruit filling.

Curd cakes (cupcakes)

To prepare the dough, you will need to grind the yolk, add 30 ml of hot milk with a sweetener (10 tablets), a spoonful of yogurt, 150 g of regular cottage cheese, and one spoon of soft cottage cheese is enough. Mix everything and add bran flour, vanilla and 4 tablespoons of starch. After this, beat the whites and add to the dough. Place the dough into molds and place in a preheated oven for half an hour. After they are cooked, you need to decorate the cupcake. To do this, grind the yolk with one teaspoon of starch and 30 ml of heated milk and put the mixture in a bathhouse until it thickens. Then you need to cool it and add 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a spoonful of soft cottage cheese and yogurt. Coat the cake with the resulting cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.

The dough will make 6 cupcakes; 100 g of product will contain 140 kcal.

Approximate ratio of BJU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 10.0 g;
  • fats - 6.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 13.2 g.

Video: Dukan muffins

Dieting is a difficult challenge, especially for those with a sweet tooth. But by adhering to Dukan’s advice and choosing recipes created according to his methodology, you can easily withstand the prohibitions and at the same time not gain a single extra kilogram, without depriving yourself of goodies.

For those extra pounds to melt away like snow in the spring under the rays of the sun, it is not at all necessary to turn into a calculator and give up everything. On the eve of the hearty and cheerful Maslenitsa holiday, while on a diet, you can and even should prepare delicious homemade Dukan pancakes with corn starch. Let's treat ourselves to our favorite dish, which does not spoil your shape at all - on the contrary, it helps you lose weight without unnecessary stress, while enjoying your food.

It would seem that losing weight and flour tortillas are completely incompatible. But not in the diet that Dr. Dukan came up with so that we can get in shape with pleasure, without denying our favorite foods, but simply by streamlining their consumption.

For example, pancake products are not prohibited, and this cannot but please those of us who cannot imagine our lives without thin homemade cakes made from batter.

The only rule is that you need to cook homemade Dukan pancakes with corn starch strictly according to the recipes that we will consider today in our selection. Luckily, there are many ways to enjoy your favorite treats while losing weight.

Delicious Dukan pancakes with starch and milk


  • — 2 pcs. + -
  • — 100 ml + -
  • - 1/2 tsp. + -
  • - pinch + -
  • Liquid sweetener- 0.5 tbsp. + -
  • Corn starch- 1 tbsp. + -
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife + -

Pancakes according to this recipe turn out to be surprisingly tender, full of holes, and most importantly - completely harmless to the figure, since they do not contain flour.

It is best to fry them on a special pancake pan of small diameter, so that it is convenient to turn over. The dish is suitable for the Alternation stage.

Step-by-step preparation of Dukan pancakes with cornstarch

  1. First of all, let’s give the raw eggs a foamy consistency by beating them.
  2. Add milk and stir gently so as not to splatter.
  3. Now – sweetener and another stir.
  4. In order for the liquid mash to thicken, you need to put starch in it, followed by flavoring additives, that is, lemon acid and vanilla.
  5. Bake pancakes on a well-heated surface. To ensure that the dough does not stick, but, on the contrary, lags behind well, just a drop of oil will be enough.

You can serve these pancakes with salmon marinated in spices, chopped chicken breast wrapped inside, or chopped boiled eggs. To prevent the treat from being overly dry, you can flavor it with low-fat yogurt.

We offer another noteworthy option for preparing delicious openwork pancakes as part of a protein diet a la Dukan. This time we will make them on a kefir basis. Alternation is the stage of the diet when you can enjoy this treat.


  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Kefir (low-fat version) – 150 ml;
  • Baking soda – ¾ tsp;
  • Starch from corn grains - 2 tbsp;
  • Boiling water – 1 tbsp;
  • Sweetener - to taste;
  • Salt – a pinch.

How to bake “branded” Dukan pancakes based on starch

We combine the products in the following sequence:

  1. first eggs (beat)
  2. then – kefir (stir)
  3. salt,
  4. baking powder.

We bake our dietary treat in the same way as in the first case - purely symbolically greasing the frying pan surface.

You can enjoy pancakes with low-fat sour cream (another protein product!) or filling it with shredded white cheese or boiled chicken.

Dukan pancakes with starch base

This recipe will fit perfectly into the rather strict menu of the initial stage of the fight against excess weight - Attack.


  • Cottage cheese without fat - 1 tbsp;
  • Corn starch – 2 tbsp;
  • Milk – 100 ml;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Boiling water – 2 tbsp;
  • Sugar substitute – 1 tablet;
  • Salt and soda - a pinch each.

Baking Dukan pancakes with starch at home

First you need to mix the eggs with salt, cottage cheese, and also add a sweetener. Then pour in the milk and season everything with starch mixed with soda.

Attention! You need to make sure that no lumps form.

  • The final stage of preparing the dough is to pour a spoonful of boiling water, kneading vigorously.
  • We bake the products, as usual, in a slightly moistened frying pan. If you have non-stick cookware in your home, you can do without lubricant.

With this amount of ingredients you will get 7-8 pancakes. This time we suggest filling them with low-fat minced meat stewed with spices and onions (no oil!).

Slimming your own figure is a painstaking process. You have to rebuild your diet, which has no place for many of your favorite treats. But Dukan pancakes with starch, prepared according to a proprietary recipe, will always have it. It’s so nice to lose weight while devouring your portion of delicacy!..

So, to prepare pancakes you need the following ingredients:

  • skim milk 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • low-fat cottage cheese 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs 2 pcs;
  • corn starch 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sweetener 3 g;
  • baking powder half a teaspoon;
  • vanillin;
  • boiling water 1 tbsp. spoon. And the cooking process is as follows: add milk, baking powder, cottage cheese, starch, sweetener, vanillin to beaten eggs. Beat everything until smooth and pour boiling water while stirring. The dough has a liquid consistency. Grease a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and fry pancakes in it. For these holey pancakes, you can prepare the filling from low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt. Dukan also offers a recipe for bran pancakes. To prepare them, take the following ingredients:
  • low-fat kefir one third of a glass;
  • ground oat bran, 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • one egg;
  • skimmed milk powder 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sweetener;
  • salt;
  • soda on the tip of a knife;
  • water.

For the dough, beat the egg, kefir, sweetener and salt. Add oat bran to the whipped mass and let stand for 5 minutes, add dry milk. Stir everything thoroughly until smooth without lumps. Then grease the frying pan with 3-5 drops of oil (if using a frying pan with a non-stick coating, you do not need to do this) and heat it up. Add soda to the dough, mix again and pour into the pan. Before baking each pancake, the dough must be mixed well. You can eat these pancakes with low-fat yogurt. You will love these recipes. Bon appetit!

How to prepare a recipe for bran pancakes according to Dukan - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

The Dukan diet is popular in European countries. Why, you ask? The reason is very simple - efficiency and long-term preservation of the result. Often - forever. The main food in this diet is animal protein, which is found in lean fish and meat, and then complex carbohydrates of fruits and vegetables are included in the diet. You can eat food throughout the day, at any time. It is not difficult to stick to it, since you can cook almost anything, for example, Dukan pancakes, and the dishes do not become boring, since there are many of them and they are very diverse.

Thin lace pancakes according to Dukan

Dukan pancakes with oat bran

Pancakes with bran are different from the ones we are used to - made from flour. We advise you to take oatmeal, not rye or wheat, as they are quite tender and are well suited for our baking. They will differ from the usual ones only in the oat flavor, but it is very pleasant. And if you eat it with unsweetened low-fat yogurt, you won’t notice the difference. Necessary ingredients: one egg, a third of a glass of low-fat kefir, one measuring spoon of sugar substitute, salt to taste, two spoons of oat bran, ground, one spoon of skim milk powder, half a spoon of corn starch, soda on the tip of a knife, a little water.

Cooking pancakes according to Dukan, recipe with oat bran

Lightly beat kefir with egg, salt and sugar substitute. Add oat bran and wait about five minutes until it swells. Then add corn starch and milk powder. Mix the mixture thoroughly until all lumps disappear. Turn on the stove, grease the frying pan with vegetable oil and let it heat up. By the way, only four to five drops of oil are enough, and in the case of a non-stick or ceramic frying pan, it is not needed at all. Meanwhile, add baking soda to the dough and mix well again. Dilute with warm water if the dough is thick and bring to the desired consistency. As soon as the frying pan has warmed up well, bake pancakes according to Dukan. Considering that the ground bran sinks to the bottom, it is recommended to mix the dough well each time before pouring the pancake. We remove the finished product with a thin spatula, there should be no problems. We try not to grease the pan anymore. According to this recipe, you should get five to six pancakes.

Recipe for making pancakes at “Ataka”

If anyone doesn’t know, “Attack” is the first, most crucial period of the Dukan diet, when a person loses maximum weight, and when the most stringent food requirements apply. To complete the recipe we will need: four tablespoons of skim milk, two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, two eggs, a spoon of corn starch, three grams of sugar substitute, half a teaspoon of baking powder, vanillin and one spoon of boiling water. Now we’ll tell you how to cook pancakes according to Dukan on “Attack”. Add milk to beaten eggs, cottage cheese, baking powder, vanillin, sugar substitute and starch. Beat all these ingredients until smooth and add boiling water, stirring all the time. The consistency of the dough should be liquid. Grease a frying pan with a minimum amount of oil, heat it up and fry the pancakes. They are perfect for filling with yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese.

Dukan lace pancakes

The name itself speaks volumes about what a delicious dish awaits us. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients: one glass of skim milk, three eggs, soda or baking powder, corn starch - a teaspoon, skim milk powder - three tablespoons, sugar substitute and salt to taste. Cooking Dukan pancakes using starch. Using a mixer, beat the milk with the egg whites and eggs, then add all the dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly until there are no lumps left in the mixture. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Fry the pancakes on both sides, and grease the pan with paraffin oil. Bon appetit!

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Pancakes according to Dukan on attack

With bran (a mixture of bran, starch, milk powder)

Without bran (starch and curds)

No starch (bran mixture)

With milk (milk powder, starch)

With kefir (a mixture of bran and starch)

Dukan pancakes are made from healthy ingredients. therefore they do not harm the figure. Even those who do not follow a diet like the taste of pancakes.

The Dukan diet prohibits flour, but at the same time leaves the opportunity to enjoy pancakes and bread. How to cook pancakes according to Dukan. We bring to your attention some recipes.

Pancakes according to Dukan on attack

Attack is the very first stage of the Dukan diet. It is during this period that active weight loss is observed. To prepare pancakes, take 2 eggs, a couple of tablespoons of low-fat soft cottage cheese, double the amount of skim milk, 20 ml of hot water. You will also need a spoonful of bran (heaped) - they need to be ground into flour. A sugar substitute (3 g) will help sweeten the pancakes, and baking powder (1/2 tsp) will add fluffiness.

Beat the eggs, add milk, sweetener, cottage cheese, baking powder and bran. After whipping the mixture, pour in a spoonful of boiling water and stir quickly. Fry the pancakes (the dough is quite liquid).

With bran (a mixture of bran, starch, milk powder)

This recipe for Dukan pancakes combines corn starch, milk powder and oat bran (0.5 tbsp/1 tbsp/2 tbsp). You will also need an egg (1 pc.), 80 ml of kefir, a little water (the norm is determined by consistency). A sugar substitute will add flavor to the pancakes. You can use a small amount of salt. To add fluffiness, you will need baking powder (1/2 tsp).

Beat the egg, sugar substitute, salt, kefir with baking powder. Add bran and stir. After this, add starch and milk powder. If necessary, pour in a little water. Fry the pancakes in a non-stick frying pan.

Without bran (starch and curds)

These Dukan pancakes contain cottage cheese and starch (1 tbsp/2 tbsp). To prepare them you will also need milk, boiling water and eggs (100 ml/40 ml/2 pcs.). Also use a sugar substitute (1 tablet), salt. Soda (on the tip of a knife) will add fluffiness to the pancakes. These pancakes go perfectly with meat, so prepare the filling from an onion, 300 g of minced meat and spices.

Beat the egg, cottage cheese, salt, sugar substitute, add milk and gradually add starch and soda. At the end, pour in a little boiling water. Bake pancakes (you will get 7-8 pieces).

Fry the onion in a non-stick frying pan, add minced meat, season and salt. Fry until done, adding water if necessary. Fill the pancakes with meat and roll them into an envelope.

Beat the egg with sugar substitute and salt, add 2 tbsp. corn starch, a pinch of baking powder. Dilute with kefir (150 ml), pour in 20 ml of boiling water.

No starch (bran mixture)

Turn oat bran and wheat bran into flour (2 tbsp/1 tbsp). Add 0.5 tsp. baking powder. Beat the egg with salt and sugar substitute, add 2 tbsp. kefir, 1 tbsp. soybean isolate and bran flour. Bring to the desired consistency with water (if you do not dilute, you will end up with pancakes).

With milk (milk powder, starch)

You will need 1 tbsp. low-fat liquid and 3 tbsp. powdered milk. Also take 3 eggs, 1 tsp. baking powder and 1 tsp. corn starch. Use salt and sugar substitute to taste.

Combine dry ingredients. Beat the egg, dilute with milk, combine with the dry mixture, leave on the table for 10 minutes, after which you can fry. You can fill the pancakes with cottage cheese filling (rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add a little milk and sugar substitute).

With kefir (a mixture of bran and starch)

Prepare a dry mixture of oat and wheat bran (2 tbsp/1 tbsp). Pour the mixture with 1 tbsp. kefir Leave for 60 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. starch, 2 eggs, salt and sugar substitute. Dissolve a pinch of soda in 100 ml of boiling water and pour into the mixture. After 30 minutes the pancakes can be baked.

Dukan pancakes are prepared from healthy ingredients, so they do not harm your figure. Even those who do not follow a diet like the taste of pancakes.

Pancakes with kefir (stages 2, 3, 4 of the Dukan diet)

We combine all the ingredients. We add a sweetener if the pancakes have a sweet filling; if desired, you can also use a little vanilla.

Beat the dough with a blender, turning it on at maximum speed, for approximately 5-7 minutes - the resulting batter will bubble strongly, which will give the finished pancakes a delicacy.

Pour a little batter into a pancake pan (heat evenly and, if desired, grease with a drop of oil), distributing it evenly over the surface of the entire pan.

Fry on one side for a couple of minutes, turn over and let the pancake fry on the other side.

Serve ready-made kefir pancakes with any filling allowed on the Dukan diet to your liking (meat, cottage cheese, etc.). If desired, sweet pancakes can be topped with condensed milk or low-fat yogurt. Bon appetit!

Pancakes according to Dukan. Cooking recipes

The Dukan diet is popular in European countries. Why, you ask? The reason is very simple - efficiency and long-term preservation of the result. Often - forever. The main food in this diet is animal protein, which is found in lean fish and meat, and then complex carbohydrates of fruits and vegetables are included in the diet. You can eat food throughout the day, at any time. It is not difficult to stick to it, since you can cook almost anything, for example, Dukan pancakes, and the dishes do not become boring, since there are many of them and they are very diverse.

Thin lace pancakes according to Dukan

We offer a recipe for simple but very tasty pancakes that are perfect for your diet. For seven to eight pieces you will need: 60 ml of skim milk, 30 grams of corn starch, one egg, a sugar substitute, for example, a teaspoon of aspartame, two teaspoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt. In order to prepare pancakes according to Dukan, first of all you need to knead the dough. Mix the egg with milk and mix well. This can be done either with a fork or a whisk. Now the mixture needs to be brought to room temperature: 4-5 seconds in the microwave or let it stand indoors for half an hour. Then add sugar substitute, salt and starch. It is recommended to sift the starch through a sieve and mix everything with a whisk. As a result, the dough turns out to be liquid, but thanks to the egg and starch, the pancakes set quickly. It's time to fry pancakes according to Dukan. Heat a Teflon frying pan well and grease it with oil. We repeat this operation as necessary. Pour the batter into a frying pan, fry and wait for it to brown. It is best to remove the finished pancakes with a thin plastic spatula.

Dukan pancakes with oat bran

Pancakes with bran are different from the ones we are used to - made from flour. We advise you to take oatmeal, not rye or wheat, as they are quite tender and are well suited for our baking. They will differ from the usual ones only in the oat flavor, but it is very pleasant. And if you eat it with unsweetened low-fat yogurt, you won’t notice the difference. Necessary ingredients: one egg, a third of a glass of low-fat kefir, one measuring spoon of sugar substitute, salt to taste, two spoons of oat bran, ground, one spoon of skim milk powder, half a spoon of corn starch, soda on the tip of a knife, a little water.

Cooking pancakes according to Dukan, recipe with oat bran

Lightly beat kefir with egg, salt and sugar substitute. Add oat bran and wait about five minutes until it swells. Then add corn starch and milk powder. Mix the mixture thoroughly until all lumps disappear. Turn on the stove, grease the frying pan with vegetable oil and let it heat up. By the way, only four to five drops of oil are enough, and in the case of a non-stick or ceramic frying pan, it is not needed at all. Meanwhile, add baking soda to the dough and mix well again. Dilute with warm water if the dough is thick and bring to the desired consistency. As soon as the frying pan has warmed up well, bake pancakes according to Dukan. Considering that the ground bran sinks to the bottom, it is recommended to mix the dough well each time before pouring the pancake. We remove the finished product with a thin spatula, there should be no problems. We try not to grease the pan anymore. According to this recipe, you should get five to six pancakes.

Recipe for making pancakes at “Ataka”

If anyone doesn’t know, “Attack” is the first, most crucial period of the Dukan diet, when a person loses maximum weight, and when the most stringent food requirements apply. To complete the recipe we will need: four tablespoons of skim milk, two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, two eggs, a spoon of corn starch, three grams of sugar substitute, half a teaspoon of baking powder, vanillin and one spoon of boiling water. Now we’ll tell you how to cook pancakes according to Dukan on “Attack”. Add milk to beaten eggs, cottage cheese, baking powder, vanillin, sugar substitute and starch. Beat all these ingredients until smooth and add boiling water, stirring all the time. The consistency of the dough should be liquid. Grease a frying pan with a minimum amount of oil, heat it up and fry the pancakes. They are perfect for filling with yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese.

Dukan lace pancakes

The name itself speaks volumes about what a delicious dish awaits us. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients: one glass of skim milk, three eggs, soda or baking powder, corn starch - a teaspoon, skim milk powder - three tablespoons, sugar substitute and salt to taste. Cooking Dukan pancakes using starch. Using a mixer, beat the milk with the egg whites and eggs, then add all the dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly until there are no lumps left in the mixture. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Fry the pancakes on both sides, and grease the pan with paraffin oil. Bon appetit!

Dukan pancakes with oat bran | Becoming slim is easy and pleasant!

Dukan diet recipes: Dukan pancakes with oat bran

Diet stages: from Cruise

Good afternoon, friends! Dukan pancakes with bran are a little different from the flour pancakes we are all used to. I’ll say right away that it’s better to take oat bran, not wheat or rye. Oat bran is delicate and ideal for baking. In the absence of oat bran, you can, of course, try wheat bran, but they are much coarser, and our Dukan pancakes will be much less like “real” ones.

The only difference between these pancakes is that they have a light, pleasant oat flavor when eaten plain. With low-fat unsweetened yogurt or toppings, the flavor is virtually undetectable.

And yes, I’m a fan of pancakes with kefir, so it’s here!

This recipe is suitable for Cruise, but to cook it on Attack, you need to exclude corn starch and take 1.5 tablespoons of bran (instead of 2).

  • sweetener – 1 measuring spoon (fitparad)
  • salt - to taste
  • ground oat bran – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • skimmed milk powder 1.5% – 1 tbsp. spoon (=1/3 of the product from the list of additional ones)
  • corn starch - ½ tbsp. spoons (=1/2 of the product from the list of additional ones)
  • soda - on the tip of a knife
  • water - a little to get the desired consistency

online store DD 39.

Lightly beat the egg, kefir, sweetener and salt. Add ground oat bran (2 tablespoons on Cruise, 1.5 tablespoons on Attack) and let them swell slightly for 5 minutes. Next, add milk powder and corn starch (we don’t add starch on Attack). Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Now you can turn on the stove, grease the frying pan with vegetable oil and let it heat up. You need very little oil - 3-5 drops. If the frying pan is ceramic or non-stick, then you can do without oil.

Add soda to the dough and mix thoroughly again. If the dough seems thick, you can dilute it with warm water (or boiling water) to the desired consistency. I dilute it a little more thinly than usual because the cornstarch thickens when heated.

The pan has warmed up - let's start baking! Bran, even ground, sinks to the bottom, so before pouring a new pancake, the dough must be mixed thoroughly.

I didn’t notice any difficulties when baking; they came off quite normally, like regular ones. I greased the pan with oil only at the very beginning, once. You may need to grease more as you go, depending on the pan.

From the specified amount of products I get 4-5 pancakes with a diameter of 18 cm.

My favorite thing is Dukan pancakes with low-fat yogurt and fruit, what about you?

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Pancakes without flour | Becoming slim is easy and pleasant!

Dukan diet recipes

Diet stages: from Cruise

Pancakes without flour - again for the Dukan diet, and not only for it.

If pancakes with oat bran were prepared at random for the first time, and this combination of products turned out to be successful, then this recipe was found on the Internet.

To be honest, I tried it with slight trepidation. After all, the previous recipe, according to which I tried to bake pancakes two months ago, for a long time discouraged the desire to try anything new in pancake production. For the first time, the dough stuck tightly to the pan and did not want to form a golden crust. I had to tear it off, wash the pan and start over.

This time everything worked out! Thin pancakes with holes, very elastic. It’s convenient to wrap the filling in these – they don’t tear or break. I did find one drawback - an eggy aftertaste, although perhaps it just seemed that way to me. A filling with a bright taste will help you not to feel it. For example, minced beef, stewed with onions and tomatoes, or salmon. Or a sweet option - add a little cinnamon and more sweetener to the dough than in the recipe.

The quantity of products is calculated for one person. I forgot to indicate the phase of the diet - of course, Dukan does not allow corn starch on Cruise On Attack.

  • yogurt 0-1.5% (or soft curd 0-1.5%) – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • milk 1.5% – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sweetener, salt - to taste
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. spoon (=1 product from the list of additional ones)
  • soda on the tip of a knife

Pancakes according to Dukan | Fast weight loss

admin January 17th, 2014

Do you have a desire to snack on something tasty? But what stops you is the fact that not everything tasty is healthy?

You don’t have to stop and try healthy and therefore no less tasty Dukan pancakes with bran.

Oat bran is a cereal product that is completely natural, unprocessed, coarse and very useful in protecting against excess weight gain.

Nutritionist Dukan believes that bran should be consumed daily throughout your life.

Eating bran by the spoonful, even with kefir, sooner or later you will get bored and your stomach will ask for variety. That's when the Dukan pancake recipe comes in handy.

They are a little specific in taste, since they are prepared not from flour, but from bran. Although after frying the taste of bran is practically not felt, it can be completely extinguished with the filling or low-fat yogurt.

It is best to take bran for cooking not from rye or wheat, but from oatmeal. They are tender and perfect for baking.

Pancakes according to Dukan: recipes

Recipe No. 1 Pancakes with skim milk

oat and wheat bran, low-fat cottage cheese, 1 egg, skim milk, spices, seasonings and sweetener - to taste. It is not forbidden to add a little vanillin.

Method of preparation: mix all ingredients in a blender.

Add 5 drops of oil to a hot frying pan. Pour the dough into the pan and bake.

The pancake batter may turn out runny, but don't be alarmed.

To prepare them, it is optimal to use a frying pan with a smaller diameter - they cook faster and do not tear when removed from the frying pan.

Tender, thin and holey curd pancakes cannot be greased with oil, which is why it will be satisfying to prepare the filling for them.

Filling option: mix no more than one hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 50 ml of yogurt (50 ml) with sweetener and vanilla to taste.

It is important to control the thickness of the filling. Do not overdo it with yogurt - otherwise the filling will leak out of the pancakes.

You can use yogurt not only with regular yogurt, but also with pieces of fruit, and also replace it with kefir.

Dukan pancakes with kefir

egg, 1/3 cup low-fat kefir, 1 tsp. sugar substitute, 2 tbsp ground bran, 1 tbsp milk powder (skimmed), ½ tbsp cornstarch, a pinch of soda and salt, water to form a soft consistency.

Preparation procedure: beat the egg, sweetener and kefir. You don't need to beat it too hard, lightly is enough. Leave the bran in the mixture for 5 minutes to swell.

After the allotted time, add milk and starch. Mix vigorously, add soda.

If the dough seems thick, you need to add water. If desired, you can add cocoa, then the pancakes will turn out chocolate.

Grease the frying pan with oil. You shouldn't pour too much of it. Just 5 drops are enough. We start baking in a preheated frying pan.

A nuance - the bran sinks to the bottom of the bowl, so before scooping up a new portion of the dough, the mass must be mixed.

You should get 5 pancakes (18 cm in diameter). By adding low-fat yogurt with fruit, you can serve.

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