What to do if your parrot gets sick. How can you tell if your parrot is sick? What laboratory tests may be required

Parrots of small and medium breeds obtained as a result of breeding in captivity. They have a fairly high resistance to diseases of general etiology at the proper level of maintenance.

The biggest problem of these birds is improper organization of living conditions, incorrect diet and non-compliance with hygiene rules. To prevent this from happening, you initially need to choose a pet whose maintenance you can handle.

To get a healthy and beautiful bird, you should follow the basic rules:

  • create optimal conditions for this species
  • observe the rules of hygiene
  • monitor the quality of feed
  • adhere to the change of seasons, both in light conditions and diet
  • do not forget about disease prevention, give vitamins and fertilizers on time, remember about exposure to UV lamps and walking in the fresh air

Health problems are indicated not only by obvious visual changes in the bird; behavior or its appearance can serve as a signal. A sick parrot looks tired, sad, and often pulls out its feathers. The plumage is ruffled, the eyes are faded. All of these signs may indicate that your pet is not well. Self-treatment is inappropriate in any case; first you need to determine the essence of the problem by contacting a veterinarian.

Budgerigars kept in cages and aviaries are highly resistant to various diseases. Despite this, they can still develop diseases that affect all birds living in the wild. Recently, we have had to deal with special diseases caused by unfavorable living conditions for budgerigars, and these diseases are rarely observed in birds living in the wild.

It is not easy to recognize diseases, especially in their initial stages, so fanciers should carefully monitor the behavior of their birds and record the changes occurring in them, because this data can serve as the basis for determining the correct diagnosis.

Many lovers who keep budgerigars try to independently treat sick birds with home remedies and only after trying a number of medications on them do they seek help from a doctor. Meanwhile, the hidden disease is progressing and its exact diagnosis is difficult to determine. Such irresponsible actions are not justified in any way, and every fan, before feeding birds with various medicines, should think about the fact that an adult budgerigar weighs 2000 times less than a person, therefore, in order to avoid poisoning, birds need medicines intended for humans give in much smaller doses.

Signs of a serious illness in budgerigars appear within one day. The birds are lethargic, inactive, sit indifferently on the perch, rest more, and sleep often. At the onset of the disease, birds lose their voice, and “talking” budgies stop “talking.” Signs of illness are also visible on the plumage; birds sit in one place for a long time with ruffled feathers; those suffering from chronic diseases have dull and brittle feathers. Breathing is difficult, birds make hoarse, plaintive sounds.

The owner should carefully examine his birds, paying special attention to the undertail of healthy birds - it is clean, without pieces of droppings. The eyes should be clear, clean, alive, without mucus.
Urine and droppings tests are of great importance. Budgerigars' discharge has its own shape, with urine forming a white cap on top of the droppings. The ratio of urine and droppings is also very important: an increase in the amount of urine indicates impaired renal function, and urine spilled around the droppings indicates improper processing of fluid in the kidneys. Even experienced fanciers often confuse this condition in birds with the appearance of diarrhea; they treat birds for diarrhea and, of course, to no avail.

Vomiting in budgies may be a consequence of disorders digestive tract, but sometimes, for example, in single males they are an imitation of sexual actions.
It is also necessary to periodically examine the condition of the horny covering of the beak: in healthy birds it is always smooth, clean, without cracks or delaminations. In the same way, the horny scales on the legs of a bird are smooth, shiny, and thin. Typically, a healthy budgie rests on one leg. Constantly standing on a perch on two legs while swaying or shaking the body is also a signal of an impending illness.

An experienced amateur can note the onset of the disease by many subtle deviations from the norm. It is very important to detect signs of bird diseases in the very environment in which they constantly live, since placing sick birds in another room usually leads to a new outbreak of the disease.
Sick budgies are usually given sedatives, and in doses appropriate to their size and weight. For mild forms of the disease, the medicine is added to water or to the birds’ favorite food. The owner should always know what is a delicacy for his pets, and cultivate in his birds a preference for any one type of food. This will greatly facilitate the administration of medications if necessary. It is undesirable to catch birds for the purpose of forcibly giving them medicine, as this further aggravates their stressful state.
When instilling medicine into a bird's beak, you need to act very carefully, pour drops into the open oral cavity gradually, in small portions. Otherwise, strong defensive reactions are possible, which can ultimately lead to the death of the budgie. The bird is carefully picked up, the open beak is fixed with two fingers, and medicine is dripped into the resulting gap, monitoring by the movement of the tongue how the bird swallows it.

In some cases, sick birds are given medicine using a probe into the cavity of the crop or given an intramuscular injection. These procedures are performed by a veterinarian.

There are a number of diseases that budgerigars suffer from. Many of these can be prevented by keeping birds in good sanitary conditions. One of the main conditions for maintaining the health of budgies is keeping them separate from domestic and free birds and other animals. A great danger to budgies is represented by wild birds and rodents, whose droppings often end up in feeders and drinking bowls and cause infectious diseases.

One of the main factors preventing the occurrence of diseases is proper and nutritious nutrition for budgerigars. Their food should be varied, standardized and contain the required amount of vitamins. Overdose nutrients in itself can lead to serious health problems for budgerigars. This also applies to the use of various fortified feeds, which are given to birds not constantly, but only from time to time.

Of the many diseases, the most common among budgerigars is psittacosis, a disease of parrots. The disease is caused by chlamydobacteria, which were previously considered viruses. It is known that psittacosis is a widespread disease among different types birds living in nature. Parrots can become infected by carrying the infection from a sick bird or by being in a contaminated environment in which a sick bird lived. The disease is even transmitted through the droppings of sick birds. Often the disease is very severe, and within a few days a huge number of birds die.

Birds experience swelling of the connective membrane of the eyes, copious discharge from the cloaca, and sometimes a severe runny nose. Loss of appetite and catastrophic loss of strength sets in. Birds that survive this stage of the disease become chronically ill and the symptoms of the disease are less pronounced. But since birds constantly carry a source of disease in their bodies, at the slightest overload or stressful situation(during transportation, at an exhibition, etc.), with overheating or a minor cold, the disease worsens. At this time, there is a danger of the disease spreading and infecting healthy birds. In any case, chronically ill birds are characterized by slow growth, they gradually lose strength and finally die. Autopsy of sick birds reveals severe necrosis of some areas of the liver and a greatly enlarged spleen. The lungs of budgerigars are less susceptible to disease. Due to the fact that until recently psittacosis was considered dangerous disease(and above all for humans), during outbreaks of this disease entire flocks of budgerigars were destroyed.

With the introduction of antibiotics (tetracycline group) into medical practice, the number of psittacosis diseases in birds has decreased. This was largely facilitated by the restriction on the introduction of free-living budgerigars. Mass events, such as bird shows, also pose a certain risk to healthy birds, when relatively small spaces there are many cages with birds of different species. At such moments, the risk of infection or infection is very high. Therefore, before sending birds to an exhibition, they undergo a thorough veterinary examination, and after returning, exhibition birds must be quarantined for some time separately from other birds.

The disease, which often occurs in flocks of budgies, is caused by intestinal rod-shaped bacteria - salmonella. Birds become infected from one another through contaminated excretions of sick birds, as well as through contaminated food and drinking water. The disease progresses very quickly, and the bird dies due to dehydration due to severe diarrhea. If the disease becomes chronic, the main symptoms are swelling of the joints and muscles, growth inhibition, general weakness, drowsiness, and lethargy. Birds chronically sick with salmonellosis become carriers of the disease. Infection is detected by bacteriological analysis of droppings or by autopsy of the bird.

Causes a skin disease - scabies. The disease primarily affects the beak, eyebrows, head and legs. The horny substance of the beak looks as if it is perforated with numerous depressions, the skin around the beak and eyes becomes inflamed and covered with a lumpy mass. The same thing is observed on the fingers, where the horny cover grows and the scales reach enormous sizes. The disease sometimes spreads to the feathered parts of the bird's body (around the cloaca).

When the disease is advanced, the birds breathe heavily and become lethargic. But this disease can be cured. The non-feathered parts of the body are usually lubricated with an oil solution, and the feathered parts are well sprayed with the aerosol preparation “Arpalit”. Duration of treatment is one week. After this time, the formed layer of horny crust should be removed from the birds (especially around the beak), all grooming tools should be thoroughly washed and boiled, and the cage or enclosure should be treated with a disinfectant.

Of the non-contagious diseases, budgerigars most often experience enlargement of the thyroid gland. The cause of the disease is not entirely clear, but may be due to a combination of several factors. The most pronounced symptom of the disease is fatigue; birds lose the ability to fly. At first, breathing becomes difficult after physical exertion, and at the end of the disease - even at rest. Shortness of breath often leads to misdiagnosis, and birds are treated for pneumonia or upper respiratory tract inflammation. If birds are found to have an enlarged thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency, it must be added to the water or food. In such cases, birds can be helped quickly and easily.

However, recently this disease has been increasingly observed in budgies, whose food is systematically supplemented with various drugs, in particular fortified millet as the only type of food. When examining birds with respiratory failure, care must be taken, since at the slightest sudden movement - pressing on the crop or changing the position of the bird - they suddenly die. Therefore, caring for birds - shortening their claws and beaks - should be postponed until they are completely recovered.

Budgerigars often develop gout.


The disease is caused by overfeeding these birds with homemade food that is not typical for them. Yet the causes of this disease in small birds are not entirely clear. It can be assumed that we are talking about metabolic disorders and a simultaneous change in kidney function. This proposal is based on the fact that excess salts accumulate in the joints.

Signs of the disease include the appearance of nodules around the joints and tendons on the birds' legs. Nodules white with reddened veins and swelling, they apparently cause birds severe pain. Budgerigars with gout are depressed, they get tired quickly and cannot stand on their feet. These external signs are a reflection of internal, more serious disorders of the kidneys or other internal organs, in which large amounts of uric acid salts accumulate. In the initial stage of the disease, birds experience alternating lethargy and vigor, lack of appetite and its sudden appearance. Sick birds drink a lot. During an exacerbation of the disease, bird droppings are liquid and abundant. And later severe diarrhea begins. In this condition, birds without special treatment can die within three to four days (counting from the first day of the appearance of nodules on the legs). But in some cases the disease becomes chronic.

During treatment, it is necessary to remove the formed nodules on the birds’ legs. To do this, you need to pierce the nodule with a disinfected needle and squeeze out the liquid. Relief occurs immediately, although the possibility of new nodules cannot be ruled out. Such home treatment is usually supplemented by giving the birds medications that help dissolve uric acid salts. In parallel with this, animal proteins and vitamin preparations are excluded from the birds’ diet. Apparently, excessive doses of the vitamin. And lead to deterioration physical condition budgies. Experience shows that the hope of curing birds from gout is not without foundation.

Serious damage to the plumage of budgerigars is permanent molting. This disease is widespread among budgerigars, which all year round contain too warm apartments. In this case, we are not talking about a specific disease, but simply about the bird’s adaptation to a constant warm and dry environment. For therapeutic and preventive purposes, we can only recommend changing the environment and maintaining an average duration of sleep in a cool room.

Many fanciers are interested in a feather disease in budgies called French molt. It must be said that at present this unpleasant feather damage cannot be treated. In young birds, soon after their first departure from the nests or just before departure, wing or tail feathers rapidly fall out, and new ones either do not grow or grow with defects. In any case, these new feathers are shortened or underdeveloped. Typically, the shafts of such feathers contain coagulated blood, indicating that the feathers were still “alive” at the time of shedding. An analysis of the blood of such birds shows that there is a sharp decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, and a study of the bone marrow at the same time indicates an increased activity of substances that produce red blood cells. Many researchers believe that this situation is typical when there is an excess of vitamin A in the body and a simultaneous lack of vitamins E and K.

In parallel with this, factors were identified whose influence undoubtedly stimulates French molt:

  • stressful conditions as a result of crowding, premature laying, unseasonal reproduction;
  • selection of budgerigars for the purpose of obtaining exhibition specimens;
  • unfavorable sanitary and hygienic conditions during breeding;
  • infectious diseases, environmental and nutritional factors not in themselves, but only as factors that aggravate stress;
  • pairs of parents who have had French molt are more likely to produce offspring with this disease;
  • feed compositions containing excessive amounts of fish oil or preparations with vitamin A sharply increase the number of sick birds.

Goiter inflammation

One of the relatively common diseases of single males. Most often, the disease occurs after the bird burps, and it then pecks its burp. However, due to poor-quality food - old moldy grains, stale egg food - pairs of parrots can also get inflammation of the goiter. In a sick bird, there is a significant increase in the crop, filling it with a watery mass, from which the bird tries to free itself.

Thickening of the goiter walls is noticeable to the touch; the contents of the goiter are foamy with a disgusting odor. The bird suffers from diarrhea and quickly loses strength. The disease is often caused by pathogenic microbes or fermentative fungi. Sometimes the cause of the disease may be the bird swallowing indigestible objects (pieces of cotton wool, fabric, plastic, etc.), which prevent the passage of food into the stomach. Various medications can be used to treat the disease. A sick bird needs qualified treatment, so you should seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible. But first of all you need to adjust proper nutrition sick bird.

Many budgerigars suffer from chronic enlargement of the crop, when the cavity of the crop is overfilled with food. Upon examination, it turns out that the walls of the goiter are thinning, and the food entering it hardens. Chronic expansion of the crop spoils the appearance of the budgerigar, which is in good condition can take an unlimited amount of food, but in a sick bird, food is retained in the crop, the walls of which become flabby, causing the bird to quickly lose strength. In such cases, even surgical intervention leaves no hope for recovery.

Diarrhea in budgies is one of the most common reasons their death. Diarrhea in birds is more a consequence of the disease, rather than the disease itself. Diarrhea is not always a consequence of intestinal inflammation, as even experienced amateurs mistakenly believe. Knowledge of the causes of diarrhea in birds has great value when choosing appropriate medications and treatments. In addition, treating any disease that causes diarrhea, such as in mammals, can lead to catastrophic consequences in birds.

Only when we are sure that diarrhea is caused by an incorrect diet do we have the right to treat a sick bird on our own, without resorting to the help of a veterinarian, that is, in the case when the bird, although it has liquid droppings, is mobile and not loses appetite. Birds usually recover quickly if they are given crushed activated carbon, twigs fruit trees with bark or small doses of phthalazole. In this case, green food such as lettuce, cabbage, plantain, etc. should be completely excluded from the diet. In case of prolonged diarrhea, when the birds continue to experience drowsiness, lethargy, and lack of appetite, they must be sent for examination to a veterinary station. In this case, you need to take pieces of droppings with you for laboratory tests.

The reason for the retention of eggs in females may be inflammation of the oviduct, a cold during oviposition, when the female cannot lay an egg, and if she lays it, the egg turns out to be of an ugly shape or abnormal size with an excessively fragile shell. Sick females take a horizontal position, stretch their heads forward and breathe heavily.

A sick female is usually placed in a room with an air temperature of 30° - 32° C, under the influence of heat her spasms stop, and she finally lays an egg. If the egg is retained in the cloaca or in the lower part of the oviduct, the bird needs help: with a swab dipped in liquid paraffin, massage the areas around the cloaca with light circular movements, gently pressing on the abdominal cavity. This helps the female squeeze out the egg. It is very important not to crush the egg. If these measures do not help, you should contact your veterinarian. But under no circumstances should you crush the eggs - this will lead to the death of the bird.

Budgerigars, especially older ones, often experience tumors. In most cases, these are benign tumors of adipose tissue - so-called lipomas. In birds, lipoma is characterized by rapid growth after a relatively long dormant phase. Despite the fact that this is not a malignant tumor, it sometimes grows to such a size that it prevents birds from moving. Removing a lipoma that is located under the skin is harmless and has virtually no risk.

In single males, such a tumor often forms on the testes and reaches such a size that intestinal functions are disrupted; the abdominal cavity presses on the cloaca, and the insides are visible through the thin walls of the peritoneum. If the disease is not too advanced, female sex hormones are used, which are administered using a syringe. Removing diseased testes is a difficult operation, but doable.


In budgies kept in an apartment, this happens often. Most often, these are fractures on the wings, on the legs, especially in places devoid of muscles. If the fracture is not open, the wing is tightly tied to the bird’s body with a bandage, thread or plaster and the parrot is placed in a small cage. After 7-10 days, the bandage is removed after moistening it with water.

If the fracture sites have healed, the bird is left alone for about another week, and only then is it allowed into the common cage. In the same way, when a leg is broken, an adhesive plaster is tightly tied around the damaged area and secured in the desired position. The bandage should not be tightened too tightly so as not to interfere with blood circulation.
For open fractures, you should consult a veterinarian.

It also happens quite often in budgies. This is a consequence of both insufficient grinding of the beak and transferred infectious disease caused by various fungi. When shortening such a beak, it is necessary first of all to take into account the specific function of this organ in birds, and not its ideal shape or size.

Repeatedly shortening the beak causes it to grow even faster. For correction, use sharp forceps, not scissors. Separate incisions are made obliquely, from the side, so as not to cause stretching of the beak ligaments, which can lead to disruption of connections with the skull or to fractures and cracks of the horny substance. Beak correction required great caution- During this operation, birds often experience severe bleeding at the tip of the beak. If the horny substance is damaged, for example by scab, it is necessary first of all to cure this disease, and then carry out the necessary corrections. The same can be said about damage to the horny substance caused by fungi.

A procedure that requires caution and attention. The location of the cut is determined by the border of the blood vessels in the cellular core of the claw. To do this, you need to take the bird in your hands and examine the regrown claw in the light: the vessel is clearly visible in the form of a dark line. Particular care must be taken when shortening the claw when tilting it to the side.

Often the cause of overgrowth and deformation of the claws of budgerigars is perches that are disproportionate to the mass of the birds.

Able to live longer than in their natural habitat. This is due to more comfortable conditions existence: the owner himself will take care of food, steam, vitamins and so on. This is the key to resilience poultry to diseases. But it is impossible to completely protect your pet from diseases, and the best prevention is proper care and compliance. favorable conditions content.

Signs of a Healthy Bird

The health of a parrot directly depends on its owner. If the food is correct and the cage is clean, then diseases of wavy pets are usually suppressed by strong immunity.

The main differences between a healthy bird and a sick bird include:

    bright and clean feathers;

    expressive look;

    clean beak;

    smooth scales on paws;

    interest in others;

    the pet sleeps on one leg.

If the bird fully matches the description, then it is completely healthy.

General symptoms of diseases

Diseases of budgies are visible almost immediately and are noticeable already on the first day.

Symptoms of budgerigar diseases:

  • refusal of food;

    unkempt appearance;


    the budgerigar is breathing heavily;

    mucous discharge from the beak;

    tail down;

    constant need to drink;

    growths on the legs and beak.

If such signs appear, the bird must be given immediate assistance, as its condition may suddenly and sharply worsen.

Basic principles of treatment

Some diseases of budgies and their treatment can be identified and carried out at home.

The main methods of providing first aid include:

    Warming up

A lamp is placed near the cage, with which the temperature is maintained at about 26–27 °C. Keeping warm helps increase the body's resistance. But this technique is useless for symptoms of bleeding and injury.

    Glucose and honey

Treatment of budgies for vitamin deficiency and liver diseases is carried out using a 10% glucose solution, which is given to the pet for 3 weeks. Also add a few drops of honey to the drinking bowl. These remedies strengthen the body and increase immunity.


They are given for poisoning and diarrhea. Enterosgel is best, it is liquid and can be given with a syringe, without a needle, of course. If not, take polyfepam or activated carbon - these drugs can be found in any pharmacy.

Caring for a sick bird

A sick budgie sits away from other individuals in a quiet place. White paper sheets are placed at the bottom of the cage to constantly monitor the status of feces.

If a budgie gets sick, it should be fed peeled oats or millet. Greens and cereals are excluded for a while. A budgie that is being treated at home can drink weak tea or chamomile decoction.

The heating lamp should be positioned in such a way that the pet can, if desired, move closer to the warmth or, conversely, hide in a shaded area.

When in a timely manner measures taken treatment, the bird recovers in 3–4 days. After recovery, she is washed under warm water and wipe dry. The cage also needs to be washed and disinfected.

Identification of diseases by droppings

The droppings of a healthy bird are brown spirals with a greenish tint and white spots. Often their color changes due to the predominance of greens, beets, and carrots in the food.

What do budgies get sick with if they are not cared for properly? More often these are diseases of an infectious nature, which immediately affect the condition of the litter.

    Liquid droppings indicate dehydration, and if the bird refuses to feed and has diarrhea, it has become infected with a fungal disease. To restore the microflora, the pet is given Vetom or Linex.

    The presence of undigested food indicates inflammation in the crop.

    The white color of the litter indicates a problem with the kidneys. They are treated with Cymax and Vitasol.

    If the droppings are black, this is most often associated with internal bleeding, for which Dicinon is prescribed. One drop of the medicine is dissolved in four drops of water and injected into the pet’s beak in several doses throughout the day. Decoctions of nettle and plantain are added to the drinking bowl.

Common diseases: treatment and comments

When a budgie gets sick, few people know what to do. Often, budgerigar diseases, the symptoms and treatment of which are very different from each other, are determined with the naked eye.

Scabies mite

Mite diseases of budgies are not difficult to identify: the insect causes severe irritation and subsequent growths on the head, eyes, beak and paws. Carriers are infected birds, branches from the street, unwashed food and greens.

The best medicine for ticks is aversectin ointment.

Tips for scabies mites in wavy:

    Other drugs are used with caution - most of them are toxic and lead to poisoning of birds.

    Vaseline oil kills ticks, but is completely harmless to laid eggs, so it is used only in the initial stages of the disease.


To eliminate pests, use “Insectol”, “Frontile”, “Clandestine spray”.

    Medicines are used carefully, since improperly diluted medicines often cause the death of birds.

Many diseases of budgies, the symptoms of which are recognizable by external signs, are the result of the inattention of the breeder.

These could be:

    Goiter inflammation

A sick bird regurgitates food, the crop increases in size and moves to the side. It is often felt from the beak bad smell. Causes of poisoning: poor quality feed, air with toxic dyes and smoke, dirty water.

Wavy birds are treated with special medications: antibiotics, homeopathic remedies. The goiter must be washed with solutions of soda and boric acid(5 and 3%).

In this article I will look at the main diseases of budgies. I will list the main types of ailments of pet parrots and their symptoms. I'll tell you which of them are dangerous for humans.

What can budgies get sick with?

The lifespan of budgerigars in captivity is 10-15 years.

However, these cheerful and active pets often suffer from diseases that can kill them in a short time. Diseases of parrots can last from a few days to a chronic course throughout their lives.

Budgerigars, like other pets, are susceptible to various diseases.

The most common diseases of budgies can be divided into three groups:

Let's look at each of these groups in more detail.

A pet can get sick by eating contaminated food, pecking at branches brought from the street, or from other sick pets.


Parrots are susceptible to helminthiasis - worms

Infecting humans with helminths from a parrot is unlikely.


Mite infestation

Symptoms of knemidocoptic mange (infestation with scabies mites) are characterized by the appearance of growths and peeling on the skin around the eyes, paws, and the stratum corneum of the beak. The bird becomes lethargic, refuses to eat and chews its legs.


Bird fleas

Bird flea infestation is accompanied by itching, restlessness, skin lesions, sleep disturbance and refusal to eat.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases of parrots are not so common, but they are extremely difficult to treat. Some of them are dangerous to human health.


The causative agent of the disease is the bacterium Mycoplasma taceae.

Healthy parrots become infected with mycoplasmosis from sick birds, most often through airborne droplets.

The causative agent of mycoplasmosis

This disease is accompanied by watery discharge from the nostrils, sneezing, shortness of breath, decreased appetite, and immobility. The parrot often takes a characteristic pose (ruffling), and wet feathers can be seen around the eyes.

The causative agent of the disease does not pose a danger to humans. Birds are often permanent carriers of the pathogen.

Severe stress and unsanitary conditions can affect the transition of the disease to the active phase.

Psittacosis (ornithosis, “parrot” disease)

This microorganism is present in almost most representatives of parrots. The catalyst for the onset and development of the disease is stress.

Parrot with psittacosis

Signs of the common illness include runny nose, sneezing, heavy breathing, diarrhea, weight loss and lethargy. Affecting the respiratory, digestive and cardiac systems, the disease “hits” the eyes and the bird can become completely blind.

This disease often ends in death, otherwise the bird will be a carrier of a serious disease for the rest of its life.

The disease can be transmitted to humans aerogenously through particles of fluff and dried bird feces. The disease is curable, but there is a high probability of complications and repeated infections ornithosis.


A dangerous disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract.

The causative agent of salmonellosis is the rod-shaped bacterium Salmonella typhimurium

Once in the body, the bacterium causes severe intoxication of the body, disrupts vascular tone, and damages the nervous system. The main symptoms of salmonellosis are severe diarrhea and weakness of the bird. Over time, the bird may notice yellowing of the mucous membranes, bluishness of the limbs (legs), and swelling of the joints.


Most often, infection occurs through consumption of contaminated food. dirty water and non-sterile eggshells. It can be cured with antibiotics.

The disease is dangerous for humans. Lack of treatment can lead to serious complications, including death.


The disease is caused by the yeast fungi Candida.

The development of the disease is facilitated by poor feeding, weak immunity, and long-term treatment with antibiotics. Depending on which organ is affected, symptoms may vary.

Causative agent of candidiasis

The pet has breathing problems, a thickening of the goiter, and white coating on mucous membranes, regurgitation of food, loss of appetite, apathy.

Cases of human candidiasis being infected from poultry have not been recorded, but a person can easily “reward” a bird with this dangerous disease.


Fungal infection caused by representatives of the genus Aspergillus.

Aspergillosis has no obvious symptoms. However, the bird may notice difficulty breathing and wheezing.

Causative agent of aspergillosis

If the disease becomes chronic, the parrot noticeably loses weight, the condition of the feathers worsens, and the pet becomes lethargic and inactive.

Aspergillosis is dangerous for humans. In advanced cases, it can cause damage to the respiratory and nervous system. This disease is transmitted by inhalation, including from parrots.


A disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis avium.

Infection occurs by airborne droplets, through food, and feces of a sick bird. Symptoms do not appear immediately; the disease is protracted. Tuberculosis affects the respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, skeletal system, and sometimes the skin.

Tuberculosis bacillus

The main symptoms are severe diarrhea, difficulty breathing, lack of appetite, joint damage, skin growths, nodules on the mucous membranes, and anemia.

The bacterium mycobacterium avium does not cause tuberculosis in humans, but is still dangerous because it can cause harm to health.

Non-communicable diseases and their symptoms


The appearance of a cold in a parrot is the result of a violation temperature regime poultry keeping. The main symptoms of the disease in a budgerigar appear in the form of watery discharge from the beak, sneezing, heavy breathing, and passivity. At the same time, the pet constantly trembles and refuses to eat or drink.


Poisoning of a parrot can occur due to the consumption of stale water, poor-quality food, or intoxication of the body. The pet experiences diarrhea, vomiting, complete refusal to eat, throwing back the head, weakness, and sometimes paralysis.

At the first symptoms of poisoning, the parrot must be provided with plenty of fresh water and immediately contact a veterinarian.

Goiter inflammation.

Inflammation of the goiter is a common ailment of budgies.

Symptoms of inflammation of the organ mucosa can be confused with symptoms of poisoning or a cold.

First, the bird loses interest in games and stops making sounds. Later, a characteristic sour odor of the crop contents appears. In the final stages, the pet's crop swells, the muscles of the crop stop working normally, the mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint, and the bird stops eating and drinking.
The reasons for the manifestation of this disease are different.

When the first symptoms appear, the owner should contact a veterinarian.

How to tell if your budgie is sick

Most of the primary symptoms of budgerigar diseases are easy to identify. What you should be wary of:

  • lack of appetite;
  • excessive drinking or refusal of water;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • changes in the color and consistency of droppings;
  • frequent bowel movements, vomiting;
  • discharge from the eyes and beak;
  • difficulty breathing, coughing, sneezing;
  • feather loss;
  • shaking or throwing back the head;
  • lameness, cramps.

These are not all the symptoms accompanying diseases of budgies. There are many more of them. However, the presence of the above signs will be an alarm bell for the owner. The first thing to do is to understand what he is sick with and begin to treat him immediately.

If you find symptoms of illness in your parrot, contact an ornithologist

Most diseases of budgies are associated with the quality of feeding, maintenance and care of the pet. Regular inspection of the bird, creation of favorable conditions and attention are the key to the health of your feathered friend.

There are a lot of domestic birds - there are a considerable number of species of parrots alone: ​​budgerigars, cockatoos, lovebirds, grays, nymphs, and besides them there are also pigeons and canaries. However, the diseases and symptoms are very similar for everyone.

Large birds get sick somewhat less frequently, but they still need to be closely monitored. Parrots are good at hiding their illness, but there are some signs by which you can determine that not everything is all right with your pet.

Main symptoms

The first symptom of parrot disease is unusual droppings. It always changes depending on the food, but it is necessary to monitor whether there are yellow, rusty-brown or black inclusions in the droppings. They may be symptoms of internal bleeding. You also need to pay attention to the density: it should not be too liquid, not too dense, as this can also indicate a problem.

Ruffled feathers, especially if it's a parrot for a long time hunched over, may indicate a cold. In addition, ruffled feathers hide weight loss well. So if this continues for more than a day, you need to contact your veterinarian.

Redness, inflammation, or discharge from the wax. The cere is the small area above the beak that includes the nostrils. If there is noticeable discharge, redness or inflammation, the bird is sick. It is necessary to wrap her up warmer and contact an ornithologist veterinarian.

Cloudy eyes of a parrot, like any other ornamental bird, secretion of mucus from them or rolling of the eyes can indicate problems with the respiratory, nervous or muscular systems.

You need to monitor your appetite: with the bird's intense metabolism, the parrot must receive a sufficient amount of food daily. If the bird has lost its appetite and refuses to eat, this may indicate intestinal blockage or constipation. It is necessary to clean the cage as often as possible, as this will help you notice any changes in diet and droppings in time.

Breathing with an open beak indicates respiratory diseases, which, unfortunately, are most common in these southern birds. If your parrot is breathing in a sitting position with its beak open, it means it has been sick for a long time: this is the most serious symptom, requiring immediate veterinary attention and possibly hospitalization.

Dirty feather cover can also be an alarming symptom. Parrots are very clean; they clean their feathers and bathe every day. Therefore, if the bird’s plumage is untidy, the rump is frayed and stuck together, it is necessary to closely observe the pet for about a day. If this behavior continues, you need to contact your veterinarian.

Weight loss, which parrots often hide with ruffled feathers, affects the functioning of the pet's internal organs. Therefore, it is recommended to weigh the bird so as not to miss weight problems.

Frequent raising and lowering of the tail is a symptom of a respiratory disease. Birds do not have a diaphragm that separates the chest and stomach, and muscles at the base of the tail help expand the lungs and breathe. Sometimes sick birds may cough.

Silence, that is, if the parrot has stopped singing at normal times, may also indicate a disease. Like people, many birds become silent when they get sick. You need to know your pet’s daily routine in order to notice in time whether any deviations have appeared.

If their health deteriorates, a pet can hide its head under its wing and doze all day, and on two legs: when they are healthy, they sleep on one leg, sitting on a perch. If a parrot sits at the bottom of the cage, this is an alarming sign: it means that it does not have the strength to climb onto the perch.

You should always carefully examine the condition of the horny covering of the beak and legs: the horny coverings should be smooth, shiny, clean, without delamination or cracks.

A parrot's vomiting may indicate a serious illness. The causes of vomiting can be different, and to find out, it is better to consult a doctor. An untrained person will not be able to determine them himself.

If the feathers are stained with droppings, this may also be a symptom. The cause may be either poor nutrition or bacterial infection, and for a final determination, tests and consultation with a specialist are needed.

Growths and inflammation of the joints and paws, plaque and redness may indicate infection or infestation by mites. Need help from an ornithologist.

Shedding is normal in a parrot, but normally it should occur gradually and almost imperceptibly. If the molting is violent, with some parts of the body exposed, it is necessary to pay attention to it and find the reason.

Causes of diseases

The causes of parrot diseases are most often improper feeding and care, non-compliance with zoohygienic conditions, drafts, cold and damp room, overheating under the sun or radiators. Birds can also become infected through food, in particular from rats and mice. The source of the disease may be sparrows, crows or new parrots that have not undergone a month-long quarantine. If a parrot shows symptoms of the disease, it must be isolated from other birds, but provided with increased attention and peace.

Prevention of diseases in parrots

To keep your pet healthy, you need to maintain hygiene, a balanced diet and constantly monitor the behavior and appearance of the parrot. Then he will delight with his health.

The cage must be treated with disinfectants at least once a quarter. You should not catch a parrot to avoid stress. It is better to lure him carefully, with his favorite treat.

Major diseases in parrots

Gastrointestinal tract, as a rule, suffers from stale food, especially from stale dairy products - milk itself or cottage cheese with yogurt. Without millet for a long time, it also contributes to stomach upsets. Diseases are recognized by droppings and shaggy appearance.

Respiratory organs(airways and lungs) are affected more often than others. The reasons are usually drafts, colds, cold water or infection. Symptoms: runny nose, cough, mucus in the nasal passages, sneezing. The sick bird should be moved to a warm room, the nasal openings should be cleaned and lubricated with glycerin and iodine tincture. Antibiotics may be administered as directed by the veterinarian. In case of pneumonia, a disheveled parrot sits on the floor, on two legs, breathes heavily, coughs, sneezes and hides its head in its plumage. Treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Mineral metabolism disorders occur with a lack of calcium or phosphorus. At the same time, the bird’s feathers become deformed, the density of its plumage decreases, and it can pull out and eat its feathers. Without timely measures, the parrot may die. In case of these diseases, you need to diversify your diet: give fresh herbs and sprouted grains, and, if necessary, vitamins.

Severe beak and claw regrowth can occur in a cramped cage or with improper care. They interfere with taking food and moving along a perch or grid. Overgrown beak and claws should be trimmed with sharp scissors, but very carefully so as not to cause bleeding. If bleeding begins, the bleeding nail must be lubricated with iodine and trimming should be stopped. In order for the bird to naturally grind down its beak and claws, you need to place pieces of soft wood, branches in the cage and provide a little more freedom.

The parrot may also be sick scabies, which affects the skin of the legs and the feathered part of the body. It is caused by the scabies mite. A white or gray-yellow, lime-like mass accumulates under the scales on the legs. Feathers may fall out and the skin may turn red. In winter, the disease may subside, but in the spring it intensifies again. Such a parrot needs to be isolated, the cage disinfected, the affected areas lubricated with glycerin, and the legs washed with warm water and green soap, removing growths with tweezers. Next you need to lubricate with turpentine or anti-scabies ointment, and the feathered areas with a decoction of tobacco. At first, treat every day, after improvement - once or twice a week, until recovery. Scabies mites occur due to poor hygiene.

Coccidiosis also occurs due to careless care. A sick parrot looks depressed, its appetite decreases and thirst increases, it loses weight and defecates loosely, sometimes with blood. The form of the disease can be acute or chronic; if chronic, it can become dangerous for other birds, as it secretes coccidia. There is no effective treatment, and the mortality rate from this disease is quite high. Sometimes nitrofurazone (0.011%), glycarbylamide (0.0003%) or nicarbazine (0.125%) as an additive to soft food can help. You can disinfect the cage and equipment with two percent sodium hydroxide.

Poisoning can occur when eating poisoned grain and table salt in pure form. The bird is thirsty, it may experience cramps and diarrhea, and its wings droop. It is treated by washing the goiter using a probe attached to a syringe. Then they lower the bird upside down, lightly stroking the crop, and force the liquid to pour out. And so on several times. If your pet is poisoned table salt, then wash it with water and castor oil. If potassium nitrate and cyanide compounds are used, the goiter should be washed with a two percent solution of methylene blue or a four percent solution of potassium. After washing, the pet should be given a decoction of flaxseed or starch. Poisonous copper compounds (for example, copper sulfate) can be neutralized by washing the crop with a 0.2-0.5% solution of tannin, and in the case of organophosphorus compounds (chlorophos, thiophos, karbofos, etc.) - with a 0.5-1% solution of bicarbonate of soda. If you eat pickled grain, the crop should be washed with a suspension of charcoal at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per liter of water. The earlier poisoning is detected, the more effective the treatment. If a toxic substance enters the bloodstream, that is, the disease was discovered too late, the bird cannot be saved.

Injuries, such as bone fractures - complete, when the bones come apart, and incomplete, with cracks - can also occur in parrots. In the case of a closed fracture, the limb hangs unnaturally and swelling is visible in the area of ​​the fracture. When open soft fabrics damaged, bleeding is observed, in case of an incomplete fracture - swelling and pain. If bleeding begins, the wound must be carefully examined, cleaned, and the bleeding stopped with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. After this, the limb must be placed in the correct position and a splint applied for 10 - 15 days. The splint consists of two thin sticks with a plaster cast.

If kept carelessly, the parrot may develop eye inflammation. This can also be facilitated by harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and tobacco smoke, and the lack of vitamins in the diet (primarily vitamin A). The eyes may fester, tears may flow, and the eyelids may stick together. Here we need fresh herbs and sprouted wheat, as well as cleanliness of content. For treatment, wash the eyes twice a day with a solution of boric acid. For a solution in 100 ml of boiled clean water you need to add 3 g of boric acid and mix thoroughly. After washing, you can drip 1 drop of vitamin A solution. To do this, add 0.5 ml of vitamin A alcohol solution to 100 ml of boiled water.

Psittacosis caused by chlamydobacteria, previously considered viral. This disease is also common among parrots living in the wild. It is transmitted from other birds. Its forms are often very severe. Pets experience copious discharge from the cloaca, swelling of the connective membrane of the eyes, and sometimes a severe runny nose. There is a loss of appetite and a sharp loss of strength. Parrots that survive this stage of the disease become chronically ill, and the symptoms of the disease do not appear so clearly, but exacerbations are possible.

Obesity Parrots in small cages are susceptible when fed heavily, especially food of animal origin and oilseeds. This disease deprives the bird of its ability to reproduce, causes shortness of breath, decreased activity and cirrhosis of the liver. They may also develop constipation, which needs to be treated.

Aspergillosis cause mold fungi, as a result of which nodules form in the air sacs, lungs, or even internal organs. The source is mold in the food or cage, dirt. Symptoms include discharge from the nostrils and rapid breathing, extreme thirst and diarrhea. Treatment methods are currently being developed.

Smallpox-diphtheria may be caused by a filter virus when kept in dirty and damp conditions and with a lack of vitamins. For treatment, you need to lubricate the mucous membrane oral cavity, having previously removed diphtheritic deposits, with a solution of iodine and glycerin in equal parts, a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide or a 0.5-2% solution of dichloramine or chloramine.

Parrots also get sick tuberculosis, but, unfortunately, it cannot be treated. The disease begins unnoticed, gradually affecting the lungs and other organs.

Difficulty laying eggs in females, especially in young people, makes them lethargic, then the temperature rises, and feces accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning the body. The reasons are cramped housing and poor feeding. For treatment, a few drops are injected into the cloaca. vegetable oil, wash the lower abdomen with warm water and gently massage with your fingers. Then the bird is placed in a box with soft bedding and placed in a warm place. If the female does not lay eggs within 2-3 hours, the egg must be removed with tweezers, carefully so as not to injure the mucous membrane, in small pieces.

We must remember that our medicines are not always suitable for birds, and the doses should be many times less than for humans: after all, for example, an adult budgerigar weighs 2000 times less than a person. Self-medication can be dangerous, and a progressive disease can reach a stage where diagnosis is difficult to establish.

When sick, parrots are often given sedatives in appropriate doses. You can add it to water or food. But it is necessary to bury it in the beak carefully, in small portions. Otherwise, strong defensive reactions may occur. You need to control the swallowing process by moving your tongue.

Signs of the disease usually appear during the day. Therefore, a caring owner will definitely notice the changes in time. It's always better to play it safe and consult a veterinarian. And don’t forget to keep your pet safe best conditions. The water needs to be changed every day, and in the summer - twice a day. Chemicals should be stored with care: household chemicals, medicines, varnishes, paints and solvents.

Read in this article

Just yesterday your little wavy was chirping happily and flying around the apartment, but today he has become ruffled and refuses to eat? There's clearly something wrong with him. The parrot has been attacked by some kind of illness, and the cause of the illness must be found as soon as possible, otherwise the sick bird may die of starvation. A budgerigar is sick - what to do and where to go? How and with what to treat this fragile creature?

How to determine that a wavy is sick

The first sign of the disease immediately catches the eye: the parrot is not active. If he closes his eyes, sits quietly in the cage and does not try to fly out, then something has happened. If apathy is the usual state of your bird, then you can determine it by a change appearance pet:

  • ruffled feathers on certain parts of the body;
  • scabs on the paws and cere;
  • liquid droppings;
  • unnatural color of the droppings (normally it is green-brown with white);
  • mucous membranes;
  • watery or festering eyes;
  • refusal to eat.

Attention! Most danger sign parrot diseases - sitting at the bottom of the cage. This means that the wavy is so weak that it is not able to stay on the perch.

When a parrot is sick, several symptoms coincide at once. If you find at least 3 of the listed signs in your wavy, contact your avian veterinarian.

Why do budgies get sick?

When a pet settles at home, all responsibility for its life falls on the owners. After all, the climate environment, food, safety - all this is provided by humans. This means that the blame for the fact that the wavy suddenly falls ill also lies with him. What could be the causes of a bird's illness?

  1. Poor nutrition. A parrot can get sick due to a change in food or because the owner treated him to something from his table. And if a bird’s diet is high in fat, it can become obese.
  2. Poor quality water. If you do not change the water for a long time, harmful bacteria will form in it. A bird can easily get poisoned by them and get sick.
  3. Drafts. Budgerigars are very gentle creatures. Any draft for them is fraught with a cold.
  4. Stress, fears. This happens if there is a child living in the house who drags the bird, pulls its tail, or constantly screams loudly next to the cage. The parrot will lose peace, stop eating and get sick.
  5. Boredom. Another reason for the disruption of the normal psychological state of a budgie. If the owners do not play with him, and there are no toys or mirrors, the wavy may fall ill from melancholy.

What do budgies get sick with?

A wavy dog ​​bought at a pet store may also be sick. They usually don’t care much about compliance with standards for keeping birds, so you need to choose a parrot very carefully. Or buy birds from breeders. When choosing a parrot, pay attention to the following factors:

  • smooth plumage;
  • clean wax and tarsi;
  • clear eyes;
  • planting the parrot (it should sit on its legs and not bend over the perch with its tail);
  • bird activity.

A lethargic, apathetic parrot should not be taken, even if the seller assures that it is just...

How to treat a budgie

As soon as you notice something wrong, contact your veterinarian immediately. But the problem is that not every city has a bird specialist. In this case, only self-treatment can help. What can and should be done if your budgie gets sick?

Basic steps

A sick bird should be immediately separated from healthy parrots and given rest. Then wash the feeder and drinker with fresh food and clean water. A lamp should be placed nearby, because a sick bird is constantly freezing.

You cannot leave a sick parrot alone for a long time. You need to constantly monitor your food levels. If the food does not decrease, it is necessary to feed the bird artificially. Dairy-free baby food or porridge made from ground cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet) are suitable for this. No salt or sugar: dilute the cereal dust with water and inject the wavy into the corner of the beak through an insulin syringe (without a needle!). At one time, the bird should receive at least 1.5-2 “cubes” of porridge.

Possible cures

To always have a healthy and active budgie at home, you need to feed it properly, change the water on time, protect it from drafts and play with it more often. And then your pet will only delight you with its liveliness and enthusiasm.