Machine plastering or hand plastering, which is cheaper. Machine plaster: pros and cons. Mechanical plastering of walls

To plaster surfaces by machine, machine stations and hand-held machines are used. These devices can be based on different principles actions, which affects the speed and efficiency of their work. In this article we will look at the details and features of the plastering process. mechanically.

Mechanical plastering of walls

Finishing walls and ceilings through plastering can be a costly process that requires manual labor.

However, it is possible to simplify and speed up the process of performing such an operation by using a mechanized method. It involves the use of specialized equipment that will result in a flawless surface.


One of the main features is that some modern devices make it possible not only to carry out the plastering operation, but also a number of preparatory work on surface treatment. In some cases, this makes it possible to eliminate or minimize the need for manual labor and the use of small-scale mechanization.

What equipment is offered for automated plastering?

There are only two basic principles of machine application: jet and mechanized. In addition, the jet type is divided into two more categories: screw and pneumatic.

Installation of pneumatic hammer: machine for applying plaster using a mechanized method

A pneumatic hammer or pneumatic shovel is equipped with several nozzles that are designed for hard and soft solutions. The device consists of:

  1. steel container for scooping the mixture;
  2. four nozzles for supplying the composition;
  3. four nozzles for air supply;
  4. tube holder with built-in valve supply and adjustment of compressed air.

Pneumatic pistol automatic

A pneumatic gun for automatic plastering is a short nozzle barrel, which is equipped with threaded connection for installing various attachments. Depending on the type of nozzle used, the degree of spraying of the mixture and other parameters are determined.

At the top of the machine there is a container for the mixture, usually five liters. The device is also equipped with a trigger that controls the supply of plaster. IN bottom part gun, a hose for supplying compressed air is inserted into a specially provided hole.

Is it possible to make wall leveling equipment yourself?

You can make a homemade unit for plastering walls yourself; according to the principle of operation, it will repeat the spray gun, which is powered by a compressor.

A cut fire extinguisher is used as the basis for the device, so that a container of four to five liters is obtained. Next, a tube with a nozzle with a diameter of four millimeters is inserted inside to supply air directly into the outlet of the fire extinguisher. The power of the device is affected by the diameter of the outlet nozzle, as well as the size of the gap from it to the compressor valve.

What kind of compressor should be for the device?

The compressor for the station must be good and pump air quickly. His main task is to create and maintain an operating mode at a pressure of two to three atmospheres.

Pros and cons of plastering with stations for leveling walls by machine

When considering the issue of the machine method of plastering surfaces, it is necessary to separately analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

Among the advantages are:

  • High labor productivity.
  • The ability to ensure a strong connection between the plaster layer and the base.
  • Possibility to significantly save plaster.

Disadvantages include:

  • The need to purchase an expensive station, rent it, or hire a crew.
  • It is necessary to ensure sufficient and uninterrupted supply of power and water.

It takes up to five days for a fresh plaster layer to dry, and the temperature range in the room should be maintained between 5 and 30 degrees.

Automatic gypsum machine plastering of walls: which machine is suitable

Automatic gypsum machine plastering is the process of applying a leveling and decorative layer to a previously prepared surface using specialized equipment. To perform such an operation, one of the main types of devices is suitable:

  • pneumatic shovel;
  • air gun;
  • plastering machine.

Each of the devices is characterized by its own characteristics, properties and principle of operation.

It is extremely important to apply the layer of plaster evenly, evenly and quickly. Only a trained and experienced specialist can effectively handle such a task.

How to apply plaster to ceilings and walls

The working process of applying plaster by machine is divided into stages.

First of all, preparatory measures are carried out in the room where the work will be carried out. Accordingly, at this moment, wiring and other hidden communications are laid, and then beacons are installed.

In parallel with the preparatory activities, configuration is carried out plastering station, which usually has three phase motor and does not work, without special permission, from an ordinary home network. Water can be supplied to the station from a water supply pipe or a reservoir of sufficient volume. A high-quality plaster composition with good strength characteristics is prepared inside a plastering station. Traditionally, a proportion is used where there are five liters of water per ten kilograms of dry mixture. The mixture is prepared in an airtight container. After the mixture has been prepared, the main work process begins. After setting up and starting up the equipment, the mixture is supplied under pressure through a pressure hose, and then applied to a previously prepared surface using a special gun.

The speed of applying plaster is quite high, which makes it possible to carry out large volumes of work in a short time. Thanks to special thickener additives, the mixture does not spread over the surface of the ceiling or walls.

To ensure proper operation plastering station and an impeccable result after the operation, it is recommended to use only specialized mixtures.

Work on applying the plaster layer begins from the corner of the room, moving further between the beacons. After the mixture has been applied, it may in some cases be necessary to manually level the layer and then grout.

The article discusses information about the details and features of the mechanical plastering process, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

Useful video

Today we discussed the details of an apartment renovation with a customer, and the conversation turned to machine plastering.
I decided to record important points in this article.

What is “machine plaster”

Machine plastering is a modernized method of leveling walls.

How is plastering usually done?
The walls are primed, beacons are installed (special slats to control the thickness of the layer).
In a large container, use a mixer to make a solution from the plaster mixture.
The master scoops up the mixture with a bucket, carries it to the wall, applies the solution by hand and stretches it with a straight line.

In “machine plaster” the stages “make the solution - bring it to the wall - apply it to the wall” are automated.
The unit is installed and the plaster mixture is poured into it. The unit automatically prepares the solution. The worker takes a hose connected to the unit and applies the mixture to the wall under pressure from the hose.
There is no need to work with a mixer, no need to carry buckets, and no need to manually apply the solution to the wall.
All that remains is to work according to the rules.

Advantages of machine plaster:

1. Quick application.
Plastering work in one-room apartment can be completed in just three days.
You will have to work manually for 7-10 days (although the work can be sped up if you use several craftsmen at the same time).
That is machine method 2-3 times faster than manual. But only at the application stage (read more below).

2. Savings.
Machine plastering allows you to save on putty work. After “hand” plastering, you need to apply 2 layers of putty, and after machine plastering - only 1 layer.
Putty in 2 layers costs 300 rubles per square meter, in 1 layer - 150 rubles.
In total, with machine plastering, wall repairs will cost 150 rubles per square meter less. Let’s say the wall area in an apartment is about 100 sq.m., which means we’ll save 15,000 rubles. Plastering one room with a wall area of ​​40 square meters, which means we will save 6,000 rubles.

Disadvantage of machine plaster:

It takes a long time to dry.
“Hand plaster” takes about a week to dry. Machine plastering may require a full month at the same temperature and humidity.
I remind you that until the plaster is dry, putty and apply finishing coat not allowed (wallpaper, paint, tiles). Otherwise, we risk receiving in a short time dark spots(from dampness), or even fungus on the fresh finish.
In total, by using machine plaster, we save several days during application, but extend the overall work time by 2-3 weeks.

When to use machine plaster?

It all depends on the priority: money or deadlines.
If 2-3 additional weeks of repairs are not critical for you, you can use the machine method and reduce the cost of work by several thousand rubles (benefit = 150 rubles * wall area).

Sometimes you can reduce downtime by doing non-wall related work.
Plaster work is done first. While the walls are drying, you can, for example, repair floors, ceilings, and plumbing.

Choose the best option for yourself - and let the renovation be a pleasure for you!

P.S. It will help to figure out what plaster is responsible for and what putty is responsible for.

One of the most popular ways to level walls is plaster. This procedure is labor-intensive, especially when it comes to large areas. To facilitate its implementation, special mechanisms were invented.

Mechanical plaster is an innovative method of wall finishing. This procedure is carried out using a special plaster station, which applies the solution to the base automatically. Despite its novelty, this method has quickly spread in the construction industry. It allows you not only to speed up the finishing procedure, but to make it cheaper and of better quality.

Applying plaster using a mechanized method

It is important to understand that the function of most plastering stations is limited to applying the mixture to the walls. Preparation of the base, leveling procedure, priming and grouting are carried out in the traditional way. manually. Although the latest developments of devices are capable of ensuring the implementation of the entire complex plastering works, but their prices are still sky-high. In addition to leveling walls, the automatic station can be used to pour concrete floors and small foundations.

The undoubted advantages of mechanized plaster include:

  • High performance. Even the most primitive stations supply solution at a rate of 1.2 m³/hour. When recalculated for one day shift, the result is 20-40 m² of wall. Compared to the manual method, the time gain reaches four or more times. If everything is done correctly, then even the rough base will be more even, which significantly saves time on further leveling.
  • No environmental pollution. This makes it possible to use mechanized plaster to carry out repairs in schools, kindergartens, offices and other premises where people work or study. This is explained by the fact that the stations operate on environmentally friendly solutions that do not contain harmful toxic additives.

  • Economic effect. Thanks to the saturation of the solution with air, uniform laying is achieved inside the station. This eliminates waste of material. To apply one layer by machine, 13 kg of mixture is enough (although the same area with manual plastering will “pull” 16 kg). This is explained by the fact that the solution prepared in the machine is more voluminous. Moreover, due to high quality The resulting base is enough to putty one layer (instead of two when applied manually). It also makes it cheaper total cost construction work.

  • Excellent adhesion to the rough base. The device ejects a fine-grained plaster mixture under a certain pressure, which helps it quickly stick to the wall. Besides, good adhesion provide special modifiers: without sticking to the mechanism components, they adhere well to the wall. The resulting finish is characterized by strength and evenness: as a rule, practically no cracks or salt stains appear on its surface.

As practical experience has shown, manual plastering is an order of magnitude inferior to mechanical plastering in terms of quality and durability. The manual method involves laying the solution in small portions over an area of ​​up to 3 m² at a time. While the next batch is being made (this takes 40-60 minutes), the previously finished area has time to set.

As a result, hand plastering is more reminiscent of putting together puzzles from individual pieces with varying degrees of humidity. The quality of the solidity of the plaster cover suffers from this. As a rule, it is the joints of these puzzles that subsequently have a tendency to crack. Machine application ensures that the entire finished area has approximately the same moisture content and dries more evenly.

There are fewer disadvantages to mechanized plaster, but they are still present:

  • High cost of equipment. According to experts, the economic effect, taking into account the cost of the station, occurs only when finishing surfaces with an area of ​​more than 900 m². Similar volumes are typical for professional activities. If we are talking about leveling the walls in an apartment, it would be more profitable to do it manually or rent a plastering station.
  • The need to equip the workplace with reliable electrical wiring and centralized water supply. If the work is carried out in an apartment, it is recommended to use a separate cable to connect the device, which is directly connected to the panel. A special hose is used for uninterrupted water supply.

  • The need to care for the car. You need to make sure that the plaster mixture is not inside the supply hose for more than 15 minutes, otherwise it will harden. At the end of the work, the hose and reservoir must be thoroughly rinsed to remove any remaining solution.
  • Drying time. As you know, it takes about a week for a hand-plastered surface to dry. In the case of mechanized laying, this period must be extended to a month, all other things being equal. This is due to the presence of specific ingredients in the mixture. It turns out that while saving on the speed of application, you have to lengthen the drying pause. This once again proves the advisability of using mechanized plaster exclusively for finishing large areas.

If careful analysis has shown the advisability of using mechanical plaster, you should purchase or rent a special unit. Its design includes a control unit, mixer, compressor, receiving hopper and feeding mechanism. Due to the bulkiness of the device, it is advisable to choose a spacious place for its installation.

To apply plaster using a mechanized method, special equipment is required.

The dry mixture is poured into the hopper compartment, where it is divided into small portions: from there they go into the mixer. After water is supplied, the solution is mixed: thanks to the possibility of programming, the consistency of the plaster is ideal. Ready mix enters the supply system, and from there, through the supply hose, onto the base to be leveled.

Stages of work:

  1. Preparing the wall. The quality of this procedure directly affects the overall quality of the alignment. The base must be completely cleaned of all old finishes. The same applies to all protruding parts (mechanical fasteners create particular interference). All dust is removed from the prepared wall using a pneumatic device.
  2. Padding. Acrylic impregnation is suitable for this. All detected cracks and weak points are strengthened with reinforcing mesh.
  3. Checking the verticality of the wall, marking the points of maximum slope. The same applies to angles and horizontal directions.
  4. Installation of beacon strips at external corners.
  5. Setting up the equipment station. This makes it possible to set the required level of solution consistency.
  6. Applying plaster. The optimal distance to the wall is 20-30 cm, at an angle of 90 degrees. It is necessary to achieve uniform filling of the main area, as well as joint and corner areas. Laying thickness is 3-20 mm (it is adjusted by the speed of movement of the hose).
  7. Without waiting for the laid plaster to harden, it must be leveled according to the rule. This will require one more worker.
  8. The set mixture (this takes 15-20 minutes) is trimmed using a trapezoidal rule.
  9. Grout. It allows you to tell the plastered wall perfect condition. The surface may be rubbed no earlier than an hour after finishing leveling. A special sponge device (grater) is used for rubbing. If milk protrudes, processing continues with a wide spatula. The process is repeated several times.

Also watch a useful video on mechanical application of plaster.

Any plaster, classical or decorative, can be applied by two methods - machine and manual. Many people find it difficult to choose one method or another. After all, both methods have their own characteristics and advantages.

First of all, it is worth mentioning the main difference between machine-applied plaster and a composition applied manually - the former uses additives that allow the solution to be used in plastering stations. Such additives allow you to automate the application process, as they prevent the plaster from sticking to the working surfaces of the unit. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the number of workers, save time, and also increase the efficiency of mixture application activities.

Application of machine plaster can only be offered by a company that has a plastering station at its disposal. The prepared solution is applied to the surface using a hose with an appropriate tip. Leveling the applied layer of plaster is done manually. The main advantage of machine plastering is the speed of completion of all work: experienced master able to process 20-45 sq.m of surface per shift using this method.

Thanks to high performance, machine plaster is cheaper than manual plaster, but not by much. After all, a specialist working at a plastering station earns more per shift than an ordinary plasterer working manually: good qualifications are worth good money. In addition, the cost of depreciation or rental of expensive equipment, as well as its transportation, repair, purchase of spare parts, etc. cannot be discounted. As a result, the machine application method is used in cases where it is necessary to plaster large surfaces with a small number of niches and openings (for example, building facades).

Unlike machine technology, the manual application method involves the use of classic tools - a spatula and a trowel. Hand plastering takes longer to apply than machine plastering: during a shift, a master will be able to plaster only 5-7 square meters of surface. Therefore, this method is used for indoors small area or for areas with a significant number of protruding and curved architectural elements - columns, niches, arches, etc.

The types of materials used for plastering surfaces also vary depending on the working conditions. For building facades they are used various types facade plaster mixtures with increased water-repellent and thermal insulation properties. For interior decoration premises, there are plaster mixtures based on gypsum. In addition, there are numerous types decorative plasters, used both inside and outside buildings. And the most budget-friendly solution is to plaster surfaces with a cement-sand mixture. Anyway

Plaster is one of the most popular types finishing works. Traditionally, it was done manually, which took quite a lot of physical effort and time. That's it now more people leans towards machine plastering, which is carried out using special equipment - a plastering station. So what is better, machine plastering or hand plastering?

Some consider hand plastering to be a more controlled process than mechanical application. According to this judgment, the quality hand plastering better. However, this opinion is incorrect and to be convinced of this, you need to understand the features of both types of plaster.

The mixture for hand plastering hardens very quickly, and the work itself takes a lot of time. This means that the solution must be prepared in small portions constantly, and this complicates and increases the duration of the process. In addition, it is very difficult to apply a solution of the same consistency to large surfaces at the same time. Even experienced specialists first apply a layer and then level it, which invariably entails uneven drying, and as a result, the possible formation of cracks and unevenness. Machine plastering allows you to cover a large area, processing it at the same time. Mixing the components for the solution, constantly maintaining its consistency, and supplying it to the surface occur automatically in the plastering station. Plastering is done over a large area, which allows you to use a rule or a wide spatula for subsequent leveling, as a result of which the layer is smooth and has no differences in density.

If you are still in doubt about whether you need machine or hand plastering, then there is one more argument in favor of the first. Mixtures for mechanized plaster have a lower cost and provide less consumption during operation. When calculating the estimate, the cost of materials and work is immediately included in it, so there can be no additional expenses. To perform machine plastering, you do not have to hire a large team of builders; only two workers are enough. After machine plastering, there is no need to putty the surfaces, which provides additional cost savings.

Applying machine plaster

The answer to the question of what is better for interior surfaces, machine or manual plaster, is obvious - machine plaster. It is used indoors for various purposes– residential, industrial, commercial, office, etc. Only with the help of specialized equipment can you obtain perfectly smooth and beautiful walls in a short time, as well as finishing facades and external surfaces. There is no stress in its inner layer, therefore the appearance of cracks or shrinkage is excluded. To apply plaster, a unit is used that is connected to the water supply and electrical network to automatically mix the dry mortar and water and maintain its consistency throughout the entire work. Guide beacons are installed on the surface. Through a hose the mixture is supplied to the walls under high pressure an even layer between the beacons. At this time, the second worker levels the applied layer of plaster manually using a wide rule. After the plaster has dried, begin its final leveling.

Machine plastering or hand plastering - both types of this finishing require skills and abilities. Therefore, such work should be performed by professionals, since only specialists can provide high results.