Great ideas for arranging a summer cottage. Garden arrangement: a kaleidoscope of budget ideas Decorating with flowers - not invented by us

I never thought that a summer cottage or garden plot is just a garden and a vegetable garden, that is, only a place for fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetables. But it’s very interesting to create a design garden plot with your own hands. The photo gallery of photographs of fellow gardeners, which you will see below, was collected gradually. First, I saved the design ideas I liked most on my computer. And then the idea came to arrange all this as a separate page on the website - in case it would be useful to others. See examples landscape design summer cottages in the photo.

But, nevertheless, I still haven’t thought much about the design of my dacha. I kept putting off decorating the garden plot “for later.” I planted potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, there were a few flowers...

But then I saw this photo (below) in one of our group’s albums on Odnoklassniki and gasped - how beautiful! I realized that garden design with your own hands is a completely achievable task. Moreover, garden design or country house design for the poor can be simple, but very beautiful, even sophisticated.

With the advent of my granddaughter, I realized that the dacha should also be a place for shared recreation. The first steps towards this were to refresh the appearance country house, laying a new concrete garden path and installing a mini sports complex -. But I’m not yet “ripe” to submit a photo of my summer cottage. There is no system - after all, there was no design plan as such either... But the dream is to have beautiful garden new dacha plot remains... Photos more experienced gardeners- a great help on the way to your dream...

Successful layout of a garden plot (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory):

What can you do when you don't have any special skills? landscape designer? Special literature suggests that you should start designing a garden plot, any one, with a plan. First it matures in the head, and then it begins to come to life.

This is of course ideal option. But, if you already have a ready-made plot, this is not a reason to abandon the design of the garden plot.

In general, of course, a garden, a vegetable garden, their design should be associated with something pleasant. I always wanted to have my own house, to have a courtyard around the house, so that I could admire flowers and plants while relaxing, that is, to have an aesthetically designed area next to the house. And in the back of the yard let there be dill, parsley and other garden delights.

But... I don’t have a house, I only have a dacha. It is located 10-15 minutes walk from my house, so I go there almost every day. The dacha for me is an outlet, a place where I relax, even working in the garden. I think that any summer resident acquires a plot not only to fulfill the family food program, but also for recreation.

House area in early spring

I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants to have own home, the cottage was a place where you would want to sit comfortably, relax, and experience the pleasure of what you see. So that you can say “the eye is resting.”

A house, a vegetable garden, a garden... On their acres, everyone is free to place everything that will help them have fun. Here, everyone is their own boss, choosing the design and style of decorating their dacha or plot of land near their home. Everything you place or plant will in one way or another reflect your inner world, whether you like it or not.

Successful design of an artificial reservoir

For example, I really liked the ideas of my fellow Internet friends on the design of the garden part of the site and the flower bed. Now I’ll introduce you to what they came up with! Perhaps you will take something into your piggy bank...

One of them arrived in Kuban relatively recently. But I liked her garden design.

Photo by Anna Pasechnik from the station. Settlements of the Krasnodar Territory)

What do you think of this option for raised beds?

Everything is ready - planting soon!

In Kuban, the indigenous people had not made raised beds before. At least, they didn’t do it during my childhood and youth. And in middle lane, northern regions - this is common practice. Sometimes this is the reason poor soil or cold climates where a raised bed helps to retain good, nutrient soil in one place, accumulate and save heat. It is physically easier to process, plant, and sow, since you don’t have to bend so low to such a bed when planting seedlings or pulling out weeds.

By the way, a high bed is easier to keep without weeds. If it is done according to all the rules, there will be few or even none at all.

I can’t unequivocally advise everyone who lives in Kuban to make raised beds, because, firstly, I myself don’t have such experience, and, secondly, something tells me that it’s not for nothing that they didn’t make raised beds in Kuban before .

Our land is fertile - there is no need to import soil from afar. And then, it’s hot here. The soil in high beds, if it is not watered regularly, will dry out faster and be easier to collect high temperature from the sun, that is, with us raised beds, if they are in an open area, they need to be shaded with something. This should be a shadow from an artificial “shade” (curtains, canopies, awnings, fences) or natural - shadow from trees, shadow from several rows of tall corn or sunflowers.

For example, like in the picture below. There is a canopy stretched over the tomato bed. And although there are no raised beds in this photo, all Kuban gardeners now have a need to shelter plants from the scorching sun.

The beauty of garden beds

But this is my opinion - the opinion of a person who has not experienced in practice what raised beds are, and my theoretical conclusions “cannot be applied to the case.” If you have experience, please share it in the comments.

In any case, high beds are no longer uncommon in Kuban. You can’t brush aside this experience; on the contrary, you need to take a closer look - what if there is a rational grain in all this.

Subject to certain conditions, raised beds can exist and make life easier for gardeners in the Kuban. And what these conditions are, I think we will all decide collectively - by trial and error. Time will show!…

I came across this idea - to plant raspberries in a bed insulated with slate, it is also raised.

High bed for raspberries (photo by Elena Polovnikova from the village of Pavlovskaya, Krasnodar Territory)

What could it be? good idea! Raspberries have a feature that owners of small plots may not like - they grow in all directions, where they should and shouldn’t. And such a fence will not allow her to act without permission!

The fact that raised beds can decorate, organize a vegetable garden, and add their own touch to the design of a garden or vegetable garden, I think, does not raise any doubts in anyone’s mind.

And this is what traditional garden beds look like! I think it's beautiful too! This is also design - everyone has their own personality.

Tomato heaven
Beautiful beds peas
Garden classics - carrots and onions
Elegant lettuce bed Salad geometry

And the flower beds! There is generally room for imagination! This is not only a place for flowers - it is a state of mind, it is, perhaps, the main decoration of a house or site.

Do-it-yourself garden beds - there’s nothing complicated about it. Look what good layout another online friend of mine has a flower garden!

Beauty is in the clarity of the lines of a flower garden - good at any time of the year (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)

But, really, nothing complicated! But that's the beauty of it! The flower garden is pleasing to the eye different seasons! Have you noticed that I only have exclamation marks?... Admire! But don’t forget to “wind it up” either!

Lush beginning of summer (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)
“Young” alpine slide - it will be beautiful!
Successful design alpine slide
Shady corner of the garden (photo by Valery))) - KUBAN RUS)
Yucca in the center of an alpine hill And the fence doesn’t seem so boring anymore...
Triangular flowerbed
Designing a path in the garden
“Gvozdichny” stream (photo by Elena Nadtochiy from Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory)
Flowerbed in the center of a shady courtyard (photo by Lidia Martynova from Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory) Hostas and heucheras decorated the area behind the house, where the sun rarely hits (photo by Nadezhda Abramovich, Krasnodar region)
Roses are the main decoration of the fence (photo by Olga Shestakova from Temryuk, Krasnodar Territory)

Good luck to you! We are waiting for new gardeners and gardeners to join our VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Google+ groups! We are waiting for new photos! Your garden design ideas are interesting not only to you! The photo gallery needs to be updated!

(17 ratings, average: 4,29 out of 5)

Summer is just around the corner, the holiday season begins. And many summer residents are beginning to prepare for the new season. Buy something more, plant it, paint it, make repairs at the dacha. But what should those who have just purchased a summer cottage do? Of course, work on its arrangement.

Territory arrangement

Cleaning and planning

The dacha should be clean, cozy and, most importantly, comfortable. You need to start arranging the site, of course, with cleaning. The area must be cleared of leaves, tree branches and various household debris. Stones and construction debris should also be removed.

Next, you can plan how to equip your dacha. In this case you may need landscape designer services. If you do not have the finances to pay for the work of a designer or want to arrange your own dacha, then you will have to study this area a little.

It all begins from planning and drafting. You must first figure out what to leave in place and what to redo. It is advisable not to touch the trees; you can only increase their number by planting new ones. This is justified by the fact that it is plants and trees that create a unique country atmosphere.

In most cases, a summer cottage consists of the following elements:

  1. A place for rest and leisure. Gazebos, barbecues for barbecue lovers, tents for night rest.
  2. Playground. Sandbox, swings, slides.
  3. Economic plot. Garage, shed, bathhouse.
  4. Country garden. You can plant different fruit trees, for example, apple, cherry or decorative green trees.
  5. Country garden. You can plant there at your discretion. different plants, for example, strawberries.

Selection of fencing

Next, you should move on to fencing the site, since no owner would want strangers to move freely in his possessions.

Fencing is best done made of brick or metal mesh . These materials are of quite high quality; their manufacturers guarantee a long service life.

But there is also more cheap options . For example, fences. This option has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • low cost;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • lightweight design and easy assembly/disassembly;
  • easy disposal (after the expiration date, you can send the fence to the fireplace for combustion).


  • short service life - no more than 3 years;
  • fragility.

Gallery: arrangement of a summer cottage (25 photos)

Laying out tracks

The tracks are very important element cottage interior. They come in the following types:

Each of these types is unique in its own way. Concrete paths are distinguished by their simplicity and cheapness, so you can make them yourself. Concrete consists of water, cement and additional components that can be found at any building materials store. As for the tools for creating a design, we will need roofing material.

Stone paths are quite expensive, but that's explained original appearance . If you have a supply of natural stone, you can use it and purchase the missing stone. It doesn't have to be identical.

The bricks are laid out by hand and joined together cement mortar. If you want to do everything efficiently, you will have to work hard for a long time.

A distinctive feature of stone and concrete paths is that they are characterized long service life and can easily withstand loads of up to 500 kilograms.

Relaxation area

It is advisable to arrange a place for relaxation in the garden or on the lawn. You can put several benches and a table. For barbecue lovers, we can recommend a grill, but due to fire safety regulations it must be placed away from the recreation area. Installing a barbecue near a neighbor's property is also prohibited. Don't forget about gazebos and canopies. They can be placed closer to the center.

Nowadays they have become very fashionable garden swing. They are usually designed for 2-4 seats. Another interesting option site arrangement is swing sofas, which are perfect for receiving guests and relaxing for retirees. They are designed for 3-4 people, do not sway too much, which makes it possible to ride and talk at the same time.

There are more for children budget optionswing made of plastic. Such swings are quite stable and are not inferior to other more expensive options. Stability is ensured by metal frame. Quite often they are sold complete with a slide for kids.

The most conservative and simple swing is the hammock. Hammocks come in two types:

  • with fastening between two trees or support posts;
  • frame stationary with prefabricated structure.

They are very strong and can withstand weight up to 150 kilograms. When arranging playgrounds for children, you need to focus on safety. They should be located closer to the gazebo or house to make it convenient to keep an eye on children. The playground should be light and cool. To do this, you can install awnings there. Slides, swings, horizontal bars quality and safety must be selected. In addition, do not forget that the playground must be kept clean. Swimming pool, if there is one at the dacha, needs to be fenced with mesh, because it is considered an unsafe place for children.

Arranging a recreation area at your dacha is an opportunity to show your imagination. You can even install benches made with your own hands.

Garden decoration

Now it's time to start landscaping your dacha. Lawns and flower beds should look harmonious and blend with the house, creating a natural area. You need to pay attention to the composition of the soil. If it is dry and hard, it should be treat with fertilizers.

Shrubs and lawns- This business card each garden plot. In order not to waste time growing a lawn, you can buy it and simply spread it. If you want to grow a lawn yourself, you can purchase special seeds. But for this, the soil will have to be well treated with fertilizers.

When purchasing ready-made lawns, you should pay attention to their color, drought resistance and freshness. They must be shade-tolerant and resistant to trampling. If you have little experience in such matters, you can contact your neighbors or a specialist at the store where you buy this lawn.

Country shrubs can be planted near fences and paths and do not forget to care for them. Such shrubs are beautiful, but rather finicky to care for. If you care for them properly, they will bear fruit.

If we talk about flower beds, they delight the eye with their presence. You can choose different combinations colors: tulips, periwinkles, Adonis amur. And do not forget that they need to be watered on time, since flowers growing in flower beds do not tolerate the sun and heat very well. But it shouldn't be too dark.

You can do it yourself using cellophane and a balloon.

Design direction

If we talk about which landscape style to choose, it primarily depends on your age and hobbies. In addition, your ideas should match your budget.

For people who have retired, practicality is important. They will most likely grow vegetables, berries and fruits on the ground. Therefore, almost all summer they will be at the dacha.

But for young people, beauty and romance are important. They will not have time to care for the lawn and flower beds, since they will only appear at the dacha to relax.

Taking these features into account, the dacha plot should be developed. At the same time, we must not forget that the personal plot is the face of the dacha.

Most often, plots are designed in the following styles.

  1. Architectural modern. This style is suitable for young people who love comfort and convenience. Sheds, gazebos, a small pond, swings, sofas, sandy paths, fountains and, of course, if there is room left, a swimming pool. At the same time, we must not forget about our financial and technical capabilities. Because this style requires a lot of effort and financial costs. From the architect - the idea, and from you - the resources.
  2. Regular garden style. This style focuses on shrubs and flower beds. They are shaped and cut in various shapes. It can be a circle, square, oval, triangle. Shrubs need to be trimmed strictly according to their geometric structure. At the same time, their landing is important. Properly planted shrubs will be much easier to trim. Correctness means sufficient distance between plantings.
  3. Rural-natural style. This style is suitable for retirees who like to create vegetable gardens at their dacha. Everything should look natural - flower beds, flowers, sandy paths, trees. It’s as if everything grew naturally in nature. You can build mini-greenhouses and greenhouses.

Lighting system

The lighting system should be perceived not only as an economic one, but also as a decorative element. Lamps play an important role as they not only provide light but also decorate the interior or exterior.

Lighting must cover the house, garage, gazebo, recreation area and paths. In addition, you can create decorative lighting. These are classic lamps near the paths and in the center of the gazebo.

In order for the system to work properly and without interruptions, you need to constantly adjust the central panel. IN personal plot it would be reasonable install automatic LEDs. They are characterized by a long service life and ease of use. The garden plot should be well lit.

Construction of a veranda

Many people consider the veranda an essential part of their dachas. As a rule, the idea of ​​building this element arises after purchasing the site.

This classic place for an unforgettable holiday. The ideal option would be to arrange it on the veranda fireplace or stove– it will not only look beautiful, but will also allow you to spend your leisure time there in the winter.

To prevent the veranda from being filled with various unpleasant odors, definitely necessary install high-quality hood . You can also install a sofa or rocking chair there. You can put it on the veranda oval table medium size.

To enjoy nature in winter, you can decorate the veranda indoor flowers . All of the above features may seem complicated to you at first, but if you delve into the details, you will understand that there is nothing complicated.

It is important to understand that if you equip your dacha with your own hands, then you will be much more comfortable spending time there. In addition, you will not have to spend money on paying for the services of a landscape designer.

Nowadays, the dacha remains the only salvation from city life. Here clean air And wildlife, this is a great place to calm your nerves and relax. And no sanatoriums are needed, because in creation ideal place you yourself participated in the rest.

Gone are the days when summer residents tried to use every piece of land to grow vegetables, berries, and fruits. Now the owners suburban areas They strive to improve their estates and turn them into a charming recreation area. How to arrange a dacha with your own hands with a minimum of costs, turning it into a wonderful relaxation area? This is interesting and very exciting activity.

How to beautifully arrange a dacha?

So you have purchased country house with the site. Where to start improving it?

  • First you need to get rid of unnecessary bushes, junk and anything else that doesn't suit you.
  • You should outline the location of future alpine slides, a pond, a stream, a veranda, a gazebo, paths - everything that you want to see on your territory.
  • To create a stream and its authenticity, it is necessary to arrange a slope.
  • You should decide on a garden landscape style that is suitable for the appearance of the house, taking into account the size land plot. Experts believe that it is much more difficult to create a design for a small area.

All improvement plans must be weighed against your financial capabilities.

Site fencing

It’s worth starting with a fence around the area. The fence can be made of concrete, brick, wood, metal profile. Hedges made from (forsythia, spirea, barberry and other plants) look original. These beautiful hedges serve a protective function, forming a dense wall of shoots, foliage and flowers.

Looks impressive instead of a live wicket decorative arch from climbing plants. It is important for such an arch to make a strong support from metal structure. Plants for a beautiful, neat arch require careful and timely pruning and good care.

recreation area


Designers recommend installing a veranda or gazebo on the property, the style of which harmoniously matches the house and other buildings in the garden. In addition to the comfort of the gazebo at the dacha, it will also be great place rest on hot days. If there are small children in the house, then the gazebo can be designed in the form fairy house, and put sculptures of fairy tale and cartoon characters around it.

Possible instead of traditional wooden building make a green gazebo, lined with flexible trees: birch, maple, willow, linden. Don't forget to leave room for entry. Around the site at a distance of about a meter you need to plant trees or climbing shrubs: lemongrass, girl's grapes, honeysuckle, hydrangea, actinidia or climbing plants: hops, sweet pea, decorative beans. Of course, for this original gazebo special care is required: regular trimming of bushes, removal of dry leaves, direction of growing shoots.

Garden paths

Beautifully made paths can significantly change the appearance of the area. They divide the site into zones and landscape the dacha. They can be made from decorative paving slabs, gravel, concrete slabs, flat stones, wood, stone chips, mosaics and even laid out from wooden cuts. It all depends on the imagination of the owners and their financial well-being.

Flower beds and flower beds

A village hut with a front garden looks completely new. It is enough to plant ordinary unpretentious flowers in the front garden that do not require special care: chamomile, primrose, marigolds, calendula, cosmos. It is better to choose perennial flowers with openwork beautiful leaves. Not very attractive buildings will help to disguise climbing plants: virgin grapes, clematis, honeysuckle. These vines require reliable, strong support.

Plants in a flower bed or flower garden that are well-chosen in terms of color and flowering time look beautiful on the site. These can be composed of annual and perennial flowers, as well as ornamental grasses, cereals and shrubs.

A lawn with an edging as a border of flowers or a flower bed of flowers of different heights and flowering bushes, located in the middle of the lawn.

For device original flower garden Various household items and obsolete items are suitable. For these purposes, you can use any means of transportation (bicycle, cart, car, scooter), dishes (buckets, tanks, pots, watering cans, bathtub), shoes. Old dishes You can restore it by decorating it with mosaics, pebbles, make decoupage, braid it with vines or rope.

Alpine slides are very popular among gardeners. Of course for beautiful slide you need to adjust the topography of the place, select the right stones, and then select the appropriate plants.

Decorative arches

If you arrange an arch with a flowering flower on a garden path climbing plant, then such a structure will decorate the garden and be a pleasant invitation to the recreation area. By installing several of these arches, you will get a shady seating area where you can relax on a hot day.

So we figured it out, turning it into a beautiful garden. Outbuildings can be camouflaged with tall or climbing bushes. The garden landscape can be supplemented with a small pond or reservoir, made of stones

For many of our compatriots, when they hear the phrase “dacha plot,” a picture involuntarily appears before their eyes with an endless number of tomato and cucumber beds, an old shed for equipment and a gazebo inherited from the previous owners of the land. Meanwhile, modern resources and magazines beckon us beautiful photos landscape design projects, where every centimeter is decorated local area or garden is thought out to the smallest detail. The Russian landowner (even of the tiniest plot) also wants to see his territory beautiful, well-groomed, inviting greenery and the opportunity to relax in the shade on fresh air. But at the same time, we are not ready to give up beds of herbs and the opportunity to pick ripe vegetables right for a family dinner. Is it possible to combine the practical benefits of growing vegetables, fruit trees and greenery with the beauty of landscape design? Of course, even on a tiny plot of land, nestled between the fences of private houses on narrow city streets, you can create your own green oasis for relaxing in the fresh air. It will take some effort, but the task is quite doable. We hope that an impressive selection of projects created in a wide variety of territorial conditions will help you be inspired to take action in your own garden or allotment.

We draw up a detailed plan

Regardless of whether you have a tiny piece of land near your city home or are the happy owner of a huge plot outside the city, the first thing you need to start creating the garden of your dreams is drawing up detailed plan. Of course, the original plan is not a dogma carved in stone, it can be changed in small ways, but the main points must be spelled out (drawn) clearly. Without a specific plan of what exactly you want to see on your site, you could be wasting time, money and effort. For some, it is important to be able to admire flowering flower beds and sit in the shade of fruit trees, while others are more interested in growing vegetables and the opportunity to roast meat on the fire in their own yard or any other local area.

On paper or in a special program, arrange the main objects of your site - buildings, recreation areas, a sector for cooking on fire, dining area, children's playground, greenhouse or greenhouse, gazebo or canopy. It all depends on your preferences and the area of ​​the plot. Next, you need to mark the location of the flower beds and planting of trees. Depending on the passage groundwater, location of the site in relation to the cardinal directions and landscape features, choose tree planting already at the planning stage. The same applies to flower beds and beds - it is better to know in advance what plants (sun-loving or preferring shady and humid areas) you will plant in them. Better to spend time on initial stage rather than face the need to replant or even cut down already grown plants that simply do not have enough sun.

Next, you will need to outline the location of the garden paths. These are not simple elements of landscape design that help owners get from one sector of the site to another. Paths help to zone a site, distribute functional segments and create orderliness in the layout of the territory. Not to mention the fact that getting from one corner of the site to another in slushy weather without properly designed paths is extremely difficult.

Depending on the budget for the landscape design of your site, its size, the presence of buildings and their materials, garden paths can be laid out:

  • stone (plastic);
  • pebbles;
  • fine gravel;
  • brick;
  • paving stones;
  • paving slabs;
  • concrete slabs;
  • tree.

Many summer residents may decide that laying out garden paths is a waste of time and money. After all, many have their own childhood memories of their grandmother’s garden, where there were no stone or brick paths, and the potatoes grew excellent. But garden paths are not only about the aesthetic appearance of your site, but also about safety, weed control, and zoning of segments with different crops.

Garden paths made of stone look solid and respectable. Of course, the cost of the material may scare the Russian gardener, but such paths will last a long time. If you have any left natural stone from buildings, façade cladding or fence construction, then stone garden paths are your option.

Owners of plots where there are brick buildings don’t even have to rack their brains about choosing the material for the paths. Paving bricks are cheaper than construction bricks and can serve longer as a walking surface. Well, a harmonious appearance for your garden plot is guaranteed.

One of the cheapest options for organizing safe movement around the site is bulk gravel. The only thing to consider is consumables It will take more than usual, because gravel shrinks considerably during use. And yet, gravel is not very suitable for a large plot with a central alley; it is an ideal option for small paths between flower beds and beds.

Another fairly durable option for organizing garden paths is the use of concrete products. Using ready-made concrete slabs or blanks for pouring, you can create paths of any shape and size, wavy and straight, wide and narrow. In construction stores you will see many options for pouring shapes - from round, triangular and polyhedral to asymmetrical products. You can not just lay out a path, but create your own, absolutely unique design.

Of course, the material for laying out garden paths can be combined. For example, the borders of paths (like low curbs) can be lined with stone or brick, and the main part can be covered with gravel. Thus, the boundaries of the paths will be clear and money will be saved. If you lay large pebbles as a base or concrete slabs and compact gravel around them, you will get a practical and beautiful garden path.

If we talk about the location of the beds in the area in front of the house or in the garden, then globally you have two options - using dug or raised flower beds. Dug beds can be fenced with stones. bricks, wooden planks- this way your flower beds will acquire clear boundaries and additional protection from weeds.

Raised beds are very popular in European yards. These gardening techniques began to be actively used among our compatriots. A raised flowerbed can be fenced with boards, stones, bricks or any available material. It all depends on your budget and expectations for the service life of the structures - whether you want to use them only for a season or whether the products should last longer.

There are ready-made vessels for forming beds on sale. Typically they come in round or oval shapes and made from thin sheets stainless steel. This is a practical, relatively inexpensive and aesthetic way to organize beds or flower beds for planting plants, even in conditions that are far from possible for growing herbs and vegetables in open ground.

Even a small area can be decorated with elements that will not take up much space. Beautiful arch or a pergola can serve not only as a decoration for your landscape, but also as a support for climbing plants.

Examples of organizing a “green corner” in an urban environment

Among the city noise and bustle, the abundance of glass and concrete, the lack of contact with nature is especially acute. The desire to have their own small green oasis among gray concrete slabs pushes many city residents to even build a greenhouse on the roof apartment building. Nothing is impossible. You can organize a place to relax in the fresh air on two square meters of land or terrace. If you don’t forget about the possibility of growing fresh herbs for the table in small raised beds or even garden tubs, then you can get not only a patio, but also a mini-vegetable garden right in the middle of the urban concrete jungle.

Even on the roof of the house, you can organize a cozy green patio for spending time in the fresh air, including weeding the beds or mowing a small lawn. Of course, no one talks about planting fruit trees (even dwarf varieties) in huge tubs, but small flower beds or beds with herbs can be organized literally “from scratch.”

For organizing beds or small flower beds on a roof, terrace, or just a modest piece of land, bulk (raised) flower beds are best suited. You can build them using stone, wooden boards (you can use leftover building materials pallets or pallets) or scrap materials (tin sheets, old barrels).

A “living” or green wall is an opportunity to organize a corner for relaxation in the shade of plants for those who do not have any space to plant in the soil. Of course, creating and maintaining a vertical flower bed with plants is not an easy task, requiring more time and effort than a regular flower garden. But an incredibly beautiful, stylish and original building with its appearance will pay for all investments.

2018-11-30 11:16:34 Garden arrangement: kaleidoscope budget ideas

My suburban area is my own territory, the arrangement of which I can fulfill any of my fantasies. This is one of those pleasant things that you want to start immediately. How to arrange a summer cottage, what the garden will be like, where the pond will be, everything depends on us and our desires.

Having received a summer cottage as personal property, we get the opportunity to discover the artist within ourselves, express our creativity, and make our long-time dreams come true. How to arrange a summer cottage will depend entirely on our desire and the skill of our hands.

But first we need to identify the circumstances that do not suit us. Maybe these are old trees, unnecessary buildings left over from former owners, large stones. Before you uproot and throw it all away, I advise you to decide what you actually want to get.

Draw up an action plan, outline a specific goal. It is quite possible that when arranging a summer cottage, stones can be used to create an alpine slide, and an old stump will make a very nice table. When the stage of clearing the site is left behind, I advise you to begin planning future buildings and plantings. Determine where the house will be located, and where the garden will be planted, plan the planting of the lawn, and the construction of a gazebo. Or maybe for privacy you will want to equip a pergola or a cozy green arch. Everything is in your hands, and all plans can be easily implemented.

Eight concrete steps for creating a garden plan.

Stage one. Let's all imagine together how and where each of those present sees themselves at the dacha.

At this planning stage, there is no need to specify the number and varieties of fruit trees in the garden or the presence of corn in the future garden; we decide, so to speak, strategically.

We sketch with simple geometric shapes and sign the future elements of our site.

I would like to immediately warn and remind you of some important points regarding future friendly relations with neighbors in the country:

  • You should not design a house closer than 3 meters from the neighboring territory, this is prohibited building codes, why constantly feel under attack;
  • It is better to coordinate the placement of a septic tank and compost container with your neighbor. This is, of course, possible, but it’s still worth warning;
  • Well, the planting of free-growing trees should be limited to a three-meter distance from the neighbor’s plot.

There are many options that you can imagine: from a factory for breeding “cultivated” earthworms, to your own forest where you can pick mushrooms.

Let's imagine that we settle on a compromise solution that suits most families.

In general terms, our dacha should have:

  • a residential building set back from the road at least 3 meters so that dust from the road does not disturb us;
  • utility rooms combined in one place away from your and your neighbor’s recreation areas;
  • car parking with north side Houses;
  • a productive vegetable garden and garden (our pride) with a public garden, while the trees in the garden are small, these elements of the dacha can be partially combined. Although such a combination is considered a mistake by many gardeners, in my opinion, tree trunk circles Enough lightened trees make original round beds for greens, onions, and even cucumbers and beans. And we must remember that on one acre of garden we can grow six, maximum seven, free-growing fruit trees;
  • gazebo for barbecue and benches for relaxation.

Stage two. It's time to move on to specifics.

Compose full list plants that you and your family want to see in your dacha. Fruit trees, shrubs, grapes, flowers, ornamental plants, please don't miss anything.

I am sure that many points of your plan will change, something will be crossed out, and something will be added. The main thing is not to forget that replanting trees is always much worse than underplanting.

Extra trees will reach for the light, forgetting about the harvest, and they will still have to be cut down. And during their growth, they will greatly harm nearby growing trees.

Stage three. Think about the “geography” of your site.

For example, if you have wetlands and waterlogged areas on your site, and there are moisture-loving plants on your list of desired plants, then this is an ideal case.

And, conversely, if you are a lover of cherries, and the groundwater level is high, then you need to use drainage grooves drain the cherry planting site, and possibly make a mound.

Stones, holes, bumps, stumps, if you are not going to turn them into elements of the design flight of your thoughts, using them to bring beauty with your own hands, then it would be better to remove all this.

Stage four.

Under no circumstances should crops be planted in the shade. When in the shade, a tree must grow into constant direct sunlight to survive.

Therefore, in order for a tree to bear fruit, it must be planted where it is needed, and not poked anywhere.

To do this, let’s draw the shaded areas of our site:

  • We take a blank sheet of paper, imagine that we are on the site;
  • we indicate the cardinal directions and the approximate movement of the sun;
  • We schematically plot future buildings that are already growing big trees, fence and anything that can provide shade;
  • indicate the height of everything listed in the previous step;
  • paint over all shadow areas. We proceed from this rule: the width of the shadow is two times less than the height of the object that gives this shadow. Those places where, according to our calculations, there will be more than half a day of shade, are considered unsuitable for planting productive plants.

An area of ​​full shade can be planned only for paths, gazebos, benches for relaxation, perhaps for a flower garden with interesting design solutions.

Stage five.

Until now, our plan has been dominated by restrictions that do not allow us to realize our grandiose plans.

Don’t give up, we can place all the desired plants on our site if we know that:

  • all trees respond well to CROWN FORMATION. Therefore, we can easily give them any shape with our own hands - from 4 meters of normal height to dwarf sizes, with a width from a “flat wall” to 6 meters;
  • well, the geometric shape of the tree crown itself can be anything - spreading along the ground, in the form of “balls” of different heights or “walls” of different heights;
  • Always place rows of fruit trees and shrubs from north to south (or vice versa). This arrangement will give a total of less shadow, so it will be possible to use row spacing;
  • Gooseberry and currant bushes, as well as trees with a “ball” shaped crown, are planted in a checkerboard pattern, as if in the corners of a triangle. This will give more rational use places and improve the lighting of your plants. recommends planting red currants and gooseberries in elevated, dry, well-lit areas, while black currants, on the contrary, feel good in damp, lower areas. Let the raspberries grow in isolated places on the site; they produce a lot of root shoots, and this way it will be easier to control their growth area.

Stage six. Let's plan a garden.

Think about what kind of vegetable crop you want to harvest. More precisely, how much you need.

If you are not going to feed all your relatives up to the fifth generation, then perhaps round beds in tree trunk circles will suffice for you.

Later you can create similar round beds scattered throughout your garden. The optimal width for them is approximately a meter.

It looks very nice. To make this also practical, you will need to set up decorative borders 30 centimeters high, or even higher, and fill them with humus. Then you can cover it with mulch (grass, rags, husks, straw), then water and lightly weed no more than once a week.

Install trellises on the beds. For climbing vegetables, arrange “vegetable alleys” - connect the trellises just above your height with a roof, a kind of overlap. So you can create a cucumber or bean alley with your own hands.

More on round beds It’s great to build a pyramid - install a support in the center, to which you tie one and a half to two dozen ropes. You can also build an “umbrella” at the top.

On such structures, vegetables, in addition to looking beautiful, also bear fruit well.

Arrange your beds along the southern or eastern walls of the house or utility rooms. In such places, plants grow several times faster than in a simple garden bed. The main thing is to waterproof the walls, otherwise a beautiful wall decorated with your favorite vegetables will collapse over time.

The ideal garden bed will be one that will be visible from your kitchen window. Vegetables growing in such a bed seem to sense your constant presence and grow much more cheerfully.

Stage seven. All that remains is to think about how we will move around the territory of our site.

Think about what, from where and where you will have to transport and carry.

There is no need to plan rectangular patterns of movement around the dacha. Such paths will constantly catch you at their right angles.

Do not be afraid of triangular, semicircular, oblique areas and, accordingly, paths in your dacha.

If such geometry requires simplicity and ease of movement, feel free to arrange such garden paths.

The entire area that does not fall under the beds is your lawn. If you don’t want to worry too much about creating an English lawn, remember the main rule: constant mowing completely destroys all weeds. Only meadow grasses will remain; mowing is their favorite condition.

You will have to master the work of a trimmer and consider that you are the most competent ecological method You have learned how to care for the land at your dacha.

Stage eight (final).

A plan like “a dozen trees behind the house and five berry bushes near the garden” will yield absolutely nothing.

You need to plan the same way you do home renovations. You know exactly where the TV will be - there should be a socket and an antenna plug there.

It’s the same with the dacha project, everything should be literally: “When I sit on the terrace, I will see the Pepin saffron apple tree, behind it the Renet Krasnoznamenny apple tree, and to the left of it the Tolstobezhka pear tree.” In the garden I will put a trellis from north to south, from which cucumbers will stretch towards the house.”

Only an accurate representation of what and how we want will make it possible to avoid in the future unnecessary alterations, uprooting of trees and poor harvest of vegetables. Believe me, it’s much easier to think through everything once, rather than torment yourself every summer to no avail.

Elements of arrangement of a summer cottage

For decorative design dachas, you can plan a lawn. To do this, you need to level the site, dig up and remove all the weeds. Then add soil and sow herbs. And if your plans include creating an alpine slide, then you don’t need to level anything; on the contrary, it requires unevenness.

I would suggest creating a pond. It will be beautiful arrangement summer cottage, decorated with aquatic plants. It is not difficult to do it yourself. First you need to dig a hole and give the soil time to settle. Then plan the distribution of water from the water supply system. This matter is not difficult. Line the bottom of the pond with a special film so that it covers the walls, but not stretched. I advise you to take the film black, this will create the illusion of depth. It must be taken half a meter beyond the edges of the reservoir, sprinkled with sand, and then covered with decorative boulders. You can do it even simpler - buy plastic bath, or any other form, and dig it into the area level with the ground. Cover it decoratively with stones, sprinkle it with multi-colored pebbles, and plant water-loving plants and lawn grasses along the shore.

When thinking about how to arrange a summer cottage, you need to take care of lighting. This important point, especially after dark. Surely in the evening after working in the garden, you will want to sit on the terrace with a cup of tea. This is where inexpensive and beautiful flashlights come in handy. solar powered. They will create soft lighting in the gazebo and emphasize the whimsical line of the path in the dark. Or you can create such lanterns with your own hands, using unnecessary tin or glass jars by decorating them different colors, and cut out patterned holes in the tin. Forged lanterns on poles will look impressive, beautifully and mysteriously illuminating a romantic bench in the garden.

If you have a small space where you need to save every square meter squares, great solution will arrange the dacha plot with vertical beds. This is possible from the old one wooden barrel make a real strawberry tree by drilling holes 5 cm in diameter across the entire surface and planting bushes in them. Fill the barrel itself completely with earth. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet