Physics projects for elementary school. Network projects in physics. Interesting Physics Project Topics for All Grades

  • Kulkov Alexey Vladimirovich, master, student
  • Smolensk State University, Smolensk
  • Ponasova Daria Sergeevna, bachelor, teacher
  • MBOU "Secondary School No. 3", Safonovo

The work discusses examples of topics for individual final research projects in primary school physics. Methodological recommendations for implementing some of the proposed topics are also given.

  • The need and methods of teaching astronomical material in a school physics course
  • Practical work on astronomy “Completing the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram”
  • Using interactive programs to prepare students in grades 10-11 for physics olympiads
  • Implementation of regression analysis in various computer programs

The individual final (IIP) is a special form of organizing students’ activities and is the main object for assessing the meta-subject results obtained by students during the development of interdisciplinary educational programs. Completion of an individual final project is mandatory in the context of the implementation of the Federal Educational Standard. There are several types of IIP that students can choose from:

  • practice-oriented, social;
  • research;
  • informational;
  • creative;
  • gaming or role-playing.

The most interesting and useful for students in acquiring research skills is a research project. A research project requires proof or refutation of some hypothesis. This type of project helps prepare students for research activities at a higher educational institution.

The work proposes a classification of topics for a research project in physics for a primary school, as well as provides brief examples and gives methodological recommendations for carrying out a research project in physics on some proposed topics.

Analyzing the content of the subject “Physics” in basic school, it can be noted that the volume of material studied and its presentation allows students to carry out research work in physics. Research work can be related to both theoretical and practical calculations of physical quantities, and to the design of physical instruments, mechanisms and installations. Based on this, it is possible to specify the types of research work in physics by indicating the types of research projects. Table 1 “Research IIP” suggests types and topics of research projects in physics.

Table 1. Research IIP


Type of research project


A project to answer the question “ What will happen if... »

the friction force will disappear

the atmosphere will disappear

build a building 3000 m high

The Earth will be compressed at the poles by 10%

The mass of the Earth will double

The Moon's mass will increase by 50%

universal gravity will cease to act

Pascal's law will no longer apply

Study of physical phenomena

Study of the phenomenon of free fall

Studying the properties of the rainbow

Study of bycatch and tides

Study of the properties of physical bodies

Study of the temperature of a cooling liquid over time under various conditions

Study of the elastic force of various metals

Studying the friction force between different surfaces

Study of the thermal properties of lead

Study of the thermal properties of water

Studying the electrical properties of water

Study of dependencies between properties of a body (substance)

Study of the dependence of metal resistance on its temperature

Study of the dependence of water resistance on temperature

Study of the dependence of air resistance on the mass of a falling body

Dependence of the planet's mass on its distance from the Sun

Calculation and methods for calculating physical quantities

Calculation of the density of planets in the solar system

Methods for measuring distance

Ways to find strength

Study of the relationship of physics with other sciences and technology

Physics in literary works

Friction in nature and technology

Simple mechanisms in living nature

Simple mechanisms in technology

Jet propulsion in wildlife

Design of physical instruments and devices

Construction of the Kepler tube

Construction of Galileo's trumpet

Steam turbine model

Transformer booth model

Construction of Newton's pendulum

A project to answer the question "What will happen if..." involves calculating the characteristics of bodies and phenomena in new, changed conditions. So, when choosing the topic “What will happen if the Earth is compressed at the poles by 10%,” you can find such characteristics of the new planet as average density, acceleration of free fall at the poles and equator, volume. You can also consider and explain the physical phenomena that will occur here.

Projects « Research of physical phenomena" in most cases they imply theoretical calculations of the characteristics of phenomena and processes. In the topic “Study of the phenomenon of free fall”, you can provide data from theoretical calculations of the acceleration of free fall at various points on the globe (at the pole, at the equator, at the lowest and highest places on Earth) and draw a conclusion about the difference in gravity on Earth.

Project "Investigation of the properties of physical bodies" associated with the design of an experimental setup and the measurement of physical quantities with its help. Consider the topic “Studying the electrical properties of water.” As part of this project, it is possible to measure the resistance of various water (tap, rain, purchased bottles, etc.) and draw a conclusion about its benefits (or harm) for the human body from the point of view of physics. To measure resistance, it is necessary to prepare an installation that will allow you to measure the resistance of the liquid. Figure 1 “Experimental setup for determining fluid resistance” shows a possible example of such a setup.

Figure 1. Experimental setup for determining fluid resistance

The idea of ​​determining fluid resistance is based on the application of Ohm's law. Two conductors are lowered into different edges of a vessel with water, which are connected in series to an ammeter and a current source. A voltmeter is connected parallel to the vessel. Thus, knowing the current strength in the circuit and the voltage at the ends of the circuit (the points at the end of the circuit are equivalent to the points on the conductors that are lowered into a vessel with water), the resistance of water is calculated according to Ohm’s law I=U/R. If each type of water is poured to the same level, and the conductors are lowered into the water to the same depth, then the dimensions of the liquid conductor (water) remain unchanged.

Let's look at another example. When choosing the topic “Study of the thermal properties of lead,” you can practically calculate such thermal characteristics as specific heat capacity, specific heat of fusion, and melting point. If the method of determining specific heat capacity is classical and laboratory work in a physics course is devoted to it, then a number of questions arise with the determination of the specific heat of fusion. Firstly, it is necessary to determine the amount of heat that is given to the lead to melt it. This can be done in the following way: the amount of heat that is necessary to completely melt the lead can be considered equal to the heat (in J) that is released by the soldering iron that melts the lead. And the soldering iron gives off an amount of heat that is approximately equal to the work of the electric current, the characteristics of which are written on the soldering iron. Thus, the specific heat of fusion of lead can be found.

At study of dependencies between body properties (or substance), it would be advisable to construct graphs of the relationship between these properties, as well as to identify the mathematical form of this relationship. To do this, you can use the spreadsheet editor Microsoft Office Excel. This program allows you to construct a graph on a graph with marked experimental values ​​that best describes these points. To do this, a trend line with the corresponding equation is added to the chart. Figure 2 “Dependency in Excel” shows a graph of the temperature of cooling water versus the time during which cooling occurred.

Figure 2. Dependency in Excel

Exploring dependencies between characteristics allows students to gain skills in processing real-world data.

The purpose of the research project " Calculation and methods for calculating physical quantities » - calculate or provide methods for calculating various physical quantities. For example, when choosing the topic “Calculating the density of planets in the solar system,” you can propose a method for calculating the density of planets, which is based on the use of the definition of density ( ρ= m/ V) and the assumption of the spherical shape of the planets (this assumption allows us to find the volume of the planet, like the volume of a sphere, using a known value of the average radius).

Thus, the final research project in physics can be divided into several types. When choosing a specific type and, accordingly, topic, you should pay attention not only to your interest in the topic, but also take into account your individual abilities. For example, if you have strong technical abilities, you should choose topics related to the design of physical instruments and devices. If the student has good logical thinking and likes to experiment, then you can choose the type of research project “What will happen if...”.


  1. Kuznetsova E.V. FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD AND INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL PROJECT // Modern science-intensive technologies. – 2015. – No. 12-1. – P. 103-107; URL: (access date: 01/15/2018).
  2. Kulkov A.V.) – 2017.01.2018).


YOU WILL NEED: 3 small jars with lids, water, green food coloring, vegetable oil, alcohol, dishwashing liquid


  1. Fill the first jar with water to one third of the jar's volume. Add some paint.
  2. Pour oil along the top of the jar to one third of its volume and then alcohol to one third of its volume.
  3. See how the liquids behave.
  4. Also pour water, oil and alcohol into the other two jars.
  5. Add about one teaspoon of dishwashing detergent to the third jar.
  6. Close all the jars with lids.
  7. Shake the second and third cans.
  8. After a few hours, compare the liquids in the three jars.

RESULT: In the first jar, three layers of liquid are clearly visible. A cloudy mixture formed in the third jar. In the second jar, the oil is almost in the middle, but the liquid is colored on both the top and bottom.

EXPLANATION: Alcohol mixes with water, while oil does not mix with either water or alcohol. In this case, oil floats in water, but sinks in pure alcohol. If you choose the right amount of water and alcohol and add just a little oil, the oil will float in the middle of this mixture, gathering into a ball.

REPORT PREPARATION ADVICE: Take photos of the jars immediately after shaking and a few hours later. Label the cans and display them at the exhibition.

DID YOU KNOW? When you add dishwashing detergent, an emulsion is formed - the fat breaks into very small droplets that cannot join together. Substances that cause the formation of an emulsion are called emulsifiers. By forming an emulsion, dishwashing detergent helps remove greasy food residues from plates. One of the natural emulsifiers is egg yolk. When making mayonnaise, it helps the oil mix with the vinegar and other additives. Mixtures of substances are usually more effective as emulsions than individual substances, and more often than not the latter are used in formulations for various purposes.

Diverse in composition and properties, emulsions are widely used in industry, agriculture, medicine and other fields. Many food products are multicomponent emulsions (for example, milk, one of the first emulsions studied, egg yolk), as well as milky plant juices and crude oil.

In the form of emulsions, cutting fluids, some pesticides, space products, medicines, and binders for emulsion paints are used. Bitumen emulsions are widely used in construction.


YOU WILL NEED: Rectangular magnet, iron filings (or steel nail and file), old pepper jar, coffee can lid, 2 sheets of thick white paper, spray bottle, vinegar, ruler, pen or marker

All magnetic fields - small and large - have the same shape. The Earth's enormous magnetic field, which extends from the South Pole to the North Pole, is very similar to the field of a regular rectangular magnet. You will be convinced of this by completing the proposed project.


  1. Using a coffee can lid, draw a circle on one sheet of paper. Inside the circle, draw the outlines of the continents to create a simplified map of the Earth.
  2. Fold down the edges of the sheet on which the globe is drawn so that the image of the globe is slightly higher than the magnet that you put under the sheet.
  3. Place the magnet under the sheet so that it lies along the line connecting the North and South Poles of the Earth in the figure.
  4. Fold the second sheet of paper into a funnel and insert the narrow end of the funnel into the pepper shaker.
  5. Pour iron filings into the pepper shaker through this funnel. If you can't find iron filings, get them yourself from the nail using a file. There should be enough sawdust to cover a sheet of paper with a thin layer. After bending the sheet, pour the sawdust into the pepper shaker.
  6. Gently sprinkle the sawdust onto the sheet and blow on it so that it is evenly distributed over the paper.
  7. Pour the vinegar into a spray bottle and gently spray it onto your card. Do not bring the sprayer too close to avoid moving the sawdust. Leave everything overnight for the vinegar to dry, then use a brush to remove the sawdust from the card.

RESULT: By pouring sawdust onto the map, you will observe an interesting phenomenon - the sawdust will begin to be distributed along the magnetic field lines. The field of a rectangular magnet quite accurately reproduces the Earth's magnetic field. Under the influence of vinegar, the sawdust rusts, and a pattern of magnetic field lines remains on the paper.

EXPLANATION: Magnetic lines of force connect at two points called magnetic poles. Although scientists have been looking for exceptions for a long time, people still only know magnets with north and south poles, between which magnetic lines pass. All magnetic fields - both large and small - have the same shape.

REPORT PREPARATION ADVICE: Take photographs of each stage of your experience. Place the finished map on the stand next to the photographs received. Draw several magnetic fields of different shapes, showing lines of force and poles.

DID YOU KNOW? By studying the distribution of iron particles and magnetic materials in ancient clay sediments, scientists can learn what the Earth's magnetic fields were like many millennia ago. These ancient, timeless, magnetic particles, like tiny compasses, show that the North Pole used to be almost where the South Pole is now! Therefore, many scientists believe that once upon a time there was a change in the Earth’s magnetic poles.


YOU WILL NEED: two plastic dish soap bottles, one with a lid, a tablespoon, red food coloring, vinegar, baking soda, papier-mâché, thick cardboard or board, adhesive tape, black and brown gouache, brush, varnish for hair, glue funnel.

A volcanic eruption, accompanied by the release of gas and lava, is one of the most frightening and effective phenomena of nature. Volcano researchers often expose themselves to great danger while observing them. This model will allow you to calmly watch a volcanic eruption without leaving your home.

The project can be combined with the study of lava eruptions.



  1. Pour vinegar into a bottle with a lid to fill three-quarters of the bottle's volume. Add red food coloring and cap the bottle. Write “lava” on it.
  2. Glue the second bottle in the center of the board and a sheet of thick cardboard.
  3. Cut the duct tape into strips and attach it to the neck of the bottle and to a sheet of cardboard in the shape of an awning.
  4. Make papier-mâché by mixing starch, water and pieces of old newspaper in a bowl. Place strips of duct tape on top. Carefully papier-mâché the top of the bottle to create something like a volcano crater.
  5. Leave the model to dry. Paint it with black and brown paints to make it look like a mountain, and cover it with hairspray.



  1. Open the bottle with “lava” and carefully pour the “lava” into the volcano bottle (it’s better to pour through a funnel).
  2. Quickly add 4 tablespoons (60 ml) baking soda.
  3. Stand back and watch the volcano erupt from a distance.

RESULT: Baking soda reacts chemically with acetic acid to form carbon dioxide. Gas bubbles rising from the bottom of the bottle are trapped in the narrow neck of the bottle, and eventually some of the liquid is thrown out of it along with pieces of foam.

EXPLANATION: Before a volcano erupts, the pressure inside it increases. As a result, gas and stones are violently ejected from the volcano, or lava is poured out.

REPORT PREPARATION ADVICE: The “eruption” does not last long, so for the exhibition it is necessary to take good photographs of this process. The volcano model is beautiful in itself, and it must be shown.

DID YOU KNOW? The pressure of lava and hot gases inside a volcano can cause an explosion larger than an atomic bomb. Now on Earth there are both active and extinct volcanoes, sometimes they “wake up” unexpectedly, starting to act again. As a result of eruptions, new mountains and islands appear. Water accumulates in the craters of extinct volcanoes - clean, deep and very beautiful volcanic lakes are formed.


YOU WILL NEED: strong rectangular magnet, 1.5 meters of copper wire without winding, compass, glass, 4 fastening wires, ruler, scissors.

In this project you will get acquainted with electromagnetic induction - a phenomenon that is considered one of the most important scientific discoveries of the 19th century. The English physicist Michael Faraday discovered not only the appearance of magnetic properties under the influence of electricity, but also the appearance of electrical properties under the influence of a magnet.


  1. Wind the copper wire around the glass, leaving 45 cm of wire on each side. You should get a thick, dense skein - a reel.
  2. Remove the coil from the glass and secure it with four pieces of fastening wire. The coil should be thick and dense.
  3. Get your compass ready.
  4. Wrap the compass with the ends of the wire coming from the coil. Both ends must be wound in the same direction, and the ends must be connected.
  5. Take the coil in one hand and the magnet in the other. Slowly insert the magnet into the middle of the coil and remove it. Follow the compass needle.

RESULT: The compass needle twitches when the magnet moves.

EXPLANATION: When a magnet moves, an electromagnetic field is created, which is transmitted along the wire and acts on the compass needle.

REPORT PREPARATION ADVICE: Show the finished model at the exhibition, take photographs showing all stages of the work. Take photographs or drawings of devices that use the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Write a short biography of Michael Faraday and talk about his scientific discoveries.

DID YOU KNOW? The electric field and magnetic field influence each other and transform into one another, therefore there are the concepts of electromagnetic field and electromagnetic induction. These phenomena are used in electric current generators and transformers.


YOU WILL NEED: soft pencil (3M), 6 volt battery, small 6 volt light bulb, 2 paper clips, 3 buttons, insulating tape, 2 meters of copper wire in a winding, 2 wooden blocks measuring 5x15x1.25 cm.

In this project you will make a model of a rheostat - a device that regulates the current in an electrical circuit by changing the resistance. It is known that the larger the area of ​​poorly conducting material is included in the electrical circuit, the lower the current strength will be. The action of the rheostat is based on a smooth change in the length of this section.



  1. Straighten the paper clips and bend the ends so that one of them can be attached to the light bulb.
  2. Bend the second end of each paper clip so that it can be secured with a button.
  3. Prepare the third button. It should not be covered with paint or plastic on top.
  4. Cut two 30 cm pieces of wire and remove the winding at the ends (5 cm each).
  5. Wrap the cleaned end of one of the wires around the third button four times and secure it in the center of the board.
  6. Secure the paper clips with two buttons so that there is room for a light bulb above the center button.
  7. Connect one stripped end of the second wire to one of the two outer buttons.
  8. Insert the light bulb into the loops of the paper clips above the center button. The base of the light bulb must touch the central button. If necessary, adjust the loops of the paper clips.



  1. Ask an adult to help you split the pencil to reveal the graphite lead.
  2. Using insulating tape, secure the pencil with the tip facing up on a second piece of wood.
  3. Cut the remaining piece of wire into three approximately equal parts. Clean the winding at the ends of the wires.
  4. Connect the wires to the battery, the measuring system and the end of the graphite rod as shown in the figure. One end of the wire will remain free.
  5. Slowly move the free end of the wire along the graphite rod. Watch the light bulb.

RESULT: The closer you bring the wire to the connection point of the second wire, the brighter the light bulb burns. The brightness of the light bulb changes gradually.

EXPLANATION: Graphite is a poor conductor of current, meaning it has high resistance. The longer the rod included in the electrical circuit, the weaker the current.

REPORT PREPARATION ADVICE: Take photographs showing all stages of the work and display the finished model at the exhibition. Explain the principle of operation of a rheostat. Write about devices that use rheostats.

DID YOU KNOW? Rheostats are used to gradually turn off lights, for example, before the start of a performance in a theater. Sometimes such rheostats are available at home. Rheostats are found in a wide variety of household appliances. They allow the volume of the TV or player to respond smoothly. Rheostats are also found in many battery-powered toys.

A research project is a student’s independently conducted research that reveals his knowledge and the ability to apply it to solve specific practical problems. The work must be logically complete and demonstrate the student’s ability to competently use special terminology, clearly express his thoughts, and justify proposals.

The objectives of the project are:

  • development of independent research skills and their application to solving current practical problems;
  • carrying out an analysis of the theoretical approaches existing in domestic and foreign science in the field of the research being carried out;
  • conducting independent research on the chosen topic;
  • systematization and analysis of data obtained during the study;
  • project protection.

Defense of a research project - presentation, justification of targeted activities of a theoretical and practical nature in the field of physical knowledge, involving independent study and analysis of literary sources, observations, experiments, analysis of the work done.

As a topic for completing projects, you can choose any topic that is in any way related to physical phenomena and processes; modern equipment and technology. A project, like research, can have both a theoretical and applied focus. The topic may be closely related to areas related to physics: mathematics, computer science, astronomy and others.

Work structure

The structure of the work should be presented as follows:

  • front page;
  • table of contents;
  • introduction;
  • chapters of the main part;
  • conclusion;
  • list of references;
  • applications.

The title page is the first page of a research paper and is filled out according to certain rules. The upper field indicates the full name of the educational institution on the basis of which the research is being carried out. In the middle field is the title of the work, which is written without the word “topic” and is not enclosed in quotation marks. Below, closer to the right edge of the title page, the last name, first name, patronymic of the performer, class, educational institution are indicated, and then the last name, first name, patronymic of the head, his scientific title (if any) and position, place of work are recorded. The lower field indicates the location of the educational institution and the year the work was written. A sample title page is given in Appendix 1.

The table of contents should be on the second page. It contains the titles of chapters and paragraphs and the pages on which they begin. The headings of the table of contents must exactly repeat the titles of chapters and paragraphs in the text. When designing, the headings of steps of the same level must be placed one below the other. The headings of each subsequent stage are shifted five characters to the right relative to the headings of the previous stage. They all start with a capital letter without a period at the end. Page numbers are fixed along the right edge of the printed field.

The introduction sets out the problem, relevance, and practical significance of the study; the object and subject of research are determined; the purpose and objectives of the study are indicated; The methods of work are briefly listed. All components of the introduction must be interconnected.

The work begins with a statement of the problem, which determines the direction in the organization of the research, and represents an overview of the state of knowledge in the field under study. By posing a problem, the researcher answers the question: “What needs to be studied that has not been studied before?” Raising questions and identifying contradictions is important in the process of formulating a problem.

Raising a problem involves justifying the relevance of the research. When formulating it, it is necessary to answer the question: why does this problem need to be studied at the present time?

After determining relevance, it is necessary to determine the object and subject of research.

In physics projects, the object of research can be understood as a process towards which cognition is directed, or a phenomenon that generates a problem situation and is chosen for study.

The subject of the study is more specific and provides insight into how new relationships, properties or functions of the object are considered in the study. The subject sets the boundaries of scientific research within a specific study.

The purpose of the research is understood as the final, scientific and practical results that should be achieved as a result of its implementation.

Research objectives represent all the successive stages of organizing and conducting research from beginning to end. As a rule, the purpose of a research work is one, while there are several tasks. Solving a problem allows you to go through a certain stage of research. The formulation of tasks is closely related to the structure of the study, and individual tasks can be set for both the theoretical (review of the literature on the problem) and the experimental part of the study. Objectives determine the content of the study and the structure of the text of the work. The first represents everything that was done during the research.

An important point in the work is the formulation of a hypothesis, which should be a logical, scientifically substantiated, quite probable assumption that requires special proof for its final approval as a theoretical position.

A hypothesis is considered scientifically valid if it meets the following requirements:

  • does not include too many provisions;
  • does not contain ambiguous concepts;
  • goes beyond the simple registration of facts, serves to explain and predict them, specifically affirming a new thought, idea;
  • testable and applicable to a wide range of phenomena;
  • does not involve value judgments;
  • has the correct stylistic design.

The chapters of the main part are devoted to revealing the content of the work.

The first chapter of the main part of the work is usually based entirely on an analysis of scientific literature. The project must provide a brief description of what is known about the phenomenon under study and in what direction it was previously studied. This description is given in a review of the literature on the problem, which is based on the analysis of several works.

In the process of presenting the material, it is advisable to reflect the following aspects:

  • define and clarify the terms and concepts used in the work;
  • outline the main approaches, directions of research on the problem under study, identify what is known on this issue in science and what is not, what has been proven, but not fully and accurately enough;
  • identify the types, functions, structure of the phenomenon being studied;
  • list the features of the formation (factors, conditions, mechanisms, stages) and manifestations of the phenomenon being studied.

In general, when writing the main body of a paper, it is advisable to end each section with a short summary or conclusion. They summarize the material presented and serve as a logical transition to subsequent sections.

The structure of the chapter can be presented in several paragraphs and depends on the topic, the degree of development of the problem, and the type of scientific work of the student.

In subsequent chapters of the work, which are experimental in nature, the rationale for the choice of certain methods and specific research techniques is given, and information about the research procedure and its stages is provided. When describing a methodology, the required data are: its name, author, indicators and criteria, which will subsequently be subject to statistical processing.

The experimental section of the work ends with an interpretation of the results obtained. It is advisable to describe the results in stages, regarding the key points of the study. The analysis of experimental data ends with conclusions. When writing them, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • conclusions must correspond to the objectives;
  • conclusions should be a consequence of this study and not require additional measurements;
  • conclusions should be formulated concisely and not contain a large amount of digital material;
  • conclusions should not contain generally known truths that do not require proof.

A description of what and how the author of the study did to prove the validity of the hypothesis is the research methodology. It must also be described in the text of the work. Next, we present our own data obtained as a result of research activities. The obtained data must be compared with each other and with data from sources contained in the literature review on the problem. After this, the patterns discovered during the research should be formulated. It is necessary to clearly understand the difference between working data and data presented in the text of the work. The research process often produces a large array of numbers (or other data, such as texts) that do not need to be presented. In the text, numbers or specific examples are used to illustrate the results obtained during the study, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn. Therefore, working data is usually processed and only the most necessary is presented in the text. However, it must be remembered that someone may want to get acquainted with the primary research material. In order not to overload the main part of the work, the most interesting primary material can be included in appendices. The most advantageous form of data presentation is graphical, which makes it as easy as possible for the reader to perceive the text.

The presentation of the content of the work ends with a conclusion, which is a brief overview of the research performed. In it, the author can evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen approach and emphasize the prospects of the research. The conclusion should not be a mechanical summation of the conclusions found at the end of each chapter of the main part. It should contain something new and essential that makes up the final results of the study. Conclusions in the conclusion can summarize the results of the study, according to the order in which the tasks are completed. Conclusions are, in a way, short answers to questions about how the research tasks were solved. The set of conclusions is proof of the completeness of achieving the goal. The goal can be achieved even if the primary hypothesis turns out to be untenable.

You need to clearly understand the difference between the text of the work and the report on it. The main task of the speaker is to accurately formulate and emotionally present the very essence of the study, succinctly illustrating it with a small amount of brightly, imaginatively designed, easy-to-read illustrative material. During the report, it is unacceptable to read out the work or overload it with “extra” data. To highlight the essence of the study, 5-10 minutes is enough. Everything else, if the audience is interested, is stated in the answers to questions.

At the end, after the conclusion, it is customary to place a list of references, which includes only those works that are referenced in the text, and not all articles, monographs that the author read in the process of performing research work. The appendix contains extensive materials. This includes primary tables, graphs, practical results of experimental activities, etc.

Registration of research work

The amount of work may vary, the report is 1-5 pages (depending on the class and the degree of readiness of the student for this type of activity). For text written on a computer – font size 12-14, Times New Roman, regular; line spacing – 1.5; margin size: left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, top – 20 mm, bottom – 20 mm (when changing the size of the margins, it is necessary to take into account that the right and left, as well as the top and bottom margins must total 40 mm). With correctly selected parameters, an average of 30 lines should fit on a page, and an average of 60 printed characters per line, including punctuation marks and spaces between words.

The text is printed on one side of the page; footnotes and notes are printed on the same page to which they refer (single spaced, in a smaller font than the text).

All pages are numbered starting with the title page; the page number is placed at the top center of the page; There is no page number on the title page. Each new section (introduction, chapters, paragraphs, conclusion, list of sources, appendices) begins on a new page.

Between the section title (chapter or paragraph headings) and the following text, you need to skip one line, and after the text, before the new heading, two lines. The title is located in the middle; there is no period at the end of the title.

The title of the chapter is printed in bold in capital letters, the title of paragraphs is in capital letters, and the titles of chapters and paragraphs are highlighted from the text by adding additional spacing. The serial number of the chapter is indicated by one Arabic numeral (for example: 1, 2, 3, etc.), paragraphs are double numbered (for example: 1.1, 1.2, etc.). The first digit indicates belonging to the chapter, the second – its own numbering.

Quotes are often used to confirm one’s own conclusions and to critically analyze a particular position. When quoting, the following requirements must be met:

  • when quoting verbatim, the author’s thought is enclosed in quotation marks and given in the grammatical form in which it is given in the original source. At the end, a link to the source is made, which indicates the number of the book or article in the list of used literature and the page number where the quotation is located, for example: the designation indicates that the quotation used in the work is located on page 123 in the original source at number 4 in the list of references ;
  • When quoting non-verbatim (retelling, presenting the points of view of various authors in your own words), the text is not enclosed in quotation marks. After the thought expressed, it is necessary to indicate in brackets the number of the source in the list of references without indicating specific pages, for example: ;
  • if the text is quoted from another publication, then the reference should begin with the words “Cit. according to...", for example: (Quoted from the book);
  • if the quote is an independent sentence, then it begins with a capital letter, even if the first word in the source begins with a lowercase letter and is enclosed in quotation marks. A quotation included in the text after a subordinating conjunction (what, for, if, because) is enclosed in quotation marks and written with a lowercase letter, even if in the cited source it begins with a capital letter;
  • When quoting, it is allowed to omit words, sentences, and paragraphs without distorting the content of the source text. An omission is indicated by an ellipsis and is placed in the place where part of the text is missing;
  • quotations retain the same punctuation marks as in the source;
  • if the author in the above quotation highlights some words, then he must specifically indicate this in parentheses, for example: (underlined by me - F.I. or (our italics - F.I.);
  • If there are two or three links to the same source on one page, then the serial number is indicated once. Further in square brackets it is customary to write [Ibid.] or when quoting [Ibid., p. 309];
  • All citations and references in the text of the work must be formatted identically.

Digital research data is grouped into tables, the design of which must meet the following requirements:

  • the word “Table” without abbreviation and quotation marks is written in the upper right corner above the table itself and its title. Tables are numbered in Arabic numerals without a number sign and a period at the end. If there is only one table in the text, then it is not assigned a number and the word “table” is not written;
  • The numbering of tables and figures can be continuous throughout the entire text of the work or independent in each section. It is then presented in levels like chapters and paragraphs. The first numbering option is usually used in works that are small in volume and structure. The second is preferable if there is a detailed structure of the work and a large amount of visual material;
  • the name of the table is located between its designation and the content itself, written with a capital letter without a dot at the end;
  • when moving the table to the next page, the headings of the vertical columns of the table should be numbered and when moving the table to the next page, repeat only their number. First, above the table on the right, place the words “Continuation of Table 8”;
  • the name of the table and its individual elements should not contain abbreviations or acronyms not previously specified in the text of the work.

As illustrations in research papers, drawings, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, which are discussed in the text, can be used. When designing illustrations you should remember:

  • All illustrations must be numbered. If the work presents different types of illustrations, then the numbering is separate for each type;
  • Only those illustrations to which there are direct references such as “the above is confirmed by the drawing...” are placed in the text of the work. The rest of the illustrative material is located in the appendices;
  • numbers of illustrations and their titles are written below the image, indicated in Arabic numerals without a number sign after the word “Fig.”;
  • Various inscriptions are allowed on the illustration itself, if space permits. However, symbols are more often used, which are deciphered below the image;
  • Diagrams of all types must express the features of the main and auxiliary, visible and invisible parts, connections of the depicted objects or process.

Applications can be varied in content. When preparing them, you should take into account the general rules:

  • appendices are designed as continuations of the main material on subsequent pages. If the volume or format is large, applications are drawn up as a separate block in a special folder, on the front side of which the heading “Appendices” is given, and then all elements of the title page of the research work are repeated;
  • each application must begin on a new sheet, must be numbered in the upper right corner, write: Annex 1 (2, 3 ... etc.) without a period at the end;
  • each application has a thematic heading, which is located in the middle of the line;
  • the numbering of pages on which appendices are given should continue the general numbering of pages of the main text;
  • The connection between the main text and appendices is carried out through links using the word “see”. The indication is usually enclosed in parentheses, for example: The data (see Appendix 1) can be grouped as follows.

The bibliography of a research paper consists only of those sources that are referenced in the text. When compiling a list in scientific circles, it is customary to use an alphabetical method of grouping literary sources, where the names of authors or titles (if there are no authors) are placed in alphabetical order.

The bibliographic list is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003. “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules of compilation."

Rules for the design of bibliographic lists:

  • For books of one or more authors, the surname and initials of the authors (dot), the title of the book without quotes with a capital letter (dot and dash), place of publication (dot, colon), publisher without quotes (comma), year of publication (dot and dash) are indicated. , the number of pages in a book with a capital "c" at the end (period). Example: Perret-Kpermon A. N. The role of social interactions in the development of children's intelligence. – M.: Pedagogy, 1991. – 248 p.
  • For a collection compiled by two or three authors, indicate the name of the collection (one slanted line), followed by the word “Compiled.” (dot) initials and surname of the compilers (dot, dash), place of publication (dot, colon), name of the publisher (without quotes, comma), year of publication (dot, dash), number of pages in the collection with a capital letter “s”. For example: Advice to the manager / Comp. A. N. Zotov, G. A. Kovaleva. – Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural. book publishing house, 1991. – 304 p.
  • When preparing a collection with a group of authors under a general editorship, the name of the collection is indicated (one slanted line), then there may be 2 options: 1) the word “Compiled.” and a list of compilers (semicolon), the word “Ed.” (dot), initials and surname of the editor (dot, dash), place of publication (dot, colon), publisher (comma), year of publication (dot, dash), number of pages (capital “s”, dot); 2) the word “Ed.” (dot), initials and surname of the editor (dot, dash), place of publication (dot, colon), publisher (comma), year of publication (dot, dash), number of pages (capital “s”, dot). For example: Brief explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Comp. I. L. Goretskaya, T. N. Polovtseva, M. N. Sudoplatova, T. A. Fomenko; Ed. V. V. Rozanova. – M.: Russ, language, 1990. – 251 p. Psychology. Dictionary /Under general. ed. A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. – 2nd ed. – M.: Politizdat, 1990. – 494 p.
  • For articles in the collection, indicate the surname and initials of the author (dot), title of the work (two oblique lines), title of the collection (dot, dash), place of publication (dot, dash), capital letter “C” (dot), number of the first and last pages (dot). Example: Leontyev A. I General concept of activity // Reader on developmental psychology. Ed. D. I. Feldshteina - M.: International. Pedagogical, Academy, 1994. – P. 112-121.
  • For articles in the journal, indicate the surname and initials of the author (dot), title of the article (two oblique lines), name of the journal without quotes (dot, dash), year of publication (dot, dash), journal number (dot, dash), capital letter " C" (dot) page (dot). Example: Ainstein V. Examinees and examiners // Higher education in Russia. – 1999. – MZ. – P. 34-42.

All the crystals that surround us were not formed once and for all ready-made, but grew gradually. Crystals are not only natural, but also artificial, grown by humans. Why do they also create artificial crystals, if almost all solid bodies around us already have a crystalline structure? When grown artificially, it is possible to obtain larger and purer crystals than in nature. There are also crystals that are rare and highly valued in nature, but are very necessary in technology. Therefore, laboratory and factory methods have been developed for growing crystals of diamond, quartz, sapphire, etc. In laboratories, large crystals necessary for technology and science, precious stones, crystalline materials for precision instruments are grown, and those crystals that are studied by crystallographers, physicists, and chemists are created there , metallurgists, mineralogists, discovering new remarkable phenomena and properties in them. In nature, in a laboratory, in a factory, crystals grow from solutions, from melts, from vapors, from solids. Therefore, it seems important and interesting to study the process of crystal formation, find out the conditions for their formation, and grow crystals without the use of special devices. This determined the topic of the research work.

Almost any substance can give crystals under certain conditions. Crystals are most often formed from the liquid phase - solution or melt; It is possible to obtain crystals from the gas phase or during phase transformation in the solid phase. Crystals are grown (synthesized) in laboratories and factories. It is also possible to obtain crystals of such complex natural substances as proteins and even viruses.

  • Many people know that the solubility of substances depends on temperature. Typically, solubility increases with increasing temperature and decreases with decreasing temperature. We know that some substances dissolve well, others - poorly. When substances dissolve, saturated and unsaturated solutions are formed. A saturated solution is a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute at a given temperature. An unsaturated solution is a solution that contains less solute than a saturated solution at a given temperature.

I used the simplest method of growing crystals of copper sulfate and rock salt from a solution. First you need to prepare a saturated solution. To do this, pour water (hot, but not boiling) into a glass and pour a substance (copper sulfate or rock salt powder) into it in portions and stir with a glass or wooden stick until completely dissolved. As soon as the substance stops dissolving, this means that at a given temperature the solution is saturated. Then it will cool, when the water begins to gradually evaporate from it, the “extra” substance falls out in the form of crystals. On top of the glass you need to place a pencil (stick) with a thread wrapped around it. Some kind of weight is attached to the free end of the thread so that the thread straightens and hangs vertically in the solution, not reaching a little of the bottom. Leave the glass alone for 2-3 days. After a while, you can find that the thread is overgrown with crystals. The results of the formation of crystals by the cooling method are presented in the photograph.

Project activity of students is one of the methods of developmental (personally-oriented) training, aimed at developing independent research skills (posing a problem, collecting and processing information, conducting experiments, analyzing the results obtained), which contributes to the development of creative abilities and logical thinking, combines knowledge, received during the educational process contributes to the formation of certain professional competencies. A list of topics for implementing projects in various forms is proposed.



Topics of abstracts (reports), individual projects in physics

for 1st year students

Alexander Stepanovich Popov - Russian scientist, inventor of radio.

Alternative energy.

Acoustic properties of semiconductors.

Atomic battery and radioactive lights

Physical principles of functioning of information and telecommunication systems

Astronomy of our days. Asteroids.

Atomic physics. Isotopes. Application of radioactive isotopes.

Non-contact methods of temperature control.

Bipolar transistors.

The greatest discoveries of physics.

Electrical discharges in human service.

The influence of defects on the physical properties of crystals.

The Universe and dark matter.

Holography and its application.

Wireless transmission of electricity

Diffraction in our life.

Liquid crystals.

The significance of Galileo's discoveries.

Albert Einstein and digital technology (cameras, etc.).

Use of electricity in transport.

Classification and characteristics of elementary particles.

Cryoelectronics (microelectronics and cold).

Capabilities of modern lasers.

Leonardo da Vinci - scientist and inventor.

Microwave radiation. Benefit and harm.

Method of labeled atoms.

Methods for observing and recording radioactive radiation and particles.

Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field of fundamental and applied science and technology.

Nikola Tesla: life and extraordinary discoveries.

Nicolaus Copernicus is the creator of the heliocentric system of the world.

Niels Bohr is one of the founders of modern physics.

Nucleosynthesis in the Universe.

Optical phenomena in nature.

Discovery and application of high-temperature superconductivity.

Alternating electric current and its application.

Plasma is the fourth state of matter.

Planets of the Solar System.

Semiconductor temperature sensors.

Application of liquid crystals in industry.

Application of nuclear reactors. The nature of ferromagnetism.

Environmental problems associated with the use of heat engines.

Origin of the Solar System.

Piezoelectric effect and its application.

CMB radiation.

Touch screens and physical processes

The birth and evolution of stars.

Modern satellite communications.

Modern physical picture of the world.

Modern means of communication.

The sun is the source of life on Earth.

Controlled thermonuclear fusion. Charged particle accelerators.

Physics in modern technologies

Physical properties of the atmosphere.


Black holes.

Electromagnetic wave scale.

Environmental problems and possible ways to solve them.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The methodological development of practical work was compiled for students studying in the specialty 080110 “Economics and Accounting (by Industry)” in the discipline “Financial Management”, on the topic...

Presentation of an individual project in the Russian language on the topic “Youth slang and jargon.” The project was prepared by student gr. SD-161s. During the preparation of the project, a survey was carried out among students who...