Watch how paper furniture is made in a simple way. Cardboard furniture for a dollhouse: we make the interior from improvised materials (54 photos). Chair manufacturing options

50 ideas and description of work for a house and furniture made of cardboard.

By playing with dolls, children learn to communicate with their peers and adults. They project the world they see around them onto the world of their toys. If a little girl played with dolls and took care of them as a child, then as an adult she will be able to skillfully cope with the responsibilities of the mother of her children and the keeper of the family hearth.

Of course, you can buy a house for dolls, but if you make it together with your child, it will not only be more interesting and more beautiful, but also more functional because the size and style of such a house can be made absolutely arbitrary. There can be several of them at once, if dolls live separately in each house.

The simplest houses made from cardboard are made by folding a sheet of cardboard and adding a roof. The walls of such a house look cozy by covering them with soft fabric.

Closing houses with four walls can be one-story.

They can also be two-story.

It’s easy to make such a house if you use a cardboard box rectangular shape. Its width becomes the base of the house, and the second floor is glued inside the cardboard box. And also two-story and even apartment building it turns out if cardboard boxes are placed on top of each other and glued together.

For the manufacture of a one-story house with gable roof You will need a simple pattern and colored paper to decorate the walls of the house.

The size of such a house and the shape of windows and doors depends on the wishes of the child. A boring house made of gray cardboard can be transformed by covering it with colored paper. To simplify pasting the walls of the house, they can be pasted disassembled, and only then assembled.

Houses for toy dogs in the form of a doghouse have a round window and a semicircular door. The dogs near the kennel are also made of cardboard.

How to make a cardboard bed for dolls

To make a crib for dolls, use a cut cardboard box.

The box is cut to the height of the crib. The headboards are glued to the head of the bed.

Apply paper masking tape along the edge of the crib to cover any unsightly cuts.

Now the crib can be painted any color you like. It is better to take opaque gouache paints for this.

You can put a mattress and other doll bedding on the bottom of the crib. And this is what the same crib might look like if you don’t paint it, but put a fabric cover on it.

Ruffles are sewn along the edge of the crib, and the back is decorated with lace.

The crib can be double and the child can put two dolls in it at once.

A bed for dolls can be made from cardboard using a simplified version. It is glued together from two cardboard boxes. One of them serves as a bed frame, and the other as a headrest.

To prevent such a bed from sagging, you can put a curved strip of cardboard inside it.

Cardboard strip inside the bed

Cardboard sofa for dolls

For a sofa made of cardboard, you will need a cut corner of a cardboard box and cardboard covered with fabric. The seat of the sofa and its side parts are pasted over and inserted into such a corner.

The sofa seat and its sides are glued into the box.

Cover six sofa cushions with fabric.

The sofa with pillows is assembled and the glue is allowed to dry.

A cardboard chair for dolls can be made according to the pattern for assembling a sofa, but in this case the cardboard corner should be smaller and assembled from two pillows. And for making soft chair, cut out a seat in a cardboard box and cover it with a sheet of cardboard. Empty spaces under the armrests and seat are filled with foam rubber or other material.

The chair is covered with a fabric cover. To add volume, you can glue pieces of padding polyester onto the cardboard. Corner from small sofa And square ottoman done in the same way.

Cardboard cabinet for dolls

A wardrobe for doll dresses can be made with doors, or you can do without them. Inside such a closet, a crossbar for hangers with dresses is inserted into a slot in the cardboard. And below you can put drawers for small items.

Cardboard chest of drawers for dolls

The chest of drawers is assembled by placing small boxes in two or three rows in one large box. Such boxes can be decorated with paper different colors and make handles from bottle caps.

Cardboard computer for dolls

A child can make a computer out of cardboard himself; to do this, he will need to bend a sheet of cardboard in half and glue squares to it on one side, which will symbolize the keyboard, and on the other, a picture that will symbolize the monitor.

If you glue paper with a drawn keyboard onto a cardboard box covered with black paper, and pictures to the lid of the box, you will get a doll computer.

To make a TV from cardboard, just draw the handles of the sound and channel switches on a cardboard box and cut out a rectangle in it symbolizing the screen and insert pictures into this place. If the box is large enough, children can perform and speak in it themselves.

Kitchen made of cardboard for dolls

A cardboard kitchen for dolls can include a stove, refrigerator, kitchen tables and chairs. Such furniture does not have to be modeled from scratch. Use ready-made cardboard boxes for this. These boxes are painted under household appliances or pasted over with colored paper.

To make a refrigerator you will need a rectangular box. Shelves for food are glued inside it. The door is cut to the size of the back wall of the refrigerator and glued to the box. A handle is glued to the refrigerator door.

To make a stove from cardboard, you can use ready-made cardboard boxes. The burners for the stove can be unnecessary computer disks, and the handles can be multi-colored lids from plastic bottles. To attach such a handle, cut plastic bottle a few centimeters below the lid and insert into the holes in the cardboard.

Cardboard food for dolls

Food for dolls is cut out from picture books, or you can draw it on paper and stick it on cardboard so that the images do not wrinkle or get lost.

Cardboard dishes for dolls

Plates for doll kitchens are cut out of cardboard and paper images of plates are glued onto them, which can be printed on a printer.

Pots and cups are made of two parts. One of them is the bottom, and the second is the side wall of the dish. The lid for the pan is cut out to a slightly larger diameter than the bottom of the pan.

Such dishes are decorated with applique or drawings.

Cardboard table for dolls

If you connect three rectangular boxes you will get a fairly stable table for dolls. From large boxes you can make not only a small doll table, but also a table for a child to play in the kitchen.

A sheet of cardboard is glued on top of it, and you can decorate such furniture by gluing it to the surface colored paper or sheets of wallpaper.

From matchboxes can be done small table With drawers. Matchbox cases are glued to the walls of the table, and boxes are inserted into them. These drawers slide out using handles.

Cardboard chairs for dolls

Using the same assembly pattern as for a three-box table, you can make chairs in the form of stools. Very small chairs for dolls are made from cardboard boxes for matches. The boxes are glued together with glue, and for strength they can be joined with paper masking tape. If you glue a circle of cardboard covered with a piece of fabric on top and put a piece of padding polyester under the fabric, the chair will turn out soft. More complex design near a cardboard chair with a back. In this model, the backrest is inserted into slots in the sides of the chair.

Boxes connected to each other make an excellent labyrinth with obstacles.

Cardboard hanger for dolls

To make clothes hangers for dolls, just measure the width of the doll's dresses along the shoulder line and cut out hangers of the same size from cardboard. You can strengthen the hangers from possible bends and glue such parts two at a time together. And if you stick paper on cardboard hangers and paint them with flowers, they will not only be functional, but also beautiful.

A cardboard phone for dolls can be either a mobile phone or a rotary phone.

A cradle made of cardboard is obtained by wrapping a deep cardboard box beautiful fabric outside and inside.

Or paint the cardboard with paints, then bend and glue it on four sides to form a cradle.

Stroller for dolls made of cardboard

To make a stroller for dolls from cardboard, just wrap a small box in beautiful fabric or paper and attach a handle. The handle is inserted into a flat cardboard box smaller than the stroller. The box with a handle is glued to the cradle of the stroller.

VIDEO: How to make a toy house from fabric and cardboard?

Do you want to please your daughter with original toys? Make furniture for her dolls with my own hands. I will tell you how to do this and offer auxiliary diagrams and detailed photo reports for each of the projects presented in the article.

Project #1: armchair

Let's start by assembling a chair that is perfect for both Barbie and any other modern doll.


Most doll furniture items are made from scrap materials. The need to go to the store rarely arises, but in any case it is better to make sure in advance that you have the necessary props at home:

Photo Name

Thick cardboard thickness 1-1.5 mm

Plain paper

Thick material high density, which are suitable:
  • Foam board 5 mm thick;
  • Corrugated cardboard 3 mm thick

Tube from any material with a cross-section of 15-25 mm, for which you can use the body from an old marker

A piece of thin foam rubber or fleece

Fragment of your favorite upholstery fabric

Consumables and tools:
  • PVA glue;
  • Glue "Moment";
  • Scissors;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Ruler with pencil

For upholstering toy furniture with your own hands, I recommend choosing chintz, as it is better saturated with glue.

Work progress

Having prepared everything necessary, we begin to make a chair for dollhouse:

Picture description Description

  • We're drawing on paper all the elements of the future chair in full size;
  • Cut it out patterns
  • Cut and glue stack four rectangles of foam board or six rectangles of corrugated cardboard;
  • Cut out from cardboard front and back parts, then glue them to the resulting base of the chair
  • Cutting prepared tube for two armrests;
  • We fix them between the back and front parts in the right places
Cut it out several strips of foam cardboard or corrugated cardboard, the length of which is equal to the length of the armrests, and the width is 10 mm
Glue the strips under the armrests in several layers to fill the space between them and the seat
  • Cut it out fragments of paper and foam rubber of sufficient size to cover the armrests;
  • Glue it first paper, and on top of it foam rubber
Slice pieces of upholstery fabric according to the same drawings according to which the patterns were made, only add 10 mm to each side for turning
We paste over chair fabric

Back cushion First we cover one side with foam rubber, then all sides with fabric

Seat cushion We also first cover one side with foam rubber, then all sides with fabric.

We transport ready chair in doll house IR

As you can see, the final price of such a toy is scanty, because no special materials are required, almost everything can be found at home. But the daughter’s doll gets an exclusive chair that no one else has.

Project #2: chest of drawers

Wardrobes, chests of drawers and kitchen furniture very convenient to make from matchboxes. In total you will need the following details:


Photo Name

Matchboxes- 4 pcs.

  • For legs- 4 pcs.;
  • For pens- 4 pcs.

Colored paper or thin fabric, PVA glue


Work progress

The instructions for assembling the chest of drawers look like this:

Image Description
We paint all matchboxes outside and inside are the same color
Coat with glue bottom and top sides of boxes
Glue it together stacked cardboard containers
Wrapping the resulting structure with colored paper, which we also put on glue
Glue the beads:
  • One box for each sliding part, thereby imitating the handles of the drawers of a real chest of drawers;
  • One in each corner of the bottom of the toy furniture to create legs
Install ready-made chest of drawers in the right place

Such toy furniture will already give your daughter’s doll house uniqueness, but this is far from the limit of what you can do with your own hands. Let's move on.

Project No. 3: dressing table

A dressing table or dressing table is necessary for every fashionista, which your daughter’s doll probably is. We collect everything necessary for the manufacture of such a piece of furniture:

Materials and tools

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Carton small sizes to match the doll; scissors and a ruler with a pencil; PVA glue

A piece of foil

Colored or white paper

Work progress

Now let’s figure out how to make an elegant doll dressing table from all of the above:

Image Description

Cutting the box According to the height of the doll, as a rule, it is enough to leave 60-80 mm

Cut it out from the excess part of the box, a rectangle measuring 60-80 mm by 150 mm

Glue it cardboard rectangle for the base of the future dressing table

Trimming top of the cardboard in a semicircle

  • Paste over paper doll furniture;
  • Let's draw drawers and doors on the facade
  • Cut and paste a piece of foil as a mirror on the protruding cardboard;
  • We also glue small pieces in areas marked as drawer and door handles

Install ready-made dressing table where other pieces of furniture are already located

And this doll furniture is made very simply with your own hands. In principle, the child will be able to cope with the described task even without your help. Now I propose to consider a more complex project.

Project No. 4: sleeping place

This can be either a sofa or a bed, depending on your daughter's preferences. The main difficulty here is that you will need to use tools to cut wood. So you can’t do without dad.

Materials and tools

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Piece of plywood, in this case it is not at all necessary to specifically buy a whole sheet; remnants from past repair or finishing work will be enough

Jigsaw, PVA glue and wood glue

Upholstery fabric

Work progress

A miniature bed or sofa is made as follows:

Image Description

Cut it out from plywood:
  • Base- 164 by 60 mm;
  • back and bottom part - 140 by 60 mm;
  • Two armrests- 40 mm by 60 mm at the bottom and 70 mm at the top

  • Glue it together All fragments of carpentry are interconnected, except for the lower part;
  • Cut it out suitable pieces of fabric and glue them using PVA glue onto a plywood base

Separately glue fabric lower removable part of the sofa

We lay the finished lower part on the base of the sofa and, if desired, complement the composition with pieces of different fabrics imitating pillows

Project No. 5: crib

Your daughter's doll may also have children of her own, and they need appropriate furniture. Here is a description of the manufacture economical option crib:


Photo Name

Two matchboxes

Ice cream sticks

PVA glue


Work progress

Here everything is done very simply and without using any special tools:

Image Description

Glue the ends together both matchboxes

Shorten a few popsicle sticks

Glue it sticks according to the above diagram to the base of the boxes and paint the structure


Have you read the clear examples making toy furniture for dolls. The video in this article contains additional materials on the topic, and in the comments you can ask questions about it.

Every girl dreams of a house for her dolls. Now there are a huge number of them on store shelves. But such pleasure is not cheap, and the assortment is the same.

We offer to please your child with a handmade gift. This will allow you not only to save money, but also to make the house one of a kind.

In addition, this will be a wonderful pastime for the whole family during leisure time.

There are many special training programs for making doll houses with your own hands. You can use a wide variety of building materials: boards, plywood, chipboard, laminate, cardboard, etc.

As a rule, the front wall on dollhouses is not made, or it is made removable or opening so that your child can put dolls there, change the decor in the rooms, and tidy up.

Choose the material - and we will teach you how to make a dollhouse with your own hands!

Dollhouses made of plywood and laminate

These are the most popular materials. Distinctive feature from “brothers” - stability and longevity. It is easy to decorate both outside and inside. But making such a house requires male strength.

If you try, such a house will be indistinguishable from the store version.

Diagrams and drawings can be found on the Internet, but if you have technical inclinations, you can try to draw it yourself. There are also photos of finished dollhouses on the Internet.

To make a house we will need:

  • thicker plywood (from 7 mm);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • glue;
  • self-adhesive floor;
  • pieces of wallpaper;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • pen;
  • scheme;
  • a little imagination and patience.

Let’s get to work, having first decided on the dimensions of the dollhouse (they will depend on the dimensions of the “tenants”):

  • we cut out the walls of the future house from plywood or laminate;
  • we cut out windows and doors in them;
  • we glue the walls together; it is also fashionable to use construction nails or staples;
  • we make a roof, it can be either flat or sloping. To give real look you can use corrugated cardboard and then paint it;
  • we fasten the resulting structure to the foundation - a sheet larger than the house itself. On an unused area you can make flower beds, sidewalks, a platform, and a parking lot;
  • we glue wallpaper and lay floors;
  • furnish the house with furniture;
  • you can also add curtains made from pieces of fabric, bedspreads, rugs, etc.

Dollhouses made of plasterboard

Many household parents, after renovations, leave the remaining building materials to gather dust on the balcony in the hope that they will come in handy someday. Their time has come! Drywall can make an excellent dollhouse.

The good thing about a house made from this material is that it is very light and easy to assemble. But, at the same time, it will need to be handled more carefully - it will be quite fragile.

The layout of such a house is no different from a product made of plywood or laminate. But assembling such a house is much easier, and there are many more layout options - with the help of partitions you can divide the rooms between each other.

Foam houses

To assemble such a house we will need:

Pay attention!

  • sheet foam;
  • glue;
  • canape sticks;
  • rulers;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • cardboard;
  • pieces of wallpaper and fabric;
  • dye;
  • sponge for washing dishes;

Pieces of plinth for the ceiling

Let's get started:

  • make a diagram;
  • cut out walls from foam plastic;
  • we make doors and windows in them;
  • we connect the walls using toothpicks, then glue the walls together;
  • to make the roof stronger, we first install bamboo sticks on top of the walls, and only then glue the roof to the walls;
  • we make a ladder from wooden rulers or the same polystyrene foam;
  • You can also use toothpicks for railings;
  • in addition, if desired, you can also make a balcony, massandra or even a terrace from polystyrene foam;
  • painting the house;
  • We decorate the house inside as in the previous description.

Houses made from bookshelves and cabinets

House from old furniture it won’t be difficult to do - after all, the walls are already ready.

All that remains is to cut windows and doors in them, and think about what to make the roof out of, if necessary.

It can also be made from the materials described above. We arrange the furniture, let the cat in - happy housewarming!

Cardboard houses

For this design we will need:

Pay attention!

  • cardboard;
  • house detail templates;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • gouache or watercolor paints.

We are building a house:

  • If you have a large piece of cardboard, then do not cut it, but bend it in places according to the diagram, and then glue its component parts.
  • install interior partitions made of cardboard, they will serve not only to delimit space, but also to fasten the frame structure.
  • Let's get started with renovations and furnishings!

House made of boxes

The simplest and quick option. It is enough to pick required quantity boxes (depending on the number of rooms), we fasten them together using a stapler, having previously placed them on their sides so that the top of the box serves as an exit.

This will allow you to open the front wall at the right time to rearrange, tidy up, etc.

We cut out windows and doors. Let's start designing the frame.

Pay attention!

House made from paper folders

It requires four folders. We cover them from the inside with wallpaper or printed sheets with decorative items and household appliances in a plane.

We cut out windows in the folders, install the folders vertically, and fasten them with the help of clips that are included with each folder. Your house is ready.

Fabric house

This option is good because it takes up virtually no space and can even be folded up.

Using a thick piece of fabric we make the back wall - it will serve as the foundation. We sew a rectangular base for the house. We make pockets to which the cardboard for the floors will then be attached. We attach ribbons to both corners of the pockets.

All that remains is to sew the pockets with a rectangular base on one edge so that the ribbons end up with reverse side. Floors using tapes and sew the tapes with back wall. Let's decorate the house and start playing!

You can make houses from other materials - the main thing is to show your imagination! A wonderful gift it will also be suitable for a boy - after all, you can build a garage, parking lot, etc.

Photo of a dollhouse with your own hands

In any family with a little daughter, there is always a huge variety of dolls. And loving parents try in every way to please their children, acquiring more and more new toys. But people are increasingly asking the question: “How can you make furniture for dolls with your own hands?” After all, she is so dear, and I really want to pamper the little princess. And in fact there is a way out! The main thing is the presence of imagination, the work of hands and the availability of material.

Furniture for dolls can be made from any available materials. These can be matchboxes, newspaper tubes, cardboard, dish sponges, plywood, and many other materials that you will find use for. If you wish, you can even create entire doll cottages with your own hands, which will delight your children.

This article invites you to interesting master classes that can help diversify the doll world and fully satisfy your child’s desires.

Master class on making a soft chair for a doll with your own hands.

1 large dish sponge;

2 small dish sponges;



Cotton wool;



Glue gun;


Work process.

It is impossible to imagine a single doll without her own house, which also needs to be furnished. Since we already tried to make a chair, and it turned out to be quite simple. Now you can start creating a sofa. And don’t think that your child won’t need it to play! And if guests come to the doll, will they need to be seated somewhere? After all, a child’s imagination is very vast, so everything should be taken into account. possible options. Therefore, we invite you to consider the detailed master class on making a sofa for a doll with your own hands.

Tools and materials needed for work.

Oatmeal box;



Viscose napkins;



Stationery knife.

Work process.

Matchbox chest of drawers.

Materials and tools necessary for work.

4 matchboxes;

Accessories for making legs and handles;





Work process.

  • First, let's paint all the boxes inside and outside with paint.
  • After the paint has dried, the boxes will need to be glued together.
  • Now you will need to wrap the chest of drawers with fabric and use glue to secure the fabric from below.
  • We glue a beautiful braid on the sides.
  • All that remains is to attach the legs and handles for the drawers. In this case, we will use fittings. We will need four barrel beads and four regular round beads. We put them on glue. And let it dry.
  • Now you can use it. Dolls can hide their things or miniature dishes here. I think the child is definitely will find application this wonderful chest of drawers.

Monster High dolls are very popular among children these days. They not only have unusual look, but also the same furniture, different from the standard accessories. Therefore, in this article we will pay attention to creating a wardrobe for a Monster High doll. So, welcome to the master class on making this element.

Wardrobe for a Monster High doll.

Materials and tools necessary for work.


Corrugated cardboard;







Work process.

In fact, furniture for dolls is very important in a child’s life. After all, it provides an opportunity not just to play with dolls, but to conduct real housekeeping, albeit a doll-like one. A child teaches his pet how to clean up a miniature room, and naturally these skills are stored in her own cute little head. After all, a little girl is a good housewife in the future, who learns by playing with dolls. After all, the dolls are also friends with each other, go to visit, cook, decorate their premises, while developing a girl’s sense of taste and responsibility. Therefore, if you love your children, then try to please them. You don’t need to think that the desire to buy some new toy or furniture for a doll’s house is just fun. No! Play helps a child develop. Therefore, make a good contribution to the positive development of your children.

Every girl who has a doll wants to get a lot of accessories for her favorite. These are clothes, shoes, a house, and of course – pieces of furniture. Naturally, this is available for sale, but, as a rule, a house and furniture for dolls are quite expensive if you buy them in regular toy stores. In addition, many girls are literally itching to do interesting craft for dolls with your own hands.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, and today we will tell you how to create original and very beautiful origami furniture using simple pieces of paper and glue. Our detailed MK will allow you to easily make such necessary household items as a chair, table, sofa and much more.

First, let's look at the basic principles of making furniture for dolls in the origami style and try to decide why it is needed.

So who is interested in ideas for creating a miniature doll furniture made of paper? First of all, for those who like to play with dolls, that is, for those little girls who cannot imagine life without a fascinating and exciting doll life. A self-production Furniture made from paper has undoubted advantages:

  1. Wide field for creativity: you can fold a wide variety of furniture, differing in shapes, colors and sizes.
  2. The applied art of origami is useful, because with its help you can develop perseverance, attention, and fine motor skills.
  3. Such paper crafts and figurines look simply charming, they will decorate any children's room, they can be presented as original gift, or simply create a souvenir.

The technique for making origami furniture is quite simple, and even a child can handle it. The main thing is to have certain templates and patterns with which you can make crafts such as a bed, chair, sofa from origami paper and much more.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners are a great way to make your fantasies come true by creating a charming doll world with all possible details.

What do you need to make paper furniture? First of all, you should arm yourself detailed master classes for beginners. These can be photos and videos, or step-by-step diagrams for assembling paper figures.

In addition, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • origami paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • hot glue gun;
  • regular office glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

All this can be bought in the craft department, bookstore and stationery store.

Folding furniture

Spacious sofa

Don't know how to make an origami sofa from paper or cardboard? So ours step by step instructions– exactly what you need.

Important! If you need to make durable furniture on which the doll can sit and lie without damaging the product, you should take cardboard for creativity, and not origami paper.

To complete the craft, you need to take an A4 sheet of cardboard and make a square out of it. To do this, simply bend one of the edges, align it with more long side and cut off the excess edge.

We follow the diagram provided below. From it you can see that creating a sofa from cardboard is an extremely simple and very exciting activity.

Elegant table

Origami table is one of the most simple crafts. To complete this you will need extremely thin and fairly durable cardboard and a hot glue gun. Below are the detailed instructions:

  1. We cut cardboard 10x12 and 6x8.
  2. Place a small piece of cardboard in the center and trace it with a pencil, using a ruler. We complete the lines and cut off the corners.
  3. We connect the free edges so that a small sheet of cardboard remains inside, and fix everything with hot glue.
  4. Let's make the legs. To do this, winding rectangular sheet cardboard around a pencil, form 4 identical tubes.
  5. Cut 4 narrow strips of thick, corrugated cardboard. Parameters – 1X5 and 1X7. Glue it to the tabletop. For tight fixation we also use a hot gun.
  6. With its help, we fix the legs, then, using small pieces of the same cardboard, we strengthen them.

The table can be placed on its legs only after the glue has completely dried. If you wish, you can make a larger table by following the instructions below.

Doll chair

We will make a chair from origami paper using the same technique as the table. Main principle- This is wrapping a base of thick thick cardboard with a thinner one; you can also use paper.

First we cut out the lower base of the furniture, then the back. An origami chair will have legs made using the same technique as the elements for the table, only in smaller sizes. All elements are fixed with a glue gun.

Origami folding beds

Origami bed is perhaps the most important element furnishings in a doll's house. We make it from paper or cardboard of your choice. We take into account the size and weight of the doll. Next, we follow the diagram below, which completely replaces the video master class on creating paper crafts:

In the photo finished product you can see that the origami bed for the doll is very similar to the real one.

You can use paper to make any furniture for small dolls and larger models of Barbie size.

Video MK on making an origami table and chair

Video tutorial on assembling an origami cabinet

This master class will help you make an origami wardrobe for dolls, consisting of several drawers. Their number can be any. To create one cupboard you will need two sheets of origami paper measuring 20x20 cm.

Origami will help you assemble a cabinet detailed description all processes in the video below:

The number of miniature furniture boxes can be arbitrary. We connect them using any glue.

A selection of original furniture diagrams