Do-it-yourself vertical windmill (5 kW). How to make a wind power station with your own hands Wind generator connection diagram

Until recently, wind generators were considered a rarity, but today this area is rapidly developing, and many have gained experience in creating wind turbines to generate electricity. Such devices can be used in a variety of areas - for water supply, electrification of private houses, operation of agricultural units (for example, crushers) or heating water for home heating.

Industrial models have many advantages, except for cost. Therefore, today we will find out how to make a wind generator with our own hands and what materials/tools will be needed for this.

Design features and mechanics of a wind generator

The principle of operation of a wind generator is to convert kinetic energy into electricity. The device consists of a number of system elements, each of which has its own function. Let's try to figure this out.

Pay attention! Wind generators can be rotary (vertical) or classic (horizontal). The latter have a higher efficiency, which is why they are made more often than others.

It is worth noting that vertical windmills must be turned towards the wind, because they are simply incapable of functioning with a side flow. Horizontal generators have other advantages. Let's get to know them.

  1. Turbines rotary devices will “catch” the wind regardless of which direction it blows from. Which is extremely convenient in case of unstable/variable wind in the region.
  2. It is much easier to build a horizontal windmill than a horizontal one.
  3. The structure can be located directly on the ground, but provided that there is enough wind there.

As for the disadvantages, a horizontal wind generator has only one - a rather low efficiency.

Calculating the power of the future wind generator

First, you should find out what power a wind generator should have with your own hands, what are the functions and loads that it will face. As a rule, alternative sources of electricity are used as auxiliary ones, that is, intended to assist the main power supply. Therefore, if the system power is even 500 watts or more, this is already quite good.

Pay attention! To heat private house, which is of medium size, you will need about two to three kilowatts.

At the same time, the final power of a wind generator depends on other factors, including:

  • wind speed;
  • number of blades.

To find out the appropriate ratio for horizontal type devices, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the table below. The numbers in it at the intersection are the required power (indicated in watts).

Table. Calculation of the required power for horizontal wind generators.

1m 3 8 15 27 42 63 90 122 143
2m 13 31 63 107 168 250 357 490 650
3m 30 71 137 236 376 564 804 1102 1467
4m 53 128 245 423 672 1000 1423 1960 2600
5m 83 166 383 662 1050 1570 2233 3063 4076
6m 120 283 551 953 1513 2258 3215 4410 5866
7m 162 384 750 1300 2060 3070 4310 6000 8000
8m 212 502 980 1693 2689 4014 5715 7840 10435
9m 268 653 1240 2140 3403 5080 7230 9923 13207

For example, if in your region the wind speed is predominantly from 5 to 8 meters per second, and the required wind generator power is 1.5-2 kilowatts, then the diameter of the structure should be approximately 6 meters or more.

What should the blades be like?

The shape of the blades can be:

  • sailing;
  • winged

As for sail-type blades, they are flat and therefore less efficient. They do not take into account aerodynamics, but spin exclusively under the pressure of the wind flow. As a result, no more than 10 percent of all energy is converted into electrical energy. But for wing blades, the area of ​​the internal and external surfaces is different. It is also worth noting that such blades should be located at an angle of 7-10 degrees relative to the wind.

Now a few words about the material from which the blades should be. For ancient windmills, wooden frames consisting of poles and lintels were used. Special “wings” made of fabric were stretched over such frames. If the fabric wore out, it was simply replaced with a new one. Although there is an alternative option - to use dense materials (for example, tarpaulin) for these purposes.

Although you can make blades with your own hands from more modern materials.

  1. If the propeller is small, then cut polyvinyl chloride pipes can serve as blades for it.
  2. You can also use light metals (for example, duralumin).
  3. If you plan to use “sails,” they can be cut from plywood.
  4. Finally, for a large unit, the blades can be made from boards (even if they are heavy, it doesn’t matter, they just need to balance each other).

Pay attention! If gusty winds prevail in the region, it is better to give preference to heavy blades - this will ensure more stable operation of the entire system.

As for the diameter of the pipes, it should correspond to 1/5 of their total length. Each of these pipes is cut lengthwise into four pieces, and at the base it is necessary to cut a rectangle measuring 5x5 (the fastenings will be located here), and after that, make an oblique cut, thanks to which each blade will taper from the base. Sandpaper is used to process the torn edge.

Making a vertical wind generator at home

Now let’s find out how to actually make a wind generator with your own hands. The procedure consists of several stages; let’s get acquainted with the features of each of them.

Stage one. We prepare tools and materials

There are no requirements regarding the size of the turbine - the larger it is, the better for the system itself. And in the example given in this article, the diameter of the turbine is 60 centimeters.

To make a vertical turbine yourself, prepare in advance:

  • a pipe with a diameter of 60 centimeters made of stainless steel;
  • screws, nuts and other fasteners;
  • a pair of plastic disks with a diameter of 60 centimeters (it is important that the plastic is durable);
  • a hub from a car for the base;
  • corners with which the blades will be attached (six pieces for each element; that is, 36 copies in total).

In addition, take care of the following tools in advance:

  • keys;
  • jigsaw;
  • mask;
  • protective gloves;
  • Bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill.

Magnets or small metal plates can be used to balance the blades. If the imbalance is minor, you can simply drill holes in the appropriate places.

Stage two. Makes a drawing

You definitely can’t do without a drawing here. You can use the one below or create your own.

Stage three. Making a vertical windmill

Step 1. First, take a metal pipe and cut it lengthwise so that you end up with six blades of the same size.

Step 2. Cut a pair of identical circles with a diameter of 60 centimeters from plastic. They will serve as supports for the lower and upper parts of the turbine.

Step 3. You can cut a small hole in the upper support (about 30 centimeters in diameter), which will make the structure somewhat lighter.

Step 4. Mark along the holes on the car hub similar holes in the lower plastic support required for fastenings. Use a drill to make holes.

Step 5. Mark the location of the blades in accordance with the template (you should get a pair of triangles that seem to form a star). Mark the mounting locations for the corners. Everything should be the same on both supports.

Step 6. Trim the blades. You can cut them several at a time using a grinder.

Step 7 Mark the mounting locations on the blades and corners. Make all these holes.

Step 8 Connect the blades to the bases using angles, bolts and nuts.

Pay attention! The power of the device largely depends on the length of the blades, but if the latter are large, it will be much more difficult to balance them. Moreover, the structure can become loose under the influence of strong winds.

Stage four. We make a generator

The generator in this case must be self-exciting, and always on permanent magnets. If you take a regular generator from a car, then the voltage winding here operates from the battery, in other words, in the absence of voltage there will be no excitation. Consequently, if you use a simple generator in tandem with a battery, and the wind is relatively weak for a long time, the battery will soon simply discharge, and later, when the wind returns, the wind generator will not start again with your own hands.

It is also possible to make a system using neodymium magnets. This kind of device will produce from 1.5 kilowatts (if the wind is weak) to 3.5 kilowatts (if the wind is strong). Step-by-step instructions for creating such a generator are as follows.

Step 1. Make a couple of metal pancakes, each about 50 centimeters long.

Step 2. Using superglue, glue neodymium magnets measuring 2.5x5.0.12 centimeters (twelve pieces for each) to the pancakes around the entire perimeter.

Step 3. Place the pancakes opposite each other, remembering the polarity.

Step 4. Place a home-made stator between them (make 9 coils from wire with a cross-section of 0.3 centimeters, each with 70 turns). Connect the coils with an asterisk (as shown in the image), and then fill them with polymer resin. In this case, it is important that the coils are wound in one direction; you can mark the end/beginning of the winding using a colored isolette - this will be more convenient.

Step 5. The stator should be about 2 centimeters thick. The winding should come out through bolts and nuts. The distance between the rotor and stator should be 2 millimeters.

The magnets will be attracted quite strongly, and for a smooth connection it is necessary to make holes in them and cut threads for the studs. Immediately align the rotors, then use the keys to lower the upper one onto the lower one. Then you can remove the temporary pins.

Pay attention! The generator described above can be used not only for vertical, but also for horizontal windmills.

Stage five. We assemble the entire structure

First, install a special bracket on the mast, through which the stator will be attached (which, in turn, can have either three or six blades). Fix the hub above the bracket using the same nuts. Screw onto the four studs that are located at the hub, ready generator. After this, connect the stator to the bracket, which is fixedly fixed on the mast. Attach the turbine to the second rotor plate. Connect the stator wires to the voltage regulator using terminals.

Stage six. We install a unit that can turn wind into electricity

To install the entire wind generator with your own hands, you need to follow the steps below in the form of step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Concrete a reliable and durable foundation in the ground.

Step 2. Pouring there concrete mortar, add the studs necessary to attach the massive hinge (all this can be easily done by hand).

Step 3. When the concrete has completely hardened, place the hinge on the studs and secure with nuts.

Step 4. Install the mast into the moving part of the hinge.

Step 5. Attach 3 or 4 guys to the top of the mast (you can use a flange or welding). You will also need a steel cable.

Step 6. Raise the mast on a hinge using one of the prepared cables (you can pull it using a car).

Step 7 The verticality of the entire mast is strictly fixed by guy wires.

Where can such a wind generator be installed?

How correctly you choose the installation location wind generator, the effectiveness of its functioning largely depends. The location should be such that the system blades get as much wind as possible. The site should be open and elevated (for example, the roof of a house, but as far away from trees and other buildings as possible). Typically, the reason for this lies not only in interference, but also in the device making some noise during operation, which may not be liked by neighbors or the owners themselves.

For a more detailed understanding of the problem, we recommend that you watch the thematic video below.

Video - How to make a wind generator using a household fan

Rotary (horizontal) wind generator

Such a device can cope with providing electricity to a small house or several outbuildings. The maximum power of the wind generator will not exceed 1.5 kilowatts.

For work, prepare:

  • 12 watt car generator;
  • relay, battery indicator light;
  • the battery itself is 12 watts;
  • current converter;
  • a large pan or bucket made of duralumin or stainless steel;
  • a pair of clamps for attaching the generator to the mast;
  • switch;
  • wire, 0.4 and 0.25 centimeters;
  • bolts, nuts, washers;
  • voltmeter.

The tools you will need are the same as in the previous case. First, take a pan (or bucket) and, using a marker and tape measure, divide it into four equal parts. Cut out the blades, but do not cut all the way (as shown in the picture).

Make holes for the bolts in the bottom, then bend the blades, but not too much. Take into account the fact how the generator will rotate (clockwise or counterclockwise).

Next, attach the pan with the already prepared blades to the pulley, secure with bolts. Install the generator on the pre-fixed mast (use the supplied clamps for this), then connect all the cables and assemble the circuit. Rewrite the entire circuit, fix the wires on the support.

To connect the battery, use a 4mm cable with a maximum length of 1 meter. To connect the load, use a cable with a smaller cross-section. Also install an inverter. Below is approximate diagram connections.

As you can see, it is quite possible to build a wind generator with your own hands. The design can be of two types, but if you have the skills and proper zeal, you can handle the work even alone. That's all, good luck!


Air masses have inexhaustible reserves of energy, which humanity has used since ancient times. Basically, the power of the wind ensured the movement of ships under sail and the operation of windmills. After the invention of steam engines, this type of energy lost its relevance.

Only in modern conditions wind energy has again become in demand as a driving force applied to electric generators. They haven't received it yet widespread on an industrial scale, but are becoming increasingly popular in the private sector. Sometimes it is simply impossible to connect to a power line. In such situations, many owners design and manufacture a wind generator for a private home with their own hands from scrap materials. Subsequently, they are used as main or auxiliary sources of electricity.

Ideal windmill theory

This theory was developed at different times by scientists and specialists in the field of mechanics. It was first developed by V.P. Vetchinkin in 1914, and the theory of an ideal propeller was used as a basis. In these studies, the wind energy utilization factor of an ideal wind turbine was derived for the first time.

Work in this area was continued by N.E. Zhukovsky, who derived the maximum value of this coefficient equal to 0.593. In the later works of another professor - Sabinin G.Kh. the adjusted coefficient value was 0.687.

In accordance with the developed theories, an ideal wind wheel should have the following parameters:

  • The axis of rotation of the wheel must be parallel to the speed of the wind flow.
  • The number of blades is infinitely large, with a very small width.
  • Zero value of wing profile drag in the presence of constant circulation along the blades.
  • The entire swept surface of the windmill has a constant lost speed of air flow on the wheel.
  • Pursuit angular velocity to infinity.

Wind turbine selection

When choosing a wind generator model for a private home, you should consider required power, ensuring the operation of devices and equipment taking into account the schedule and frequency of switching on. It is determined by monthly metering of electricity consumption. Additionally, the power value can be determined in accordance with technical characteristics consumers.

One should also take into account the fact that all electrical appliances are powered not directly from the wind generator, but from an inverter and a set of batteries. Thus, a 1 kW generator is capable of ensuring the normal functioning of the batteries powering a four-kilowatt inverter. As a result, household appliances with similar power are provided with electricity in full. The correct choice of batteries is of great importance. Special attention You should pay attention to parameters such as charging current.

When choosing a wind turbine design, the following factors are taken into account:

  • The direction of rotation of the wind wheel is vertical or horizontal.
  • The shape of the fan blades can be in the form of a sail, with a straight or curved surface. In some cases, combined options are used.
  • Material for blades and technology for their manufacture.
  • Placement of fan blades with different inclinations relative to the flow of passing air.
  • The number of blades included in the fan.
  • The required power transferred from the wind turbine to the generator.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the average annual wind speed for a specific area, as specified in the weather service. There is no need to specify the wind direction, since modern designs wind generators independently turn in the other direction.

For most areas of the Russian Federation, the most the best option there will be a horizontal orientation of the axis of rotation, the surface of the blades will be curved and concave, which the air flow flows around at an acute angle. The amount of power taken from the wind is affected by the area of ​​the blade. For an ordinary house An area of ​​1.25 m2 is quite sufficient.

The speed of a windmill depends on the number of blades. Wind generators with one blade rotate the fastest. In such designs, a counterweight is used for balancing. It should also be taken into account that at low wind speeds, below 3 m/s, wind turbines become unable to absorb energy. In order for the unit to perceive weak winds, the area of ​​its blades must be increased to at least 2 m 2.

Wind generator calculation

Before choosing a wind generator, it is necessary to determine the wind speed and direction that are most typical at the location of the proposed installation. It should be remembered that the rotation of the blades begins at a minimum wind speed of 2 m/s. Maximum efficiency can be achieved when this indicator reaches a value from 9 to 12 m/s. That is, in order to provide electricity to a small country house, you will need a generator with a minimum power of 1 kW/h and a wind speed of at least 8 m/s.

Wind speed and propeller diameter have a direct impact on the power produced by a wind turbine. It is possible to accurately calculate the performance characteristics of a particular model using the following formulas:

  1. Calculations in accordance with the area of ​​rotation are performed as follows: P = 0.6 x S x V 3, where S is the area perpendicular to the wind direction (m 2), V is the wind speed (m/s), P is the power of the generating set ( kW).
  2. To calculate the electrical installation based on the diameter of the screw, the formula is used: P = D 2 x V 3 /7000, in which D is the diameter of the screw (m), V is the wind speed (m/s), P is the generator power (kW).
  3. For more complex calculations, air flow density is taken into account. For these purposes, there is a formula: P = ξ x π x R 2 x 0.5 x V 3 x ρ x η ed x η gen, where ξ is the coefficient of wind energy use (an immeasurable quantity), π = 3.14, R - rotor radius (m), V - air flow speed (m/s), ρ - air density (kg/m 3), η ed - gearbox efficiency (%), η gen - generator efficiency (%).

Thus, the electricity produced by the wind generator increases quantitatively in a cubic ratio with the increasing speed of the wind flow. For example, when the wind speed increases by 2 times, the generation of kinetic energy by the rotor will increase by 8 times.

When choosing a location for installing a wind generator, it is necessary to give preference to areas without large buildings and tall trees that create a barrier to the wind. The minimum distance from residential buildings is from 25 to 30 meters, otherwise noise during work will create inconvenience and discomfort. The windmill rotor must be located at a height exceeding the nearest buildings by at least 3-5 m.

If you do not plan to connect your country house to the general network, in this case you can use the options combined systems. The operation of a wind turbine will be much more efficient when used in conjunction with a diesel generator or solar battery.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands

Regardless of the type and design of the wind generator, each device is equipped with similar elements as a basis. All models have generators, blades made of various materials, lifts providing required level installations, as well as additional batteries and an electronic control system. The simplest to manufacture are rotor-type units or axial structures using magnets.

Option 1. Rotor wind generator design.

A rotary wind generator design uses two, four or more blades. Such wind generators are not able to fully supply large country houses with electricity. They are used primarily as an auxiliary source of electricity.

Depending on the estimated power of the windmill, they are selected necessary materials and components:

  • 12 volt car generator and car battery.
  • Voltage regulator that converts alternating current from 12 to 220 volts.
  • Capacity with large sizes. An aluminum bucket or stainless steel pan works best.
  • You can use a relay removed from the car as a charger.
  • You will need a 12 V switch, a charge lamp with a controller, bolts with nuts and washers, as well as metal clamps with rubberized gaskets.
  • A three-core cable with a minimum cross-section of 2.5 mm 2 and a regular voltmeter removed from any measuring device.

First of all, the rotor is prepared from an existing metal container - a pan or bucket. It is marked into four equal parts, holes are made at the ends of the lines to facilitate division into component parts. Then the container is cut with metal scissors or a grinder. Rotor blades are cut from the resulting blanks. All measurements must be carefully checked for proper sizing, otherwise the design will not function properly.

Next, the side of rotation of the generator pulley is determined. Typically it rotates clockwise, but it's best to check this. After this, the rotor part is connected to the generator. To avoid imbalance in the movement of the rotor, the mounting holes in both structures must be located symmetrically.

To increase the rotation speed, the edges of the blades should be slightly bent. As the bending angle increases, air flows will be more efficiently absorbed by the rotor unit. Not only elements of the cut container are used as blades, but also individual parts connected to a metal blank shaped like a circle.

After attaching the container to the generator, the entire resulting structure must be installed entirely on the mast using metal clamps. Then the wiring is installed and assembled. Each contact must be plugged into its own connector. Once connected, the wiring is secured to the mast with wire.

Upon completion of assembly, the inverter, battery and load are connected. The battery is connected with a cable with a cross-section of 3 mm 2; for all other connections, a cross-section of 2 mm 2 is sufficient. After this, the wind generator can be operated.

Option 2. Axial design wind generator using magnets.

Axial windmills for the home are a structure whose main elements are neodymium magnets. In terms of their performance, they are significantly ahead of conventional rotary units.

The rotor is the main element of the entire wind generator design. For its manufacture, a car wheel hub complete with brake discs is best suited. A part that has been in use should be prepared - cleaned of dirt and rust, and lubricated the bearings.

Next, you need to correctly distribute and secure the magnets. In total you will need 20 pieces, measuring 25 x 8 mm. The magnetic field in them is located along the length. The even-numbered magnets will be poles; they are located along the entire plane of the disk, alternating through one. Then the pros and cons are determined. One magnet alternately touches other magnets on the disk. If they attract, then the pole is positive.

With an increased number of poles, certain rules must be observed. In single-phase generators, the number of poles coincides with the number of magnets. Three-phase generators maintain a 4/3 ratio between magnets and poles, and a 2/3 ratio between poles and coils. The magnets are installed perpendicular to the circumference of the disk. A paper template is used to distribute them evenly. The magnets are first secured with strong glue and then finally fixed with epoxy resin.

If we compare single-phase and three-phase generators, then performance the former will be somewhat worse compared to the latter. This is due to high amplitude fluctuations in the network due to unstable current output. Therefore, vibration occurs in single-phase devices. In three-phase designs, this disadvantage is compensated by current loads from one phase to another. Due to this, the network always ensures a constant power value. Due to vibration, the service life of single-phase systems is significantly lower than that of three-phase systems. In addition, three-phase models have no noise during operation.

The height of the mast is approximately 6-12 m. It is installed in the center of the formwork and filled with concrete. Then the finished structure is installed on the mast, onto which the screw is attached. The mast itself is secured using cables.

Wind turbine blades

The efficiency of wind power plants largely depends on the design of the blades. First of all, this is their number and size, as well as the material from which the blades for the wind generator will be made.

Factors influencing blade design:

  • Even the weakest wind can set the long blades in motion. However, too much length can cause the wind wheel to spin slower.
  • Increasing the total number of blades makes the wind wheel more responsive. That is, the more blades, the better the rotation starts. However, the power and speed will be reduced, making such a device unsuitable for generating electricity.
  • The diameter and speed of rotation of the wind wheel affects the noise level generated by the device.

The number of blades must be combined with the installation location of the entire structure. In the most optimal conditions Properly selected blades can ensure maximum output from a wind generator.

First of all, you need to determine in advance the required power and functionality of the device. To properly manufacture a wind generator, you need to study possible designs, as well as climatic conditions in which it will be used.

In addition to the total power, it is recommended to determine the value of the output power, also known as peak load. It represents the total number of devices and equipment that will be turned on simultaneously with the operation of the wind generator. If it is necessary to increase this figure, it is recommended to use several inverters at once.

DIY wind generator 24V - 2500 watt

In modern realities, every homeowner is well aware of the constant increase in the cost of utilities - this also applies to electrical energy. Therefore, to create comfortable conditions living in suburban housing construction, both in summer and winter, you will have to either pay for energy supply services, or find an alternative way out of the current situation, fortunately natural springs energies are free.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands - step by step guide

The territory of our state is mostly plains. Despite the fact that in cities the access to wind is blocked by high-rise buildings, strong air currents rage outside the city. Therefore, making a wind generator yourself is the only correct solution for providing a country house with electricity. But first you need to figure out which model is suitable for self-production.


A rotary windmill is a simple converting device that is easy to make with your own hands. Naturally, such a product will not be able to provide electricity to a country mansion, but for country house will do just fine. It will allow you to illuminate not only residential buildings, but also outbuildings and even paths in the garden. To independently assemble a unit with a power of up to 1500 watts, you need to prepare consumables and components from the following list:

Naturally, you need to have a minimum set of tools: scissors for cutting metal, an angle grinder, a measuring tape, a pencil, a set wrenches and screwdrivers, drill with drills and pliers.

Step by Step Actions

Assembly begins with the manufacture of the rotor and alteration of the pulley, for which a certain sequence of work is followed.

To connect the battery, conductors with a cross-section of 4 mm and a length of no more than 100 cm are used. Consumers are connected with conductors with a cross-section of 2 mm. It is important to include a 220V DC to AC voltage converter in the open circuit according to the terminal contact diagram.

Pros and cons of the design

If all the manipulations are done correctly, then the device will last quite a long time. When using a sufficiently powerful battery and a suitable inverter up to 1.5 kW, you can provide power to street and indoor lighting, a refrigerator and a TV. Making such a windmill is very simple and cost-effective. This product is easy to repair and unpretentious to use. It is very reliable in terms of operation and does not make noise, annoying the inhabitants of the house. However, the rotary windmill has low efficiency and its operation depends on the presence of wind.

An axial design with an iron-free stator based on neodymium permanent magnets appeared on the territory of our state not so long ago due to the unavailability of component parts. But today, powerful magnets are not uncommon, and the cost of them has dropped significantly compared to a few years ago.

The basis of such a generator is a hub with brake discs from a passenger car. If this is not a new part, then it is advisable to overhaul it and change lubricants and bearings.

Placement and installation of neodymium magnets

Work begins with gluing magnets onto the rotor disk. For this purpose, 20 magnets are used. and dimensions 2.5 by 0.8 cm. To change the number of poles, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • a single-phase generator implies the number of magnets corresponding to the number of poles;
  • in the case of a three-phase device, a ratio of 2/3 of poles and coils is maintained, respectively;
  • The placement of magnets should occur with alternating poles; to simplify their distribution, it is better to use a ready-made template made of cardboard.

If possible, it is advisable to use magnets rectangular shape, since in round analogues the concentration of magnetic fields occurs in the center, and not over the entire surface. It is important to ensure that magnets facing each other have opposite poles. In order to determine the poles, magnets are brought close to each other, and the attracting sides are positive, therefore the repulsive sides are negative.

A special one is used to attach the magnets. adhesive composition, after which reinforcement with epoxy resin is performed to increase strength. For this purpose, magnetic elements are filled with it. To prevent the resin from spreading, sides are made using ordinary plasticine.

Three-phase and single-phase type unit

Single-phase stators are inferior in their parameters to their three-phase counterparts, since vibration increases with increasing load. This is due to the difference in current amplitude resulting from the variability of its output over a certain period of time. In turn, in the three-phase analogue there is no such problem. This made it possible to increase returns three-phase generator almost 50% compared to a single-phase model. Plus, due to the absence of additional vibration, no extraneous noise is created during operation of the device.

Winding coils

Every electrician knows that before starting to wind a coil, it is important to preliminary calculations. Homemade wind generator at 220V - a device operating at low speeds. It is necessary to ensure that battery charging starts at 100 rpm.

Based on these parameters, winding all the coils will require no more than 1200 turns. To determine the turns for one coil, you need to simply divide the total indicators by the number of individual elements.

To increase the power of a low-speed windmill, the number of poles is increased. In this case, the frequency of the current in the coils will increase. The winding of the coils should be thick copper wires. This will reduce the resistance value and, therefore, increase the current strength. It is important to consider that with a sharp increase in voltage, the current can be completely spent on the resistance of the windings. To simplify winding, you can use a special machine.

In accordance with the number and thickness of magnets attached to the disks, the performance characteristics of the device change. To find out what power indicators will ultimately be obtained, it is enough to wind one element and rotate it in the unit. To determine power characteristics, voltage is measured at certain speeds.

Often the coil is made round, but it is advisable to extend it slightly. In this case, there will be more copper in each sector, and the arrangement of turns becomes denser. The diameter of the inner hole of the coil should be equal to the dimensions of the magnet. When manufacturing the stator, it is important to take into account that its thickness must be equal to the parameters of the magnets.

Usually plywood is used as a blank for the stator, but it is quite possible to make markings on a paper sheet by drawing sectors for the coils, and use regular plasticine for borders. To give strength to the product, fiberglass is used, located at the bottom of the mold on top of the coils. It is important that the epoxy resin does not stick to the mold. To do this, it is covered with wax on top. The coils are fixedly fixed to each other, and the ends of the phases are brought out. After that, all the wires are connected according to a star or triangle pattern. To test the finished device, it is rotated manually.

Usually the final height of the mast is 6 meters, but if possible it is better to double it. Because of this, a concrete base is used to secure it. The fastening must be such that the pipe can be easily lifted and lowered using a winch. A screw is fixed at the upper end of the pipe.

To make a screw, you need a PVC pipe, the cross-section of which should be 16 cm. A two-meter long screw with six blades is cut from the pipe. The optimal shape of the blades is determined experimentally, which allows increasing torque at minimum speed. To retract the propeller from strong gusts of wind, a folding tail is used. The generated electricity is stored in batteries.

Video: homemade wind generator

After considering the available options for wind generators, each homeowner will be able to decide on a device suitable for their purposes. Each of them has its own positive aspects, and negative qualities. You can especially feel the effectiveness of a wind turbine outside the city, where there is constant movement of air masses.

One of the most affordable options for using renewable energy sources is the use of wind energy. To learn how to make calculations, assemble and install a windmill yourself, read this article.

Classification of wind generators

Installations are classified based on the following wind turbine criteria:

  • location of the axis of rotation;
  • number of blades;
  • element material;
  • propeller pitch.

Wind turbines, as a rule, have design with horizontal and vertical axis of rotation.

Version with a horizontal axis - a propeller design with one, two, three or more blades. This is the most common design of air power plants due to its high efficiency.

Version with a vertical axis - orthogonal and carousel designs using the example of Darrieus and Savonius rotors. The last two concepts should be clarified, since both have some significance in the design of wind generators.

Darrieus rotor is an orthogonal wind turbine design, where aerodynamic blades (two or more) are located symmetrically to each other at a certain distance and mounted on radial beams. Enough difficult option wind turbine requiring careful aerodynamic design of the blades.

Savonius rotor is a carousel-type wind turbine design, where two semi-cylindrical blades are located one against the other, forming a generally sinusoidal shape. The efficiency of the structures is low (about 15%), but can be almost doubled if the blades are placed in the direction of the wave not horizontally, but vertically and a multi-tier design is used with the angular displacement of each pair of blades relative to the other pairs.

Advantages and disadvantages of wind turbines

The advantages of these devices are obvious, especially in relation to domestic operating conditions. Users of wind turbines actually have the opportunity to generate free electrical energy, not counting the small costs of construction and maintenance. However, the disadvantages of wind power plants are also obvious.

So in order to achieve efficient work installation, the conditions for stability of wind flows must be met. Man cannot create such conditions. This is purely the prerogative of nature. Another technical drawback is the low quality of the generated electricity, as a result of which it is necessary to supplement the system with expensive electrical modules (multipliers, chargers, batteries, converters, stabilizers).

The advantages and disadvantages in terms of the features of each modification of wind turbines, perhaps, balance at zero. If the horizontal-axial modifications are different high value efficiency, then for stable operation they require the use of wind flow direction controllers and protection devices against hurricane winds. Vertical-axis modifications have low efficiency, but work stably without a mechanism for tracking wind direction. At the same time, such wind turbines are distinguished by a low noise level, eliminate the “spreading” effect in strong winds, and are quite compact.

Homemade wind generators

Making a "windmill" with my own hands- the problem is completely solvable. Moreover, a constructive and rational approach to business will help minimize inevitable financial expenses. First of all, it is worth sketching out the project, carrying out necessary calculations balancing and power. These actions will be more than just collateral successful construction wind power plant, but also a guarantee of maintaining the integrity of all purchased equipment.

It is recommended to start by building a micro-windmill with a power of several tens of watts. In the future, the experience gained will help create a more powerful design. When creating a home wind generator, you should not focus on obtaining high-quality electricity (220 V, 50 Hz), since this option will require significant financial investments. It makes more sense to limit ourselves to the use of initially obtained electricity, which can be successfully used without conversion for other purposes, for example, to support heating and hot water supply systems built on electric heaters (TEH) - such devices do not require stable voltage and frequency. This makes it possible to create simple diagram, operating directly from the generator.

Most likely, no one will argue that heating and hot water supply in the house are inferior in importance household appliances and lighting devices, for which they often tend to install home windmills. The construction of wind turbines is precisely for the purpose of providing the house with heat and hot water- This minimum costs and simplicity of design.

Generalized design of a home wind turbine

Structurally, a home project largely replicates an industrial installation. True, household solutions are often based on vertical-axis wind turbines and are equipped with low-voltage DC generators. Composition of household wind turbine modules, subject to high-quality electricity (220 V, 50 Hz):

  • wind turbine;
  • wind orientation device;
  • animator;
  • DC generator (12 V, 24 V);
  • battery charging module;
  • rechargeable batteries (lithium-ion, lithium-polymer, lead-acid);
  • DC voltage converter 12 V (24 V) to AC voltage 220 V.

Wind generator PIC 8-6/2.5

How does this work? Just. The wind turns the wind turbine. The torque is transmitted through the multiplier to the shaft of the DC generator. The energy received at the output of the generator is accumulated in batteries through the charging module. From the battery terminals, a constant voltage of 12 V (24 V, 48 V) is supplied to the converter, where it is transformed into a voltage suitable for powering household electrical networks.

About generators for home windmills

Majority household structures Wind turbines are usually designed using low-speed DC electric motors. This is the simplest generator option that does not require modernization. Optimally - electric motors with permanent magnets, designed for a supply voltage of about 60-100 volts. There is practice of using car generators, but for this case the introduction of a multiplier is required, since self-generators produce the required voltage only at high (1800-2500) speeds. One of the possible options is the reconstruction of an AC asynchronous motor, but it is also quite complex, requiring precise calculations, turning, and installation of neodymium magnets in the rotor area. There is an option for a three-phase asynchronous motor with the connection of capacitors of the same capacity between the phases. Finally, there is the possibility of making a generator from scratch with your own hands. There are a lot of instructions on this matter.

Vertical-axis homemade “windmill”

A fairly efficient and, most importantly, inexpensive wind generator can be built on the basis of a Savonius rotor. Here, as an example, a micro-energy installation is considered, the power of which does not exceed 20 W. However, this device is quite sufficient, for example, to provide electrical energy to some household appliances operating on 12 volts.

Set of parts:

  1. Aluminum sheet 1.5-2 mm thick.
  2. Plastic pipe: diameter 125 mm, length 3000 mm.
  3. Aluminum pipe: diameter 32 mm, length 500 mm.
  4. DC motor (potential generator), 30-60V, 360-450 rpm, for example, electric motor model PIK8-6/2.5.
  5. Voltage controller.
  6. Battery.

Manufacturing of the Savonius rotor

Three “pancakes” with a diameter of 285 mm are cut out of an aluminum sheet. Holes are drilled in the center of each aluminum pipe 32 mm. It turns out something similar to CDs. From plastic pipe two pieces 150 mm long are cut and cut in half lengthwise. The result is four semicircular blades 125x150 mm. All three aluminum “CDs” are put on a 32 mm pipe and fixed at a distance of 320, 170, 20 mm from the top point strictly horizontally, forming two tiers. Blades are inserted between the disks, two per tier, and fixed strictly one against the other, forming a sinusoid. In this case, the blades of the upper tier are shifted relative to the blades of the lower tier at an angle of 90 degrees. The result is a four-blade Savonius rotor. To fasten elements, you can use rivets, self-tapping screws, corners, or other methods.

Connection to engine and installation on mast

The shaft of DC motors with the above parameters usually has a diameter of no more than 10-12 mm. In order to connect the motor shaft to the wind turbine pipe, a brass bushing having the required internal diameter is pressed into the lower part of the pipe. A hole is drilled through the wall of the pipe and the bushing, and a thread is cut to screw in the locking screw. Next, the wind turbine pipe is put on the generator shaft, after which the connection is rigidly fixed with a locking screw.

The remaining part of the plastic pipe (2800 mm) is the mast of the wind turbine. The generator assembly with the Savonius wheel is mounted at the top of the mast - it is simply inserted into the pipe until it stops. A metal disk cover mounted on the front end of the motor, having a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the mast, is used as a stop. Holes are drilled on the periphery of the cover for attaching guy wires. Since the diameter of the electric motor housing is smaller than the internal diameter of the pipe, spacers or stops are used to align the generator in the center. The cable from the generator is passed inside the pipe and exited through the window at the bottom. During installation, it is necessary to take into account the protection of the generator from moisture by using sealing gaskets. Again, for the purpose of protection from precipitation, an umbrella cap can be installed above the connection of the wind turbine pipe with the generator shaft.

The entire structure is installed in an open, well-ventilated area. A hole 0.5 meters deep is dug under the mast, the lower part of the pipe is lowered into the hole, the structure is leveled with guy wires, after which the hole is filled with concrete.

Voltage controller (simple charger)

A manufactured wind generator, as a rule, is not capable of producing 12 volts due to the low rotation speed. The maximum rotation speed of the wind turbine at a wind speed of 6-8 m/sec. reaches a value of 200-250 rpm. At the output it is possible to obtain a voltage of about 5-7 volts. To charge the battery, a voltage of 13.5-15 volts is required. The way out is to use a simple pulse voltage converter, assembled, for example, based on the LM2577ADJ voltage regulator. By supplying 5 volts of DC to the input of the converter, the output is 12-15 volts, which is quite enough to charge a car battery.

Ready-made voltage converter based on LM2577

This micro-wind generator can certainly be improved. Increase the turbine power, change the material and height of the mast, add a DC-to-AC converter, etc.

Horizontal-axis wind power plant

Set of parts:

  1. Plastic pipe with a diameter of 150 mm, aluminum sheet 1.5-2.5 mm thick, wooden block 80x40 1 m long, plumbing: flange - 3, angle - 2, tee - 1.
  2. DC electric motor (generator) 30-60 V, 300-470 rpm.
  3. Wheel-pulley for an engine with a diameter of 130-150 mm (aluminum, brass, textolite, etc.).
  4. Steel pipes with a diameter of 25 mm and 32 mm and a length of 35 mm and 3000 mm, respectively.
  5. Charging module for batteries.
  6. Batteries.
  7. Voltage converter 12 V - 120 V (220 V).

Manufacturing of a horizontal-axis “windmill”

A plastic pipe is needed to make wind turbine blades. A section of such a pipe, 600 mm long, is cut lengthwise into four identical segments. A windmill requires three blades, which are made from the resulting segments by cutting part of the material diagonally along the entire length, but not exactly from corner to corner, but from the lower corner to the upper corner, with a slight indentation from the latter. Processing the lower part of the segments is reduced to the formation of a fastening petal on each of the three segments. To do this, a square measuring approximately 50x50 mm is cut along one edge, and the remaining part serves as a fastening petal.

The wind turbine blades are secured to the wheel-pulley using bolted connections. The pulley is mounted directly on the shaft of a DC electric motor - generator. A simple wooden block with a cross-section of 80x40 mm and a length of 1 m is used as a wind turbine chassis. The generator is installed at one end wooden block. At the other end of the bar, a “tail” made of an aluminum sheet is mounted. At the bottom of the bar, attached metal pipe 25 mm, designed to act as a rotating mechanism shaft. A three-meter 32 mm metal pipe is used as a mast. The upper part of the mast is the bushing of the rotating mechanism, into which the wind turbine pipe is inserted. The mast support is made from a sheet of thick plywood. On this support, in the form of a disk with a diameter of 600 mm, a structure is assembled from plumbing parts, thanks to which the mast can be easily raised or lowered, or mounted or dismantled. Guys are used to secure the mast.

All wind turbine electronics are mounted in a separate module, the interface of which provides for connecting batteries and consumer loads. The module includes a battery charge controller and a voltage converter. Such devices can be assembled independently if you have the appropriate experience, or purchased on the market. There are many on sale different solutions, allowing you to obtain the desired output values ​​of voltages and currents.

Combined wind turbines

Combined wind turbines are a serious option for a home energy module. Actually, the combination involves combining a wind generator, solar battery, diesel or gasoline power plant into a single system. You can combine in every possible way, based on your capabilities and needs. Naturally, when there is a three-in-one option, this is the most effective and reliable solution.

Also, the combination of wind turbines involves the creation of wind power plants that include two different modifications at once. For example, when a Savonius rotor and a traditional three-blade machine work in one combination. The first turbine operates at low wind speeds, and the second only at nominal ones. This preserves the efficiency of the installation, eliminates unjustified energy losses, and in the case of asynchronous generators, compensates for reactive currents.

Combined systems are technically complex and expensive options for home practice.

Calculation of the power of a wind power plant

To calculate the power of a horizontal-axial wind generator, you can use the standard formula:

  • N = p S V3 / 2
  • N— installation power, W
  • p- air density (1.2 kg/m3)
  • S— blown area, m2
  • V— wind flow speed, m/sec

For example, the power of an installation with a maximum blade span of 1 meter at a wind speed of 7 m/sec will be:

  • N= 1.2 1 343 / 2 = 205.8 W

An approximate calculation of the power of a wind turbine created on the basis of a Savonius rotor can be calculated using the formula:

  • N = p R H V3
  • N— installation power, W
  • R— impeller radius, m
  • V— wind speed, m/sec

For example, for the design of a wind power plant with a Savonius rotor mentioned in the text, the power value at a wind speed of 7 m/sec. will be:

  • N= 1.2 · 0.142 · 0.3 · 343 = 17.5 W

The inexhaustible energy that air masses carry with them has always attracted the attention of people. Our great-grandfathers learned to harness the wind to the sails and wheels of windmills, after which it rushed aimlessly across the vast expanses of the Earth for two centuries.

Today I found it for him again useful work. A wind generator for a private home goes from being a technical innovation to becoming a real factor in our everyday life.

Let's take a closer look at wind power plants, evaluate the conditions for their profitable use and consider existing varieties. In our article, home craftsmen will receive information to think about on the topic of self-assembly of a windmill and the devices necessary for its effective operation.

What is a wind generator?

The operating principle of a domestic wind power plant is simple: the air flow rotates the rotor blades mounted on the generator shaft and creates alternating current in its windings. The generated electricity is stored in batteries and used by household appliances as needed. Of course, this is a simplified diagram of how a home windmill works. In practical terms, it is complemented by devices that convert electricity.

Immediately behind the generator in the energy chain there is a controller. It converts three-phase alternating current into direct current and directs it to charge the batteries. Most household appliances cannot operate on constant power, so another device is installed behind the batteries - an inverter. It performs the reverse operation: it converts direct current into household alternating current with a voltage of 220 Volts. It is clear that these transformations do not pass without leaving a trace and take away quite a decent portion of the original energy (15-20%).

If the windmill is paired with a solar battery or another electricity generator (gasoline, diesel), then the circuit is supplemented automatic switch(AVR). When the main current source is turned off, it activates the backup one.

To receive maximum power The wind generator must be located along the wind flow. IN simple systems The weather vane principle is implemented. To do this, a vertical blade is attached to the opposite end of the generator, turning it towards the wind.

More powerful installations have a rotating electric motor controlled by a direction sensor.

Main types of wind generators and their features

There are two types of wind generators:

  1. With a horizontal rotor.
  2. With vertical rotor.

The first type is the most common. It is characterized by high efficiency (40-50%), but has an increased level of noise and vibration. In addition, its installation requires a large free space (100 meters) or a high mast (from 6 meters).

Generators with a vertical rotor are less energetically efficient (the efficiency is almost 3 times lower than that of horizontal ones).

Their advantages include simple installation and reliable design. Low noise makes it possible to install vertical generators on the roofs of houses and even at ground level. These installations are not afraid of icing and hurricanes. They are launched from a weak wind (from 1.0-2.0 m/s) while a horizontal windmill needs an air flow of medium strength (3.5 m/s and above). Vertical wind generators are very diverse in the shape of the impeller (rotor).

Rotor wheels of vertical wind turbines

Due to the low rotor speed (up to 200 rpm), the mechanical life of such installations significantly exceeds those of horizontal wind generators.

How to calculate and select a wind generator?

The wind is not natural gas, pumped through pipes and not electricity, uninterruptedly supplied through wires to our house. He is capricious and fickle. Today a hurricane tears off roofs and breaks trees, and tomorrow it gives way to complete calm. Therefore, before purchasing or self-production wind turbine, you need to assess the potential of air energy in your area. To do this, the average annual wind force must be determined. This value can be found on the Internet by request.

Having received such a table, we find the area of ​​​​our residence and look at the intensity of its color, comparing it with the rating scale. If the average annual wind speed is less than 4.0 meters per second, then there is no point in installing a windmill. It will not provide the required amount of energy.

If the wind strength is sufficient to install a wind power plant, then you can proceed to the next step: selecting the generator power.

If we are talking about autonomous energy supply at home, then the average statistical electricity consumption of 1 family is taken into account. It ranges from 100 to 300 kWh per month. In regions with low annual wind potential (5-8 m/sec), a wind turbine with a power of 2-3 kW can generate this amount of electricity. It should be taken into account that in winter the average wind speed is higher, so energy production during this period will be greater than in summer.

Selecting a wind generator. Approximate prices

Prices for vertical domestic wind generators with a capacity of 1.5-2.0 kW are in the range from 90 to 110 thousand rubles. The package at this price includes only a generator with blades, without a mast and additional equipment (controller, inverter, cable, batteries). A complete power plant including installation will cost 40-60% more.

The cost of more powerful wind turbines (3-5 kW) ranges from 350 to 450 thousand rubles (from additional equipment and installation work).

DIY windmill. Fun or real savings?

Let’s say right away that making a wind generator with your own hands that is complete and effective is not easy. Proper calculation of the wind wheel, transmission mechanism, selection of a generator suitable for power and speed is a separate topic. We will give only brief recommendations on the main stages of this process.


Automotive generators and electric motors from washing machines with direct drive are not suitable for this purpose. They are capable of generating energy from the wind wheel, but it will be insignificant. To operate efficiently, self-generators need very high speeds, which a windmill cannot develop.

Motors for washing machines have another problem. There are ferrite magnets there, but the wind generator needs more efficient ones - neodymium ones. The process of self-installation and winding of current-carrying windings requires patience and high precision.

The power of a device assembled by yourself, as a rule, does not exceed 100-200 watts.

Recently, motor-wheels for bicycles and scooters have become popular among DIYers. From a wind energy standpoint, these are powerful neodymium generators that are optimally suited for working with vertical wind wheels and charging batteries. From such a generator you can extract up to 1 kW of wind energy.

Motor-wheel - a ready-made generator for a homemade wind power plant


The easiest to manufacture are sail and rotor propellers. The first consists of lightweight curved tubes mounted on a central plate. Blades made of durable fabric are pulled over each tube. The large windage of the propeller requires hinged fastening of the blades so that during a hurricane they fold and do not become deformed.

The rotary wind wheel design is used for vertical generators. It is easy to manufacture and reliable in operation.

Homemade wind generators with a horizontal axis of rotation are powered by a propeller. Home craftsmen collect it from PVC pipes diameter 160-250 mm. The blades are mounted on a round steel plate with mounting hole for the generator shaft.