Possible options for OGE in biology

FIPI Unified State Exam, OGE 2019 free download (links)


Unified State Exam (USE)- exam in secondary schools centrally conducted in Russia educational institutions- schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, the form of conducting the State Examination for educational programs of secondary general education. It serves as both a school graduation exam and an entrance exam to universities. When conducting the exam throughout Russia, the same type of tasks and uniform methods for assessing the quality of work are used. After passing the exam, all participants are issued certificates of Unified State Exam results(in everyday life often called certificates), which indicate the points received in subjects. Since 2009, the Unified State Exam has been the only form of final exams at school and the main form of entrance exams to universities, with the possibility of re-taking the Unified State Exam in subsequent years. .

Main State Exam (OGE)- this is a mandatory exam at the end of 9th grade high school in Russia, an analogue of the Unified State Exam for 11th graders. Serves to control the knowledge acquired by students over 9 years, as well as for admission to secondary institutions vocational education(colleges and technical schools). It is one of three forms of GIA.

GIA - State final certification is a form of state control (assessment) of the mastery by graduates of grades 9 (10) and 11 (12) of basic general education programs of basic general and secondary general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard secondary general education.
State final certification of graduates of grades 9 (10) is carried out in the form of a single state exam, as well as in the form of a state final exam.
State final certification of graduates of grades 9 (10) is carried out in the form of the main state exam (OGE) using tests measuring materials, which are sets of tasks of a standardized form; For individual categories persons - in the form of written and oral examinations using texts, topics, assignments, tickets (state final exam), the completion of which makes it possible to establish the level of mastery of the federal state standard basic general education.


Unified State Exam

Documents are presented that define the structure and content of control measurement materials of the unified state exam:
- codifiers of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general education institutions for the Unified State Exam;
- specifications of control measuring materials for the Unified State Exam;
- demo options control measurement materials of the unified state exam.

Download Unified State Exam 2019(Demos, specifications, codes):
PHYSICS (2.2 Mb)
ENGLISH (29.4 Mb)
SPANISH (33.1 Mb)
Information about changes in the Unified State Exam KIM 2019 (271.1 Kb)
BIOLOGY (2.9 Mb)
HISTORY (4.8 Mb)

Download Unified State Exam 2018(Demos, specifications, codes):


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Documents are presented that define the content of control measurement materials of the main state exam (OGE):
- codifiers of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education;
- specifications of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in general education subjects for students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education;
- demonstration versions of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in general education subjects for students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education.

Download OGE 2019(Demos, specifications, codes)

The OGE in biology is not included in the list of mandatory exams, but is chosen by students quite often. According to experts, the majority of test takers pass the exam in this subject quite successfully, which is why the subject has gained the reputation of being relatively easy. Also, a number of 9th grade graduates plan to enter medical schools. Biology is also chosen when entering the 10th grade with a certain bias.At the 9th grade stage, there is not much material covered; it is quite easy to understand and master.

In 2018, the minimum threshold was 13 points - in other words, to pass the exam for the minimum score, you need to complete 13 tasks. Maximum – 32 points for an “excellent” rating.
The structure of the biology exam is similar to other exams:

  • The first part is designed to test the level of knowledge of factual data, laws, and terms. These are ordinary test tasks where you need to find the correct answer from those proposed, establish correspondence, sequence - the answers are displayed in the answer form.
  • The second part consists of several tasks that require a detailed answer. It is necessary to solve the problem and describe in detail the course of conclusions.
According to the level of complexity, all tasks are divided into three levels of complexity, which allows you to qualitatively assess the student’s preparation and compliance of his knowledge with the norms and standards of the program: basic, in-depth and advanced.

The first step is to decide on the goal that needs to be achieved. Based on the goal, you can create detailed plan preparation. Without a plan, the process of repeating and studying information will be fragmentary, unsystematic, and the result will not be the best. Familiarization with will allow you to create a plan according to which preparation will be carried out. It is very important to organize yourself so that you do not deviate from the plan, and to study regularly. It's best to combine independent work, attentiveness in class and consultation with a teacher or tutor.
I will solve the OGE in biology - this is additional opportunity assess the level of knowledge, consolidate theory, get used to working with test tasks different types and difficulty levels.

Is it possible to prepare from scratch?
Yes. This requires time, self-discipline and the opportunity to consult with a professional. In this case, it is recommended to hire a tutor and regularly complete assignments online.
It is recommended to begin preparation at the beginning of the 9th grade in order to repeat the material from previous years:

  • General biology;
  • Anatomy;
  • Botany;
  • Ecology;
  • Zoology.
Taking into account the specifics of your knowledge, allocate time to repeat all of the courses listed.
The advantages of preparing using online testing: the ability to evaluate and consolidate knowledge, saving time, the ability to immediately calculate points for correct answers, you can use the resource at any time, regardless of where you are.

Past Simple - simple past tense
Past Simple(simple past) is one of the most common tenses in the English language. By using Past Simple we can convey events that happened in the past, and in some cases, events in the present. Therefore, at any level of proficiency English you will learn something new about Past Simple.
How is the past simple formed?
In order to form Past Simple, we add the ending to the verb - ed, if the verb is correct ( work - worked, learn - learned, ask - asked). If the verb is irregular, then we look for the form for Past Simple in the second column of the table of irregular verbs. Most likely, at first it will be difficult for you to immediately determine which verb is in front of you. You will find the irregular verb in the table. If it's not there, it's correct. Negation
IN negative sentence V Past Simple auxiliary verb appears did(second form of irregular verb do) and particle not. IN English sentence only one verb can be in the past tense, so as soon as it appears did, the main verb takes the form of the infinitive without a particle to (go, look, feel). IN colloquial speech did And not combine to form a shortened form didn't:

  • He didn't tell.
  • We didn't discuss.
To ask a question in Past Simple, we put it first did, followed by the subject, then the main verb. Verbto beVPast Simple
As you already know, to be- This irregular verb, so the past tense form must be remembered. But in the past tense it does not have one form, like all other verbs, but two: was(for singular nouns and pronouns) and were(for plural nouns and pronouns). In denial was (were) combines with not and forms the shortened form:
  • I wasn't at work.
  • They weren't happy.
Using the Past Simple
Let us immediately note that the main functions Past Simple And Present Simple match. We only need to transfer the action from the present to the past.
  1. Past Simple shows a fact in the past or a single action that ended in the past.
Words that indicate the duration of action are often used here: yesterday(yesterday), two weeks ago(two weeks ago), the other day(the other day), a long time ago(for a long time), last month(last month) in 2010 (in 2010), on Monday(on Monday) during my holidays(during the holidays), etc. These words must necessarily denote a completed period of time.
I saw him yesterday. - I saw his yesterday. (single action in the past, yesterday already ended)
The Titanic sank in 1912. - Titanic sank 1912. (fact)
He went to Italy last month. - He traveled to Italy last month. (single action in the past)
Words indicating the duration of the action may not be used in this feature.
She spoke to him in a low voice. - She's quiet spoke with him. (single action in the past)
Aivazovsky painted"The Ninth Wave". - Aivazovsky wrote painting "The Ninth Wave". (fact)
  1. Also Past Simple used to describe a condition in the past.
They were friends many years ago. - They were friends many years ago. (they are not friends now)
That museum had a great collection of paintings. - In that museum was huge collection of paintings. (currently the museum does not have a huge collection)
  1. We use Past Simple to talk about old habits and repetitive actions. These actions have occurred many times in the past, but are no longer being done. Such sentences may contain adverbs often(often), sometimes(Sometimes), always(always) etc.
We took evening courses two years ago. - We walked for evening courses 2 years ago. (currently we do not take evening courses)
He always bought newspapers on Sunday. - He always bought newspapers on Sundays. (he doesn't do that now)
    • We can also use used to to talk about old habits.
  1. We use Past Simple when we tell a story or list several events that happened one after another in the past.
She came in, sat at the table, and started writing. - She came in, villages at the table and started write.
He entered the cafe, he ordered a cup of tea and a piece of cake. - He entered in a cafe, ordered a cup of tea and a piece of pie.
Where else is Past Simple found?
  1. We use Past Simple to tell the details of some news or some event that happened in our lives. We report the news itself in time Present Perfect . We can use other past tenses to give details, but Past Simple is used in these cases more often than others.
I've hurt my leg. I fell off a ladder when I was repairing the roof. My telephone rank unexpectedly. - I hurt my leg. I fell from the stairs when I was fixing the roof, because suddenly rang telephone.
I've got this job. It was a hard and exhausting interview, but it turned out that I was a perfect applicant. - I got this job. This was difficult, exhausting interview, but it turned out that I am the ideal candidate.
  1. Past Simple used in subordinate tenses after conjunctions after(after), before(before) when(When), until(not yet) as soon as(as soon as). In such a sentence Past Simple shows a completed action in the past.
As soon as she graduated from the university, she found a suitable job. - Howonly she graduated university, she found a suitable job.
He was astonished when I told him the news. - He was amazed When I reported him this news.

control measuring materials for carrying out
in 2018 main state exam

1. Purpose of CMM for OGE– to assess the level of general education training in biology of graduates of IX grades of general education organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.

OGE is conducted in accordance with Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

3. Approaches to content selection and CMM structure development

Basis of development exam options is the invariant core of the content of biological education in a basic school, which is reflected in the Federal component of the state educational standard and in biology textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of basic general education.
Examination materials are aimed at testing graduates’ mastery of the most important knowledge presented in the sections of the biology course “Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens”, “Animals”, “Man and his health”, “ General patterns life", subject skills and types cognitive activity. This allows the test to cover the main content of the course and ensure the validity of control measurement materials. The content tested in the examination materials does not go beyond the approved 2004 standard and does not depend on the work programs and textbooks used to teach biology in specific educational organizations.
In the examination materials, there is a high proportion of tasks in the section “Man and his health”, since it is there that the issues of preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of a person that are relevant to students are addressed.

4. Connection of the OGE exam model with the Unified State Exam KIM

Manifests itself in the selection of controlled content and construction of the structure of control measuring materials. The content of the examination work in grade IX tests knowledge, skills and activities in blocks similar to the blocks of the biology course in basic school. The structure of the examination paper is represented by the same number of parts and the types of tasks used.

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of CMM

The work includes 32 tasks and consists of two parts.

Part 1 contains 28 tasks with a short answer: 22 tasks of a basic level of difficulty with a single-digit answer; 6 tasks of an increased level of complexity, of which 2 involve selecting and recording three correct answers out of six, 3 to establish the correspondence of elements of two information series (including a task to include terms and concepts missed in the text, to correlate morphological features organism or its individual organs with proposed models according to a given algorithm), 1 to determine the sequence of biological processes, phenomena, objects.

Part 2 contains 4 tasks with a detailed answer, of which: 1 of an increased level of complexity for working with text, involving the use of information from the text of contextual knowledge to answer the questions posed; rest high level Difficulty: 1 to analyze statistical data presented in tabular form; 2 on the application of biological knowledge to solve practical problems.