A stylish kitchen helps create the atmosphere. Comfort in an apartment and a house: how to create beauty and harmony with your own hands. Meet your neighbors and set up a book exchange in the hallway

Modern and stylish two-tone furniture will help create a unique atmosphere in traditional kitchens. Natural wood, steel, white paint and black varnish - there are hundreds of original combinations, among which you will certainly find something to your liking.

A small kitchen in a London apartment is furnished with white and striped wood furniture, creating a beautiful and stylish contrast.

Atmosphere retro style floats around the pretty kitchen, which is furnished with dark gray bedside tables and white wall cabinets. Bright red elements only emphasize the contrast.

The kitchen is filled with pleasant light created by the combination natural wood And white. There was a feeling of spaciousness.

By combining white and dark blue, you can get a beautiful interior in nautical style, which even looks quite appropriate in the kitchen.

Black and dark brown wooden furniture looks quite gloomy, but with an open plan and the right natural light it will look traditional discreet style, which will harmoniously fit into the interior big houses.

The large space boasts a light and bright atmosphere. Gray and white furniture brings a touch of romanticism to the interior.

The pleasant color scheme is ideal for creating a bright and welcoming atmosphere.

Cream and olive shades create an amazingly beautiful and cozy atmosphere in the kitchen, from which you will not want to leave.

The white kitchen is just complemented drawers gray, which only enhance the feeling of restraint and simplicity.

Modern kitchen furnished in white and wood trim. The combination is timeless and loved by many, it looks stylish and fashionable.

The elongated kitchen layout only benefits from the original combination. Dark gray cabinets go well with wooden elements, helping to create a pleasant atmosphere.

White color combined with dark chocolate creates a stunning contrast that looks luxurious even in a small kitchen. Visually he is certainly bigger room It doesn’t, but it looks elegant and stylish.

In this kitchen, the designer used a combination of more than two colors. He offered a luxurious colorful interior. Orange, red, dark gray and white - real holiday fireworks.

Sometimes black and white is all you need. Their combination looks contrasting, versatile and always stylish and fashionable. This combination is beyond fashion and trends.

One of the most pleasant and beautiful interiors, showing a combination of blue and cream. The result was an amazing sweet couple.

There is nothing unique in the combination of colors chosen for the furniture, but together with the plum-colored apron it looks simply amazing.

White furniture with gray trim is a great way to add traditional cuisine modern look. It looks stylish and sophisticated, but at the same time impressive.

An example of amazing rustic chic. Stylish kitchen, furnished with wood and white furniture, conveys a unique rustic charm.

An eclectic mix of styles in the kitchen allows you to create a unique interior, attractive with its lightness and restraint.

Wooden furniture in the kitchen only enhances the overall atmosphere of tradition. For those who have planned renovations this year, we offer an overview original interiors created according to the latest fashion trends.

Recipes cozy home from our regular author Anna Mulan

Just recently I moved to new apartment. But I didn’t experience the expected joy from the move. I could sit in my favorite Starbucks until the night: work, relax and be inspired. It was more comfortable there than at home. When I felt that I was already 80% coffee, I realized that it was time to return home.

I wondered why I don’t feel drawn to it? Why is it more comfortable in a noisy coffee shop? And in general, what little things make a house a home?And here are the recipes for a cozy home that cannot be exchanged for a cafe. Tested by personal experience.

Well, I decided to make changes in the house. But where to start? Read a smart book, magazine, watch design tutorials on the Internet, or maybe hire a designer? But this would not make the apartment any more comfortable, because the concept “ cosiness “Everyone has their own. It's something personal.

I started simple - with questions: “What kind of atmosphere in the house do I generally need? How would I like to feel in each room?”

Don't rush to throw out your old one and buy new furniture. The apartment will not become more comfortable. Ask the question: what do YOU ​​want? And for each room, choose at least three word-symbols that describe the atmosphere you want to create.

A very cool book on this topic “”. Makes it clear that before starting global changes in the house, you should first understand yourself.

My comfort was hampered by things that I haven’t used for a long time, and it’s a pity to throw them away (“it’s a memory”). I'm sure everyone has encountered this problem (our balconies are a temple of memory for unnecessary items).Junk accumulates and collects dust over the years. And old, no longer needed, memories prevent you from enjoying the present. By the way, we have a separate section on the topic of unnecessary things and order in the house.

Don’t be afraid to throw out jars, bottles, teabags, boxes - anything you haven’t used for a long time. Yes, these things were once needed, but the time has come for something truly important and new.

I recently traveled around Sweden and noticed one detail: in each apartment there was a paper star-lamp on the windowsill. And the rooms and balconies were decorated with lights. The atmosphere reached me even on the street home comfort and warmth.I then thought: “This is cool! But just little lights.” MWe treat light in the house superficially: we hung a chandelier and, at best, installed a floor lamp. And light is a powerful comforter that creates an atmosphere.

Highlight each area in the room with light, do not allow dark corners. Place a floor lamp near the chair in which you like to read, hang a sconce over your favorite painting or photo, don’t forget about table lamp and a chandelier with soft light.And, of course, candles - warm and lively light.

Coziness's best friend is a dimmer: install it on all lighting sources for the desired atmosphere.

Sofa – interesting thing. It’s like an eminence grise: it doesn’t seem to be the basis of the interior, but it influences everything in the room.The sofa carries a great emotional load - it is a place where you can relax and unwind, chat with family and friends, wrap yourself in a blanket and watch TV with your significant other. Take his choice seriously.

“Well, I’ll buy something cheap for the first time,” I mistakenly thought. Mine was uncomfortable and hard, and it broke quickly. I had to go in search of something new and high quality to make the apartment comfortable.

Quality is expressed in beauty and convenience. When choosing, look at the neatness of the seams, the coating, and most importantly, the filler. The ideal filling is down with a thin layer of foam.

A minute of theory: LPPU or latex polyurethane foam – perfect solution. Unlike simple foam rubber, the bubbles in which burst under load (this causes the coating to sag and lose its shape), latex does not suffer from use, but returns to its original position every time. You can check this by sitting on the couch. See how quickly it gets back into shape. Another the right way– ask a consultant or ask to look and touch the layer.

Don't skimp on a decent sofa - this is your comfort. We even have a whole article about this: “How to choose a good sofa?” And how to make it more comfortable - see below.

The blanket often travels from room to room on my shoulders. When I want warmth, I take it out from the depths of the closet. But it can warm not only people, but also give warmth to an entire room.

Blankets thrown over the back of a chair or the armrest of a sofa seem to hint that they live in the room and use it. Cashmere, wool, cotton, checkered or striped. With them, any interior will be more homely and lively.

And the Pillows! To be honest, I only had one. She lay on the bed, covered with a blanket, and performed one function - she transported her to the world of dreams.Pillows can update and even change the interior. Place one on the armchair and several on the sofa, and the room will look new!

But it's not that simple. In addition to beauty, convenience is also important here. If family members, friends, guests, when sitting down, move or remove the pillows, then there is no question of any comfort here. No matter how luxurious the pillow is, first of all it should invite you to sit down.

Here are a couple of lifehacks:

pay attention to down pillows - they are the softest;

if you doubt the size of the pillow, make a larger error;

large square ones for sofas ( 35-50 cm) , rectangular for chairs (30x40 or 40x65);

the color of the pillow must match at least three things in the interior (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, etc.)

Here is the formula for making a sofa cozy = a blanket on the back or armrest + 2 identical pillows in the corners + a rectangular pillow in the center. (More details about the number, location and size of pillows in ours)

Many useful tips on soft comforts is in the book “Home, Sweet Home”. I read it in one evening and was inspired to buy new pillows!

The first thing people notice when entering a house is its aroma. It remains in the memory and creates the first impression. It is unlikely that you will be comfortable in an apartment with the smell of dampness or mold.

This does not mean that you need to buy a bunch of fragrances and spray them where it smells unpleasant. The point is that you should create a basic aroma that is always in the apartment - you smell it as soon as you walk home from the street.

You can use the following:

aromatic mixture

Easy to use sachet. Sachets are small pillows or bags filled with natural materials: petals, twigs, herbs, spices.

Such bags are placed throughout the apartment, and always in the hallway, so that a pleasant aroma greets you after a hard day at work.

scented candles

Depending on the season or our mood, we can change the smells of our home using aromatherapy candles. They enliven any room and are appropriate almost everywhere, except dining table- there is a place for the smell of delicious food.

Be careful. From candles made from cheap and low-quality materials, you will get not relaxation, but a headache. Choose from soy or coconut waxes with natural ingredients.

Have you noticed how a room transforms when you stand in it? beautiful bouquet? It’s somehow immediately fresh, joyful, cozy. But for most, such transformations in the interior happen on holidays, when flowers migrate into the house as a gift.

I love fresh flowers. They invigorate the room and create a fresh aroma. That's why I made it a rule to keep them at home all year round(you can read about how to choose flowers). Nobody says that you need to buy huge gift bouquets. A couple of tulips, peonies or ordinary daisies - and the room becomes more comfortable.

Another option - indoor plants. They make the rooms look so homely and well-groomed. Choose pretty and fragrant plants: jasmine, narcissus, amaryllis, geranium, citrus fruits.

Just imagine, after a long renovation, you enter an apartment. The house is unrecognizable, everything is stylish and new. Walk around the apartment as if through a museum, looking at every detail. Sit down on the chic and soft sofa and look around. Everything seems beautiful, but you uncomfortable. And all because it remains to add myself .

Photographs, paintings, books, memorabilia tell our story. With proper arrangement of these items, it turns out living house, telling about the owner.

We make the home ours through:


This is what we love and admire. Through books we are able to talk about our hobbies without even naming them. Therefore, there is no need to put them in boxes and store them in a closet.

You can make stacks of books on the floor. You can place them on shelves, diluting them with candles, figurines, photographs.


I love lively, random shots. They accurately convey our emotions and state at the moment of the past. These are the kind of photos that should be stored not on your smartphone, but on the walls of your apartment. How to do this, read

Print, hang or place anywhere in the room. Fill it with emotions.

Paintings and drawings

You surround yourself with creativity that inspires.

Hang pictures on the wall or simply place them on a table, mantel, or lean against the wall to create a carefree atmosphere. (For information on how to do this, see the article “How to hang pictures without headaches?”)

I recently discovered magic decorative mirrors. Walking between showrooms at IKEA, I noticed one living room. It was airy, fresh and bright. And all because of decorative mirrors in unusual frames.They multiplied the light reflected in them from the chandeliers so much that the room became very lively. The diffused light illuminated the dark corners of the space and it turned out very cozy.

Do you understand what I mean? Mirrors won't hurt. Hang them on the wall instead of a picture, place them above the fireplace or next to some piece of furniture, place them between a couple of windows, above a sofa, above any shelf or dressing table.

If there is a fireplace in the house, then 50% of the cozy plan has been completed! Because fire is warmth, calm, peace, comfort.Alternative - electric fireplace: There is no need to throw firewood, it is impossible to get burned, there is heat.In general, if you have the opportunity to purchase this magical thing, don’t hesitate!

These points helped me bring the apartment closer to the cozy ideal. But there is more important detail- the comfort in the house is created by its people.

Your comfort is you and the emotions you bring. Positive or negative, they charge every corner.

And here is the ideal formula for comfort: spiritual gatherings with family and friends + love + 10 tips listed above, and you will never trade your home for a noisy cafe.

Let's talk about the psychology of color, its influence on our comfortable well-being and how we can make the right choice in order to create that very comfortable atmosphere.

It's no secret that with the help of color you can achieve a very subtle transfer of mood, atmosphere, and image. The color can be selected based on the psychological and physiological needs of each person. As psychologists have found, the connection between color and psychological state is very closely related. For example, if we look at the color theory of the famous Swiss psychologist Max Luscher, we will see the relationship between the chosen color of a person and his state and mood.

What is relevant at the current moment in time and in the future influences the color we choose; accordingly, by making a choice in favor of one color or another, we can understand the needs, states that prevail in us now and what we want to realize, what we strive for . Color preference is directly important for diagnosing the emotional state and for harmonizing internal state, for example, through the method of color therapy.

Playing with light correct location every detail in the house: the color of the walls, ceiling, etc. – this all affects our emotional state. Many of us spend time at work, and when we come home, we want to rest and relax. Or, among us there are those who have an active character and want to bring more bright, creative colors into their home.
To feel good at home, it is important to choose the right color palette.
When choosing a color to create “that” atmosphere, it’s important to know!
Colors and shades in general can be divided into cold and warm, light and dark, bright and muted, that is, pastel.
Warm colors create a cheerful, lively, active mood.
Cool colors - create a calm, soft, cool mood. Cool colors are good option for the bedroom as they bring peace of mind. Bright cool tones, combined with contrasting bright ones warm colors– they will invigorate and not let your eyes get bored.
A bright shade will add sun to the room, and pastel colors will make the room deep, in addition, all pastel colors mirror the space.
The harmony of several tones of the same color looks richer than a single-color composition, for example, white and light blue, blue and dark blue, brown and beige.
If it’s difficult to decide on a color, use neutral shades - they will sound in unison with any interior. Use tips on design sites, the color wheel, and tips on combining several colors at once.
If you plan to use interior paints, but have not decided on a shade, choose lighter colors, a light color, it’s easier to repaint it in a darker or more saturated shade. Using paints, you can bring creative ideas to life, like an artist.
It is known that “taste and color, there is no comrade.” What color to create the same favorable design, the best atmosphere to choose for you?

4 steps to choose a solution to create the mood of your interior:

1. Determine your desire: what do you want? How do you want to decorate the interior? Imagine what atmosphere you would like to be in, what sensations you would like to experience? Lightness, calmness, relaxation, lively, vigorous or active state? Which color scheme suits your personality best?
In the first step, consider two important points: first - what do you want to see in your living space now, what do you want to experience, what emotions? For example, at the moment you may think that it would be right to design in bright colors to create a cheerful and active mood. But, don’t rush, think about whether such a design will be interesting in the future, for a longer period, will a situation arise that over time, tension will appear from the “bright-contrast” shades? The second point, when choosing a color in the interior, focus on the long term.
To understand yourself accurately, take a piece of paper. Divide it into two columns. In the first column, write your design wishes: color preferences, shape, type of materials, etc. parameters that are currently relevant and interesting. Then, in the second column, imagining that 2-3 years have passed, think about whether the selected parameters from the first column will be relevant? If doubt or some tension arises, then think about what is important to take into account now so that you can feel comfortable later. If there is no discomfort when projecting the room into the future, leave option one.
For clarity, use the Internet, including pictures, color palettes etc.
Select photos of options that are interesting now and options that are more relevant in the long term. Select the optimal solution for the final decision.

2. The opinions of other people are important: your environment, your family, friends or professional designers, masters.
If you do not live alone, then it will not be possible not to take into account the wishes of family members - their opinion is also important, but if you clearly know what you want and why you want to do it in a certain way, it will be easier for you to realize your idea by presenting your reasons. Ask your friends and acquaintances for their opinions, what they would advise, as they see, they can add to your treasury interesting ideas, solutions. Or, if you decide to use the services of professional designers and craftsmen. Take into account the advice of experts, but also do not forget about your idea that you want to implement (to live in an apartment, a house - you, who do not advise specialists), orient their work around your goal.
After you get advice from other people, return to your idea, add to it, adjust it if necessary (in some cases, something may change due to the specifics of the materials used, the room, the available free space, etc.).

3. Consider opportunities and resources: what materials and resources do you need to implement your plan?
Make an estimate, write a list of all possible alternatives that provide a complete or partial solution to the issue of design and design. What already exists and what needs to be done that you haven’t thought about yet? Which option is ideal and optimal for creating the desired, comfortable atmosphere? What is critical when changing a design: time, materials, cost, labor involvement, etc.

4. What needs to be done? Deadlines? Conditions? When do you plan to start and finish work? What will be the first step and where will you start?
So, define a personal goal based on your preferences, then gather opinions from your family, friends, acquaintances or experts. Adjust your goal based on wishes, recommendations, and other people. Make an estimate of the work. Define terms and conditions.
Remember your expectations and your intended goal! You are the architect of your mood!
Focus on the plan, like an experienced constructor and designer, create comfort, bring your ideas to life!

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A small kitchen can become a true statement of style and efficiency with simple changes. Although, as it may seem at first glance, a small kitchen will always lack space, in fact, with a reasonable approach, a small kitchen can be very functional.

A smaller room means that the housewife will need to take fewer steps between the sink, stove and refrigerator, which means there will be additional opportunity decide how to save time on household chores.

In order for a small kitchen to look and feel bigger, you need to work on three important aspects: storage space, lighting and kitchen appliances.

First of all, try to give preference kitchen appliances smaller size. IN model ranges manufacturers household appliances not only volumetric appliances are presented, but also refrigerators, stoves and dishwashers smaller dimensions. Perhaps a cooler bag will also take its rightful place in a small kitchen. Think about it: couldn't you replace a large appliance that makes four pieces of toast with a small toaster that can toast two pieces of bread at a time?

Color solutions for small kitchen It is best to choose in light colors: cream, beige, light green or blue. This will visually expand the space. Great for creating a cozy atmosphere suitable option execution of wall-mounted kitchen cabinets with glass fronts. To save such precious space that they have kitchen cabinets, pans and pots can be placed on suspended structures, adding additional zest to the interior.

Floor-to-ceiling shelving for storing utensils will allow you to use the space with maximum benefit. Illuminating the cabinets will visually enlarge the space. To decorate the floor, it is better to choose wood or tiles of several shades. Such solutions make the space look wider than it actually is.

Conduct a thorough audit of your existing kitchen appliances. How often do you use your processor or coffee machine? Most people actually use only half of the kitchen appliances they have on a regular basis; the rest are destined for eternal storage on the shelves of cabinets. By removing unused appliances, you will significantly increase space in the kitchen, freeing up space for such a useful household item as a home microbrewery. Make the most of it natural light: massive curtains on the window in the kitchen do not allow daylight to enter the room.

Hopelessly damaged, old and useless things have no place in your home. A moth-eaten sweater, broken children's toys, leftover building materials - all this clutters the apartment and... By saying goodbye to unnecessary junk, you will free up space and at the same time get rid of unnecessary sources of dust.

Life hack #2: hide the wires

Extension cords and adapters for electrical appliances lying everywhere make the interior not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous: you can trip, damage the wires, cause short circuit and fire. In addition, adapters collect dust, making cleaning more labor-intensive. To protect yourself and make your apartment more comfortable, hide extension cords behind furniture.

Life hack No. 3: divide the room into several zones

Don’t think that this idea applies exclusively to large apartments, where there is room for screens, decorative islands and partitions. can create several cozy and comfortable corners. For example, in one-room apartment you can install a narrow partition. This will create an area for relaxation and work.

Life hack No. 4: update your home textiles