My dear teacher, thank you for everything. Sincere words of gratitude to teachers from parents at graduation

So mine is coming to an end school years. Now, more than ever, you become acutely aware that this will not happen again. Once again, climbing the school stairs, walking along the corridors, I catch myself thinking that soon I will no longer run through them, rushing to class. I will go far away and, of course, I will miss the school, the teachers, and especially you, IO. And this is no coincidence, because you are my first teacher, the first person in my school life, to which I became very attached and which is still dear to me.

They say that the brightest, most memorable impressions are those of childhood. A person remembers the events that took place at this time forever and remembers them with some kind of incomprehensible melancholy in his soul and at the same time with special warmth in his heart. Time spent in primary school will remain in my memory forever.

The first of September...The shining faces of first-graders....Seeing such a picture, I immediately remember my first day at school and you. I remember with what excitement in my chest I was waiting to meet you, I admit, I was a little afraid, but you so charmed me, and not only me, but the whole class, with your beautiful appearance, inner kindness coming from the very heart, bewitching voice, that we immediately fell in love with you.

I often remember the lessons you taught, reading, mathematics, Russian...

There was always a special atmosphere in the class, an expectation of something extraordinary. You explained it so interestingly, and we listened attentively and were not distracted at all. You sought to give us solid knowledge, laying the very “foundation” that we need in our future life.

And there were so many interesting extracurricular activities! How many unforgettable holidays you have given us. We learned to rejoice, admire, express ourselves, give each other wonderful moments. We spent fun competitions, funny competitions, interesting skits were staged.

IO, you are an amazing woman, a wonderful person, an excellent teacher, kind, but at the same time strict and demanding. You taught us to distinguish good from evil, tried to instill in us a sense of responsibility, justice, kindness, instilled a love of knowledge, taught us to have compassion for people, respect others and help them.

I know that every teacher has great wealth, it does not lie in money, but in the gratitude and love of his students. You remember us all, love each of us in your own way, are interested in our lives, and are proud of our achievements.

We are grateful to you for everything you have done for us. Thank you very much and bow! I will try to become a real person.

Your student

For the full text of the material Gratitude to the first teacher in prose, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.

A thank you letter is business letter, containing words of gratitude for any events or actions. You can read how it is written in. Very often, a letter of gratitude is written to the teacher; it can be written by both parents, students, and the director. educational institution.

If the letter is written on behalf of the management of an educational institution, for example, a school, then the text usually expresses gratitude for professionalism and literacy, or active participation in the life of the school. Writing samples thank you letter presented to their employees from the management of the organization.

Below we offer several options for formatting a thank you letter from student parents. Parents usually thank their children's teachers after finishing school or at the end of academic year.

Try to write the letter in such a way that the teacher really feels your gratitude, use the wording below and add your own phrases to them.

Texts of a thank you letter to a teacher from parents

1. Sample text of a letter to the teacher from parents

Dear Ekaterina Viktorovna!

We sincerely thank you for teaching and raising our children. Your teaching abilities and sensitive attitude towards each student make the educational process successful. Children enjoy going to school, studying and learning new things. Your professionalism and individual approach each helped to reveal many talents and abilities in students.

We wish you health, success, optimism, and conquest of new heights in the educational process!


Parents Committee of 11B class of school No. 34

2. Another text of a thank you letter to the class teacher

Dear Natalya Sergeevna!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your patience and respect shown to our children during the school year. Thanks to your professional approach to teaching, children go to school with pleasure and look forward to each lesson. Your individual approach to each student was able to reveal hidden talents and opportunities in them. With the help of your amazing teaching abilities, students grow into full-fledged and purposeful individuals aimed at acquiring new knowledge!

We wish you to always remain a competent specialist, a professional in your field! Be healthy and happy!

Parents of class 4 A of school No. 45

3. Another option for writing a thank you letter to a teacher

Dear Anna Nikolaevna!

The Parent Committee of class 3A of school No. 45 thanks you for your sincere attitude towards our children, for your patience and affection. Thank you for helping our children find themselves in this life and developing their potential. Your sincere attitude towards each child allows them to feel more confident in acquiring new knowledge.

Thank you for your caring attitude towards educational process, for your professionalism and literacy.

We wish you not to lose optimism in life, be healthy and successful!

A low bow to you, dear Anna Nikolaevna!


Parents of class 3A of school No. 45.

Agree, teachers give us a lot of knowledge. They teach us not only certain disciplines. They teach us life. They make a huge contribution to our future. And if any holiday is suddenly approaching, do not forget to prepare a beautiful congratulation to the teachers. Give them this gift. Believe me, they will be very pleased.

Congratulations to teachers with words of gratitude

Every holiday, be it New Year, March 8 or some other special event, is a great occasion to say “thank you” to your teachers, wishing them all the best. Beautiful congratulations teachers is a great way to express your gratitude. Tell your teachers that it is thanks to them that we are developing. It is they, teachers with a capital T, and not some random people, who strive to pass on their knowledge and life experience to the younger generation. Of course, this deserves great respect.

Congratulations to the teachers are said on behalf of the entire class. Although, of course, nothing can stop you separately. The teacher will definitely remember this gesture for a long time. The work of a teacher is priceless, and therefore deserves a decent reward. Unfortunately, wages teachers are unfairly small. Accordingly, he will be extremely pleased to receive your gratitude in the form of pleasant wishes.

Add a card

Congratulations to teachers are best accompanied by a festive newspaper. Or a postcard. Of course, it should be beautiful and thematic. New Year's greetings to the teacher, for example, can be written on a postcard with images of Christmas trees, balls, snowy landscapes, etc. A postcard with flowers is suitable for March 8th. You can buy it in a store, or, even better, make it yourself. The main thing is to prepare warm, sincere words.

Be sure to remind teachers that they invest their experience and skills every day in their students, instilling in them the ability to think creatively, take a responsible approach to making a variety of decisions, and act with a realistic perception of the world. So wish them that every next day will open up new horizons for them professionally, human happiness and grateful students.

Remember that you are not always obedient and diligent students, you are not always attentive in class and listen to the instructions of teachers. Tell them that you appreciate their work and care, thank them for everything they do for you.

Try to make your card original. Add a little imagination. Use your teacher's favorite colors, for example. Collage postcards also look very original. You can use clippings from magazines or photos with wishes as a basis.

Don't forget the flowers

New Year's greetings to the teacher, or warm words for any other celebration, simply need to be supplemented beautiful bouquet. It will become an unforgettable gift if you prepare an original presentation. The main thing is that flowers, as words of gratitude, be sincere, from the bottom of my heart.

By the way, the bouquet can be made non-standard - for example, from toys or sweets. But the most memorable option will be a bouquet of stationery - pencils and paper clips!

And one more thing. Your gift and congratulations should also be accompanied by so-called “homework.” On the day of the holiday, prepare interesting information on a topic for each lesson. Work hard. For each teacher it is necessary to choose a suitable surprise. For example, give a “writer” a scene from a work assigned for reading at home, role-played, and for a “geographer” - a homemade album with photographs and pictures of exotic countries, with wishes to visit there sooner or later. For the teacher foreign languages Congratulations in English, German or French are suitable. The teacher, of course, will be very happy about his desire to teach his subject.

And if a festive concert is added to this... Prepare it for the entire teaching staff, without forgetting or leaving anyone unattended. Come up with a nomination to congratulate teachers. Involve as many people as possible and think through the scenario carefully.

Poetry and prose

And finally. You can choose to congratulate the teacher in prose or in verse. It all depends on your talents and imagination. In the first case it will sound something like this:

“Our dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. We wish you with all our hearts good health, immense happiness, success in your work and all your endeavors. May your students never upset you, but only delight you with their achievements. All this is your merit. We are grateful to you for your love and patience. Peaceful and clear skies above your head!"

Poems of congratulations to the teacher will definitely please you. For example:

How many years have already flown by?

We can't stop them.

And all the time you tried

Teach us something.

We say “thank you” to you,

Thank you for your work!

May happiness and health

They will come to your house for the holiday!

Our dear teacher,

We really like you!

Only you at any time

Get it done with us quickly!

You are fair, you are kind,

You are an example for us!

Congratulations today

Your favorite class!

However, no matter what congratulation you choose, the teacher will be pleased in any case. He will feel your love and respect. And this, mind you, is very important!

A thank you letter is often written to a teacher. The author may be the school management, thanks for successful work, for special merits and dedication. Also, a letter can be drawn up from the parents of students; as a rule, it is written when children graduate from school, before graduation, or on the occasion of the end of the school year. Students themselves can be initiators.

Below we offer several samples of the text of a letter of gratitude addressed to a teacher (from parents, students and the school principal). Features of writing thank you letters are considered.

Thank you letter to teacher - examples of texts

1. Text of a letter of gratitude to the teacher from students:

Dear Anna Pavlovna!

Everyone knows that the school is a second family, and teachers are parents. Without you, we would not be who we are now. You are the person who mentors us throughout our school journey and always leads others by serving as a wonderful example. Your severity and fairness do not interfere with your kind and sensitive heart. We really appreciate that you always help your wards in everything and give good advice, not even always related to school activities. You inspire us to great deeds and give us strength to move on.

We sincerely wish you to raise more than one generation of grateful students, as many sunny days and constant peace of mind as possible!

2. Sample letter of gratitude to the teacher from the parents of students:

Dear Galina Viktorovna!

You, together with us, rejoice in the successes of the students and together with us cope with their failures, supporting them in hours of despair. You accompany our children throughout life path, causing them to open up like a flower and discover new talents and believe in themselves. You are always ready to listen, give useful instructions and help, even if the situation seems irreparable. We are very grateful for all the attention and sensitivity shown to us and our children during our joint work on raising students.

We, parents, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your sensitivity, attentiveness and care. We say it again thanks a lot for the difficult path that you shared with us, and may your path continue to lead to new pedagogical heights!

3. Sample text of a letter of gratitude to a teacher from the school administration:

Dear Olga Vladimirovna!

Who, if not teachers, should know that the teaching profession requires high responsibility, physical strength and peace of mind? You are doing great with your pedagogical task and for many years you have served as an excellent example not only for children, but also for your colleagues.

We thank you for your tremendous contribution to the work of the school, the organization of educational activities, classroom management, extracurricular activities and active participation in work aimed at training, education and development of students, as well as the development of new teaching methods. Your high professionalism and pedagogical competence lead more than one generation of grateful students and teachers.

On behalf of the entire teaching staff and school administration, we wish you success in this difficult field and good luck in all your endeavors.

Thanks teacher
Let's say now
appreciates and loves you
Our class is fun.

For affection, care,
Words from the heart.
We wouldn't be here without you
So good.

Sorry for that
That we are not learning a lesson.
You are the most beloved
We have a teacher.

I will say thank you, teacher,
For giving me a start in life.
We were able to instill a love for science,
Inquisitiveness in business and passion.

I wish you well and happiness,
Thank you for your help.
I was lucky to study with you,
I say this with confidence.

From pure heart I want to tell you " Thanks a lot“for your work, for your patience, for your ability to find talent in every child, for your efforts, for your support. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity, strong strength and wonderful mood. Let every day reveal something new and good not only for your students, but also for you, may your life be bright, cheerful and interesting in summer, and winter, and spring, and autumn.

For noble work and kindness
We say our heartfelt thanks to you.
Make your cherished dream come true
We wish you to become happy.

Thank you very much for your understanding,
For loyalty to deed, word, craft.
And what about the students with all my soul -
From all of us, I thank you with all my heart!

For your endless patience
And for the humane attitude
We say thank you very much,
Your contribution to education is very noticeable.

For the knowledge gained in class
We sincerely thank you,
You my love, recognition
We want to express from the bottom of our hearts!

You taught us for many years,
We thank you very much!
We wish you victories in life,
And a lot of vigor and strength!

Let your friends surround you,
And let life bloom with colors!
And we will remember forever
Our studies every year!

Our best teacher
We thank you,
And for patience and for work
We say thank you,
You have done a lot for us
Please accept our bow,
We only wish you well,
Our whole class is in love with you!

Dear teacher, thank you for your patience,
I wish you health, great respect,
Students have wonderful and kind days in life,
May they all become more successful and fuller.

Being a teacher is a difficult path in life,
When your whole life is dedicated to others,
We were able to step into the world of knowledge with you,
We thank you very much for this!

Thank you for every day and hour,
which you spent with us,
Thank you, our teacher, to you from us,
For everything, I bow to you to the ground!

We say thank you,
Our dear teacher.
Gave us wisdom
And knowledge for life.

Sometimes they scolded me
But always to the point,
Loved like family
Thank you for this!

Thank you for everything
What they did for us
From the heart and soul
Our whole friendly class!

Thank you for teaching us
For your important, hard work,
For the fact that they invested their strength,
They gave us many happy moments.

We promise we won't forget
This knowledge that you gave us.
We'll make good people
And you will be rewarded according to your deeds.

Be happy and healthy,
You deserve it all,
Thank you, thank you very much,
What you taught and raised us!