Conflicting body language when your nose itches. Talking facial features

Features of the gaze and its meaning.

Conversation is the most common way of exchanging information between people. But it happens that the interlocutor is in no hurry to make eye contact. In this article we will look at the main reasons for the lack of a focused gaze on the interlocutor from the point of view of psychology.

He's not necessarily lying, although most people would think so. In fact, a person may avoid contact with the other person's evil eye for a number of reasons.


  • Shyness
  • Reluctance to engage in conversation
  • Indecisiveness
  • Sympathy for the interlocutor and shyness
  • Irritation
  • Lack of sympathy for your partner
  • Deception

In general, a direct, piercing gaze does not always indicate sympathy. To understand what this view means, it is necessary to appreciate other details.


  • If the conversation is quite tense and not entirely pleasant. A man or interlocutor tries to expose and defeat the enemy with a long and piercing gaze.
  • If you have a nice conversation and a man looks at you intently and straightens his hair and shirt, then this indicates that he is interested in you. He cares about you.
  • With a piercing gaze and crossing your arms over your chest, you can talk about some kind of hostility or unwillingness to listen to your interlocutor. The opponent is not interested in the conversation.
  • If a man looks at you intently and speaks in a low voice, this indicates flirting and sympathy.

A strong and confident look is a demonstration of strength. It is not enough to speak confidently and back up your words with actions; you need to behave like a leader. This can be done by looking. Your gaze should be piercing. It is best if random passers-by lower their eyes when you look.

Reasons why gaze is important:

  • A confident look makes you look better in the eyes of your interlocutor
  • Shows your confidence and seriousness of intentions
  • Talks about openness and honesty

In most cases, people do not look the other person in the eye because of fear and uncertainty. But among politicians and coaches there are special exercises that allow you to look your opponent in the eye. This increases trust on the part of the interlocutor and can be a serious weapon during debates and arguments. Below are tips that will allow you to learn how to confidently look your interlocutor in the eyes.

  • Do daily workouts. To do this, just practice on passers-by. Look into their eyes.
  • It is also worth doing exercises for the eye muscles. You need to draw figure eights with your eyes closed and open.
  • Spend a few minutes a day assessing how you look in the mirror. This way you can understand what you look like from the outside.
  • If you initially find it difficult to learn to look into the eyes, you can focus your attention on the bridge of your nose.
  • In the evening, when talking with your interlocutor, concentrate your gaze on the point to the left of your opponent’s face.
  • If you notice that as soon as you make eye contact with your opponent and he looks down, you have achieved your goal.

Learning to make eye contact is not difficult at all. This requires desire and regular training.

Scientists say that the more often a person lies, the more difficult it is to see! But, despite this, there is a special language of gestures and facial expressions that you need to know about.

The person talking to you, when conveying false information, he experiences excitement, pay attention to his gaze, movements and voice. You will see how his speech, behavior and movements change. When learning the language of facial expressions, special attention It is worth paying attention to the tempo and timbre of a person’s voice and speech parameters.

When a person utters false information, his intonation immediately changes, there is a noticeable slowdown or acceleration, and there is a stretching of speech. The timbre of the voice changes, high notes appear or, on the contrary, sudden hoarseness. The person’s voice trembles, some even stutter.


A person has a shifting gaze - the person in front of you is insincere, this is how this possible sign is interpreted by the psychology of facial expressions. Sometimes this is a sign of confusion, shyness, uncertainty, but definitely, this is a sign that the reliability of this information is questionable and it is worth checking. A person always hides and averts his eyes when he experiences embarrassment and shame from his lies. Although be careful when looking closely, the interlocutor can also lie. When looking closely at the interlocutor, in facial expressions, it is a fact that the speaker is observing the reaction of the person he is listening to. Does a person telling a lie control how his incorrect information is perceived, does he doubt it, or does he still believe it?


In order to learn using the psychology of facial expressions, to see a person’s insincerity, it is very important to pay attention to his smile! Many people who lie are betrayed by face light smile. This does not apply to people who are always cheerful and cheerful, they have such a communication style. Precisely, a smile that is inappropriate in a conversation should alarm you. Often, laughing, this is how a person tries to hide his inner experience when he uses a lie.

In order to recognize a lie by facial expressions, you need to look carefully at the interlocutor. You will see how the liar's facial muscles are slightly tense, this is a characteristic phenomenon. This facial expression lasts for a few seconds, although it happens throughout the entire conversation. American researchers claim that immediate tension in the facial muscles is the surest sign of your interlocutor’s insincerity.

An involuntary reaction of the skin and other parts of the face that a person cannot control is also an indicator of lying. Such as continuous blinking of the eyes, the color of the skin changes - the interlocutor turns pale or red, lips may tremble, pupils are very dilated. Also pay attention to the various other individual emotions displayed that accompany deception.

TO How to recognize a deceptive smile using body language and facial expressions? The lips seem to be pulled slightly back from the upper and lower teeth, an elongated lip line is formed, and as a result, the smile is shallow, it is insincere and not beautiful. A smile that is sincere suits every person, it decorates and with it a person is rich and successful!


Here is an example of how the eyes can tell about deception. If a person is sincere with you, two thirds of the time you communicate, he will look you in the eyes throughout the entire conversation. If a person is lying, he will meet your eyes for only one third of the time you communicate. When a man lies, he examines the floor, a woman admires the ceiling.

Inconsistency in the work of the facial muscles is also a sign of the interlocutor’s lying. Everyone knows that our feelings are displayed on the left side of the face and the right, on one side they are expressed weaker, and on the other stronger.

Psychology of gesture V

Many people can subconsciously convey their lies through body language; you will never catch a professional swindler, politician, or competent leader in a lie by watching them, because these people know them very well, work and constantly control their facial expressions and gestures. You will need this in everyday life, in communication with colleagues at work or in other places where you spend your time.

Scratching his nose

A person who is trying to deceive you, while talking, scratches and rubs his earlobes, scratches his nose, but remember that the nose can often itch anyway.

Unnatural smile

The interlocutor is trying to smile unnaturally, such a smile is common, the person is forcibly trying to smile.

Holds on to something, puts himself in order

When talking, a person constantly touches his hair, holds on to something standing nearby, for example, a chair, a table.

For no apparent reason, a person begins to put things in order, put everything in order, sort it, move it to other places; behind these actions, he tries to hide a lie.

Covers mouth, avoids

The interlocutor tries to cover his mouth, or holds his hand to his throat or mouth. This gesture is a signal that the person is lying. The person’s torso goes backwards, evades suddenly, as if it swayed while riding in a vehicle. Also, if a person bites his nails or lips, think about the veracity of the stories you heard!


The interlocutor has a strange, incomprehensible trembling, he tries to restrain it, but it still doesn’t stop. Today, very often, you can see how a person, while talking, adjusts his collar or laces. Sometimes, the hand, of course, unconsciously by the person, ends up near the groin area. Posture changes frequently talking man, it seems that he cannot sit comfortably on a chair or sofa.

Frequent cough and wheezing

Frequent coughing of a speaking person is also a sign of untruthfulness, as if someone does not allow him to speak, interferes and dissuades him from lying.

A person who smokes takes puffs very often, and it turns out that cigarettes can tell a lot about a person.

Closed poses

A person hides and hides his hands wherever possible; this is also a gesture of lying. He takes small steps or moves from one leg to the other, it seems as if he is cold and does not know how to warm up.

Fencing off from you, the interlocutor crosses his arms and legs, so it’s easier for him to deceive you.

Tilts his head down or back - this is a great desire to hide and close himself off from you.

Holding your breath

Men tend to hold their breath when cheating. The interlocutor may sit with his eyes half-closed or closed - he experiences a very great feeling of guilt. But don’t confuse this with a state of fatigue when a person wants to sleep and can barely look at you.

First quiet, then loud

A person who is not telling the truth first speaks quietly, as if he were whispering, and then, surprising everyone present, he speaks too loudly.

Beads of sweat

Beads of sweat may appear on the face of a person who is lying. Also, this gesture is used if a person is upset or angry, he tries to cool down his ardor by moving his collar.

Read body language and facial expressions carefully

Gestures of lies, according to experts, are invisible and light, and cannot be compared with those that we use every day, scratching our ears or nose.

Women tend to disguise their gestures, sometimes it looks like flirting or adjusting makeup, therefore, it is much easier for women to mislead men.

Sometimes, though gestures and facial expressions can claim different meanings, not everyone reads them correctly, be very careful when a person scratches his nose or looks away, not always, this is a lie.

If you have known a person for a long time and well, then it will not be difficult to recognize a lie.

The body tells about you and others. Posture, gestures and postures always mean something, because with the help of these signals the body tries to give vent to the feelings that you are trying to suppress. Research has shown that every time a person tries to hide their emotions, their blood pressure increases.

As we learned in the previous chapter, every gesture and movement conveys precise information about how you feel, whether you want it to or not. Body language can enhance or weaken the meaning of a verbal message because a person's body reveals their true feelings.

One day former president Nixon unwittingly revealed his feelings by demonstrating to others that he was uncomfortable being asked difficult questions. He turned his whole body away from those who asked such questions, that is, he tried to distance himself, and as a result he lost confidence in himself. Watching Nixon, people realized that he had something to hide.

Several years ago I treated Marissa, a fifteen-year-old girl who made a very good impression on me. As I interacted with her during class, I admired not only her intelligence, but also her excellent posture and leisurely hand movements, which clearly indicated that she had a developed sense of self-esteem.

However, everything changed as soon as her mother showed up to class with Marissa. It was as if the girl had been replaced. Her demeanor underwent a dramatic metamorphosis. She sat without raising her head and avoided meeting my or her mother's gaze. She kept her hands humbly folded in her lap.

I really sympathized with Marissa, immediately understanding what was happening. She was clearly under the influence of her formidable mother, in whose presence she wanted more than anything to become as inconspicuous as possible. She was clearly afraid of her mother and, yielding to her pressure, temporarily sacrificed her self-esteem.

When I told them about my observations, Marissa admitted that she always felt awkward in her mother’s presence. She had never been able to live up to her expectations, let alone earn her praise. Once she realized this, the relationship between mother and daughter improved and they finally learned to treat each other with respect.


When you like a person, you usually lean towards him. This is a sign that you are interested in both him and what he has to say. If the interest is extremely great, then you move your whole body forward while your legs remain in place. If a person sits leaning on his side, this means that he is showing you his friendly disposition. If a person is unpleasant, boring, or you feel awkward around them, you tend to lean back.

One day I had lunch with a friend who liked a man from our group. When he apologized and left the table, she began to pour out her feelings to me and finally asked if, in my opinion, she had any chance. I didn't want to disappoint her, so I told her how she could find out. I advised her to see how close he would sit to her and whether he would lean towards her.

The man soon returned, and my friend quickly received an answer to her question. Her chances were close to zero. He sat down and leaned back in his chair. When she reached out to touch his hand, he pulled back with obvious displeasure. He paid little attention to her, and when he spoke to her, he behaved stiffly and very formally. His behavior spoke for itself. He was in a serious relationship with another woman - he wasn't interested in my girlfriend, and he let her know that through his body language.


Just like animals, people have their own rules regarding their living space and their own territory. When one animal takes over the living space of another, it gets scared and may attack it. The same thing happens with people. Every culture has rules dictating how close one person can sit or stand from another. People from Latin America and those from the Middle East stand closer to each other than residents of Western countries, who are not used to being constrained. But if a European or American visits another country, then getting to know the local customs and adhering to them will not be superfluous for him.

People who violate the boundaries of someone else's territory, no matter what their nationality, either love to show off and show strength, or they do not understand at all what they are doing. When someone comes very close to you and starts talking, you may not like it and you may not want to communicate. You will begin to back away and retreat until you simply apologize and run away. You may notice that you unconsciously crossed your arms in protest, tried to turn away, or pulled your head into your shoulders. You begin to shift from foot to foot, fidget, or try to change your position. There may also be a harsh note in your voice and you will ask the person to take a step back.

In some studies, experimenters deliberately approached people so close that they felt discomfort. In an effort to show that they had been disturbed, these people usually moved away abruptly.

Sometimes a person gets too close to you on purpose to make you feel insecure. Invading someone else's territory frightens those who own it, and they retreat, trying to figure out your intentions. If you stand too close, most people will be offended, and no matter what they say, they will never get rid of the negative emotions you caused.

If you get too close to a person, it will make him worry about whether his personal hygiene is in order, whether his breath is fresh, and whether he smells good. Or the person may not like the way you smell. However, your reaction to an invasion of your space may not be negative if you are glad to see the person so close.

It is important to note that a person who feels strong and confident usually takes more space, because he is not embarrassed to freely stretch his legs or place his arms comfortably. Well, a less confident person, as a rule, tucks his legs and presses his arms to his body, trying to assume a fetal position.

If a person is standing too far away

People who stand too far away appear arrogant, arrogant, or consider themselves superior to others. They are literally afraid to get too close to you. Perhaps they are sitting or standing so far away because they don't like you. They are irritated by your conversation, smell or appearance. Often people who strive to physically distance themselves from others experience fear in their souls.

Copying movements

If you want to make sure that you seem attractive to someone, check to see if the person is following your movements. If one of you is copying elements of the other's body language (crossing your legs at the same time, resting your head on your hand, clasping your hands, etc.), chances are that one or both of you are in a lyrical mood. When a person imitates another, it indicates that he wants to be like him.

Rocking from heel to toe

These body movements signal that the person is feeling impatient or restless. Adults rock from heel to toe in moments of excitement, when they are embarrassed and want to calm down.

This behavior is not uncommon in children, especially those suffering from autism: it is their way of cheering themselves up and restoring peace of mind.

If adults behave this way, people around them don't like it because it distracts them. They cannot gather themselves and concentrate on what the person who is swaying is trying to tell them.


When people don't find a place for themselves, they thereby tell you a lot of information about themselves. They get nervous and then that's a sign that they don't want to be here anymore. They wring their hands or shift from foot to foot, which indicates agitation or irritation. When a person is uncomfortable, he constantly makes some kind of movement to feel better.

When people feel awkward, their temperature rises, they literally feel heat in their chest and they fiddle with their tie, trying to loosen the knot.

So when you see someone fidgeting, know that they are sending you a message that they are uncomfortable or that something is bothering them. Perhaps the person lied or wants to leave the people in whose company he is currently located.

Head tilt

A head tilted to the side signals that the person is interested and ready to listen to what you have to say. He's focused on your words and you've managed to capture his full attention.

Have you noticed that young children who have not yet learned to speak often keep their heads to the side when spoken to? This shows that they are listening carefully.

Sudden head movement

Having heard something they did not like, people often make a sharp movement of their head away from the speaker. Most likely, this is an unconscious reaction designed to create a barrier between a person and the source of discomfort.


People who constantly nod when you talk like to please everyone. They usually have a burning desire to be liked. Their manner seems to say: “I agree with everything you say, but you should love me for it.” As a rule, these are insecure people who are afraid of being rejected.

When a person shakes or turns their head, it means they are expressing doubt or disagreement with what has been said. He may shake his head, trying to analyze what was said and decide what position he should take in this case.

Head hanging low

Unless you are participating in a religious ceremony or were born in a country where it is customary to bow your head as a sign of respect, hanging your head low during a conversation indicates that the person is insecure, suffers from low self-esteem, is unhappy, or is experiencing depression.

The late Princess Diana had a habit of speaking with her head hung low. Initially, this could have been a sign of compliance, but since Diana did not change this manner later, it seems to me that this was a reflection of her difficult mental state and proof that Diana did not feel very confident in her role as Princess.

Sharply tossed head

A sharply raised head signals an impending threat in the same way as a forward chin. This is a sign of aggressiveness and hostility, indicating that a person is ready to go to extremes to solve the problem facing him.

When a person shakes their head or throws it back, these movements usually convey contempt or arrogance.

Scratching your head

Unless a person has lice or some kind of skin disease, scratching the head means that he is embarrassed or unsure about something.

One day I was working with my music producer on a song I had written when I noticed that he was furiously scratching the back of his head. I asked if he had any doubts about the ending of the song. The producer answered in the affirmative and added that he wanted the song to have a different, more dramatic ending. Noticing that he was scratching his head, I guessed that the producer really didn’t like what we were doing. He decided that we should change the ending of the song, but he was afraid of offending me.

Or one more example. Let's say you ask someone a question, and the person starts scratching their head. He tells you that he did not understand your question or does not know how to answer it. It will be useful to repeat your question in a different form so that the person understands exactly what you are asking of him. By changing the wording of the question, you also give the interlocutor extra time to prepare a response.


When people shrug their shoulders, it means they are lying, insincere, or don't care. This can also be interpreted as “I don’t know,” “I’m not sure,” or “I don’t believe something.”

A person who lies usually shrugs his shoulders very quickly. In this case, it is done completely involuntarily and means something completely different than indifference or lack of interest. The person seems to be saying that he is not telling the truth. This quick shrug of the shoulders is an unconscious attempt to appear cool, calm and collected.

If a person raises his shoulders, but does not shrug them, but leaves them in this position, then he is demonstrating his defenselessness.

This movement was often made by Marilyn Monroe to emphasize her sexuality and willingness to communicate.

What we say does not always correspond to what we demonstrate to our interlocutor with our postures and body movements. How to decipher them?

Psychology of gestures and facial expressions


It can tell a lot about us to an attentive person. If you want to create the impression that you are very busy, you rush forward quickly. Do you have a spring in your step when walking? You will definitely be mistaken for an optimist and a creative person. The gait of a confident person is easy to recognize - he steps on his heel and rolls his foot onto his toe.

Sitting style

Business meeting. In front of you stranger, who spread his papers all over the table. This means he feels like a very important person. Wide-spaced legs reinforce this impression.

Body rotation

If several people take part in a conversation, we turn to the interlocutor who is more attractive to us. Or to the leader - as a sign of respect. This is the simple psychology of human gestures.

Let's move closer

We try to get closer to those who are truly pleasant to us.


Raised eyebrows
This is evidence that a person is sincerely interested, he is curious about what is happening. If he frowns, it means he is experiencing fear and embarrassment. The eyebrows are motionless if there is no interest in what is happening now.

Closed eyes
If the interlocutor in a conversation suddenly begins to rub his eyes, covers them with his hand or lowers his eyelids, it means that he is trying to protect himself from unpleasant or dangerous information that he has received.

Attention - on the face
Have you noticed that your interlocutor often straightens his hair, moving it away from his face? Maybe he's a little nervous. Another interpretation: he is trying to attract your attention to his face and neck by flirting.

Lip biting
It is not difficult to determine when a person is in stressful situation: the interlocutor begins to bite or lick his lips. He does this to relieve tension and calm down a little.

Sincere smile
Do they smile at you only with their lips for 5-6 seconds? This is a reason to doubt that the person is sincere with you now. After all, a real smile implies that it involves not only the lips, but also the eyes! If you want to be known as a thorough person at work, smile less. Employees who smile excessively do not seem too serious to management.

Head tilt

Do you want to make it clear that your interlocutor’s words are interesting to you and that you are listening to him carefully? Tilt your head slightly towards him, showing that you don’t want to miss a single word.


If your counterpart blinks more than 6-8 times per minute, it means that the person is very worried at the moment.


A person who is telling a lie really has an itchy nose - it’s just at this moment that adrenaline is released, which causes the capillaries to dilate and the nose begins to itch.


By looking at us, we can determine whether the interlocutor is lying to us or whether he is interested in someone present. If your interlocutor looks too closely into your eyes without looking away, this may mean that he is deceiving you. But, realizing this, he tries to seem sincere, without taking his eyes off your face.

A quick exchange of glances occurs between people who like each other. If a man gives you quick, interested glances and immediately looks away, he likes you, but is not sure about you. reciprocal feelings. A quick glance is one of the signs of a defensive reaction: a person is afraid of rejection.


If you nod your head, and do it more than once, you show your interlocutor that you are interested. If you nod three times at once, the person's response will be about three times longer. This means don’t nod more than once if you want to quickly end a boring conversation.

Looking from the bottom up

A person who tilts his head slightly and looks up at his interlocutor needs support and protection. This is how young children often look, and there are plenty of photographs of Princess Diana in this position.

Pursed lips

When the interlocutor's lips stretch into a thin line, there is no doubt that the person is simply furious. The fact is that in a calm state, few people can purse their lips in this way.

Look up

Do you want to know what your interlocutor is thinking about? Notice how his eyes move. When a person remembers what he saw before, he looks up, as if trying to imagine the picture. When a person remembers what he heard, he looks towards one of his ears. And the deepest experiences are accompanied by a gaze that seems to be directed inward and does not react to what is happening around.

Forehead and ear massage

Does your interlocutor touch his forehead or stroke his earlobes? He feels vulnerable and defenseless and tries to relieve tension. For example, a person may react this way when a boss looks around at his subordinates, trying to decide who to entrust an unpleasant job to. By touching the forehead, earlobes, rubbing our knees, we massage the nerve endings, and this helps reduce blood pressure and pulse.

By the way, the psychology of human gestures speaks louder than words. Scientists have found that with their help we receive up to 90% of information. Whereas words give us no more than 7%.


Feet shoulder width apart
This position speaks of self-confidence and a tendency to dominate. During an argument, a person in this position will firmly stand his ground. If you want to enhance the impression, place your hands on your hips - this is a traditional position that shows strength.
Crossed arms
It may seem that the person crossing his arms is angry or wants to close himself off from the eyes of others. But don't rush into such an assessment. This pose can really indicate that a person does not want to let anyone into his thoughts if his legs are also crossed. However, it is worth paying attention to the surrounding environment: most often people take this position when they are cold. And besides, many find this position simply comfortable.
Body weight is transferred from one leg to the other
The way your body moves matches your thoughts. Does your partner often shift from one foot to the other or sway back and forth? He is worried or upset about something. In other words, these movements clearly indicate what is happening in a person’s head: he moves from one unpleasant thought to another and cannot decide on a solution.

Feet pointing towards the door

It’s easy to determine how interesting the conversation is to your interlocutor. If you are talking to a person whose feet are turned towards the door, this is a sign that he wants to end the conversation as quickly as possible and is looking for a way to retreat.


The interlocutor hides his hands, Does he keep them behind his back or put them in his pockets? He is hiding something from you, does not give complete information.

A person who touches his nails and cuticles while talking
(and even worse - he bites his nails), gives the impression of insecurity and vulnerability. Instead, interlace your fingers to appear calm and balanced.

Restless gestures

Does a person alternately take off and put on his shoes under the table, shake his legs rhythmically, and cross one leg over the other? Such gestures help relieve anxiety. They also say that the situation is unpleasant for you.

What do you know about the psychology of gestures and facial expressions?


The eyes are not capable of lying, since they connect the human soul with the outside world. It is generally accepted that if a person does not make eye contact during a conversation, then he is definitely deceiving.

No matter how widespread this opinion may be, it is wrong. Psychologists have identified the reasons and situations due to which the opponent does not make eye contact when communicating.

This is one of those factors that is based on scientific statements. Shy people most often hide their feelings, which is why they cannot look directly into the eyes, because a look can tell everything. The deepest feelings and sensations will be read in it, be it love or hatred. Shy people are mostly closed, and therefore they do not want to be revealed.

Often, one glance can provide a huge amount of information about the interlocutor. A couple of minutes of eye contact will do much more than hours of simple conversation. Due to the overabundance of information, people simply have to look away for a while.

Excessive eye contact makes a person worry and contributes to irritation. After all, it seems as if the interlocutor is trying to find out everything that is inside. And almost no one will like this.

Internal discomfort is not difficult to notice. Signs of this may be touching the ears, nose during a conversation, or fiddling with hair. It is for this reason that the interlocutor will not make eye contact.

Maintaining eye contact with a person who literally pierces his interlocutor through and through causes psychological discomfort, to say the least.

Lack of interest does not always manifest itself in glancing at the clock and yawning. The other person's disinterest can also be expressed in a lack of eye contact.

Many people find it easier to formulate a thought and imagine a certain situation only by immersing themselves a little. Such people simply need to create a picture in their heads for better perception, and doing this while maintaining contact with their opponent is simply impossible.

For more productive communication, you should learn to hold your gaze for as long as possible. The ability to maintain eye contact will help not only in informal, but also in business relationships.

If a person does not make eye contact during a conversation: a psychologist’s opinion

During the reflections, psychologists noted that the vast majority of people do not make eye contact during a conversation. Eye to eye looks are most common among couples in love. In ordinary communication, people very rarely look into each other's eyes.

Also, during the observation process, it was found that leaders who are distinguished by the effectiveness of leadership over people look into their eyes when talking with their employees.

Everyone knows the need to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, but not everyone is comfortable doing this. Even if a person tries to maintain eye contact, he becomes uncomfortable and begins to feel some embarrassment because he is not used to it.

In many countries, looking “eye to eye” is considered an expression of disrespect, which is why women in such countries, predominantly Muslim, do not look up at a man when talking to him.

It is a common belief that to create the effect of eye contact, you need to look at the bridge of your interlocutor’s nose. But it is wrong, since increased attention can cause neurosis in the opponent.

Body language will also help to understand the reason why a person does not make eye contact when speaking. To tell that a person has become bored and no longer wants to carry on a conversation, his gaze directed upward to the right will help. And his dilated pupils will indicate the opponent’s interest in the conversation.

Some tips to help you learn to make eye contact

  • Try to look at your opponent with a soft and relaxed gaze, covering a large area within your field of vision. The main thing is not to lose this contact and remain calm.
  • Staring can cause a harsh expression, so watch your facial expressions. It should not be focused; on the contrary, goodwill and gentleness will not only relax you, but will also endear your opponent to you. To achieve this effect, you can mentally imagine that you are holding this person over the shoulder. This will create more warmth and softness in your eyes.
  • The main problem standing in the way of the ability to look into the eyes is self-doubt. This uncertainty gives rise to nervousness. You need to overcome this line and understand that looking into the eyes only establishes contact with a person.
  • Try to study the facial expressions and position of your interlocutor. You can try to “mirror” it. This will help overcome the interpersonal barrier and win over your opponent.

If a person does not make eye contact during a conversation, do not rush to make erroneous conclusions. Perhaps you should take a closer look at the interlocutor and understand the reason for the lack of eye contact on his part.