Hybrid daylily Catherine Woodbury reviews. Hybrid and species daylilies, varieties with photos and names. According to the shape of the flower they are distinguished

They are fading and will soon be replaced by irises, peonies and daylilies. And I, looking ahead a little, already want to talk about these summer flowers. And I’ll start with the beautiful daylilies of my garden.

People who are far from floriculture often confuse daylilies with lilies, but although they are similar (in flower shape), they are completely different flowers.

Daylilies are perennial rhizomatous plants; from year to year they grow, forming powerful bushes. Lilies are bulbous plants. From each onion there is one stem, on which there can be either one flower or a whole hat.

The lily flower lasts about a week, while the daylily lasts only one day. It’s not for nothing that people call him krasodnev. Every flower is beautiful, but its life is fleeting. Fortunately, the next morning a new bud opens next to the faded one. Flowering continues.

The flowering period of daylilies extends from mid-June until the end of summer.

The first to bloom is the yellow daylily, which is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, reliability, and grows to impressive sizes, delighting with its abundance. bright colors. Its flowering occurs during the period when the daffodils and tulips have already moved away, and early varieties Peonies are just starting to bloom. During this period we observe gorgeous flowering yellow daylily.

We have an early burgundy peony growing next to it, the combination is very interesting.

Bumblebees often fly to flowers, but it’s not always possible to catch them in the frame.

And in the thickets of our yellow daylily, huge grasshoppers resembling locusts have settled. For several years now we have been finding them there and destroying them, but next year they arise again.

Here is one such specimen sitting on a petal:

Somewhat later than yellow, other varieties of daylilies begin to gain strength. Today we have four of them.

Daylilies are extremely unpretentious and can grow without any care. For example, our orange daylily grows like a weed, overwhelming everything around it.

He's so powerful root system that he sometimes bothers others cultivated plants, but it is impossible to weed it with one hoe; you need a shovel. I don’t know the exact name of this variety, but it is very common and very old, it grew in my grandmother’s garden. I met him at clubs and in gardens private houses, and in historical places. For example, near the temple in Suzdal, the orange daylily looks very good.

But modern varieties are less hardy. In dry weather, it is advisable to water them to maintain continuity of flowering. We also fertilize them with complex fertilizer a couple of times a season. We pick off wilted flowers every day to avoid a sloppy appearance.

We have two modern varieties: Catherine Woodbury with delicate graceful pink-cream flowers and bright, rich red Сrimson Pirate. Katerina was bought at a local flower shop, but the bright Сrimson Pirate was received by mail from the catalog of the company "Gardens of Russia". (Cost 135 rubles) Actually, we ordered daylily Christmas Is. And only when it blossomed, it turned out that they had sent us a similar, but still different variety, Pirate (identified from their catalogue).

Here they are "Reality and Expectation":

The resulting variety is also beautiful, but still much simpler in both shape and color.

Pirate in all his glory:

Daylilies reproduce vegetatively. We bought pieces of rhizome with one bud. Planted in May. Our soil is clayey, before planting we added peat, sand, complex fertilizer and ash. The daylilies bloomed the same year (initially with single flowers). The next year they are already growing and flowering has become more abundant.

Daylilies can be planted at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, but you should not delay it, as the plant may not have time to take root. Spring reproduction is still preferable, for summer period the plant will get stronger.

Immediately after the snow melts, sprouts appear. This is what they look like at the end of April.

And by the beginning of flowering they reach a height of 60 - 70 cm.

Pests do not visit daylilies. Unlike lilies, mice are not interested in them. Because of these rodents, our once extensive collection of lilies thins out every spring, but the daylilies are still there.

Daylilies are absolutely frost-resistant; even in snowless winters, not a single plant was damaged.

Nowadays the flower market offers a large number of very beautiful and interesting daylilies. In the future I plan to acquire new varieties, the main thing is to find a place to plant them. If on your summer cottage These beautiful flowers have not yet appeared, I recommend getting them. After all, they are very easy to care for, unpretentious and will delight you with their beauty for many years!

This flower has been known for more than two thousand years, but the first hybrids appeared only in the twentieth century, when breeders took up the plant in earnest. Modern varieties and daylily hybrids are not inferior to spectacular lilies in the beauty of their flowers. Sometimes this plant is called a day lily, since the daylily flower lasts only one day, but during the flowering period the buds bloom one after another, daily changing the appearance of the flowering plant.

Based on the type of vegetation, daylilies are divided into:

  • Semi-evergreen. In such plants, the foliage partially dies off; with the onset of warm weather, the preserved green mass confidently begins to grow;
  • Evergreen. These varieties keep their foliage green even in winter; they require stable snow cover;
  • Dormant, characterized by the death of leaves in the fall.

Dormant and semi-evergreen varieties are easy to care for successful cultivation Evergreen daylilies require some experience.

Species daylilies

The predecessors of hybrid daylilies are species daylilies, these are plants with smaller and less elaborate flowers, but they fit perfectly into natural style gardens.

The Middendorf daylily blooms early, back in May, the small daylily is an excellent border plant, and the rapidly growing yellow daylily can change the appearance of the garden in the shortest possible time. The graceful and tall lemon-yellow daylily is spectacular with its combination of lemon flowers and bluish leaves.

Varietal daylilies

As a result of intraspecific selection, larger and more resilient plants were obtained, but the greatest results were achieved by breeders who obtained hybrid daylilies. Due to the abundance of shapes and colors, a separate classification was developed.

According to the shape of the flower they are distinguished:

The timing and duration of flowering are also important for gardeners. Most hybrid daylilies produce repeat blooms, decorating the garden with their showy blooms in summer and fall. According to flowering times, they are distinguished:

  • early, blooming in June;
  • mid-early with flowering in the second half of June - first half of July;
  • medium ones, the flowers of which bloom in late July - mid-August;
  • medium-late, picking up the wave of flowering from mid-August;
  • late, blooming at the end of summer.

The most popular and popular varieties of daylilies

Pardon Me– a plant 45 cm high. A dormant, repeat-blooming diploid with an average flowering period. The bright, wine-colored flowers with a yellowish-green throat are small, about 7 cm.

Daylily Mildred Mitchell – an evergreen perennial hybrid with large fragrant flowers of pink and lilac shades. Blooms in late July and September.

Daylily Stella de Oro refers to dwarf varieties. This unpretentious daylily does not exceed 30 cm in height. Stella de Oro produces yellow fragrant flowers for almost four months and is often used by landscape designers as a low-growing border plant.

Daylily Catherine Woodbery by mid-summer forms large fragrant flowers up to 16 cm in diameter. The combination of delicate lilac-lavender petals and lemon throat creates a very unusual impression. At the same time, bad weather prevails lilac color or purple shades, and in the hot sunny season – lavender.

Bright color, corrugated edge of the petal and delicate aroma of daylily Diva's Choice makes it stand out in any garden. Coral - pink flowers open in July and, replacing each other, decorate the garden for 2 months. Up to four buds can bloom on one peduncle.

Daylily Pandoras Box (Pandora’s Box)– evergreen hybrid daylily, 50 cm high. The flowers are cream, with a green throat and cherry eye, reaching 10 cm. Flowering is mid-early, repeated.

Daylily Little Anna Rosa – plant 40 cm tall, with bright narrow leaves that die off in the winter. Flowering begins at the end of June, with up to three delicate flowers with a wavy edge, reminiscent of a rose, blooming on each peduncle. In early autumn, Little Anna Rose blooms again. In the description of this plant, it should be noted that its bushes with beautifully flowing leaves retain an attractive appearance until the coldest weather, because this makes it popular among landscape designers. Little Anna Rose is an unpretentious frost-resistant variety.

Options for using daylily for landscaping

Among the many flowers that occupy the minds and hearts of gardeners, daylily has always held a leading position. This is due both to its external beauty and to the peculiarities of caring for it.


Daylily Katerina Woodbury is a multi-colored plant, which already makes life easier for the gardener, because such plants do not need to be planted every spring. Having planted once, you can enjoy the beauty and grace of daylilies for several years. The variety Katherine Woodbury is characterized by sword-shaped leaves that curve along their entire length. There are quite a lot of leaves, so from afar it creates the feeling of a bush. The flowers of the Katherine Woodbury daylily are slightly lily-like in their funnel-shaped form, however, the daylily has six petals. As a rule, the petals are arranged in two tiers, with three petals in each. Daylily flowers Katherine Woodbury have a pale lavender color, the calyx-throat of the flower is yellow. In general, the daylily Katerina Woodbury makes a very impressive delicate flower, so its color scheme will look good both separately and in combination with other varieties. Daylily Katerina Woodbury is often planted together with others perennial plants, including non-flowering ones, so as not to distract attention from the delicate lavender color.

Daylily Catherine Woodbury can perform well in any soil, but there are minor exceptions. Sandy soil is not entirely suitable for daylilies due to the fact that it contains little water, and even its powerful root system cannot always find enough moisture to nourish itself. In such soil it is necessary to construct drainage from sawdust, maybe even in several layers. Heavy clay soil, on the contrary, does not drain water well, and therefore the rhizomes of the daylily Katerina Woodbury may simply die from rotting.

As for sunlight, the daylily Katerina Woodbury does well even in slightly darkened conditions, but with sufficient sunlight, the color of the flowers will be much brighter, and their number will be noticeably greater. Daylily Catherine Woodbury blooms around mid-July, but this schedule may shift. If cloudy weather continues for a long time, then daylily flowers open a little later than their due date, some of them may not open at all.

Purchase from our company

To really get beautiful flowers for your site, it is necessary buy quality planting materials. It is this factor that is decisive. We offer daylily Katherine Woodbury as wholesale, and at retail. Our employees are very responsible in matters of care, maintenance, propagation of flowers, and also carry out their regular preventive examination, which is why our clients return to us again and again. Our primary goal is long-term cooperation, therefore we comply with all terms of the contract. Delivery is carried out strictly according to the terms of the contract, at the appointed time and at the specified address.

The second half of summer - all urban and garden flower beds literally ablaze with an orange-yellow sea of ​​daylilies. These are the simplest and most unpretentious species of Daylily or Krasnodnev from the genus (Hemerocallis) - a genus of plants of the Daylily subfamily of the Xantorrhoeaceae family.

People call all these plants lilies, although the latter belong to bulbous crops, and daylilies have a rhizome.

Lily flowers are very similar to daylilies, only the former remain in color for several days on a powerful tube, and the latter only for one day, but on each flower arrow there are from 20 to 60 buds, ready to bloom every day, replacing each other for almost a month .

Types and varieties of daylily

Daylilies in the European part of Russia are eastern guests. In nature they are widely distributed in Far East Russia, Korea, Japan and China, where there are no more than 30 varieties in nature. But up to 70,000 species are known in selection, the breeding of which, for example, in the USA has industrial scale- most of the beautiful selective species of daylily in Europe come from there. Domestic breeders also work a lot in this direction.

  • Hemerocallis citrina Baroni - Lemon yellow daylily
  • Hemerocallis darrowiana S.Y.Hu
  • Hemerocallis dumortieri E.Morren - Daylily of Dumortier
  • Hemerocallis esculenta Koidz.
  • Hemerocallis Satake
  • Hemerocallis × fallaxlittoralis Konta & S.Matsumoto
  • Hemerocallis forrestii Diels - Forrest's Daylily
  • Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L. - Brown-yellow daylily
  • Hemerocallis hakuunensis Nakai
  • Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L. typus - Yellow daylily
  • Hemerocallis littorea Makino
  • Hemerocallis middendorffii Trautv. & C.A.Mey. - Daylily Middendorf
  • Hemerocallis minor Mill. - Small daylily
  • Hemerocallis nana W.W.Sm. & Forrest - Dwarf daylily
  • Hemerocallis plicata Stapf - Folded daylily
  • Hemerocallis thunbergii Barr - Thunberg daylily
  • Hemerocallis yezoensis H.Hara - Daylily

In China there was even a cult of worship of these flowers. They meditated with them, they were used in medicine and even cooking. In the countries of Indochina, flowers and buds of certain varieties of daylily are still used as food, dried and fresh, and they are boiled and stewed. traditional dishes. And in India, in addition to flowers, young leaves and root tubers of daylilies are eaten raw and boiled. This plant is also used in folk medicine.

Here are some popular varieties daylily:

  • Baby Red Eyes;
  • bonanza;
  • Catherine Woodbury;
  • Hyperion;
  • Fireborn;
  • Front Runner;
  • Ribbonette

The decorative perennial flower crop daylily, with the grace of its sword-shaped leaves and large flowers literally fluttering on thin arrows, reaching from 5 to 20 centimeters in diameter, blooming simultaneously up to three flowers on several arrows for 20-30 days, is able to decorate any garden with its flower ball.

The most common daylilies in our country are yellow, yellow-lemon, red, small, Middendorf and Du Maurier. They are not only elegantly beautiful, but unpretentious in cultivation and surprisingly resilient in all respects - they grow for a long time even in abandoned summer cottages.

Planting and caring for daylilies

It is generally accepted that daylilies require almost no care. But if you want a riot of color and greenery, then you will have to take care of them. The growing location will be optimal if it is loose and fertile soil with good drainage characteristics. Clay will create conditions for water stagnation and the occurrence of fungal diseases, sandy will not provide moisture and adequate nutrition.

Unpretentious daylilies still have one important whim - sunlight and warmth. In full shade they will stretch into a thread and bloom sparingly and fadedly. In cloudy weather the buds do not even open. In cold summers, its flowers become smaller, or even disappear altogether.

Possessing a powerful root system, they are able to extract moisture from the soil from a considerable depth; they are often content with natural precipitation. and only during long dry periods they need moderate watering with non-cold water and only at the root. Overhead irrigation can damage the petals. After watering, careful loosening is necessary.

The first feeding is best before the start of the growing season. For this purpose, a complete comprehensive mineral fertilizer, which is scattered between plants followed by watering so that it dissolves faster. This can be done a month before the start of the growing season, early spring, it will dissolve gradually even without watering due to soil moisture. In total, two more feedings must be done for the remaining season for young plantings, and up to five for old ones: the second - a month after the first; the third - immediately after they bloom; fourth - a month after flowering; 5 - during the period, so to speak, of dormancy, which coincides with the biocycle of the laying of flower stalks for the next season. With such agricultural technology, the daylilies will be in optimal shape and will thank you for your work and care with large flowers and succulent foliage.

To preserve the decorative appearance of daylilies, you have to pick off faded flowers, which do not disappear on their own, look ugly and the plant wastes its resources on them. nutrients. Faded arrow-peduncles are cut to the base, and the plant itself is cut off in the fall. Mulching responds well to winter period crushed bark, wood chips, excluding wood fresh sawdust, dry stale peat.

Daylilies grow quickly and oppress themselves. Dividing bushes or culling too old specimens can begin in the spring, as soon as the soil warms up a little.

Daylily transplantation and propagation

In a bright place good care this crop will do well for several years. But if transplanting or planting is necessary, then it is better to do it from May to August; after August the plant will not have time to take root and prepare for winter. If there is a need for summer planting or replanting, you need to choose a cool day or provide shade.

During initial planting, the distance between the bushes should be in the range of 60 to 70 centimeters, taking into account their subsequent growth, when they begin to oppress each other with crowding. This distance will extend the life of this area for daylily.

Best choice for accommodation new landing The soils will become loamy, fed with stale organic matter; other quality soils with acidity not higher than normal are also possible: 6-6.5 pH.

The bush prepared for replanting can be washed in water to better see the roots for culling, cut them off and place the rhizome in a solution of a growth stimulator. If you don’t have anything purchased, you can use a two-day water infusion of crushed willow twigs, in which the seedling will stay for 4 hours.

The process of planting a daylily prepared according to all the rules looks like this:

  • the planting hole should be spacious and 40-45 centimeters deep;
  • at the bottom of it put a mixture consisting of a handful organic fertilizer, sand, ash, a pinch of superphosphate and potassium-phosphorus fertilizer;
  • Build a low slide in the center of the hole and compact it so that it does not crumble;
  • Place a daylily on the resulting hill, like a hat on your head, spread the roots around and fall asleep, holding the plant with one hand until the hole is level with the surface;
  • compact the soil around it and be sure to deepen the root collar of the plant by 2 centimeters, otherwise there will be no flowering, but there will be a need for replanting and unnecessary injury to the seedling;
  • moderately water the soil around the bush, sprinkle with old humus or peat;
  • During the first week, moisturize moderately at the root.

Daylilies can be propagated vegetatively and by seeds. For the first method, young bushes no older than 5-6 years are suitable. First, dig up the bush carefully with a pitchfork, then carefully with your hands, so as not to cause damage to the roots and the outlet itself, divide it into separate bushes; if the connection is strong, then resort to cutting with a knife. If this planting is done early in the spring, then they will still have time to bloom this year.

Propagation by seeds is painstaking work. But there is also such a need. It should be taken into account that it is more successful to sow fresh seeds before winter, deepening them by 2 centimeters. Spring sowing is also allowed according to the general rules for seed propagation: sowing in a container with seedling soil, covering with glass or film, room temperature and full lighting, followed by picking and transplanting the teenagers into open ground. You also need to be patient - such daylilies will bloom only in the second or even third year.

Daylily diseases and pests

To prevent daylilies from suffering from root rot, rust, fusarium, rust spot, fungal and viral diseases, it is better to treat them prophylactically systemic fungicide. But the plant is still sick - dig it up, shake off the rhizome and place it up to the neck of the bush in a solution of potassium permanganate until the solution brightens, let the water drain and, after drying, plant it in a new place according to well-known rules.

Daylilies suffer from pests much more than from diseases, and here prevention is not enough - you need to inspect their planting regularly. Among the pests are the following insects:

  • For mono planting of daylilies, in order to maximize their decorative value, it is better to select varieties according to the timing of flowering, and the height of the peduncles, so that some do not drown in others, and according to the colors, so that their color scheme is harmonious and pleases with its lush and exuberant beauty for as long as possible .
  • Before you start fertilizing daylily planting, you need to find out the chemical and biological data garden soil, according to which to select the missing mineral fertilizers.
  • It is especially important to be careful with young plantings, which, if necessary, can be fertilized no earlier than two weeks from the planting date. For them, 2-3 organic-mineral supplements are enough.
  • Intensely flowering daylilies and their 5-6-year-old veterans should be fertilized up to five times during the growing season.

For reliable wintering in areas with prolonged frosts, you can cover the daylily planting with straw, fallen leaves, and protect it from blowing by the wind.