Popular beliefs about the front door. Signs about creaking. Two different worlds

Human. People also gave them higher value- it was believed that through the window of your house you can see the future, with their help you can ward off trouble or, conversely, inadvertently attract it into your home.

Good signs about windows in the house

Accidentally look out of the window dark time days and seeing light there is fortunate. Likewise, returning home in the evening and unexpectedly seeing light in the window is a sign of changes in life for the better.

Swung open by a gust of wind window sashes- to receive news soon.

If you want something to finally happen in your life... light stripe, “sweeten” it - throw a pinch of sugar through the window on Sunday morning.

If you are not happy with something in life, if you are tormented by constant illnesses or failures, look at your windows - if they are dirty, wash them as best you can and you won’t notice how life will change.

What not to do with windows

  • looking out the window at the funeral procession passing by. It is better to completely curtain the windows when she approaches, so that death does not inadvertently look into your window;
  • cutting new windows in an old house - a sign says that this can lead to the death of one of the household members;
  • look out the window at the full moon for a long time - the night luminary drains strength from a person;
  • looking out the window at night - you can see a ghost or evil spirits;
  • throw garbage out the window, pour out slops - on the other side of the glass there may be the souls of deceased ancestors who came to visit you;
  • entering the house through a window means illness;
  • closing the windows with blind shutters or curtains (including roller blinds) for the day - the house definitely needs sunlight and air, otherwise bad energy will stagnate in it, and household members will feel bad. But it is possible and even necessary to close curtains and blinds at night so that evil spirits do not enter the house;
  • build a house with windows facing north - the owners will never feel good in it. Best option- place window openings on the eastern side of the building;
  • leaving broken or cracked glass in a window is a gap in the protection of your home, through which water will immediately begin to flow. negative energy from outside. A person who lives in a house with cracked or broken windows will never be happy and healthy.

When asked whether it is possible to block up a window in a house, we also receive the answer that this should not be done, otherwise there will be trouble. The meaning of the sign “putting up windows in the house” can be neutralized if you visually completely hide the former window opening - that is, do not leave it simply covered with bricks or blocks, but plaster it, paint it the color of other walls, cover it with panels, etc.

Signs about the weather

The behavior of the weather was also judged from the windows. Thus, it was believed that if the windows become covered with droplets of moisture in the cold, then a thaw is just around the corner. And if on February 4 the window panes were painted with beautiful frosty patterns, this meant that winter would remain in its rights for a long time.

The door and threshold are a symbolic border between our home and the outside world. At home we are protected and surrounded by a benevolent atmosphere. This is our little fortress, and only we decide who to let into our little comfortable world and who not.

If they try to enter our home against our will, this causes protest and a desire to fight back. Everything connected with the native walls is important for a person, so signs and beliefs about the threshold have survived to this day, and many of our contemporaries try to observe ancient traditions.

Two different worlds

Why can’t you say hello across the threshold and why can’t you pass things across the threshold? Many, even without knowing the answers to these questions, try not to violate the two mentioned rules.

  • The threshold has long been considered the border between the worlds of the living and the dead. These worlds have different energies, so if you don’t want to lose a person, quarrel with him or lose mutual understanding, it’s better not to communicate across the threshold.
  • For the same reason, you cannot shake hands across the threshold.
  • To prevent good luck and happiness from leaving the house, you cannot pass an item across the threshold. Moreover, such a thing will not bring anything good to the person who received it.
  • If you give money over the threshold, material well-being will disappear.
  • There is no need to explain why you can’t kiss across the threshold: you can destroy the connection with your loved one, love will leave the relationship, and quarrels will begin.

What else can’t you do across the threshold?

  • It was believed that spirits should not be disturbed, which is why one should not stand on the threshold.
  • Even if something worries you or the wait is too long, you can’t sit on the threshold. You need to enter the house or go outside.
  • All issues need to be resolved inside or outside the house. Saying goodbye over the threshold is unacceptable if you want to see this person again.
  • You cannot talk while on opposite sides, this can lead to a quarrel.
  • It was believed that on the day the bride should not step on the threshold or even step over it. Otherwise, she will not be happy with her husband. Apparently, it was no coincidence that the tradition of carrying the bride into the house in his arms arose.
  • It was recommended to cross the threshold when leaving the house right foot, then the day will definitely be successful and you will be lucky in everything.
  • Spitting over the threshold was also not recommended: you could accidentally drive away your luck.
  • It was considered an alarming sign if a dead person appeared on the doorstep. However, everything is not so scary, because she could have been thrown or she was frozen. In any case, it was recommended to bury the bird and own peace of mind go to church.

It’s very simple to protect yourself from negativity: you need to listen to the signs and not pass anything across the threshold - neither objects, nor emotions, nor feelings.

On the other side

In the house we feel safe and calm, but what awaits outside is unknown. Perhaps that is why the signs associated with the door are shrouded in mysticism. The door is the main symbol of home protection. It’s no coincidence that ill-wishers throw it under her various items, wanting to cause damage, and the owners, on the contrary, place various amulets in front of the front door or above it.

1. It has been used above the door as protection since ancient times. It is still considered a symbol of good luck in all matters and promises the owner a successful completion of all affairs.

6. Another sign is a knock on the door. This sound may be associated with someone's visit, and there is nothing special about it if you are expecting guests. But if you hear a knock and approach the entrance, but there is no one outside, not everyone will take this situation calmly. Some superstitious people then cannot sleep at night, tormented by bad thoughts. It's so easy to actually attract bad things into your life. Best of possible options- do not respond to knocks and do not go out into the hallway. If someone really needs to talk to you, they will knock again.

7. A creaking door also never promised favorable events. But at the same time, in ancient times it was believed that it was walking. He had to be appeased with a saucer of milk or honey.

8. Hitting your forehead on the doorframe foreshadowed that the owner would find great solution, which will help get rid of the problems that weigh on him or find a way out of a difficult situation that seemed insoluble.

9. If the cat is sitting at the front door, you can be happy. The dark streak has come to an end, and improvement in all matters lies ahead. If it is lying on the doorstep, and there is a young girl or a single guy in the house, there will soon be a wedding.

Knowing about signs and their meanings, you need to remember that unfavorable signs can always be neutralized and everything can be turned around in such a way that the bad will bypass the house, and the good will definitely linger in it.

Write your opinion

Doors, windows, keys and locks have long attracted the imagination of magicians and mystics. In protective household magic these things have unique properties, for they are called upon to protect the house from the penetration of all unclean things.


The door is a symbol of entry into other dimensions. Many protective rituals are associated with doors and door thresholds. The most popular protective door decorations are: onion and garlic braids, plant wreaths, bags of herbs and salt, bells, and salt scattered on the threshold under the rug, which wards off evil.

There are other techniques for protecting the house from evil forces: two crossed needles placed under the rug, mustard seeds, a knife under the threshold. Three nails driven into the upper part of the door in the shape of a triangle with the apex facing up have magical protective properties.

The door is capable of both averting and attracting certain energies. Five coins placed under the threshold attracts money.

To get rid of a pranked brownie or ghost, there was such a ritual: you need to stand on the threshold with inside home and loudly slam the door several times in a row. Then the entity will fall into a trap between the door and the jamb, or even leave immediately. And vice versa, if the owners do not want to lose their brownie, then they should not slam the door.

There is a type of people who open the door wide and spend some time moving bags or talking before closing it. This is a bad omen, since there is a belief that those who do not close the doors behind themselves attract unwanted entities into the house and release the most favorable energy from the home.


Ancient priestesses were often depicted with keys in their hands. This symbolized the connection with the subtle world and deities. Keys are a symbol of wisdom and comprehension of secrets.

A whole range of spells and magical rituals associated with keys.
Worn around the neck, a small silver or gold key can replace a talisman.

The iron key, as a phallic symbol, helps against impotence if placed under the mattress.

Several old house keys can be collected in a bunch with a red ribbon. This will be a talisman against thieves, the so-called constipation against thieves. You need to go around your home and jingle the keys near each corner of the house. Then the thieves' lock is hung on front door, as an amulet decoration.

A key that fits one of the house's locks, placed upside down next to the bed, will ward off nightmares and promote peaceful sleep.

But a key found on the street should not be taken into the house. This is perhaps the most harmful find, after needles, pins and small change.


The windows are the same as doors, only without keys. In ancient times, windows were called the eye of the wind, since the slits in the walls, made for ventilation from smoke, often whistled from the wind.

Curtains hung on windows acquire a protective function if they white, but since light curtains are not protected from the sun, then from negative impacts White curtains or tulle help. It is still customary to hang white curtains in the kitchen.

Today modern design ideas so varied that they can help those owners who would like to provide their home with the greatest protection. What windows are most effective in a magical context?

These are stained glass windows, because the glass different colors refract light and emit . Patterns on the windows cast colored rays into the room, creating luminous fragments on the walls and floor - a crystal effect.

In the old days, every person knew the signs for the house. Following everyday superstitions promises good luck and money, prevents troubles and helps predict the future without fortune telling. We recommend following the behests of our ancestors and joining folk wisdom.

Household superstitions - the meaning of the threshold

In Slavic signs about a house, the threshold was identified with a portal to another dimension, the border between the world of spirits and familiar reality. This is where the roots of superstitions about treating babies come from. The patient is supposedly forever handed over to the healer across the threshold, then taken away from the window, greeted as if he were a new addition to the family. Wedding omen advises the groom to carry the bride over the threshold. If she stumbles at the entrance to the house, happy life you can't wait.

It is forbidden to talk and pass things (especially money and bread) across the threshold - this will lead to a quarrel. To neutralize a sign you need to step over it with one foot. Travel superstition recommends saying the last words before leaving before leaving the threshold, so that there are no delays along the way.

Don't sit on the threshold - attract bad rumors about yourself. For single people, the belief promises difficulties in love affairs. Do not stand for a long time at the entrance, through open door happiness and prosperity will go away. Old people say that standing on the threshold of money and happiness blocks the way into the house. Pregnant women were in danger in the form of evil spirits, so expectant mothers were forbidden to stand at the entrance to the house and sit on the threshold.

When going on business, step over the threshold with your right foot to attract good luck. Don't eat at this time, you risk getting a demon as your neighbor. To drive away an unwanted guest, seat him with his back to the exit. Soon he will remember urgent matters and say goodbye to you.

Signs about windows

Throwing trash out the window is a bad idea. Angels sometimes look through it, you can offend them. When a window is opened by a gust of wind, divine messengers warn of something good. Sitting on the windowsill means loneliness. This refers not only to failures in your personal life, but also to the lack of friends, bad relationships with colleagues and relatives.

If the curtain breaks or falls, the owner of the room will have a fight with her friend. If a window breaks or cracks, the protection of the apartment is weakened. You are threatened by an evil sorcerer or evil spirits. The first consequences will affect communication with people.

In an apartment with windows facing north, few people stay for long. Sometimes this sign has positive value- the most avid sloths in such a house may have a craving for travel or another reason to spend less time at home. But more often we are talking about heavy energy, which repels residents.

Kitchen superstitions

Bake - heart of home, the place where magic is born. If the fireplace has not been used for a long time, you should cross it before lighting it. And in general, fire is supposed to be started with prayer. If it flares up quickly, it means that the spirit of an ancestor or a brownie is nearby. You cannot sit on the stove while cooking, otherwise the food will spoil. A brick falls out of the fireplace - bad luck. The “color” of the energy of the house primarily affects the state of the hearth.

Spilling salt means a scandal. But another belief advises throwing three pinches over your left shoulder to stop an argument. Sugar is scattered - to a pleasant surprise, reconciliation, good luck.

Do not store dishes with cracks or chips. It brings misfortune and brings disharmony to the energy of the house. Needed for needlework - take it to the barn; superstitions do not consider it a living space. Don't be upset, the dishes beat for luck.

If you borrow a bucket, pan or other container, return it full. According to signs, returning an empty bucket means desolation and poverty. The more you give, the more you will receive from the Universe.

Don’t forget to leave treats for the brownie in the most secluded place in the kitchen. He will help with the housework, warn of trouble, protect from evil spirits and witchcraft. Sweets, porridge, and baked goods with honey are suitable. In honor of the holiday, you can leave some wine.

Dining table and tablecloth

The kitchen table plays a role in rustic magic altar, desktop for witchcraft affairs. Direct his energy for your benefit. In order to get your own home, hold on to the corner of the table more often.

Sitting on the table means losing your income. For a girl, they take on additional meaning - she will forget how to cook deliciously. Leaving shoes on the table or putting your feet on it is a sign of being hanged. A cat lying on the table means the death or departure of one of the household. “Watches out one of the residents” - that’s what the ancestors said about it.

Borrow kitchen table Superstitions do not prohibit neighbors or giving it to a young family. Just cover it with a tablecloth and give it away with it, otherwise poverty will come to the house where the table will be. Guests should not be seated at an uncovered table. If one of the household members is late for dinner, shake the tablecloth over the table, and all obstacles in his way will disappear. You can store coins under the tablecloth; this attracts wealth.

While eating, do not knock on the table or utensils, otherwise your teeth will hurt. When you receive guests, place the spoons with the notch down so that strangers cannot interfere in your personal life. If during a feast two spoons end up in one bowl, there will soon be a wedding.

An unmarried girl should not sweep crumbs off the table with her hand, otherwise she will become an old maid. The young man shouldn't either - his wife will be bald. Don't do this with paper napkins or newspaper, you will invite scandals into the house. Use a sponge or rag.

Bread is the head of everything

There are many signs about bread. They take it with their hands; they are not supposed to prick it with a knife or fork, so as not to drive away happiness. You can’t eat from a knife at all, so as not to spoil your character.

When cutting, you should not leave the cut edge facing the wall - all friends and acquaintances will turn their backs on the owner of the house. If the product crumbles and breaks during cutting, expect marital discord.

They do not “poke” the bread into the salt shaker and leave a knife in it so that times of hunger do not come. You cannot throw away leftover baked goods; God will punish you with hunger and poverty. Feed them to animals or birds. Not eating or drinking enough, throwing away food are bad omens in most Russian regions.

Culinary beliefs

Egg and chicken dishes are useful for newlyweds; in the old days they were eaten to quickly conceive a child. But do not forget to crush the empty shell so that the devil does not start in it. Keep an eye on the eggs as they cook. They are cracking to the guests.

Baked apples burst - expect good news. An owner who confuses salt with sugar or vice versa can also count on good news. But he will have to come to terms with the fact that for another three days the food he prepares will not taste good.

Forgetting to add spices is a recipe for trouble. The faster you correct the mistake, the fewer difficulties will fall on your head. Pancakes and porridges burn, leading to a scandal in the family. In order for meals, especially holiday ones, to be a success, quarrels should be avoided.

Signs in the bedroom

Signs about mirrors do not advise keeping them in the bedroom. Especially if the mirrors are damaged. Cracks open the way for dark entities that are not averse to feeding on the energy of the homeowners. Guests from mirror dimensions can harm the psyche and biofield of the residents.

Another unwanted bedroom accessory - stuffed animals and horns. They radiate the energy of death and violence. Signs do not recommend leaving cold boiled water in the bedroom overnight. This teases the demons. Umbrellas should not be dried in the room where they sleep, leading to tears. But it’s worth storing them there, then there will always be “good weather” in the house.

There is no place for TV where husband and wife sleep, this is a recipe for divorce. Ficus has a bad effect on the physical side of love. Beliefs also accuse him of problems with conception. Ficus is also contraindicated for unmarried people; it will drive away suitors.

Houseplants disappear where spouses sleep - the marriage will not last long. This is one of the signs of damage or evil spirits. Call a priest, bless the house. And then start flower "female happiness", which will neutralize the damage already done and protect the relationship. Hibiscus is also suitable, a flower that revitalizes relationships and brings back passion.

The elephant is a symbol of family and fertility. Place a figurine depicting him in the newlyweds’ bedroom, and they will not have problems conceiving. Receiving one as a gift with a promise to place it near the bed means an early pregnancy. It is better to avoid seashells; they negatively affect the health of sleepers.

Folk signs about cleaning the house

Having garbage from your enemy's house can cause damage to it. Therefore, in the old days, rubbish was burned in a furnace or buried away from prying eyes. You cannot dispose of garbage after sunset - it means poverty. According to other signs - to the death of the owner of the house. It’s better to put things in order during the day. It should be clean at night; after sunset, angels walk from house to house, looking after their charges. Clutter will offend them. They do not clean in bad weather.

Don't wash the floors after guests leave; you'll wash them out of the house forever. The sign can be used to get rid of annoying visitors. They “wash up the road” for good purposes too - the bride’s mother washes the floor after she leaves for the groom’s house, so that she lives happily in the new place and doesn’t want to go back.

In the old days, brooms and brooms were considered sacred objects. They can both heal and protect from evil, and ruin life - depending on whose hands they find themselves in. Store the broom with the handle down and you will be protected from the evil eye. There can only be one broom in the house; sweeping with two sweeps away the positive energy of love, luck and money. People say: “you will scatter wealth into other people’s corners.” An old broom is supposed to be burned outside the house, and only after that buy a new one.

They sweep and wash the floor towards the kitchen so that the bins are full. The housewife rushing to the front door will lose her beauty and youth. You can't put things in order when you're in a bad mood. And the result will not please you, and you will quarrel with someone at home. If a girl doesn’t know how to sweep, she will argue with her husband after the wedding.

The state of the mirror reflects the energy of the apartment. Therefore, do not keep it dirty, wipe it as often as possible. After cleaning, do not walk around with an empty bucket; you will bring bad luck to those you meet along the way.

What to expect if you are “imagining”?

You can imagine a lot, and not all of it portends something. But if you happen to see flickering light in your windows when no one is home, expect happiness. Angels have marked your home with their presence.

Seeing a brownie means grief. According to legend, the domovikha (the brownie's wife) wails at night before misfortune in the family. Can you hear her crying? Prepare for the worst.

A knock on the window at night is a sign of the death of a relative. But you can only trust her if there are no traces of the visitor on the street. If this happens more than once, think about which of your deceased relatives you undeservedly offended. He demands an apology. This interpretation is especially true if light steps are heard after the knocking.

A knock on the door at night also portends death. In the old days, it was believed that it was the Grim Reaper himself who was knocking with the handle of his scythe. But you shouldn’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive guests after sunset. Use the peephole. If there is no one there, you shouldn't open it. Better sprinkle the door with holy water and read "Our Father". If the door was opened unknowingly, bless the apartment. If unknown persons knock at night on the door or window of a house where there is a seriously ill person, you can give up hope of his recovery.

Branches or raindrops can make a loud knocking noise. Such sounds warn of the impossibility of starting a new business. Take some time to implement your ideas. If insects hit the glass, a scandal may occur.

What not to do at home

The sign prohibiting whistling in an apartment has many meanings. Some promise lack of money, others promise separation from one of the household members. The latter can expect both a long-awaited departure and death. Another superstition says that whistling is a witch's technique for summoning devils. To an ordinary person no good can be expected from them.

Don't stand near Red corner(places where icons hang) in a headdress. This is a great sin and will definitely be punished for it. You cannot keep a broom near the images. Bible and others sacred texts do not leave them where they eat and sit - on tables, sofas, chairs.

It is not advisable to pour water (water plants, wash your face, etc.) first thing after waking up. This is how the luck intended for the new day spills out. You can’t sing before breakfast, otherwise after dinner there will be a reason for tears.

Avoid accepting animals as gifts; they won’t take root. Give the donor at least a few coins. Even a symbolic payment is nullified negative meaning beliefs. Stealing a cat means poverty, taking it from the street means prosperity.

Reeds are not allowed in the apartment. Along with this plant comes the evil spirit living in the swamp. It provokes illness and brings failure.

After their 50th birthday they don’t build a house for themselves. It is permissible to help children in construction and live in the house they built for you. You can participate in the construction of housing for several generations.

Home and family signs contain the secrets of happiness of past generations. They will tell you how to protect marital relationships, peace and comfort in the home, and the calm energy of your home. Observe folk signs at home, and you will be successful in the workplace.

In the beliefs of many peoples, doors in premises were a recognized place of access to other worlds, therefore many signs and superstitions are associated with them. For the birth or death of a person, the door had a special meaning - it was believed that it allowed the soul to come into the world or leave it. So that the soul could do this without any obstacles, all doors were thrown wide open in anticipation of its arrival or departure.
For example, it was believed that childbirth would go well and be easy if all the doors and windows in the house were opened.

To alleviate the condition, they opened not only all the entrance doors, but also the doors of chests of drawers, cabinets, and so on.

Superstitions from different countries associated with the door

In Germany, people try not to close the door for some time after a death occurs in their home, so as not to accidentally pinch the departing soul. In Africa, the rules are even stricter - garbage cannot be swept away for at least a year, so that dust cannot harm the spirit.

The following are quite common. If the door suddenly opens by itself in the middle of the night, someone living here will soon have to be buried. If the doors come off their hinges, this is a sure sign that a fire will occur. When heard, trouble is expected soon, and perhaps you will have to leave your home.

In cases where someone goes on business or just on the road, all the doors and windows in the house must be closed for a while - this will help to silence the gossip of gossips so that they do not interfere with the fulfillment of their plans.

Evil spirits

People were afraid of evil spirits, in connection with which there is such a sign - one should not open both external and external ones at the same time. interior doors. This could have caused evil spirits to enter the home.

If you heard a knock on the door, but there was no one behind it, you should cross yourself and read the “Our Father” - this will help scare away evil spirits. IN Ancient Rome they tried to cross the threshold of the house only with their right foot - also in order to scare away evil.

The Romans even placed them at the door special person, who was supposed to ensure that the threshold was crossed correctly.

In some places it was customary to open the door during a thunderstorm so that the lightning that flew in could fly out. The sign was well known not only in those places where there was an abundance of ball lightning.

In some areas there is a tradition according to which, before the whole family goes to bed, the husband must close the front door. If this is not done, the spouses' squabble will last all night.

You should not place a sitting doll in front of the front door - the man will try to leave the family. And young unmarried girls should not leave the front door ajar - the husband will be out and about.