Loneliness according to Zodiac Signs - causes and consequences. How different zodiac signs feel about loneliness

But the age in the passport is alarming. It makes sense to look for the reason in the birth horoscope.


The cause of loneliness may be bellicose Amazon character. Aries women are characterized by self-affirmation in relationships. They prove their importance through “battles won” and “lives saved.”

For you, partnerships are like a boxing ring. Because Aries is fire sign, you want a passionate, hot relationship, but more often than not you cause a painful burn for your partner and a headache for yourself.


Relationships may not work out because they are too mercantile approach to them. This is one of the indicators of a marriage of convenience. But you clearly went overboard with the number of zeros. Taurus women need goods (men) highest quality, which a priori become their property.

And they are adamant about this - this is not a point of view, but a way of life. Men are not ready to become your undivided property. And you are willing to make concessions, because you value your own convenience most of all.


The lack of relationship may be explained intolerance of closed spaces, which for Gemini is marriage. Is it possible to hold air? The changeable elements require changes in impressions and partners; not every man is able to withstand such a flow.

You have a large number of friends, this manner is an antidote. In your case, the official marriage can be replaced by a “virtual marriage”, for example, on a dating site.


Most likely the cause of loneliness is commitment to matriarchy. Cancer women take relationships seriously and suffocate with love; they tend to impose opinions. Your sign is ruled by the Moon, which adds touchiness.

Men find it difficult to cope with emotions and inconstancy. You need a partner with whom you will feel like you are behind a stone wall, but more often you come across “cardboard partitions”.


"Your Royal Majesty" may have colossal conceit with a feeling of divine choice. Charismatic fiery energy demands admiration. You can make a performance out of any event: melodrama, tragedy, phantasmagoria, depending on what mood you are in.

The man lives “on the stage” of the only prima. And you do not accept the presence of other women in your “pride”. All that remains is to conduct a monologue in an empty theater.


Maybe she is married to work, where she is useful. As soon as Virgos enter the world of relationships, fixation on flaws creates the need to eradicate them. The critic turns into a cynic.

The desire for order is a common state, but what normal man likes to lie in a sterile bed? Only to those who are in a coma (love coma, of course). As soon as he returns to reality, the natural desire is to escape.


Relationships are a necessity for her. In the zodiac circle, Libra is known for its ability to evaluate situations from opposing points of view, and in this they resemble Buridan's donkey.

The problem is not that Libra, but that this step means giving up other options, and this is unacceptable. Here we go Libra is looking for an ideal partner. It makes sense to think about how ideal they themselves are.


The reason for loneliness must be sought in the depths of the impenetrable abyss of her soul. Scorpios love so deeply that it scares the partner. In addition, Scorpios are able to recognize lies better than any Sherlock Holmes.

In matters of treason, there is no statute of limitations for Scorpios. The wounded pride of Scorpios does not allow them to exist peacefully until the offender experiences excruciating torment from their poisonous bite.


For her there may be Monogamous relationships are uncomfortable, and as long as possible, she avoids marriage. It is not easy to put a bridle on a centaur. The sign Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which endows them with excessive expectations.

Sagittarius women need intense relationships bright colors, hence the desire to definitely marry an “imported” man (after all, they are “no match for ours”). She is waiting for “scarlet sails” on the shore, and for some reason they are already bringing her a pension.


Loneliness can be caused by either career building: “the planes come first, and then the boys,” or desire to dominate. In both cases, Capricorns act harshly.

A man fails to overcome and break the blank wall with which Capricorns surround their right to loneliness. It is difficult for Capricorns to start trusting, cooperating and loving, so it is easier to mercilessly sever emotional ties, or even better to avoid them.


Loneliness is the result of her rebellious nature. Aquarius informal relationships are harmonious, without obligation. The word “print” is prohibited.

Most likely, Aquarius women are proud of exceptional individualism, prefer to live according to the principle of choice, not realizing that they are unadapted to family life due to blatant impracticality. Aquarius eccentricity is more suitable for friendships than marital relationships.


Freedom can be both a conscious and unconscious choice. Pisces is stopped because any person with whom Pisces comes into contact is “registered” in their souls, forgetting to take off their “dirty shoes.”

Pisces are susceptible to influences. Without a doubt, this is the most mysterious of the signs. Them I like to live without rules and act in accordance with your instincts. It’s easier to replace relationships with an illusory world.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Aquarius loves loneliness, cold - the most full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Aquarius is perhaps the most unpredictable Zodiac sign of all. Aquarius people are credited with a lot of characteristics and properties, but they often contradict each other. 10 faithful and unusual facts about Aquarius will help you better understand them and give answers to some important questions related to this Zodiac Sign.

Fact one: Aquarians are afraid of criticism. None of us enjoy being scolded or reprimanded. But if balanced Capricorns or Leos, independent of other people’s opinions, take criticism calmly and either do not pay attention, or correct mistakes and calmly move on, then extremely vulnerable Aquarians will perceive swearing as a tragedy and are unlikely to be able to restrain their emotions.

Fact two: Aquarians are often conservative. It is generally accepted that no one loves change more than Aquarians. But in fact, representatives of this Sign often fervently dream of at least some kind of stability. The stars give Aquarians born in the air element a very ambiguous gift: constant life changes. After some time, Aquarius people get used to constant surprises and surprises, and begin to approach everything in life philosophically. But at the same time, in small things, they often try to make dreams of stability come true, choosing one or two favorite cafes, their favorite book, movie or musical group.

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Fact three: Aquarians are afraid of responsibility. Constant self-doubt haunts Aquarius throughout their lives, interspersed with bursts of euphoria from good decisions and ideas. Aquarians are great ideological inspirers. They have an unconventional view of things and can offer a solution that seems crazy, but in fact gives an excellent result. But at the same time, Aquarius, constantly immersed in doubts, will do everything possible not to take responsibility for what he has proposed.

Fact four: Aquarians are extremely affectionate towards people. Outwardly, Aquarians who easily part with people and places have deep in their souls one or two people who are completely special to them, the loss of whom is like death for any Aquarius. For the sake of reconciliation with such a person, freedom-loving Aquarius will make any concessions and restrictions. But you should never use this affection of Aquarius for your own purposes: if a representative of this Sign understands that he is being exploited, he will instantly break off any connection, no matter how hard it is for him.

Fact five: Aquarians have an unstable psyche. And most of them are well aware of this, consciously cultivating their minds and strengthening them from adolescence. nervous system to avoid sad consequences. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves a positive result: the overwhelming majority of patients of psychologists and psychiatrists are Aquarians.

Fact six: Aquarians are loyal to their other half. Despite Aquarius's love for the attention of the opposite sex, representatives of this sign are practically incapable of betrayal. Flirting for Aquarius is like the air he breathes, but at the same time, the craving for stability and the depth of affection of Aquarius will not allow him to hurt his loved one.

Fact seven: Creativity is an integral part of the life of Aquarius. Most people born under the sign of Aquarius choose creative professions: most writers, musicians, artists and actors come from representatives of this Sign. But even if the work that Aquarius does is completely routine, he will find room for creativity in any area.

Fact eight: Aquarians feel the mood of other people. Long-time friends of some Aquarius, after a few years of communication, cease to be surprised by calls in the middle of the night with questions along the lines of: “Have you had a heart attack again?” Most Aquarians can physically feel the mood of people close to them, and also intuitively understand that someone is in trouble.

Fact nine: Aquarians often do not completely separate dreams and reality. The reason is that representatives of this Sign often have extremely realistic dreams: they contain not only a vivid visual image, but also sounds, smells and even sensations.

Fact ten: Aquarians are not vindictive. It is generally accepted that Aquarians invent terrible revenge against their offenders. This is completely wrong: Aquarians do not take revenge at all. Representatives of this Sign have the pleasant ability to quickly forget everything bad. They will simply stop all communication with the person who has offended them, but will never stoop to revenge. However, this will not stop them from watching with a calm smile as life takes revenge on their offenders.

Now the people of the most mysterious Zodiac Sign will be more understandable to you. Aquarians, like other Signs, need warmth, support and harmony in life. We wish you to always understand your loved ones, remember that all people are unique, and do not forget to press the buttons and

How do different zodiac signs feel about loneliness?

Which zodiac signs are most prone to loneliness, love it, and which treat it as a universal catastrophe and the end of life? The “Loneliness and Zodiac Signs” horoscope will help you find answers to these questions. At the same time, we will consider not only the attitude towards the absence of a couple in their personal, love life, but also the absence of close people and friends in their immediate environment.

Loneliness and Aries

Aries simply cannot live without a couple, friends, without an environment, because otherwise he feels completely sick. Yes, he is never alone: ​​even abandoned and betrayed, this person knows how to find comfort and support for himself. The Zodiac sign Aries and loneliness are poorly comparable: its representatives never give up and do not lose hope that someday kindred spirits will definitely be near them.

This person may go through periods of doubt, but for him, more than many others, the words “What does not kill us makes us stronger” are more suitable. Only death can prevent him from rebuilding for himself the life he dreams of, from looking for a mate, partners.

Anyone born under this constellation never remains in one place, and his energy charms those around him so much that they always revolve in his orbit. Therefore, Aries rarely experiences loneliness, and almost never has to suffer from it.

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Loneliness and Taurus

How do Taurus men and women feel about loneliness? The horoscope assures that this is one of their biggest nightmares and fears. Moreover, here we are talking, rather, not about family or relatives, but about a life partner who will be especially close to them. Since the representative of this zodiac sign is very picky and has very high demands, it is not easy for him to find true friends and partners.

Taurus wants to leave his mark on everything, loves things that he uses and that are adapted to him, and looks for the same in people, wants long-term relationships, mutual grinding.

Although Taurus do not like loneliness, they are still not particularly interested in making new acquaintances. Rather, such a person wants to establish existing connections, wants recognition of his shortcomings and appreciation of his strengths. Deprived of lasting friendships and love relationship, he becomes deeply unhappy.

Loneliness and Gemini

People appear in and out of Gemini's life at such a rapid pace that sometimes the Geminis don't even notice it. In the flow of casual acquaintances, they often miss chances for happiness or chase something unattainable, and then it turns out that it was not worth it.

At the same time, the horoscope says that Gemini, as a zodiac sign, does not like loneliness and can rarely complain about it. People generally appreciate their company and they also always try to be where something is happening. Gemini does not close himself off at home, so the problem of social loneliness is completely unknown to most representatives of this zodiac sign. But if we talk about loneliness in the personal life of Gemini, this is a slightly different story. Such people are rarely left alone, but few representatives of this sign can boast of stable long-term relationships.

Loneliness and Cancer

Such people are among those zodiac signs who love to cultivate being alone with themselves. However, Cancers' attitude towards loneliness is completely different: they are afraid of it. Maintaining family ties even with very distant relatives is very important for them. Friends are also important to them, and they cannot understand people who prefer to do without company. Cancer wants to either bring all his single friends and acquaintances together and marry them, or find them friends. We can safely say that Cancers are social people. They want to be accepted into a family, they want to be part of a group, but at the same time they crave inner peace and quiet.

The ideal pastime for Cancer is when large group friends or relatives are in the same room, but everyone is busy with their own business.

Loneliness and Leo

Leo cannot complain about the lack of surroundings, but his friends are divided mainly into two categories: those who seek Leo's friendship, and those who are pursued by Leo's friendship. For Leo himself, such relationships are often either a chase or an escape.

Those born in this zodiac sign, like Aries, are too attractive and attractive to be alone. Moreover, this applies to Lviv regardless of what life and material situation they are in. A person of this sign often has no idea what it’s like to not have friends or a life partner, because such situations rarely happen in his life.

Since, as the horoscope says, Leo and loneliness are not familiar with each other, the former is not at all afraid of the latter. It is rare that he is left alone with himself, and over the years he begins to appreciate such moments more and more.

Loneliness and Virgo

When asked which zodiac signs are most prone to loneliness, one of the answers will be Virgo. It cannot be said that representatives of the sign ardently and consciously strive for it, but at least they do not panic when they are left alone. First of all, Virgo is interested in having a partner and friends of a certain level. These are very picky and critical people. They can ruin even a long-term love or friendship if the other party cannot meet their high standards, or if their position in life is much lower than Virgo's.

Representatives of this zodiac sign have a very developed sense of what is right and what is wrong. This kind of code of human relations is written in their genes. These people are able to use flattery or bribery to get the kind of partners or friends they want. The typical Virgo suffers from loneliness only when her status begins to be the subject of other people's conversations. Her thoughts are always very logical, so she knows that it is better to be alone than to surround herself with the “wrong” people.

Loneliness and Libra

Libras perceive loneliness as an exception and suffer greatly when they are left alone - in reality or only in the soul. Even if they are among family, acquaintances or relatives, but at the same time they think that they are not suitable for each other, they will not refuse new acquaintances. Being around other people, in large groups, is very important for them.

Knowing how hard it is for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra to endure loneliness, it is not surprising that they (just like Virgo) can win sympathy through flattery and bribery. Just like their neighbors in the Zodiac, they love to surround themselves with successful people.

Representatives of this constellation want everything in their lives to be harmonious and correct, and loneliness for Libra is not correct. To be happy, they need what society considers the norm: family, friends and work.

Loneliness and Scorpio

Scorpio values ​​loved ones very much, but does not know how (or does not want) to purposefully win someone’s sympathy. As a result, his environment consists of several categories: people who are impressed by Scorpio himself, who believe that it is beneficial for them to be near him, those who never stop counting on romantic relationship and wants to win his heart, as well as people who do not know him well, but have a professional relationship with him.

With all this, a representative of the “Scorpio tribe” suffers all his life from a feeling of loneliness, because he always believes that he deserves more, and because it is difficult to please him. At the same time, this is the zodiac sign that best tolerates loneliness and is even prone to it. If such a person comes to the conclusion that no one is able to fill the voids in his life, then he prefers to be his own best partner and friend.

Loneliness and Sagittarius

How does the zodiac sign Sagittarius feel about loneliness? Such a person is rarely alone, but this does not mean that he does not suffer from loneliness. This is his biggest fear and concern. He is afraid that all his relatives and friends will disappear somewhere. And even when Sagittarius is surrounded by a crowd of fans and relatives, a terrifying specter of loneliness may appear in his imagination from time to time.

Sagittarius is satisfied with superficial acquaintances, but is still looking for something deeper. He does not want to have many friends and relatives, but wants to have proven and reliable ones. He wants to have a safe harbor to which he can sail, counting on warm welcome and consolation. Sagittarius very quickly becomes convinced that there are much more superficial connections in the world than real feelings. And with his characteristic idealism, he seeks precisely the latter...

Loneliness and Capricorn

Such a person does not bother much about acquaintances and connections, but, as a rule, he is never lonely. People are attracted to Capricorn by his truthfulness and emotional balance. There is no lie or servility in him, he does not seek to win friends through insincere flattery. However, this does not mean that it cannot generally be insincere. However, he lies and deceives only those who betrayed him and with whom he has absolutely stopped taking into account. And all this only when this person is not able to exclude them from his life completely. If there is such an opportunity, Capricorn prefers loneliness to relationships with random people.

This is a zodiac sign that may not like loneliness, but is inclined and can tolerate it without turning it into a tragedy in life.

Loneliness and Aquarius

The opinion of representatives of this sign as freedom-loving creatures who do not recognize any connections or boundaries is greatly exaggerated. In fact, as a zodiac sign, Aquarius is afraid of loneliness, and does not tolerate it as well as many would think. That is why he agrees to many superficial relationships, just so as not to be alone. When this is so, it seems to him that loneliness is like death during life. Often, in order to forget, Aquarius throws himself into a whirlpool of entertainment and amorous adventures, which, however, do not fill the void in his life and heart.

Aquarius can react with aggression to any comments about his loneliness. He may, for example, break contact with friends and family if they remind him that he still does not have a life partner.

Aquarius is constantly looking for friendship, but he does not always manage to find it. A representative of such a zodiac sign does not understand that true friendship is a very rare phenomenon and that you need to work on it. For Aquarius this is finished product, which just needs to be taken out of the box.

Loneliness and Pisces

If there are zodiac signs that are prone to loneliness, it is clearly not Pisces. They are very afraid of loneliness, so they quickly learn to be attractive to others. Sometimes they go overboard in this game and are known as people devoid of “higher” feelings. Pisces will do almost anything to be pleasant. Like a chameleon, they change not only their hair color, but also their personality traits depending on the society in which they find themselves. Pisces are forced to function in difficult conditions for themselves and under stress they can even become vulgar, although such a trait is alien to their nature.

After numerous trials and errors, Pisces knows how to find the right balance and real loved ones who appreciate them for who they are. But even in their great desire to end loneliness, Pisces cannot (or do not want) to eradicate their mistrust of other people and the idea that any union with them is doomed. Just as others at the beginning of acquaintance give credit of trust, Pisces do exactly the opposite.

Sparka › Blog › About Aquarius) Absolutely everything is true!

For some reason, 9 out of 10 people who liked literally from the first moments of communication are Aquarians. There is something about them, an unhealthy charm. Aquarius's sense of humor is the first thing that is remembered. Simply because it’s hard not to take into account cute, funny and completely good-natured jokes. At the same time, you can communicate with Aquarius on any topic. A functioning Delusion Generator has been registered in the heads of Aquarius for life. Almost like Collider, but much more efficient and enjoyable. You never know what Aquarius will reveal in the next minute. The logic of thought processes in Aquarius heads is the logic of geniuses and complete schizophrenics, and ideas range from “optimistic-stupid-strange” to “brilliantly-sublimely beautiful.” Aquarians are clever and clever, yes... They are capable of not only perceiving new information in any quantities, but also to respond with the results of information processing. And, oh, miracle - quite coherent, sometimes not even completely impossible. Aquarians know how to combine responsibility and independence. How they manage to do this is unknown to science, but the fact remains. And for this contrast I would like to say a huge “thank you” to all the Aquarius people.

Creative self-expression occupies a huge place in the life of Aquarius. They may have the most strange and unimaginable hobby, because fat cockroaches are running around in their heads, and their active nature does not allow them to just sit still. An Aquarius who has no hobbies and no desire to express himself in the most creative way is not an Aquarius at all, “they sold you a fake.” Everything about Aquarius is good, except idealism. Either an ideal state will be invented by accident, or a super-weapon will be invented for the sake of world peace. These guys will find a great and noble idea, and they will devote their lives to its implementation. And, quite possibly, not only yours. And not out of evil, but for the good of humanity. It’s just a pity that humanity somehow misunderstands the wonderful intentions of Aquarius. Probably not mature enough yet. Otherwise, Aquarians could save the world from hunger, disease, wars and social inequality. True, in the process the world would have to be conquered, and the worlds could be mixed up... But these are trifles, it was a good idea. Aquarians also know how to make friends. Their circle of friends is a very motley group of like-minded people, it is also a complete panopticon of very strange subjects who, by some cunning miracle, manage to not only coexist peacefully, but also communicate comfortably. Aquarians know how to love and make friends, and often combine them. Indeed, what kind of love is this without friendship? Aquarians somehow forget that you don’t need to have friends, you need to be friends with them. Therefore, sometimes friendship can be confused with love. Not the best, but still not fatal, an omission. In sex, Aquarians can experiment, due to their innate curiosity about everything new. But of all sexual positions, they prefer to love their partner in the brain, which is probably why for Aquarius themselves the partner’s mind will always come first (and only then – external data).

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 18) A large and complex constellation. However, there are no bright stars. Consists of stars of the 3rd, 4th, 5th magnitude. Almost entirely lies in the southern hemisphere. It contains a beautiful planetary nebula. Like the constellations Cancer and Capricorn, the constellation Aquarius is known mainly for being in the zodiac belt. Hieroglyphic interpretation of Aquarius - Pisces, having begun the path of evolution, is subjected to various trials and sufferings. This is depicted in the form of fiery streams pouring onto her from two vessels, the symbolism of which is testing and encouragement. The character is emotional, the nature is impressionable. The patrons of Aquarius are Saturn and Uranus. The first condemns him to submission to fate. Saturn is the planet of sad memories, melancholy, unfulfilled hopes. Uranus, on the contrary, is the planet of action, the inspirer of scientists. Therefore, the character of Aquarius is ambiguous: on the one hand, dreaminess, on the other, energy.

Those born under the sign of Aquarius are very attractive to other people due to their humanity. There is something of an inventor in every Aquarius, obsessed with the idea of ​​improvement. He has periods of laziness and inactivity, but, having overcome them, he can complete the work of a whole month in a week. He hates routine, pedantry is alien to him. Unstable, sometimes experiences periods of acute self-doubt, but they can quickly give way to calmness and enthusiasm. Most people love rainbows. But Aquarians love her more than anyone, they live on the rainbow. Moreover, they took it apart, examined every color and yet continue to believe in it. But it’s not so easy to believe in something after you find out what it really is. But Aquarians are avid realists, despite the fact that their address is tomorrow. You must always be prepared for any surprises with this sign. Generally calm and kind by nature, they take great pleasure in challenging public opinion: they really enjoy shocking conservative people with their unusual behavior. They may surprise you with some out-of-the-ordinary act at the most unpredictable moments, for example, appearing barefoot at a dinner party.

You can always recognize these people by their frequent use of the word “friend.” Aquarius is able to offer you friendship after the end of a romance. He is not naive and tries not to philosophize too much, he is full of enthusiasm and interest. The main trait of his character is an impatient desire to penetrate the next secret. It could be you, and that suits you. But you are not alone. There are a lot of people around, and everyone can become the next mystery. He is attracted to politics, sports absorbs him, children intrigue him, and work captivates him. Therefore, his relationship with you will not be the only interest and the only goal in his life.

The freedom-loving Aquarius can be funny, original, independent, but can also be diplomatic, sympathetic, timid and gentle. There are dark periods of loneliness in his life when he doesn’t want to see anyone. However, no matter what state Aquarius is in, he always retains his keen insight, which is much deeper and sharper than that of other signs. Uranus makes Aquarius rebels who instinctively feel that old traditions are wrong, that the world and people need drastic changes. They constantly analyze the situation, friends, acquaintances.

You may feel awkward when he asks you direct and often tactless questions, getting to your most intimate feelings. But when he discovers that another crossword puzzle has been solved, he becomes bored and even upset about it. Nothing can be more offensive than the feeling that you have ceased to be interesting to Aquarius and he has turned to another, more interesting, in his opinion, person.

Despite stability in friendship, Aquarians do not have many friends. They strive for quality rather than quantity in friendships and rarely establish lasting relationships. Besides, they are always wondering - what’s around the next corner? Therefore, they always have only a few real attachments. If Aquarius has lost interest in you, it is useless to appeal to his feelings. But if you've touched an Aquarius's heart, he'll almost certainly get off his bike to get back on track and see what he's missed. Aquarius is surrounded by a special atmosphere of isolation.

People often do not understand them, and this happens because those around them simply do not keep up with them, since Aquarians live mainly in the future and come to the present only for short periods. They understand the reasons for their isolation, but this makes it even stronger. Aquarians wander alone among their clouds, and we mere mortals wonder what they are doing there? Astrology claims that the present day of Aquarius is separated from ours by 50 years.

1. How boring it is to be like others!

2. If I invented you, become what I want.

3. Prejudices are for fools.

4. The future simply must be wonderful.

5. It is difficult to be an angel, but it is necessary.

6. Good intentions are more important than good deeds.

7. To become an innovator, you must first forget about traditions.

8. Sex? There are more important things in life.

9. Friends first, and then family... if, of course, there is time.

10. There is no kinder me, no more cheerful me.

The first thing to remember when courting an Aquarius woman is that she is paradoxical in love, just as she is in life. She will be faithful to you, and at the same time somewhat cold and distant. A woman ruled by Uranus has many friends and different hobbies in her life besides you. Don't think you can strap her to a baby stroller or stove. It belongs to everyone and no one. Therefore, if you provide her with the freedom she needs so much, her loyalty to you will be limitless. Aquarius is only interested in money insofar as it is. It is much more important to her that you achieve success in some kind of professional, better intellectual activity, than that you have untold wealth. Once you decide to catch this lovely butterfly, you should consider whether you can put up with its love of freedom. If you want a passionate woman who is obsessed only with you, your choice is certainly unsuccessful. Aquarius is the ideal girlfriend for someone who does scientific or political career. She is witty, attractive, pleasant to talk to, and naturally behaves in any society. Usually Aquarius does not suffer from suspicion; she happily accepts all your words on faith. She will never get into your briefcase or pockets, or examine your handkerchiefs to find traces of someone else's lipstick. You may, of course, consider these qualities to be a special strength of character. But this is not true. Firstly, she studied you very well before the wedding, and if you had not met her requirements, she would never have become your wife. And secondly, besides you, she has many other interests in life.

It can be said about Aquarians of both sexes that they rarely show concern for their partner when he is not flashing before their eyes. And yet, if you give her a serious reason not to believe you, Aquarius will simply leave you. True, you can remain friends, but that’s all. The only exception to this rule is first love. She will remember her for the rest of her life, you can be sure. Even if the “love” was that she and he went to the circus together at the age of nine and he treated her to peanuts during intermission.

Aquarius women dress unusually. Moreover, the range of their styles is truly enormous. She can look like a professional fashion model showing off the latest avant-garde design, or dress in her grandmother's, or better yet, great-grandmother's, corseted dress. Moreover, sometimes individual elements of the outfit will be borrowed from different eras, for example, a lace blouse can be combined with leather pants. Aquarius's hairstyles are quite consistent with her clothes - from a modest bun and curled curls to a powdered hairstyle or a shaved head. A conversation with an Aquarius is no less entertaining than her appearance. She can be having a serious conversation and suddenly suddenly switch to the fact that you are not only namesakes with her grandfather, but your last names also have two identical letters. Such an unexpected turn may baffle you, but for her it is quite natural.

In relationships with children, Aquarius will be very absent-minded at the beginning, of course, because her attention, which was previously dispersed over many objects, is now captured by one child. Aquarius makes attentive and caring mothers, sometimes cold. She will instill in them love for humanity and tolerance, teach them to be truthful, since she will never punish them for the truth, no matter how bitter it may be.

Don’t expect your Aquarius wife to exactly follow all your instructions and requests, especially directions. Aquarius has his own view of the world; Don't try to change her or change her mind. It costs her nothing to wear a sweater backwards, put flowers in a herring rack, drink cognac with milk and wash her hair with shaving cream. Why is she doing this? She often doesn’t know it herself, she just wants it that way. If you don't want to lose her, don't be jealous, critical, conservative, greedy, petty and angry. Love her friends, even if they sometimes seem strange to you.

It's hard to find a woman who doesn't dream of meeting her soulmate. But it often turns out that half of your life has been lived, and no one asks you to get married. The reasons for loneliness often lie in the horoscope. Find out what exactly prevents different zodiac signs from being happy in love!

Reasons for loneliness by zodiac sign

Reasons for loneliness Aries

Beautiful Aries are famous for their fighting character. These are real Amazons who strive to be first everywhere - at work, among friends, at home. Not all men like this attitude, because most of them do not perceive the bed as a boxing ring. Aries is protected by the element of Fire, which instead of passionate relationships gives only burns.

Reasons for Taurus loneliness

Taurus is a great sign, but too mercantile. Representatives of the fair sex born in this sign will never be happy with a sweetheart in a hut. Give them a successful and influential person, the mere sight of whom gives them goosebumps. Everything would be fine if Taurus did not strive to make a man their property, which the latter, as you know, do not like.

The loneliness of beautiful Geminis can be explained by the fact that representatives of this sign do not like restrictions. It is impossible to bind them in the bonds of marriage, to limit social attitudes and marriage contracts. The air element requires change, a change of partners and impressions, and not boring family everyday life. The compromise that Geminis are ready to agree to is long-distance marriage.

Reasons for loneliness of Cancers

Cancers take relationships so seriously that they literally scare away all their fans. Maybe the man would talk about something serious, but he is simply afraid of being “on a chain.” Cancers are also very touchy, they are easily upset and brought to tears. They need a partner behind whom they will be like behind a stone wall, and all they get is drywall.

Reasons for loneliness in Lviv

Leos have immense self-esteem. They are ready to create a drama out of any relationship, they demand admiration and admiration, and do not tolerate rivals. This attitude really tires the opposite sex. Leos will get married only if they are able to pacify their pride or find a person who is ready to sacrifice himself.

Reasons for Virgo loneliness

There are no lonely Virgos. It’s just that in some cases a man is replaced by a career and business. Representatives of this zodiac sign are pedantic, love perfect order in everything, they see the slightest shortcomings of their partner and constantly reproach them for them. There are few men who are ready to live in conditions of sterility, pedantry and perfectionism, so Virgos have to be girls because of this.

Reasons for Libra's loneliness

Libras have a unique ability to weigh and evaluate everything. Representatives of this sign are quite nice, so they always have a couple of loyal fans hidden in reserve. It is precisely the choice of a candidate for “hand and heart” that is the problem of Libra, who is afraid to say “Yes!” and miss other opportunities.

Representatives of the sign know how to love, so much so that they scare away all their fans. Their love is deep, it boils with passion and hatred, jealousy and the desire to possess. Scorpios see right through a person, and in matters of jealousy they have no statute of limitations at all. They are difficult to love, but even more difficult to fight with them.

Reasons for Sagittarius' loneliness

Sagittarians themselves avoid marriage because they feel “out of place” in a monogamous relationship. They also have inflated expectations, so that by killing off fans one by one, they may be left with nothing. The fair sex, born in the sign of Sagittarius, can wait for years for their prince on a white horse, eventually only waiting for retirement.

Reasons for Capricorn loneliness

Representatives of the sign are either building a career or trying to command at home. In the first case, they simply have no time for men; they are immersed in reports, boards of directors and negotiations. In the second case, men themselves run away from Capricorns, preferring less ambitious ladies. Those who decide to win the heart of Capricorn will have to come to terms with the emotional coldness of their partner.

Reasons for loneliness of Aquarius

Aquarians have a rebellious nature, which becomes the reason for their loneliness. They like beautiful, light novels, devoid of obligations and routine. The fair sex born in this sign does not have the practicality necessary for family life. A man will have to come to terms with the fact that he will be in charge of the house.

Reasons for Pisces' loneliness

Loneliness for Pisces is freedom, which they choose on a subconscious level. They do not want to let anyone into their hearts, to disturb the idyll they have built with such difficulty. There is no more mysterious sign in the Zodiac that lives by rules known only to it. For Pisces, it is easier and more convenient to replace classical marriage with some kind of illusory world. Have you found your own attitudes in your Zodiac sign that are interfering with your personal life?

Someone can't live without friends and loved one close, while others like privacy. Among people born under different constellations, there are the first and second. Today we will talk about which zodiac signs love loneliness.


Aquarius can react with aggression to any comments about his loneliness

They cannot be called closed and unsociable, but they are more prone to loneliness than others and find this quite normal. Hobbies and work can captivate Aquarius so much that they take the absence of a soul mate for granted.

Representatives of the sign know how to make friends and love. They value those who are close in spirit and are able to maintain relationships at a distance without tying their partner down or requiring his constant presence.

In their personal lives, Aquarians choose those whom they consider worthy of their person. They idealize the future, so they are sure that somewhere there is an ideal person, a meeting with whom will certainly take place. This approach prevents you from looking at things realistically and being happy here and now.

Representatives of the sign do not tolerate shackles and love to be alone with themselves, which frightens loved ones who feel superfluous and one day leave or simply stop communicating.

Aquarius will not become a loner if he understands that attention and care from the outside is not always a desire to subjugate and make him dependent, and attachment does not necessarily entail a loss of freedom.


Despite his craving for solitude, Aries rarely experiences loneliness and almost never suffers from it.

It would seem that the fiery children of Mars are so active and sociable that loneliness is a punishment for them. They are full of plans and ideas, the implementation of which requires a close-knit team and a reliable inspiring partner. Aries fires up quickly. They say about them that they start with a half-turn and work on water. True, they cool down as suddenly as they flare up.

If yesterday the lamb was sure that his friends were the most faithful, and his soulmate was perfect, then today he may be completely disappointed. There are plenty of small but eloquent reasons: gossip behind your back, a rude phrase or gesture. Aries will not stoop to soul-searching and litigation, he will simply change his environment.

Tired of a series of unsuccessful relationships, one day he will realize that he himself is a warrior in the field. Getting used to loneliness, representatives of the sign quickly comprehend its advantages and are in no hurry to lose them.

To prevent Aries from becoming a social phobe, the right partner must be nearby - smart, strong, beautiful and reliable. In turn, the lamb should learn to be forgiving and understand that not all problems can be solved on a grand scale - with patience, time and effort, you can achieve much more.


Capricorn prefers loneliness to relationships with random people

They have their own idea of ​​happiness and know how to live: work hard, not give in to difficulties and maintain a high level of expectations. This is exactly what they do, which is why they achieve career heights and financial stability.

In friendship, representatives of the sign value people like themselves: purposeful, strong-willed, hard-working, and able to keep their word. It's not interesting with others. The same is true in personal relationships. Capricorn men, for example, dream of a partner whom they can be proud of and trust. A girl should be educated and intelligent, look good, have her own source of income and varied interests. True, life sometimes “falls in love” with the opposite. Having shouldered such a load, Capricorn can carry it for a very long time, until one day he sends everything to hell.

To regain peace of mind, these people go into business, earn a lot, spend with pleasure and begin to understand that loneliness is not so bad.

For Capricorns who want to leave the exclusion zone, it is important to understand that superpeople exist only in the movies, and work is a way of earning money that should not be made the meaning of life.


The typical Virgo suffers from loneliness only when her status begins to be the subject of other people's conversations.

Their loneliness, as often happens, is caused by the lack ideal people on the horizon. Virgo's perfectionism also manifests itself in relationships. They are waiting for the “right” partners who would fulfill their requirements and not irritate with “rough edges”. Lovers of order explain their standards with the best of intentions:

  • life in a strict system, where everything is as it should and according to plan, will certainly be happy;
  • You should associate yourself exclusively with people who are positive, kind, reliable, understanding, and so on, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

Such a world exists only in dreams, so many Virgos live alone. In their opinion, this is better than putting up with the wrong person in the house, devoting themselves to his re-education without the slightest hope of results.

Loneliness can be avoided if you understand that each person is unique and good in their own way, and it is better to invest strength and energy in what unites rather than destroys.


For Cancers, maintaining family ties even with very distant relatives is very important.

Above all, they honor family values, but are often lonely. The emotionality and gentle mental organization of Cancers force them to be scrupulous in choosing partners. They need people who are ready to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of the other half, but who are also sensitive and understanding. If there are none nearby, Cancers are content with superficial, non-binding relationships.

Tired of uncertainty, partners and friends leave, and the hero withdraws into himself and accumulates grievances in order to pour them into free ears. Getting used to solitude, representatives of the sign can deliberately avoid meeting people and communicating so as not to be disappointed again.

Cancer will not be a hermit if he stops burdening everyone with his problems, idealizing people and family relationships, learn sincerity and trust.

There is always an opportunity to avoid loneliness, find true friendship and personal happiness. You just need to want it badly, overcome your fears, believe in yourself and start acting.

So it is inherent in us by nature that for most people loneliness is a painful state. But different signs Zodiacs perceive this condition differently. For some it is very difficult to be alone, but for others it is easy and simple.

But in any case, you need to know that being able to endure loneliness and enjoy it is a great gift.


Leo cannot complain about the lack of surroundings, but his friends are divided mainly into two categories: those who seek Leo's friendship, and those who are pursued by Leo's friendship. For Leo himself, such relationships are often either a chase or an escape.

Those born in this zodiac sign, like Aries, are too attractive and attractive to be alone. Moreover, this applies to Lviv regardless of what life and material situation they are in.

A person of this sign often has no idea what it’s like to not have friends or a life partner, because such situations rarely happen in his life. It is rare when Leo is left alone with himself, and over the years he begins to appreciate such moments more and more.


Libras perceive loneliness as an exception and suffer greatly when they are actually left alone. Even if they are among family, acquaintances or relatives, but at the same time they think that they are not suitable for each other, they will not refuse new acquaintances. Being around other people, in large groups, is very important for them.

Knowing how hard it is for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra to endure loneliness, it is not surprising that they (just like Virgo) can win sympathy through flattery and bribery.

Just like their neighbors in the Zodiac, they love to surround themselves with successful people. Representatives of this constellation want everything in their lives to be harmonious and correct, and loneliness for Libra is not correct. To be happy, they need what society considers the norm: family, friends and work.


If there are zodiac signs that are prone to loneliness, it is clearly not Pisces. They are very afraid of loneliness, so they quickly learn to be attractive to others.

Sometimes they go overboard in this game and are known as people devoid of “higher” feelings. Pisces will do almost anything to be pleasant. Like a chameleon, they change not only their hair color, but also their personality traits depending on the society in which they find themselves.

Pisces are forced to function in difficult conditions for themselves and under stress they can even become vulgar, although such a trait is alien to their nature.

After much trial and error, Pisces know how to find the right balance and true loved ones who appreciate them for who they are.

But even in their great desire to end loneliness, Pisces cannot (or do not want) to eradicate their mistrust of other people and the idea that any union with them is doomed. Just as others at the beginning of acquaintance give credit of trust, Pisces do exactly the opposite.


People appear in and out of Gemini's life at such a rapid pace that sometimes the Geminis don't even notice it. In the flow of casual acquaintances, they often miss chances for happiness or chase something unattainable, and then it turns out that it was not worth it.

At the same time, the horoscope says that Gemini, as a zodiac sign, does not like loneliness. People generally appreciate their company and they also always try to be where something is happening.

Gemini does not close himself off at home, so the problem of social loneliness is completely unknown to most representatives of this zodiac sign. But if we talk about loneliness in the personal life of Gemini, this is a slightly different story.

Such people are rarely left alone, but few representatives of this sign can boast of stable long-term relationships.


The opinion of representatives of this sign as freedom-loving creatures who do not recognize any connections or boundaries is greatly exaggerated. In fact, Aquarius is afraid of loneliness, and he does not tolerate it as well as many would think.

That is why he agrees to many superficial relationships, just so as not to be alone. When this is so, it seems to him that loneliness is like death during life.

Often, in order to forget, Aquarius throws himself into a whirlpool of entertainment and amorous adventures, which, however, do not fill the void in his life and heart.

Aquarius is constantly looking for friendship, but he does not always manage to find it.

A representative of such a zodiac sign does not understand that true friendship is a very rare phenomenon and that you need to work on it. For Aquarius, this is a finished product that just needs to be taken out of the box.


Cancers are among those zodiac signs that love to cultivate being alone with themselves. However, Cancers' attitude towards loneliness is completely different: they are afraid of it.

Maintaining family ties even with very distant relatives is very important for them. Friends are also important to them, and they cannot understand people who prefer to do without company.

Cancer wants to either bring all his single friends and acquaintances together and marry them, or find them friends. We can safely say that Cancers are social people. They want to be accepted into a family, they want to be part of a group, but at the same time they crave inner peace and quiet.

The ideal pastime for Cancer is when a large group of friends or relatives is in the same room, but everyone is busy with their own business.


Scorpio values ​​loved ones very much, but does not know how (or does not want) to purposefully win someone’s sympathy. As a result, his environment consists of several categories: people who are impressed by Scorpio himself; those who believe that it is beneficial for them to be near him; the kind of person who never stops counting on a romantic relationship and wants to win his heart, as well as people who have a professional relationship with him.

With all this, a representative of the “Scorpio tribe” suffers all his life from a feeling of loneliness, because he always believes that he deserves more, and because it is difficult to please him.

At the same time, this is the zodiac sign that best tolerates loneliness and is even prone to it. If such a person comes to the conclusion that no one is able to fill the voids in his life, then he prefers to be his own best partner and friend.


How do Taurus feel about loneliness? The horoscope assures that this is one of their biggest nightmares and fears. Moreover, here we are talking, rather, not about family or relatives, but about a life partner who will be especially close to them.

Since the representative of this zodiac sign is very picky and has very high demands, it is not easy for him to find true friends and partners.

Taurus wants to leave his mark on everything, loves things that he uses and that are adapted to him, and looks for the same in people, wants long-term relationships, mutual grinding.

Although Taurus do not like loneliness, they are still not particularly interested in making new acquaintances. Rather, such a person wants to establish existing connections, wants recognition of his shortcomings and appreciation of his strengths. Deprived of lasting friendships and love relationships, he becomes deeply unhappy.


Sagittarius is rarely alone, but this does not mean that he does not suffer from loneliness. This is his biggest fear and concern. He is afraid that all his relatives and friends will disappear somewhere.

And even when Sagittarius is surrounded by a crowd of fans and relatives, a terrifying specter of loneliness may appear in his imagination from time to time.

Sagittarius is satisfied with superficial acquaintances, but is still looking for something deeper. He does not want to have many friends and relatives, but wants to have proven and reliable ones.

He wants to have a safe harbor into which he can sail, counting on a warm welcome and consolation. Sagittarius very quickly becomes convinced that there are much more superficial connections in the world than real feelings. And with his characteristic idealism, he seeks precisely the latter...


Aries simply cannot live without a couple, friends, without an environment, because otherwise he feels completely sick. Yes, he is never alone: ​​even abandoned and betrayed, this person knows how to find comfort and support for himself.

The Zodiac sign Aries and loneliness are poorly comparable: its representatives never give up and do not lose hope that someday kindred spirits will definitely be near them.

This person may go through periods of doubt, but for him, more than many others, the words fit: “What does not kill us makes us stronger.” Only death can prevent him from rebuilding for himself the life he dreams of, from looking for a mate, partners.

Anyone born under this constellation never remains in one place, and his energy charms those around him so much that they always revolve in his orbit. Therefore, Aries rarely experiences loneliness, and almost never has to suffer from it.


Such a person does not bother much about acquaintances and connections, but, as a rule, he is never lonely. People are attracted to Capricorn by his truthfulness and emotional balance. There is no lie or servility in him, he does not seek to win friends through insincere flattery.

He deceives only those who betrayed him and with whom he has absolutely ceased to reckon. And all this only when this person is not able to exclude them from his life completely. If there is such an opportunity, Capricorn prefers loneliness to relationships with random people.

This is a zodiac sign that may not like loneliness, but is inclined and can tolerate it without turning it into a tragedy in life.


When asked which zodiac signs are most prone to loneliness, one of the answers will be Virgo. It cannot be said that representatives of the sign ardently and consciously strive for it, but at least they do not panic when they are left alone.

First of all, Virgo is interested in having a partner and friends of a certain level. These are very picky and critical people. They can ruin even a long-term love or friendship if the other party cannot meet their high standards, or if their position in life is much lower than Virgo's.

Representatives of this zodiac sign have a very developed sense of what is right and what is wrong. This kind of code of human relations is written in their genes.

These people are able to use flattery or bribery to get the kind of partners or friends they want.

The typical Virgo suffers from loneliness only when her status begins to be the subject of other people's conversations. Her thoughts are always very logical, so she knows that it is better to be alone than to surround herself with the “wrong” people.