Stamp and signature in a printed form layout without using transparent images. Stamp and signature in a printed form layout without using transparent images Facsimile signature 1c

Hello. I present to you my new 1C processing Invoice for Payment to the Buyer with Stamp and Signature.

Processing changes the standard printed form of the document "Invoice for payment to the buyer" in the Enterprise Accounting 2.0 configuration (1C:Enterprise 8.2).

Processing does not require changing the standard configuration, opening the configurator and editing layouts.

It does not affect further automatic updates from ITS disks.

The processing of “Invoice for Payment to the Buyer with Stamp and Signature” is connected in 1C Enterprise mode and becomes available in the list for selecting printed forms of the document INVOICE FOR PAYMENT TO THE BUYER.

How to display a stamp and signature on an invoice for payment 1C

We open processing in 1C Enterprise mode. File - Open - "Invoice for Payment to Buyer with Stamp and Signature.epf"

We choose for the organization: Logo, Seal of the Organization and signatures of the head and Chief. Buh.

It is better to immediately add processing as external. Through the Service - Additional reports and processing - Additional external processing

After setting these settings, processing must be connect as an external printing form.

We go to the invoice for payment to the buyer and print our layout

This is what we get in the end

And here is a close-up of what the seal and signature on the invoice for payment to the buyer looks like in 1C Accounting.

So that you get the same effect as in my drawing, Pictures must have a transparent background!

For electronic document management, this is simply necessary, so you need to make a transparent background on the scanned drawings of signatures and seals, save them in *.png or *.gif format

Processing works in the 1C Accounting 2.0 configuration, but can be easily modified to suit the customer’s needs.

You can make the following modifications in the printed form of the Invoice for payment to the buyer

Display additional information (As an example: Attention, the details of the organization have changed.);
display the contract and receivables;
additionally highlight invoice totals;
display advertising blocks;

The cost of processing is 1000 rubles or $33

You can pay to one of the wallets
Rubles – R137603857842
Dollars – Z483614844528
Yandex account: 410011156200738


After payment, send an email to [email protected] In the subject of the letter indicate “Payment for 1C Processing”, where you must indicate the payment account number.
The answer will follow within 24 hours.

For the creation of external printed forms, reports and 1C processing, please contact

Please ask all suggestions and questions regarding processing here in the comments.

Organizations often ask to embed a logo and a seal with a signature directly into the invoice for payment to the buyer. This makes the account look more solid and representative. Facsimile printing on an invoice is not prohibited by regulations and therefore many people take advantage of this opportunity.

Today I will tell you how to make a similar setup for 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0) yourself, without the help of a programmer.

So, go to our organization’s card and open the “Logo and seal” item. There we find the “Logo” field and click on the button with the down arrow next to it:

From the drop-down list, select the “Show all” option:

In the selection window, click the “Create file” button:

Immediately after this we will be asked to indicate the picture that we want to use as our logo. You need to prepare a file with such a picture in advance (order it from the designer) or find something suitable on the Internet.

For our experiments, I took the 1C company logo:

In general, any image in formats (png, jpg, bmp) will do.

After selecting the file with the image, indicate the name of this file in 1C and click the “Record and Close” button:

As you can see, the file appeared in the list under the name we specified. Select it and press the "Select" button:

The logo was inserted into the field and displayed on the form, great!

Let's start making fax prints. To do this, click on the item “How to quickly and easily create a fax signature and seal?”:

Let's print and follow the instructions indicated on the printed sheet:

After that, we will have at our disposal a picture (scanned sheet) in one of the formats (png, jpg, bmp) with signatures and a seal already affixed, in my case it looks like this:

Click on the down arrow button next to the “Fax Print” field:

In the selection window, click the “Create file” button again:

In the file creation window, select the option “From a file on disk” and click the “Create” button:

We will again be asked to indicate the file with the picture; here we will select the same scanned sheet of paper with signatures and seal that we prepared a few steps earlier.

The settings window for the file will open. Specify the name and click the “Save and close” button:

We see that the picture with the seal and signatures was inserted into the “Facsimile Stamp” field and displayed on the form. Click the “Record and close” button in the organization card:

Finally, go to some invoice for payment to the buyer and click the “Print” -> “Invoice for payment (with stamp and signatures)” button:

A printed form of the invoice with a logo, seal and signatures has appeared:

If the image with the seal and signatures is too small, rescan the sheet with a higher resolution.

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Often, when working with documentation in large (and small) organizations, problems arise with signing documents. The amount of documentation issued reaches significant volumes, and the signatories are not always at their workplace or simply busy. In this regard, there is a delay in the signing of the necessary documents, a corresponding increase in the period for providing them to partners and, as a result, dissatisfaction of the latter with all the ensuing consequences. To solve this kind of problem, namely reducing labor costs for signing a mountain of documents, as well as speeding up this process, organizations are increasingly resorting to the use of facsimile signatures and seals.

A facsimile signature is an exact copy of a graphic image, made in the form of a stamp, which absolutely reproduces the personally made signature of the person responsible for signing the documentation (usually a director or chief accountant) and serves to certify his rights, which can be used as an alternative when signing some documentation.

Please leave the topics that interest you in the comments, so that our experts will analyze them in instructional articles and video instructions.

It is important to take into account that the use of facsimiles on the territory of the Russian Federation is possible only in the permitted manner provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Use facsimile ones instead of regular signatures and seals in cases where this is documented by both parties, i.e. an agreement must be signed according to which documents drawn up during transactions (invoices, invoices, acts, etc.) can be signed with facsimile signatures.

The use of a facsimile signature and seal is often implemented in automated accounting systems, and in 1C automatic substitution of a facsimile image of a seal and signature is implemented in some printed forms. So, in the 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0 configuration, it is possible to print an invoice for payment and a reconciliation report immediately with a seal and signatures; for this you will need to make preliminary settings.

Now we will look at how to make a seal in 1C and a facsimile signature.

The necessary settings are made in the organization card (Main section) in the Logo and Print group. Here, for entering pictures, there are separate fields for each. You can also enter your company logo (trademark) here.

For those who do not know how to properly prepare the necessary images for uploading into the program, appropriate instructions are provided; it can be opened via a link in the organization’s card; it will tell you in detail how to make a seal and signatures for 1C Accounting. This is quite simple to implement; you will need a printer, a pen and a stamp, a scanning device and any image editing program, even Paint will do.

After the images are created and loaded into 1C, you can check how they will be displayed in printed documents, to do this, click the link Preview of the “Invoice for payment” printed form.

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Currently, in “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0), you can print invoices issued to customers and reconciliation statements with counterparties from facsimiles. 1C experts told us how to use this functionality in the program.

To enable this feature, you need to make the appropriate settings in the form of a directory element Organizations(in the organization card), which is accessed from the section Main.

In the organization card you need to open a collapsible group Logo and seal and, following the instructions, upload graphic images of facsimile signatures of the manager and chief accountant. Also, if desired, you can upload the logo and seal of the organization (Fig. 1). A sample invoice form with logo, facsimile signature, seal and additional conditions is displayed at the link Preview printed form "Invoice to buyer".

Rice. 1. Including a facsimile in the organization card

Now in the document Buyer's invoice(chapter Sales) when selecting a team Print - Invoice for payment(with seal and signatures) a printed form of the document will be displayed with facsimile signatures of the manager and chief accountant and the seal of the organization (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Print invoice with facsimile

To print the document Act of reconciliation of settlements with the counterparty(chapter Sales or section Purchases) the facsimile signature of the manager or chief accountant was displayed, then in the field Representative of the organization on the bookmark Additionally as the responsible person, it is also necessary to indicate either the manager or the chief accountant. Then when choosing a command Seal - Reconciliation report(with a seal and signature), a document with a facsimile signature and its transcript will be printed (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Printing the reconciliation report with a facsimile

As for the inclusion of facsimiles when printing acts, invoices and UPD, such an opportunity is not provided in 1C: Accounting 8 due to the existing risks for the recipient of these documents.

If a document is sent for the purpose of promptly reflecting it in the accounting records of a counterparty, then it is better to send it by email directly from the program in one of the formats offered by the program (XLS, XML, etc.). Then the counterparty will be able to automatically download the received document into its program without wasting time on manual entry.

Due to numerous requests from users, 1C:Accounting 8 developers are considering the possibility of adding facsimiles to primary documents in the program. A discussion of this issue is currently underway at the Idea Center. BUKH.1S also decided to ask its readers whether adding a facsimile to the primary is useful and why users need this functionality.

We ask you to participate in the survey, and you can write your opinions and wishes in the comments.

", allowing clients to send printed forms of any documents in PDF format (after inserting seals and signatures there), programmers now have the opportunity to create their own external printed forms and attach them to ALANN processing. What requirements must external printed forms created for ALANN processing meet? described in the publication. The same publication will discuss ways to add images to layouts.

The method that I will describe will be called "The Layers Method". The method that is known to everyone and is most often used (when pictures with a transparent background are added to the layout) is called "Transparency Method".

Technology, so to speak.

So, for example, let’s insert a seal and signatures into a standard invoice for payment (Trade Management 10.3 configuration). To do this, open the general “InvoiceOrder” layout and find the “Invoice Footer” area (with translucent red squares I highlighted the areas in which I need to insert a seal and signatures)):

Of course, if you now stick pictures with a seal and signature into the layout, then the text behind them will not be visible. Therefore, we find the elements on the toolbar: “Direct” and “Text” (in the picture below these elements are indicated by red arrows):

Select the "Text" element and add it to the layout:

  1. Set the element to have the text “Manager”, font size to “10” and bold.
  2. In the element properties we specify: Line - “No line”, Background Color - “Auto” (click on the “Clear” button [X]), Pattern - “No fill”:

As a result, in the layout we got two, visually identical, “Manager” inscriptions:

Now the inscription that we created needs to be moved so that it completely coincides with the “native” inscription “Leader”:

And the “native” inscription can be deleted.

We do the same with the rest of the inscriptions in the “Account Footer” area.

The mechanism for working with underline lines is similar:

  1. Adding an element of the "Straight" type to the layout
  2. We completely combine it with the desired line in the layout (for example, a line emphasizing the name of the position).
  3. Then we delete this very “native” line.

In the end, we will have a layout area consisting entirely of elements of the "Text" or "Straight" type, no different from the original area:

Now we add three images to the layout: A seal and two signatures. So what happens:

"So where's the trick?"- you say. But for focus, let's do the following:

  1. call the context menu of one of the images (right-click on the image),
  2. Select "Order -> Send to Back".

And so on for each of the images. The result will be:

or, if you look at the finished version, then:

If the layout is being prepared for use in conjunction with ALANN processing, you must:

  1. Give all images in the layout names that are normal for perception (for example, “Organization Seal”, “Manager’s Signature”, etc.).
  2. Clear images of content, i.e. make the pictures empty.

Comparison of the result of the "Layers" and "Transparency" methods

This is what the results look like when using these methods. It seems to me that the picture on the right is more aesthetically pleasing:

Attached to the publication is a file containing ready-made footers for standard printed forms (Invoice, TORG-12, Certificate of Provision of Services), into which images (stamps and signatures) are inserted using the “Layers” method.