Testing of personnel upon hiring. General concept of tests. Pros and cons of using testing in personnel selection

In the work of an HR specialist when selecting personnel, the use of various tests is of great help. Tests help to objectively compare candidates with each other. Tests help to avoid subjectivity towards the applicant on the part of the recruiter. Tests help test those skills or knowledge that cannot be tested in any other way during an interview. The main requirement for tests is validity. There is no clear Russian translation into one word of this term, which is why the English one is used. It means the following: “this device actually measures what it is supposed to measure.”

It is important to warn novice HR's - let's turn to the quote from the book by A.A. Krymov. " ":
“In fact, the use of tests is only useful in combination with other, more familiar selection tools: biography analysis, interview, observation. But there is also a danger: after reading the interpretation of the test, you can get a “halo effect,” that is, you begin to look at the person through the test results. So it’s better to talk to the person first and then test: here the test is more likely to help confirm or refute your personal impressions.”

Today we have - attention tests. They can be used in the selection of secretaries, personal assistants, various kinds of clerks, the same personnel inspectors (in addition to checking professional knowledge) and other specialists whose responsibilities include working with documents and other data that require concentration.

The most commonly used is the Munsterberg technique. The technique is aimed at determining selectivity and concentration of attention. The test was developed by the German-American psychologist Hugo Munsterberg (1863–1916), a representative of practical psychology (psychotechnics), who taught at Harvard University.
Münsterberg studied issues of enterprise management, professional selection, career guidance, industrial training, adaptation of technology to human mental capabilities and other factors in increasing the productivity of workers and the income of entrepreneurs. Münsterberg received an international certificate for this test in 1934 in London, and his method is still very popular.

The good thing about the test is that it is easy to use and gives an almost instant result - it only takes a few minutes from giving the task to the candidate to receiving the result.

Munsterberg technique (selective attention)

The technique - Correction test ("Bourdon test") has a certain popularity.
The “Corrective Test” method for studying attention was created by B. Bourdon in 1895. In the experiment, the subject is presented with a page filled with some randomly placed characters. These can be numbers, letters, geometric shapes, miniature drawings. The test subject's task is to find a certain sign and somehow highlight it - underline, cross out, mark. Which sign and what needs to be done are specified in the instructions.

Bourdon test(test and instructions in Word format)

Another frequently used test is.
The study is carried out using special forms on which there are 25 red and 24 black numbers. The test subject must first find the black numbers in ascending order, then the red numbers in descending order.

Red-black table technique (switching attention)(test and instructions in Word format)

  • Bourdon test (DOC 58 Kb)
  • Münsterberg technique (RTF 57.101 Kb)
  • Red-black table technique (switching attention) (RTF 72.123 Kb)

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When installed in large companies, before you can get the job you want, you will likely be required to take (and pass) psychological tests. Nowadays, pre-employment tests have become commonplace. Applicants already know about this and are trying to prepare, but the procedure can still be very nerve-wracking. We recommend taking a few preparatory steps to improve your chances of passing the test.


  1. Carefully study the requirements for the applicant.

As the job market becomes more competitive, the hiring process becomes more complex. More and more companies - not just large ones, but medium and small ones too - are using psychological (or personality) tests to determine whether a person is suitable for a job. Carefully review the qualifications and skills required for the position you are applying for. Our experience shows that during testing, special attention will be paid to testing exactly those skills that are specified in the admission requirements.

For example, if you are applying for a job as a department head or in senior management, interviewers will want to see that you have strong leadership skills and can communicate effectively with others - subordinates and senior management. If you apply to a government agency - the police, special services, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and others - you will be expected to be able to cope with high level stress and make quick decisions.

Psychological tests are essentially an assessment of your personality. Think about why you are applying there. Probably because you feel you have the right qualifications and the right mindset to do the job.

For example, if you are applying for a sales position and know that part of your income will come from sales commissions, you need to be highly motivated. Ask yourself: “Do I have it?” Reflect on your character traits. This will help you prepare to formulate answers that fit the required qualifications.

It is important that you reveal your essence. But you must also remember that you are being assessed. For example, if they ask: “Knowing that no one will know about this, will you commit petty theft from the company?”, you should answer: “No.” Even if you think you might give in to temptation, you should remember that this is not something you should admit to.

3. Research the company's needs.

During an interview, you not only need to emphasize your strengths, but you also need to communicate how you can benefit a future employer. Think about what you can do to improve your company's productivity. If you are aware of her needs, this will certainly be positively assessed during interviews and psychological testing.

Before you start, don't hesitate to ask the recruiter or HR representative what characteristics are most important for this position. This is very important information- taking it into account, you will be able to more consciously and competently choose answers to tasks.

4. Take as many situational behavior practice tests as possible and learn strategies for solving them.

It is impossible to predict the content of what will be given during employment. However, you can prepare yourself by learning about the main types and solutions. Please note that most psychological exams consist of both an in-person interview and a computer-based test. For example, at Sberbank, candidates for management positions undergo three (!) interviews and three stages of testing. Depending on the specifics of the position, tests can be mathematical, verbal, logical, and, of course, psychological ones will be offered - to determine leadership potential, communication skills, leadership skills, setting goals, etc.

On the website you can work on all types of tasks and significantly increase your chances of successfully passing testing when applying for a job in any company and for any position.

  1. Come to testing fully prepared: rested, not hungry, but not with a full belly, neat, collected. Psychological attitude has a very noticeable effect on the process and the result - you need to be calm and ready to show good result. Be sure to bring the materials that were requested (this could be a calculator, some documents, etc.). Plan your day so that you have enough time and don't have to rush. Sometimes such testing takes half a day or more.
  2. Ask questions. You have the right and responsibility to ask questions before and during the inspection. Try to determine the format of the exam: what will be on it, what questions, what types of tests. You can find out how your results will be used and what they will influence. It's also good to know who will have access to your results. If any question is unclear, don't hesitate to ask.
  3. Stay prepared for your interview. Remember that it is not only your answers to tasks that are assessed. The overall personal picture is also considered. Testing is part of the interview process, so make sure you present yourself as a confident and experienced professional throughout the process.

If you're feeling anxious, take a few seconds to collect yourself and calm down. You can also go outside for a minute under the pretext of using the toilet. This will allow you to take a deep breath and collect yourself.

  1. Be honest. Don't try to pretend to be anything other than who you are. Dishonesty will likely be reflected in your answers. This is almost impossible to avoid. Firstly, the employer's representatives will not like this. Secondly, you should not give the employer false expectations regarding your capabilities and personality traits - after all, their attitude towards you will be based on the data received. And any false information will most likely be discovered after work has begun.

Remember that psychological tests do not contain right or wrong answers. Any answers will be used for the benefit of both the company and you. There is no benefit in trying to portray yourself as better.

Understanding the purpose of the test

  1. Try to put yourself in the employer's shoes. Psychological tests are not just invented to amuse HR employees. Their goal is to help make the most effective solutions about hiring. Employers use the results to determine whether you have the right personality traits for the position being offered.

Think of it as a way to determine whether the job opening is one where you can reach your full potential.

  1. Assess reality soberly. Psychology is not an exact science. And the results of any psychological exam can never be 100% reliable. Employers understand this too and use personality test results as just one of many factors in the hiring process.

Don't be shy about asking a staff representative how much influence they will have in selecting a candidate.

  1. Be prepared for any outcome. You may or may not get hired. But remember: if you don't turn out to be the person best suited for the position, that doesn't mean you "failed" the exam. The employer is looking for certain traits. If you are not the best candidate, it simply means that you must continue to look for a job that is right for you. And you will definitely find and receive it!

In conclusion, let us repeat our favorite slogan from Ilyich - “Study, study and study again.” Only preparation and training can guarantee a successful outcome. On our HRLIDER website you can study solution strategies for all types of tests used in hiring in large and medium-sized companies in Russia and the world, complete these tasks and significantly strengthen your position in comparison with other applicants.

We offer

  • More than 500 practical tasks
  • Tasks selected taking into account the requirements of the main employers and competition organizers
  • Detailed analytics of completion success
  • Strategies for solving problems of the main types
  • Personal recommendations


In psychology, especially foreign psychology, a huge number of different tests have been developed that are used to assess professional and personal qualities workers. Below we present the most famous psychological tests that Stolichnye Ogni (Moscow) uses when selecting and evaluating employees.

The test is one of the most popular psychodiagnostic methods at present. In psychodiagnostics, a test is a test, a test, a short-term, standardized task that allows you to measure the level of development of a certain psychological quality of an individual. Tests allow you to obtain individual psychological characteristics of a person according to certain parameters in a short time.

The most popular psychological tests used in hiring:

1. Self-knowledge tests - help to form an objective assessment of personal and business qualities, correct stereotypes of self-perception in the world around you, determine goals and prospects for professional growth.

2. Tests for assessing relationships with loved ones - allow you to assess the need for close relationships and love, independence, responsibility, moral qualities.

3. Assessment tests psychological climate in a team - they allow you to determine the degree of communication and conflict among team members, choose a leadership style, and also analyze possible internal and production situations.

Depending on the area and methods of research, the types of tests differ. They can be performed individually or in groups; orally and in writing; verbally and non-verbally. Verbal testing is carried out in verbal-logical form, non-verbal tests can be presented in drawings, graphs, pictures.There are tests for: intelligence analysis; ability research; forecasting ambitions and achievements; assessment of personal characteristics, etc.

Intelligence tests

Intelligence tests are designed to measure the level intellectual development person. Intelligence is more often understood as a set of cognitive abilities. Intelligence tests consist of several subtests aimed at measuring individual intellectual characteristics included in the concept of intelligence (speed logical thinking, semantic and associative memory, learning ability, etc.). The level of intelligence is not a constant value and changes under the influence of time and the environment.

Aptitude tests

The individual psychological characteristics of a person that contribute to his success in any activity are called abilities. They manifest themselves in activity, are formed in activity, and exist in relation to a specific activity. Ability, in essence, is not one single quality, but consists of a whole complex of qualities (for example, visual ability consists of good visual memory, visual acuity, etc.). There are general and specific abilities, which in turn are divided into elementary and complex.

Common elementary abilities are inherent to all people - this is the ability to feel, perceive, remember, experience, think. General complex abilities are also inherent in most people - this is the ability for universal human activities - play, learning, work, communication.

Particular elementary abilities are not inherent in all people, for example, such as: an ear for music, an accurate eye, perseverance, and semantic memory. Private complex abilities are also inherent only to individual people. These are abilities for professional and other specific activities. Ability is characterized by success in acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, and their transformation from one level of tasks to another.

Achievement Tests

Achievement tests typically predict an individual's ultimate level of achievement relative to the present level, given the presence of specific cognitive functions. TO cognitive functions of a person include: sensation, perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech.

For example, knowing the characteristics of a person’s attention, we can draw a conclusion about whether he is able to work for a long time and with concentration. Having an idea of ​​the characteristics of memory, one can judge the volume and productivity of memorization processes, the preservation and accuracy of reproduction of the information received.

The study of general individual abilities allows us to determine where, in what and how they are most manifested. For some people, they manifest themselves in solving practical problems with the help of real actions (practical thinking); for others - during internal manipulations with images (imaginative thinking); for others - in solving abstract-logical, theoretical problems according to the laws of logic (logical thinking).

Personality tests

In psychology, the following areas of personality research are distinguished: analysis of information by recording real human behavior in Everyday life; obtaining information using questionnaires or objective tests. Interesting methods that allow us to determine the type of a person’s temperament, his character traits, since they determine his behavior, reactions, needs and interests, goals and values, actions in various life situations.

The type of temperament determines the dynamic features of a person’s individual behavior: reaction speed, pace of work, emotionality, level of general activity. If temperament determines only the dynamic features of people's behavior, then character determines the conscious actions of people. Temperament and character are closely related. Many properties of temperament and character are simply not realized by people, and they receive information about their characteristics indirectly, by comparing themselves with others and assessing their reactions to their own actions.

The most famous tests of mental states and personality traits: “Eysenck Questionnaire”, “MMPI”, “Leonhard Characteristic Questionnaire”, “Cattell Test”, “Method for studying the level of subjective control (USC)”, “TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)”, “Rorschach Test”, “Lüscher Test” and etc. Let's take a closer look at some of them...

Personality questionnaire of the English psychologist G.Yu. Eysenck- one of the most popular tests. Using the basic concepts of extraversion, introversion and neuroticism, the test allows you to assess a person’s focus on the internal or external world, as well as determine the level of emotional instability. These characteristics significantly influence a person’s professional activity.

Extraversion- this is the orientation of the individual towards the world, people, events.

Extroverts are characterized by sociability, responsiveness, cheerfulness, initiative, but at the same time they are susceptible to the influence of others, gullibility, and impulsiveness.

Introversion- this is a person’s focus on his inner world. Introverts are characterized by prudence, unsociability, sometimes isolation, and indecisiveness.

Neuroticismmanifests itself as emotional instability, imbalance of neuropsychic processes. At one pole of neuroticism there are people who are emotionally unstable - neurotics, at the other - emotionally stable people, characterized by calm and confidence.

The indicators “extraversion - introversion” and “stability - instability” are mutually independent and opposite. The combination of these properties, expressed to varying degrees, creates the uniqueness of the personality, and also characterizes the type of temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic.

A pure type of temperament is extremely rare in people; most often, mixed types are present in a person. Even 100 years ago, the famous psychologist Wilhelm Wundt drew attention to the fact that all melancholic and choleric people are similar in that they have strong and changeable emotions, while phlegmatic and sanguine people have fairly stable emotions. He also noticed that choleric and sanguine people are similar in the variability of their behavior, while melancholic and phlegmatic people are quite constant in their behavior. Wundt proposed measuring “emotionality” from extreme imbalance to extreme balance. By replacing the concepts of “changeability” and “constancy” with the more modern terms “extrovert” and “introvert,” he anticipated the description of the second important dimension of personality.

Test “Diagnostics of Interpersonal Relationships” by T. Leary.It is sometimes easier to objectively draw up a psychological portrait of another person than to get an idea of ​​oneself as a member of a team; it is more difficult to identify the predominant type of attitude towards people in self-esteem and mutual assessment. One of the most famous and interesting is the Thomas Leary test, which reveals the predominant type of relationship towards people using a technique for diagnosing interpersonal relationships. This test includes 128 characterological statements. It gives a description of a person’s character and is intended to measure the degree of expression of properties manifested in interpersonal communication: dominance, self-confidence, independence, dependence, responsiveness, sociability. This technique allows you to solve three main problems: to establish the degree of expression of character traits, to describe areas of potential internal conflict, to study the psychological compatibility of people, to analyze the causes of conflict, preferences, and expectations.

Execution and analysis of results require the ability to look at yourself from the outside and give an adequate assessment of your character. A person must understand that he himself is often the source of his problems, therefore, he himself must take the first steps in transforming his personality.

Tests of managerial qualities. Existing popular tests contribute to better organization of self-education and professional activity, making decisions directly related to human life. Tests allow you to see those character traits that may not be visible to the test taker himself. It is no coincidence that they say that if there is a mirror for appearance, then there is none for characterizing personality. A test is such a mirror for understanding your character.

Socio-psychological culture modern man presupposes elementary knowledge of oneself, i.e. your strengths and weaknesses, real and possible level of professional achievements; knowledge of other people - their individual differences, behavioral characteristics; knowledge of business and life situations, i.e. the ability to flexibly and constructively solve emerging problems, without considering people as a means to an end.

Research has shown that people experience the greatest difficulties in business communication in conflict situations, upon acceptance non-standard solutions, if necessary, express your own unpopular opinion when delegating authority. The basis for solving these problems is increasing socio-psychological competence through self-knowledge, knowledge of other people, and the formation of professionally important qualities of managers and business people.

Projective tests.The principle of projection underlying these tests is associated with the idea that in various manifestations of an individual (creativity, interpretation of events, statements, preferences, etc.) the personality is embodied, including hidden, unconscious motives, aspirations, conflicts, experiences.Such tests includecolor test by Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher.

Our reactions to color are very complex. Experiments conducted by psychophysiologists confirmed that a number of physiological indicators of the subject’s state naturally change depending on what color he looks at. G. Rorschach and M. Luscher made an attempt to show to what extent specific types individuals prefer certain colors while others are repulsive to them. Exposure to color can cause both physiological and psychological effects in a person. Since the emotional attitude to color can be characterized by preference, refusal, or indifference to it, this aspect should be taken into account in psychodiagnostics. M. Luscher argued that much stronger than with the help of words, often unconsciously, we inform others about our state and true intentions with the help of external manifestation signals.

By personality signal, Luscher understands “the set of behavior patterns and means chosen by a person, with the help of which he achieves from the people around him a desirable assessment of his personality and manifests itself in their eyes, for example, as a prudent and self-confident person or as a naive and helpless."

To interpret the observed signals, Luscher uses the method of functional psychology, on the basis of which the color test was created. The Luscher test is based on the assumption that the choice of color reflects the subject’s focus on a certain activity, mood and the most stable personality traits.

The characteristics of colors, according to Luscher, include four primary and additional colors. Primary colors symbolize the need for calm, contentment (blue), a sense of confidence, perseverance (blue-green); volitional effort, aggressiveness, offensiveness, excitement (orange-red), activity, desire for communication, gaiety (light yellow). Additional colors(purple, brown, black, gray) symbolize negative tendencies such as stress, anxiety, grief, fear. The meaning of these colors, as well as the main ones, is determined by their relative position.

Based on the analysis of the choice of colors, Luscher assessed the individual’s performance, his prospects in this direction, found out indicators of anxiety, the cause of anxiety, and much more.

However, one should not trust simplified statements that red is preferred only by physically healthy people who choose green color- strive for self-affirmation, and Blue colour- the lot of phlegmatic people. Data obtained using projective studies should be correlated with data obtained using other methods.

Rorschach test named after the Swiss psychiatrist G. Rorschach. The evaluation technique consists of the interpretation of ten black-and-white and color inkblots. The test taker, looking at the spots offered to him, describes what he sees. Long-term practice of using the test convinces many researchers of its predictive power when interpreting various hidden tendencies and human conditions. The test determines the degree of extraversion - introversion, a tendency to interpersonal conflicts, and a tendency to lead.

The article was prepared on the basis of materials by V. N. Lavrinenko, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Academy of Informatization, Head of the Department of Philosophy of the All-Russian Academy of Economics and Economics.

Tests are increasingly being used to select personnel. In some ways, this increases the objectivity of selection: all candidates are offered the same tasks, provided with equal conditions and allotted the same time. Most tests have a fairly objective scoring scale. It’s also convenient for organization: you can sit them down, say, and take a written test. large group people at the same time. This allows you to significantly save time and effort, especially in cases where the number of candidates for a given vacancy is large. Such a test can serve as a preliminary screening.

In some cases (for example, this is practiced when hiring government employees in the USA), tests are used as some kind of mandatory barrier, requiring the presentation of a certain minimum of knowledge, without which a person cannot be admitted to work. public service. Moreover, those who fail this test do not have the right to take it again earlier than six months later.

Tests used when applying for a job are mainly sets of tasks designed to identify the level of intelligence or personality traits, a person’s attitude to certain situations, which allows one to identify his professional inclinations, the ability to be a leader and work with people, to check some professional skills or learning abilities. Tests can measure the level of knowledge (numeracy, literacy, vocabulary, etc.)

It should be noted that the identification of personal qualities cannot be considered tests in the sense that there are no right and wrong answers, that there cannot be points scored and best result. Here we can only say that a certain type of personality is more suitable for a particular type of activity. The same fully applies to identifying inclinations and interests. Sometimes, when selecting employees, tests developed for psychodiagnostic and consulting practice are used. But for such purposes, these tests are not very reliable, since it is often easy to figure out which answer will be more suitable for the desired vacancy.

What might the testing procedure look like? For example, like this:

  1. Candidates are seated facing the testing officer.
  2. Everyone is given the necessary supplies: tests with questions and assignments, pencils, erasers, answer sheets, etc.
  3. The employee talks about the purpose of the test and explains the rules for conducting it.
  4. The employee reads out the instructions for the test. Sometimes the instructions are given to everyone in printed form. In this case, the instructions may not be read aloud, but rather give everyone the opportunity to read it themselves. Reading instructions sometimes includes time. allocated for the test, and sometimes they are not included.
  5. Often, before a task, an example of how to complete tasks of this type is provided. The purpose of the examples is to provide an understanding of the assignment to avoid misunderstandings.
  6. Candidates are generally allowed to ask questions, so be sure to clarify anything you don't fully understand. Do not hesitate to ask a question, no matter how trivial it may seem to you. Your motto is ask, it won’t get worse!
  7. In most cases, a strictly defined time is allocated for the test, after which testing is immediately interrupted.
  8. The responses received from you are being processed. Sometimes you may be shown the results of the processing, but this is not necessary.

What advice can you give to those who are about to undergo testing?

It's very useful to practice. Imagine that you and your friends have to compete in a competition to change a car tire in the shortest time. If you practice the day before, you will act smoothly, without mistakes and fuss. Your chances of winning will certainly increase. Training can improve your ability to perform in any field, including passing employment tests. Exactly how much you will be able to improve your results depends on how much you trained, how close the training material is to the real test, and whether you have experience passing qualifying testing. Motivation has a very strong impact on the test result. Important components of success are not only your knowledge, skills and abilities, but also how hard you try and how confident you are.

In some cases, the improvement that can be achieved with training is not that great. What matters is what your baseline is. If you are prepared enough to overcome this test, then training can only slightly improve your result (increase your points). If you are completely unprepared for a test of a given level and your score is extremely low, then training alone will not be able to help you overcome the obstacle. But if (which happens most often) before the cherished passing score If you are only a few points short, training will very likely solve this problem.

Typically, if you are going to be tested, you will be told in advance what type of test you will have. If you can, try to find out from those who were tested in this organization before you. If you can’t find out anything, don’t dramatize the situation. Here the correct psychological attitude comes to the fore.

Sleepless night immediately before testing in a frantic search additional information usually only brings harm. It is much more important to fully relax and get enough sleep.

Intelligence tests

General intelligence (IQ) tests contain verbal, numerical, and spatial tasks. The books of G. Eysenck, repeatedly published in Russian, contain sets both mixed (with tasks of all three types) and completely dedicated to each of these types. Below are examples of tasks.

The Amthauer intellectual-structural test consists of determining the level and structure of intelligence in 9 components, and the result obtained by the test subject is compared with the ideal mathematical and ideal humanitarian profile, as well as with the ideal structure of intelligence in 49 professions, while taking into account the age of the subject. In practical use, this test allows you to compare candidates with each other without using a block to link to professions.

This group of tests is accompanied by a number of attention tests, one of which is given in the book by V. Polyakov and Yu. Yanovskaya “How to get a good job in new Russia" As practice has shown, the amount of focused attention is quite closely related to the level of intelligence.

This is what the tasks look like Eysenck test:

Insert a four-letter word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second: APO (....) B

Correct answer: "TABLE" (apostle and pillar)

Eliminate the extra word:


Correct answer: "IRONY" (steel, copper, bronze - metals)

Fill in the missing number:

143 (56) 255
218 (..) 114

Correct answer: 52 (half the modulus of the difference between the extreme numbers)

Fill in the missing number:

6 10 18 34 ?

Correct answer: 66 (each member of the sequence is greater than the previous one by 2 to the power of n, where n is the number of the member)

This is what the explanation for one of the groups looks like Amthauer test:

Tasks 1-20 consist of sentences, each of which is missing one word. You must complement them.
We offer an example of a practical solution to such a task.

The rabbit is most like...?

1. cat
2. squirrel
3. hare
4. fox
5. hedgehog

In this task, hare (3) is the correct solution.

And this is what they look like control tasks for this part of the test:

...? has nothing to do with the weather

1. hurricane
2. earthquake
3. hail
4. thunderstorm
5. fog

An airplane is... a means of transport

1. the biggest
2. the most expensive
3. the most unreliable
4. the easiest
5. the fastest

The correct answers to the tasks will be (2) and (5), respectively.

When it comes to intelligence tests, it is important to be focused and attentive. Under no circumstances should you become fixated on any one issue, especially at the beginning of your work. As a general rule, you should skip a difficult question and come back to it if you have time. Please note that sometimes there are questions that are deliberately confusing, there are questions that have no solution at all, and there are errors and typos that make the question meaningless. The number of tasks may obviously be greater than what can be completed in the allotted time. In none of these cases is it permissible to panic. Do the best you can. This may be more than enough.

Personality tests

Personal characteristics and psychological portraits are of an auxiliary nature when choosing a candidate, but some positions obviously require certain character traits. For example, someone who should greet the public should be cheerful, have a lively personality and an infectious friendliness. Great importance has psychological compatibility in a team, especially when people have to work in close contact or even stay together for a long time (space flights, expeditions, etc.)

Personality tests are not very often used abroad when hiring for the following reasons: firstly, there are quite strict laws against any discrimination and against attempts to intrude on privacy. For example, attempts to use graphology to determine character when hiring are considered illegal in many countries; secondly, the questionnaires are not reliable enough. If they want to hide from you a penchant for alcohol or a reluctance to get up in the morning, then this can be easily done. A smart person in many cases will easily figure out which answer is more favorable for getting a given job and will answer accordingly with this, and not with his true preference. However, the authors are aware of cases of using such tests in Russia to solve problems of personnel assessment and selection.

Examples of tasks for the presence and degree of development of certain personal qualities

This is what it represents T. Leary test:
- you need to evaluate 128 statements from the point of view of their correspondence to your idea of ​​yourself (once - what you are, the second time - what you would like to be) and about the selected object (boss, subordinate, colleague, spouse, child) the same in two times (what it is at the time of the examination and what it should be ideally).

Here are some of the statements:
· Knows how to please
· Makes an impression on others
· Able to manage and give orders
· Able to insist on his own
·Has a sense of self-esteem
· Independent
· Able to take care of himself
· May show indifference
· Capable of being harsh
· Strict but fair
· Can be sincere
· Critical of others
· Likes to cry
· Often sad
· Able to show distrust
· Often disappointed
· Able to be critical of oneself
· Able to admit when you are wrong

We bring to your attention samples of tasks of very common Cattell test, on the basis of which a psychological portrait of a person is built:

I would prefer to have a dacha:
· in a busy holiday village,
I would prefer something in between
secluded, in the forest
I can find enough strength in myself to cope with life's difficulties:
· Always
· Now
· rarely
The sight of wild animals makes me feel a little uneasy, even if they are safely locked in a cage:
· right
· not sure
· incorrect
I refrain from criticizing people and their views:
· usually
· Sometimes
· No
I have these qualities that make me superior to other people:
· Yes
· not sure
· No
I like to plan my affairs long in advance and act in accordance with the accepted plan:
· Yes
· difficult to answer
· No

When it comes to personality questionnaires, there are no and cannot be right or wrong answers. You can, of course, deceive, as mentioned above, by answering not as it really is, but as it would be better for the position you are looking for. But we believe that the best policy here again will be natural behavior and honesty. Think about what personal qualities are essential for this position, and evaluate to what extent you have them. If you are convinced that you have the necessary qualities, then this perfect option. If you are ready and can work them out, then you can wishful thinking. But, if, as was said in our example, you need to greet the public, and you are a gloomy and unsociable person who feels uncomfortable in front of a large crowd of people, then is it worth trying to get such a job by deception?

Qualification tests

Qualifying tests to assess the level of professional knowledge and skills allow screening and initial ranking of candidates. For example, a number of foreign firms in Moscow use a special test to assess how proficient accountants are in the GAAP system. It is widely known that to test the level of proficiency English language, offered TOEFL test(Test for English as a Foreign Language).

By the way, many organizations do not rely on purchased tests, but develop their own. This allows, firstly, to increase reliability due to the inaccessibility for preliminary examination and, secondly, “custom tailoring” allows you to take into account all specific specific features this organization and these positions.

Abroad, qualifying tests are varied and widespread. In some organizations, we also use tests to assess professional knowledge (for example, in the field of finance and accounting)

The simplest screening tests

Sometimes, when testing candidates for lower positions, simplified tasks may be specifically used to screen out candidates who are unable to perform the simplest operations of perceiving and processing information or who do not have basic professional skills. Let us give examples of such tasks that actually combine intelligence and qualification testing.

Examples of tasks from verbal (verbal) tests
1. ... walks around...
(a) roof cat
(b) cat roof
(c) roof roof
2. famous means the same as
(a) tropical
(b) unhappy
(c) illustrious
(d) sloping
3. kind means the opposite
(a) generous
(b) greedy
(c) ideal
(d) heavy
4. If Wednesday is earlier than Friday, and May is earlier than December, then write the second letter of the alphabet in the answer box, otherwise write the first letter of the word “Wednesday” in the answer box.
5. The car belongs to motor boat the way a bicycle treats
(a) pedalo
(b) rowing boat
(c) sailing boat
(d) submarine
6. Long means the opposite
(a) high
(b) low
(c) short
(d) wide
Correct answers: 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - b, 4 - b, 5 - b, 6 - c.

Examples of numerical tasks

1. Divide the most big number in this row to the smallest one and add the second one from the left to the result
4 6 12 9 3 8 7
(a) 8
(b) 7
(at 10
(d) 1
2. Determine the principle of constructing the sequence and insert the missing number
7 11 ... 19 23
3. Which number is the odd one out here?
15 25 16 30
Correct answers: 1 - in, 2 - 15, 3 - 16.

Based on materials from the book by V. Polyakov and Y. Yanovskaya
“How to get a good job in the new Russia”

Talented, capable young people have long been aware of the selection criteria for large foreign and domestic corporations. The main barrier for thousands of applicants is candidate testing. No matter how particularly “smart” candidates argue among themselves that experienced specialists do not need to take anything, they have already proven everything, the selection method works in Western world for more than half a century, having long ago proven its worth. Hundreds of applicants for one vacancy can apply for free, and HR specialists do not spend a lot of time processing data about each one.

For the applicant, taking the test online is also more convenient than in the office, first of all, the familiar atmosphere, because at home you can retire and work with maximum efficiency. In an office, people walk around, operating units make noise, employees communicate - there is enough interference, although a person can cope normally in such an environment if he knows how to concentrate. You shouldn’t rely on assistants or Google, firstly, there is little time for this, and secondly, the data is checked using verification tests. To verify, you will need to answer a couple of questions, but in the office, where there will be no one to help.

Online tests when applying for a job are a kind of testing level for the applicant himself, if he cannot score 70-80 percent, then he needs to practice or try himself in other companies that do not have such requirements. To assess your capabilities, you don’t have to go to an interview; some companies make screening tests publicly available. You can contact the compilers of collections of assignments that help applicants and go through online test s when hiring an auditor. Collections of tests are good because their authors provide explanations for them, that is, it turns out to be a kind of “solution book”. Also, the creators of collections of problems offer a job application test to take online, which allows you to roughly assess the upcoming test.

Specifics of online testing

Remote testing is not much different from office testing, because no one forces you to write essays in notebooks, offices also have computers, only there are other applicants and employer representatives nearby. All candidates for online testing a link is given and indicated deadline change. The link opens a window with tasks, the time countdown begins, and you can no longer pause it.

There are differences between tests different manufacturers, but they are not particularly significant. So, in SHL tests, unused time goes to the next questions, Talent Q does not have this, and even the timeline is not in front of your eyes, only a reminder is turned on 30 and 15 seconds before the end of the answer time.

Solving tests when applying for a job online involves answering questions in several blocks. Typically, aptitude tests include a numerical section plus verbal or logical, and depending on the employer and the open vacancy, professional knowledge is tested: accounting, information Technology. Also, some companies give you a psychological test to take when applying for a job online. In any case, the applicant is warned in advance about the upcoming tests, and if the employer does not have online trial tests, he must search for them on his own and prepare.

The main developers of online tests are SHL and Talent Q. Test tasks and questionnaires created by SHL are used by leading corporations such as Amway, IKEA, BAT, KPMG, UniCredit Bank. Talent Q clients are Pepsico, Valio, Coca-Cola, Gazprom Neft, and other companies. Many Russian graduates planning to work in the banking sector have heard about Sberbank’s online test when applying for a job, which has become an insurmountable obstacle for some applicants.

Structure of pre-employment tests

The tests consist of several blocks, one of which is mathematical, the other is logical, and another section is used to test specialized knowledge.