Topics in English family and relatives. Story about a family in English

Hello friends! In this lesson we will learn how to write story about your family in English.

We will analyze the proposed topic about family, and based on it we will learn to write our own. The text is quite simple, since this task is usually offered to students with an intermediate/below-intermediate level of English.

English dictionary for beginners on the topic “My family”:


Educational text

1. Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I want to tell you about my family.

2. My family is not very big. It consists of 3 members - my mother, my father and me.

3. At first I will tell you about my mother. My mother's name is Elena. She is 27 years old. She has got brown hair and brown eyes. She is slim. She is very kind and always ready to help me. Her profession is a teacher. She likes her work very much.

4. Now I’ll tell you about my father. His name is Alexander. He is 27, too. He is very tall. His eyes and his hair are brown. He is an electrical engineer. I think, he can fix everything!

5. My parents are very funny and energetic people. When everyone is at home, we like to talk about everything. We play different games together. We also like to walk in the street. When we have time, we drive to parks, or such interesting places like big supermarkets, cafes, the center of the city.

6. I’ve also got grandparents, but they don’t live with us. We visit them very often.

7. My family is great, I love all of them very much.

We analyze the educational text and compose our own

1. Introduction

Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I want to tell you about my family. - Hello, my name is Veronica. Today I want to tell you about my family.

An introduction must be present, but it should not be too long. There is no need to talk about yourself in detail, this is not the topic of this text. You don't have to change anything, just substitute your name.

2. Introductory part about the family

My family is not very big. It consists of 3 members - my mother, my father and me. — My family is not very big. It consists of 3 people - mom, dad and me.

If you have a large family, then write

My family is big.

List who is part of your family.

Words on the topic "Family"

It consists of... and me.

We do not use “I”, but “me”. "I" in English is used only as a subject

For example: I give - I give, I come - I come

BUT: Give me - Give me, Come to me - Come to me

3. A story about mom

At first I will tell you about my mother.

My mother's name is Elena. — My mother’s name is Elena

‘s - possessive case - the name (whose?) of the mother (belongs to the mother).

Substitute your mother's name.

She is 27 years old. — She is 27 years old.

Indicate the age of your mother.

She has got brown hair and brown eyes. — She has brown hair and brown eyes.

Indicate the color of your mother's hair and eyes.

blonde - blonde hair

black - black

light-brown - light brown

green - green eyes

blue - blue

gray - gray

She is slim. - She's slim

plump - full

sporty - sporty

tall - high

not very tall - low

She is very kind and always ready to help me. “She is very kind and always ready to help me.”

Write what your mother

kind - kind

nice - good

active - active

funny - cheerful

positive - positive person

Her profession is a teacher. She likes her work very much. — Her profession is teacher. She loves her job very much.

Indicate your mother's profession. Use a dictionary.

If mom doesn’t like her job, then write She doesn’t like her job very much.

If mom doesn't work, write that she is a housewife

She is a housewife.

4. About dad

Now I'll tell you about my father. - Now I’ll tell you about my dad.

His name is Alexander. - His name is Alexander

Please provide your father's name.

His name is ______.

He is 27, too. — He is also 27. (like his mother.)

If the parents' ages do not match, there is no need to write too.

He is ____ years old.

He is very tall. - He is very tall

Describe your father.

not tall - not tall

short - low

strong - strong

His eyes and his hair are brown. — His eyes are brown, his hair is brown.

His eyes are ____ and his hair is _____.

He is an electrical engineer. — He is an electrical engineer.

He is a _______.

I think, he can fix everything! “I think he can fix anything.”

5. About the family in general.

Here it is worth describing your lifestyle, traditions, habits, and way of life. Everything that you consider necessary and that can characterize your family as a whole.

My parents are very funny and energetic people. — My parents are very cheerful and energetic people.

My parents are ______ and _____ people.

When everyone is at home, we like to talk about everything. - When everyone is home, we love talk about everything in the world.

When everyone is at home, we like to ______________.

Indicate what you like to do as a family.

We play different games together. - We are playing different games together.

What you can do together:

We watch TV together - We watch TV together

We work in the garden - We work in the garden

We listen to music - We listen to music

We sing songs - We sing songs

We ride bikes - We ride bicycles

We read and discuss books - We read and discuss books

We visit our relatives and friends - We go to visit relatives and friends

We draw - We draw

We also like to walk in the street. — We also really love to walk.

When we have time, we drive to parks or such interesting places like big supermarkets, cafes, the center of the city. — When we have time, we like to go to parks or interesting places such as large supermarkets, cafes, and the city center.

When we have time, we drive to _________ - When we have time, we drive ______

Where else can you go?

cinema - cinema

village - village

cottage-plot - suburban plot

market - market

theater - theater

exhibition - exhibition

6. About those family members who do not live with you

I’ve also got grandparents, but they don’t live with us. — I also have grandparents, but they don’t live with us.

grandparents - grandmother and grandfather, one might say grandmother and grandfather.

I’ve also got _________, but they don’t live with us. — I have ________, but they don’t live with us.

I’ve also got _________, but he/she doesn’t live with us. — I have ______, but he/she doesn’t live with us.

We visit them very often. — We visit them often.

If a person is alone, then instead them we write him - his, or her-ee.

7. Completion

My family is great, I love all of them very much. — My family is wonderful, I love everyone very much.

Now you can easily talk about your family in English! Good luck! (600+ video lessons in English);

My Family (3)

Our family is not large. We are a family of four: my father, my mother, my younger brother and I.

My name is Olga. I am seventeen. I am a school leaver. My younger brother is ten. He is a pupil of the fifth form. He looks like our father. He has brown eyes, short straight hair. He is tall and thin. As for me everyone says I look like my mother. I have the same blue eyes, a snub nose, fair curly hair. I am not tall and 1 am not thin. I am an ordinary girl of 17.

Our family lives in Moscow. We have a nice three-roomed flat on the fourth floor of a multistoried building. We have all modern conveniences: running hot and cold water, telephone, central heating, rubbish chute. We have no gas range. All the flats in our house are provided with electric cookers. We are satisfied with our flat where we moved only a year ago.

My mother is about 40. She looks pretty well We all love dearly our Mum, and are always ready to help her about the house. We try to share our duties. Returning home after classes I usually do the shopping. 1 drop in at the bakery and at the dairy.

My younger brother also has his duties about the house. He helps mother to set the table and wash the dishes. He usually sweeps the floor and dusts the furniture. On Saturdays Dad joins us in our work about the house. He likes to make or repair something. He also likes to clean the flat with a vacuum-cleaner. I suppose it"s his little hobby But speaking seriously his real hobby is taking photos. He can do it perfectly well. We have several family albums with the pictures taken by him.

My father is an engineer in computers. He is considered to be an experienced engineer. We are very proud of him but there is one unpleasant thing with this: he is always busy and very often he works overtime.

My mother is an economist. The firm she works in deals with trading. They have business in different towns of Russia. She is to go on business trips from time to time.

We have a little summer house and a lovely garden near it not far from Moscow. The nature is very beautiful there. There is a lake there. My grandparents like to live there in summer.

They don"t work now. They are on pension. They live in an industrial district of the city where the air is rather polluted. That"s why they are always looking forward to going to our summer house. My Granny is fond of gardening and my Grandpa likes to go fishing.

Our family is friendly. 1 like them all.

My family (3)

Our family is small. There are four people in our family: dad, mom, my younger brother and me.

My name is Olga. I am seventeen years old. I am a graduate. My younger brother is ten years old. He is a fifth grade student. He looks like dad. He has brown eyes and short straight hair. He is tall and thin. As for me, everyone says that I look like my mother. I have the same blue eyes, snub nose, blond curly hair. I'm not tall and not thin. I'm an ordinary 17-year-old girl.

Our family lives in Moscow. We have a nice three-room apartment on the fourth floor of a high-rise building. We have all modern amenities: hot and cold water, telephone, central heating, garbage disposal. We don't have a gas stove. All apartments in our building are equipped with electric stoves. We love our apartment, which we just moved into a year ago.

My mother is 40 years old. She doesn't look her age. We all love our mother very much and are always ready to help her around the house. We try to share our responsibilities. When I return home after school, I usually do some shopping. I go to the bakery and the dairy store.

My younger brother also has his own household responsibilities. He helps his mother set the table and wash the dishes. He usually washes the floor and wipes dust from the furniture. On Saturdays, dad joins us in our household chores. He loves to make or repair things. He also likes to vacuum. I even think that this is his hobby. But seriously, his real hobby is photography. He does it very well. We have several family albums with photographs he took.

My father is a computer engineer. He is considered an experienced engineer. We are very proud of him, but there is one negative side: he is always busy and very often works overtime.

My mother is an economist. The company where she works is engaged in trade. They have businesses in different cities of Russia. From time to time my mother has to go on business trips.

We have a small dacha with a garden not far from Moscow. The nature there is very beautiful. There is a lake there. My grandparents like to live there in the summer.

They don't work now, they are retired. They live in the factory district of the city, where the air is quite polluted. That is why they always look forward to a trip to the country. My grandmother enjoys gardening and my grandfather enjoys fishing.

Our family is friendly. I love them all.

An English essay on the topic “My family” is presented for students of secondary schools. This English topic on the topic Family can be useful for 8th and 9th graders studying the topic of family and interpersonal relationships. Topics on the topic Family in English can be used for writing homework or class work as a prototype and sample.

Topic "Family"

Family plays the leading role in everyone’s life. It consists of people you love. And you can be sure that they are the only people that will definitely love you the most. It does not matter who you are, what you do, because you all are the closest people to each other. All of you should support each other to overcome the difficulties together.

Almost everyone will agree that your home is where your family is. A child is the central person of a family. If he or she has been grown up in a good family, he should be thankful for his happy childhood. But if everything was not very good he also must be grateful for such experience. People need to learn from someone's or their own mistakes. That is something like life “science”, so you could be a thankful student.

Every family begins with a mother. To tell more, every gene originates from a mother. They are our savers and the people that will encourage us all our lives. Your life starts from being one organism with your mother during 9 months. You are connected physically, but this is a connection that will not be broken just being cut by scissors. It is something more than just physical contact. That is why someone’s mother can feel if something is wrong with her child, even if they are kilometers away from each other.

Usually, people associate family only with their parents and the closest relatives. But actually, it is not completely right. Everybody you love as a friend or as a person could be named a part of your family. Even your domestic pet may be a member of your family if you want to think so.

Topic "Family" (translation)

The family plays a leading role in the life of every person. It is made up of people you love. And you can be sure that these are the only people who will love you the most no matter what. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do, because you have no one closer to each other. You must support each other to overcome difficulties together.

Almost everyone would agree that home is where your family is. The child is the central personality of the family. If he grows up in a good family, he should be grateful for his happy childhood. But if everything was not very good, he should also be grateful for such an experience. People should learn from someone else's or their own mistakes. It's something of a life science and you should be a grateful student.

Every family starts with the mother. Moreover, each clan originates from the mother. They are our guardians and people who will support us throughout our lives. Your life begins with the fact that you are one organism with your mother for 9 months. You are connected physically, but it is such a connection that it will not be broken only by being cut with scissors. There is more to it than just physical contact. This is why someone's mother can feel if something is wrong with her child, even if they are miles apart.

Typically, people associate families only with parents and immediate family. But in fact, this is not completely correct. Everyone you love as a friend or as a person can be considered part of your family. Even your pet can be a member of the family if you want to consider it as such.

Family is the most important thing in our life. "A story about my family" is a topic that is included in mandatory list essay in English in the school curriculum. The purpose of this topic is not only to consolidate knowledge foreign language, but also to teach children to appreciate their parents, help brothers and sisters, and take care of their grandparents.

Essay structure

A story about a family in English should consist of an introduction (30-70 words), a main part (80-150 words) and a conclusion (30-70 words). In high school, they sometimes write extended essays of 500-700 words. To pass the Unified State Exam, you must write an essay consisting of 250-300 words.

The introduction should contain information about the author of the essay (his name, age, possibly hobbies). The main part briefly describes all family members, indicating their type of activity, activities, and hobbies. Also here it is necessary to characterize what unites the whole family into one - family traditions, habits, activities on weekends, etc. In conclusion, a conclusion is drawn about the role of the family in a person’s life, and the student’s personal attitude towards his family is expressed.

Using a similar structure, a story about a family can be written in German, French and other languages.

What do you pay attention to when evaluating a story?

When evaluating a story about a family, grammatical correctness, as well as the logic and completeness of the presentation are taken into account. Even if the text is written without errors, it will not be given a good grade if the content does not fully cover the topic.

About each family member you should give approximately the same information: name (required), age, profession (for parents, grandparents), hobbies, hobbies.

“A story about my family” does not have to contain only positive assessments. It is also possible to criticize the behavior of one of the family members, indicating problems in relationships with a brother, sister, or parents. Don't be shy to talk about negative aspects, because everyone has problems. Not every family can be called truly happy, but in the story you should still try to describe the family objectively, paying more attention to the positive aspects.

In an essay you need not only to show your knowledge of the English language, but also to express your opinion on the topic of the essay.

A small dictionary on the topic “family”

“The Story of My Family” is created not only to tell about important people in our lives, but also to demonstrate knowledge of the meanings of words that are associated with the topic “Family”. Of course, many simple words, denoting family ties, are known to every schoolchild. But not everyone knows the vocabulary that denotes distant relatives and other family members. Therefore, we offer a small list that can help when writing a story.

baby brother / baby sister

youngest brother or sister




my close people

my relatives, relatives

closest relatives; nearest relatives

immediate family

close relatives

distant relatives

distant, non-close relatives

family members; members of the family

family members



Phrases that can help when writing a story

In a story about a family in English, you can optionally use the following expressions:

First of all let me tell about my grandfather / father ...

First of all let me tell you about my grandfather/father...)

Our family is small/large

Our family is small/big

There are… members / people in my family.

In my family... there is a person.

There are 4 / 5 of us in our family.

There are 4/5 people in our family.

Besides me there is (two more children, three more children) in our family

Apart from me, our family has (two, three children).

My younger brother is only (2 / 3 / 4 years old)

My little brother is only (2/3/4 years old).

He / she is clever / active / kind

He/she is smart, active, kind.

His / her favorite subject is…

His/her favorite subject...

He / she is lazy.

He/she is lazy.

He/she doesn’t like…

He/she doesn't like...

I would like to…

I would like…

I am proud of...

I'm proud...

I am happy because...

I'm happy because...

I am sad because...

I'm sad because...

A story about a family with translation into Russian. Example 1

Below is an example of a story about a family in English with translation. The text can be used in grades 6-8 at school.

My name is Nikolay, i am 13 years old and I would like to describe you our family.

My family is not really large but very friendly. I have mother, father, brother and sister. I also have grandma, but she doesn’t live with us. She lives in another city. I visit my grandmother one time by month. Her name is Olga. She is 71 y.o.

My father's name is Alexander. He is a doctor. He is kind and clever person.

My mother called Natalia. She is a housewife. Every day she cooks, cleans the home and takes care of our family. She also helps to my father. She is very beautiful and kind. My mother always tells me that the family is the most important this in life.

My brother's name is Arkadiy. He is 11 years old. His favorite subject is history. After school he likes to play football with me and our friends.

My sister's name is Tatiana. She is only 3 years old. She is a funny, active and smart girl.

My hobby is painting. Also I like reading books.

Every weekend all members from my family spend time together. We visit museums, go for a walk, go the cinema or to the theatre. Every summer we go to Crimea or Egypt. I like going to the beach and swimming. But my brother Mikhail prefers to spend his holiday in forest or mountains. He likes winter.

I adore my family.

My name is Nikolai, I am 13 years old and I would like to tell you about our family.

My family is not very big, but very friendly. I have a mother, father, brother and sister. I also have a grandmother, but she doesn't live with us. She lives in another city. I visit my grandmother once a month. Her name is Olga, she is 71 years old.

My father's name is Alexander. He is a doctor. He is a kind and smart person.

My mother's name is Natalya. He is a housewife. Every day she cooks, cleans the house and takes care of our family. She also helps my father. She is very beautiful and kind. My mother always tells me that family is the most important thing in the world.

My brother's name is Arkady. He is 11 years old. His favorite subject is history. After school he likes to play football with me and our friends.

My sister's name is Tatyana. She is only 3 years old. She is a cheerful, active and smart girl.

On weekends, all members of our family spend time together. We visit museums, walk, go to the cinema or theatre. Every summer we go to Crimea or Egypt. I love going to the beach and swimming. But my brother Mikhail prefers to spend his holidays in the forest or in the mountains. He loves winter.

I adore my family.

A story about a family with translation into Russian. Example 2

Sometimes not only people, but also pets are considered a family. In fact, aren't they family members? In the story about my family, you can also mention your favorite pets. This will come in handy.

Below you can see an example of a story about a family in English (with translation), written on behalf of a 4th grade student.

Hello everyone! My name is Nikita and I am from Novgorod, a beautiful and great town. I am ten y.o. and I am in the 4th year.

I have two sisters. Maria is my baby sister. She is only four years old and every day my mother brings her to kindergarten.

I also have another sister called Anna. She is nineteen years old and she studies psychology at university. She has a fiance, his name is Oleg. He is very kind and intelligent. Every weekend he visits our home. We playing tennis or walking together.

Our parents are nice and very understanding. They are always ready to help us when we have problems.

My father, Sergey, is a doctor. He is forty-seven years old. My mother is a nurse. Her name is Alina and she is forty-one years old.

I think that our lovely pets are also the members of our family. I like animals and I take care about my little pet.

In our family we have three pets: a big black dog, a little white cat and a black-white rabbit. The rabbit belongs to me, the dog is a pet of my baby sister and the cat is a pet of my elder sister.

We are a happy family!

Hi all! My name is Nikita and I am from Novgorod, a beautiful and great city. I am 10 years old and I study in the 4th grade.

I have two sisters. Maria is my youngest sister. She is only 4 years old and every day my mother takes her to kindergarten.

I also have another sister, her name is Anna. She is 19 years old and studying psychology at university. She has a fiance, his name is Oleg. He is very kind and smart. Every weekend he comes to visit us. We play tennis or go for walks together.

Our parents are good and very understanding. They are always ready to help us if we have problems.

My father Sergei works as a doctor. He is 47 years old. My mother works as a nanny. Her name is Alina and she is 41 years old.

I believe that our beloved pets are also members of our family. I love animals and take care of my little pet.

Our family has three pets: a black dog, a white cat and a black and white rabbit. The rabbit is mine, the dog is my younger sister's pet, and the cat is my older sister's pet.

We are a happy family!


When working on the topic “A story about my family,” you must be sincere and, if possible, present everything in an interesting way. Remember that sometimes it is better to write a short but high-quality essay than a long story that will be boring to read. After all, family is the most precious thing we have. And most importantly, every family is unique and inimitable!

My family is quite big. We are five: my mother, my father, my younger sister, my grandfather and I.

My sister’s name is Lana, she is 2 years younger than me. We study at the same school. Lana is a pretty and calm girl. She is good at dancing and knitting. She says she is going to become a designer after school. My sister and I are very close friends. As for me, my hobbies are listening to music, swimming and travelling. Moreover I am also fond of learning foreign languages.

Our dad's name is Igor. He is a supervisor in the food industry. He is tall and strong. We all adore his good sense of humour. He loves telling jokes and it always helps us when we are in a bad mood. Dad loves playing football, going fishing and cooking. Besides he can repair almost everything in our house. By the way my sister and I look like our dad.

My mother's name is Dina. I think she is very beautiful and intelligent. Mum is a bit serious but she is very popular among her colleagues and her friends. They really respect her. She is fond of reading and going to theatres. Mother has worked as an accountant in a bank for 15 years already.

My granddad is a pensioner. He is quite old and he lives with us. He loves watching TV and making delicious pies.

My parents are very kind, caring and hard-working. They are always busy but they try to give us everything we need and deserve.

We have a summer house and an orchard in the country and we spend our summer weekends there. Our grandfather loves gardening, growing vegetables, berries and flowers. Our favorite family holidays are New Year’s Day and Easter. We usually invite our friends, cook fantastic food and sing karaoke. I really enjoy the time that we spend with our family together.


My family is quite big. There are five of us: mom, dad, little sister, grandfather and me.

My sister's name is Lana, she is 2 years younger than me. We study at the same school. Lana is a beautiful and calm girl. She dances and knits well. She says she plans to become a designer after school. My sister and I are close friends. As for me, my hobbies are music, swimming and traveling. Moreover, I am interested in learning foreign languages.

Our dad's name is Igor. He is a controller in food industry. He is strong and tall. We all adore him good feeling humor. He loves to tell jokes and it always helps us when we are in a bad mood. Dad loves to play football, go fishing and cook. In addition, he can repair almost anything in the house. By the way, my sister and I look like him.

My mother's name is Dana. I think she is very beautiful and smart. Mom is a little serious, no She is very popular among her colleagues and friends. They respect her very much. She enjoys reading and visiting theatres. Mom has been working as an accountant in a bank for 15 years.

My grandfather is a pensioner. He is quite old and lives with us. He loves watching TV and making delicious pies.

My parents are very kind, caring and hardworking. They are always busy, but they try to give us everything we need and deserve.

We have a summer house and a plot of land in rural areas, and we spend our weekends there in the summer. Our grandfather loves to garden and grow vegetables, berries and flowers. Our favorites family holidays- This New Year and Easter. We usually invite friends over, cook fantastic food and sing karaoke. I really enjoy the time spent with my family.

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