Cherry with bird cherry. Sweet and sour cherry or duque

Meet at wildlife a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry is impossible. The appearance of such plants is the merit of I.V. Michurina. To obtain the hybrid, prairie cherry and Japanese bird cherry (also known as Japanese cherry subspecies) were used.

As a result of crossing plants, two species were obtained: cerapadus and padocerus, depending on which tree acted as the mother tree.

The first hybrid (cerapadus) received powerful roots, increased frost resistance and immunity to many diseases. However, its fruits had an unpleasant bitter taste. Such a plant could serve as a good rootstock for varietal cherries and cherries. Over time, breeders managed to bring the taste of the fruit to the proper level. The result was plants that produced sweet, large fruits.

Cerapadus varieties

Cerapadus is now grown almost throughout the CIS. The hybrid has a dense crown with an abundance of greenery, dense and tucked. It has high resistance to disease and cold. The hybrid bears fruit abundantly, with large, beautiful berries.

The Novella variety has the shape of a tree and usually does not exceed a height of three meters. He has a powerful root system. The hybrid belongs to the mid-early varieties resistant to coccomycosis. Its big advantage is self-fertility. The berries are black and glossy, very large.

"Rusinka" grows in the form of a bush and can reach two meters in height. The variety is a late, self-fertile variety. Just like Novella, it has high frost resistance. The fruits of this cherry - bird cherry (although it would be correct to say “cherry”, because in all classifiers the plant is mentioned as cherry) bears small, sweet and sour and also black in color.

Cerapadus “In Memory of Lewandowski” is another bush hybrid. The variety is self-sterile, which means it definitely needs pollinators. They can be Subbotinskaya cherry, Lyubarskaya cherry, Turgenevka variety, and Ashinskaya cherry. The variety “In Memory of Lewandowski” also tolerates influence well low temperatures, and is immune to coccomycosis. The yield indicator is small. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste.

Popular varieties of padocerus

Padocerus is no less popular. It is obtained when the mother plant is bird cherry "Maaka". Its fruits taste even better than the fruits of Cerapadus.

“Padocerus-M” is the main hybrid; the Almaz cherry variety originates from it, from which the “Korona” cherry, “Kharitonovskaya” cherry, the “Firebird” variety and the “Aksamit” variety were later bred.

The most popular of them is the Kharitonovskaya cherry. This tree is about three meters high. The variety is self-sterile. The best pollinators for it are the “Vladimirskaya” variety and the “Zhukovskaya” variety.

Cherry "Kharitonovskaya" is famous for its fruits. The juicy large dark red fruit with orange flesh has excellent taste.

The variety demonstrates high resistance to common diseases: gum disease and coccomycosis, as well as good yield.

Padocerus "Firebird" is another famous variety. The fruits are medium-sized, dark coral in color. The berries taste sweet, but you can clearly feel the aroma and tartness that the bird cherry introduced. Typically this variety is a tree or bush up to two and a half meters. Its yield is good, but its resistance to frost is low. Therefore, it is better to plant a hybrid in the south.

Another hybrid is Padocerus “Crown”. Its fruits are located on the branches in groups, the taste of the berries is pleasant with a slight sourness. This hybrid is usually grown in shrub form. "Crown" regularly gives good harvest. Also has complex immunity.

The “Long-Ozhdanny” variety is a hybrid with a strong branched root system and a round, moderately dense crown. Of all the listed varieties, cherry is the most noticeable in this variety. Its berries have a characteristic dark color, red juicy pulp with cherry flavor. But the fact that bird cherry is related to the plant is difficult to guess.

Features of cultivation

Cerapadus and padocerus are most often used as rootstocks for cherries, plums or cherries. Not everyone likes bird cherry and cherry, which combine in the taste of the fruit.
Plant seedlings are purchased from specialized stores or nurseries.

Planting is carried out in early autumn or mid-spring. Any hybrid of the two is resistant to frost, so you don’t have to worry about it. In addition, the plant is not picky about soil, Any will do non-acidic soil of average fertility. You should choose a lighted area without shadow or wind.

The pits, if planting in the spring, are prepared in the fall, and for autumn planting - a month before the event. It is necessary to plant two or three trees at once in the garden, even if the variety is self-fertile.

The first two years the hybrid grows slowly, then it accelerates. The root growth of the plant can extend several meters from the main tree, as a result, a young bush appears not far from the trunk.

It is necessary to leave a distance of three meters between plants, and three and a half meters between rows. Before planting, the roots of the plant need to be kept in clean water. Don’t be too zealous; it’s important to drain the water in time.

The soil mixture for planting usually consists of two buckets of humus, one bucket of soil, one hundred grams of fertilizer (potassium or phosphorus), one glass of nitrophoska. Mix everything thoroughly and fill the pit. When planting is completed, the hybrid needs to be watered warm water(two buckets per seedling) and mulch.

The plant does not require special care, just like cherries or bird cherry. It is important to regularly get rid of weeds, clean root shoots, carry out pruning.

The hybrid is not an “enemy” of the apple tree, so they can be planted nearby. Feeding is carried out as needed.

Hybrid of plum and cherry

For the first time they tried to cross cherry and plum in the USA. Now the plant is successfully grown in the countries of the post-Soviet space.

A hybrid of plum and cherry can now be found on any gardener’s plot. The plum-cherry hybrid usually has a height of up to two meters. It begins to bear fruit in the second year. The fruit of the plant looks like a small plum with a small seed. Depending on the variety, the size of the berry can range from fifteen to twenty-five grams.

The taste of the fruit is delicate, not as pronounced as plum or cherry.

The appearance of the berries also depends on the variety. For example, the “Pyramidal” hybrid has yellow fruits, while the “Manor” hybrid has burgundy fruits. Everyone has a pleasant aroma.

Features of planting and care

Plants are winter-hardy. They are characterized by high productivity. However, gardeners often face the problem of keeping the tree warm in winter. To avoid problems, plants should be planted on mounds and drainage should be provided. Acidic soils It is necessary to lime, and clayey ones - to be diluted with sand.

When planting, add rotted compost, three hundred grams of ash, one hundred grams of superphosphate mixed with soil.

After planting, the seedling is watered with warm water.

Vishnevo - a plum seedling purchased in the fall can be buried for the winter before planting.

Most varieties of this plant are self-sterile. Any plum-cherry hybrid is perfect for pollinating them, but an ordinary plum or cherry is not. You can use Bessey cherry for these purposes.

The distance between trees in the garden should be about two and a half meters.

The plant blooms later than a regular plum; they rarely get frost. And if this happens, then the damage is minimal.

Caring for plum cherries is the same as caring for regular cherries. Nitrogen fertilizers are not applied before fruiting. Ash is most often used as fertilizer. From spring to autumn, you can spray the tree with complex fertilizer several times.

The plant propagates by cuttings or by digging in shoots - horizontal layering. Hybrids do not produce root shoots.

It is important to protect trees from the wind; they should be planted in places protected from it.

Popular varieties

"Cherry" plum variety "Gem" grows in height from 1.7 to 2.3 meters. The crown of the plant is reverse pyramidal. The fruits are juicy, with yellowish-green flesh. The maximum weight of the fetus is twenty grams. From one plant you can harvest thirty kilograms of crop.

The “Opata” variety is no less popular. This is a medium-sized spreading bush up to two meters in height. The fruits have an average weight of eighteen grams. The skin is reddish-brown and the flesh is yellow-green and sweet. The branches of the bush are thin, so that they do not fall under the weight of the fruit, they use supports.

"Mainor" bears fruits up to fifteen grams, with dark burgundy pulp, which ripen at the end of August. The plant tolerates frost and drought well.

The “Pyramidal” variety refers to dwarf bushes with a compact crown, as the name implies, pyramidal in shape. The fruits weighing up to fifteen grams are yellow in color and have juicy, sweet pulp.

“Omsk Night” - another one hybrid variety. This is a compact low bush up to one and a half meters in height. The fruits are soft and sweet, black in color, weighing up to fifteen grams. The bush begins to bear fruit in the second year.

“Beta” is a bush up to one and a half meters high, with a shale crown. The fruits are round, small, dark red, and taste like cherries. The bone is also small. The plant produces a bountiful harvest.

"Hiawatha" is a low, compact bush with small burgundy-colored fruits. The pleasant taste of the fruit compensates for its small size.

Cherry-cherry hybrid

The hybrid that appeared when cherries and sweet cherries were crossed is also well known to gardeners. Perhaps the most popular plant variety is “Rubinovka”. This is an early hybrid, reaching a height of two meters. One large fruit can weigh about eight grams. Medium cherry weighs approximately seven grams, for comparison.

The berries have a dark red color and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. They ripen towards the end of June. Fifteen kilograms of harvest can be harvested from one tree.
The variety is partially self-fertile. The Lyubskaya cherry can be used as a pollinator.

Planting and caring for the variety is no different from planting and caring for cherries.

Apparently, it is in human nature not to “wait for favors from nature,” but to create varieties and species of plants with attractive properties independently, artificially. The appearance of hybrids is proof of this.

What is a hybrid

The term “hybrid” in botany refers to an organism obtained by crossing different forms. As a result, the genetic material different cells united in one single one.

Of course, there are known cases of natural hybridization: for example, grapefruit is the result of a natural crossing of a pomelo and an orange, but in the vast majority of cases this is a carefully controlled process. A hybrid of cherry and bird cherry, tangerine and orange, peach and nectarine, plum and apricot - all these are the results of many years of painstaking work by biologists.

The purpose of obtaining hybrids in botany

The desire of breeders to experiment with breeding hybrids of various fruit plants explained by the desire to improve their initial characteristics: yield, resistance to pests and immunity to diseases, frost resistance, as well as to obtain new taste qualities, improve appearance or improve transportability.

Cherry hybrids

Cherry is a popular plant, so breeders could not ignore it. Several successful cherry hybrids are known. First, sour cherries can be crossed with sour cherries. The hybrid is called Duke and has increased winter hardiness and resistance to certain diseases, as well as sweeter fruits than cherries. The hybrid of cherry and cherry plum is very beautiful during flowering, tolerates frost well and does not require careful care. There is also a hybrid of cherry and plum, the fruits of which have a unique dual taste. Finally, the work of breeders in crossing cherries with Japanese Maaka bird cherry can be called successful. We will dwell on this hybrid in more detail.

Padocerus or Cerapadus?

The hybrid of cherry and bird cherry is not very widely known. As a rule, novice gardeners have not heard anything about it at all. However, by crossing these plants, you can get two interspecific hybrids: padocerus and cerapadus. These names may seem somewhat tricky and worthy of dinosaurs rather than fruit trees, but in fact everything is simple and logical: they are derived from the Latin names of cherry (Cerasus) and bird cherry (Padus). Figuratively speaking, cerapadus is a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry, whose mother is a cherry and whose father is a bird cherry. This option turned out to be more successful and has become more widespread in gardening. If bird cherry flowers are pollinated by cherry pollen, the result will be padocerus.

It must be said that only the Japanese bird cherry Maaka, which combines the characteristics of both bird cherry and cherry, but has bitter fruits, is suitable for crossing with cherries. In some sources it is now classified as a cherry, although it would be fairer to say that it occupies a certain intermediate position between these species.

Features of the hybrid: appearance and properties

The hybrid of cherry and bird cherry, the photo of which is presented in the article, is more like bird cherry, and its fruits are located on the tree in clusters: several pieces on one stalk, and not singly or in pairs, as is the case with cherries. The berries are dark, almost black, juicy, and taste from sour-bitter to sour-sweet. Externally, the fruits of cerepadus resemble cherries to a greater extent.

Initially, as a result of selection in the 20s of the last century, Michurin obtained 3 types of cerapadus: No. 1 (from steppe cherry and Maak bird cherry), large cerapadus (Ideal was used) and sweet cerapadus. The fruits of Cerapadus No. 1 were not only bitter, but also poisonous, as they contained hydrocyanic acid.

The hybrid of cherry and bird cherry, even now, after many years of work by breeders, has fruits that are not particularly sweet. Interestingly, the more frost-resistant the cerapaduses are, the more bitter their berries are.

Repeated crossing of cerapadus with cherry trees led to the appearance of popular varieties. For example, the cerapadus varieties Dolgozhdnaya and Novella have fruits with a completely “cherry” taste and size, the Pedinstitutskaya variety is distinguished by large clusters of berries, and Rusinka has particularly high winter hardiness and fruits quite suitable for fresh consumption. Most often, the cerapadus crop has technical purpose and is used for juices and syrups.

The value of cerapadus

The hybrid of cherry and bird cherry is valued because it really has high resistance to frost and has a very well developed root system. Another important property - the resistance of cerapadus to diseases - was remembered in the 60s of the last century, when coccomycosis struck cherry orchards - a disease in which the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off in early summer, and the trees themselves weaken and do not survive the winter. In this case, cerapaduses are successfully used as a rootstock for seedlings of varietal cherries, at the same time significantly increasing their frost resistance.

Note: the rootstock is the plant to which a cutting with a bud of the variety of interest to the gardener is grafted. The rootstock plays a very important role: it provides adequate nutrition to the upper part of the plant, i.e. the scion.

Care and reproduction

As for care, cerapaduses are very unpretentious, they can grow anywhere and on any soil, special attention do not require treatment with fungicides. Care comes down to pruning to form a bush or tree crown, and weeding trunk circle. Regular feeding is also not necessary.

Cerapaduses reproduce, as befits hybrids, exclusively by cuttings in order to avoid splitting of acquired characteristics.

Hybrid of bird cherry and cherry: beneficial properties

Cherry fruits have a very rich composition: vitamins A, C, E and group B, organic acids, micro- and macroelements. IN folk medicine Cherries are used as an expectorant, antipyretic, antiviral and bactericidal agent, as well as for the prevention of heart disease. reduces blood clotting and increases hemoglobin.

Bird cherry fruits thanks high content tannins are very effective as a fixative, while normalizing intestinal function and improving the condition of the stomach walls. Bird cherry is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Maak's bird cherry is generally extremely rich in biologically active substances.

It is impossible to say for sure whether Cerapadus inherited absolutely everything beneficial properties both of its “parents,” but it is reliably known that the decoction of its berries has a pronounced antipyretic effect, and the fruits themselves have a rich chemical composition.

Hybrid of bird cherry and cherry: culinary recipes

Cerapadus fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, so even those who are not good at cooking can always simply freeze the berries to use them for compote or fruit drink in winter. In general, if the question arises about what to prepare from a hybrid of bird cherry and cherry, it is enough to use any traditional recipe, in which his “parents” appear. Thus, you can make jam, make tinctures and liqueurs, or you can use these sour berries as a filling for pies and pancakes.

A recently developed hybrid of cherry and bird cherry - cerapadus - is increasingly used for growing on summer cottages. A plant obtained by pollinating a cherry tree with bird cherry pollen has good performance productivity and disease resistance.

Features of the variety

Cerapadus was bred by breeder Michurin by crossing two fruit trees: bird cherry and cherry. According to external data, the crop is similar to bird cherry, the fruits resemble small cherries. Cerapadus is the name of the crop obtained by pollinating cherries with bird cherry. There is another variety of hybrid - padocerus, which is obtained by crossing the parent bird cherry tree and the cherry pollinator.

The species is perfect for the rootstock of crops: cherries, sweet cherries, currants. The hybrid is perfect as a pollinator for early varieties cherries. Planting several varieties of fruit trees nearby will help improve the quality of fruiting.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The cherry-cherry hybrid has a lot of positive qualities:

  • winter hardiness allows you to safely plant the species in the northern and central regions of the country;
  • a developed root system ensures healthy development of the plant;
  • the variety is medium in size, which allows you to grow several trees at once in small areas;
  • versatility of fruits in use: thanks to the sugar taste and medicinal properties widely used in food industry and are used to create drugs;
  • resistance to fungal infections allows varieties to be grown in conditions of high humidity.

The disadvantage of the cherry-bird cherry hybrid is that the berries are unsuitable for consumption raw.

Due to the small size of the fruit, Cerapadus was created for the purpose of grafting cherries and cherries.

Existing varieties

Varieties of cherry-bird cherry hybrids differ in taste, yield and resistance to diseases and harmful insects. The choice of crop for cultivation should be based on the characteristics of the planting region.

The most common varieties:

  • Novella;
  • Rusinka;
  • Long awaited;
  • Crown;
  • Firebird.

Care conditions are the same for all varieties.


The Novella variety has an average ripening rate. A tall tree up to 3 m in height has a spreading top. It has a well-formed rhizome, resistance to the fungal infection coccomycosis, and flower ovaries tolerate spring frosts well. It needs additional pollination, for which cherry or sweet cherry trees are planted nearby.

The berries are almost black in color, with a red-blue tint. The taste is sweet and has a tart aftertaste. The bone is well separated from the pulp.


Hybrid Rusinka grows up to 2.5 m and is a medium-sized tree, the crown is not thickened, it is formed into a spherical shape. Self-pollinating allows the tree to be planted as a single tree. It is winter hardy (down to -45°C).

The berries are dark red, sometimes with a bluish tint. The pulp is juicy, the stone is large. Weight - about 3 g. The skin is dense and is not damaged during transportation over long distances.


A medium-sized plant with a dense round crown. It has high yields.

The berries are large, up to 6 g, with juicy, loose pulp. The peel color is dark scarlet.


The culture belongs to a variety of shrubs. It has a high degree of resistance to the most common diseases caused by fungal spores.

The fruits are sweet and sour, weighing about 4 g. They grow in groups on the branches.


The crown of the Firebird variety is slightly thickened and has a dense configuration. The plant reaches 2.5 m in height. Excellent for planting in warm southern and central regions.

The berries weigh 4 g, are sweet in taste, with dense pulp that is easily separated from the stone. Thanks to their thick skin, they can be transported over long distances.

Growing rules

Cerapadus should be grown in open areas. It is desirable to avoid drafts, which can cause diseases and insect infestations. Good lighting will also not harm the plant, the humidity should be moderate, and it is better to choose an area with low water levels to avoid flooding of the root system. When planting several plants, it is important to maintain a distance of about 3 m so that the trees do not interfere with each other’s development and do not create shadow.

It is important to properly prepare the soil for planting. For a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry, the best is neutral acidity of the soil. If the pH is higher than normal, then the acidity should be reduced by liming the area. For 1 sq. m. use a bucket of water diluted with 0.5 kg of dolomite flour. The seedling must meet several criteria:

  • there must be a trace of grafting, which proves the authenticity of the variety;
  • no breaks or dryness;
  • a well-developed root system, rotting or broken roots are not allowed.

Landing must follow certain rules.

  1. Site preparation begins in the fall. The soil is dug up with compost in order to mineralize and increase fertility.
  2. A hole is dug in the spring with the onset of warmth: 50 cm deep and 70 cm wide.
  3. Removing the top fertile layer soil, it is immediately mixed with 300 g of superphosphate fertilizer.
  4. A peg is driven into the center of the hole, which will support the plant as it grows, at a height of about 1 m above the hole.
  5. Make a mound of fertile soil up to the middle of the hole and plant a seedling.
  6. Add soil, tamping tightly.
  7. Watering is carried out in the amount of 2 buckets of water.

Features of care

Caring for cerapadus is not difficult; timely watering, pruning and proper fertilizing are sufficient. Watering should be carried out every 10 days during the period of growth and rooting of the seedling. After 2 years, water 3-4 times a season. After each watering or rain, the soil around the trunk should be loosened to provide the rhizome with oxygen and prevent water stagnation.

Starting from the 4th year of crop growth, fertilizing is applied according to the schedule:

  • after spring bloom- nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • during fruit ripening or mid-summer - digging with bird droppings;
  • in the fall - mulching the tree trunk circle with manure.

From the first year of life, plants carry out formative pruning, starting to cut off the growth point of the main shoot from 60 cm. Equally along the main branch, all other shoots are pruned, forming 3 tiers of skeletal branches, each of which should contain 4 strong branches. The rest are cut to zero. The crown is formed within 4-5 years, after which only sanitary pruning is carried out, during which all weak, dry, damaged shoots are cut off.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and harmful insects can weaken the tree and affect yield. Cerapadus is a crop resistant to fungal diseases. Cherry hybrids are more susceptible to insect attacks; aphids and scale insects are especially dangerous.

Aphids - small insect up to 7 mm in length, green, feeding on the sap of leaves and shoots. Leads to leaf fall and loss of yield. Symptoms of aphids: curled leaves with a white coating. To combat aphids, spray with a soap solution: 300 g laundry soap(one block) per bucket warm water. Spraying is carried out for a week 2 times a day.

If you apply preventive measures annually, you can avoid a lot of problems with pests and diseases:

  • digging up the area will help get rid of egg clutches and beetle larvae, which leave their offspring to overwinter in the ground;
  • whitewashing the trunk prevents the development of mold and kills insects that have settled in the bark;
  • sanitary pruning of dry and damaged branches;
  • burning fallen leaves and removing spoiled fruits;
  • spraying early spring copper solution diluted in a proportion of 200 g per 10 liters of water.


Cerapadus - fruit crop, which differs in taste and external qualities. The hybrid of cherry and bird cherry has taken root well in the summer cottages of domestic gardeners, thanks to its frost resistance, ease of care and resistance to diseases.

What are the benefits of hybrids? As a result of crossing parental varieties, certain traits and properties of the fruit that are of interest to humans are improved.

For example, bird cherry trees almost never get sick, pests don’t like cherries, but cherries are delicious.

What happens when crossed? We will talk about this in this article.

Cherry-bird cherry hybrids

Knowledge - amazing thing, they allow scientists to experiment where everything seems to be known. There are cherries that are capricious to growing conditions. delicious berries and unpretentious bird cherry with astringent fruits. Is it not possible best signs get two types into one by crossing them?

In the first half of the 20th century, Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin was the first breeder to produce a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry. He named this hybrid Cerapadus, thanks to the addition of parts of the Latin words “cerasus” - cherry, “padus” - bird cherry. There is another option - Padocerus. The difference is in what pollen the branch with flowers is pollinated with. In Padocerus, bird cherry flowers are pollinated by cherry pollen, and in Cerapadus, cherry flowers received pollen from bird cherry flowers.

Japanese bird cherry has become related to cherry, but the common bird cherry and Virginia bird cherry, an American immigrant, cannot be crossed with cherry.
The varieties created on the basis of cherry and bird cherry hybrids have:

  • winter hardiness;
  • disease resistance;
  • large fruits.

Breeders are working to ensure that the fruits of new varieties are arranged not one by one and in pairs, like cherries, but like bird cherry - in a brush.

Excellent varieties have been developed that combine cherries and bird cherry:

  1. Novella is a self-fertile cherry variety of medium ripening period. Winter-hardy flowers and buds, not afraid of coccomycosis. Getting 15 kg of delicious, almost black berries from one tree is a reality.
  2. Rusinka – late variety. Annual fruiting self-fertile variety and up to 10 kg of sweet and sour fruits per plant attract gardeners.
  3. Padocerus M is a hybrid that became the basis for breeding the Almaz cherry variety. Further work with this variety allowed breeders to develop new varieties of cherries: Aksamit, Korona, Firebird.

Take note: Cerapadus is an excellent rootstock for heat-loving cherry varieties. Powerful root system, resistance to cold winter, rapid development and growth attract gardeners with the opportunity to diversify their gardens by growing southern varieties of cherries.

Plum-cherry hybrids (SVG)

The genetic composition of cherries and plums is similar. Crossing Sand cherry and Ussuri plum produced a stable plant that bears fruit for 3 years.

Unlike ordinary varieties plums and cherries, the hybrid has improved characteristics:

  1. The flowering period shifted by two weeks avoids frost damage.
  2. High yield, rapid annual fruiting.
  3. The decorativeness and neatness of low plants allows you to conveniently arrange them in garden plantings. They do not shade other plants and look beautiful in compositions.
  4. Unpretentiousness: stable root system, not afraid of drought.
  5. Plum and cherry give the hybrid fruit a unique taste. Universal use harvest: fresh, prepared and other processing methods.

Let's take a closer look the best varieties SVG:

  • Hybrid Maynor - dwarf plant Canadian selection. In the second year it bears fruit and delights with delicious fruits. The fruits are fragrant and fleshy. The plant does not freeze.
  • Gemtall plant. The original crown in the form of an inverted pyramid with a height of 2.3 m makes one marvel at the natural imagination.
  • Opata with raspberry fruits will force gardeners to place supports under the branches, otherwise a rich harvest will break them. The yellow-green pulp of the twenty-gram fruits is sweet and juicy.
  • Omsk night. The shrub grows 140 cm and bears fruit in the second year. The bush in August is almost black from the abundance of fruits weighing 15-20 grams with an excellent sweet taste.
  • Far Eastern dessert. In the fourth year after planting, it will delight you with fruits of a rich burgundy color. irregular shape. Weight up to 20 grams. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour. From one bush 18-20 kg - the harvest, you see, is impressive.
  • Amateur reminiscent of the Far Eastern dessert.

Take note: If you have the opportunity to purchase Hiawatha, Beta, Chinook, Sapa, Cheresota, Cystena, cherry plums should be planted on your site.

A bountiful harvest is possible when hybrids are planted in pairs; one plant will not bear fruit. Ideal option- several varieties. plums and cherries are not pollinators for them. But, on the basis of which some varieties are bred, it will help pollinate plants. The Opata variety is recognized as the best pollinator among hybrids.

How to obtain planting material:

  • horizontal layering is obtained by bending the lower branch for rooting;
  • cuttings;
  • Growing from seeds is undesirable. The gardener runs the risk of receiving a specimen with degraded characteristics. There are exceptions, but the risk in this case is not justified;
  • Cherry plums do not form root suckers; this propagation option is excluded.

Dukes are the so-called hybrids of cherries and cherries in honor of the May Duke variety, which appeared in the 18th century in Great Britain. In beautiful and unusual trees combine vitality and productivity, disease resistance and the formation of tasty fruits.

The first variety in Russia was developed by the great Michurin more than 120 years ago.

The variety sample was called Beauty of the North. Until the eighties of the last century, there were few Dukes. Since the 90s, work has picked up, and breeders have developed productive varieties with quality fruits. But there are no limits to creating the ideal hybrid, work continues.

Gardeners are already growing well-known varieties of dukes on their plots, such as: Ivanovna, Igrushka, Nochka, Dorodnaya, Alisa, May Duke, Maiskaya, Sesstrenka, Chernavka, .

  1. When choosing a location, you should take into account the level of occurrence groundwater. If he is tall, they imprison him fruit tree on a bulk hill, high-quality drainage is required. The distance between plants is 2 meters. Acidic soils require the addition of dolomite flour, clay soils require humus and river sand. Well seasoned landing pit will give good start young tree.
  2. It is not worth feeding the seedling with nitrogen fertilizers in the first years; this will lead to excessive growth of shoots to the detriment of winter hardiness. But the introduction of ash, phosphorus and potash fertilizers when digging the trunk circle will affect the formation strong tree and the future harvest.
  3. Hybrids from stone fruit ancestors inherited a predisposition to fungal diseases.

Moniliosis affects flowers, leaves, and shoots. The tree may die in a few days (you can read about other cherry diseases). You can avoid damage to other trees by cutting out and burning dead shoots, flowers and leaves. Complex treatment with oxychloride, ferrous sulfate, Bordeaux mixture will save the tree from disease and gardeners from worries.

It is difficult to even list all the hybrids bred on the basis of cherries, but it is not at all difficult to grow several of them in your garden.

About the hybrid of cherry and cherry plum, see this video:

The appearance of hybrids of cherries and related crops is due to the eternal desire of breeders to develop new plants with impeccable characteristics: high-yielding, fast-growing and early-bearing, with large, tasty fruits, resistant to frost and common diseases.

Sweet and sour cherry or duque

If various varieties ordinary or are already growing in your garden, and your soul requires something unusual, try planting cherry hybrids crossed with cherries, bird cherry or plums. The fruits of such hybrids combine the beneficial properties of both parent plants and have a unique taste - sometimes very pleasant, and sometimes specific, for everyone.

Alas, the hopes of breeders have not yet been realized - the hybrids of cherries and bird cherry, cherries or plums that have been developed have not earned enthusiastic reviews from gardeners. Despite the improved characteristics, the hybrids still could not significantly surpass the mother plants in taste, and they also have certain disadvantages.

Video about cerapadus from flowers to berries

Cherries are valued by gardeners for their high winter hardiness and compactness, but many people find their fruits too sour. Sweet cherries, on the contrary, bear tasty sweet fruits of larger sizes, and are more resistant to diseases than cherries. Breeders have long dreamed of combining these advantages in one plant, but most often crossing cherries and cherries led to the creation of sterile hybrids, which after abundant flowering no fruit was set.

First productive hybrids cherries and cherries appeared in the 17th century in Western Europe, in Russia the short name “Dyuki” was assigned to them in honor of the ancient English variety May-Duke. But the European dukes turned out to be unstable in the harsh Russian winters. And only at the end of the 19th century in Russia, Michurin developed a domestic hybrid of cherries and cherries, Krasa Severa, characterized by increased winter hardiness.

Cherries are valued by gardeners for their high winter hardiness and compactness, but many people find their fruits too sour.

Of course, modern varieties of cherry-cherry hybrids are much superior to Beauty of the North in terms of yield, taste and fruit size. Currently in Russian gardens The most common cherry varieties are Chudo-cherry, Meteor, Early English, Igrushka, Shalunya, Nochka, Sis, Vstrecha, Chernyavka, Late Shpanka. And breeders do not stop there, continuing to cross some dukes with others, dukes with cherries or dukes with cherries.

Among the advantages modern varieties cherry:

  • fairly large fruit sizes (from 10 to 17 g);
  • sweet taste of fruits with a pleasant light sourness;
  • rich cherry aroma;
  • abundant fruiting;
  • winter hardiness is higher than that of cherries;
  • good resistance to coccomycosis and moniliosis.

Breeders do not stop there, continuing to cross some dukes with others, dukes with cherries or dukes with cherries

Cerapadus and Padocerus

These frightening Latin words hide the names of amazing fruit trees - cherry-bird cherry hybrids (cherry in Latin “Padus”, cherry in Latin “Cerasus”). The difference is that when a cherry is pollinated by bird cherry, a hybrid is obtained cerapadus, and if, on the contrary, cherry pollen gets on bird cherry flowers, a hybrid is formed padocerus. It is worth noting that crossing cherries is only possible with Japanese bird cherry; ordinary bird cherry and Virginia bird cherry do not produce hybrids.

A hybrid of cherry and bird cherry was also developed by I.V. Michurin at the beginning of the 20th century. Only one form of cerapadus out of three obtained by Michurin has survived to this day. But on the basis of cerapadus, several varieties of cherries have been created, which have received resistance to coccomycosis from bird cherry. In addition, hybrids of cherries and bird cherry make excellent rootstocks for southern varieties of cherries, providing the trees with frost resistance, vigorous growth and a powerful root system.


Popular varieties of cerapadus with tasseled fruits similar in size and taste to cherries: Vstrecha, Dolgozhdnaya, Rusinka and Novella.

Not everyone likes the taste of the fruits of hybrids of cherries and bird cherry, so most often the fruits are used for technical processing.

Cherry with plum flavor

Growing plums in Russian gardens is complicated by the fact that this fruit tree often freezes, causing the harvest to suffer greatly. Due to this good option For gardeners, there can be a plum-cherry hybrid, which combines the winter hardiness and unpretentiousness of cherries, the size and amazing taste of plums with a slight taste of cherries, as well as drought resistance, early fruiting and high yield.

Cherry plum

Plum-cherry hybrids obtained from Bessey's sandy creeping cherry and different types plums are compact bushes various shapes with a developed root system and beautiful fruits, appearing already in the second or third year. It is convenient to care for short trees, and they take up very little space in the garden. Due to the late flowering, cherry plums are practically not exposed to spring frosts, and if this happens, the ovaries are almost not damaged, and fruiting is maintained.

The fruits of plum-cherry hybrids, which ripen towards the end of summer, have a bright aroma, look attractive, their taste depends on the variety, but still looks more like a plum. Cherry plum jams and compotes turn out excellent!

Disadvantages of the plum-cherry hybrid:

  • the fruits ripen almost simultaneously and quickly deteriorate on the branches;
  • Cherry plum fruits are inferior in taste and size to plums;
  • The fruit pit is difficult to separate from the pulp.

In domestic gardens, such varieties of cherry plums are common as Manor, Novinka, Pyramidalnaya, Beta, Opata, Far Eastern Dessert, Samotsvet.