Bad advice: how to destroy plants in the house. How to destroy a nuisance tree on your property without cutting it down What experts say

It is much easier to harm indoor plants than it seems. Most of the time, this is exactly what we do, albeit unintentionally. You've probably heard the expression “loving you to death,” and sometimes we do just that.

Here are a few proven ways to destroy home flowers long before nature’s allotted time.

My name is Zoya Pavlovna, I am 52 years old. The dacha is small - only 6 acres. But there is enough harvest. Still, it helps and saves the family budget.

Do it heartily if you want to get rid of plants quickly. Indeed, in most cases, flowers die from excess moisture rather than from its lack - both indoors and in the yard. So if you still want to extend their life, water less. Stick your finger into the ground. If it is wet, hold off on watering until it dries.

Keep away from light

The main condition that determines the survival of a plant indoors is the ability to exist in low light conditions. Although some indoor dwellers only need artificial light, they are an exception. So under no circumstances should you allow your flowers to come into contact with natural light. And above all, keep them away from windows, because that's what they love most! Also, don't rotate the pots from time to time so that each side of the plant benefits from the sun's rays.

Place them near heating sources

Heaters and air conditioners dry the air, and indoor humidity drops to 40%. But 60% prefer home flowers! So place them directly under a stream of hot air. But it is no coincidence that people who want to help their plants place pots on pebbles in a shallow tray. Filling it with water will provide additional moisture.

Overuse fertilizers

Try to turn plants into real “drug addicts”, unable to subsist on their own nutrients.

The forced growth of flowers due to artificial stimulants in poor lighting has a significant impact: it can disrupt natural cycles and biorhythms and deplete reserves. But flower growers know that photosynthesis in indoor plants does not proceed at the same pace as in outdoor plants, so their nutrient needs are much lower.

Give the flowers a chance to grow into the pot

If a plant that has delighted you since college still looks good, this does not mean that everything is fine. The roots are so intertwined in the pot that the water nutrients and even oxygen is difficult to reach them. Be that as it may, do not change the pot - you are on the right path to destruction. Pay attention to what those who strive to prolong life do home garden. About once a year, they remove the plant from its pot and check the roots. If they are tightly woven in a circle, they are slightly unraveled. The flower is then placed in a larger pot and filled with fresh soil.

Ignore the pests

Many insects enter the house undetected. Houseplants can harbor many pests because they are not exposed to natural beneficial insects and other “predators.” Don't do anything.

However, if you want your plants to please you longer and decorate your home, remember minimal care. Moreover, most flowers are unpretentious.

Crab12 11-06-2013 01:26

Napalm and asphalting are not suggested.

Udavilov 11-06-2013 01:39

working off. oil

HARON 11-06-2013 02:14

petroleum products are not environmentally friendly... or maybe we shouldn’t kill them? purpose of the strip?
if you poison...maybe periodically water it with something like a run-up? Utility workers have mixtures, they cut everything - from shoots to grass... or sprinkle salt, or spill urine

Stepochka 11-06-2013 12:43

This is my second year using Ground Bio. It destroys weeds and does not affect the root systems of useful crops. I treat 2 flower beds, the sides of beds and the walls of ditches. The vegetation turns yellow and dries out. Autumn treatment is enough to this day!

mukdiver 11-06-2013 13:22

1Roundup 1000

2garik 11-06-2013 15:23

20% acid will definitely not grow for a couple of years.

Otorva 11-06-2013 15:47

round up
but if it gets on the leaves of an apple tree, then it’s also kirdyk

- Burn the witch! - But she’s so beautiful... - Okay... but then burn it

zubrilov 11-06-2013 15:57

I don’t know what kind of poison the railway workers use to treat the linen, but for several years nothing has grown. Ask them.

Nahum 11-06-2013 16:03
