Efficient connection of heating radiators. How to properly connect a heating battery. Two-way bottom connection

The efficiency of the heating system primarily depends on the correct choice of the heating battery connection diagram. Ideally, with low fuel consumption, radiators are able to generate the maximum amount of heat. In the following material, we will talk about what types of connection diagrams there are for heating radiators in an apartment building, what are the features of each of them, as well as what factors should be taken into account when choosing a specific option.

Factors affecting radiator efficiency

The main requirements for a heating system are, of course, its efficiency and economy. Therefore, its design must be approached thoughtfully so as not to miss all sorts of subtleties and features of a particular living space. If you do not have sufficient skills to create a competent project, it is better to entrust this work to specialists who have already proven themselves and have positive feedback from clients. You should not rely on the advice of friends who recommend certain methods of connecting radiators, since in each specific case the initial conditions will be different. Simply put, what suits one person may not necessarily suit another.

However, if you still want to install pipes to heating radiators yourself, pay attention to the following factors:

  • the size of radiators and their thermal power;
  • placement of heating appliances inside the house;
  • connection diagram.

The modern consumer has a choice of the most various models heating devices - these are mounted radiators made of various materials, and baseboard or floor convectors. The difference between them is not only in size and appearance, but also methods of liner, as well as the degree of heat transfer. All these factors will influence the choice of options for connecting heating radiators.

Depending on the size of the heated room, the presence or absence of an insulating layer on external walls building, power, as well as the connection type recommended by the radiator manufacturer, the number and dimensions of such devices will vary.

As a rule, radiators are placed under windows or in the walls between them if the windows are located at least a distance from each other. long distance, as well as in corners or along a blank wall of a room, in a bathroom, hallway, closet, often on staircases apartment buildings.

To guide thermal energy from the radiator into the room, it is advisable to attach a special reflective screen between the device and the wall. Such a screen can be made from any heat-reflecting foil material - for example, penofol, isospan or any other.

Before connecting the radiator to the heating system, pay attention to some features of its installation:

  • within the same residential premises, the level of placement of all batteries must be the same;
  • the fins on convectors must be directed vertically;
  • the middle of the radiator must coincide with the center point of the window or can be shifted 2 cm to the right or left;
  • the total length of the battery should be 75% of the width of the window opening;
  • the distance from the window sill to the radiator must be at least 5 cm, and there must be at least a 6 cm gap between the device and the floor. It is best to leave 10-12 cm.

Please note that from the right choice How to connect heating radiators in an apartment building will depend not only on the heat transfer of the battery, but also on the level of heat loss.

There are often cases when apartment owners assemble and connect a heating system, following the recommendations of friends. In this case, the result turns out to be much worse than expected. This means that errors were made during the installation process, the power of the devices is not enough to heat a particular room, or the scheme for connecting the heating pipes to the radiators is inappropriate for a given house.

Differences between the main types of battery connections

All possible types of heating radiator connections differ in the type of pipe routing. It may consist of one or two pipes. In turn, each of the options involves division into systems with vertical risers or horizontal mains. Horizontal wiring of the heating system in an apartment building is quite often used, and it has proven itself well.

Based on which option for connecting the pipes to the radiators was chosen, the diagram of their connection will directly depend. In heating systems with one-pipe and two-pipe circuits, the bottom, side and diagonal method of connecting radiators is used. Whatever option you choose, the main thing is that enough heat gets into the room for high-quality heating.

The described types of pipe routing are classified as a tee connection system. However, there is another variety - this collector circuit, or beam wiring. When using it, the heating circuit is laid to each radiator separately. In this regard, collector types of battery connection have more high cost, since such a connection will require quite a lot of pipes. In addition, they will pass through the entire room. However, usually in such cases the heating circuit is laid in the floor and does not spoil the interior of the room.

Despite the fact that the described manifold connection diagram assumes the presence of a large number of pipes, it is increasingly used during the design of heating systems. In particular, this type connecting radiators is used to create a water-heated floor. It is used as additional source heat, or as the main one - it all depends on the project.

Single-pipe scheme

A single-pipe heating system is called a heating system in which all radiators, without exception, are connected to one pipeline. In this case, the heated coolant at the inlet and cooled down at the return moves through the same pipe, gradually passing through all heating devices. In this case, it is very important that the internal cross-section of the pipe is sufficient to perform its main function. Otherwise, all heating will be ineffective.

A heating system with a single-pipe circuit has certain pros and cons. It would be a mistake to think that such a system can significantly reduce the cost of laying pipes and installing heating devices. The fact is that the system will function effectively only if it is properly connected, taking into account a large number of subtleties. Otherwise, it will not be able to heat the apartment properly.

Cost savings when installing a single-pipe heating system do occur, but only if a vertical supply riser is used. In particular, in five-story buildings this type of wiring is often practiced in order to save materials. In this case, the heated coolant is supplied upward through the main riser, where it is distributed to all other risers. Hot water in the circuit gradually passes through the radiators on each floor, starting from the top.

As the coolant reaches the lower floors, its temperature gradually decreases. To compensate for temperature differences, radiators with a larger area are installed on the lower floors. Another feature of a single-pipe heating system is that it is recommended to install bypasses on all radiators. They allow you to easily remove batteries if repairs are necessary without stopping the entire system.

If heating with a single-pipe circuit is made according to the scheme with horizontal wiring, the movement of the coolant can be concurrent or dead-end. This system has proven itself in pipelines up to 30 m long. In this case, the number of connected radiators can be 4-5 pieces.

Two-pipe heating systems

Inside a two-pipe circuit, the coolant moves through two separate pipelines. One of them is used for the supply flow with hot coolant, and the other is used for the return flow with cooled water, which moves towards the heating tank. Thus, when installing heating radiators with a bottom connection or any other type of insertion, all batteries are heated evenly, since water enters them at approximately the same temperature.

It is worth noting that a two-pipe circuit when connecting batteries with bottom connections, as well as when using other circuits, is the most acceptable. The fact is that this type of connection ensures a minimum amount of heat loss. The water circulation scheme can be either associated or dead-end.

Please note that if you have a two-pipe wiring, it is possible to regulate the thermal performance of the radiators used.

Some owners of private houses believe that projects with two-pipe types of radiator connections are much more expensive, since more pipes are required for their implementation. However, if you look in more detail, it turns out that their cost is not much higher than when installing single-pipe systems.

The fact is that a single-pipe system requires the presence of pipes with a large cross-section and a radiator large sizes. At the same time, the price of thinner pipes required for a two-pipe system is much lower. In addition, in the end, excess costs will be recouped due to better coolant circulation and minimal heat loss.

With a two-pipe system, several options are used for how to connect aluminum radiators heating. The connection can be diagonal, side or bottom. In this case, the use of vertical and horizontal joints is allowed. From an efficiency point of view, the best option is considered diagonal connection. In this case, the heat is evenly distributed throughout all heating devices with minimal losses.

The lateral, or one-sided, connection method is used with equal success in both one-pipe and two-pipe distributions. Its main difference is that the supply and return circuits are embedded on one side of the radiator.

Lateral connection is often used in apartment buildings with a vertical supply riser. Please note that before connecting a heating radiator with a side connection, you must install a bypass and tap on it. This will allow you to freely remove the battery for washing, painting or replacement without disconnecting the entire system.

It is noteworthy that the efficiency of one-sided insertion is maximum only for batteries with 5-6 sections. If the length of the radiator is much longer, there will be significant heat loss with such a connection.

Features of the option with bottom pipe connection

As a rule, connecting a radiator with a bottom connection is carried out in cases where unpresentable heating pipes must be hidden in the floor or wall so as not to disturb the interior of the room.

On sale you can find a large number of heating devices in which manufacturers provide a lower supply to the heating radiators. They are available in various sizes and configurations. At the same time, in order not to damage the battery, it is worth looking at the product passport, which describes the connection method for a particular model of equipment. Typically, the battery connection unit is equipped with ball valves, which allow you to remove it if necessary. Thus, even without experience in such work, using the instructions, you can connect bimetallic heating radiators with a bottom connection.

Water circulation inside many modern radiators with the bottom connection it happens in the same way as with a diagonal connection. This effect is achieved due to an obstacle located inside the radiator, which ensures the passage of water throughout the heating device. After this, the cooled coolant enters the return circuit.

Please note that in heating systems with natural circulation bottom connection It is not advisable to perform radiator repairs. However, significant heat losses from such a wiring diagram can be compensated by increasing the thermal power of the batteries.

Diagonal connection

As we have already noted, the diagonal method of connecting radiators has the lowest heat loss. With this scheme, the hot coolant enters from one side of the radiator, passes through all sections, and then exits through the pipe from the opposite side. This type of connection is suitable for both single- and two-pipe heating systems.

Diagonal connection of radiators can be done in 2 options:

  1. The hot coolant flow enters the upper hole of the radiator, and then, having passed through all sections, exits the lower side hole on the opposite side.
  2. The coolant enters the radiator through the lower hole on one side and flows out from the top on the opposite side.

Connecting in a diagonal manner is advisable in cases where the batteries consist of a large number of sections - 12 or more.

Natural and forced coolant circulation

It is worth noting that the method of connecting pipes to radiators will also depend on how the coolant circulates inside the heating circuit. There are two types of circulation - natural and forced.

Natural circulation of liquid inside the heating circuit is achieved through the application of physical laws, while additional equipment no need to install. This is only possible when using water as a coolant. If any antifreeze is used, it will not be able to circulate freely through the pipes.

Heating with natural circulation includes a boiler for heating water, expansion tank, 2 pipelines for supply and return, as well as radiators. In this case, a working boiler gradually heats the water, which expands and moves along the riser, passing through all the radiators in the system. Then the cooled water flows by gravity back into the boiler.

To ensure free movement of water, horizontal pipes mounted with a slight slope to the direction of movement of the coolant. A natural circulation heating system is self-regulating because the amount of water changes depending on its temperature. When water is heated, the circulation pressure increases, which ensures uniform heating of the room.

In systems with natural circulation of liquid, it is possible to install a radiator with a bottom connection, provided there is a two-pipe connection, and also use a circuit with top wiring in one- and two-pipe circuits. As a rule, this type circulation is carried out only in small houses.

Please note that batteries must have air vents through which you can remove air jams. As an option, you can equip the risers with automatic air vents. It is advisable to place the heating boiler below the level of the heated room, for example, in the basement.

If the area of ​​the house exceeds 100 m2, then the coolant circulation method must be forced. In this case, you will need to install a special circulation pump, which will ensure the movement of antifreeze or water along the circuit. The power of the pump depends on the size of the house.

The circulation pump can be mounted on both the supply and return pipes. It is very important to install automatic bleeders at the top point of the pipeline or provide Mayevsky taps on each radiator in order to remove air pockets manually.

The use of a circulation pump is justified in both one- and two-pipe systems with vertical and horizontal radiator connections.

Why is it important to properly connect heating radiators?

Whatever connection method and type of radiator you choose, it is very important to carry out proper calculations and correctly install the equipment. It is important to take into account the characteristics of a particular room in order to select best option. Then the system will be as efficient as possible and will avoid significant heat loss in the future.

If you want to assemble a heating system in a large, expensive mansion, it is better to entrust the design to specialists.

For houses small area You can handle the choice of connection diagram and installation of batteries yourself. You just need to consider the quality of a particular connection scheme and study the features of installation work.

Please note that the piping and radiators must be made of similar material. For example, cast iron batteries cannot be connected plastic pipes, because this is fraught with trouble.

Thus, provided that the characteristics of a particular house are taken into account, you can connect heating radiators yourself. A well-chosen scheme for connecting pipes to radiators will minimize heat loss so that heating devices can operate with maximum efficiency.

It forces you to solve a lot of issues, from choosing a wiring diagram to selecting equipment. How to make the connection to ensure high-quality and uniform heating of all rooms? To do this, you need to consider the basic diagrams for connecting heating radiators in a private house.

One-pipe and two-pipe schemes

The choice of radiator connection diagram depends on the area of ​​the heated premises, as well as on the pipe distribution system used. It can be single-pipe or double-pipe:

In a two-pipe heating system, unlike a single-pipe heating system, all radiators have the same temperature and heat the house evenly.

  • IN single pipe systems the coolant passes through the batteries in series;
  • In two-pipe systems, the coolant is distributed among the batteries via individual inlets.

Single-pipe systems are usually used in small buildings. They are easy to install and are extremely simple. Coming out heating boiler the coolant approaches the first battery, passes it and goes to next battery. After passing the last battery, the coolant is sent through a straight pipe back to the heating boiler.

The obvious advantage of the scheme is its simplicity - there is no need to make bends or spend money on extra pipes. Heating is cheap, although not always effective. The thing is that the coolant, passing through the batteries and giving off heat to them, cools down. And it will reach the last battery already cooled down - in last room it will be cool. This problem can be solved by installing a circulation pump, which will make the coolant circulate faster.

Two-pipe systems are designed so that each battery is connected by a separate pipe. A pipe with hot coolant runs through all the rooms, and branches are made from it to the radiators. After leaving the battery, the coolant is sent through another pipe back to the boiler. The advantage of this system is that all rooms will be heated evenly– it will be warm even in the farthest room.

The disadvantage of two-pipe systems is their complexity - more pipes are needed, more labor costs. It is also necessary to provide a circulation pump, since natural circulation will not work here. In addition, users and experts note a reduction in heating costs - two-pipe systems are more economical.

Connecting heating radiators in a private house through individual taps, using two-pipe wiring, will help regulate the temperature in each room. This is not possible with single-pipe systems.

Options for connecting heating radiators in a private house

We talked about methods of laying pipes throughout the premises and found out that two-pipe systems are most effective, as they provide more uniform heating of the entire building. If the building is small, you can limit yourself to a single-pipe system - it will be cheaper. Now we will talk about how to connect heating radiators in a private house. The following schemes exist:

  • Side diagram;
  • Bottom diagram;
  • Lower for two-pipe systems;
  • Diagonal.

Let's look at ways to connect heating radiators in a private house in more detail.

Side diagram

The side connection scheme is often used in apartment buildings, when the coolant descends from top to bottom, passing through radiators in apartments. In order to partially compensate for the cooling of the coolant, a connection is made with a jumper. Radiators are also connected laterally in private houses, using a two-pipe scheme - the coolant is supplied from above, after which it passes through the radiator and goes down into the return pipe.

Sometimes the side scheme is called one-sided - in fact, they are the same scheme. It is recommended for use when installing large radiators for heating large areas.

Bottom diagram

When considering the diagrams for connecting heating batteries in a private house, one cannot fail to mention the lower diagram. In it, the coolant is supplied in the lower part from one side and exits from the other side. The scheme is quite effective, but it is focused on single-pipe systems with serial connection radiators. In two-pipe systems such a connection is practically not used. This radiator connection scheme is often called a saddle connection.

Lower for two-pipe systems

Some radiators are designed so that their inputs and outputs are located nearby (usually in the lower part). Such batteries are intended for use in two-pipe heating systems. The circuit is not without certain disadvantages associated with uneven heating. That is, the furthest part of the battery will be cooler than the rest of the surface. Therefore, the use of such radiators is not justified.

Diagonal pattern

The diagonal connection diagram is one of the most common. Its main advantage is the uniform distribution of the heated coolant throughout the battery. The coolant itself is supplied from the right top part and is removed through the left bottom part(or vice versa). Due to the fact that it flows diagonally (and always from top to bottom), uniform heating of the entire battery is ensured.

This scheme is intended for use in two-pipe systems. In single-pipe systems, the presence of excess bends will cause an increase in hydraulic resistance.

Choosing a suitable scheme

Which heating radiator connection diagram is suitable for certain cases? If you are creating a water or steam heating system in a small house, feel free to choose single-pipe wiring with a bottom connection - other methods will not work here. Such heating systems are created in one-story one-room and two-room houses, as well as in small-sized country houses.

If you need to organize a heating system in big house, you should choose a two-pipe wiring diagram. To connect heating batteries, two schemes can be used at once:

  • Lateral - when the heating pipes pass from top to bottom and you only need to connect one battery;
  • Diagonal is the recommended scheme for large multi-room houses. In this case, the coolant will enter from the top of one side of the battery and exit from the bottom of the other side.

As for the bottom scheme for two-pipe systems, it is only effective when the pipes are hidden in the floor. But even in this case, we recommend using a careful diagonal connection.

Are you planning to change your heating appliances? own home? For this, knowledge about the types of battery wiring, methods of connecting and placing them will be useful. Agree, because the correctness of the selected connection diagram for heating radiators in a particular house or room directly determines its effectiveness.

Correct connection batteries is a very important task, because it can provide a comfortable temperature in all rooms at any time of the year. It’s good when fuel consumption is minimal and your home is warm on the coldest days.

We'll help you figure out what you'll need to get the most out of efficient work radiators. In the article you will find a lot useful information about methods of connecting batteries and their implementation without the involvement of specialists. Diagrams and videos are provided that will help you clearly understand the essence of the issue.

Efficient system heating can save money on fuel costs. Therefore, when designing it, you should make informed decisions. After all, sometimes the advice of a neighbor in the country or a friend who recommends a system like his is not at all suitable.

It happens that there is no time to deal with these issues yourself. In this case, it is better to turn to professionals who have been working in this field for at least 5 years and have grateful reviews.

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The first option involves using physical laws without purchasing and installing additional devices. Suitable when the coolant is water. Any non-freezing agent will circulate worse in the system.

The system consists of a boiler that heats the water, an expansion tank, supply and return pipelines, and batteries. The water, heating up, expands and begins its movement along the riser, visiting in turn installed radiators. The cooled water from the system flows by gravity back to the boiler.

With this circulation option, the horizontal pipeline is installed with a slight inclination towards the movement of the coolant. This system is self-regulating, because depending on the temperature of the water, its quantity also changes. The circulation pressure increases, allowing the water to heat the room evenly.

At natural circulation two-pipe and one-pipe circuits with upper wiring, two-pipe with lower wiring are used. These methods of connecting radiators to the heating system are beneficial for small rooms.

It is important to equip the batteries with air vents to remove excess air or install automatic air vents on the risers. It is best to place the boiler in the basement so that it is lower than the heated room.

For houses with an area of ​​100 m2 or more, the coolant circulation system will have to be changed. In this case you will need special device, stimulating the movement of water or antifreeze through pipes. We're talking about . Its power depends on the area of ​​the heated room. Using a pump for forced circulation allows the use of antifreeze as a coolant. In this case, you need to install an expansion tank closed type so that fumes do not harm the health of residents of the house

The circulation pump is used in two- and one-pipe circuits with horizontal and vertical system connection of heating devices.

The efficiency of apartment heating is of concern to many homeowners; this issue is of particular relevance in the cold season. If the cause of poor heating is a worn-out radiator, then it is necessary to replace the old equipment more modern designs, which are characterized by high power and performance. In particular, we are talking about ceramic, bimetallic and aluminum heating devices. However, it is worth noting that they are more reliable and durable cast iron batteries. There is no need to change the battery in good condition, but you can add several sections for greater heating efficiency.

Radiator connection diagrams

Heating radiators are connected to the heating circuit according to several schemes, the choice of which must be approached very responsibly. The fact is that incorrect connection leads to loss of almost half of the heat. Incorrect connection of sections leads to uneven heating of the system, and violation of assembly technology leads to the formation of leaks and ruptures. Therefore, it is important not only to choose suitable scheme, how to connect heating batteries to each other, but also how to correctly connect radiator sections. In any case, the work requires attention and accuracy.

Radiators are connected to the heating system as follows:

  • Consistently. In this case, one heating circuit pipe is required.
  • Parallel. The work involves two pipes; the radiators are connected to each other by means of an upper and lower outlet.
  • Pass-through connection involves the passage of coolant through the heating device system.

If we take reliability and the economic side as a basis, then we can say that parallel connection of heating radiators will be the most profitable option.

Materials and tools for attaching an additional section

Before connecting the heating device, you need to calculate the number of sections required for efficient heating rooms. In order to correctly and efficiently solve the problem of how to connect an aluminum radiator, you need to prepare the following tools and materials for work:

  • Two keys: pipe and radiator.
  • Nipples for heating system.
  • Side plugs.

  • Intersectional seal.
  • Paronite gasket.
  • Sheets of sandpaper.

Battery connection process

To build up a radiator, you need to understand how to connect the radiator, and general principles heating system operation.

Preparatory stage

During the preparation process, the radiator is dismantled and sections that will be built up are disconnected. It is mandatory to clean the heating device from dust, dirt and rust. To understand how to connect heating radiators with pipes correctly, carry out visual inspection threaded hole to which the heating circuit pipe is connected. If there are limescale or other types of deposits, clean them sandpaper. Neglecting these steps may result in a leaky connection, in particular the intersection gasket, or a leak.

Direct connection of sections

The problem of how to connect sections of a bimetallic radiator is solved as follows:

  • Additional sections are attached to the main part.
  • Place the sealing element.
  • Determine the distance to the nipple using a radiator wrench.
  • In accordance with this distance, install the nipple into the radiator.
  • The radiator key is turned using a pipe wrench.
  • The nipple is wrapped into two sections located opposite each other.
  • Turn the radiator key three turns.
  • In the lower part perform similar actions.

After this, the paronite gaskets and side plugs are installed, and a pipe wrench is used during the work. Tightening is carried out as much as possible so that the connection is reliable and tight. The remaining sections are connected to the battery according to the same scheme.

Installation of a heating device to the wall

After connecting all the planned sections, the radiator must be fixed to the wall. For this purpose, special hooks are used, which are installed at the level of the radiator. The heating device is hung on the hooks, and all connections are tightened with fittings. Used for tightening spanner. All joints are coated with sealant or use a special duct tape for pipes Additional waterproofing of the radiator will not be superfluous.

Checking the assembled structure

After completing the assembly of the heating device, a visual inspection is carried out for possible errors. If they are absent, a test filling of the heating system with water is carried out. The first start-up of the coolant is carried out without pressure in order to identify areas of poor connection between the radiator and the pipe. If such defects exist, they are eliminated immediately. Refilling the heating system is carried out at normal coolant pressure.

After joining additional sections to the main radiator it is necessary to carry out a test test of the system. To do this, leave the heating on for several hours. Then check the condition of the pipe parts, fittings and heating devices. If there are no defects or leaks, they move on to the question of how to connect the heating radiators to each other.

Selecting a battery connection diagram

To solve the question of how to connect aluminum radiators to each other, different schemes are used, so it is important to choose the most convenient and effective one.

In most cases, heating devices are connected in series, which ensures maximum system reliability. In addition, such a scheme does not require large technical costs and service. Using a series circuit, it is possible to connect four radiators. The connection to the system is made at the bottom. If pipes or radiators begin to sag, then special spacers are installed.

The only disadvantage of this scheme is uneven heating of the room. This is due to less heating of the last batteries in the system. Moreover, the temperature difference between the first and last heating device can be about 18 degrees.

The solution to this type of problem is to install an electric boiler.

Any modern batteries, be they aluminum, cast iron or bimetallic, are supplied with four open pipes for connection to the heating main. According to design features wiring, a scheme for connecting radiators with supplied pipes is selected, and the remaining holes are closed with plugs or air vent valves.

In this article we will study possible options installation of batteries and tell you which scheme is better in terms of heat transfer efficiency.

It is believed that best results The operation of your radiator can be achieved using a diagonal connection. In order to correctly implement this method, you need to connect the inlet pipe to one of the upper inlets, and the return pipe to the lower one on the opposite edge. Then the coolant will circulate along the optimal route, capturing the largest part of the surface of the heating device.

This combination is especially effective if the radiator consists of large number(more than 10) sections. All other types of connections in this case will be noticeably inferior.

Therefore, the diagonal connection is considered a reference, and all manufacturers indicate the parameters of their equipment regarding this version of the heating device.

The disadvantages of this method include:

  • high pipe flow in the system;
  • inability to hide communications in a wall or box;
  • complex wiring geometry;
  • inconvenient installation.

A diagonal scheme is used in cases where the main requirement is maximum heat transfer, and considerations of aesthetics and design fade into the background. Due to the inefficiency and complexity of wiring, in multi-storey buildings This method of installing radiators is practically not used.

Bottom connection

In contrast to the diagonal, the bottom method of connecting batteries does not allow optimizing the heating system in terms of performance, but it does provide the opportunity to make the radiator almost invisible.

Such a connection (sometimes called a Leningrad connection), due to the peculiarities of the passage of coolant between the input and output manifolds, reduces the efficiency of the system by 10-15%. Moreover, these losses become so noticeable only in apartment buildings with a long highway length.

If you plan to install a radiator in your own home (especially a one-story one), the lower connection diagram will be an excellent option.

The upper part of the battery warms up worse than the lower part, this becomes especially noticeable when the internal cavities become clogged or airy. In these cases, cleaning and air removal using Mayevsky taps is required.

Side diagram

Most often, heating system radiators, especially in apartment buildings, are mounted sideways. Its essence lies in the fact that both lines approach the battery from one side.

Advantages side connection:

  • high efficiency;
  • convenient installation;
  • savings on pipes;
  • the possibility of organizing a bypass between the mains for installing control valves.

If we compare diagonal and lateral wiring, preference should be given to the latter, since the difference in efficiency is only a few percent, and the benefits of lateral connection are obvious.

The diagonal circuit begins to win if you need to connect a radiator with a large number of sections or organize a sequential arrangement of several powerful batteries. A correct understanding of these features will help to optimally distribute radiators in the system.

Radiator location

The radiator is best installed under a window. This well-known rule can be explained very simply: it is there that the heating battery will create best conditions preventing cold air from entering the room.

In a city apartment, windows and doors are the most important sources of heat loss. In private houses, as we have already noted, a roof and floor are added to them. The battery under the windowsill will create a curtain of warm air, which, as you know, tends upward when heated and will not let the cold in.

If there are several windows in the room, it is better to distribute the radiators between them and connect them in series. Experts also recommend installing several heating points in corner rooms.

The following tips will help you position the radiator correctly:

  • The distance of the battery from the floor and window sill must be at least 10 cm. Otherwise, its operating efficiency will decrease, and it will be inconvenient to clean under it;
  • You shouldn’t push the radiator too far towards the wall; it’s better to leave a gap of about 5 cm;
  • When using decorative protective screens The efficiency of radiators is reduced by 10-15%.
  • From the point of view of heat transfer, aluminum radiators have an advantage, but in city apartments it is better to install bimetallic products.

And one more important point: it is prohibited to independently change the connection diagram of radiators, their connection to each other, or install shut-off valves in the absence of bypasses in apartment buildings. All alterations to the heating system must be agreed upon with the Management Company.

Radiator installation

Self-installation of radiators will not cause problems in the heating system in the future if all the requirements for such work are correctly fulfilled and all connections are ensured to be tight. In addition, some types of batteries require care when handling: aluminum and bimetallic radiators They have a rather soft outer casing that can be easily dented upon impact.

The installation process is carried out in the following order:

  1. Removing the old radiator(if necessary). Naturally, the heating line must be closed;
  2. Marking the installation location. Radiators are usually hung on a special bracket that is attached to the wall. The fasteners included in the kit are most often designed for concrete or brick walls. If you want to hang the radiator on soft wall, for example, from plasterboard, it is necessary to use special dowels. Aluminum and bimetallic batteries will not create dangerous loads for such a wall, but it is better not to use the cast iron option here. The bracket must be installed so that the radiator is positioned taking into account the requirements described in the previous section;
  3. Now you need assemble the battery. To do this, screw the adapters included in the kit into all four mounting holes. Usually two of them have left-hand threads and two have right-hand threads, so care must be taken. Next, depending on the connection diagram, we plug the unused collectors, one with a Mayevsky tap, and the other with a special shut-off cap. We carefully seal all joints;
  4. To prevent water leakage We lay plumbing linen at the joints. It is better not to use fum tape here. Flax must be wound correctly: for the right thread, clockwise, and for the left thread, in the opposite direction. In this case, when screwing the connected elements onto the threads, the flax will not be knocked out from under them. For reliability, the connection can be additionally sealed by special means, for example, Unipak paste;
  5. We screw ball valves to the main pipe supply points. They will allow you to later remove the radiator for cleaning and maintenance without stopping the operation of the entire system;
  6. Now all that's left is hang the radiator on the bracket and connect the supply pipes to it. We seal the joints according to the above algorithm.

So, we have considered all possible types of connections for heating batteries. If you are just planning the structure of the system for your own home, then you can choose the most suitable scheme. If you live in a city apartment, you do not have such freedom. In any case, understanding the principles and features of connecting radiators will allow you to independently service and install heating devices in your home.