How to properly dilute color with façade paint. How to choose a color for acrylic paint? Options for proportions and the main advantages of colors

Modern trends in the field of interior design are becoming more and more popular every day. And it can be noted that the most frequent solution In this case, the design of the walls involves painting them. Firstly, it is very practical. Especially if you are used to frequent changes of scenery. After all, a painted wall can easily be repainted in a different shade at any time and with virtually no special preparation. Secondly, sometimes painting is a more affordable type of finishing than the same, the prices of which can sometimes be discouraging. Of course, savings can only be achieved if your walls are perfectly smooth. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on leveling them.

Be that as it may, those who prefer paint to other types of finishes may encounter such an unpleasant moment as the absence of the desired shade among the ready-made compositions. But this is not a reason to abandon your idea. It is enough just to find a suitable shade in the possible palette and mix the color and base in the given proportions. In this article we will give 8 tips on how to tint paint, we’ll tell you exactly what compositions can be tinted and give examples of proportions to obtain the most original and sought-after shades.

Types of colors by composition

Probably each of you can imagine in theory how the process of giving ordinary white paint the required shade occurs. The main thing in this matter is to choose suitable look tint, which is a concentrate of a certain color. Depending on the added amount of this composition, the saturation and intensity of the final paint color will change. By the way, the technology for creating a new shade has two names that imply completely different actions:

All colors, depending on the origin of the pigments in their composition, can be divided into two types:

  • Organic;
  • Inorganic.

In the first option, the color will have a more saturated, rich and bright shade, which is undoubtedly an advantage. Their color palette is very wide. However, the finished paint composition based on this color will have low light fastness, that is, they fade very quickly in the sun and lose their spectacular original color. In addition, if the paint is applied over plaster on mineral based, which releases a small amount of alkali, this will negatively affect the coating.

Colors inorganic origin are more resistant to ultraviolet radiation and retain their original shade for a long time. But in comparison with organic pigments, the resulting tones will be muted and less concentrated. And the range of possible colors will be more limited.

Based on this, many recommend choose the first type of colorants if artificial lighting will predominate in the room to be painted. And give preference to the second type of colors if you plan to paint bright rooms filled with natural light throughout almost the entire day.

Types of colors by release form

All the variety of colors can be divided into three large groups depending on the form of their release:

  • Powder– are the most affordable. Please note that only water-based paint compositions can be tinted using dry pigment. The palette of possible colors is very limited. Also, powdered dyes are not very convenient to use in terms of calculating the exact dosage. If you don't use special measuring spoons or scales, you will never know how much color you added to the base. Another disadvantage is poor solubility. To obtain a composition that is truly uniform in color throughout the entire depth of the container, you need to mix very thoroughly and for a long time;
  • Liquid or color paints– can be sold in tubes, small jars, bottles, plastic buckets or tubes. This paint is very rich and concentrated. With this composition you can safely paint a wall without diluting. This is especially true if it is necessary to achieve the brightest possible shade, for example, with. Liquid colorant is more convenient and controllable in dosage. Usually the number of drops is counted. Containers with thin, cone-shaped spouts will be more convenient;
  • Pasty- the most popular and widespread. The advantage of color pastes is the ability to obtain a soft shade close to natural. They are also quite easy to mix using a whisk and easy to dose.

Compatibility of colors with various types of paints and other compositions

Many people often have the question of whether it is possible to tint this or that type of paint composition and, if so, which color is best to choose. We decided to clarify this issue:

As you can see, thus, we can safely say that almost all types of paint and varnish compositions and even primers and varnishes can be tinted. In addition, many designers add pigment directly to the composition when creating a coating.

But don’t think that color can be added to the base in unlimited quantities. This is fraught with two things at once unpleasant consequences– the final shade may become too saturated after the paint sits for a while and you will have to either resign yourself and take what you got to work with, or go for a new portion of white paint. Or the coloring composition may lose its adhesive properties and will lie unevenly on the base or slide off.

Stick to it basic rules:

  • The volume of color added to water-soluble paints should not exceed 20% of their volume;
  • For oil paints this figure should not exceed 1.5-2%;
  • For all other paint and varnish compositions – no more than 5%.

Then the resulting composition will be suitable for use, and the integration of the pigment will not affect its properties in any way.

Review of manufacturers

You can often come across the concept "tinting systems", which can be misleading with its name. In fact, this is nothing more than the usual palette of possible shades that can be obtained by mixing the base paint and color scheme of one or another manufacturer.
Each manufacturer has the same color, for example, regular red, but it may differ in tone or temperature. Pay attention to this point. Also in ideal It is advised to choose the base and color from the same company for 100% color matching and to obtain exactly the shade that is drawn in the palette. It is noteworthy that, despite the fact that using different colors you can get up to 15,000 new interesting shades, tinting systems of different brands have a clearly limited number of possible tones. Let's consider most popular:

Methods for tinting LKS

After you have become familiar with the possible types of colors and their compatibility with different compositions, you need to figure out exactly how the paint tinting process itself can be carried out. Options total two:

  • By mechanical or automated means;
  • Manual.

In the first case, obtaining the required shade occurs on specialized equipment, which is controlled from a computer. Such machines can be found in professional stores that sell exclusively paint and varnish compositions or in large construction markets.
Process happens as follows:

  • You select the shade you need from the palette or from the color spectrum in the program, which controls the mixing equipment;
  • Each shade has a clear composition and strict proportions;
  • After this, you need to set the required volume of finished paint;
  • Based on these data, the computer makes a calculation and the tinting process itself occurs;
  • As a result, you get a guaranteed shade.

This method is undoubtedly very convenient. First of all, if in the end you didn’t guess with the right amount of paint and you simply didn’t have enough, you can always return to the store and make a re-order. This eliminates the difference in shades of the new composition with the previously obtained one.
Although, to be honest, this statement, for me personally, raises some doubts. After all, even the manufacturers of pigments and base paints themselves always warn that the tone of the same color but from different batches may differ. This means that the tinted composition will also have differences? Question…

TO shortcomings This method can also include:

  • Additional costs, because this service is not free;
  • The impossibility of tinting directly on site and assessing the required shade intensity on site. But this is very important, since a small square of a shade in the palette may be perceived completely differently than the entire wall painted with that color.

Manual tinting is a more painstaking process, but there is nothing complicated about it, and you can handle it on your own. This method has only one negative point:

  • There is a very high probability that you will not be able to repeat the prepared shade if you do not have enough paint.

But benefits much more:

  • First of all, it's absolutely free;
  • Secondly, you can always first prepare a small amount of the composition on the spot, practice, paint a small fragment of the wall with the resulting color and sensibly evaluate the result. And the main thing is to make adjustments in time. And this is exactly what I recommend doing, but more on that a little later;
  • And thirdly, you don't need any special equipment. Just a clean, preferably glass container, a wooden stick and a whisk attachment, a measuring cup and a syringe without a needle.

Step by step instructions

The tinting process is not complicated, you just need to adhere to the main rule - do not rush. Many people do the same thing mistake, which leads to unnecessary additional expenses - a large amount of color is immediately added, and then they begin to mix the composition. Naturally, in the vast majority of cases, the result will be unpredictable.
We will act carefully and clearly:

  • First, let's prepare everything necessary tools, which we talked about in the paragraph above;
  • Let's prepare a work area for ourselves - cover the floor if it already has finishing coat, since it is best to dilute the paint exactly in the room for which the shade is selected;
  • We will begin work by preparing a so-called sample, that is, a small amount of tinted paint. On at this stage Our task is to decide on the proportions and feel the mixing process itself. After all, the paint must be painted evenly and have a coherent structure;
  • To prepare the sample, pour a small amount of white paint into a clean container. Many people don’t write this, but it’s best to use a measuring cup so you don’t have to guess later how much base was used. After this, draw a small amount of color into a syringe without a needle. Add the pigment to the base drop by drop, mix thoroughly and only then, if necessary, add the next drop of dye. You may not notice it by eye, but believe me, with each new drop the shade really changes;
  • When, after mixing, the shade is approximately similar to the desired one, stop. The point is that the prepared composition should be slightly lighter than the one you imagined. This is due to the fact that on a large surface, the tone may already be quite saturated;
  • Count how many graduations on the scale on the color syringe you used. Write down the volume of the base and color on paper;
  • Now you need to do a test staining. This will help you understand whether this is really the shade you need;
  • To do this, you don’t need to paint the floor of the wall at all. A small fragment is enough. Literally 40x40 cm. Do not choose a section of the wall in the corner or close to the floor. In such places the shade will always appear darker;
  • Color the square at your eye level. And don’t be afraid, if something doesn’t suit you, you can always cover it with the next layer of paint;
  • Now we need to evaluate the result. Don't rush. Look at the square from different angles. Also look at what the color looks like underneath different sources lighting. Turn on the overhead light, floor lamp, all together, turn off the light. It is advisable to work in the middle of the day when there is enough space in the room natural light to evaluate the influence of all possible lighting sources. If time permits, leave the paint on the wall until the next day. In the evening everything may appear completely different;
  • If the work is postponed until the next day, close all containers tightly and place them in a dark place;
  • Let’s say that the next day the shade is still pleasant to you, then you can safely prepare the working composition. It is very important to dilute the tinting paint with a small margin, just in case;
  • When preparing, use the existing proportions. For example, you diluted 5 drops of color in 100 ml of base. This means that for 1 liter of paint you need 50 drops. But this does not mean that you need to add all 50 drops at once. Add 45, mix thoroughly with a whisk, look, add 3 more drops, mix, and only then add the rest of the color and mix again.

As you can see, nothing complicated, just a little patience and diligence.

Some important points, which are mandatory should be taken into account for self-tinting:

“Recipes” of the most popular shades

Now in, you can find the most varied and boldest shades. It happens sometimes - you look at a color and think, how did you get it? Let's give example the most noble shades and their composition in percentage:

  • Royal Red– add 5-10% cool blue to a cold red base. You can experiment with the same content, but with warm colors;
  • Tomato red– easy to obtain by adding 5% yellow and 5% brown to the base red;
  • Crimson– its base is blue, to which 1-2% of white, brown and red are added. If the intensity is insufficient, add again a small amount of auxiliary colors in equal parts;
  • Olive– 10-20% yellow is dissolved in the green base, depending on the desired saturation;
  • Turquoise green– add no more than 20% blue to the standard green base;
  • Bottle green– obtained by mixing yellow and 20-40% blue;
  • Turquoise blue– easy to obtain by adding 10-15% green to the standard blue color;
  • Royal Blue– this chic shade is obtained by adding 10-15% black and 2% green to the blue base;
  • Rich dark blue– obtained by adding 5% black and 2% green to blue;
  • Golden brown– to give a shining effect, add to yellow 10% blue, 10% white, 10% red. At the same time, the more percentage yellow base, the higher the contrast;
  • Mustard— to the yellow base you need to add 5% black, 5% red, 1-2% green;
  • Noble pink-gray color - obtained by adding up to 5% black and up to 5% red to white;
  • Gray-blue shade– obtained by adding 5% light gray and 1% blue to a white base. With the same proportions, but with the addition of green instead of blue, they will give a gray-green tint;
  • Lemon yellow– a bright and positive color is obtained by adding 5% white and 1-2% green to standard yellow. Moreover, if the base yellow is of a warm shade, then the final color will be more yellowish;
  • Color sea ​​wave – can be obtained by adding 35%, no more, green and 5% black to white paint;
  • Royal purple– obtained by adding small quantities and equal proportions of black and blue to the red base until the desired level of saturation is achieved;
  • Burgundy– add 5 to 10% of each color to the red base, but in equal parts – yellow + brown + black;
  • Plum– a wonderful shade is obtained by adding 10% black, 10% blue and 5% white to the red base.

All of the above is vibrant example process glazing. After which the resulting shade can be used either as independent composition, or as a color that is usually diluted in a white base.

Perform tinting water-based paint At first glance, it seems like a simple process. But, in order to choose the required shade, you need to take into account some subtleties. There are ready-made paints and varnishes on sale, which do not always meet the main goal - harmony with the interior. Self-tinting will help the dye blend organically into the existing environment. To do this, you need to choose the right color for water-based paint. But why isn't this easy to do?

Subtleties of choice

There is a wide range of colors on the market, suitable for many types of dyes. Dyes for paints and varnishes can be used independently. Some of the pigmenting compositions are universal, because they are used not only for paint, but also for plaster and putty mixture.

When choosing a color, you must remember that in a jar or bottle the color looks brighter than after drying.

The range of pigmenting substances presented at construction market big. They are classified according to their purpose:

  • liquid color and pigment paste, used for primers, various impregnations, as well as varnishes applied to wood and other lumber;
  • concentrates of liquid consistency intended for emulsions and dispersed paints made on water based;
  • pastes used for oil, alkyd enamels and most of the various whitewash mixtures.
  • universal coloring pastes for polyurethane, nitrocellulose, epoxy enamels;
  • color with a metallic sheen or mother-of-pearl - this class has a wide range of different compositions, which can be selected for any option suitable for most modern paints and varnishes.

Mixing proportions

As you can see, pigmenting additives have various purposes and are presented in the form of colorants or pastes. The composition of the color does not contain binders; instead, dispersing resins are used to increase solubility and reduce the viscosity of the paste. Base paints are mixed with pigment substances in the following proportions:

  • for water-based ones - no more than 20%;
  • for oil - 1.5 or 2%;
  • for other compositions no more than 5%.

This amount is enough to optimally impart saturation without harm to the treated coating. There are two types of pigments: organic and inorganic.

The first option has a rich and bright shade. But the prepared compositions on this basis are characterized by insignificant light resistance, low level resistance to alkalis that are released from mineral plaster. These include: soot, manganese, ocher, as well as umber and lapis lazuli.

The second option has high light fastness, but the choice color collections limited - these are lutein, rhodopsin and carotene.

If tinting pastes and other pigments have a high percentage of saturation, then this will limit their addition and mixing with water-based paint. Do not forget that a high concentration of pigmenting substance reduces the properties of the coloring material itself.

The color of the water-based paint is combined with the paintwork material itself immediately before application to the required surface, so that the pigment does not settle to the bottom. Ready product used both inside and outside the building. Concrete, wood, brick, and putty surfaces can be painted.

Benefits of use

The main positive quality of tinting is the fact that using it you can achieve the desired shade. IN finished form The color range is limited and it is difficult to find a suitable option. Other advantages include:

  • affordable price;
  • use independently without involving specialists;
  • there is no need to use special equipment;
  • does not lose its original color when exposed to direct UV rays;
  • mixes well with water-based paint.

After application to various coatings, the base is smooth.

Features of coloring

The most popular type is the color of water-based paint. This is explained widespread of this type coloring agent when performing repairs both in a city apartment and a country house.

The shades that can be made for water-based paint are very diverse. This helps to use them in the right combination and achieve absolutely any shade. The following types of paints can be pigmented with specialized types of colors:

  • latex;
  • adhesive;
  • water-dispersed.

If there is a package on the counter of a hardware store that says “pigment for acrylic,” you can be sure that it will be suitable for all of the above categories of paints and varnishes.

It is important to remember that the color of water-based paint has average consumption, constituting 20% ​​of the volume of the base substance.

Preparation of the dye

To give water-based paints the desired shade, you should follow some tips:

  • accurately calculate the required amount of tinting agent for a given volume of paint;
  • when buying a color, you should be guided by the catalog provided by the manufacturer to see what shade the final result will be;
  • if you plan to create a complex tint collection, you need to use special tables that show the final result of mixing paint with different shades;
  • when using an unfamiliar pigment, you do not need to mix the entire volume of paintwork at once, you first need to try it in a small container (the dishes should preferably be white);
  • if the shade of the already dried paint is not satisfactory, you will have to change the proportion of the dye;
  • after a suitable shade has been selected, you can knead the entire bucket;
  • it is necessary to mix the pigment with the base material very carefully, because the final result of the painting work depends on this;
  • To obtain the optimal consistency, you can stir the substance using a drill with variable speed control and an attachment for mixing plaster;
  • set the speed to a minimum so that the paint does not fly in different directions;
  • if it still splashes, you should switch the adjustment to “reverse” mode;
  • immediately before applying the paint to the surface, mix it thoroughly again.

Pigmented coatings in the store

As noted, doing coloring yourself is not so difficult if you follow all the recommendations. But there is a simpler and better method - this computer selection pigment for water-based paint.

Large construction supermarkets have departments where tinting is done using professional equipment. A container with a base (usually white) is placed in a special machine. The program is set with the introduction of information about which shade is selected. The dispenser pours the appropriate pigment or combination of several dyes into the bucket.

The bucket with paint and additional tint components is hermetically sealed and placed on a platform that constantly vibrates. Because of this, the mixture mixes well, resulting in a homogeneous consistency.

The cost of a specialized tinting process will be significantly higher than self-cooking. But with automatic mixing, the result will exceed all expectations.

When creating a unique interior for an apartment or private house, everyone wants to give the rooms a special look. Today, the building materials market is oversaturated with a variety of different paint and varnish products. Manufacturers supply oil-based, water-based and acrylic-based paints that allow the use of color. This tinting product is characterized by richness and wide range shades. To understand how to choose a color for acrylic paint, you need to know its composition, properties, features, advantages and disadvantages.

Features and benefits

Inorganic or organic matter(pigments), various additives, surfactants, stabilizer and technological components. By purchasing acrylic paint colors, the buyer receives a high-quality, reliable product.

The color is tested before entering the market and is certified. It doesn't have harmful substances, so it is completely safe to use.

Color for acrylic-based paints has a number of special advantages. The main ones are:

  • easy application;
  • quick drying;
  • light resistance;
  • a wide range of tones;
  • excellent grip various surfaces(concrete, brick, wood).

Acrylic color is added in small portions to the base white paint until the desired shade is obtained. The paint should be mixed very carefully. Tinting should be done in a single tank: with precise calculations of the required amount of dye in different tanks, a composition that differs in color may be obtained. After diluting the color, use a roller, spray gun or ordinary brush to apply it to the surface.

This paint must be applied strictly to a clean, dry surface. Before painting, it is better to treat the surface with a special preparatory solution, for example, acrylic primer. This will allow the paint to better adhere to the surface of the base. It is worth considering: colors are added immediately before painting surfaces. Then the color turns out bright. If this rule is not followed, the color will settle on the bottom of the paint container, and the shade will not be rich enough.


There are several types of tinted substance.

  • Paint (this composition must fully correspond to the paint and varnish material used).
  • Paste (implies ease of use, allowing you to adjust the shade when mixing).
  • Dry composition (the most affordable, the only disadvantage is the limited range of colors).

To create, dilute and obtain the correct tone for uniform coloring of the plane, you need to take tinting paint. This type of paint is created by mixing the main base shades with a coloring element - color.

There are 6 basic colors:

  • blue;
  • green;
  • black;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • white.

In addition to them, there are additional tones (for example, mother-of-pearl). All shades are used for external or interior decoration. When painting surfaces inside a room, light colors (for example, blue, beige or yellow) are usually used more.

How to choose?

Before purchasing a color scheme for acrylic paints, you need to familiarize yourself with some nuances. It is necessary to take into account the lighting of the room when choosing the products that will be used in a given room. You need to buy paint and varnish material and colors from the same manufacturer. Manufacturers who produce only paint offer products with different compositions.

You should pay attention to the containers with the supplied material. The container should have a small neck. This feature is determined by the need to count the exact number of drops during tinting. Before purchasing a color, you need to familiarize yourself with the shade map. This way you can choose required material to get the intended shade.

If there is any remaining unused color after completing the job, there is no need to throw away the material. You can add ordinary water to the container, then put it away for storage without stirring the composition. The material retains its properties for five years. The amount of tinting material cannot exceed 20%. If proportionality is disturbed, the characteristics of paints and varnishes are reduced. If you follow the recommendations, the paint coating will last a long time, while maintaining its properties.

Manual tinting

The human factor is considered decisive for manual tinting. IN this method has its pros and cons.

Let's note the advantages and disadvantages:

  • Carrying out the process directly at the site where the renovation work or construction.
  • Obtaining an individual shade (shades consisting of several individual tones).
  • Saving.

There were some shortcomings. With this method it is difficult to obtain the desired shade again. It is possible to make a mistake when selecting paints for dark tones. When tinting special staff this can lead to serious consequences.

Step-by-step mixing instructions consist of several steps:

  • Prepare several separate plastic containers.
  • Before tinting acrylic paint, you should find the appropriate color scheme of the desired shade.
  • 100 ml of base paint is poured into one container.
  • Add a few drops of one or more dyes.
  • The base is mixed with the color until the tone is uniform.
  • Having received the desired color, paint a small area.

After drying, you can evaluate the resulting color. finishing coating in natural or artificial light. If the resulting tone satisfies the requests, the main volume is tinted. Subtract 20% from the required volume of color so that the resulting shade of the coating matches the desired one. The color will look brighter over a larger area.


Machine mixing of paint and varnish material is controlled by a computer using a standard type of recipe contained in the program. If necessary, you can re-get an identical color.

The advantages of computer tinting include:

  • accuracy and speed of the process;
  • re-obtaining the desired shade;
  • correct selection of paint when creating a dark shade;
  • wide range of resulting tones.


  • the impossibility of carrying out tinting directly on the construction site;
  • inability to create complex shades;
  • quite high cost.

For more information about tinting paint, see the following video.

To obtain the desired tone when carrying out paintwork, paint colors are often used. The desired shade can be ordered from a specialized company or made independently. Color used for oil paint, water-based paint colors are also quite often used.

The need to tint the paint arises in the following cases:

  • selection of shades according to the design of the room;
  • damage small plots painted surface, which needs to be corrected;
  • interior design using several shades of the same color;
  • if you don't have enough paint and the store doesn't have the right tone.

Thanks to tinting, it is possible to produce in a short time cosmetic repairs, abandoning complex and voluminous painting work.

The selection of colors also depends on the type of lighting, which determines the future tone. Artificial lighting gives cool colors a darker shade, while warm colors on the contrary, they brighten.

Coloring compounds

To create the correct tone and even coloring of the surface, it is recommended to use tinting paint. It is created by mixing a base tone, usually white, with a coloring compound - color.

It is based on six basic colors: white, red, yellow, black, green and blue. All of them are used both in internal and exterior decoration. For interior painting, light colors such as yellow, beige, and blue are mainly used.

Wall color pigment can be of organic or inorganic origin. The tone of the organic type is brighter and more saturated. Over time, paints and varnishes based on it lose their brightness and saturation due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In this regard, it is not recommended to use it for facade paint. Inorganic pigments are much more resistant to negative influences external environment, however, they are characterized by a rather narrow range of shades.

There are several types of compositions of tinted substances:

  • Paint – the composition must be identical to the paint and varnish material used.

  • Paste is a convenient use that allows you to adjust the shade while mixing.

  • - the most affordable option, but has a too limited range of colors.

If we talk about the scope of application, paint colors can be universal (that is, suitable for any paint and varnish compositions) and highly specialized.

Mixing Methods

Coloring can occur in two ways: manually and with computer paint. The second method allows you to get the desired tone, which can be reused by saving it in the program. When tinting by hand, you will get a different shade each time.

Tinting paints at home requires a base tone and a coloring agent. The tinting pigment must be added simply before starting work. It is recommended to adhere to all the rules and proportions specified in the instructions.

Doing your own paint tinting has many advantages:

  • profitable and justified savings;
  • can be used and diluted at the repair site;
  • the ability to create a unique and inimitable tone that has no analogues.

Before tinting the paint, it is worth remembering that when mixing by hand, it is almost impossible to get the same shade again.


Computerized paint tinting is more popular due to the following advantages:

  • get what you want color solutions in the shortest possible time;
  • the desired colors can be reproduced repeatedly if you save the desired tone in the program;
  • large palette of colors.

The main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of creating the desired effect at the work site.

On video: the process of computer tinting.

What to consider?

Painting walls with color is carried out using special equipment that can be purchased at hardware stores. Tinting acrylic paint must be carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  1. Coloring is done directly in the room that will be painted. This is necessary to evaluate the resulting tone in daylight and artificial light.
  2. Colors for water-based paint should be added in small portions or drops so that the dye does not spoil the main tone.
  3. It is important to take into account the fact that paint on a large area looks a little different than on a small section of the wall.

It is quite difficult to obtain a black color, since even one drop can completely change the color, and it will be much more difficult to lighten it. Quite often the result is a dull gray. Therefore, it is better to stock up on small jars and do everything gradually, using drops.

You also need to remember that on a wall using water-based paints, the resulting color will look brighter than in a container, so notes of gray on the surface may look completely different.

To receive good color choose white paint of the appropriate base without any yellowish admixture. The color for acrylic paint will give the desired shade only with a snow-white base. If the walls are to be painted, the colors should be chosen specifically for the walls, and not for the ceiling, which is quite important. Such compositions for acrylic paints have some differences in the level of wear resistance, soiling and elasticity.

If you need to re-tint water-based paint, it is important to buy compounds from the same manufacturer, since the same tone different brands may vary significantly.

When choosing latex paint you need to know that it has a rather thick consistency, so it requires careful and long mixing. The solvent in this case is water, which is gradually poured in until the desired consistency is formed. After this, the desired dyes can be added to the resulting composition.

Step-by-step mixing scheme

For tinting, you need to prepare a white base, color, a container for the solution, a small sample container and a mixer. Creating the desired tone occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Let's make a sample. In a small bowl we experiment with obtaining the desired color until we get the desired shade.
  2. Surface test. This is due to the fact that the color in the container and on the wall may differ.
  3. Preparation of the basic solution. After reaching desired result, you can proceed to the main volume. After obtaining a uniform color, apply paint to the surface.

Facade painting

Thanks to the availability of a variety of shades and the ability to make them yourself, home owners are trying to add more variety when decorating the exterior of a building. In most cases, façade paint is tinted using a computer method, due to the large working area. You can get the desired tone quite quickly by selecting it using a special table.

Painted facades have a beautiful and aesthetic appearance, and the use of color makes water-based paints brighter. In addition, such painting protects the facade from negative environmental factors.

To know how to tint paint correctly, it is important to read the instructions and follow all the rules. When manually tinting, it is worth remembering that the result obtained is quite difficult to repeat, so you need to correctly calculate the amount of paint and color consumption. Knowing the area of ​​the room, you can calculate the consumption figure, then you still need to add 10% to it, so the solution should definitely be enough.

It is better to carry out coloring in one container, since there is a considerable probability that in two containers, even when using the same amount of paint and color, compositions of different shades can be obtained.

If we talk about what a paint color is, this is a great way to implement bold and unusual design solutions. These wall paints can be used in interior and exterior applications. For high quality When painting, paint and color must be of the same brand.

Despite the huge selection of different paint shades that manufacturers currently offer, the picky consumer is not always able to find what he needs. In this case, you can create the desired shade for yourself and enjoy the chosen color.

Let's first understand the concept of tinting and color. The concept of “color” has several meanings in various areas. The so-called “folk” meaning of this term means specific color or shade, and experts call color a composition that is ready for use.

Tinting is a process where paint is mixed or thinned, the purpose of this process is to achieve the desired shade of color.

You can do the tinting yourself or, if you doubt it, own strength, you can order ready-made tinting from a company that specializes in this.

In what cases is it necessary to perform tinting? It is performed if:

  1. It is necessary to select a shade in accordance with the design of the apartment.
  2. A small piece of the painted surface has become unusable, and there is no point in repainting the entire surface.
  3. During the repair you made a mistake with the calculations required quantity paints, but now you can’t find the shade you need on sale.
  4. Choose shades that will harmonize.

Thanks to tinting, a small cosmetic repair will be a successful replacement for the front of intricate painting work.

Currently, there are several types of tinting.

Computer tinted paint

First, let's look at computer tinting. This is a version of our modernity. What is it? You choose the shade that you need, and using a specially created program, you can easily calculate the amount of paint and dye that you will need. With the computer method, you are not limited in the amount of paint. This method is unique.

It has the following advantages:

  • the tinting produced will be accurate and fast;
  • you can tint any type of paint.

Manual tinting

There is also traditional hand tinting. Of course, this method will not give you the same clear results as the computer method. To carry out manual tinting, you purchase white paint and tinting paste. The more tinting paste you add, the more intense the resulting shade will be.

U manual method has its advantages:

  • you can do the tinting yourself;
  • it is convenient and economically beneficial.

But using manual tinting, you will not achieve dark, rich colors. And also, if you need additional paint of a similar shade, then you are unlikely to be able to exactly repeat your result.

Pay attention to the lighting in your apartment - it will certainly have an impact on the shade you choose. So, if the lighting is artificial, then any shade you choose will have a yellowish tint. Daylight will give a more realistic picture. All your interior items will be reflected in tinted color.

Cool colors in artificial light will appear one shade darker. It's green, blue. Orange and yellow, on the contrary, will seem lighter to you. If your interior contains some bright objects (furniture, textiles), then the selected monotonous colors will fade against their background and get lost.

Also keep in mind that paint applied to a small area and a large area will seem different in shade to you. Especially if you start applying it vertical way. Based on all this, before you settle on any shade, take into account all the features of your room.

In the painting world there is such a thing as tinting systems. This is the use of base paint and color. Colors are deep or opposite colors. The pigments that make up them are organic or inorganic. Organic pigments are typically used for richer shades.

But such pigments have the following disadvantages:

  • not every surface can be coated with such a composition;
  • paint with such pigments is short-lived; under sunlight it will fade over time.

Colors with inorganic pigments have a limited color range, but they are influenced by atmospheric phenomena not scary.

The production of colorants is carried out in different versions:

  • pastes,
  • paints,
  • dry mixtures.

The paste contains dispersing resins; it is also possible to have a type of paste where there is no substance used for bonding.

There are pastes different types- there are universal pastes that are suitable for any paint, and there are specialized pastes designed for specific paint materials. The pastes are easy to use; when mixing, you can easily adjust the desired shade. But they have disadvantages: the pastes do not have the formal properties of color and saturation. The final shade may be unexpected for you.

The composition of tinting paints does not differ from the paints and varnishes for which they are used:

  • water emulsions,
  • acrylic,
  • oil
  • others.
By combining white paint and pigments, you will get the color you need. If you need a very bright and saturated color, then the existing colorant does not need to be diluted.

The advantage of dry compounds is their low price. But the color range of such pigments is very narrow, and correcting the desired shade is very difficult, since such pigments should not be added to a color mixture that is ready for use.

What you will need for this process is a container of the mixture, a drill with an attachment, a small reservoir for placing a test portion, white base paint, and color scheme.

Tinting stages:

  1. Preparing a test portion. Before making a large volume of the mixture, test a small portion. Otherwise, you just might ruin all your material. Pour some paint (100 ml) and a few drops of the color mixture into our small reservoir. When you get the shade you need, remember how many drops you added.
  2. Conducting experimental tests on work surface. As we already mentioned, the color on the surface may be different from the color of your mixture. Therefore, we take our test dose and try it on a small area of ​​the work surface. We wait for it to dry and see what happens. Keep in mind that different lighting will give different shades.
  3. Production of the main volume of material. If you are completely satisfied with what came out in the trial version and on the work surface, then you can proceed to the main volume. How to calculate required quantity color? Subtract 20% from the trial doses received. That is, if you added 7 drops of one color and 2 of the other to the sampler, then per liter of paint you will need not 70 and 20 drops, but 56 and 16 drops. When the mixture is evenly stirred, test the surface again. Don't forget about different lighting.

The main thing is not to rush when tinting. Take your time and achieve the desired result. Otherwise, you risk ruining all your existing materials, or achieving a color that doesn’t suit you. Please note that it is better to prepare more paint than is needed.

If you don't have enough paint, choosing exactly the right shade is a very difficult task. And, most likely, the shades in different containers will differ. The remaining amount will be useful to you in the future, when the time comes for corrective repairs. Pour the excess into a jar and close the lid tightly.

You need to tint large paints in one container, otherwise, if you need to repeat the shade, you will have difficulty calculating the required volume. When you are faced with a choice of color, it is better to choose one contained in bottles with a narrow neck - it is more convenient to calculate the number of drops. If you choose another one, you can use a syringe for these purposes.

In order to select the desired color and the amount of color required, you can use a special table for mixing colors.

To ensure that the resulting material is evenly mixed, attachments of various sizes can be attached to the drill.

It is better to choose paint and color from the same company, this guarantees the achievement of maximum results when mixed. As a rule, the color scheme comes with information about the required volume of base paint.

When painting an apartment, study the color scheme in advance. It is known that some colors have a calming effect on a person, while others, on the contrary, cause irritation and aggression.

Table. Mixing colors.

Color nameMix to get it
Pink 90% white + 10% red
Royal Red 5-10% blue is added to red
Tomato red Add 5% brown and yellow to red
Crimson Blue base + a little white, brown and red in equal proportions
Chestnut Add 5% brown and 3% black to red
Red If you want to lighten red, add white
Orange Add up to 30% red to yellow
Yellow Yellow - lighten with white, darken with red and brown
Olive Green base + 10-20% yellow
Turquoise green Add up to 25% blue to green
Bottle green Yellow + 20-40% blue
Turquoise blue In blue 10-15% green
Royal Blue In blue 10-15% black and 2% green
Dark blue Blue + 5% black and 2% green
Grey In white to 5% black
Medium brown Add red and blue to yellow in equal portions, add white if you want to lighten it, darken it with black.
Golden brown To yellow we add 10% blue, white and red, the more yellow, the higher the contrast.
Mustard In yellow, 5% black and red + 1-2% green
Beige Add white to brown while stirring until the desired tone is obtained, add yellow for brightness
Pink gray In white up to 5% black or red
Gray-blue In white up to 5% light gray + 1% blue
Green-gray In white 5% light gray + 1% green
Gray coal Black is added to white until the desired tone is achieved (with constant stirring)
Lemon yellow In yellow 5% white and 1-2% green
Fern green color Add black, green and white paint in equal parts to white
Forest green color Green is diluted with black (up to 5%)
Emerald green Yellow diluted with white (less) and green (more) paint
Light green Yellow is diluted with white (5%) and green (10%) paint
Celadon Add up to 35% green and 5% black to ball paint
Avocado Add black and brown paint to yellow in equal parts (up to 10%)
Royal purple Red color is diluted with yellow and blue paint
Dark purple We dilute the red tone with black and blue paint
Mandarin, orange In yellow paint up to 10% red and up to 5% brown
Reddish chestnut Red is diluted with black and brown
Orange White diluted with red and brown
Burgundy red color Add 5-10% yellow, brown and black paint to red paint in equal parts
Plum In red, 10% black and blue and 5% white
Chestnut Add white, red and black paint to yellow in equal proportions
Dark brown In yellow paint, 10-20% each of red, white and black
Black Black is lightened to different tones of gray with white

materials on the topic

Drawing is a very exciting and at the same time useful activity for children. of different ages, it allows them to develop fine motor skills of their hands, imaginative thinking, children's fantasy and imagination. The industry that produces varnishes and paints produces paints, with their help children can engage in creativity, which over time can develop into a profession.