How to drill through thick glass at home. Drilling glass at home. Working with glass using a glass cutter

Ordinary glass could well displace it from most areas industrial production half of expensive metals, if not for one of its unfortunate drawbacks - fragility (in other words, extremely low resistance to impact). However, in terms of hardness it is almost as good as granite, and in strength it is superior to cast iron. This set of mechanical properties in combination leads to the complexity of its drilling. It turns out that creating a neat hole in this hard but easily cracked material is possible - but not so easy.

Leaving aside special innovative technologies and expensive diamond cutters, let’s look at the simplest and cheapest ways to drill glass so that it doesn’t crack on its own, without involving a craftsman.

Note: Safety regulations strongly recommend the use of safety glasses, as even the smallest glass fragments can seriously damage your eyes.

Method No. 1: Drill with a hardened steel tip

  1. Place the sheet of glass on a stable and absolutely flat surface.
  2. We mark the centers of future holes (keeping in mind that minimum distance the holes from the edge should not be less than 12-15 mm. for thin glass, and 20-25 mm. - for thicker ones).
  3. We choose a drill (it can be either electric or manual) and a hardened drill bit.
  4. We make and firmly attach a ring with a diameter of 4-5 cm and a height of 1 cm around the drilling site from putty or plasticine.
  5. Pour a little vinegar or turpentine into the resulting “pool”.
  6. We begin the drilling process with light pressure at low speeds (for an electric drill - no more than 300-330 rpm).
  7. For thick glass, drill only half the hole, then remove the putty and carefully turn the sheet over.
  8. Next, to obtain a full-fledged through hole, we repeat the process on the other side - fixing the desired center point, again pressing the ring to the glass and pouring turpentine or vinegar before drilling.
  9. Choose a plastic tube with a slightly smaller diameter drilled hole, wrap it in fine-grain sandpaper and clean it inner surface.

Method No. 2: Drill with a non-hardened steel tip

Obviously, the drill tip will have to be hardened yourself. We clamp the drill with pliers and place the tip into the flame from gas burner(or open fire, if hardening is not done indoors). After changing the color of the steel tip to white heat, cool the drill - in ideal in sealing wax or, in the absence of such, in oil. The cooling process is considered complete when the sealing wax stops melting and the oil stops fizzing. We clean off the remaining carbon deposits and then carry out the sequence of operations described in method No. 1.

Video. How to make a drill from a nail

Method No. 3: Drill with carbide tip

This method is also similar to the first - but the composition of the liquid poured into the ring should be slightly different: instead of turpentine, it should be used in combination with camphor (in a ratio of 1 to 1), and instead of vinegar, aluminum alum dissolved in it in the same proportion should be used.

In addition, it is advisable to cover the surface on which the glass sheet will be placed with a cloth.

Method No. 4: If there is no drill, use wire and abrasive paste

It is quite possible that the required drill will not be at hand at all. Then it will have to be replaced with copper wire (for small-diameter holes), which will be “helped” to turn into a full-fledged drilling tool by an abrasive paste consisting of 2 parts turpentine, 1 part camphor and large emery grains. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed and filled into a container formed by a ring of plasticine or putty.

After this, the process must be repeated. 6 – 9 from the first method.

Method No. 5: If there is no drill, use a tube and abrasive paste

If the diameter of the hole is too large for the wire, it is replaced with a tube of the appropriate cross-section. Otherwise, this method copies the previous one (except that the composition of the paste can be replaced with corundum powder dissolved in water).

For glass, it is best to purchase corundum powder of the KP brand, fraction 180 microns (F80) white. This powder is sold in construction stores in the departments of materials for metalworking.

Method No. 6: If there is no drill, use a tube and a screw

This method is an even more complicated option for using duralumin, copper or aluminum tube, from which something like a homemade drill is made.

To do this:

  1. We tightly insert a 2-3 cm long wooden plug into the hollow hole of one of its ends, into which a screw sticking out about 1.5 cm is screwed.
  2. We saw off the head of a securely seated screw.
  3. We cut out the other end of the tube with a 3-sided file so that we get several teeth.
  4. We insert the protruding part of the screw into the drill and secure it.
  5. We cut out 2 cardboard washers with a cross-section according to the diameter of the hole, and glue them to the glass on both sides at the drilling site.
  6. Cover the supporting surface on which the glass will lie with rubber (to create greater elasticity), and sprinkle the drilling site with abrasive powder from emery.
  7. We carefully soak the teeth of the tube (playing the role of the drill head) in turpentine - after which we immediately begin drilling at low speeds until 1/4 - 1/3 of the hole is passed.
  8. We turn the glass over and repeat the procedure - after which the flip follows again (1 or 2 times until a through hole is drilled).
  9. At the end we carry out cleaning using the first method.

Method number 7: In the absence of a drill and a drill

The last method (often used when it is necessary to obtain a hole of a sufficiently large diameter) does not use drilling at all. It is produced as follows:

  1. The area where the hole needs to be made is thoroughly degreased (with a rag soaked in acetone, alcohol or gasoline).
  2. We pour fine wet sand onto the surface of the glass so that the diameter of the “slide” (as high as possible) is slightly larger than the cross-section of the future hole.
  3. Using a sharpened tube or stick, carefully make a vertical funnel-shaped hole in the sand up to the surface of the glass sheet (making sure that the resulting glass “bottom” is exactly equal to the diameter of the hole and does not contain a single grain of sand).
  4. Melt lead or tin solder and pour it into the funnel.
  5. After 2-3 minutes (when the metal has hardened), completely sweep away the sand and carefully remove the cone.

Since the glass begins to soften and melt already at a temperature of 300°C, the glass circle will “stick” to the metal and will be pulled out along with it - and the resulting hole will not even have to be processed from the inside.

Thus, even without having high-quality diamond glass cutters (or even the necessary drill or even the drill itself), drilling a hole of the required diameter in sheet glass is not so difficult. Although, of course, it is better to conduct preliminary training not on finished product– but on a piece of glass whose further use is not planned.

And if you have available materials, desire and a little acquired skill, anyone can drill glass so that it does not crack!

Such drills are tubular in shape and look more like a small milling cutter without teeth. The process of making round holes in glass or ceramic tiles implies the use of additional consumables for degreasing - alcohol, acetone, turpentine, gasoline, special liquids, etc. It is also necessary to take care of the rapid cooling of the surface being treated.

How to drill glass with a drill?

For high-quality drilling of glass or ceramics, the following conditions must be met:

  • firmly secure the product on which work will be carried out;
  • ensure that the drill fits at a perfectly right angle;
  • the future hole is indicated by a small side made of plasticine;
  • the drill is set to the lowest possible speed;
  • An abrasive and cooling material must be used - at best, turpentine and crushed grindstone, in the worst case, fine sand and water will be enough.

Since drilling glass with a drill may not work out well the first time, and there may be chips or cracks, you must first practice on small pieces. It is very important to drill slowly and with minimal pressure, otherwise the product may crack.

What is the best tubular drill bit to use for glass?

To make large enough holes in glass or ceramics, it is necessary to use special tubular drills. Similar tools are used in industrial processing. The tubular glass drill is distinguished not only by its special shape - its working cutting layer is made of technical diamonds and is tightly attached to the steel base using the thermal sintering process.

Before first use, such equipment must be cleaned. abrasive stone With cutting edge to open the diamond layer - a similar procedure is done for special machine drills and countersinks. Diamond-coated tubular drills are best suited for such work - unlike carbide drills, they do not chip reverse side processed material.

How to drill glass with a regular drill?

It is a fairly common situation in which you only need to make a few holes in the glass, and it is not profitable to purchase special equipment for this. For small diameters, you can get by with a regular metal drill. General principles here they remain exactly the same - rigid glass fastening, minimum speed, very light pressure. To drill glass with a regular drill, you need to have a good feel for the tool and flexibly adjust the pressing force - at the slightest manifestation of “beating” you need to stop the work, or it is better to change the drill to a screwdriver, which gives an even lower speed.

A plasticine limiting circle with a small amount of turpentine inside will ensure that the surface is cool and free of cracks; you will also need a good abrasive. It is recommended to follow the following rules when working with conventional drills:

  • harden the drill before performing work - simply hold it in a hot flame, for example from a burner, and then cool it in wax;
  • work as long as possible, taking breaks from time to time and additionally cooling the drill in water;
  • Be sure to degrease the glass with acetone or alcohol and check for slippage before starting work;
  • secure the glass to wooden surface;
  • do not make holes very close to the edge of the surface (no closer than 1.5-2 cm).

When drilling into glass and ceramics, it is possible that chips may appear on the reverse side. To avoid this, there are several different ways - use two pieces of glass at once, treat the back side with plasticine, etc. One of the most simple ways lies in the fact that at the very end of the work the glass is turned over and the hole is completed from the other end.

How to choose a drill for tiles and glass?

High-quality tools for drilling tiles and glass are made by Italian companies (Zauber, etc.). According to manufacturing technology, a drill for tiles and glass can be different - steel, galvanic, brass, and so on. Best results The work is performed using tubular drills made of high-strength steel with diamond coating. For use in machines, conical countersink drills are used, also with diamond coating. To work with such a tool, no abrasive is required, and the drill ensures the ideal appearance of the holes and the absence of possible chips or cracks.

Glass shelves, tables, boards for the kitchen are not only beautiful, but also practical. However, to make this shelf or table, you need to attach the glass to the other parts using self-tapping screws. Not every person is able to correctly make holes in a transparent surface without damaging the glass itself.

Watch our video on how to drill glass at home and try decorating your home with original glass shelves.

To make holes in the glass, we will need:
- special drill, we will use a diamond-coated crown with a diameter of 8 millimeters;
- drill or screwdriver;
- glass;
- glass blank;
- scotch;
- masking tape;
- a container of water to cool the surface to be cooled.

We insert the drill into the drill and firmly clamp it there so that the drill does not dangle while drilling, but is exactly in the center.

Before we start drilling our main element, we must first prepare our workpiece. To do this, we attach tape to one side of it; it is needed so that when we drill a hole in the glass, small fragments do not fly off or lie on the table, but are glued to the tape.

We moisten the place that we will drill with water. This is necessary in order to cool the surface of the glass and the drill itself.

It is impossible to immediately drill a hole in the glass; the drill will crawl along the surface. For this, we need a template, so that by inserting a drill into it, we can easily drill a hole in the material we need.

To avoid damaging the table, place a small piece of cardboard or a regular board.

Everything is ready, remove the tape and wipe with a damp cloth.

Now you can start drilling through the main glass blank.

We glue the workpiece to the place where we will drill the hole and secure it with masking tape so that it does not move.

Water the workpiece with water.

The workpiece can be removed when the drill fits tightly into the main glass and does not slip off to the side.

It is better to drill glass from both sides. For the second side we will also need a template to go a few mm deeper inside.

Then we remove all excess from the glass with a cloth so that there is no dirt or smudges.

Sometimes it is necessary to make round and neat holes in the glass, that is, to drill the glass. We will tell you how to drill glass at home with your own hands in this material.

Tools and materials for drilling glass

Before you begin drilling glass, you need to complete all necessary preparation, assemble the following tools: drill with electric drive, either manually, gasoline or acetone, turpentine, plasticine for window caulking, a drill coated with diamond, eye protection.

How to drill glass correctly

To avoid cracking of the glass, drilling must be done further than 15 mm from the edge in the case of thin glass and no closer than 25 mm in the case of thick glass.

The necessary practice can be obtained by first practicing drilling glass pieces of similar thickness, so that, having acquired the appropriate skill, you do not harm the glass in the process of working with it.

The use of a construction drill stand when operating a drill significantly simplifies the process of work.

Stages of glass drilling at home

The drilling procedure is as follows:

1) The glass surface is thoroughly wiped in order to remove dust from it, and the area prepared for drilling is treated with acetone;

2) The glass is laid in a horizontal position to avoid cracking;

3) Mark the proposed hole with a cross using a felt-tip pen or glass cutter;

4) Using plasticine or putty material, a ring is molded as thick as a finger and with an internal diameter of about 20 mm, which is located around the mark, pressing it tightly to the surface. Turpentine is poured into the inner surface of the ring;

6) In case of use hand drill, drilling can be very difficult. It requires attaching a drilled sheet of plywood to the top of the glass surface, which will subsequently need to be removed;

7) The hole is made four-fifths deep;

8) The ring is removed, the glass is turned over and the work continues. To do this, you need to stick the ring on the back side and pour turpentine into it, while trying to get into the marked hole. This procedure is carried out in order to prevent the occurrence of chips.

In order to ensure an acceptable appearance hole made, its boundaries must be cleaned using fine-grain abrasive paper.

For high-quality use, the skin needs to be tied around a pipe having a diameter smaller than the diameter of the hole made.

When it is necessary to drill a hole in a small object made of glass, it is completely acceptable to drill it in a state that is practically total immersion into the water.

Safety first

In order to ensure the safety of the work being carried out, eye protection is required.

They will help to reliably protect your eyesight from the effects of glass chips, the contact of which with the eyes causes serious damage and is completely unacceptable.

How to drill glass with your own hands VIDEO

Almost everyone probably has to work with glass. home handyman. Cutting a sheet of capricious material into pieces does not pose any particular problems, but the need to drill glass causes difficulties for many. To perform this manipulation, you can contact a specialist, whose services are quite expensive, or you can try to do this work yourself. In fact, there is nothing noticeably complicated here; you just need to be careful, since the slightest deviation from the following recommendations will cause the surface to become covered with cracks.

It is possible to drill any holes in glass

Types and features of glass as a material

Glass manufacturing technology is quite complex. Molten at very high temperatures a mixture of several components is subjected to rapid cooling, while the crystallization of the material is not completely completed, and it remains amorphous. The type of glass is determined by the main chemical ingredients it contains. There are the following types of glass:

  • oxide;
  • sulfide;
  • fluoride

Silicate or oxide material is widely used for the manufacture of various glass containers, including bottles. Melting quartzite produces quartz glasses, sometimes called rock crystal. It is formed when lightning strikes quartz deposits. Glass can also be classified according to its purpose. So, various types glass can be used to reduce radiation levels, produce fiberglass, protect the screens of laptops, tablets and smartphones, as well as in the manufacture of incandescent lamps, picture tubes and x-ray equipment.

Samples different types glass

Depending on the application and performance characteristics glass of different compositions can be optical, chemical, medical, safety, window, tableware, and so on. Industrial varieties that are also used in everyday life are divided into several subspecies:

  • characterized by a low melting point and light color potassium-sodium glass;
  • hard and refractory calcium-potassium material;
  • expensive and fragile lead glass;
  • borosilicate products resistant to aggressive chemical environments and temperature changes.

Proper preparation is the key to success

It is quite possible to make a smooth and neat hole in the glass with your own hands, you just need to properly prepare its surface before performing the manipulation. This is the key to successful completion of the work. The following actions will be necessary:

  • Fatty contaminants are removed from the glass and it is placed on a non-slip surface;
  • the marked location is sealed with adhesive tape to prevent the incisor from slipping;
  • the drill is positioned strictly vertically when drilling;
  • It is unacceptable to exert strong pressure on the material;
  • work must be carried out with breaks for cooling.

There are drills for holes of different diameters

The standard option is to use a drill

Often the task arises of drilling a small round hole in the aquarium for an aeration tube. To do drilling at home standard option is the use regular drill on metal. To do the job you will need a drill with adjustable speed or a screwdriver.

It is also necessary to prepare a small piece of plasticine and turpentine. A funnel is formed from plasticine into which turpentine is poured as a cooling working element. The plasticine side is located around the center of the planned hole.

Careful work guarantees success

Having positioned the drill strictly vertically and setting its speed control to minimum, proceed to action. When the process is almost complete, but the hole has not yet been completely formed, the glass sheet should be turned over to the other side and work continued on the opposite side to prevent cracking of the material. The final processing of the edges of the resulting through channel is carried out with fine sandpaper, rolled into a tube.

You can make a glass drill yourself

You can make devices for drilling glass yourself. To do this, you need to perform the hardening procedure of an ordinary drill. It is clamped with pliers and the cutting end is placed in the flame of a gas burner. When the metal is hot white, it is cooled in a wax bath. Metal hardened in this way can cope with almost any glass material.

This is what homemade glass drills look like

A regular glass cutter can also help. To do this, a cutting element in the form of a diamond roller is fixed to a metal rod in such a way that it is motionless in relation to it. The resulting device can be called a modification of factory tools with diamond coating.

Making a hole with sand

Before the advent of drills and screwdrivers, holes in the capricious material were made using sand. To do this, it was poured into the required place in a wet state and a funnel was formed in the sand, the lower diameter of which exactly corresponded to the cross-section of the required through channel.

Ancient way make a hole in glass

Then molten lead or tin was poured into the funnel. After some time, the sand along with the frozen glass mass is removed. The hole turns out perfectly smooth. Its edges do not require further machining. Lead can be easily melted by placing it in a mug and pointing the flame of a gas burner at it, or simply by placing a metal container on a gas stove.

Cut a large hole with a glass cutter

A large diameter circle can be cut out of glass using a glass cutter. To do this, use the circular design of this tool. It consists of a suction cup located in the center of the diameter, an adjustable tripod and the glass cutter itself. The movement of the glass cutter should be smooth and uniform, and excessive pressure should not be applied to the handle.

Drilling a large diameter hole in glass

The cut is made once, after which the separation line is tapped from the inside with the handle of a glass cutter. If all manipulations are performed correctly, the cut fragment is easily separated and dumped into a substitute bucket.

All sorts of different ways to make a hole

You can make a through channel in a glass surface in other ways. For example, you can use ordinary copper wire. First you need to dilute one part of camphor powder in two parts of turpentine, add fine-grained emery and stir the resulting mixture thoroughly. Then apply the composition to the work site, insert the copper wire into the drill chuck and begin the drilling process.

Big hole can be done homemade drill

The work can also be done using duralumin, aluminum or copper tube. At the working end of the improvised tool, cutting teeth are cut out with a needle file. A wooden plug is driven into the other end, into which a screw with a cut head is screwed in to secure it in the drill chuck.

In the right place, cardboard washers are glued to the material being processed on both sides. The working end of the tube with cutting teeth, moistened with turpentine, is inserted into the washer and glass is produced to one third of the thickness of the material. Then the sheet of glass is turned over and work continues on the other side until a through hole is obtained.

A soldering iron will help you make a hole in the glass.

Some craftsmen use a soldering iron to make through holes in a glass sheet. A marking mark in the form of a ring is first applied to the surface of the material. Then the soldering iron tip warms up thoroughly, and careful melting of glass along segments of the circle begins. To be honest, using this method rarely produces fairly straight edges on the hole.

Before starting any manipulations, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease the surface to be treated. This is done with a rag soaked in gasoline or turpentine. Then the glass is thoroughly dried.

It is better to feel the work of the cutter in advance by drilling several holes in unnecessary scraps of glass. It is important not to create excessive pressure on the working part, even if it feels like the drill is rotating idle, without producing a hole in the glass surface. This is not true: drilling is happening slowly but surely.

During operation, be sure to cool the surface of the glass and the cutting part. Products small size can be drilled in water by lowering them into a container of suitable volume. In this case, there is no need to worry about overheating.
Cooling of glass during drilling process ensures good result

The working point must be pre-glued masking tape and apply markings on top of it. This simple step will prevent slipping at the very beginning of the work process. The drill must be positioned vertically, maintaining a strict right angle throughout the entire manipulation.

Turning the sheet over when choosing a thicker glass surface will help ensure that even small cracks appear in the material.

In addition, this procedure will help reduce the tapering of the resulting hole. Accidental cuts from its sharp edges are prevented by sanding the protrusions with fine-grained sandpaper.

Be sure to wear glasses to protect your eyes from tiny glass shards in the form of dust. It is necessary to drill into thin glass, stepping back from its edge by at least thirteen millimeters. You need to retreat approximately twenty-five millimeters from the edge of thick glass, otherwise the material will certainly crack.

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