Comments. Methods and means of historical geography

Historical geography

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Historical geography – an auxiliary historical discipline that studies the spatial localization of the historical process.

Historical geography is interdisciplinary in nature. In terms of its object of study, it is close to geographical science. The difference is that geography studies its object in its present state, but it also has a historical point of view. Historical geography studies an object in its historical development, and it is also characterized by an interest in the modern state of the object, since one of its tasks is to explain the formation of the object in its modern state.

Confusing historical geography with the history of geography is also wrong. The history of geography studies the history of geographical discoveries and travel; the history of people's geographical ideas; the specific, socially created geography of states, population, economy, nature, in the conditions in which these people of the past lived.

    Sources of historical geography

    Methods of historical geography

    History of the emergence and development of historical geography

Sources of historical geography

Historical geography uses the entire population as a source base. historical sources: written, material, visual, as well as data from other sciences.

The most complete information on historical geography is provided by written sources, and above all historical and geographical descriptions, materials from expeditions, and maps. Information of a historical and geographical nature contains chronicles, scribes, customs, boundary census books, materials of audits and censuses, legislative and legislative monuments, office documentation of institutions in charge of industry, agriculture, etc. A special place among written sources is occupied by sources containing toponyms - names of geographical objects.

Material sources are important for historical geography, since accurate conclusions can be drawn by using information from written sources in conjunction with others, including materials from archaeological finds. With the help of tangible archaeological materials, it is possible to establish the location of a settlement that has not survived to this day, the boundaries of the settlement of ethnic groups, etc.

Methods of historical geography

Historical geography uses methods adopted in history, geography, archeology, toponymy, ethnology, etc. One of the main methods is the analytical-synthetic method, the use of which is advisable when studying the territorial growth of a country, its administrative structure, demographic problems, as well as political and economic geography. The comparative historical method, the method of retrospective analysis, statistical and cartographic methods are used. IN recent years they are increasingly talking about a new method of historical and geographical research - the method of relative space, i.e. determining the location of an object in space relative to landmarks established in science.

History of the emergence and development of historical geography

In Russia, historical geography as a special discipline dates back to the 18th century. Its founder was V.N. Tatishchev. He outlined tasks related to the study of natural factors of economic life, the ancient geography of peoples and states, and the history of human settlements. In his “Proposals for the Composition of Russian History and Geography,” he pointed out that history without geography cannot provide “perfect pleasure in knowledge.” His “Lexicon of Russian Historical, Geographical, Political and Civil” clarified the tasks of historical geography, which is divided into ancient, middle and new, or real. In “Russian History” the scientist laid the foundations for studying the migration of nationalities in the territory Eastern Europe, paying main attention to the Slavs.

In his views on the place of historical geography in general historical works, M.V. shares his views with Tatishchev. Lomonosov. In his work “On the Layers of the Earth,” the scientist spoke about the connection between historical historiography and modern geography: “Visible physical things on earth and the whole world were not in the same state from the beginning from creation as we now find... as history and ancient geography show, demolished with the present ..."

The theory about the role of climate in the development of human society is directly related to historical geography. The enlighteners Montesquieu and Herder had detailed judgments on this topic. Less detailed, but more harmonious statements on this topic belong to the Russian historian, who was undoubtedly under their influence - I.I. Boltin. He outlined his views on the role of climate in the history of human society in the first volume of his “Notes on the History of Ancient and Modern Russia by G. Leclerc.” According to I.N. Boltin, climate is the main reason that determines “human morals,” and other reasons either strengthen or restrain its effect. He considered climate “the primary cause in the structure and education of man.”

In general, in the 18th century. the content of historical geography was reduced to identifying places on the map historical events and geographical objects that have ceased to exist, the study of changes in political boundaries and the settlement of peoples.

In the first half of the 19th century. The most interesting historical and geographical studies were the works of N.I. Nadezhdina, Z.Ya. Khodakovsky, K.A. Nevolina.

In the second half of the 19th century. – early 20th century historical geography began to emerge as a branch of historical science. At the beginning of the 20th century. Several consolidated courses in historical geography appeared, given at the St. Petersburg and Moscow Archaeological Institutes. Their authors were S.M. Seredonin, A.A. Spitsyn, S.K. Kuznetsov, M.K. Lyubavsky. Seredonin believed that the task of historical geography is to study the problems of the relationship between man and nature in past historical periods. A.A. Spitsyn saw the main importance of historical geography in creating a background “for understanding current events and the development of historical phenomena.”

As common task In historical geography, scientists put forward the study of the relationship between man and nature in different historical periods. There are noticeable deterministic tendencies in the approach to this problem. In this regard, it is necessary to mention the concept of geographical determinism, the founders of which are considered to be Montesquieu and Ratzel. This naturalistic doctrine attributes a primary role in the development of society and peoples to their geographical location and natural conditions. The concept played a negative role, since according to it, exclusively natural and geographical features determine the history of a people.

The role of the geographical factor, due to the objective conditions of Russia, is much greater than in the West. Therefore, Russian historians paid great attention to this problem, but often exaggerated the role of the geographical factor. For the first time in Russia, the concept of geographical determinism was defended by representatives of the “state school” in the historiography of B.N. Chicherin and K.D. Kavelin. It was most fully brought to life by S.M. Soloviev. They were undoubtedly influenced by the concept of L.I. Mechnikov, who connected the main periods of development of world civilizations with the influence of rivers (Egypt - Nile, etc.).

Historical geography at this time became the most popular and dynamically developing historical discipline. Among other researchers, Yu.V. should be mentioned. Gautier. In the book “Zamoskovny region in the 17th century.” he emphasized the close connection between natural conditions and the economic life of the population. P.G. Lyubomirov was one of the first to try to outline the economic regions of Russia in the 17th and 18th centuries. The problem of economic-geographical zoning was posed by him, but was not solved (before him, they were limited to dividing into historical regions).

At the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. The problems of historical political geography and historical population geography were studied mainly. Historical and geographical research played a supporting role in relation to historical science: places of historical events were localized, trade routes were clarified, etc. Clearly insufficient attention was paid to the historical geography of the economy and the development of historical cartography. Historical maps were mainly educational and military and reflected the history of political boundaries and wars. Pre-revolutionary science did not create a consolidated outline of the historical geography of Russia. There was no unity in understanding the tasks of historical geography. There was a constant interest in the problem of the influence of the natural environment (geographical environment) on the development of society.

In the 1920-1930s. Historical geography as a science was forgotten, and for many years the term “historical geography” was not used.

The year 1941 became a turning point for the development of historical geography, when an article by V.K. Yatsunsky “The subject and tasks of historical geography”. Over the course of several years, there has been a breakthrough in the study of the main problems of science. The course has been resumed historical history in universities. By the second half of the 20th century. historical geography has taken its place among the auxiliary historical disciplines, but scientific work in the field of historical geography, “lone craftsmen” – M.N. – were engaged, as Yatsunsky put it. Tikhomirov, B.A. Rybakov, S.V. Bakhrushin, A.I. Andreev, A.N. Nasonov, I.A. Golubtsov, L.V. Cherepnin. Work in the field of historical cartography has intensified .

The development of Soviet historical geography proceeded in two main directions: the development of traditional topics continued, and the study of problems of the geography of production and economic relations began.

The greatest merit in the revival of historical geography, in its formation as a science belongs to V.K. Yatsunsky. His name is associated with the development of the theoretical foundations of historical geography and the study of historical and geographical sources. He attached great importance to the methodological basis of historical geography, to solving the issue of its position at the intersection of history and geography and to the use of information obtained by historians and geographers of science using the scientific methods of each science. The scientist not only developed the theory of science, but also conducted specific research of a historical and geographical nature, created a number of cartographic manuals on the history of the national economy of Russia with explanatory texts. His contribution to the study of the history of historical geography is significant.

V.K. Yatsunsky proposed the structure of historical geography. He identified four elements of the content of historical geography:

    historical physical geography;

    historical economic geography, or historical geography of the economy;

    historical geography of the population;

    historical political geography.

This structure is reflected in many reference and educational publications, although a number of researchers, while generally supporting the definition of “historical geography” given by Yatsunsky, did not agree with him in everything. For example, in 1970, a discussion took place about the definition of the concept of “historical geography”. During the discussion, it was proposed to exclude V.K. from the definition. Yatsunsky, for example, physical geography. In the 1970s Much attention was paid to the content of the historical geography course and its teaching. New teaching aids have appeared. Such a manual was “Historical Geography of the USSR”, published in 1973 by I.D. Kovalchenko, V.Z. Drobizhev and A.V. Muravyov. To this day, it remains the only benefit of such a high level. It was the first time that a generalized description of the historical geographical conditions development of Russia from ancient times to the present day. The authors defined historical geography in the same way as V.K. Yatsunsky. The material was presented in chronological order by historical periods.

V.S. spoke with many controversial provisions. Zhekulin, who dealt with theoretical problems and specific issues of historical geography. He, in particular, declared the existence of two scientific disciplines under the same name, which have nothing in common with each other: historical geography as a geographical science and historical geography, which belongs to the cycle of historical disciplines.

Interest in historical geography in recent decades has been promoted by L.N. Gumilyov, who developed the theory of ethnogenesis and passionary impulse and applied it in historical research. The theory linked together ideas about man as a biological species, Homo sapiens, and the driving force of history. According to L.N. Gumilyov, the ethnic group is “inscribed” into the landscape surrounding it, and natural forces are one of the engines of history.

In the last decade, a significant study revealing the influence of climate and soil on the Russian historical process was the monograph by L.V. Milov “The Great Russian Plowman and the Peculiarities of the Russian Historical Process” (1st ed.: M., 1998; 2nd ed.: 2001).

In general, historical geography was unable to develop as a purely independent science. A number of works created in the 20th century were of an auxiliary nature; they mainly studied local problems, more often on the medieval history of Russia. The merit of Russian historical geography must be recognized in the use of new sources, for example, geographical descriptions.

1. Averyanov K.A. On the subject of historical geography // Problems of historical geography and demography of Russia. Issue 1. M., 2007.

2. Goldenberg L.A. On the issue of cartographic source study

3. Drobizhev V.Z., Kovalchenko I.D., Muravyov A.V. Historical geography of the USSR

4. Kovalchenko I.D., Muravyov A.V. Works on the interaction of nature and society

5. Milov L.V. Natural-climatic factor and features of the Russian historical process // Issues of history. 1992. No. 4-5.

6. Petrova O.S. Problems of historical geography in the “Proceedings of Archaeological Congresses” (second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries) // Problems of methodology and source study. Materials of the III scientific readings in memory of academician I.D. Kovalchenko. M., 2006.

7. Shulgina O.V. Historical geography of Russia in the 20th century: socio-political aspects. M., 2003.

8. Yatsunsky V.K. Historical geography: the history of its origin and development in the XIV - XVIII centuries. M., 1955.

    Lomonosov M.V. Selected philosophical works. M., 1950. P.397. 1

Detailing concepts:

Geographical environment

Historical map; Toponym; .

Geography; Natural resources and environmental management;

Detailing concepts:

Historical map; Map; Economic-geographical zoning.

Historical geography is a special historical discipline that studies the influence of the geographical environment on the development of human society. There are other definitions, for example, V.K. Yatsunsky gave this: historical geography studies “the specific geography of population and economy created by society, as well as the geography of nature transformed by people, in the conditions in which these people of the past lived.”

It is necessary to clearly understand the difference between historical geography and the history of geography. The history of geography or the history of geographical knowledge studies the history of geographical discoveries, expeditions and travel, as well as the history of geographical thought and the geographical ideas of people in various historical eras.

Currently, historical geography as an independent scientific discipline includes the following main elements: physical geography, population geography, economic geography, political geography and cultural geography.

Historical physical geography deals with the study of the physical-geographical environment of past eras and the changes that occurred with it during the historical period of time.

Physiographic environment is a collection natural conditions, located in the historical practice of mankind (relief, climate, water resources, soil, plant and fauna, minerals).

Geographical environment- a necessary and constant condition of the material life of society, influencing its development. When studying the geographical environment, historical geography faces the following specific tasks: to reconstruct the physical-geographical landscape of the historical past, to analyze changes in the geographical conditions of the study area over a historical period of time, to study the influence of natural conditions on economic and political geography in each of the historical periods. Changes in natural conditions under the influence of human activity also require significant attention.

The influence of natural conditions must be considered with two circumstances in mind. First of all, the influence of the geographical environment on human society weakens or changes as the productive forces develop. The nature of this influence is always determined by the level of technology of a given society. For example, the development of technology leads to the possibility of introducing into economic circulation previously unsuitable plots of land for this purpose. Water spaces - rivers, lakes and seas, which served as a barrier to new lands and to the communication of people, with the advent of means of transportation, turned into routes of communication, which later expanded and improved (drag routes, canals appeared, navigation and shipbuilding developed). Thus, the role of the same geographical environment on different stages development of society may be different. Second important point, which must be taken into account when studying the role of natural-geographical conditions, is that their influence must be taken into account continuously, that is, at each historical stage.

Historical population geography is called upon to consider the process of formation of the population of a particular territory, its ethnic composition, placement, movement and other important spatial and demographic features. Some experts identify historical ethnic geography as an independent branch, which specifically studies the issues of settlement and migration of tribes and nationalities in various historical periods.

Historical and economic geography(or economic geography) studies the geography of production and economic relations with sectoral and regional characteristics. It, in turn, breaks down into smaller sections, such as the geography of crafts and industry, agriculture, land tenure, communications, transport, trade relations, etc.

Historical and political geography deals with clarifying the boundaries of states, internal administrative-territorial divisions, identifying territories and areas that stand out historically, establishing the location of points associated with certain political events, localizing cities, fortresses and other defensive structures, establishing campaign routes and battle sites.

Geography of culture studies the areas of religions, the distribution of objects that have cultural and historical significance, for example, temples and monasteries, etc.

Sometimes other elements of historical geography are distinguished, for example, historical geography of settlements, historical topography, historical cartography, historical and geographical regional studies, etc. However, the above classification takes into account the largest components of this discipline and clarifications and additions are possible within its framework.

Basic elements, methods and sources of historical geography

The methodological basis of historical geography includes most of the methods used in historical research. These include, in particular, analytical-synthetic and comparative-historical methods, retrospective analysis, statistical method observations, cartographic research method.

Analytical-synthetic method involves identifying facts, their systematization, generalization, determining the essence of phenomena with a clear localization in space and time. The use of this method is most appropriate when studying the territorial growth of a country and its administrative structure, studying spatial and demographic problems, as well as economic geography.

Comparative historical method involves the use of historical-genetic and historical-typological comparisons, which make it possible to reconstruct the socio-geographical phenomena of past eras. Historical-genetic comparison means a method of establishing related phenomena generated by common development different nations included in a single historical and geographical space (landscape zone, state). Historical-typological comparison involves establishing the similarity of phenomena that are not genetically related to each other, but formed simultaneously among different peoples.

A significant place in studies of historical geography is occupied by retrospective analysis method, which allows you to recreate individual socio-geographical phenomena based on establishing their feedback. This method is often used to determine internal administrative-territorial boundaries or areas of settlement of tribes and peoples in cases where the necessary information is not available in modern sources. Based on data from later sources, retrospective analysis and mapping are carried out (this is how, in particular, the boundaries of counties in Russia in the 17th century were determined). This method is especially fruitful in combination with field
research, archaeological data and aerial photography of a certain area.

Statistical observation method provides for the registration of facts in the form of censuses, reports, sample surveys; compiling summaries to identify qualitatively typical phenomena and patterns; calculus of averages; balance sheet calculations. The methods of statistical observation are especially widely used in the study of the historical geography of the economy. The results of generalization of statistical data can be used as the basis for historical and geographical studies reflecting the processes economic development individual areas, large regions or the entire country, and also allow you to draw up maps that correspond to these issues.

Perhaps the most specific method of historical geography is mapping. His simplest form– compilation of cartograms demonstrating historical phenomena on a specific territory at a certain time (distribution of states and peoples, distribution of agricultural crops, population density, etc.). More complex look mapping is the compilation of historical maps or atlases that reveal the processes of social development (for example, maps characterizing the administrative structure of the country different periods its history, military-historical and historical-economic maps).

When solving historical and geographical problems, researchers usually rely on general historical sources. To study political and economic geography, the most early periods data from archaeology, anthropology and toponymy are used. Actual and legislative monuments are necessary to determine the boundaries and changes in the territory of the country and its administrative-territorial structure. Census data (scribal and census books, “revision” materials, etc.) are valuable for determining the size, composition of the population, its distribution and migration. Materials from institutions related to industry, agriculture and trade provide basic information for characterizing economics.

Along with these types, historical geography also actively uses such a source as cartographic materials. General geographical and special maps, which in the past met the practical needs of management, defense and the national economy, become obsolete over time and lose their operational and reference value. At the same time, their new qualitative value—historical and source studies—is revealed. Methods for studying and using cartographic materials as historical sources are developed by a special auxiliary discipline - cartographic source studies.

Development of historical geography of Russia as a scientific discipline

Historical geography of Russia as a scientific discipline initially developed in the general mainstream of Russian historical science. If the accumulation of historical and geographical data occurred already in the “chronicle” period of Russian historiography, then the first generalizations and gradual isolation of historical geography began in the 18th century. Even V.N. Tatishchev, in his main work, devoted many pages to discussing the benefits of geography in modern life, and he briefly defined its role in history: “Geography shows the position of places where things used to be and now exist.” Although Tatishchev had not yet used the term “historical geography” itself, its meaning was obvious to him. N.M. Karamzin had similar ideas, considering the geography of the past as an integral part of history. He began his “History of the Russian State” with a historical and geographical sketch and in his work quite a lot of space is devoted to clarifying the location of various points and regions mentioned in the sources.

N.A. Polevoy, listing the main sources of his “History of the Russian People,” also mentions “geographical monuments.” “An important aid for history! – he notes. – Philological research about living tracts preserved in any country in the names of lands, regions of peoples, rivers, mountains, cities, different places, serve as explanations for information about the beginning, spread, movements of peoples and for news about their political and civil affairs.” In addition, this author emphasized that “the geography of ancient Russia should be the subject of special and extensive knowledge.”

In the 1830s–1840s. A number of historical and geographical works by N. I. Nadezhdin appear, among which the article “The Experience of Historical Geography of the Russian World”, dedicated to the ethnic geography of Eastern Europe in the early Middle Ages and the question of the initial settlement of the Slavs, stands out. “The first page of history,” the author noted at the beginning of the article, “should be a geographical land map: it should not only aid, to know where what happened, but as a rich archive of documents and sources.” Nadezhdin did not give his definition of the term “historical geography,” although he may have been the first to introduce it in relation to Russia.

In 1851, the first volume of “History of Russia since Ancient Times” by S. M. Solovyov was published. At the beginning, the author not only gave a description of the geographical features of the “Russian state region“, but also brought to the fore such an important historical process as the Slavic colonization of the East European Plain. Soloviev emphasized the importance of internal colonization for Russian history, without denying the need to clarify and clarify the geography of historical events. At the same time, he outlined the main section of historical geography - the problem of the influence of the physical-geographical environment on the development of human society. Soloviev wrote that “the nature of a country is important in history because of the influence it has on the character of the people.” True, his conclusions from the point of view modern science very controversial. In particular, the position that “luxurious nature,” rich in various resources, lulls human activity “both bodily and mental,” while “nature, more stingy with its gifts, requiring constant and hard work on the part of man, keeps the latter always in an excited state: his activity is not impetuous, but constant; He constantly works with his mind, steadily strives towards his goal.” These conclusions are close to the primitive geographical determinism of S. L. Montesquieu, but Solovyov’s merit lies in the fact that he emphasized the importance of this topic for Russian history.

Among the researchers of the second half of the 19th century. N.P. Barsov made a great contribution to the development of historical geography, who compiled the first specialized dictionary-reference book containing a list geographical names Russian land of the 9th - mid-14th centuries, mentioned in chronicles and some ancient legal acts. In it, the author sought to find out the location of certain points, primarily populated ones, and his comments were intended to clarify the discrepancies found in the chronicles,
or contained his toponymic observations. Barsov also owns the work “Essays on Russian Historical Geography”, in which he analyzed the historical and geographical information of the “Tale of Bygone Years”, comparing them with data from other written sources of the 12th–14th centuries.

During the same period, a whole series of studies on historical geography appeared. different regions Ancient Rus', Moscow State and Russian Empire. Among these studies, the works of G. I. Peretyatkovich and D. I. Bagaley especially stand out. Two works by Peretyatkovich, devoted to the history and colonization of the Volga region from the 15th to the beginning of the 18th century, although not defined by the author himself as historical and geographical, have precisely this orientation. In them, the researcher comes to the conclusion that “the strict continental nature of the country, which became the cradle of the Great Russian state, in connection with the direction of the rivers flowing in it, determined the movement of Russian society to the region. This, so to speak, elemental force, independent of the character traits of one or another of the acting individuals, determines the essence of the constancy of this movement...”, suspended for a time by the Tatars. Peretyatkovich's works thus develop Solovyov's idea about the significance of colonization in the history of Russia.

The study of the history of Russian colonization, initiated by Solovyov, also determined the themes of D. I. Baalei’s main research. In 1886–1890 A collection of documents compiled by him from the 17th–18th centuries was published. on the settlement and strengthening of the southern borders of the Moscow kingdom and the Russian Empire. These documents, extracted from archival collections, provide rich material for studying the historical geography of the black earth strip of Russia. On their basis, Bagalei created a general work on the history of colonization of the southern districts of the state during the period from the reign of Ivan the Terrible to the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. It is characteristic that this historian, like Peretyatkovich, did not use the term “historical geography.” It is impossible to find this phrase in one of the first generalizing works on this discipline by a major historian of the mid-19th century. I. D. Belyaeva. His book “On Geographical Information in Ancient Russia"is important both for historical geography and for the history of geographical knowledge. Beginning his work with an analysis of the geographical ideas of Russian people in antiquity and the Middle Ages, Belyaev moves on to historical and geographical research: determining the location of cities, territories and borders of principalities, lands in the 9th–15th centuries.

Considering the development of Russian historical geography in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries, it is impossible not to note the contribution that V. O. Klyuchevsky made to this process. Already his first scientific work, “Tales of Foreigners about the Moscow State,” published in 1866, included an analysis of information from Western European travelers of the 15th–17th centuries. about the geography, wildlife, soils, climate, cities and population of the Moscow State. Later, in the “Course of Russian History,” published in 1904–1910, Klyuchevsky defined the history of Russia as the history of a country that is being colonized, and in the lectures of the “Course” he extensively argued and developed this position. Moreover, he defined three main “historical forces” or components of the historical process: “the human personality, human society and the nature of the country.” Therefore, issues of historical geography, in particular colonization and the influence of the natural environment on the development of society, occupied an important place in his “Course”.

Historical and geographical study of sources, as we see in the example of many specialists of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. from Barsov to Klyuchevsky, was distinctive feature development of historical geography during this period. In the series of studies built on this principle, the work of E. E. Zamyslovsky on the “Notes” of S. Herberstein occupies a worthy place. In fact, this book can well be recognized as a general study on the historical geography of Russia at the end of the 15th–16th centuries, since it compares Herberstein’s news with the data of many foreign travelers of the 16th–17th centuries. and information from other written sources. Among the works of this historian for the development of historical geography great value He also has an atlas on Russian history compiled by him. It includes historical and geographical maps of Rus' and Russia until the 19th century. inclusive, as well as plans of the largest cities and battle schemes.

At the same time, several historical works were published, which contained lengthy and interesting historical and geographical essays. First of all, this is a study by M. K. Lyubavsky about the Lithuanian-Russian state and a monograph by S. F. Platonov about the Time of Troubles. The first chapter of Platonov’s work, “Regions of the Moscow State,” is entirely devoted to the historical geography of Russia at the end of the 16th century; then the author pays considerable attention to the geographical factor. To a large extent, the work of Yu. V. Gauthier “Zamoskovny region in the 17th century” can also be attributed to historical geography. (M., 1906).

At the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. A qualitatively new stage has begun in the development of historical geography of Russia. At this time, higher education programs educational institutions In Russia, independent training courses on this subject are being introduced. One of them was read by S. M. Seredonin at the St. Petersburg Archaeological Institute. Thanks to the then-existing custom of students to lithograph manuscripts of lectures by leading teachers, they were preserved. These lectures covered the most important problems of the historical geography of Eastern Europe in the early Middle Ages before the settlement Eastern Slavs, and were thematically divided according to the largest tribes and peoples of antiquity (Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, etc.). It is very important that Seredonin used not only written sources (Russian chronicles, works of European, Byzantine and Eastern authors), but also archaeological material. Another course by the prominent Russian archaeologist A. A. Spitsyn was published in 1917 as a textbook. A review of the geographical conditions of Eastern Europe occupies a separate place in it, and chronologically reaches the 17th century. At Moscow University and the Moscow Archaeological Institute, M.K. Lyubavsky read historical geography. His course, based only on written sources, covers all periods of Russian history from the Eastern Slavs to the 19th century, and the theoretical scheme is a development of Klyuchevsky’s position on colonization as a pivotal moment in Russian history.

After the October Revolution, historical geography, in connection with the introduction of “social science” and the theory of socio-economic formations into science and education, was actually removed from the range of special historical disciplines. Official “Marxist-Leninist” historiography did not consider the geographical factor as an essential component of the historical process. Only a few works from the 1920s and 1930s. are important for the development of historical geography. For two decades, this discipline disappeared from higher education and only at the turn of the 1930s–1940s. experts started talking about the need to revive this subject. At this time, a course in historical geography appeared at the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives and developed intensively thanks to the energy of V.K. Yatsunsky. One of his largest works is devoted to the origin and development of this discipline in European science.

In the 1950s–1960s. historical and geographical topics took place in the works of S. V. Bakhrushin, B. A. Rybakov, A. A. Preobrazhensky, M. V. Vitov, L. A. Goldenberg, A. I. Andreev, A. N. Nasonov, O. M. Medushevskaya, K. V. Kudryashov, N. N. Voronin, A. A. Preobrazhensky and many others. M. N. Tikhomirov also devoted a lot of space to historical and geographical subjects on the pages of many of his works, primarily in the books “ Old Russian cities"(M., 1956) and "Russia in the 16th century" (M., 1962). In the last monograph, the author examined the formation of the Russian state in the 16th century, its administrative-territorial division, gave a detailed historical and geographical description of each of the historical regions of Russia, characterizing the natural conditions, territory, population (location, ethnic composition, migration), settlements, land tenure, agriculture, crafts and trades, trade, routes of communication, etc. Based on rich factual material, the author demonstrated the local features of the development of each of the regions of the country, taking into account the totality of historical, socio-economic and geographical factors that determined this development.

Due to the fact that the historical geography of our country has again begun to be studied as an auxiliary historical discipline in many universities, general works and textbooks have been published, such as the collective monograph by V. Z. Drobizhev, I. D. Kovalchenko and A. V. Muravyov “Historical Geography of the USSR” (M., 1973) or the work of A.V. Muravyov and V.V. Samarkin “Historical Geography of the Age of Feudalism (Western Europe and Russia in the V-XVII centuries)” (M., 1973). In the late 1970s - early 1980s. A.V. Dulov published a number of interesting works in which he examined the interaction of nature and society in Russia from the formation of the Russian centralized state until the middle of the 19th century. In particular, he examined the issues of the influence of natural conditions and the geographical environment on the population, agriculture, industry and transport, the use of nature by society, human changes in the nature of Russia, etc.

Stands alone among historical and geographical studies of the second half of the twentieth century. The works of L. N. Gumilyov stand out, who formulated a number of original, although far from indisputable, hypotheses related primarily to the influence on historical processes. These hypotheses were outlined by him in the works “Ethnogenesis and the Earth’s Biosphere”, “From Rus' to Russia: Essays on Ethnic History”, “Rhythms of Eurasia: Epochs and Civilizations” and many others.

Among the specialists of this period, V.P. Zagorovsky made a great contribution to the development of historical geography, in research on the history of serif lines in Russian state XVI–XVII centuries and the development of Central by Russian people. The works of S. V. Kirikov and L. V. Milov are noteworthy. The monograph by V. P. Maksakovsky “Historical Geography of the World” (M., 1997) stands somewhat apart, since it examines the historical geography of Russia in a global context.

Currently, interest in historical geography is growing, but this is manifested mainly in its development as a training course among other auxiliary historical disciplines. The scientific component of historical geography is experiencing a clear lack of specialists. There is a lack of large-scale research on this subject.

HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY - complex dis-ci-p-li-na, studying physical, social, economic, cultural , political geography of past eras in the historical di-na-mi-ke.

Sfor-mi-ro-va-la at the junction of history and geography. Su-sche-st-vu-there are differences in the op-re-de-le-nii of the subject of historical geography with-to-ri-ka-mi and geo-graph-fa-mi, and as well as various national academic schools. In historical science, historical geography is op-re-de-la-et-sya as an auxiliary is-to-ri-che-skaya dis-tsi-p-li-na , studying the spatial history of the historical process or the specific geography of the past or another country or territory. The tasks of historical geography include Ch. arr. lo-ka-li-za-tion of historical events and geographical objects in past eras. In particular, historical geography studies the di-na-mi-ku of the internal and external borders of states and their administrative-territorial units, located -knowledge and then-graphy of cities, villages, etc. on villages, fortresses, monasteries, etc. . d., lo-ka-li-za-tion of transport-port-com-mu-ni-ka-tions and trade routes in the historical past, to-right le-niya is-to-ri-che-ski significant geographical pu-te-she-st-viy, ex-pe-di-tions, sea-re-pla-va-niy and etc., op-re-de-la-et marches of military marches, places of battles, uprisings and other historical com- life.

In the opinion of most physicists, historical geography is a science that studies “is-to-ri-che-sky”, i.e. the last after the appearance of a person, a stage in the development of nature (natural environment); within the framework of the given research direction, a special sub-discipline has developed - the historical geography of landscapes (In . S. Zhe-ku-lin, etc.). Eco-no-mi-ko-geo-graphs consider historical geography as a dis-ci-p-li-well, studying ch. arr. “temporary slices” (especially-ben-no-sti, har-rak-te-ri-zu-shchie of this or that era). At the same time, historical geography also includes works based on the study of the history of modern eco-no-mi-ko-geo-graphic objects, as well as in the study of the evolution of national, regional and local systems of races -se-le-nia, ter-ri-to-ri-al-but-pro-from-water-st-ven-cl-s-ters, spatial-country-st-vein-structures-tour- in-laws and other social-ci-al-no-pro-country-st-ven-nyh structures of various levels of hierarchy (on-tsio-nal-no-go, re- gio-nal-no-go, lo-cal-no-go).

The main sources for historical geography are archeo-logical and written (le-to-pi-si, ak-to-vye ma-te-ria-ly , military-graphic descriptions, ma-te-ria-ly pu-te-she-st-viy, etc.) memory-ni-ki, fresh de-tion on that-on-ni-mi-ke and linguistic data, as well as not-about-ho-di-may for the re-con-st-hand-tion of fi-zi- co-geo-graphic landscapes of the past in-for-ma-tion. In part-st-no-sti, in historical geography, shi-ro-ko is used-use-zu-yut-sya ma-te-ria-ly sp-ro-in-dust-tse-vo-go and den-d -ro-chro-no-logical analysis; Great attention is paid to you to reveal the real and dynamic characteristics of the company. Commodities of landscapes (bio-gene, hydromorphic, li-to-gene), fixation of “traces” of past anthropo-genes - effects on the natural environment (selection of soil samples formed on ancient constructions) no-yah, mar-ki-rov-ka you-ra-wives in the cultural landscape of the borders of the former lands, lands). In historical geography, both syn-chronic research methods (“temporal sections”) and di-a-chro -nothing (when studying the history of modern geographical objects and the evolution of spatial structures).


Historical geography as a special area of ​​knowledge for the formation of the world in the era of the Renaissance and Great geographies -che-discoveries. The greatest significance for its establishment in the 16th century was the work of Flemish geographers and cartographers A. Or-te- lia and G. Mer-ka-to-ra, the Italian geographer L. Gwich-char-di-ni, in the 17th-18th centuries - the Dutch geographer F. Kluver and the French scientist -th J.B. D'An-ville. In the 16th-18th centuries, the development of historical geography was inextricably connected with historical cartography; special attention in the is-to-ri-ko-geo-graphic work was paid to the historical di-na-mi-ki times -locations in the village, races of various peoples, from the changes in state borders on the political map of the world. In the 19th-20th centuries, the subject of historical geography expanded, and problems of the historical geography of the economy entered the circle of studied issues, mutual action between society and nature in is-to-rich. past, study of is-rich. types of pri-ro-do-pol-zo-va-niya, etc.

Leading national schools of historical geography were formed at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. The closest connection between is-to-ri-ey and geo-graphy was formed during this period in France. In the Russian geo-historical syn-those, you are not based on the works of the French geo-grapher J. J. E Recommendations, including the many-volume work “New all-general geography. Land and people" (vol. 1-19, 1876-1894), which ut-di-la the role of historical geography in the country and region -de-nii. Is-to-ri-ko-geo-graphic traditions of schools Rek-lyu would continue in the work of the representatives of the French schools of geography of man (the head of the school is P. Vidal de la Blache). They and his followers (J. Brun, A. De-man-jon, L. Gallois, P. De-fon-ten, etc.) were sfor -mu-li-ro-va-ny the most important principles of geo-gra-fi-che-go pos-si-bi-liz-ma, on many de-sya-ti -years of becoming a me-to-logical basis for the development of not only French, but also all Western historical geography. In the 20th century, the traditions of geo-historical syntheses in French science were also supported within the framework of historical “an-na” -loving" schools (especially in the works of L. Fev-ra and F. Bro-de-la).

In Germany, there is an important impetus for the establishment and development of historical geography, given the work of F. Rath-tse-la - basically-in-false -ka and li-de-ra of the German an-tro-po-geo-graphy. In the focus of attention of the German an-tro-geo-graphic school, there were questions about the influence of natural facts. ditch on the history of different peoples. Also, in the works of Rat-tse-l and his scientists, detailed descriptions of the distribution of local and re- gio-nal cultural complexes across the globe, the role of historical contacts in the formation of cultural complexes ry of the nation in inextricable connection with the landscape of special-ben-but-sty-mi with-from-the-vet-st-of-the-territories -riy. IN late XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century in Germany, major works on the historical geography of ag-ri-kul-tu-ry were published (E. Khan), race-se-le-nu-ra-dov and race-pro-str-ne-niu ci-vi-li-za-tion in Europe (A. Mei-tsen), for-lo-same -we are the main principles of the is-to-ri-geo-graphic study of cultural landscapes (O. Schlu-ter).

In the Anglo-Saxon countries (We-li-ko-bri-ta-nii, USA, etc.), historical geography began to develop rapidly after 1 th world war. The leader of British is-to-ri-ko-geo-graphers since the 1930s has become G. Dar-by, who works in the field of historical geographies are considered a classic example of the us-pesh-no-go use-of-me-to-log-gy of “time-slices” " The work of Dar-bi and the scientists of his school is su-sche-st-ven-but move-forward with the exact-scientific base of historical geography, in turn, for the first time in large scales, written materials began to be introduced, from with-from-the-vet-st-vu-shm epo-boor (historical chronicles, ka-da-st-ro-new books of the earth, other official do-ku-men -You). The emphasis in this case was on complex and thorough investigations of small territories, for some reason -we were able to collect detailed data. Along with local-cal-ny-mi (large-but-mas-headquarters-mi) research-to-va-ni-mi, Dar-bi and his teachings were successful I wanted to prepare consolidated works on the historical geography of Veli-ko-bri-ta-nii. Other leading British geographers held similar views on the subject and content of historical geography. Phys of the 20th century - G. East, N. Pa-unds, K. T. Smith, who, like Darby, believed that the main task of historical geography is re-con-st-rui- build a geographic map of past historical eras, using a complex (integral) approach.

In the USA, historical geography during the period of its for-mi-ro-va-niya was strongly influenced by the ideas of modern-der-ni-zi-ro-van-no- go and adapt-ti-ro-van-no-go to the latest scientific trends of the geo-graphic de-ter-mi-niz-ma (en-wai-ron-men- ta-liz-ma), the main pro-vod-ni-ka-mi of something in the American scientific community at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries Lee E. Han-ting-ton and especially E. Semple - a student of F. Rat-tse-la, who accepted many of his ideas -on-geo-graphy, author of the fundamental work “Ameri-can history and its geo-graphic conditions” (1903 year). But already in the 1920s, the move away from b. including American is-to-ri-ko-geo-graphers from en-vay-ron-men-ta-liz-ma, which was replaced by pos-si-ideas bi-listov, for-im-st-vo-van-nye ch. arr. from Western European geography. Leading representatives of American historical geography of the 20th century - K. Zauer, R. Braun, A. Clark, W. Webb.

The greatest significance for the development of world historical geography was the work of Za-uer - mainly Berk. Li-skaya (Ka-li-for-niy-skaya) cultural-tour-no-landscape and is-to-ri-ko-geo-graphic school. In his opinion, the main task of historical geography is the study of the inter-relationship of all the components of the landscape the nature and culture of the pro-existence of phenomena, in is-to-ritic di-na-mi-ke. In the program work “Mor-fo-logia of the landscape” (1925), the cultural landscape was described by Sauer as “ter -ri-to-riya, from-the-tea-sha-sha-ha-rak-ter-noy inter-connection between natural and cultural forms”; at the same time, culture is inter-pre-ti-ro-va-la as an active na-cha-lo in interaction with the natural environment , the natural area is like a mediator (“background”) of human activity, and the cultural landscape is like a -zul-tat their kon-tak-ta. This us-ta-new-ka would-be-ta-b. including his followers from among the scientists of the Berk-ley school.

Within the framework of the International Geographical Union, the Commission on Historical Geography, on the International Geographical con-gress-sakh (once every 4 years) work of the section of historical geography. In the countries of Europe there is a de-st-vu-et Inter-national is-to-ri-ko-geo-graphic seminar “Ras-se-le-nie - cultural landscape - surrounding environment" (founded in 1972 by the German is-to-ri-ko-geo-grapher K. Fe-n on ba -ze Work Group at the University of Bonn, Germany).

In Russia, the historical geographical as a scientific dis-si-p-li-na on-cha-la folded in the 18th century. One of the earliest in the domestic science of historical geography is the article by G. Z. Bay-e-ra “On the beginning” ke and ancient former Scythians”, “About the place of Scythia”, “About the Caucasus wall” (1728 year), as well as a number of his studies (in Latin) on Scythian and Varangian issues. The subject and purpose of historical geography was first discussed in 1745 by V. N. Ta-ti-shchev. M.V. Lo-mo-no-sov you de-lil the most important problems of domestic historical geography - the history of the movement of peoples on territories of European Russia, the et-no-genesis of the Slavs and the origin of Ancient Russia. I. N. Boltin was one of the first among Russian is-to-ri-kov to ask the question about the role of climate and other geo-graphic fact-to-ditch in history. Is-to-ri-ko-geo-graphic pro-ble-ma-ti-ka for-nya-la su-sche-st-ven-noe place in the works of V.V. Kre-sti -ni-na, P. I. Rych-ko-va, M. D. Chul-ko-va and others, in geographical dictionaries, in sacred Se- ver-ru and Si-bi-ri so-chi-ne-ni-yah S. P. Kra-she-nin-ni-ko-va, I. I. Le-pe-hi-na, G. F. Mil-le-ra, P.S. Pal-la-sa and others.

In the 1st half of the 19th century, the relationship between the development of historical geography and the development of historical geography and -but-no-miche-re-studies are traced in the works of A. Kh. Vos-ko-va “For-da-chi lu -bi-te-lyam these-m-lo-gies" (1812), A.K. Ler-ber-ga "Research, serving to explain -niu of ancient Russian history" (1819), Z. Do-len-gi-Kho-da-kov-skogo "Ways of communication in ancient times" of Russia" (1838), N.I. Na-de-zh-di-na "Experience of the is-to-ri-che-geography of the Russian world" (1837 year). The trend of mutually-connected development of historical geography, then-by-no-mi-ki, et-no-ni-mi-ki and other manifestations was in the labors of N. Ya. Bi-chu-ri-na.

In the 2nd half of the 19th century, the is-to-geo-graphic study of those mentioned in historical sources continued -kah of geo-graphic objects, tribes and peoples of Eastern Europe. The most significant workers were K. A. Ne-vo-li-na, N. P. Bar-so-va, N. I. Kos- to-ma-ro-va, L. N. Mai-ko-va, P. O. Bu-rach-ko-va, F. K. Bru-na, M. F. Vla-di-mir-sko- go-Bu-da-no-va, then-po-ni-mic and eth-no-ni-mi-research M. Ves-ke, J. K. Gro-tha, D. P. Ev-ro-pe-usa, I. A. Iz-nos-ko-va, A. A. Ko-chu-bin-sko-go, A. I. So-bo-lev-sko-go, I. P. Fi-le-vi-cha and others. In the works of V. B. An-to-no-vi-cha, D. I. Ba-ga-leya, N. P. Bar-so- Va, A. M. La-za-rev-sko-go, I. N. Mik-lashev-sko-go, N. N. Og-lob-li-na, E. K. Ogo-rod- ni-ko-va, P. I. Pe-re-tyat-ke-vi-cha, S. F. Pla-to-no-va, L. I. Po-hi-le-vi-cha, P. A. So-ko-lo-va, M. K. Lu-bav-sko-studied the is-to-ria of co-lo-ni-za-tion and co-ot-vet-st-ven -but because of the lack of borders of individual regions and localities throughout the XIII-XVII centuries. Theoretical as-spec-you about-ble-we co-lo-ni-za-tions dis-smat-ri-va-lis in co-chi-ne-ni-yah S. M. So-lov -yo-va and V.O. Klyuchev-skogo, as well as in a number of works by A.P. Shcha-po-va. Ma-te-ria-ly on historical geography were included in general, country-specific and local geographic, statistical and to-po-nimic words-va-ri (I. I. Va-sil-e-va, E. G. Wei-den-bau-ma, N. A. Ve-ri-gi-na, A. K. Za-vad- sko-go-Kras-no-pol-sko-go, N. I. Zo-lot-nits-ko-go, L. L. Ig-na-to-vi-cha, K. A. Ne-voli- on, P. P. Se-myo-no-va-Tyan-Shan-sko-go, A. N. Ser-gee-va, I. Ya. Spro-gi-sa, N. F. Sum-tso- va, Yu. Yu. Trus-ma-na, V. I. Yas-t-re-bo-va, etc.).

At the end of the 19th century, the first fundamental research studies appeared: “At the beginning in Russia re-pi-sey and their course until the end of the 16th century" N. D. Che-chu-li-na (1889), "Or-ga-ni-za-tion of the direct ob- lo-zhe-niya in the Moscow city-su-dar-st-ve from the time of the Troubles to the era of pre-ob-ra-zo-va-niy" A. S. Lap -by-Yes-no-lion-skogo (1890). Then where did Russian scientists begin to work out the problems of physi-zi-co-geo-graphic landscapes? historical past (V.V. Do-ku-cha-ev, P.A. Kro-pot-kin, I.K. Po-gos-sky, G.I. Tan-fil -ev, etc.). The development of the me-to-logical foundations of historical geography was influenced by the path of the environment and the role of its individual factors in labor N. K. Mi-khai-lov-sko-go, L. I. Mech-ni-ko-va, P. G. Vi-no-gra-do-va, geo-po-li-tical ideas of N. Ya. Da-ni-lev-sko-go, V. I. La-man-sko-go, K. N. Le-on-t-e-va.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the most important times-de-la-mi of historical geography were the is-to-ric to-po-ni-mi-ka and et-no-ni-mi-ka ( works of N. N. De-bol-sko-go, V. I. La-man-sko-go, P. L. Mash-ta-ko-va, A. F. Fro-lo-va and others .). Pro-ble-ma ko-lo-ni-za-tion ras-smat-ri-va-lass V. O. Klyuchev-skiy, A. A. Shakh-ma-to-vym, G. V. Ver -nad-skim, A. A. Isaev, A. A. Ka-uf-man, P. N. Mi-lyu-ko-vym. The class-si-che-skoy in this region is the sta-la work of M.K. Lyu-bav-skogo “Is-to-ri-che-geo-graphy of Russia” these in connection with the co-lo-ni-za-tsi” (1909). New directions have developed in historical geography (“Thoughts on the establishment of waterways in Russia” by N. P. Pu- zy-rev-skogo, 1906; “Russian waterways and judicial affairs in pre-Petrovsky Russia” N.P. Za-gos- ki-na, 1909). Bla-go-rya-ra-bo-there V.V. Bar-tol-da (“Is-to-ri-ko-geo-gra-fi-che-review of Iran”, 1903; “ Kis-to-rii irrigation Tur-ke-sta-na”, 1914), G. E. Grumm-Grzhi-may-lo (“Ma-te-ria-ly on et-no-lo- gi Am-do and region-las-ti Ku-ku-No-ra”, 1903), L. S. Berg (“Aral Sea”, 1908) and other corners for the study of Central and Central Asia. At the same time, the sys-te-ma-ti-zi-ro-van was and the body of ma-te-ria-lov was studied in the history of land-no-go ka-da -st-ra, ob-lo-zhe-niya, me-zhe-va-niya, de-mo-graphy, sta-ti-sti-ki (works of S. B. Ve-se-lov- sko-go, A. M. Gne-vu-she-va, E. D. Sta-shev-sko-go, P. P. Smir-no-va, G. M. Be-lo-tser-kov- sko-go, G. A. Mak-si-mo-vi-cha, B. P. Wein-berga, F. A. Der-be-ka, M. V. Kloch-ko-va and others. ). A significant contribution to the system of knowledge of historical geography from outside geographers - specialists in general problems of the earth ( A. I. Vo-ei-kov, V. I. Ta-li-ev, etc.). In 1913-1914, “Is-to-ri-ko-kul-tour-at-las on Russian history” (vol. 1-3) was published by N. D. Polon -sky.

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientific schools of historical geography were formed, M.K. Lyubavsky, who gave a course of lectures at Moscow University and the Moscow Archaeological Institute Logical Institute, under-the-cher-ki-val that “from the is-to-ri-che-ge-ography of Russia... there is no-about-ho-di-mo connection “You are with the is-t-ri-e co-lo-ni-za-tion of our country, the Russian people.” S. M. Se-re-do-nin, who taught historical geography at the St. Petersburg Archaeological Institute, advanced his concept to -me-ta of historical geography, defining it as “the study of mutual relations between nature and man in pro- shed-shem." A. A. Spitsyn, who taught historical geography at St. Petersburg (from 1914 at Petrograd) University, did not understand historical geography “from- affairs of history, with the goal of studying the territory of the country and its population, that is, physi-zi-co-geo-gra- fi-che-sko-go ha-rak-te-ra of the country and the life of its obi-ta-te-lei, in other words, its establishment is -drink-so-so.” These same ideas about historical geography were held by V. E. Da-ni-levich, who taught a course in historical geography at the Warsaw University -si-te-te.

The greatest recognition in domestic historical geography of the mid-2nd half of the 20th century is the work of V. K. Yatsunsky and his followers -va-te-ley (O. M. Me-du-shev-skaya, A. V. Murav-ev, etc.). Considered to be the rum of the Soviet school of historical geography, Yatsunsky included in its composition 4 sub-dis-ci-p-lines: to-ric physical geography, historical geography of the village, is-to-ri-co-economic geography and art -to-ri-ko-li-ti-geo-graphy. In his opinion, all elements of historical geography “should be studied not in isolation, but in their interrelation and conditions -len-no-sti”, and the geographical characteristics of the previous periods should not be sta-ti-ches-ki mi, and di-na-mi-ches-ki-mi, i.e. according to the process of the spatial structures -tour. The “Yatsun-scheme” was re-emerged more than once in the 2nd half of the 20th century in many works of Soviet art. -ri-kov, turned to the is-to-ri-ko-geo-graphic sample-le-ma-ti-ke.

Questions of historical geography have been worked out in the works of many domestic researchers, among them A. N. Na-so-nov (“Rus” -land" and the development of the territory of the Ancient Russian state-su-dar-st-va. Is-to-ri-ko- geo-graphic-che-re-study”, 1951), M. N. Ti-ho-mi-rov (“Russia in the 16th century”, 1962 year), B. A. Ry-ba-kov (“Ge-ro-do-to-va Scy-thia: Is-to-ri-ko-geo-gra-fi-che-che-analysis”, 1979 year), V. A. Kuch-kin (“Form-of-the-world-va-nie of the state-su-dar-st-ven-noy ter-ri-to-rii Se-ve-ro-Vos-toch-noy Ru- si in the X-XIV centuries", 1984), etc. The historical geography of waterways in Russia is studied in the works of E. G. Is-to-mi-noy. In the 1970s, textbooks on historical geography were published: “Is-to-ri-che-geography of the USSR” by V. Z. Dro-bi-zhe-va , I. D. Ko-val-chen-ko, A. V. Mur-av-yo-va (1973); “Is-to-ri-che-geo-graphy per-rio-da feo-da-liz-ma” A. V. Murav-e-va, V. V. Sa-mar-ki- on (1973); “Is-to-ri-che-geography of Western Europe in the Middle Ages” by V. V. Sa-mar-ki-na (1976).

Is-to-ri-ko-geo-graphic research carried out in the USSR and Russia within the framework of geo-graphic science , you were like phi-zi-ko-geo-gra-fa-mi (L. S. Berg, A. G. Isa-chen-ko, V. S. Zhe-ku-lin), and before-sta-vi-te-la-mi of the domestic school of an-tro-geo-graphy (V.P. Se-me-nov-Tyan-Shan-sky, A.A. Si -nits-kiy, L.D. Kru-ber), and later - eco-no-mi-ko-geo-gra-fa-mi (I.A. Vit-ver, R.M. Ka-bo , L. E. Io-fa, V. A. Pu-lyar-kin, etc.). In the middle of the 20th century, a significant number of capital is-to-ri-ko-geographical works of re-gio were published in the USSR -nal-noy on-right-len-no-sti (R. M. Ka-bo “The city of Western Siberia: essays on is-to-ri-ko-eco” -no-mi-che-geography”, 1949; L. E. Io-fa “City of Ura-la”, 1951; “For the se-le-nie of the Si-bi-ri. Is-to-ri-ko-geo-gra-fi-che-ki”, 1951; “Vol-go-Don: is-to-ri-ko-geo-grafi-che-sky essay”, 1954, etc.).

In the 2nd half of the 20th century, is-to-ri-ko-geo-graphic research played a prominent place in the work of ve-du-du- leading domestic geo-urbanists (G. M. Lap-po, E. N. Per-tsik, Yu. L. Pi-vo-va-rov). The main directions of the is-to-ri-geo-graphic study of cities are the analysis of their geographical location. lo-zhe-niya, functional-stru-tu-ry, di-na-mi-ki of the city network in the pre-de-les of a particular country or territory -to-rii for the op-re-de-linen is-to-ric period. An important impetus for the development of historical geography in the USSR in the 2nd half of the 20th century came from the creation of specialized collections under the auspices of the All-Union US Geographical Society (“Is-to-ri-che-skaya geo-graphy of Russia”, 1970; “Is-to-riya of geo-graphy and is-t -ri-che-skaya geo-graphy", 1975, etc.). They published articles not only by geo-graphers and is-tori-kovs, but also by representatives of many related sciences - et-no-gra-fov, ar-heo-log-gov, de-mo-graph-fov, eco-no-my-stov, specialists in the region-ti-to-po- ni-mi-ki and ono-ma-sti-ki, folk-lo-ri-sti-ki. Since the end of the 20th century, in fact, new on the right, re-born in Russia several decades later , historical historical geography of culture (S. Ya. Su-shchiy, A. G. Druzhinin, A. G. Ma-na-kov and others. ).

Comparison of separate positions among the right-hand national historical geography for the works of L. N. Gu- mi-le-va (and its subsequent-to-va-te-ley), develop-ra-bo-tav-she-go-its own concept of inter-relation-zi-et-no-sa and landscape and truck-to-vav-she-go historical geography as the history of et-no-sovs. General problems of mutual relations between nature and society in their historical di-na-mi-ke dis-smat-ri va-yut-sya in the works of E. S. Kul-pi-na. At the end of XX - beginning of XXI centuries uk-re-p-la-ut-xia inter-dis-tsi-p-li-nar-nye connections of historical geography with eco-no-mi-che-geo-graphy, co- ci-al-noy geo-graphy-ey, on-li-ti-che-geo-graphy-ey, cultural geo-graphy-ey, and also with the use following-to-va-niya-mi in the region of geo-po-li-ti-ki (D. N. Za-myatin, V. L. Ka-gan-sky, A. V. Po -st-ni-kov, G. S. Le-be-dev, M. V. Il-in, S. Ya. Su-shchiy, V. L. Tsym-bur-sky, etc.).

An important center for the development of historical geography is the Russian Geo-graphic Society (RGO); from the department of historical geography are available in its head office in St. Petersburg, the Moscow Center of the Russian Geographical Society and in other some regional or-ga-ni-za-tsi-yah.

Historical geography as a complex science uses both general historical and its own methods. General ones include historical, which allows one to study a phenomenon in movement and development, and logical, based on reproduction and comparison.

Historical geography uses such original means as: historical-physical-geographical, historical and toponymic and landscape-lexicological. The content of the first of them lies in their study of the most dynamic components of the landscape (forests, reservoirs, etc.) in order to identify “traces” (the results of past impacts).

The main principles of the historical image are: the need to use the same type of sources when researching (you cannot study the historical geography of France based on historical materials and military topographical sources, England - according to the descriptions of travelers), vrahuvuvat ideas about the world that existed in a given period (for example, that The earth is flat and lies on three pillars), it is necessary to know exactly the level of perception of the surrounding world by people of past eras (their perception of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, solar eclipse etc.). Finally, the historical method requires the mandatory integrated use of information sources for the most complete and objective analysis of a particular issue.

The use of toponymic and landscape-lexicological means is very important. Its meaning is to study toponyms and general geographical terms, which allows us to restore the features of the past and the nature of changes in nature by man (for example, the name of the village of Lesnoe at a time when there is no forest anywhere nearby).

Thus, when using the means of historical geography, their complex application is necessary. So, for example, in order to verify the correctness of conclusions about the settlement of a particular ethnic group, it is necessary to study characteristic “traces”, data from ethnography, anthropology, archeology, toponymy, etc.

Important methods of historical geography, which are inherent specifically in this science, are the methods of historical-geographical cross-section and diachronic.

A historical-geographical cross-section is an analysis of an object according to certain periods. Slices can be component or integral. The component section is used in the analysis of individual historical subjects - political geography, demography, economic geography, physical geography. These issues need to be studied at regular intervals. So, for example, when analyzing the administrative-territorial division, it is necessary to highlight individual periods of its development in order to get a complete picture. The integral slice is used for a comprehensive analysis of nature, population, economy, political development at the specified time. The main difference between the two types of cuts is their intended purpose.

When performing a historical-geographical cross-section, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles, namely: the synchronicity of the analysis of all source material, the identification of the leading relationships between nature, population and economy inherent in a given historical period; the territorial integrity of the areas in which the cutting is performed and the establishment of clear temporary boundaries.

The diachronic method is a combination of historical and geographical sections and determination of general development trends geographical feature over historical time. It is used when studying primarily the historical geography of a particular country. In the diachronic method, the use of the term “relic” (residual manifestations of the past in our time) is very important. When performing it, it is also necessary to adhere to certain principles. So, firstly, it is important to ensure comparability of results, secondly, to correctly identify the leading relationships (landscape - population - environmental management), thirdly, it is necessary to study the continuity of evolution, fourthly, to establish the main stages of development of objects, and also to study geographical cycles of development and territorial integrity of the object.

Historical geography is a historical discipline that studies history through the “prism” of geography; It is also the geography of a territory at a certain historical stage of its development. The most difficult part of the task of historical geography is showing the economic geography of the territory being studied - establishing the level of development of productive forces, their location.


In a broad sense, historical geography is a branch of history aimed at studying a geographical territory and its population. In a narrow sense, it studies the topographical side of events and phenomena: “determination of the boundaries of the state and its regions, populated areas, routes of communication, etc.”

Sources for Russian historical geography are:

  • historical acts (spiritual wills of grand dukes, statutory charters, land survey documents, etc.)
  • scribes, sentinels, census, audit books
  • Records of foreign travelers: Herberstein (Notes on Muscovy), Fletcher (), Olearius (Description of the trip of the Holstein embassy to Muscovy and Persia), Paul of Alleps (in 1654), Meyerberg (in 1661), Reitenfels (Tales to the Most Serene Duke Tuscan Kozma the Third about Muscovy)
  • archaeology, philology and geography.

At the moment, there are 8 sectors of historical geography:

  1. historical physical geography (historical geography) - the most conservative branch, studies landscape changes;
  2. historical political geography - studies change political map, political system, routes of conquest;
  3. historical geography of population - studies ethnographic and geographical features population distribution in the territories;
  4. historical social geography - studies the relationships of society, the change of social strata;
  5. historical cultural geography - studies spiritual and material culture;
  6. historical geography of interaction between society and nature - direct (human influence on nature) and reverse (nature on human);
  7. historical economic geography - studies the development of production, industrial revolutions;
  8. historical and geographical regional studies.

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  • Spitsyn A. A. Russian historical geography: training course. - Petrograd: Type. Y. Bashmakov and Co., 1917. - 68 p.
  • Yatsunsky V.K. Historical geography: History of its origin and development in the XIV-XVIII centuries. - M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1955. - 336 p. - 4,000 copies.
  • Gumilyov L. N.// Bulletin of Leningrad University. No. 18, issue. 3. - L., 1965. - P. 112-120.
  • Historical geography of Russia: XII - early XX centuries. Collection of articles for the 70th anniversary of prof. L. G. Beskrovny / Rep. ed. acad. A. L. Narochnitsky. - M.: Nauka, 1975. - 348 p. - 5,550 copies.
  • Zhekulin V. S. Historical geography: Subject and methods. - L.: Nauka, 1982. - 224 p.
  • Maksakovsky V. P. Historical Geography of the World: Textbook: Recommended by the Ministry of General and vocational education RF for students of higher educational institutions / Ed. E. M. Goncharova, T. V. Zinicheva. - M.: Ecopros, 1999. - 584 p. - ISBN 5-88621-051-2.
  • Historical geography of Russia 9th - early 20th centuries: Territory. Population. Economics: essays / Ya. E. Vodarsky, V. M. Kabuzan, A. V. Demkin, O. I. Eliseeva, E. G. Istomina, O. A. Shwatchenko; Rep. ed. K. A. Averyanov. - M.:, 2013. - 304, p. - 300 copies. - ISBN 978-5-8055-0238-6.


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An excerpt characterizing Historical Geography

He is needed for the place that awaits him, and therefore, almost independently of his will and despite his indecision, despite the lack of a plan, despite all the mistakes he makes, he is drawn into a conspiracy aimed at seizing power, and the conspiracy is crowned with success .
He is pushed into the meeting of the rulers. Frightened, he wants to run away, considering himself dead; pretends to faint; says meaningless things that should destroy him. But the rulers of France, previously smart and proud, now, feeling that their role has been played, are even more embarrassed than he is, and say the wrong words that they should have said in order to retain power and destroy him.
Chance, millions of coincidences give him power, and all people, as if by agreement, contribute to the establishment of this power. Accidents make the characters of the then rulers of France subservient to him; accidents make the character of Paul I recognizing his power; chance conspires against him, not only not harming him, but asserting his power. An accident sends Enghien into his hands and inadvertently forces him to kill, thereby, stronger than all other means, convincing the crowd that he has the right, since he has the power. What makes it an accident is that he strains all his strength on an expedition to England, which, obviously, would destroy him, and never fulfills this intention, but accidentally attacks Mack with the Austrians, who surrender without a battle. Chance and genius give him victory at Austerlitz, and by chance all people, not only the French, but all of Europe, with the exception of England, which will not take part in the events that are about to take place, all people, despite the previous horror and disgust for his crimes, now they recognize his power, the name he gave himself, and his ideal of greatness and glory, which seems to everyone to be something beautiful and reasonable.
As if trying on and preparing for the upcoming movement, the forces of the West several times in the years 1805, 6, 7, 9 rush to the east, growing stronger and stronger. In 1811, the group of people that had formed in France merged into one huge group with the middle peoples. Together with an increasing group of people, the power of justification of the person at the head of the movement further develops. In the ten-year preparatory period preceding the great movement, this man is brought together with all the crowned heads of Europe. The exposed rulers of the world cannot oppose the Napoleonic ideal of glory and greatness, which has no meaning, with any reasonable ideal. One in front of the other, they strive to show him their insignificance. The King of Prussia sends his wife to curry favor with the great man; the Emperor of Austria considers it a mercy that this man accepts the daughter of the Caesars into his bed; the pope, guardian of the sacred things of the people, serves with his religion the exaltation of a great man. It is not so much that Napoleon himself prepares himself to fulfill his role, but rather that everything around him prepares him to take upon himself the full responsibility of what is happening and is about to happen. There is no act, no crime or petty deception that he has committed that is not immediately reflected in the mouths of those around him in the form of a great deed. The best holiday that the Germans can come up with for him is the celebration of Jena and Auerstätt. Not only is he great, but his ancestors, his brothers, his stepsons, his sons-in-law are great. Everything is done in order to deprive him of the last power of reason and prepare him for his terrible role. And when he is ready, so are the forces.
The invasion is heading east, reaching its final goal - Moscow. The capital is taken; The Russian army is more destroyed than enemy troops were ever destroyed in previous wars from Austerlitz to Wagram. But suddenly, instead of those accidents and genius that had so consistently led him so far in an unbroken series of successes towards his intended goal, there appears a countless number of reverse accidents, from a runny nose in Borodino to frosts and a spark that lit Moscow; and instead of genius there are stupidity and meanness, which have no examples.
The invasion runs, comes back, runs again, and all the coincidences are now no longer for, but against it.
There is a counter-movement from east to west with remarkable similarity to the previous movement from west to east. The same attempts at movement from east to west in 1805 - 1807 - 1809 precede the great movement; the same clutch and group of huge sizes; the same pestering of the middle peoples to the movement; the same hesitation in the middle of the path and the same speed as you approach the goal.
Paris - the ultimate goal has been achieved. Napoleonic government and troops are destroyed. Napoleon himself no longer makes sense; all his actions are obviously pathetic and disgusting; but again an inexplicable accident occurs: the allies hate Napoleon, in whom they see the cause of their disasters; deprived of strength and power, convicted of villainy and deceit, he would have to appear to them as he appeared to them ten years ago and a year after - an outlaw robber. But by some strange chance no one sees this. His role is not over yet. A man who ten years ago and a year after was considered an outlaw robber is sent on a two-day journey from France to an island given to him in possession with guards and millions who pay him for something.

The movement of peoples begins to settle into its shores. The waves of the great movement have subsided, and circles are formed on the calm sea, in which diplomats rush, imagining that they are the ones causing the lull in the movement.
But the calm sea suddenly rises. It seems to diplomats that they, their disagreements, are the reason for this new onslaught of forces; they expect war between their sovereigns; The situation seems insoluble to them. But the wave, the rise of which they feel, is not rushing from where they expect it. The same wave is rising, from the same starting point of movement - Paris. The last surge of movement from the west is taking place; a splash that should resolve the seemingly intractable diplomatic difficulties and put an end to the militant movement of this period.