Heating a dacha in winter without supervision. Heaters for summer cottages: which one is better, reviews and tips for choosing. Alternative heating technologies using electricity

More recently, vacation on summer cottage was only possible in warm time year. Lack of economical and convenient ways heating of country houses made active winter recreation in nature impossible. Now such an idea can be easily implemented, having the opportunity to go sledding and skiing, breathe in plenty of clean frosty air and take a break from the hustle and bustle of big cities.

To do this, it is important to carefully consider the heating system country house, make it comfortable and economical, uncomplicated and short in execution. Castorama experts tell you how to economically heat a country house in order to enjoy the benefits of a holiday outside the city throughout the year.

Your home needs a plus

There cannot be an unambiguous and universal solution for all dachas, since the choice of heating system depends on the frequency and conditions of use, and the size of the house. You can live in the house permanently or come only for the weekend. But you need to know that each cycle of complete heating of a house frozen through and through will cause serious damage to its structure due to the formation of condensation moisture. In this case, when choosing the main type of heating, you need to think about a system for maintaining a positive temperature in the rooms in short period your absence.

How to maintain a positive temperature in winter?

A positive temperature (just over five degrees) is quite enough to ensure that when you arrive, the start of warming up will be calm and comfortable for everyone, including the entire structure of the house. There are several types of electric heaters that are equipped with thermostatic sensors. When you select the desired mode, the heater will properly maintain the required temperature until your arrival. And the better your home is insulated, the less costs will be required for such emergency heating.

In winter, it may not be worth heating the entire house. With the onset of persistent cold weather attic rooms, veranda and other rooms on the ground floor that you do not use can be left without constant heating. It is important to think about heating in the kitchen and one of the living rooms equipped with a fireplace or stove. This approach will allow you to relax comfortably at your dacha in winter and not spend a lot of money on heating it. And so that the heating system used does not cause damage to the rest of the house, you need to take care of the thermal insulation of unheated rooms.

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For greater efficiency, you can use programmable weekly switches, which, on the eve of your arrival, will turn on additional heaters and bring the temperature in the house to a completely comfortable level.

How to quickly heat a room?

So, on the long-awaited winter weekend, you came to the dacha to spend time in comfort. If you have taken care of the heating on duty, the house will be cool, but without a feeling of dampness - convectors dry the air well. There are several ways to quickly heat a room. The so-called high-power heat guns - electric or gas - are especially effective; they can warm up the air in a room in a matter of minutes. This is the best option for heating the house to a comfortable temperature, but it will not help maintain the conditions created in the premises for a long time. If you want to stay overnight in a country house, you should light a fireplace or brick oven. It will take a long time to warm up, but will also be able to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room for a long time.

Selecting the type of heater

The oil heater is convenient and practical to use and has several operating modes. Heating of a cold room occurs rather slowly, but economy mode the device successfully maintains the temperature from a heated stove and can heat well small room all night.

An electric convector heats the room due to circulation warm air passing through thin heating elements. Adjustable thermostat automatically maintains set temperature. Convectors heat the room faster, but cool down quickly after switching off.

Heats air even faster in cold weather country house indoor fan heaters. They should not be used for a long time, as they burn oxygen and dry out the air.

Modern infrared heaters are gaining popularity due to their ease of use and cost-effectiveness. They heat objects located within the reach of the rays, but it is not recommended to stay directly under such a panel for a long time. It is better to install such a device near the door or away from the bed and dining table.

Choosing a stove to heat a country house

It is believed that only a large brick stove can heat a room for a long time. The decisive nuance is the mass of the structure, which allows heat to be accumulated. And this is true. At permanent residence such a stove is heated all over winter season without letting it cool down. This is the age-old experience of our ancestors, which can be successfully applied in our time. More progressive options are also in demand - heating boilers solid fuel and gas boilers, if it is possible to connect to the main line. However, not all holiday villages have gas, and the heating system itself with liquid coolants is considered costly and rather inert in time, because you come for one or two days. For the humble country house heating option can be modern designs economical stoves.

What are long-burning stoves?

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Cassette fireplace inserts made of cast iron with movable doors made of heat-resistant glass are also endowed with the ability to burn wood for a long time. Their external design matches fireplaces closed type. Unlike brick fireplaces, such fireboxes quickly heat the air in the room and maintain heat throughout the night.

We all have a good idea of ​​what a potbelly stove is, which saved many generations from the cold during the difficult years of our history. Its design was not convenient and practical, and its efficiency was extremely low: it required a lot of fuel and had to be heated continuously. Modern models fundamentally different from previous designs. They are compact, convenient and can decorate any room. But their main advantage is considered to be the extraordinary energy efficiency, which allows you to heat a country house without significant costs.

This was achieved through precise design calculations and the use of the latest heat-resistant materials. The most successful models of such stoves are capable of maintaining economical combustion of fuel for 8-10 and even 12 hours. One stack of firewood can smolder in the main firebox all night, and flammable gases from such smoldering do not escape into the chimney, but are burned in the secondary chamber. There is practically no ash left from the firebox. Furnaces long burning easy to use and multifunctional. You can choose for country house an oven with a hob for cooking or an oven with a glass door, which makes it possible to watch the play of live fire on winter evenings. No foundation is required for such furnaces - they can be installed in any convenient place.

Comfortable sleep in a country house

To create comfortable conditions For relaxation and living in the country, you can use various household solutions. If, returning from a ski trip in the evening to your warm home, you find that the bed has not yet warmed up and the sheets seem damp, use an electric mattress or electric sheet. They will make the bed warm and comfortable for sleeping in a short time. Such heaters consume only 40-60 watts of electricity.

Very economical and convenient solution for maintaining optimal temperature in the rooms of a country house in winter - film infrared heaters. When laid directly under carpet or linoleum, they warm large surfaces well with soft and pleasant warmth. In a house where an economical heating system is rationally arranged, you can live in complete comfort even in the most severe cold, enjoying communication with pure nature.

What could be better than a winter walk followed by relaxation in a warm home?

If the previous generation used the dacha more likely to solve the food problem, then today, the dacha is more of a place of rest. And year-round. What could be better than getting away from the bustle of the city on a weekend and relaxing in nature. However, in most regions of Russia, a comfortable stay requires preliminary preparation premises. In winter frosts it is much more comfortable to be in a warm room, warmed by the fire of a stove or fireplace. And an overnight stay in winter time in a country house without heating it’s a risky business. Therefore all owners country houses thinking about how to heat the dacha in winter.

There are several heating methods, and, as a rule, the choice depends on how often the owners plan to come and how long to stay in the house. After all, even if a country house is not intended for a comfortable overnight stay, then resting in a warm room after a ski trip or winter barbecue is much more pleasant than in a cold one. In other words, the method of heating a summer house in winter is chosen based on the operating mode. We will look at some of the most popular and widespread methods.

Methods for heating country houses in winter

Types of heating systems are often classified according to the type of energy resource used:

  • solid fuel;
  • liquid fuel;

In this case, the systems themselves can be arranged in different ways: This can be direct heating of the room or using a coolant. How to heat a dacha in winter a question to which there cannot be a clear answer. It depends on how often you plan to visit your country house during the cold season, whether you plan to spend the night there, and whether there are small children in the family. And of course, an equally important issue is the availability of one or another type of fuel.

Stove heating of a country house in winter

Even a small brick stove retains heat for a long time and warms the room

Direct heating systems include various stoves, potbelly stoves, fireplaces, as well as all kinds of convectors. Country stoves designed to heat a home usually have a more simplified design. Since they are supposed to be used mainly for heating the cottage in winter, and not for cooking. Without hobs such ovens occupy less space. But the fireplace area makes the room more cozy and the atmosphere in the house more comfortable.

Wood stoves and fireplaces are a fairly widespread option for heating a summer house in winter. This is explained simply: firewood is the most accessible source of heat in Russia. And there are usually no problems with their purchase and delivery. The combustion process itself causes some inconvenience. You have to constantly monitor the stove or fireplace, and add fuel quite often. And this process cannot be automated. It is a little easier to heat with coal or pellets. The heat transfer of these types of fuel is higher than that of firewood, and you don’t have to worry about keeping the fire going out so often: one load of coal, for example, is enough for several hours. Before you choose what is better to heat your dacha in winter , it is advisable to consider different options, compare their effectiveness and cost.

Heating using metal stoves

Modern stoves are quite effective for heating a country house

Another option for heating a country house in winter is to use all kinds of stoves and their modern analogues. An iron stove heats up faster than a brick stove, which means the room in which it is installed will receive its portion of heat faster. But potbelly stoves cool down relatively quickly. Thus, to maintain a comfortable temperature, you will have to constantly maintain the fire. True, in modern metal furnaces, such as Buleryan, this drawback is minimized. Thanks to the air duct system located between the body and the combustion chamber, such a stove for a long time remains hot and its efficiency is much higher than that of a simple potbelly stove. Usually one fill of fuel can last for the night.

However, both brick and metal stoves operate in " manual mode" They need constant supervision not only because of the rapid combustion of fuel, but also because of their increased fire hazard. However, if you are faced with the question of what is the most economical way to heat your dacha in winter, then these options are well worth considering. Some labor intensity of the process is compensated by the low price of equipment and fuel.

Liquid fuel stoves

Similar to the heating methods described above, this is heating using stoves on liquid fuel. Various oils, waste, fuel oil, and kerosene can be used as a heat source. Such stoves are not very environmentally friendly and should hardly be used for constant heating. However, they are quite suitable as a means for quickly heating a summer house in winter. Both homemade rocket stoves and industrial stoves running on liquid fuel are widespread. The disadvantages of this heating method - the smell of fuel, “dirty” work, the impossibility of automation - are sometimes outweighed by the low cost of installation and operation. Such furnaces burn up very quickly, withstand quite high temperatures and operate primarily on waste from various industries.

Heating a summer house in winter with convectors

Electric convectors are easy to install anywhere in the house

If the country house is connected to electrical networks, then many owners prefer the option of electric heating. Especially if he has small area, but it needs to be heated in a short time. The advantages of this method of heating a country house in winter are obvious:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • automation and regulation;
  • possibility of zone heating;
  • no need to carry out preparatory work on fuel procurement and storage.

Very wide. You can find both small fan heaters and large wall-mounted or floor installations. The model is usually selected based on the area of ​​the room and the power of the electrical networks to which the house is connected. The main disadvantage of electric heating - the cost of operating costs - is not very relevant when using devices periodically. In cases where more or less constant heating is needed, it is better to consider other heating options.

How to heat a cottage in winter using gas?

If the cottage is used only for periodic stays, it may not be worth making an expensive connection to the main gas pipeline. However, it is nevertheless possible to heat the dacha with gas. Gas in cylinders will help solve the problem of how to quickly heat a dacha in winter. It is quite possible to bring the cylinder with you; it is not necessary to equip a place to store it at the dacha. And thermal gas equipment much more economical than a similar electric one with comparable efficiency parameters. For example, gas heat gun can heat the air in a room in a matter of minutes, and at the same time consume very little gas. All kinds are also quite competitive when it comes to heating a country house.

What is the best way to heat a dacha in winter is not a simple question. Since, along with the issue of economy, there is also the issue of efficiency heating equipment. Special requirements to the speed of heating the room, automation of the process and the final price affect the final choice of country property owners. And only a careful calculation of all conditions of use will help to make right choice in favor of one or another method of heating a dacha in winter.

Reading time ≈ 11 minutes

In this case, the problem is that no one permanently lives in such a country house, but, nevertheless, the question of how to economically heat the dacha in winter will have to be solved somehow. Another problem in this situation is the inability to install devices with a water coolant such as radiators or, that is, they can be used, but subject to the installation of a gas or electric boiler for continuous operation. But there is still a way out of the situation, and there is more than one, so stay on the page and look at the information provided.

Which heaters are best to use?

In the old days, they somehow thought little about how to heat the dacha, and there were only a few options and that’s it. But now you can use different sources energy and at the same time different devices can operate on each of them. I deliberately omit diesel or gasoline heaters - they make a lot of noise and are not that economical. Let's consider heating methods using three energy sources, these are:

  1. Electricity.
  2. Solid fuel.

Gas heaters

To date gas heaters very popular, despite the fact that such an energy resource is extremely explosive. But accident statistics show that it is safer than diesel heaters, electrical appliances and even solid fuel stoves, which no one is afraid of anymore, although they do burn out.

Gas convectors

Gas non-volatile parapet type convector

But it is installed only where nothing will interfere with IR radiation, for example, in the space between furniture or on the ceiling. If you place a sofa or table on top of the film, then these will simply be wasted watts of electricity - as mentioned above - IR radiation warms not the air, but objects, therefore, warm flows reflected from the ceiling, floor walls and other objects will warm you. Here is an approximate calculation of the film power for premises for various purposes:

  • bedroom – 110-120 W/m2;
  • living room – 110-120 W/m2;
  • kitchen - 110-120 W/m2.

That is, these calculations are the same throughout the house, and even more so for a dacha, and if a 4 kW IR emitter is needed for a room of 15 m2, then IR film will need 15 * 120 = 1800 W or 1.8 kW, that is, more than twice less, and this is already a serious saving.

Electric heated floor

Electric heated floor under ceramic tiles

A heating cable is also very convenient as an option for intermittent heating, that is, it can be turned on for a few days and then turned off for a week or a month without any harm to the device. Let's calculate which is more profitable: cable or IPO - here on square meter you will need about 180-200 W, which means that for the same 15 m2 you will need 2.9 kW - more than film and less than an open IR heater. But here the choice is yours.

Solid fuel heaters

Solid fuel heaters are very simple in design and, even more so, in use, so we will limit ourselves to only a general overview.

Brick oven with hob

Here is one of the proven solid fuel heaters - a brick stove with a hob, which wins in many respects. Firstly, there is hob and an oven, which allows you not only to prepare food, but also to bake culinary products. Secondly, there is a rude area with several sun loungers to keep you warm. Thirdly, heating goes not only forward, but also backward, that is, if the wall is part of the wall, then next room it will be almost the same temperature as in the kitchen. And finally, fourthly, almost all types are suitable here solid fuel– firewood, coal and various household waste.

Simple metal stove with hob

Folding is quite troublesome, especially since it will take time - delivery of materials, laying the foundation, and the like. It is much easier to buy a metal stove in the store and install a steel sheet under it to protect yourself from burning firebrands falling out of the firebox. Of course, you will have to tinker with the chimney outlet through the wall or roof. A similar design can also be welded independently from steel sheet and corners - here you have a cooking stove, and less consumption.

Buleryan stove

The most economical option from solid fuel metal, and brick kilns, this is Buleryan, since there is very high efficiency(almost 90%). Pay attention to the design of this device - the metal body of the boiler is surrounded by pipes around the perimeter, which increase heat transfer by 30-40%. Cold air from the floor is sucked into them, thanks to the laws of physics, since it is forced to do this by hot air that rises up through them - it turns out something like a pistonless pump. Heating of the room occurs very quickly.


In this case, you have basic options heating devices, those that can economically heat a dacha in winter or autumn. It is difficult to advise anything specific without knowing where you live, the material from which the house is built, and access to any type of fuel. So you have to choose yourself.

Nowadays, many owners of private country houses or summer cottages are increasingly having to look for an alternative to gas as the main type of fuel to heat their homes. The reasons are different: for some natural gas becomes too expensive, some have the opportunity to use other energy sources, while others simply cannot access mains gas due to its complete absence nearby. Then the question arises: what kind of economical heating at home without gas and what fuel is better to use then?

Alternative energy sources

There is no clear answer to this question, since each individual case has its own nuances. For example, on your plot of land There are many old large trees growing that just beg to be used in the firebox of a wood-burning boiler.

Option two: in exchange for certain services, the customer is ready to supply you with diesel fuel or coal for a long time. It is clear that in such situations you will be inclined to these types of energy carriers and not pay attention to others. In the long term, this will be a mistake, since such sources will sooner or later dry up and you will have to look for other ways to heat a country house or buy the same fuel, but at a generally accepted cost.

We will try to develop some kind of universal method for determining the optimal energy carrier for heating a home, which will suit each individual case. First, let’s make a reservation that the methodology will help you determine for yourself the cheapest heating without gas; we do not take it into account.

Just as we do not take into account various high-tech and exotic species heating, inaccessible to ordinary citizens. This includes heat pumps, solar panels, wind turbines and various types machine and vegetable oils. Then how to heat the house if there is no gas and the above sources? We still have at our disposal:

  • ordinary firewood;
  • Euro firewood;
  • pellets;
  • coal;
  • diesel fuel;
  • liquefied gas in cylinders;
  • electricity.

For each of these energy sources, you should calculate the costs for the entire cold period, then it will be clear how cheaper it is to heat a house.

Important! Before starting calculations, it is imperative to harmonize the units of measurement of the amount of fuel, that is, to prevent confusion between volume (m3) and mass (kg). It is recommended that all types of energy carriers, except electricity, be converted to units of mass - kilograms.

Calculating heating costs

To find out what is the most economical heating for a country house, it is recommended for clarity to draw up a simple plate like this:

In this table, the second column is filled in based on the cost of each type of fuel in your region, or your individual price is entered in it. The third column has already been filled in for ease of calculation. The cost of 1 kW of thermal energy can be easily determined by dividing the price of 1 kg of fuel (column 2) by its specific calorific value(column 3).

The fifth column is filled in based on the fact that the average consumed thermal power in a private house with an area of ​​100 m2 per season is 5 kW/h, and the duration heating season– 180 days (5 x 24 x 180 = 21600 kW/h).

It is clear that the house designs are all different and the area will be different, as well as the length of the season in your region, so you will need to make appropriate adjustments. By multiplying the data in columns 4 and 5, we determine the estimated costs for the season.

However, these values ​​do not take into account the operating efficiency of the equipment, the values ​​of which are given below. Dividing the estimated costs by the efficiency value, in the last column we get a direct answer to the question - what is cheaper to heat a house besides gas.

For those homeowners in whose homes are already installed gas boilers, you can add another line below for comparison, filling it with natural gas data based on actual indicators fuel consumption and its price.

It would seem that now everything has fallen into place and you can calmly make a choice in favor of one energy source or another for economical heating. But this approach is one-sided, because there is also such a thing as convenience and complexity in maintaining and operating the heating system of a private home.

Choosing an energy carrier based on ease of use

Comfortable operation of boiler equipment that supplies heat to water heating is an important factor, since any unnecessary hassle and inconvenience is your time and money. That is, total costs indirectly increase in accordance with how much effort is put into maintaining the operation of the system. In some cases economical systems After the first season, heating no longer seems so economical and sometimes you want to pay extra money just to avoid dealing with such problems.

Unlike financial indicators ease of use - the value is constant for each type of fuel, so it can be found out immediately, which will help you make a choice. We will evaluate convenience according to the following criteria:

  • the difficulty of repairing or maintaining the boiler installation;
  • necessity and convenience of storage;
  • comfort in daily use (need for loading fuel, etc.).

To find out which energy carrier will provide comfortable and economical heating private house, we will draw up a second table, where for each of the criteria we will give all types of fuel ratings according to a five-point system, after which we will summarize.


Requires no maintenance electric boilers, except for sometimes opening the cover and brushing off dust or cleaning the contacts, for which they receive the highest rating. Some actions are required if heating country house liquefied gas. Once every 2 years it is recommended to check and, if necessary, clean the igniter and burner, which is why propane is a solid four. Pellet boilers receive 3 points because they require cleaning the combustion chamber several times a year and the chimney once.

Accordingly, wood and coal units need to be cleaned frequently as they become dirty. The worst situation in this regard is with diesel fuel, since its quality often leaves much to be desired, which is why the frequency of maintenance is unpredictable.


It is clear that electricity does not require storage space, while liquefied gas and diesel fuel may require some space. But when economical heating of a private house with wood is organized, then a lot of space for a warehouse will be required. The same goes for pellets, since they require a dry room or a special silo. As for coal, it produces a lot of waste, dust and dirt, so this is the lowest rating.

Ease of use

And here, economical electric heating turned out to be excellent, since it does not require any intervention during operation. Pellets and liquefied gas must be replenished periodically, 1-2 times a week, or even less often. You should pay attention to diesel fuel a little more often, more to supervise the work than to add fuel.

Well, what traditionally causes the most trouble is independent heating in a private house using coal and wood, here loading into the combustion chamber is needed from 1 to 3 times a day.

In the last column, by summing up, the results are summed up, according to which the most comfortable and convenient way is to heat a country house in winter using electricity. If this result considered in conjunction with financial costs, then electricity may not be the worst option.


An integrated approach to the issue shows that the most economical heating systems for a summer house and country house may turn out to be the most troublesome during operation. Therefore, you should not rush and carefully weigh and calculate everything, or even better, install an electric boiler in combination with any other.

For the owners summer cottages heating system in winter period is a very pressing problem. To select correct option heating in the country, you need to consider everything possible ways heat supply. The most common and more modern construction technologies allow you to provide a country building with heat during the cold season.

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    Until recently, only two heating options were available for heating a dacha - electric heaters and a coal and wood stove. Modern summer residents have a wide choice of ways to provide warmth to their country house. Even if it is used as a seasonal home, it still needs to be heated. The choice of method will depend on how equipped the building is with all the necessary communications.

    Most suburban villages do not yet have a centralized infrastructure. For this reason, they are forced to resolve these issues on their own. When considering the heating system of a country house It is very important to decide on the main points:

    • the cottage is used only in summer;
    • regularly visited even in winter;
    • is a place of permanent residence.

    According to experts, these three questions will significantly influence the feasibility of choosing the type of heating for a suburban building. There are many ways to heat a country house that can be implemented with the help of professionals. However, most summer residents do everything on their own, creating comfortable living conditions for themselves.

    Heating a summer house in winter

    The choice of heating system for a suburban building will depend on many factors. Main role existing communications play a role, for example, the provision of electricity, gas and water. Great value has the layout of the building, as well as the type of materials from which it was built.

    Even the type of foundation, area of ​​the structure, and the number of people living in it will affect the heating efficiency. Depending on the availability of energy resources, consumers are offered several types of heating systems for a country house:

    Some of the proposed types will require significant investments family budget. There are options that are more economical and quite affordable for use in a small country house.

    This type of equipment is the most acceptable because it is efficient and economical. However, you can save money only if a gas main is connected to the house and the owners live in the house all year round. The ability of the equipment to operate in automatic mode is of great importance. The cleanliness of the process is also important so that there are no harmful emissions, combustion products, odors and waste.

    To supply gas, you need to connect to a gas main, which will cost a considerable amount, and you will also have to spend money on purchasing a boiler, its installation and commissioning. Such units rely on electricity to operate.

    There is another one, but more inexpensive way- purchasing a device powered by a gas cylinder. It is suitable if there is a gas station nearby and you have your own transport. “Outdoor heaters” are attractive because they are suitable for heating a country house, as well as any other area, for example, open verandas, children's playground, seedling beds. A mobile unit can be called a universal solution to the problem of heating in a country house.

    Electric way

    Unfortunately, many suburban areas experience power outages. Almost always, emergency situations occur in the cold season due to strong gusts of wind and broken wires. Such issues may have implications when choosing a species electric heating.

    The most acceptable option for a heating system for a summer residence is IR heaters. They allow installation in any convenient place, for example, on a wall or ceiling, as well as under cladding. Considering that most summer residents do not have houses large sizes, then this advantage is very important.

    Film options can even be placed under wallpaper. This makes it possible not to radically change the layout of the room and not spend a lot on electricity consumption. Such installations are quite economical.

    Very popular oil heaters, and this is no coincidence. They are small in size and light in weight. Such devices can be placed in any convenient area of ​​the room. Despite the fact that they heat up rather slowly, they retain heat for a long time even after being turned off.

    Not bad and convenient option - have a light-weight fan heater and small sizes . It heats up quickly and works efficiently, driving around the entire room. However, such a device has a significant drawback - it cannot be used for a long time without interruption in operation. For a small house, such a device is quite suitable to bring the air temperature to the optimal level in 10-15 minutes.

    Heating the cottage

    Stove heating

    Not all dachas are provided with electricity and gas mains. In such a situation, all that remains is to choose the only heating system for the dacha - stove heating. For this purpose, a brick structure is made. It takes a long time to heat up, but retains heat for quite a long time. The wood stove is an indispensable assistant in heating a country house.

    This is a universal and practical equipment, since it not only increases the air temperature. You can cook food and heat water on the stove. household needs. Some craftsmen make a water radiator using this type of structure. Hot water will flow in it according to the principle natural circulation. The disadvantage of such a stove is its high fire hazard when used in wooden buildings.

    Devices with liquid and solid fuels

    Quite acceptable and practical option for a summer residence - install a boiler that runs on liquid fuel. This floor type units powered from the mains. The advantages of such heating are good automation of the system, accessibility of adjustment and the possibility of gasification settlement convert it to natural gas. In addition to the advantages, there are several disadvantages:

    Some boiler models can run on waste oil from cars and plants. Solid fuel units use coal, pellets, firewood, and agricultural waste as raw materials. They heat the coolant or release heat into the air. The main advantage of such boilers is the low cost of the fuel materials used. Among the disadvantages is the lack of automation of the process. For normal operation the device requires the installation of a chimney. Heating efficiency is tied to the calorie content of the fuel.

    Selection criteria

    To properly make heating in your dacha with your own hands, you need to know about the functions of the heating device. Sometimes simple heating in a summer cottage is not enough. The main criterion is maintaining normal temperature in any weather. To make the conditions as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to heat the bathhouse and provide the house with hot water.

    It is very important, when living in a house, to be able to cook food, brew tea, coffee, or simply have hot water for the shower. On cold damp days it is good to be able to dry things and wet shoes. Also, many summer residents dry berries and fruits for the winter, and this point should also be taken into account when designing heat supply.

    The effectiveness of any heating will depend on heat loss. For this reason, before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to insulate your country house, eliminating all sources of heat leakage. In such a home, after turning on the heating device, it will become warm and comfortable within an hour.