Dumpling shop equipment. How to make money by producing dumplings. Comparative analysis of the cost of sifters

Pelmeni have traditionally become one of the main dishes of Russian cuisine. Their popularity is evidenced by the fact that, according to statistics, on average every Russian buys them once every 2 weeks. They are available in almost all retail outlets. Of all frozen products sold in stores and supermarkets, dumplings make up 65-70 percent.

The most popular are Siberian dumplings. I liked them the most because of their recipe. Classic minced meat is made from beef, lamb and pork

There are many recipes for making dumplings; each housewife has her own signature one. The cooking process itself is a kind of family tradition. Often women are helped to sculpt them by all family members, husband, children. They are frozen, so you can take out and cook delicious and juicy dumplings at any time.

Why are dumplings so popular? There are several reasons:

  • This is a versatile dish. The filling can be not only meat of various animal origins. There are quite a lot of recipes; fish, with the addition of mushrooms, herbs, vegetables, etc.;
  • the dish is hearty. Having eaten a decent portion, you can not feel hungry for the rest of the day. Therefore, the dish is difficult to classify as a dietary product, but it can definitely be classified as healthy;
  • quick and easy to prepare;
  • they are eaten “with various sauces”: with sour cream, vinegar, boiled in broth, with ketchup, mayonnaise. Everyone chooses an addition to the dish according to their taste;
  • and finally, they are divinely delicious. Even those who watch their figure cannot deny themselves the pleasure of eating dumplings.

Equipment for making dumplings.

What equipment is needed for production

Dumplings are made manually and using special equipment. For a small home workshop, both options are suitable. For medium and large volumes, special devices or a production line are needed.

Traditional dumplings made by hand are more popular.

Productivity increases significantly when they are manufactured using equipment. In this case, the cost is also reduced. But start-up costs increase when starting production.

Home or small workshop

For a home workshop you need a room, according to the norms, of at least 50 square meters. It must match sanitary standards. Water supply and sewerage are provided. The walls and floors are finished with easy-to-clean materials, better than tiles. A separate sink is required. The room should have a locker room and a bathroom.

Equipment: industrial meat grinder, freezer, refrigerators for raw materials, trays for freezing, tables for preparation. This is the minimum set for making dumplings by hand.

If you plan to produce a larger volume, then you will additionally need to purchase: a stamping machine, a dough kneading machine, a minced meat mixer, a machine for rolling out dough and packaging.

The finished dough and minced meat are loaded into the stamping machine, and it itself distributes the minced meat over the dough. The output is a finished dumpling. As a rule, such equipment provides several types of forms.

Production line

Linear equipment requires a specially equipped room, the presence of electrical points with a voltage of 380 W. Forced ventilation must be present.

The workshop must comply with all sanitary and technical standards, the presence of a locker room, a sanitary inspection room, and storage facilities. Separate area for cutting and preparing meat and vegetables.

The main ingredients are loaded into the linear equipment, and the finished product is obtained at the output. It is subsequently frozen and packaged.

What equipment is needed to produce lavash and how much does it cost - find out

Where is the best place to buy equipment?

It is better to buy equipment from manufacturers or official distributors.

There are quite a lot of offers on the market. Conventionally, they can be divided into expensive, high-quality European equipment (Germany, Italy...) and affordable domestic lines and devices.

So, for example, a stamping machine from a Chinese or domestic manufacturer can be purchased for around 120,000 rubles (160 kg/hour). European equipment will be 3.4 times more expensive and reach 400,000 rubles.

A domestically produced dough mixer can be purchased for 35,000 rubles (80 kg/hour), the European equivalent starts at 200,000 rubles. Big role The configuration of the equipment also plays a role.

It is advisable to purchase equipment from manufacturers, if it is domestic. In this case they take it on service. If individual elements fail, you can always easily order and replace them.

In addition, you can receive advice on technical issues at any time. It’s easy to find manufacturers on the Internet and do a comparative price analysis.

What ingredients will be needed?

Main ingredients for making dumplings

Depending on the type of product manufactured, the main components may be different. To make meat dumplings you will need:

  • meat, pork, beef, lamb, chicken;
  • premium flour;
  • egg powder or melange, eggs;
  • spices, salt, pepper, other seasonings;
  • water.

An entrepreneur has the right to develop his own recipe, write out and approve a technological map for it.

What documents are needed to open

Depending on the expected volume and sales of products, various forms of ownership can be registered.

So, if from the start it is possible to conclude agreements with supermarkets, then it will be more convenient to work according to common system taxation. Since large networks are payers of value added tax. As a rule, this is done by those who already have experience, financial capabilities or a similar business.

For the majority of novice entrepreneurs, they are advised to take their time and start with small volumes, gradually increasing them and expanding the sales market. In this case, either IP will be optimal.

In addition to the basic package of documents, it is necessary to undergo approval by Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozharnadzor.

To get approval from the SES you will need:

  • statutory package of documents, namely –
  • certificates for all equipment;
  • sanitary passport of the facility;
  • developed technological maps for manufactured products;
  • Each hired employee must have a health certificate.

Only after receiving the appropriate permits can you begin to produce products.

Business plan: calculations, profitability, payback

To justify and take into account the maximum number of factors influencing the final result, cost and profit. Factors that will influence cost reduction may be:

  • price of renting premises or availability of your own;
  • price of raw materials in a given region;
  • transportation costs. How close are the implementation points? finished products and procurement of raw materials;
  • profitability and cost of equipment;
  • number of hired personnel;
  • proper organization of production.

Therefore, each business plan is calculated individually for each entrepreneur.

You can offer approximate calculations for small workshop, productivity 700-800 kg/shift.

  • An inexpensive set of equipment will start from 280,000 rubles.
  • Initial investment in advertising is approximately 30,000-50,000 rubles.
  • Rent: 30,000-35,000 rubles.
  • Raw materials: within 400,000 rubles.
  • Salary (for 4 hired employees): from 60,000 rubles.
  • Utility costs and taxes will average 25%.
  • For such a volume, the profit will be 200,000-215,000 rubles.
  • Net profit: from 90,000 rubles.

Thus, in 4 months, with established uninterrupted sales, you can return the initial invested capital.

People who have tried and successfully implemented a dumpling production business give a number of tips to aspiring entrepreneurs. Listen to them.

It is better to start with a small family-type production. Firstly, this way you take less risk. Secondly, gradually, in practice, “probing” sales markets and expanding them, you will find your bearings and find your niche and customers. Study the demand.

It is better to initially expand the assortment and add other types of similar products to dumplings. Moreover, most dumpling machines provide this opportunity.

One of the cost-effective ways to sell products can be your own outlet, dumpling shop, bistro, or small cafe. To withstand fierce competition in the market, it is necessary to use all possible combinations to sell the product.

It is important that your products have individual person. This is facilitated by the original recipe, a bright, expressive company name, and interesting, attractive packaging.

People prefer packaging in which they can see the contents. Packaging should be different: for one person, family, small batches.

With proper calculation and analysis, taking into account these recommendations, a novice entrepreneur will be able to successfully implement a business idea for the production of dumplings and frozen dough products.

If you live in a small compact place in the Moscow region, then within 4-6 months you will be able to work off the invested funds and subsequently receive a stable income.

You can see how the dumpling making machine works in this video:

Research shows that every year in Russia the number of people consuming processed foods is growing. The most popular semi-finished products are dumplings, khinkali and various dumplings. They are quite easy to prepare, you don’t need any major investments, and the demand for such products is consistently high. Therefore, the dumpling business is very promising and brings good profits. We will tell you how to open a dumpling shop and how profitable it is.

Studying the market

In Russia, dumplings are given sacred meaning - it is a national food that is loved by both children and adults. This is a popular, nutritious, tasty and healthy product. The demand for semi-finished products is quite stable and does not depend on the season. But competition in the market for semi-finished products is quite serious - hundreds of manufacturers operate in all regions of our country.

You will never make as many dumplings by hand as you can with a machine.

However, almost all of them have certain disadvantages. Find them, study the principles of work of manufacturers, correct mistakes - and you will join the market, grabbing yourself required quantity buyers.

Please note: people want to buy quality products at affordable price, but the market often prevents them from doing this. Many manufacturers save on raw materials by mixing low-quality meat into the minced meat or even adding soy. This is absolutely not allowed!

Buy products from various brands, taste it, talk to local cafes, shops, stalls, find out how much they buy their products. Collect as much information as possible in order to write the most correct business plan in the future.

Workshop space

So, the decision to produce dumplings and khinkali has been made. So it's time to find a good place to house the workshop. There is no need to choose a room located in the city center - it will be very expensive. It is better to choose a building somewhere in a residential area or outskirts. You will still have to carry out the delivery of finished products using some kind of vehicle, so the location is not so important.

Also, the premises must meet various standards of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Be sure to take this into account when searching, because you are going to produce food products for which control will be very strict. Your premises should have:

  1. Plumbing.
  2. High-quality lighting and heating.
  3. Supply and exhaust ventilation.
  4. Tiled walls.

Dumplings - tasty, healthy and healthy food

A very large building is not needed for a workshop - in most cases, 60-80 m2 is enough. You can even open a workshop outside the city, in a village where pigs and cows are raised. In this case, you will always have fresh raw materials at hand at an affordable price. And you will also save on wages, since in the region it is always lower than in the city.

Read also: Equipment for the production of foam rubber

What equipment is needed

You can go two ways:

  1. Start making dumplings by hand. Productivity will be quite low, but buyers are willing to purchase hand-made semi-finished products.
  2. Equip a workshop and make khinkali using machine modeling. This requires an initial investment, but the speed of production will increase by 5-10 times compared to manual production.

Please note: An automated workshop not only produces semi-finished products faster, but also saves on wages due to maximum automation.

Such savings lead to lower taxes and higher profitability, that is, the return on investment will occur in a shorter period of time.

To open a full-fledged workshop you will need to purchase:

  1. Flour sifter.
  2. Apparatus for kneading dough.
  3. Apparatus for rolling dough into layers.
  4. Mixer for minced meat.
  5. High-quality industrial meat grinder.
  6. Forming device.
  7. Several freezers for storing prepared food.
  8. Line for packaging dumplings.

The main device in the workshop is the molding device, which, in fact, prepares dumplings. It can produce from 30 to 300 kg of product per hour.

The molding machine can form up to 300 kg of dumplings per hour

If you decide to purchase high-quality equipment for forming, then focus on Chinese and Russian manufacturers. They produce quite decent equipment that fully justifies the investment made.

What ingredients are needed

A dumpling, like khinkali, is a piece of ground minced meat mixed with onions and spices. This minced meat is wrapped in classic dough, frozen and boiled in salted water.

To prepare dumplings you need:

  1. High-quality flour of the highest or 1st grade with a gluten content of no more than 30%.
  2. Pork, beef, chicken.
  3. Pork lard.
  4. Chicken eggs (sometimes according to the recipe they are replaced with egg powder).
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Milk, purified water.
  7. Spices and salt.

If you decide to cook food, then it must strictly meet all GOST requirements and technical specifications.


Let's look at the business plan for a standard size dumpling shop (70 m2), which employs 5 people. A similar workshop produces 700 kg of products per day (90 kg per hour). The consumable part consists of:

  1. Purchase of necessary equipment: 500,000 rubles.
  2. Advertising and marketing - 30,000.
  3. Registration - approximately 15,000.
  4. Repair work and putting the building in order 50,000.
  5. Rent and utilities - 50,000.
  6. Salary - 80,000.
  7. Funds for the purchase of ingredients - 350,000.

That is, in total, to open and operate for at least two months, you need at least 1,200,000 rubles. In this case, the income will be approximately 600 thousand per month, and the profit will be 90 thousand minus all payments. On average, the payback period for a dumpling shop is about 12 months, after which it begins to generate net profit.

High-quality equipment is the key to uninterrupted operation

Selection of people

The main thing in any business is people. You will need to hire 4-5 people to work in production, who will treat their work as correctly and responsibly as possible. If you decide to organize an industrial workshop, you will need about 15 people, but it is better to do this after you have gained work experience and built up a customer base.

Total: 26 units, 8 suppliers, prices from 15,000 to 720,200 rubles.

Dumpling equipment is intended for the preparation of frozen semi-finished products - dumplings, manti, ravioli, etc. It is installed at meat processing enterprises of various capacities and ensures compliance full cycle production of this type of product, from the processes of preparing minced meat and kneading dough to freezing and packaging.

Preparation of dumplings consists of the following production cycle:

  • Kneading the dough
  • Grinding of raw materials (meat, onions),
  • Stirring the minced meat
  • Modeling,
  • Freezing
  • Package
  • Storage


The subject of production is dumplings.

Raw materials

The main raw materials for the production of dumplings are:

  • with 29-30% gluten content;
  • pork, beef, poultry;
  • chicken eggs or their substitutes: melange, egg powder;
  • milk or water;
  • onions;
  • salt, spices.

Required Equipment

The following types are involved in the dumpling production process: technological equipment:

  • meat grinder;
  • mince mixer;
  • sifter;
  • dough mixing machine;
  • dumpling machine;
  • low temperature refrigeration chamber;
  • packaging machine;
  • medium temperature refrigeration chamber.

Each of the listed types of technological equipment has distinctive features, which should be taken into account when technically equipping the workshop.

Meat grinders

Meat grinders (meat grinding machines) are used to produce minced meat. Manufacturers of meat grinders offer models in tabletop and floor-mounted versions, powered by an electric drive.

When choosing a model for a dumpling shop, it is recommended to pay attention to the performance of the machine - it must ensure uninterrupted processing of the raw materials necessary for the production of products. In addition, it is desirable to have a “Reverse” function, which allows you to get rid of tendons and films wrapped around the auger, as well as stuck large pieces of meat, without specially stopping the meat grinder and disassembling it. The presence of a safety ring on the loading cup will significantly reduce the risk of injury to personnel.

Comparative analysis of the cost of meat grinders

Option 1Option 2Option 3




Cost, rub.


Thanks to the use of a worm gearbox, energy consumption is significantly reduced (savings up to 40%)

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, the cost of meat grinders is directly related to their productivity. The minimum price of industrial meat grinders is from 9 thousand rubles, which is most suitable for small enterprises. The maximum cost may exceed 564 thousand rubles, but such meat grinders, due to their power, are more advisable to purchase for large-scale production.

Meat mixers

Minced meat mixers are designed for mixing all the ingredients included in the minced meat into a homogeneous mass. The duration of one production cycle should not exceed 1 minute, otherwise the fat will separate from the meat and the minced meat will become dry, which contributes to a significant deterioration in the quality of the finished product.

The machines are produced in tabletop and floor-standing versions, with mechanical and electric drives. For a dumpling shop, it is recommended to choose electric minced meat mixers with the function of different mixing directions, since they are the ones who ensure the production of minced meat of the required quality and consistency. An important aspect is the presence of a safety grill in the working chamber, which minimizes the risk of injury to personnel.

Comparative analysis of the cost of minced meat mixers

Option 1Option 2Option 3


BX 35A



Cost, rub.


Have double direction of mixing

The information presented in the table indicates that the cost of minced meat mixers is directly dependent on their productivity. The lower price threshold is in the range of 47-48 thousand rubles. For this price you can purchase machines with a productivity of 150-250 kg/h, which have different volumes of working chambers: from 30 to 50 liters and are an excellent option for small businesses. High-performance minced meat mixers priced from 435 thousand rubles. more suitable for large productions with wide range chopped semi-finished meat products.


Sifters are devices designed for sifting flour in order to remove foreign impurities from it and saturate the air with oxygen. Depending on the design, they can be vibrating or auger, table-top or floor-mounted, and equipped with replaceable sieves with different cell sizes.

For a small dumpling shop, it is recommended to choose tabletop vibrating sifters, as they have enough high performance and, due to their compactness, they can significantly save space in the room. It is advisable to give preference to models equipped with magnetic traps that can attract metal impurities that enter the flour during grinding and are unsafe for human health.

Comparative analysis of the cost of sifters

Option 1Option 2Option 3



Cost, rub.


Equipped with a magnetic trap to remove metal impurities

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, the cost of this type of equipment primarily depends on the manufacturer. Screeners Russian companies, not inferior in performance to foreign analogues, have a cost that is an order of magnitude lower. The minimum price of a machine processing 150 kg/h is in the region of 20-21 thousand rubles, which is an excellent option for small enterprises. High-performance models are more often used in the baking industry.

Dough mixing machines

In the dumpling production process, dough mixing machines are used to prepare stiff dough. The prepared raw material is placed in a bowl, where it is mixed to a homogeneous consistency using appropriately shaped blades - hook-shaped, Z-shaped or spiral-shaped. Available in tabletop and floor-standing versions.

When choosing a dough mixer, you should pay attention to its ability to prepare stiff dough - the machines used in confectionery shops do not have sufficient power and may not cope with the task. It is better to give preference to a floor-standing model with replaceable sliding bowls equipped with safety grilles or shields - this will ensure an uninterrupted process of preparing products and reduce the risk of injury to personnel.

Comparative analysis of the cost of dough mixing machines

Option 1Option 2Option 3


Pavlovsky OMZ
Ya-16 SHCH-3



Cost, rub.


Kneading lever simulates manual kneading

Automatic, equipped with two motors and heavy-duty parts

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, the cost of this type of equipment is tied to its performance. For a minimal cost, within 43 thousand rubles, you can purchase a dough mixer Russian production, preparing up to 260 kg of dough per hour, which fully satisfies the needs of a small enterprise. Automatic programmable machines with a price of over 974 thousand rubles. designed for large industrial enterprises.

Dumpling machines

Dumpling machines are designed for forming dumplings. The models presented on the technological equipment market allow you to prepare products various shapes: “crescent”, including those with a scallop along the edge, “pad”, etc.

When choosing this type of equipment, you should pay attention to the presence in the basic configuration of replaceable frames, on which the variety of forms of manufactured products depends - in their absence, an additional purchase will be required, and therefore additional costs. An important aspect is the functionality of the dumpling machine: the presence of functions for regulating the size of dumplings, the speed of filling and the thickness of the dough.

Comparative analysis of the cost of dumpling machines

Option 1Option 2Option 3


STARFOOD 1647003


Cost, rub.


Adjustable dough thickness and filling weight

Possibility of producing 18 types of products

Managed by two operators

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, the cost of dumpling machines depends on their performance and functionality. The minimum cost of this type of equipment is within 60 thousand rubles, however, the production output is low - from 70 kg/h. For small businesses, a device would be a good option made in China average price category(about 80 thousand rubles), producing up to 160 kg of dumplings per hour. The devices are expensive - from 750 thousand rubles. often purchased for large enterprises.

Low temperature cold rooms

The shaped dumplings are frozen in low temperature refrigeration chambers at a temperature of about -18o C. There are conveyor quick-freezing units that have high productivity, but it is not practical to use them in small enterprises.

Packing machines

Packaging machines and semi-automatic machines are designed for filling and packing frozen products into fully or translucent polypropylene bags with a branded pattern of the dumplings manufacturer.

When choosing equipment for a dumpling shop, it is recommended to give preference to automatic packaging devices - they do not require human presence during operation and have a wider range of functions: they can print the production date, have the ability to program weight, work with various types films, are equipped with replaceable dispensers for several product categories.

Comparative analysis of the cost of dumpling packaging machines

Option 1Option 2Option 3


Automatic machine for filling and packaging dumplings (“Donskaya upakovka”)

U-03-01 (“MAKIZ”)



up to 7 packs/min

up to 7 packs/min

up to 24 packs/min

Cost, rub.


Two-stage, equipped with a thermal printer

Two-stage, equipped with a dater, photosensor, and encoder.

Pneumatic drawing of film 500 mm wide is used

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, the cost of packaging equipment depends on functionality and performance. The simplest machines with a minimum set of options can be purchased for 142 thousand rubles. Small businesses are better off focusing on equipment in the mid-price category (from 450 thousand rubles) - it has a productivity of about 7 packs/min, which is quite acceptable for them, and has all the necessary functionality. It is advisable to use more expensive machines in large industries.

Medium temperature cold rooms

Medium-temperature refrigeration chambers are used for short-term storage of raw materials included in the dumpling recipe. When equipping a workshop, care should be taken to ensure that their volume corresponds to the volume of low-temperature chambers.

Technological cycle

Technological cycle of dumplings production

Premises and communications

The dumpling production workshop must meet the following requirements:

Indoor temperature


Water supply

A centralized water supply is required. Quality drinking water must comply with GOST R 51232-98. Hot water supplied to all sinks, showers, washing and industrial baths, temperature - not lower than 65o C.


Lead waste water must be carried out into the centralized sewerage system. Installation of sewer risers in the production workshop is not allowed.

Power line power

Mains voltage

Making dumplings is one of the activities of meat processing plants, therefore this area of ​​activity is regulated by relevant regulatory documentation: Sanitary rules and regulations, Building codes and rules, as well as current GOSTs. Compliance with their requirements guarantees the release of high-quality products that are safe for consumers.

Regulatory documentation

  • GOST R 51232-98 “DRINKING WATER. General requirements for the organization
    and quality control methods"
  • “Sanitary and veterinary requirements for the design of meat industry enterprises”

Every businessman faces the question of the advisability of investing money in one type of production or another; in the end, it all comes down to obtaining material benefits. Profit will be provided by the sale of manufactured products.

So, dumplings are a product for which there is constant demand, regardless of the time of year, the wealth of consumers, the financial crisis and other factors. Of course, the competition in this segment is quite strong, but proper organization marketing policy, you can find your consumers.

Of course, you need to rely on product quality, since low-quality products are quickly replaced in the market by more tasty ones. There is also no need to set a high price - this business will already begin to generate net profit after six months of operation, so it is necessary to adequately approach the issue of pricing.

Advantages of a mini line

Why choose a small plant over large-scale production?

  • firstly, capital investments are several times less;
  • secondly, the speed of equipment assembly, its mobility and compactness;
  • thirdly, there is no need to buy or build your own industrial building, you can start working in rented premises - this also significantly saves capital investments;
  • fourthly, the mini-factory is fully automated, it requires fewer maintenance personnel. For example, in a large production line with a capacity of up to 300 kg/h, 9 people serve (they mold products by hand), in a mini-factory - 2 people (load ingredients into mixers and control the processes). Reducing manual labor results in significant savings in wage costs;
  • fifthly, quick start production and, accordingly, capital investments will pay off in a shorter period of time.

Dumpling machine

Review of plant options from various manufacturers

There are many companies on the Russian market that sell equipment for the production of dumplings, among them are:

Compact dumpling factory LB Italia (Italy). Specifications:

  • power – 12.5 kW;
  • voltage – 380 V;
  • type of work – hand modeling;
  • productivity – 180 kg/h;
  • dimensions – 1500*1100*3000 mm;
  • weight – 1000 kg;
  • cost – 5,000,500 rubles.

Model JGL-120 (China) for the production of dumplings has the following characteristics:

  • power – 1.5 kW;
  • voltage – 380 V;
  • service personnel – 2 people;
  • type of work – hand modeling;
  • productivity – 120 kg/h;
  • dimensions – 1150*470*940 mm;
  • weight – 160 kg;
  • cost – 2,500,000 rubles.

The MMK GROUP company (Russia) offers a comprehensive solution for the production and assembly of a dumpling shop, as well as equipping it necessary equipment. Specifications:

  • power – 2 kW;
  • voltage – 380 V;
  • service personnel – 2 people;
  • type of operation – automatic;
  • productivity – 100 kg/h;
  • dimensions – 2600*7200*6000 mm;
  • weight – 1600 kg;
  • cost – 1,900,000 rubles.

Main components of a mini-plant, technical characteristics

Equipment and technical specifications mini-factory for the production of dumplings are considered on the basis of the equipment of the Novator company (Omsk, Russia).

The basic equipment set includes:

Flour sifter - necessary for removing foreign particles from flour, as well as loosening the mass. Specifications:

  • power – 375 W;
  • Hopper capacity – 25 l;
  • voltage – 380 V;
  • dimensions – 600*500*800 mm;
  • weight – 70 kg;

Dough mixer. necessary for high-quality dough kneading. Specifications:

  • power – 0.55 kW;
  • productivity – up to 20 l;
  • bowl volume – 20 l;
  • voltage – 220 V;
  • dimensions – 680*370*730 mm;
  • weight – 90 kg;

Meat grinder for chopping meat. Specifications:

  • power – 0.85 kW;
  • productivity – up to 250 kg/h;
  • required voltage – 220 V;
  • dimensions – 240*410*450 mm;
  • weight – 36 kg;

Mince mixer. Specifications:

  • power – 2.2 kW;
  • productivity – up to 30 kg/h;
  • bowl volume – 30 l;
  • voltage – 220 V;
  • dimensions – 740*540*920 mm;

Automatic machine for making dumplings. Performs dough dosing and rolling (without using an extruder, thanks to this the necessary plasticity is maintained and the dumplings do not spread apart during cooking). Specifications:

  • power – 2.8 kW;
  • productivity – up to 450 kg/h;
  • dumpling weight – from 3 to 20 g;
  • voltage – 380 V;
  • dimensions – 1600*800*1200 mm;
  • weight – 460 kg;

Spiral conveyor for fast freezing finished products. Specifications:

  • power – 0.8 kW;
  • productivity – up to 300 kg/h;
  • temperature range – from +95 to -43 o C;
  • voltage – 380 V;
  • dimensions – 5300*4200*2800 mm.

How the equipment works

There are four main stages of production:

  • preparation of ingredients;
  • kneading dough and minced meat;
  • making dumplings;
  • shock freezing.

All components are prepared according to the recipe and state standards quality. Kneading dough and minced meat is carried out in automated machines.

Of greatest interest is the work of the automated complex for rolling out dough and molding products. It consists of the following parts:

  • bunker for loading dough;
  • dough dosing and supply device;
  • dough rolling mechanism;
  • bunker for minced meat;
  • minced meat distributor;
  • forming drums;
  • outflow conveyor.

Pre-kneaded minced meat and dough are loaded into receiving hoppers, from where they are delivered to the distribution compartments. Two continuous ribbons are formed from the dough, which are sent to the dividing and sheeting unit. The lower rollers form belts required thickness, and directs them to the forming drums, where the filling also goes.

Passing the drums, the products are closed, and a ready-made dumpling is obtained, which enters the outfeed conveyor, and along it is sent to a spiral conveyor for quick freezing.

Necessary raw materials for the production process

The production of dumplings is carried out according to the recipe. You can use ready-made, well-known recipes, for example:

  • Pets;
  • Russians;
  • Danilovskys.

Can you come up with your own original version and surprise consumers. If we consider the proportions and ingredients for the most popular type of “Homemade” dumplings, then to produce 66 kg you will need:

Profitability of a mini-factory for the production of dumplings

To calculate the planned profit volume, it is necessary to calculate the following economic indicators:

The payback period of capital investments is calculated by relating their total value to net profit (part of income, for example, 40%). In this case, capital investments (5,000,000 rubles) can be covered in 7 months.

Video: Making dumplings

Nowadays, many people are entertained by the idea of ​​opening own business. There are quite a lot of options. The main thing is that the work is profitable. One of the many types of private business is making dumplings at home.

Dumpling production is one of the most modern home businesses. It is especially popular in small towns, even taking into account the fact that the market is filled with this kind of product. The popularity of semi-finished products also lies in the large assortment, for example, manti, dumplings, khinkali, etc. Such products are loved and consumed by almost everyone, since their main advantage is quick preparation.

Advantages of the dumpling business:

  • The desire to buy dumplings does not depend at all on the season.
  • The business pays off quite quickly with proper organization and management.
  • Quite a low volume of labor-intensive capital.
  • Significant savings due to the absence of the need to rent premises or hire workers at the initial stages.

All the necessary equipment (meat grinder, freezing chamber, etc.) can be found in any kitchen. The cooking technology is very simple and familiar to every housewife, and sometimes to the owner.

The big disadvantage of business is its high competitiveness. But if the products are made from environmentally friendly and high-quality products, then they will clearly be in the lead.

Required documents

The first batches often go to friends and acquaintances. They act as the most important tasters. But you won’t earn much money this way. You need to look for places of sale, and for this you need a package of required documents:

  • Documentation from Rospotrebnadzor and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.
  • Hygienic conclusion of the SES.
  • Recipe.

When expanding - building your own workshop - you will need to register with tax service and register your activities. You can register or.

In this case, a report from the fire department will be required. You will also need:

  • Technical conditions that are registered and agreed upon (TU).
  • Label layout.
  • Technical instructions (TI).

If personnel are hired, they must have a health certificate.

Producing dumplings at home and selling them only to private individuals does not require the execution of various documents.

What equipment will you need?

To make dumplings in small batches at home, you can use the most common equipment. To make your work easier, you should purchase electric knife, flour sifter, electric meat grinder.

For work in the workshop, equipment is used on a larger scale:

  • Dough mixer.
  • Apparatus for rolling out raw materials.
  • Apparatus for kneading minced meat.
  • Automatic machine for forming dumplings.

Whatever the conditions in which products are manufactured, there must be freezers for storing goods and raw materials.

You can save on equipment if you hire workers, or better yet, involve relatives in the business. In addition, the product will be much better if it is made by hand. He is in great demand.

If necessary or desired, you can purchase a packaging machine. Please note that people trust products in transparent packaging more, as they can see their contents.

Required Ingredients

The good thing about dumplings is that they don’t require many ingredients to prepare them. It's very simple:

  • Water.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Eggs.
  • Seasonings.
  • Meat (beef, pork, chicken).

In order to make your product more enticing to customers, you can experiment with fillings. Mix different types meat, and also use a variety of seasonings and spices.

You can purchase ingredients from supermarkets, shops or markets.

In order for dumplings to be in demand, the raw materials must be of high quality and environmentally friendly. Therefore, you should not use various trimmings and herbal supplements. It is advisable to purchase meat from supermarkets on the day it is delivered. Alternatively, you can enter into a meat purchase agreement with a livestock farm. In this case, the goods will always be fresh and in the quantity required.

By purchasing raw materials not in specialized stores, you should definitely ask the supplier for quality certificates.

Detailed visual information about the work of the dumpling shop is given in the following video:

Sales of products

Sales is the first thing you need to think about before starting production. As for dumplings, there are quite a lot of them on the market, so you should carefully study the scope of their sale.

  • The first small batches can be sold to friends and acquaintances. If the product has received positive reviews, production can continue, as a tasty and high-quality product will be in demand.
  • You can try to sell the goods to small cafes, and if they are satisfied, establish continuous supplies with them.
  • It is also necessary to take into account large wholesale companies that supply semi-finished products and have a regular customer base. In this case, packaging will be needed.
  • A good option is to rent a trading stall at the market. Rumors about good products spread quickly through word of mouth, which allows you to avoid spending on advertising.
  • Another way of implementation could be the sale of finished products. For example, delivery of hot lunches. Due to the rich assortment, such sales will be quite profitable.

When thinking about selling a manufactured product, you must not forget about vehicle. If you have a car, this will solve many issues.

Costs and business profitability

In order for the dumpling business to be profitable, before starting production it is necessary to draw up a business plan and calculate profitability.

When calculating profitability, you can see approximate amounts. Here, for example, is the calculation of raw materials for 800 kg of finished products:

  • Meat – 53 thousand rubles.
  • Onions – 900 rub.
  • Flour – 1.5 thousand rubles.
  • Salt and seasonings – 600 rub.
  • Eggs – 100 rub.

It follows that 56,100 rubles were spent on 800 kg of products. It turns out that the cost of 1 kg of finished goods is approximately 70 rubles, when its cost on the market is approximately 92 rubles. Net profit will be 22 rubles. In 24 working days the profit will increase to the amount about 442 thousand rubles. Operating expenses will need to be deducted from this amount.

The calculation was carried out taking into account the operation of equipment for making dumplings, the cost of which will be about 555 thousand rubles.

The costs will be significantly lower if you start manufacturing in small batches in your kitchen. When the product conquers the market and is in demand, you can expand production, rent premises, purchase equipment and hire personnel.

In order to reduce production costs, you can resort to the following tricks:

  • Add some potatoes to the meat, you will get potato-meat dumplings. The cost will remain the same and the taste will be wonderful.
  • Add a little water to the minced meat; this will not spoil the taste, but on the contrary, the product will turn out with a juicy filling.
  • Tell everyone you know about your business.
  • Place advertisements in free newspapers.
  • Post advertisements.
  • Provide information on the Internet.

Making dumplings is a profitable and low-cost business that anyone can start. The main thing is to decide on the sales market and organize the work correctly.