Business plan for a cafe with oxygen cocktails. Where to sell cocktails and how to choose a premises? Calculations of cost, investment amount and possible profit

Oxygen cocktails are among the most delicious and healthy drinks that are popular in our country. This gives an entrepreneur, even a beginner, the opportunity to organize profitable business on the sale of these drinks. Let's study how the corresponding retail outlets can be arranged.

Business selling oxygen cocktails rightly considered to be the most profitable and promising. This is due, first of all, to the high degree of demand for these cocktails by different categories of consumers. Oxygen cocktails have wide range useful qualities:

  • aesthetic character - pleasant view, taste;
  • technological nature - ease of manufacture, lack of strict legal requirements to the production of these drinks;
  • healing nature - the ability to stimulate metabolic processes in the body, normalize blood pressure, digestion, and improve sleep.

Depending on the composition of a particular type of cocktail, it beneficial properties may be supplemented by others - determined by the properties of the relevant ingredients (for example, juices, berries).

Actually, What is an oxygen cocktail? This sweet drink, easily recognizable by its “cap” consisting of small bubbles of foam. It actually contains pure oxygen (not air, contrary to popular belief), the most important chemical element among those providing life on our planet.

Oxygen can enter the body not only through breathing, but also through its consumption in the “food” way - in the form of a gas dissolved in water or located inside those same foam bubbles on the surface of the cocktail. “Food” oxygen is very quickly absorbed into the blood and activates various processes that contribute to the health of the body.

Oxygen cocktail - by the way, being a Russian product (more precisely, a Soviet product - the first experiments of scientists on its use were carried out in the USSR in the 1960s) is recognized as a safe product. It is recommended for use in many health institutions. At the same time, an oxygen cocktail is also an everyday food product. It can be in demand by a variety of consumers, for example:

  • clients of fitness centers, entertainment centers;
  • visitors to cinemas and theaters;
  • visitors to parks and beaches.

Thus, the sale of oxygen cocktails as a business can be carried out in a variety of segments. Level of competition in in this direction business can be described as moderate. Selling oxygen cocktails is not new look business for Russia (which is partly understandable, based on the fact that they were invented in our country), and the corresponding segment of entrepreneurship is quite saturated. At the same time, along with this saturation, a steady demand for oxygen cocktails has been formed: therefore, even when starting a business from scratch, you will not have to pay extra attention to explaining to consumers all the beneficial properties of this drink. Everyone knows that it is healthy and tasty.

But the entrepreneur has the power to make it the most delicious, and also to promote his brand so that, taking advantage of the good demand for the product, he can win a place in the market from competitors.


Let's explore how an entrepreneur can solve data difficult tasks, what investments he will have to invest in his business.

Opening a business selling oxygen cocktails involves:

  1. Preparation of equipment and arrangement of the premises.
  2. Purchase of raw materials and ingredients.
  3. Business promotion and sales organization.

Let’s take a closer look at the specifics of implementing these stages of starting a business in the context of the entrepreneur’s income and expenses.

Equipment and premises

Preparing a cocktail involves the use of the following main types of equipment:

  • oxygen cocktailer - a device for mixing oxygen with a flavoring liquid (it costs about 10 thousand rubles);
  • sales counter, table, possibly chairs (they will cost about 20 thousand rubles).

Total one-time expenses are about 30 thousand rubles.

The sale of the cocktail will have to be carried out in some premises. Let’s agree that this is a retail space in an entertainment center: in an average-sized Russian city, its monthly rent will be about 10 thousand rubles. In Moscow, of course, it is incomparably more expensive - about 30 thousand rubles, or even more.

The cocktail in question usually contains: 4 key components:

  1. water;
  2. flavoring additive (syrup, jam, concentrate);
  3. oxygen;
  4. foaming agent

At the same time, many “oxyjs” (stylish sellers and manufacturers of oxygen cocktails - from oxygen - “oxygen” and “DJ”, the one at the disco) prefer not to use water and a flavoring additive separately in the production of the product, but to use a ready-made liquid with one flavor or another - for example, natural or juice sold in packages. Let us agree to use this approach.

Ordinary protein from chicken egg or, for example, gelatin. These ingredients are optimal in terms of quality and price.

In turn, pure oxygen cannot be replaced by anything - you will need to buy it in cylinders. The cost of a 200-gram cylinder of liquefied oxygen under pressure (corresponding to approximately 16 liters of gas) is about 1,000 rubles.

To make 1 medium serving of oxygen cocktail you will need:

  • 50 milliliters of juice (cost price - 5 rubles, based on the average cost of 1 liter of tasty, good packaged juice of 100 rubles);
  • about 0.32 liters of gaseous oxygen (cost - 20 rubles).
  • An oxygen cocktail is usually served in a plastic cup with a spoon (cost: 3 rubles).

The total cost of 1 serving of oxygen cocktail will be about 28 rubles.

The average market selling price for 1 serving of drink in a shopping center is 50-60 rubles. Thus, the operating room profitability oxygen cocktail will obviously be close to 100%. But the actual profitability (especially in the first months) will obviously be lower - since it will be necessary to take into account the costs of equipment and arrangement of the premises.

In addition, it will matter how many servings of the cocktail the entrepreneur manages to sell. We have already studied the costs of equipment and premises, now we will look at how to promote a business and what kind of turnover can be expected from it.

Brand promotion

Where to startbusiness promotion? To do this you can use:

  • traditional, classic channels - advertising in print media, television, radio, using word of mouth (that is, involving friends and acquaintances);
  • innovative (although they are already becoming traditional - they are so widespread) channels: contextual advertising, SEO optimization, SMM.

The emphasis in promotion should be on the target audience who visits the entertainment center where the entrepreneur has rented a place to sell an oxygen cocktail. That is, if this is a shopping center primarily for young people, advertising should be given in the media of the appropriate focus, and in online promotion the emphasis should be on “youth” targeting in contextual advertising systems and other resources.

What expenses may characterize the advertising promotion of a retail outlet? If you look at the indicated promotion channels, 1 advertising impression to the target client on a good resource will vary in the range of 300-500 rubles per 1000 impressions (conversion - turning impressions into sales, can be about 2-3%).

Taking into account the popularity of the shopping center, it may be possible to get by with 1-2 advertising campaigns with 50 thousand impressions lasting about 1 week. Afterwards, the client pool will be more or less formed, then it will be supported or supplemented by regular visitors to the shopping center. On average, it can be about 50 customers per day.

How much can you earn?

So, we have all the data to calculate the profitability of a business selling oxygen cocktails.

Our daily revenue will be about 2,500 rubles (50 is the estimated number of customers, multiply the selling price of a cocktail serving by 50 rubles). If we try to be present at the workplace every day, then in a month we will earn about 75,000 rubles (2500 * 30).

Monthly costs:

  • for renting premises - 10 thousand rubles (let’s agree that we work in an average provincial city);
  • for ingredients: 33,600 (28 is the cost of 1 serving, multiply by 40, then by 30).

One-time costs:

  • for equipment (30,000 rubles);
  • for advertising (50,000 rubles).

Thus, in order to recoup the one-time investment, we will need to work in the red for about 2 months. After this, we reach a profitability of about 70% (75,000 rubles in revenue and 43,600 rubles monthly expenses) until the moment when it is necessary to change the equipment due to wear and tear. But the costs associated with this will no longer worry us much: the business will be promoted and, most likely, will again successfully recoup the investment in updated equipment.

To a large extent, the answer to the question - whether it is profitable or not to run a business selling oxygen cocktails will depend on the real effectiveness of the campaign to promote the outlet, the entrepreneur’s approaches to choosing commercial premises. But taking into account the average saturation of the segment, it is quite legitimate to consider this business as extremely cost-effective.

It is known that oxygen cocktails are one of the main sources of health and youth, so it is not at all strange that many people buy such unusual drinks. If you try, you can make good money on such cocktails. Initially, the low cost of basic equipment and the raw materials itself encourages many to open their own oxygen bars, but where should you start?

The first thing you must do is register as a state of emergency. After that, you choose a taxation system (for example, “simplified”), register the seller and receive permission from the fire inspection and SES.

How to choose the right place?

Have you already found suitable place for implementation? Its area should not be huge. The main requirement is a good location of the entire assortment, a bright sign in sight and a large number of potential buyers. As a rule, 20 m² is enough.

Probably the most popular area for implementation will be in an entertainment or shopping center, gym or city market. If you live in a city with several resort areas, place your minibars where tourists go most often (along the coast, on the way to the beach/museum/gallery, etc.).

Separately, we note that an oxygen bar does not require a large separate room at all. You can open a minibar with a bar counter and several high chairs:

  • Club/bar: this place is considered ideal for regular sales. Unusual cocktails attract quite a lot of attention from visitors. At the same time, it is here that prices can be increased up to three times, positioning the foam as a simple, lean and even dietary dish that fills the stomach and dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • recreation/attraction area: due to the large crowd of children and other vacationers, you are guaranteed very high level sales;
  • business center: A very unusual place, you say? Not at all! Here you can position the drink as a “dish” that invigorates the entire body during a hard day at work. But a good boost of energy is exactly what all office employees need;
  • gym: Everyone knows the fact that athletes especially need large amounts of oxygen to ensure increased muscle contraction. Believe me, this drink will sell out very quickly;
  • sanatorium-resort establishment: here the oxygen cocktail is suitable for everyone precisely because of its therapeutic and prophylactic characteristics;
  • Shopping center: Ask yourself, who often just walks to the shopping center? Of course, these are fashionistas and fashionistas. This drink is not just healthy, but also fashionable, because leading a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your health is very popular today.

Purchase of equipment

Next important step– purchasing the necessary equipment for your oxygen bar. So, the necessary equipment is a concentrator for producing pure oxygen from the air, as well as a mixer for mixing the components of your favorite cocktail into a beautiful air mass.

You will also need a riser and chairs. Although the need to purchase chairs will depend on the specialization of your point. If you are exclusively engaged in selling cocktails, then furniture is not needed at all.

One-time and monthly expenses

How much do you need to spend to open your oxygen bar? All expenses can be divided into one-time and monthly.


  1. Concentrate and mixer – up to 50,000 rubles;
  2. bar counter - up to 30,000 rubles;
  3. cash register– up to 15,000 rubles;
  4. chair for an employee – up to 2,000 rubles.

Then you buy fruit juice in different flavors: the more flavors, the higher the demand. We advise you to use only natural juices, although you will have to work hard to find them and establish a regular supply. As an alternative, you can use homemade or specialized juice.

But foam is also formed with the help of egg white or licorice root extract, although the taste can then be quite specific and even unpleasant. Add to this the purchase of a decoction from herbal infusions to increase the beneficial properties of the drink.


  1. Rent trading place: if it is 2-5 m?, then on average you will pay up to 20,000 rubles;
  2. syrups, foaming agents, juices: from one liter of juice you can prepare up to 60 servings, so the costs here are low;
  3. cups and spoons: up to 1,200 – 1,500 rubles;
  4. employee salary: depending on the region.


If you open your own oxygen bar, you need to hire two so-called oxyjays who will work in shifts. The task of the OJs is not only to sell goods, but also to carry out “educational work” to the masses. Employees talk about the benefits of cocktails.

The number of clients will remain small only in two cases:

  • If the OJs do not carry out educational work;
  • if the staff is impolite and unfriendly.

No matter how pompous it may sound, even when opening a very small and modest outlet, you must ensure that the staff is professional and has the best human qualities.

Your income

Immediately after opening, you must set the dumping price of the drink. For example, no more than 70 rubles per glass at a cost of 1.5. On average, you can sell up to 30 servings per day, although the number may depend on various factors. If you work 5 days a week, your revenue will be approximately 50,000 rubles.

Now subtract the seller’s salary and rent from the entire amount, and then the net profit will be approximately 27,000 rubles. Even when taking into account the amount for taxes, the income will be obvious, and in just two months your earnings will exceed your expenses several times.


In this case, there are also many conditions and conventions, so you should not take this type of business as a simple adventure. If you are serious about opening an oxygen bar, correctly identify your target audience. As a rule, these are children, youth, and all those who care about their health.

Once you've identified your target audience, you need to worry about addressing other glaring issues.

  • Firstly, start developing a development strategy, both in the short term and in long term. As practice shows, if there is a plan, the entrepreneur immediately sees all the pros and cons of the work, the nuances that need to be worked on, the problems that need to be solved.
  • Secondly, business management must be optimal: cooking standards, perfect time days, suitable location.
  • Thirdly, develop a budget and engage in financial control not only of income, but also of expenses.
  • Fourth, organize correct accounting reports and establish relationships with tax authorities.
  • Fifthly, do not be afraid to use the services of a marketer, as some buyers are wary of new types of goods/products.
  • Sixth, make your product competitive, because many are engaged in this direction because of its profitability.

Now that you know how to open an oxygen bar and minibar, you can become a successful emergency operator, starting from one point and confidently moving on to the next.

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Ecology of life: Business. Today people are seriously concerned about their health and appearance and selling oxygen cocktails can bring good profits to an entrepreneur.

Oxygen bar business plan

Oxygen bar as a business - an enterprise that is better to open in big cities, where air pollution is very high and people are seriously concerned about their health and appearance.

Why should you invest in opening an oxygen cocktail bar?

TO An oxygen cocktail is a nourishing and tasty drink that removes toxins from the body, normalizes metabolic processes, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drink helps improve skin condition and complexion. In addition, people who consume oxygen cocktails suffer less from migraines and depression. The factors listed above indicate thatSelling oxygen cocktails can bring good profits to an entrepreneur.


Anyone can organize an enterprise:

  • capital investments are minimal;
  • work experience and special education are not required;
  • the enterprise will pay for itself in a very short time;
  • You can select and buy equipment for an oxygen cocktail and ingredients in any specialized store.

Another advantage of the business is that the oxygen cocktail machine can be installed not only in a shopping or sports and entertainment center, but also in a school, pharmacy, kindergarten, beauty salon. The last option is especially relevant, since many women know about the positive effect of the drink on the condition of the skin and hair.

But, despite the obvious advantages, to create a successful enterprise it is necessary to draw up detailed business plan oxygen bar. Careful consideration of all aspects of the project will help to avoid possible risks, unforeseen expenses and other problems.


Before you open your own oxygen bar, you should calculate, at least approximately, organizational costs and draw up a business plan. The first thing you should pay attention to is purchase of special automated devices. The price of equipment for preparing oxygen cocktails today is not high.

An entrepreneur needs to purchase:

  • cocktail maker for oxygen cocktails– a device that forms foam from a filled base;
  • oxygen concentrator- a device that releases oxygen from environment, concentrating it and converting it into a stream of pure oxygen;
  • cash register;
  • oxygen bar rack.

You can buy an oxygen cocktail at a specialized retail outlet or online store. The cost of the device depends on its performance and functionality. Models costing from 8,000 rubles are suitable for a bar. and above.

The concentrator is more expensive. The price of an oxygen cocktail machine varies from 24,000 rubles. and above. You can buy an oxygen cocktail machine on the Internet, where a large assortment of similar equipment is offered.

A regular cash register can be bought for 10,000 – 12,000 rubles. A bar counter for preparing cocktails costs about 33,000 rubles, and a chair for an employee costs 1,500 rubles.

So, in order to buy equipment for an oxygen bar, an entrepreneur should prepare about 80,000 rubles. These will be one-time opening costs.


Monthly expenses look like this:

  • rent a place , approximately 2.5 m2 - about 4,000 rubles;
  • preparing an oxygen cocktail is impossible without packaged juices, syrups, foaming agents – 7,000 rub. depending on sales;
  • disposable tableware – 1,000 rub.;
  • wages to the seller-oxygen - 20,000 rubles.

The total cost will be approximately 20,000 - 30,000 rubles.

The advantage of the enterprise is the absence of special permits. It is necessary to have certificates for the components of the cocktail, technical documentation for equipment. The seller must have a medical record. Point of sale and the products sold must be registered with Rospotrebnazor. This will add 15,000 rubles. to expenses.

Next, you should calculate how profitable the oxygen cocktail business is. The cost of one glass of cocktail is approximately 8-10 rubles. In megacities, the price of the product sold varies from 60 to 70 rubles. That is, the profit from one serving is at least 50 rubles.

In small provincial towns, a serving of drink varies from 40 rubles. The entrepreneur's net income will be 30 -32 rubles.

If you sell 50 glasses of oxygen drink daily, your monthly income will be approximately 80,000 rubles in a metropolis, and 50,000 rubles in the provinces. Investments made at the start will pay off within a couple of months.


A good option for making money by producing and selling oxygen cocktails would be an on-site oxygen bar. In this case, one-time expenses should include the purchase or rental of a mobile premises in which the mobile oxygen bar will be located. The advantage of such an establishment is the ability to move around the city and install it in crowded places, or go out on call.

This service is often ordered by organizers of various events. A mobile bar will be very useful at city holidays, corporate and other meetings, promotions and openings of institutions.

Business is attractive due to the absence of much competition and high profitability.The profitability indicator varies from 90 to 150%.


The first thing a new entrepreneur must learn is that on the purchase of equipment You can't save money. The taste and beneficial properties of the cocktail directly depend on the quality of the equipment.

The stylish device should be installed in a visible place. The solidity of the installation will attract the attention of customers and instill in them confidence in the quality of the purchased products.

The ingredients must be used correctly. There are many cooking secrets delicious drinks. The taste of the drink is affected by the thickness, water base(syrups, juices, water), foaming extract.

Oxyjay is not only a person who knows everything, or almost everything, about creating oxygen cocktails. Oxygen bar operator is face of the company selling drinks.

A polite, smiling, good-looking agent is 50% of the success of an enterprise. published

A modern way to make money is the oxygen cocktail business. We will describe in detail the profitability of the project and offer ready business plan on its implementation. After all, this business is not only promising, but also useful.

In the 60s of the last century, Russian scientists proved the healing effect of oxygen drinks and compared their use to a walk in the forest. This provoked a sharp increase in the installation of such devices in all sanitary resort areas of the country. Now the fashion for a healthy lifestyle is returning, so preparing and selling such a product is very profitable.

Business prospects

This project is deservedly considered highly profitable. Its attractiveness is justified by the following factors:

  • The drinks are very tasty.
  • The benefits of oxygen for the body are confirmed by doctors and fitness trainers.
  • It improves concentration, increases strength and performance, improves metabolic processes, which immediately affects your well-being.
  • Preparing an oxygen cocktail does not require special knowledge and skills from the seller.
  • To organize activities, you do not need to fill out a lot of paperwork and purchase expensive equipment.
  • Competition in most cities is still low.

Kiosk format

You can start a business in different options:

  1. As a stationary point, located in a crowded place, where healthy drinks are offered on an ongoing basis. In this case, you can even arrange several chairs or tables for the convenience of visitors.
  2. A movable stand that can be easily placed anywhere. Depending on the situation and events in the city, you can set up a stall every day in a new area. Thus, they serve various parties, concerts, presentations, participate in master classes, etc., which is also advertising.
  3. Combined option– implies a combination of the two previous directions. At the same time, your stall has a stationary point, but when the opportunity arises to serve any event, you go there with a folding stand.

You can download it here for free as a sample.


Oxygen cocktails as a business do not require a particularly complex organization procedure. For this it is enough:

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Choose a simplified taxation system.
  • Obtaining permission from the SES, which will be quite simple, since the ingredients used to make the drinks are already certified.

The entire registration procedure takes a minimum of time and costs little. And since you are not opening a separate building where visitors eat food, you can avoid various inspections by regulatory authorities.


You can install an oxy-bar in any crowded place. To do this, you need to rent an area of ​​2-5 square meters. m. on the street or, for example, in a shopping center. As such design design or cosmetic repairs not required. It is enough to place a bright and noticeable sign and conveniently arrange all the equipment and display case.

It is more important to pay attention to the place where the oxygen bar will be installed. The number of customers and daily revenue, and therefore the success of the entire business, largely depend on this. Experienced entrepreneurs advise considering the following accessible points:

  1. Fitness centers where health-oriented people come, they know about the benefits of oxygen for the active work of muscles during exercise.
  2. Cinemas and other entertainment centers, where there are quite a lot of visitors who can be attracted by fashionable and healthy drink.
  3. Parks, beaches, recreation areas for families with children and tourists - they are not averse to pampering themselves with something interesting and tasty.
  4. Business centers – here you need to emphasize that an oxygen cocktail will help improve performance and increase energy levels office worker.
  5. Sanatorium and resort institutions, where such products are considered the most popular.
  6. Shopping mall, where there are quite a lot of visitors who sometimes want to relax and saturate their body with a healthy and nutritious drink.

It is also appropriate to place such oxy-bars in educational and medical institutions. The main thing is to set up a stall in a visible place where many people want to try your product.

What do you need to open?

As already mentioned, not much special equipment is required. All you need to do is purchase:

  • the sales stand itself;
  • chairs for staff and visitors (optional);
  • cocktailer - a device for mixing ingredients.

To make an oxygen cocktail you need to constantly purchase necessary products. This drink is characterized by the presence of air bubbles mixed with liquid base. To do this, you will need water or juice, syrup for taste and oxygen itself, sold in cylinders. Using a special apparatus, they create fruit foam that is very tasty, healthy for the body and aesthetically attractive.


To save money, you can make cocktails yourself. But with a large influx of people, it is advisable to hire two bartenders who will work in shifts. This way you can ensure sales every day without interruption.

Special requirements no to the staff. It is enough for the sellers to be friendly and able to tell you about the benefits of oxygen cocktails. It’s easy to learn how to operate the machine and mix a suitable base in 1-2 days.

To attract customers and spread information about your business, you can use different channels:

  1. Word of mouth – Ask your friends to tell everyone they know about your oxy bar.
  2. Advertising in local media - television, newspapers and magazines.
  3. Internet - creating a page with interesting information about the product, communication in social networks, groups, on forums.
  4. Use a bright and attractive sign above the counter.
  5. Participate in various social and youth events, set up a stall at the venues of sports competitions, music concerts, children's festivals, etc.

Financial part

It is not for nothing that experts say that organizing a business selling oxygen cocktails is a very profitable and highly profitable project. Let's write down all the numbers in the table.

It is important to include monthly expenses in your business plan.

The cost of one serving is about 1.5 rubles. And if you sell at least 30 drinks a day for 100 rubles, then in a month you can earn 90,000. This means that in a short time you will cover all the initial costs of organizing a business and will be able to expand. If demand is high, over time you can create a franchise and teach other entrepreneurs to open similar stalls under your brand in different cities and regions.

Video: oxygen cocktail as a source of health.

As they say, everything new is well forgotten old. We all remember the cocktails made from licorice root that were given in school and kindergarten. Today, oxygen treats are again at the peak of popularity. A novice entrepreneur should pay attention to the given business plan for an oxygen bar with calculations.

Where to start?

Before you create an oxygen bar business plan, you need to enter all the initial data.

  • Type of activity: oxygen bar.
  • Area: 8 sq. meters.
  • Premises: rent in a shopping center.
  • Number of seats: 4 seats.
  • Opening hours: from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • Form of ownership: individual entrepreneur.
  • Taxation system: UTII.

Menu includes:

  • Oxygen cocktails on different bases(juices, tea, milk, herbal preparations).
  • Teas and herbal infusions.
  • Healthy snacks.
  • Inhalations through a headset.

Organizational aspects

In the case of an oxygen bar, there is no need to create a limited liability company. There is no sale here alcoholic drinks, there are no large areas and numerous staff. In addition, the individual entrepreneur has the right to apply “preferential” taxation systems (patent system).

Accounting will be carried out independently using an online service.

To open, you must go through the following steps:

Event type Price, rubles
Registration of individual entrepreneur (state duty) 800
Ordering and making a seal 1 000
Registering a cash register
Opening a current account 2 000
Registration with the tax service
Rental agreement for one year* 40 000
Notification of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities
Coordination of the production control program with Rospotrebnadzor
SES permission
Development and coordination of dish recipes

*The rental price is indicated for the first two months, including a deposit, then the rent is paid monthly.

The cost of registering a business and initial documents will be 43,800 rubles and about two weeks of time.

Technical equipment

Let's consider necessary equipment and furniture to fully equip an oxygen bar:

Name Quantity, pcs. Price for 1 piece, rubles Total, rubles
Oxygen concentrator (volume 5 liters) 1 25 0000 25 000
Mixer cocktail 1 5 000 5 000
Fridge 1 15 000 15 000
Bar counter 1 40 000 40 000
Bar stools 4 10 000 40 000
Oxyj chair 1 5 000 5 000
Sink 1 5 000 5 000
Tap 1 5 000 5 000
Electric kettle 1 5 000 5 000
Cash register 1 20 000 20 000
Headset 4 5 000 20 000
Kitchenware 5 000
Bar accessories (shaker, dispensers, etc.) 5 000
TOTAL 190 000

Raw materials

To make one cocktail you will need:

  • Base (fruit juice, tea, herbal infusion, milk) – 40 ml.
  • Foaming syrup – 10 ml.
  • Disposable tableware – glass, spoon and plastic straw.

At the very beginning, for the specified assortment you need to buy the following ingredients and consumables.

Name Quantity Price for 1 conventional unit of product, rubles Total, rubles
Orange juice 10 l 100 1 000
Apple juice 10 l 100 1 000
Cherry juice 10 l 100 1 000
Other types of juices at your discretion 15 l 100 1 500
Green loose tea 1 kg 2 000 2 000
Black loose leaf tea 1 kg 2 000 2 000
Herbal collection 1 kg 1 500 1 500
Milk 2.5% fat 10 l 70 700
Sugar syrup 5 l 200 1 000
Vanilla syrup 3 l 250 750
Chocolate syrup 3 l 300 900
Spoom mixtures for foam formation 15 packs of 100 pieces 400 6 000
Oxygen for the headset 4 cylinders of 5 liters 500 2 000
Muesli bars 150 pcs. 30 4 500
Disposable cups with logo 1,500 pcs. 5 7 500
Plastic spoon 1,500 pcs. 1 1 500
Plastic straws 3,000 pcs. 0,7 2 100
TOTAL 36 950

At the first stages, it will be difficult to determine the range of fruit juices, teas and herbal infusions. Only with experience will you be able to determine the required proportions of purchases. However, you will need 36,950 rubles monthly to purchase raw materials, provided that every day you sell 40 cocktails, 15 inhalations, 5 bars, 1 glass of tea, 1 glass of juice.


To sell cocktails at first, you need to hire 2 bartenders, who will become oxidizers in the oxygen bar. They will work in shifts, 15 days a month each. Bartenders must have a valid health certificate.


Without a competent PR campaign it is unlikely that you will be able to launch successful business. Let's give an example of how you can formulate a marketing strategy.

Also, do not neglect participation in exhibitions and presentations. As a rule, the organizers of these events pay the performer for the number of hours worked, and not for the products sold. However, there are also advantages: at such exhibitions you can acquire work contacts and advertise your bar for free.

Volume of capital expenditures

Schedule of work to launch the project

Planned performance indicators

One of the main advantages of opening an oxygen bar is the lack of seasonality. The launch of the project does not need to be tied to the time of year. It is possible to reach the break-even point within 3 months after opening.

To increase the flow of clients it is planned:

  • An hour before the bar closes, offer a 10% discount on the entire range.
  • Offer discounts on the cocktail of the day.
  • Offer sets of inhalation and oxygen cocktails at a lower price.

The establishment's revenue will consist of the following items:

  • Oxygen cocktails – 70%.
  • Inhalation through the nose – 20%.
  • Healthy snacks – 9%.
  • Tea and juices – 1%.

Consumable part

This section can be divided into 2 components:

Part 1 is the cost of production. If you plan your purchases correctly, it will always pay off, since there will be markups of about 300%. At the planned capacity, about 37,000 rubles will be spent monthly on raw materials.

Part 2 includes general business expenses:

  • Renting premises and public utilities– 16,000 rubles.
  • Salary with deductions – 97,650 rubles.
  • Other consumables (cleaning products, napkins, garbage bags, air fresheners) – 5,000 rubles.
  • Advertising – 5,000 rubles.
  • Taxes – about 6,000 rubles per quarter.
  • Other expenses – 10,000 rubles.

Largest specific gravity the fund occupies the structure of expenses wages(about 57%), raw materials (21.5%) and rent (9%).

Now let's calculate the profitability.

Product name Average market value of 1 piece, rubles Number of sales per day Number of sales per month (30 working days) Total amount, rubles
Oxygen cocktail 150 40 1 200 180 000
Oxygen inhalation 100 in 5 minutes 15 450 45 000
Muesli bar 60 5 150 9 000
1 glass of tea 50 1 30 1 500
1 glass of juice 90 1 30 2 700
Oxygen set (oxygen cocktail + inhalation) 200 3 90 18 000
TOTAL 65 1 950 256 200

Thus, monthly revenue will be 256,200 rubles. Net profit– 83,550 rubles. Profitability – 33%. It will take several months to reach such figures, so it is worth having a reserve cash 2-3 months in advance.

Financial plan

Indicator 1 year 2 year 3 year
Revenue 2 437 200 3 072 000 3 457 200
Net income 669 300 1 000 200 1 257 840
Efficiency 27,5% 33% 36%

Thus, the initial investment will pay off in less than one year.


  • Project start: any month.
  • Bar opening: in 4 months.
  • Reaching operational break-even: third month after opening.
  • Reaching projected income: fifth month after opening.
  • The payback period for the cafe-bar is 11 months.

A few nuances

There are a few details worth noting:

  • Install the equipment in a visible location.
  • Give the client the opportunity to see the cocktail preparation process.
  • Of great importance is the ability of the oxidizer to predict the desires of the visitor and create unique flavor mixes.
  • Bright leaflets with introductory information on the counter will attract additional attention.

As a result

If you decide to open an oxygen bar, you don’t have to stop at detailed analysis competitors (just check their presence). This niche is still free. Within a year after opening a “flying shop” in a good location and under favorable circumstances, you will be able to open another outlet or create a mobile bar. Target Audience extremely wide: children, teenagers, athletes, people leading a healthy lifestyle and watching their diet. Even if an oxygen cocktail has a minimal therapeutic effect, it certainly does not harm the body. But no one has canceled the effect of placebo. Pleasant taste, a bright sign, a smiling waiter - this is what customers come and return for.

Also, before opening an oxygen bar, research all the small business support programs in your area. This project falls under a socially significant cluster, so you may have the opportunity to repay part of the initial investment through government grants and subsidies or receive a tax holiday.