Newcastle disease symptoms in broilers. Signs of Newcastle disease in chickens. Typical signs revealed at autopsy

Akita Inu is a very active and cheerful breed that will always be devoted to its owner if it feels mutual friendliness and love. Representatives of this breed have a mischievous and playful character. Boundless curiosity is inherent in her, which often causes discomfort in everyday life for the Akita owner. Leash tugging while walking, barking at sounds outside the door are not uncommon problems that are addressed to dog handlers.

The most suitable training courses for Akita Inu are:

  • OKD - general training course
  • Obidience

Akita Inu can become great friend for the whole family and a wonderful companion for his owner. Distinctive features The Akita's character is individuality and spontaneity. In order for your pet to show its natural qualities and intelligence, it is necessary to start training it as early as possible, so that in the future there will be no need for correction of unwanted, often destructive, behavior. This dog always requires attention and respect, then it will reciprocate your feelings and give you its love.

Training an Akita Inu puppy, when to start

Akita Inu puppy training is essential start from the first days the presence of a dog in your home. There is an opinion that puppies should be trained no earlier than 6 months, but this opinion is erroneous, although quite widespread. From infancy, you need to instill in your dog the rules of behavior in your home, what is allowed and what is prohibited.

Often new puppy owners worry that training from the first days will be excessively stressful for the dog. This is only possible if outdated rigid methods are used, and when the right approach Training from the first days will, on the contrary, be very useful, since it allows you to immediately establish contact with the puppy and build a trusting relationship.

You can also start practicing basic obedience commands in a light playful way, while focusing on rewards for execution, because the puppy’s psyche is still quite plastic and excessive severity and exactingness can lead to the puppy being intimidated and cowardly. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to try to interest the puppy by offering him a toy or treat, and sometimes just praise.

Akita Inu training in Moscow. Required commands:

Team "To me"- if your dog knows how to carry out this command, then you can be sure that it will never get lost or run far in pursuit of another dog, cat or pigeon, but will return to you as soon as necessary.

Team "Stand"- You will need to protect your Akita Inu from passing cars or aggressive dog going to a meeting.

Team "Ugh"- needed to wean the dog from picking up from the ground. In this case, your Akita Inu may no longer be afraid of food poisoning.

Team "Near"- you need to ensure that the dog does not pull on the leash and that walking together brings pleasure not only to your pet, but also to you.

Team "Sit"- will come in handy when you need to leave it to wait for you, or simply while you are busy with something else.

Team "Quiet"- useful if your pet likes to bark at noise outside the door or at passing people and dogs.

Team "Place"- you need your pet not to distract you when doing chores around the house or greeting guests.

Our instructors will offer you a large number of interesting and, most importantly, useful commands during the first lesson when drawing up a training program for your dog.

Dog trainer for Akita Inu

Most the right decision Akita Inu will be trained under the guidance of a professional dog handler.

Akita Inu training is, first of all, proper joint interaction with your dog, gaining its trust and respect, and only then explaining commands to it. In this case, your Akita Inu, knowing perfectly well the various commands, will carry them out not only when it wants, but when you need it, in the presence of other dogs and other distractions.

Our specialists will teach you how to behave in a given situation when communicating with your dog, what to allow, what to prohibit, how to praise and how to express your disapproval in case of unwanted actions on the part of your dog.

The American Akita has a sense of self-esteem and some stubbornness, so education and training American Akita have a number of features.

The American Akita will perceive tedious long exercises extremely negatively. She needs to do everything thoughtfully, slowly and measuredly. Give your pet time to learn the necessary skills.

The best way to turn an American Akita against you is to be aggressive or even excessively strict towards it.

When raising and training the American Akita, be patient, reasonable caution, perseverance and endurance. A dog can be your teacher in this.

First of all, establish contact with the puppy. And remember that any coercion and violence on your part will be met with hostility.

Raising and training the American Akita: what and how to teach?

The American Akita can make an excellent sled dog or guard dog. However, no matter what specialization you choose, first of all you should master the basic commands: “Come to me”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Nearby”, “Place”, “Fu” and “No”. On our website you can familiarize yourself with basic dog training. Remember that these commands must be carried out impeccably, because they are the key to the safety of your pet and your peace of mind.

Be sure to praise your four-legged student in a timely manner and try to add variety to the learning process. Puppy training takes place exclusively in a playful way, so show your imagination and creativity.

Training an American Akita at home- the task is feasible, but quite difficult. We can say that an experienced owner or a competent dog handler can cope with this. If you have just started your journey as a dog owner, then from time to time you may fall into despair. Therefore, it is worth finding a good specialist in advance who can provide assistance if you and your dog find yourself at a dead end.

Sometimes American Akitas are prone to mood swings. A dog can be sociable and affectionate, and then suddenly become sad and withdrawn. This feature should also be taken into account when training an American Akita at home.

If you do everything right, your efforts will be rewarded and you will get a wonderful friend, loyal and smart.

In the photo: American Akita dog

The Japanese Akita Inu is a breed of dog capable of one of its spectacular appearance to bewitch even someone who is completely indifferent to dogs. People may be indifferent to many breeds, but they are unlikely to contain their delight at the sight of this beauty from the country rising sun, where the fabulous beauty of the Akita and the fame of the famous Hachiko gained the breed enormous popularity. In Japan, the Akita Inu is considered a symbol of devotion, and despite its independent, proud and independent character, the Akita is a very affectionate creature that wants to be close to its owner with all its being. Do you want to know what true fidelity is? Then Akita is your choice!

The requirements for those who want to adopt an Akita are not great. The main thing is to provide her with high-quality nutrition, adequate active walking for at least 1.5 hours a day and the opportunity to be alone so that no one disturbs or touches her. Also, the breed needs an owner strong-willed, confident and demanding, since the Akita, prone to dominance, will strive to become a leader if the owner is not strong enough.

Breed standard (briefly).

Male height: 64-70 cm.

Bitch height: 58-64 cm.

Male weight: 40-45 kg.

Bitch weight: 32-45 kg.

Japanese Akita Inu price.

"By hand": up to $400.

PET class: up to $500.

BRID class: from $700 to $1200.

SHOW class: from $1200 - $2000 and above.

Difficulty of care: below average.

How many times to bathe: about twice a year.

Preferred living conditions: in the yard, in an apartment but with a walk.

Lifespan: 10-12 years old.

Country: Japan.

Date of birth of the breed: approximately 2 thousand years BC.

FCI Group: Group 5.

FCI Section: Section 5.

FCI standard: 255.

Education and training:

Difficulty of education: high.

Difficulty of training: high.

You can train your child with: from the age of 14.

Purpose of the breed.

Initial purpose: hunting, companion dog.

Where is it currently used: Nowadays, the Akita acts as a family member and is not used for hunting.

Attitude towards living beings.

Strangers: good, but can be distrustful.

Children living in the family: good.

Animals: a little aggressive, needs socialization.

Activity level and walking:

Need for activity: high.

Playfulness: playful.

Duration of walking: from 1.5 hours/day.

Walking intensity: loves active games, running, cycling.

Description of the character of the Japanese Akita Inu dog breed. Who should choose a dog?

The character of the Japanese Akita Inu is direct, assertive, independent and very self-sufficient. Due to the nature of the Akita, training and raising a puppy for a beginner will indeed not be easy. An Akita needs an owner who is confident, strong-willed, persistent and demanding. The physical strength of the owner does not matter at all even when raising much larger breeds, but he must seriously engage in training the dog, as well as promptly solve behavioral problems that arise during the growing process. Although the stubborn and willful Akita is not easy to train, you should not think that only an experienced dog breeder or experienced dog handler can do this. The Japanese beauty will listen to any family member who is simply serious about training her.

The Japanese Akita Inu dog breed is very active, agile and always plump. vital energy. Over the years, she becomes more sedate and calm, but if the owner plays with the puppy with early years, then even an old dog will be glad to have the opportunity to play and frolic! Physical activity will help to release excess energy peacefully, but if it is not there, the dog will direct its energy to all sorts of pranks. A dog that has been walked will be much calmer, more flexible, more trainable and will stop wasting energy on bad behavior.

Akita Inu will get along well in any family, even a large one with small children. In addition to training the dog, parents should monitor the process of communication between small children and the animal, and this applies to any breed. The main thing that owners should consider before buying an Akita is its need for activity, as well as privacy. Be sure to give your dog his own corner where no one will disturb him.

Maintenance and care of the Japanese Akita Inu.

Caring for an Akita Inu is not difficult. You should brush the dog’s fur several times a week, bathe it 1-2 times a year or when it gets dirty, and take it for vaccinations once a year. Caring for your Akita includes active walking. If you love sports and mobility, then this breed will happily run with you in the morning, tirelessly run next to a bicycle, or, if the owner does not have the opportunity to play sports, will happily run after a thrown stick. To do this, be sure to learn the “fetch” command, otherwise the dog will not bring the stick and the game will not work out. To make it easier to walk an energetic Akita, you can buy a tennis ball and make a sling or buy a slingshot, which will help you throw the ball far, and you won’t have to strain yourself too much.

If we are talking about the Akita Inu breed, it is necessary to start training from the first months of the puppy’s life (from 3-4 months). A dog should love and respect its owner, but not be afraid of him. Therefore, it is important not to exceed the limit in punishments during training. It is better to use the encouragement technique.

There are several features of this breed:

  1. Despite the fact that such dogs have high level intelligence, they are often distracted during training, and therefore learning is not carried out as quickly as we would like.
  2. It is not recommended to train an Akita Inu to attack, since the animal may feel its advantage and lose control over its actions even in relation to its owner.

Akita Inu breed training is carried out for various purposes, not limited to obedience alone. Akita Inus are great for hunting. They cope well with the tasks of a search engine, tracking the animal by tracks and scent. For a well-executed exercise, your pet should be praised and given a treat. A physical punishment It is better not to use or use only in extreme cases.

Teaching the command “Aport!”

Retrieving an object is the first step to learning to look for prey. Gradually it is necessary to set a more complex task for the dog. To do this, you need to throw the object over an increasingly greater distance, and later you can even hide it in order to develop search qualities in the dog. Carry out such training until the search action on command is established.

To prepare an Akita Inu for hunting, training should be done outdoors. It is best to do this in the forest.

It is recommended to use any fur toy as an item that you will hide. It is important that it has a characteristic smell for the dog.

Training the command “Barrier!”

So that during hunting or walking the dog can easily overcome obstacles, as well as to provide the dog with proper physical activity, to teach the command “Barrier!” It is recommended to choose a spacious clearing with stumps and logs. You need to start training with small logs no more than 25 cm high. Gradually, the height of the obstacle must be increased. Initially, the owner must perform jumping with the dog. When the Akita Inu gets used to following such a command, it will be able to overcome obstacles on its own.


If your dog will take part in hunting, baiting for a bear or other large animal should not begin at an early age, but after reaching 1.5 years. Before this age it is necessary:

  • teach your pet basic commands;
  • provide the dog with proper care, keeping it in good physical shape.

Baiting must be carried out at the hunting base. It is important that the conditions are close to natural. The animal must be kept on a rope. The length of the cable must be sufficient so that the bear can move freely within a limited area.

Baiting should begin by familiarizing the dog with the tracks of the animal. The dog must find him by following the scent, after which he must be brought to a bear or other animal and begin to “set him on.” It is necessary to awaken anger in the dog. At the same time, it is important to let the Akita Inu understand what exactly is required of it. The owner must be next to the dog all this time and encourage it. Without special skills, it will be very difficult to perform baiting yourself. It is better to enlist the help of dog handlers.

It is important to understand that raising a dog plays a vital role in the development of its character, habits, etc. After you have brought a puppy of this breed home, it is necessary in the first days to begin teaching the rules that the pet must follow at home. In this case, the rules are established once and never change again. The dog must remember them from childhood, in the process of adaptation and getting used to the new place of residence.

Breeding birds is a very labor-intensive activity. It is enough to read any encyclopedia, and it will become clear what to create favorable conditions It’s not easy for livestock. If diseases also interfere with the matter, then one can only sympathize with poultry farmers. Newcastle disease, which will be discussed, is the most dangerous virus, affecting poultry.

Causes of the disease

Newcastle disease is a severe viral pathology that causes nerve-paralytic symptoms. It is also known under the names Asian plague, pneumoencephalitis, etc. The source of the disease is an infected bird, as well as a bird that carries the infection.

The latter infects the environment with its waste products, eggs, and breath. Distributors of the virus can be humans, domestic animals, small rodents, and even insects.

Did you know? Viruses are not living creatures, because they do not have cells, but they cannot be called dead either - they have genes and are capable of reproducing.

It is transmitted through the air, with a huge radius of spread - up to 10 km. Birds also become infected through a common feeder, equipment, clothes and shoes of the poultry farmer, common bedding and the ventilation system.

The virus belongs to the Paramyxoviridae family. It is an RNA pathogen measuring approximately 150 nm. It consists of hemagglutinin, enzymes (for example, polymerase), lipids, and carbohydrates. This virus does not tolerate chloroform, heat and ether.

Virus forms

This virus has many variations with varying degrees of severity of consequences. There are strains that any, even unvaccinated, healthy bird will tolerate without consequences, and there are those that cause mortality of the entire flock.

Scourge Form

Acute form viral infection, which leads to the death of most of the poultry industry. Symptoms include cough and difficulty breathing, conjunctivitis.

Doyle form

This form is very difficult for birds: loss of appetite, muscle spasms, weakness, difficult passage of the nasal sinuses (accumulations of mucus), diarrhea with bloody inclusions. The bird often goes blind and paralysis of the limbs occurs.

Beaudette form

Compared to previous varieties, this one does not have such a devastating effect: two-thirds of the population is preserved. But young chickens suffer more than adults and often die after severe damage to the nervous system. It is this form that can be used in the production of live vaccines.

Hitchner form

The lightest (relative to all others) strain. The bird loses its appetite, becomes lethargic, and overall performance decreases. Due to its low virulence, this form of the virus is suitable for creating most vaccines.

Who does the disease affect?

Both domestic and wild birds are susceptible to the disease. The course of the disease depends on the type and age. Turkeys and chickens suffer from pneumoencephalitis much more often and more severely than ducks and geese. Humans rarely become infected, but are excellent carriers of infection.

For adults, this disease is not dangerous. But you can still become infected through contact with a sick bird, since transmission of the virus occurs through the air. The habit of rubbing your eyes with dirty hands can also play a cruel joke. Incubation period for a person is a week.

The symptoms are very similar to the first signs of the flu: weakness, slight fever, runny nose. Possible conjunctivitis or diarrhea. Preventive measures include: after working in the poultry house, thoroughly wash and sanitize your hands and do not consume raw eggs, wear a mask when vaccinated.

Important!The virus is dangerous for children! Although such cases are rare, in a severe form the virus can cause brain damage in a child.

Spread to other birds

Geese, unlike chickens, have a more stable immune system. Nevertheless, they are also vaccinated, especially since geese are often carriers of the virus and excellent transmitters. The same can be said about ducks.

Therefore, they are carefully protected from contact with wild relatives and rodents. Turkeys have a hard time with atypical plague, suffer from acute illness and die in just a few days. Newcastle disease also affects ornamental birds.

For example, parrots experience seizures and paralysis. In sparrows and pigeons, you can notice uncoordination of movements, loss of balance, and convulsions. The bird cannot eat and soon dies from exhaustion and partial paralysis.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostics allows us to exclude diseases whose symptoms are very similar to pseudoplague. For example, typhus, cholera or real plague. The diagnosis is made taking into account the clinical picture of the disease, as well as mandatory laboratory tests to classify the virus and determine the severity of the disease. Research concerns the brain, respiratory organs, and liver.

Symptoms and description of the disease

Another name for Newcastle disease is pseudoplague. Most often, it occurs rapidly, in an acute form, and also spreads quickly, causing high mortality in birds.

A viral disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, central nervous system. If a bird has received the necessary vaccination, but has weak immunity, then in such an individual the disease is asymptomatic, without pronounced pathologies.

Did you know?Yours original title pseudoplague was acquired in connection with the first epidemic in 1926 in Newcastle, England.

The period of development of the disease (incubation) ranges from three days to a week, in rare cases twice as long.

The clinical picture depends on many factors:

  • age of the sick individual;
  • the conditions in which the bird is kept;
  • type of virus.

General signs of the disease include, first of all, partial and then complete loss of appetite, elevated body temperature (up to 44 ° C), depression, respiratory failure, and clouding of the cornea. Constant accumulations of mucus in the beak become noticeable even from the outside. If the disease progresses very quickly, the symptoms do not have time to appear and the bird dies suddenly.

Symptoms of the acute form of the disease:

  • cough, sneezing;
  • breathing through an open beak;
  • liquid stool green(sometimes with blood inclusions);
  • paralysis of legs, neck, wings;
  • inappropriate behavior (walking in circles, staggering, etc.).

With this course of the disease, it only takes a week for the affected individual to die due to severe exhaustion and damage to the central nervous system. Typically, this disease is caused by Asian viral pathogens that are highly pathogenic.

Symptoms of chronic pseudoplague:

  • increased excitability;
  • tremor, convulsions;
  • paralysis of legs, wings;
  • exhaustion;
  • neck twisting.

Measures to eliminate the disease

Unfortunately, despite more than a century of history of the disease, treatment of Asian plague is impossible. All that every responsible poultry farmer can do is prevent the virus from spreading. Therefore, a whole range of sanitary measures are being carried out, which will be discussed below.

Economic losses

Pseudoencephalitis causes severe and sometimes irreparable damage to poultry farms, since severe forms kill 90% of the livestock. In addition, the farm owner has to pay the costs of disposal of infected individuals and sanitary treatment, as well as vaccination, which for small private farms amounts to a significant amount.


Everyone knows that prevention is better than cure. Therefore, on poultry farms, all young birds are given appropriate vaccinations.
Poultry houses and all utility rooms are disinfected at least twice a year. It is known that the pathogenic virus is sensitive to sodium hydroxide solution (2%) and bleach solution (3%).

Important!Metal equipment can be corroded by chlorine or alkali, so it is treated with formaldehyde (wet method).

The farm area must be fenced and only employees are allowed access. It is necessary to take measures to prevent the entry of contaminated eggs, poultry, equipment, feed, and bedding into the territory. If the farm has suffered an epidemic, the quarantine is extended for a month even after the slaughter of the sick bird and complete sanitary disinfection.

To prevent further spread of the disease, bird carcasses and eggs are destroyed after slaughter. Down and feathers from sick birds, as well as from those suspected of infection, are burned. The carcasses and offal of the “suspects” can be boiled and used for household needs.

Sanitary measures

To summarize, the main sanitary measures are vaccination of healthy birds, disinfection and slaughter of sick birds. Let's look at vaccinations in more detail.

Livestock vaccination

The use of a particular vaccine depends on the area in which the poultry farm is located, since areas are divided into areas free and unaffected by Newcastle disease.

The most disadvantaged areas include the southern part of Russia and North Caucasus. Since during the vaccination period the bird needs to strengthen its immunity, they try to add vitamins A, B (the whole group) and D to the diet.

Types of vaccines

Careful examination of pathological material helps to choose the right vaccine.


This vaccine is considered the safest for poultry. It is advisable to replace a live vaccine with an inactivated one if we are talking about preventive measures, that is, increasing immunity in initially healthy livestock.

Video: chicken vaccination Also, if a highly virulent virus is circulating on a poultry farm, and the detected antibody titer is 1:1024, then the use of a live vaccine will not protect the bird from the field virus, even if vaccinated frequently.

In this case, day-old chicks are vaccinated (during one rotation of growing), and then the prevention of Newcastle disease can be continued with live vaccines. In Russia, since Soviet times, it has been customary to use a liquid inactivated vaccine.

It is used when the bird reaches 120 days of age. Immunity lasts up to six months. Modern enterprises producing vaccines now offer complex vaccines against several viruses at once.

The dosage form of such a vaccine is an emulsion for injection. During storage, some delamination is allowed, which is easily eliminated by shaking the bottle.
Living naturally weakened The vaccine contains liquid obtained from dead infected embryos (strain “La-Sota”, “Bor-74”, “N”, etc.), as well as skim milk or peptone as a protective medium.

The liquid is obtained as follows: a suspension is prepared from the organs of a dead infected bird, with which nine-day-old chicken embryos are infected under the supervision of specialists; then these embryos, after all laboratory tests have been carried out, are used to prepare the vaccine.

It should be noted that embryos that die within 96 hours are eliminated and only live ones remain, cooled to 4 degrees. The dosage form is tablets that are diluted and used for drinking or instilling poultry.

The advantage of this vaccine is that it gives a quick effect. But its duration of action is short - only a few months. The age of vaccination, as well as the conditions for its implementation, depend on the manufacturer of the drug and are always indicated in the detailed instructions.
Live laboratory weakened This vaccine is not much different from the previous one, except that the weakening of the strain occurs in laboratory conditions, and not through complex manipulations with infection of embryos and their subsequent processing.

The main thing to consider is the reactogenicity of live vaccines. The bird may experience respiratory problems and its productivity may decrease. Therefore, enhanced fortified nutrition is necessary.

Vaccination scheme

When vaccinating, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions, as well as some general recommendations.For example:

  1. Vaccines with strains “B1”, “C2”, “VH” cannot be used if we are talking about chickens that are only a day old. These vaccines will negatively affect their development and subsequent offspring.
  2. The vaccine with the Clone-30 strain is used individually, for example, for a parrot or other ornamental bird. It is not effective in farming.
  3. Most popular for agriculture the strains are “La Sota” and “Bor-74”.
  4. The dosage is always clearly stated in the instructions; it should not be changed or violated.

Important!In Europe, unlike the CIS countries, the La Sota strain is no longer used due to its high reactogenicity.

Vaccination is carried out by spraying, individual drops into the nose or eyes, and also by drinking (in case a large number of birds are infected).

How to carry out instillation

  1. A saline solution is poured into the vaccine bottle at the rate of 0.1 cubic meters. cm for 1 dose.
  2. The resulting solution is pipetted and instilled into the nose according to the scheme: one nostril is closed, two drops are in the other.
  3. If it is not possible to put drops in your nose, use drops in your eyes.

How to desolder

  1. Calculate approximately how much water one bird drinks within an hour and a half, and take 10 doses of the intranasal drug for this volume (check the instructions).
  2. Before feeding, it is necessary to pause and not give water to the bird (for meat breeds 3 hours is enough, for laying hens the time is doubled).
  3. Pour a solution at room temperature into thoroughly washed drinking bowls (skim milk can be added to better dissolve the drug).
  4. Let the birds go to the drinking bowls.
  5. Before you give plain water, wait for several hours after the vaccine has been completely consumed.

How to spray vaccine on chickens

Spraying on day old chicks is carried out as follows:

  1. Ventilation is turned off.
  2. Chicks are placed in boxes or in special spray booths.
  3. The vaccine is diluted at the rate of 1000 doses per 200 ml of water at room temperature (check the instructions).
  4. Lighting is minimal.
  5. The solution is poured into special built-in containers, if it is a cabin, or into any other sterile spray container, if it is boxes.
  6. The drug is sprayed from above the chicks from a height of 40 cm.

In any situation related to viral diseases, it is best to take preventive measures and maintain them at the proper level. Don't forget to vaccinate your bird using effective means. If the epidemic still does not bypass your poultry farm, do not despair, follow the instructions and conduct the necessary laboratory tests.