How to feed tomatoes during the fruiting period. Feeding tomatoes during the fruiting period. Fertilizer during fruiting

Kira Stoletova

Feeding tomatoes during the fruiting period is prerequisite when growing vegetables. It is important to apply fertilizers not only in sufficient quantities, but also taking into account the needs for certain elements in the plant. different stages plant development. Fertilizing is also necessary because tomatoes are very demanding on soil quality. Each plant tries to take all the elements necessary for growth and development, thereby impoverishing it. To ensure high rates of growth and ripening of fruits, it is necessary to pay attention proper preparation nutrient mixture.

When to fertilize?

It should be borne in mind that too frequent feeding can damage the tomatoes. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out this procedure during the following periods of the plant’s life:

  • After planting the seedlings in the ground.
  • Just before flowering begins.
  • When the first ovaries appear.
  • During the fruiting period.

For the full ripening of fruits, when the tomatoes have not yet ripened, the third and fourth feedings are most important. The third feeding promotes the formation of full-fledged fruits. It is carried out during the period of active flowering and formation of ovaries. The following fertilizing, carried out during the fruiting period, is aimed at increasing the yield of the bush. In poor soil conditions or during prolonged rainfall, tomatoes need more frequent feeding. For greenhouse plants, this procedure should be carried out less frequently to prevent excessive humidity. During fruit ripening, the amount of nitrogen fertilizers should be reduced - excess nitrogen will provoke the formation of green mass, which will take all the nutrients.

Types of fertilizing

  • Mineral.
  • Organic.
  • Complex organomineral.
  • Based on humates.

First of all, tomatoes need certain elements that directly affect the yield and development of the plant as a whole. These elements include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - they play a primary role. The presence of calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium and iron in the soil is also important.

Fertilizers based on mineral salts

Mineral fertilizers contain various chemical elements, necessary for plants in different periods growth and development. These are mainly sodium, phosphorus and potassium (also referred to as NPK). It is convenient to use ready-made mineral fertilizers, such as Kemira Universal or Mortar. They can be purchased at specialized stores for gardeners. Such fertilizers help improve the taste and increase the yield of tomatoes. However, if necessary, fertilizers can be made independently. During ripening, tomatoes need potassium most of all, so fertilizing must contain this element.

Even when using complex fertilizers, it is recommended to add potassium sulfate in a volume of 20 grams per 10 liters. A lack of potassium is indicated by the appearance of red specks on young leaves, which merge into solid spots at the edges of the leaves. brown spots. Soon the leaves fall off and the fruits become unevenly colored. When the first signs of potassium deficiency appear, you need to fertilize with a 1% solution of potassium sulfate. Poorly developed fruits and a bluish tint to the leaves indicate a lack of phosphorus. To prepare phosphorus-containing fertilizer, superphosphate should be dissolved in boiling water in a ratio of 35 grams of fertilizer (about 2 tablespoons) per liter of water.

To completely dissolve superphosphate, the resulting solution must be infused for at least 8 hours, after which it is diluted in 10 liters of water and used at the rate of 0.5 liters per tomato plant. A lack of calcium during the fruiting period is characterized by the appearance of blossom end rot, in which the top of the fruit darkens and begins to dry out. In this case, it is recommended to spray the plants with a special solution at the rate of 20 grams of calcium nitrate per 10 liters of water.

Organic fertilizers

To replenish potassium, you can also use ordinary wood ash; you need to feed the loosened soil under the bushes with ash. However, a solution of ash with the addition of iodine and boric acid will be more effective. To prepare it you will need:

  • Ash 1.5-2 l.
  • Boric acid 10 g.
  • Alcohol solution of iodine 10-15 ml.

First, the ash is mixed with 5 liters of boiling water. After the mixture has cooled, add water so that the final volume of the solution is 10 liters. Then iodine and boric acid are added to the solution (for better dissolution, boric acid is first diluted in a small amount warm water). In a day, the fertilizer solution will be ready for use.

Before using the solution, a liter of the mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water. Each individual bush requires 1 liter of fertilizer: greenhouse plants - once every 2 weeks, and for tomatoes grown in open ground- 1 time per week.

The active content of potassium and other microelements in the ash significantly accelerates the fruiting process, iodine protects plants from fungal and bacterial diseases, and boron promotes the setting of new fruits. Using potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) instead of iodine has a positive effect on fruit formation. Experienced gardeners recommend alternating fertilizing with manganese and iodine for more uniform plant development.

Fertilizers based on organomineral mixtures

During the period of active formation and development of fruits, good results allows the use of fertilizers from a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers. To make fertilizer you need:

  • Mullein 1 l.
  • Complex mineral fertilizer 16-18 g.
  • Copper sulfate or manganese 1 g.

As a mineral fertilizer, you can use Kemira Universal or Mortar. All ingredients are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Tomatoes are watered with the resulting mixture at the rate of 1.5 liters per bush of determinate varieties or 2.5 liters per bush of tall varieties.

Fertilizers with the addition of humates

Humic acids are the basis of biological humus (humus). The sodium and potassium salts they contain, also called humates, have many useful properties. Humates activate metabolic processes, help increase productivity, bind sandy soils, accelerate soil warming and retain moisture. Feeding with fertilizers containing humates should be done in combination with other fertilizers.

  • In order to fertilize tomatoes with homemade manure, you should remember that it already contains a certain amount minerals(such as phosphorus and nitrogen). Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of mineral fertilizers to prevent their excess in the soil. Otherwise, this may affect the development of the fruit.
  • The tomato is one of the so-called chlorophobes - it reacts very sharply to the increased content of chlorine and its salts in the soil. Therefore, fertilizing tomatoes with potassium chloride is extremely undesirable, especially in greenhouse conditions.
  • In addition to fertilizers, experienced gardeners They recommend the method of tearing the roots. To do this, each bush is slightly pulled bottom part stem to cut off some of the small roots. Then the plant is watered and hilled. As a result of stress, tomatoes direct all the nutrients from the soil to fruit development.

Tomato is a rather capricious plant that places high demands on soil quality and requires timely application of various fertilizers. At first glance, fertilizing a tomato, especially during the fruiting period, is a labor-intensive and painstaking process. However, with proper care, the plant will give a bountiful and tasty harvest in due time.

Sometimes it happens that in order to receive good harvest The vegetables need a little help. For example, when tomatoes begin to bear fruit, they may need fertilizing: if the soil is depleted, tomatoes have been grown on the site for many years, or similar manipulations were not carried out in advance. In any case, you need to understand that for each growing season there is suitable look fertilizers that will not harm the plant and will replenish exactly those missing elements that it needs at the moment.

When is it fed?

During the season, tomatoes are fertilized 3 times: at the beginning of the growing season, during the flowering period and the beginning of the ovary, during the period of mass fruiting.

  1. At the beginning of the growing season, young bushes need nitrogen. Nitrogen - main element, which stimulates the growth of green mass, is consumed very heavily during the period of its active development. It is logical that at this time fertilizers are added to the soil, which contain them in large quantities: saltpeter, urea, etc. Nitrogen is added 15 days after planting in the soil. Then fertilizing is done again, 2 weeks after the first.
  2. During the flowering period, tomatoes need phosphorus and potassium at this time. It is good to use yeast fertilizers, superphosphate, a mixture of iodine and milk during the flowering period; spraying with boron water will also have a good effect on fruit set.
  3. Mass fruiting - here you will need phosphorus and potassium. The fertilizers used for the last two feedings are the same; the only difference, perhaps, is that during the fruiting period, all kinds of fertilizers should be minimized or used if necessary.

Features of feeding during fruiting

During fruiting, you need to apply fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium; you should refrain from nitrogen at this time. It is well known that nitrogen can increase the size of fruits and their number, but at the same time, it tends to accumulate in the pulp of vegetables, thereby making them dangerous to human health. Next we will look at how to feed tomatoes using folk remedies and chemicals.

Did you know? The skin of tomatoes contains carotene, just like carrots. The secret of why tomatoes are red and not orange like carrots lies in the fact that the tomato peel also contains anthocyanin, which is responsible for purple. The balance of these two pigments produces the color red.

Folk remedies

Let's first figure out what you can feed tomatoes with without resorting to the use of chemical fertilizers.

  • A mixture of ash, iodine and boric acid. Ash contains almost a complete list of microelements that the plant needs, in addition, a solution containing iodine and boric acid is a good fungicide against pests and fungi. The working solution is prepared as follows: 1 kg of ash is diluted in 7 liters of boiling water, allowed to brew for 24 hours; then the mixture is added with water to a volume of 10 liters and 1 jar of iodine and 10 g of boric acid are added to the solution. 1 liter of this product is poured under each bush. Fertilizer is applied singly.

Potassium deficiency

  • Feeding with mullein or chicken droppings with “Solution” or “Kemira”. Prepare a solution of mullein in its usual concentration (1:6) and add “Kemira” or “Solution” at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. funds for 10 liters of mullein solution. The drugs can also be combined with a solution of bird droppings at a concentration of 1:20. For each bush of determinate tomato varieties, add 1.5 liters of solution, and for tall varieties - 2-2.5 liters.
  • Serum. A solution of whey and iodine is used for foliar feeding and is held approximately once a week. To prepare the solution, combine 1 liter of whey and 20 drops of iodine, and then dilute the mixture with 20 liters of water. Spray the vegetative part in dry and windless weather, in the morning or evening.
  • Boric water. Spraying the green mass with boron water will make the fruits sweeter and increase their sugar content. This treatment is carried out at the flowering stage, but since tomatoes are remontant plants, spraying can also be carried out at the fruiting stage. A solution of boric water is prepared at the rate of 1 g of acid per 1 liter of water.

Boron deficiency

  • Yeast. To feed tomatoes, live yeast is combined with nettle infusion and wood ash. The solution can also be used during the flowering period, but it is especially useful during the formation of the ovary and fruiting, since yeast is a stimulator of fruit formation.

Important! It is recommended to use yeast fertilizers only in areas with severely depleted soil, since yeast stimulates the activity of bacteria, as a result of which a lot of nitrogen is released. Let us remind you that an excess of nitrogen is no less harmful than its deficiency, especially during the period of fruit filling.

Purchased drugs

  • - a preparation containing many natural phosphates, which are found in water-soluble compounds and are perfectly absorbed by plants. During the period of fruit formation, the plant can lose up to 85% of accumulated phosphorus, which is why it is so important to replenish its amount in a timely manner.

Phosphorus deficiency.

  • Auxins(or auxin-based preparations) - stimulate the formation of new fruits, accelerate their ripening and growth, and also increase presentation. These substances of hormonal origin are used mainly in combination with cytokines. The most used and widespread auxin-based preparation is “Kornevin” - it is often used for rooting seedlings or other plants that are being transplanted. To improve the yield in the fruiting phase, alpha-naphthylacetic acid (NAA or KANU) is used. The drug is quite active, but if application standards are observed, it does not accumulate in plant tissues, is non-toxic and is intended for widespread use. Available in the form of a grayish or light yellow powder, soluble in water and organic solvents. Doses and application rates are indicated on the packaging.

Beginning vegetable growers have many questions about caring for tomatoes, including what to feed the tomatoes during flowering. And those who have been growing these vegetables for many years are interested in learning something new. Useful information will help you get best harvest in their areas.

Novice vegetable growers have many questions about caring for tomatoes, including what to feed the tomatoes during flowering.

Tomatoes during flowering, as in any other period, need three useful substances. These are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. These microelements are necessary for the growth and development of tomatoes.

You can tell that a plant is lacking nitrogen by looking at the condition of the leaves - they turn yellow. Yellowing begins from the lower leaves and gradually rises to the upper ones.

If the leaves begin to turn purple, there may be a lack of phosphorus. But before adding this element to the soil, you need to make sure that the tomatoes are not cold, since the leaves can turn purple from the cold.

A lack of potassium is manifested by the fact that the leaves change their color to a lighter color, and they become lighter from the tip. Gradually the color changes to brown, and then the leaves dry out. If you do not feed the tomatoes on time, during the flowering period, and then at the moment of ripening, then the fruits will grow sour, and their middle will not be ripe.

During the flowering period, the bushes can be sprayed with a solution of water with one of the following substances:

  • urea;
  • boric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • saltpeter;
  • serum.

The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. any of these fertilizers.

Spraying during the flowering period promotes better formation of ovaries, which subsequently leads to more fruits.

For spraying, it is necessary to choose the evening hours, when the heat has already subsided. You can also spend it on cloudy days. And if you do this during hours when the sun is shining, you can get burns on the leaves from its rays. And the liquid evaporates too quickly in the heat, and the plant does not receive required quantity useful substances.

Tomatoes during flowering, as in any other period, need three useful substances. These are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus

Tomato feeding during flowering is also carried out by watering. And this must be done at a time when the sun is no longer shining, that is, in the evenings or in cloudy weather. If you water tomatoes in the heat, the moisture evaporates from the soil too quickly, and the solution that gets on the leaves can burn them.

You can feed plants with a mixture of 20 g of any phosphorus fertilizer, 15 g of potassium salt, 12 g of saltpeter. This amount is enough for 1 m² of planting. The mixture is applied between the bushes of flowering tomatoes.

In garden stores you can also purchase ready-made fertilizer formulations intended for feeding flowering plants.

How to feed plants in a greenhouse

Feeding tomatoes growing in a greenhouse requires caution. This is especially true for fertilizers containing nitrogen. Their dosage should be approached especially carefully. When applying fertilizers in liquid form, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the solution. The water for it should be warm. Tomato roots suffer from temperature changes.

Heteroauxin is used to stimulate growth and better formation of ovaries. It is diluted in water at the rate of 20 g per 1 liter. All clusters of flowering tomatoes are sprayed with the prepared solution. This helps produce fruits with higher levels of vitamin C and sugar.

Tomato flowering is the period when you can feed the plants with organic fertilizers. Before using chicken manure or cow manure, it is necessary to water the plants in advance, that is, if you plan to fertilize in the evening, then the bushes must be watered well in the morning.

Mullein – best fertilizer for tomatoes. The solution for feeding flowering vegetables is prepared as follows:

  • dissolve 1 liter of manure in 10 liters of water;
  • add 0.5 cups of wood ash and 1.5 tbsp. l. superphosphate;
  • apply prepared fertilizer to each bush at the rate of 0.5 liters per plant.

A solution from chicken manure is prepared as follows:

  • pour dry droppings into the bucket about 1/3 of the volume;
  • pour water to the edge of the bucket;
  • leave for 1 week;
  • for watering, dilute 1 liter of the prepared infusion in 1 bucket of water, adding about 1 liter of solution under each bush.

Growing tomatoes at the beginning of flowering (video)

What else can you feed flowering tomatoes?

Wood ash is an excellent fertilizer for flowering tomatoes. It is introduced into the grooves, which should be made along the bed with planted bushes at a distance of 10-15 cm. The introduced ash is sprinkled with earth and then watered with water.

You can use not just ash, but a mixture of several fertilizers. To prepare it you will need 10 liters of water, 1 liter of wood ash, 10 g of boric acid, and a small bottle of iodine. All components are mixed and infused for a day. 1 liter of the prepared mixture is poured under one bush of flowering vegetables.

To the question of what to feed tomatoes during the flowering period, the answer may also be this: yeast. The composition is prepared from 100 g of live yeast, 10 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Everything is mixed and infused for a day or more. Tomato bushes are watered with the prepared mixture diluted with water at the rate of 1 cup of starter per 10 liters of water.

Tomato feeding during flowering is also carried out by watering

It will even help in feeding tomatoes weed. Getting ready nutritional mixture in a barrel. 5 kg of any grass (it can be either nettle or lawn grass) should be finely chopped and poured into a barrel. Add 10 liters of manure, 1 cup of wood ash. Pour about 5 buckets of water into the barrel and stir everything. Let the mixture brew for 2 weeks, but be sure to stir it at least once a day. After this, add the same amount of water. Water the tomatoes with the prepared mixture - about 2 liters for each bush.

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, you always want to get the highest yields. This can be done if you choose the right fertilizer and apply it on time.

Any gardener growing tomatoes in a greenhouse wants to get the best harvest from his favorites. For this, it is very important what to feed the tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse. From choosing the right and suitable fertilizing it all depends future harvest plants growing in greenhouse conditions. From this article you can learn and choose the right fertilizer.

For correct height tomatoes under any conditions are the following compounds:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Molybdenum.
  • Calcium.
  • Sulfur.
  • Boric.
  • Iron.
  • Copper.
  • Manganese.
  • Chlorine.

Although nitrogen and potassium are absorbed more quickly by tomatoes, phosphorus is considered most essential for fruit development. 94% of phosphorus is used for fruit formation, and only 6% is absorbed by stems and foliage. With a lack of phosphorus, the development of the root system deteriorates and fruit set decreases.

Signs of nutritional deficiencies

What tomatoes are missing nutrients, can be seen visually.

  • With a lack of nitrogen, old tomato leaves change their shade to yellow and soon fall off. Young foliage becomes smaller and changes its color to a light green hue. Plants begin to wither.
  • Potassium deficiency can be identified by young tomato leaves that begin to curl inward. Old foliage turns yellow at the edges.
  • With a lack of phosphorus, the foliage acquires a bluish tint. The stems become brittle and root system begins to dry out.

The lack of these substances is very critical for plants. This should be taken into account when choosing what to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse. It is recommended to use as a fertilizer complex fertilizers, for example Nitrophoska. This fertilizer contains the correct ratio of these substances.

Tomato bush

  • A lack of magnesium is characterized by tomato leaves turning upward. A clearly visible yellowness appears between the veins.
  • With a lack of zinc, spots appear on tomato leaves. They are brown in color and different sizes. Soon such leaves dry out and fall off. New leaves are abnormally small. They may also be spotted.
  • A lack of molybdenum manifests itself in a change in leaf color to light green. Small brown spots appear between the veins.
  • With a lack of calcium, light yellow spots appear on the tips of young foliage. On fruits, calcium deficiency can manifest itself as blossom end rot. Such fruits fall off very quickly.
  • Signs of sulfur deficiency may visually resemble nitrogen deficiency. However, the visible difference is that the symptoms appear first on young leaves, and only then begin to spread to older leaves. The stem of the tomato bush becomes very fragile and brittle.
  • The falling of flowers without the formation of an ovary becomes a sign of boron deficiency. The growth points begin to die off, and the stepsons begin to appear very actively. This phenomenon occurs quite often, so boric acid is very popular as a means of feeding tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse.
  • A symptom of iron deficiency is the leaves becoming lighter, but the veins do not change color. In some cases they may turn almost white. The tomato bush is slowing down in development.
  • With a lack of copper, the leaves begin to curl and wither. The tips of the leaves become lighter. Young foliage becomes smaller and its color takes on a bluish tint. The flowers fall.
  • Yellowing of young leaves at the base is a sign of manganese deficiency. The leaf pattern becomes mosaic.
  • When there is a lack of chlorine between the veins of tomato leaves, yellow spots. Young leaves become underdeveloped. The tops of the tomato bushes are beginning to wilt.

When the first signs of nutrient deficiency appear, the necessary elements must be added to the soil or as foliar fertilizers. Otherwise, the plant may die.

When to fertilize

In total, 4 planned feedings of tomatoes are carried out throughout the entire harvest season. Below you can find out how to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse, and when you need to do this feeding.

Use of mineral fertilizers

  • The first feeding is 14 days after transferring the plant seedlings into the soil. At this time, the seedlings are taking root in a new place and need additional nutrition. For rapid rooting, tomatoes need phosphorus, and to gain leaf mass they need nitrogen. As organic fertilizers containing a full range of necessary substances, cow dung is used. Half a liter of mullein is diluted with a bucket of water. Under each bush you need to pour 1 liter of the resulting infusion. If it is not possible to use organic matter, it can be replaced with complex mineral mixtures.
  • Repeated feeding of tomatoes is carried out 2 weeks after the first. The purpose of this feeding is considered to be to consolidate the effect, as well as to increase the plants’ resistance to external factors.
  • The third feeding is carried out in the mass flowering phase. At this time, the ovaries are actively forming, and plants require more phosphorus and potassium. From mineral fertilizers, you can use complex mixtures containing both elements. Wood ash, which contains large amounts of phosphorus, is used as natural fertilizer.
  • The fourth fertilizing is carried out during the main period of crop ripening. Just like in the flowering phase, tomatoes need phosphorus and potassium. It is recommended to reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers, except in cases of shortage of this element.

By correctly choosing what to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse, you can significantly increase the yield of the bushes and speed up their ripening.

Fertilizing during flowering

After successful pollination, fruits begin to form on the tomato bushes. As mentioned earlier, most of the phosphorus is consumed for their growth. Therefore, fertilizers that contain phosphorus will be useful as a top dressing.

Preparation of organic fertilizers

  • Common wood ash, iodine and boric acid are often used as fertilizer. To prepare the solution you will need 2 liters of wood ash. It must be dissolved in 5 liters of boiling water. After dissolving the ash, this solution should be left to cool. After this, add water so that the total volume is 10 liters. IN ready mixture add a small bottle of iodine and 10 grams. boric acid. The resulting mixture is infused for a day, after which it becomes ready for use. Each bush requires 1 liter of this mixture.
  • Instead of iodine, you can use manganese, which is also important element in the growth of tomatoes. The application does not change.
  • To increase the pollination of tomatoes, boric acid is used. It attracts insects that pollinate flowers and also prevents flowers from falling off before pollination.
  • It is not recommended to use pesticides during the flowering phase. They repel any insects, including bees. When deciding what to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse, you cannot interfere with the natural processes of pollination.

Feeding during fruiting

As a rule, during fruiting the same fertilizers are used as in the flowering phase. Experts recommend eliminating fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers at this time. They contribute to the development of the foliage of tomatoes, and for this reason fruit ripening may be reduced.

It is necessary to limit the growth of tomato bushes by pinching the tops. This will significantly reduce the supply of nutrients to support useless foliage. Old foliage can be cut off.

Mineral fertilizers

Strongly overgrown tomato bushes and the active appearance of stepsons become a sign that it is necessary to reduce the amount of nitrogen-containing substances.

To speed up the ripening of fruits and improve their taste characteristics, a solution is prepared: 2 tbsp is dissolved in a bucket of water. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. spoon of sodium humate. This fertilizer is used as a root fertilizer.

There are no clear rules on what to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse. Every gardener uses those tools that help him increase the yield of tomatoes.

Tomato care

In addition to the right fertilizers, tomatoes also need proper care. Caring for tomatoes is not very complicated and involves periodically carrying out several activities:

Now knowing what to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse, every gardener will be able to grow only the best tomatoes. The time and effort put into growing plants will pay off in the end. harvest season when it's time to harvest.

This simple and inexpensive feeding of tomatoes increases the number of ovaries significantly. It will also protect plants from diseases and accelerate the ripening of fruits. The tomatoes will become more sugary and larger.

It is especially effective to grow tomatoes using this system under unfavorable conditions, when the bushes bloom, but there is practically no ovary.

Foliar feeding (spraying) in tandem with proper watering is better absorbed by plants, and also facilitates care and reduces the consumption of preparations.

Composition of foliar feeding of tomatoes

  • 9 liters of water
  • 1 liter of milk of any fat content
  • 0.5 teaspoon boric acid
  • 10 drops of iodine

Boric acid is dissolved separately in a glass of warm water, and then added to the sprayer with the rest of the ingredients. It is very effective in fight against late blight, promotes the formation of a large number of ovaries. Also, boric acid prevents the shedding of flowers and fruits, protects them from rotting when there is excess moisture.

It is especially important to spray tomatoes with this composition when grown in open ground and during rainy summers with unstable weather and sudden temperature changes. Processing boric acid with milk and iodine improves the taste of fruits, making them sweeter. And the tomatoes will start growing faster.

Signs of boron deficiency in tomatoes

  • The upper leaves turn yellow and curl.
  • The leaves become small and deformed.
  • The tops gradually wither and die.
  • Few flowers and ovaries.
  • A large number of barren flowers.

Iodine is also very important trace element for tomatoes. After applying iodine, tomatoes ripen much earlier, reducing the likelihood of infection with late blight and root rot.

Spraying frequency

  • The first is during the formation of buds.
  • 2 fertilizing is carried out during the period of mass flowering.
  • Spray 3 times as soon as fruit begins to set.

It is better to process tomatoes in the morning or evening, or in cloudy weather. Never do it in sunny weather, as the plants will get severely burned.

When spraying again, distribute solution for upper leaves and buds, lower part You don't have to touch the plants. Boron tends to accumulate in shoots, so we spray only new leaves and buds.

The yield of tomatoes also depends on how well the watering is organized. Tomatoes don't like excess moisture in the soil and in the air, so you don’t need to water often or much.

Potassium fertilizer for tomatoes

During the period of active fruit growth and ripening, add 2 tablespoons under the tomatoes every 2 weeks. dry ash.

After this, water generously warm water, and feed with a solution of vermicompost: 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

Ash and vermicompost provide plants with the necessary nutrition and also accelerate the ripening of fruits and improve their taste. This is an environmentally friendly fertilizer with a large amount of macro- and micronutrients in a bioavailable form.

It is best to make a small depression between the bushes and carefully pour water into it so that moisture does not get on the leaves and cause the appearance of.

Watering tomatoes only warm water, heated in the sun. Ice water from a well or borehole is a real stress for plants.

The benefits of mulch

An excellent result is obtained by mulching the soil around tomato bushes with a thick layer of straw or dry grass. They can be replaced with black agrofibre. Mulch retains moisture, prevents weeds from growing, and earthworms actively reproduce under it. And they, in turn, enrich the soil with oxygen.

What not to do

Under no circumstances should tomatoes be fed with nitrogen during flowering and fruit set. After watering or spraying with nitrogen fertilizers, the plants will become fattened, grow only green mass, and will stand with fat trunks and huge leaves. But the cat cried about the fruit.

Therefore, during this period, feed tomatoes only with vermicompost with ash and spray per sheet with boric acid with iodine and milk. An alternative to vermicompost.