What does pale pink mean? Orange color in psychology. Energy of passion: red color

Orchid color, light lilac, soft lilac - all these names mean pink. It symbolizes tenderness, friendliness, love, innocence, purity, femininity, organicity, kindness, and romance.

In psychology, this color is the most passive of all colors. It dulls aggressiveness, nervousness, and is able to calm even the most irritated person. Contemplating the color pink, a person relaxes, calms down, becomes welcoming, friendly, the desire to conflict evaporates by itself. This color helps create good mood, eliminates negative obsessive thoughts, helps in crisis situations.

Like any other color, pink has characteristics negative value. An excess of pink indicates that a person is putting himself on display; he lives by the motto “all or nothing.” Negative traits This color also represents excessive exoticism, excessive sensitivity, inconstancy and frivolity.

Since ancient times, pink has been considered the color of joy, sincerity, optimism and love. It was the color of princesses. In Europe, estates and palaces were decorated with bright pink. IN ancient Greece this color was the color of Aphrodite - the goddess of love. In China, the color pink was attributed healing properties. In Asian countries, this color signified knowledge, study and career.

Everyone loves pink, from young to old. Newborn girls are dressed in pink clothes and tied with a pink ribbon. In the wardrobe mature woman It is not uncommon to find clothes of this color.

This color should be worn by those who instantly get irritated, make scandals out of nowhere, and cannot calm down after nervous overexertion and stress. Pink color will perfectly calm, relax, and regulate your emotional state.

However, this color is preferred by frivolous people who are not constant by nature. It is better not to go to an interview in this color.

Lovers of pink should know that this color greatly plumps the figure. Therefore, when going to special events or a photo shoot, you need to think carefully before choosing clothes in pink shades.

There is a stereotype of "blonde in pink". This means that such a woman is characterized by frivolity, inconstancy, frivolity, and tearfulness. On a first date, it is better to avoid wearing these colors.

Since this color helps to distance oneself from the bustle of the world, problems, and stress, circus performers dress in pink costumes with a lot of sparkles. Looking at the circus performers in pink clothes, people's spirits rise, grievances are forgotten, nerves calm down and they find peace of mind.

Pink color in the interior

Increasingly, people prefer pink in their interiors. If earlier children's rooms for girls were decorated in this color, now you can find the kitchen, bedroom, living room, and bathroom in pink.

On a psychological level, this color calms, relaxes, balances, and harmonizes the environment.

IN pink room a person restores mental balance faster. Therefore, psychologists advise decorating the interior of the room in pink for those people whose work is associated with constant stress and nervous tension.

Designs in pure pink are very rare, only to the highest degree among glamorous people, especially women. And various shades of pink combined with some other color, such as orange or green, are common.

To achieve the calming effect of pink, it is not necessary to decorate the walls and ceiling in this color. It is enough to use textiles, furniture or accessories in pink tones: curtains, pillows, shelves, tables or sofas. In the kitchen, you can decorate the apron in the work area in pink.

It’s probably already become a stereotype that pink is preferred only by teenage girls who haven’t played enough with dolls yet famous brand, usually dressed in such colors. Hence the prejudiced attitude towards this color, and often we think that the color pink means, first of all, immaturity, frivolity and having our head in the clouds. Is this really true? And what does the color pink mean in certain manifestations of our lives?

What does this color symbolize?

Pink is very pleasing to the eye. We enjoy admiring pink flowers or a girl in a pink dress. The first rays of the sun appearing at morning sunrise paint the skies pink and give us hope. When many people see this color, their aggressive mood decreases and irritability goes away. First of all, it is the color of tenderness, as well as femininity, beauty, softness and care. Pink color is designed to pacify, create friendliness and positivity.

Pink is based on two colors - white and red. At its core, white neutral and should go with any color. Red carries powerful energy, love, passion and activity. Combining in pink, white softens the effect of red with its purity and innocence, making it more gentle.

Pink color in psychology

Psychologists consider pink as a color that carries feminine, which with its softness can smooth out conflicts and rough edges. In psychology, this color is widely used in color therapy, and its positive effect has been proven. It helps in cases where a person needs to relax, relieve irritability and nervousness.

It has also been proven by doctors that if you look at delicate pink shades, a person’s increased heart rate normalizes, blood pressure decreases and fatigue goes away.

Contemplating pictures with a predominance of objects of this delicate color, the person tunes into a positive mood, black thoughts go away by themselves. Psychologists recommend using pink tones more often in the interior or clothing during autumn-winter period or if you are prone to frequent depression.

Pink in human character

What does the color pink mean in human psychology? From a psychological point of view, we can say about people who prefer this color in clothes that they do not accept cruelty, value lightness and comfort, often invented by themselves, they also have talents and do not have ambition.

However, as we know, everything should be in moderation, and too much love for pink from a psychological point of view can tell us about a too frivolous, irresponsible person and the inconstancy of his character, but at the same time a very vulnerable person. Women of a certain age who overdo this color in their clothes are most likely either trying to look younger or to attract attention.

If a person does not accept the color pink in any form and is disgusted by it, we can say that he is excessively irritable. Often such a person is conservative by nature or just needs a good rest.

Pink dreams

Having figured out what this color means in a person’s mind, let’s figure out what it can mean during an unconscious action - during sleep.

If you notice what color something was in your dream, then we can say that your dream was really bright. After all, people usually don’t have colorful dreams, and only emotional experiences allow us to think that the dream was colorful.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account many features of what you saw in a dream, whether you woke up after a dream with a good or bad feeling. However, usually seeing pink in a dream means something good and bright. Color in a dream promises possible love and happiness, but it may indicate that you often create illusions for yourself and live in them. Also, this color can often be dreamed of by individuals with a rich imagination, who should come down from heaven to earth.

Rose-colored glasses

It is often said to many people that they see the world through rose-colored glasses or see life in rose-colored colors. What this means remains a question for many. Of course, you should not take these phrases literally, these are just phraseological units.

These phraseological units are used in relation to people who live in their own world, do not want to treat the surrounding reality objectively and often embellish reality. It would seem, why should this be bad? We can say that such a person is an optimist, and this is not bad. But we are not talking about optimism, but about a person’s naivety and being in his own illusory world. Even in his actions, such a person does not notice anything negative.

Phraseologism has a disapproving connotation, with irony and regret aimed at a person who is said to see life in rosy tones.

Although sometimes it is possible and even necessary to “put on rose-colored glasses” in certain situations life situations. After all, a positive attitude towards life is very important, and you need to find positive aspects in everything. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Beautiful flowers

In nature you can often find flowers of pink shades. And this is not surprising, because the main mission of flowers in nature is to attract bees to pollinate their species. Pink color copes with this task perfectly; it is clearly visible among the green mass of grass and leaves.

People have been giving flowers to each other for several centuries, and the color of the presented bouquet can speak without words about the feelings of the one who presents this bouquet. What does the pink color of flowers in a bouquet mean? First of all, it expresses the sincere admiration of the donor, high, pure, platonic tender feelings. But we are not talking about love, but for now only about admiration and the expectation of reciprocal sympathy.

It is not customary to give pink bouquets to men, since it implies admiration for a cute girl or woman. But for your beloved mother, lady of your heart or for a friend, a bouquet of pink flowers will be appropriate and will tell about your sympathies for her.

Pink rose. Meaning

The rose has long been recognized as the queen among flowers. She looks beautiful and smells amazing. Nowadays, there are several dozen varieties and types of roses. The color of the rose can be varied, with recently developed rose colors such as exotic blue, black or green. But the tender pink rose, which has come down to us in its original form, natural color, will always be relevant and loved.

Like any flowers, roses carry a message of certain information. The pink color of a rose means a symbol of high taste, elegance and sophistication. Unlike the red rose, which expresses love, passion and ardor, the pink rose expresses calmer, nascent feelings and emotions. A pink rose can also be given as an expression of pride and gratitude.

Language of roses

There is an unspoken language of flowers, and if you know it, you can express much more feelings with a given bouquet than with words. Due to their variety of shades of pink, from light pink buds to dark cherry buds, pink roses are given as gifts different cases. In the language of flowers, soft pink roses mean that they express sincere sympathy for you, especially if the buds have not yet opened. Bright pink, even rich cherry color, help to express gratitude to the person who gives them.

When accepting classic pink roses as a gift, you must believe that a bright feeling and admiration for you arises in the heart of the one who gives them. Pink roses may symbolize the beginning of a warm relationship, but you should not think about love while it is only tender, friendly emotions.

It is also worth paying attention to the degree of opening of the rose. Light pink buds of roses that have not opened at all are usually given when they want to express a lot of compliments to a young girl. More open rose buds are given to girls, wanting to say that their beauty is in full bloom, and their intelligence and talents are admirable.

Pink all around

When using pink color in the interior, it is necessary to take into account some features. Light pink shades of the walls expand the space very well and make it bright.

The shade of pink can be either warm, if red pigments predominate, or cold - all lilac tones with a predominance of blue pigment. Warm colors pink wallpaper best used for rooms facing the north side or with a small amount sunlight. Cool shades are suitable for the southern, sun-drenched side and small rooms, which need to be visually expanded.

Does soft pink mean that it can only be used for a child's girl's room? Now this is not at all necessary. Pink color is well suited for the interiors of rooms such as the bedroom, dressing room and even the kitchen. The bedroom can have relaxing tones such as coral or a subtle shade of salmon, which do not look childish and can enhance sensuality. In the kitchen you can use elegant fuchsia or Parnassian rose. These shades slightly increase appetite and create a positive mood.

However, you should not get carried away by the abundance of pink in the interior; an excess of this color can cause apathy. You shouldn't make a big pink box out of the ceiling, walls and floor. It is enough if the furniture or interior decorations are pink.

Pink image

If you like pink shades, but you are afraid to use them in clothes, since pink is considered to be the color of little girls, then you should not blindly believe this stereotype. The palette of pink shades and tones is so diverse that you can definitely choose the appropriate shade of this color for any age.

It is important to choose a pink that suits your skin tone. You can do this if you follow the golden rule - warm pink tones suit warm skin tones, that is, golden, peach skin. Cool shades of pink will suit cool skin tones that are pale and translucent.

You can also express your love for pink through accessories, bright accents, pink jewelry or makeup. If everything is used in moderation, then a pink bracelet, shoes or bag will become great addition to your image.

Pink in a man's world

Thanks to the established stereotype that pink is only intended for the female population of the planet, many brutal and not so brutal men are disgusted by this color. However, stereotypes are often destroyed by life and time itself.

Nowadays it is not considered shameful for a man to have pink clothes, and this is not an indicator of his weakness or femininity. What does soft pink mean in a man's wardrobe? The presence of pink in a men's wardrobe means that its owner is watching fashion trends. Pink suits men just as well as women.

But we must remember that men can have pink shirts and shirts. A man's jacket and even a suit can be pink, especially if the man is a creative person, a presenter or a showman. Shades can be different: light pink, coral, peach, lilac, dark pink and others. But it is not customary to wear pink T-shirts for men. An exception may be polo shirts in pink shades.

Pink color means tenderness, love and care. The combinations of pink are exquisite and expressive. Combination table. Photo.

The color of sunset and rose petals is a truly feminine tone. It is characterized as tenderness, a desire for stability, a connotation of motherhood, weakness, naivety, and lack of objectivity in the perception of the world. This is the color of all-consuming, faithful love and affection.

It is believed that pink is closest to the color of the body, and women are much more sensitive to their bodies than men. The gaze of men is also riveted to him, who attach sexual meaning to rosy cheeks. It affects them no less than red. (Alfred Hotges believes that only in a pink dress will a girl be invited to all slow dances)

Along with this, the “vulgarity” of the “blonde in pink” is also noticed, which symbolizes feminine extremity, intellectual weakness, and complete isolation from objectivity. The expression “rose-colored glasses” speaks of belief in a fictitious view of the world. Why this tone is often attributed to young people.

Pink as a mixture of purple (female superconsciousness) with white ( motherly love) adds up to birth (or rebirth). This property is used for therapeutic purposes: it stimulates body renewal and self-healing. It is not for nothing that the average life expectancy of a woman is longer than that of a man.

Basic shades of pink

shades of pink can be divided into subgroups:
light and warm, delicate pastel pink tones: royal pink, cloudy, shrimp...
light and cold pastel colors: pale pink, white-lilac, cotton candy...
medium cool with a gray undertone: lavender, lilac, orchid...
rich warm, medium: sunset pink, coral pink, flamingo...
pale (with gray undertones) light shades: ash rose, beige-pink, strawberry...
bright: ultra pink, barbie, hot pink...
deep pinks with purple undertones: magenta, fuchsia, purple pink...
red-pink: red-pink, amaranth, crimson...
dark cold: dark pink, purple potion, lingonberry...

  • Shades of pink in the Pantone system
  • Using pink color in the interior

    1 A bedroom in soft pink tones helps preserve love. Moreover, you will feel a slight, non-binding excitement nervous system. The color will help the body restore strength, and love relationships will be more tender.

    2 Decorate a teenage girl’s room in these shades. Each age has its own colors. Pink will teach her femininity, sensuality, and perhaps complement the lack of parental attention.

    3 Women's clubs in such colors will attract more visitors. In such premises, women will feel protected and understood. It also reminds them of how important it is to take care of their body.

    4 Men feel insecure in a room dominated by pink. When decorating any room (except the bedroom, which is practically considered a woman’s room), analyze the length of time men spend in it, so as not to encounter their irritability: they do not like to feel out of place.

    5 You should not decorate offices in these colors (even if a female team will work in them). This will lead to frivolous behavior of employees, frequent distraction by catalogs of perfume products, and discussions of the latest gossip. Because pink activates the feminine component.

    use of pink color in water

    1 Don’t overdo it with pink in your overall clothing mix. This will be perceived as vulgarity and immaturity of your nature, and not at all as sophistication and femininity

    2 Light pink or bright tone visually expands the object. Be prudent in choosing a shade.

    3 It is perfect for parties, shopping, holidays. You will follow your nature - femininity, and therefore everyone will admire you. Pink will make shopping enjoyable, productive and not exhausting.

    4 If you want to talk to men about work, don't wear clean and bright colors this tone. You will immediately cease to be “equal” to them; they will focus on your feminine essence, although this can also be turned in your direction.

    Pink color combination

    A combination of pink with other shades in this range. The combination of shades of this color deepens the palette, making it more saturated and voluminous. The shade of the pair should be either lighter or brighter than the main one, this way the contrast will be maintained, but it is better that the purity of the tone remains at the same level in the palette. For a bright composition, combine a medium pink tone with white-lilac, Barbie, magenta, fuchsia, and lingonberry.

    Color combination: pink and red. A bright, sometimes scandalous composition that is difficult to perceive and is therefore rarely used in everyday life. The palette is based on the contrast of warm and cold. To implement it, select the following tones: scarlet, medium red, dark red, burgundy, dark burgundy.

    A combination of pink and orange. Juicy and original. This is a sign of glamor and high society. Until recently, the tones were considered incompatible, but recently the view on this pair has changed to the point of diametricality. Palettes with the same saturation and lightness are more valued. Contrast can also find its fans. The palette is composed of shades: light peach, peach, bright orange, fiery, red-orange.

    Color combination: pink and yellow. Delicate, bright and positive, it is distinctly feminine, with a slight touch of glamor. If the tones of yellow go into orange, then the effect of overflow of tones intensifies. For this range, use: pale yellow, sunny yellow, corn, golden, amber.

    Combination of pink and warm green built on the contrast of cold and warm. A sunny, pleasant combination that fills you with energy and enthusiasm. Consider pairs with light green, yellow-green, kiwi, moss, and greenery. Will not forget to maintain the average brightness for the pair in order to maintain the expressiveness of the range.

    Pink color goes well with cool shades of green forming a fashionable, fresh pair. The palette retains the contrast of warm and cold, but increases balance, and with it harmony. The combination has the exoticism of warm countries. Try a tandem with shades of green water, menthol, mint, patina, malachite.

    Inga Mayakovskaya

    Reading time: 35 minutes

    A A

    Every person sooner or later tends to prefer certain colors in clothing and interior design. We are ready to contemplate some colors for a long time and note that they pacify us, calm us down, give us a feeling of security or energy. Other colors, on the contrary, can irritate us, disturb us, and awaken unpleasant emotions and feelings. Psychologists have long noticed a close connection between a person’s character and the choice of favorite color . If you look from a different perspective, each color that a person chooses can tell about his character, if not everything, then a lot.

    Color psychology of women

    Women They perceive the subtle matters of the surrounding world much more sensitively than men. They capable Fine distinguish more shades , and also receive true pleasure from certain color combinations in clothes , makeup, surroundings . It is interesting that the choice of a favorite color has a great influence on a woman’s character, her style of behavior with men, success or lack of success in her career, and her style of raising children.

    Character girl who loves white

    Most ambiguous of all flowers, because it is achromatic , “devoid of color,” but, in fact, absorbed the entire spectrum of colors and shades of the rainbow. This color obliges , he is solemn , pristine , cold . In various world cultures, white is a symbol of purity, innocence, or even a mourning color (Japan, India), so a person who chooses white is undoubtedly extraordinary and very multifaceted .

    It has long been known that people of a pessimistic nature avoid white flowers in clothing and the space around them. Therefore, those women who prefer white, characterized by optimism , perseverance . These women neat , sometimes up to pedantry , They - faithful wives and very attentive mothers . Sometimes a woman who prefers white in life has a dry character, is calculating, achieves great heights in her career and is in no hurry to have children.

    What girls love black?

    This is also achromatic a color that can symbolize both the severity of a business suit and the infinity of the night sky. Blackcolor many associated with mourning In many cultures, mourning clothes are black. Black is not a flat monochrome, it can also be various shades, which you may or may not like.

    Women who prefer black to all others confident in their abilities , Very secretive , collected And restrained . These women know how keep your emotions in hand in any situation, and they really need black color in clothes in order to have protection from the negativity of the outside world, because black color does not allow negative energy to pass through, serves as a “screen” for negativity , reflecting it from a person. Women who adhere to the color black do not like to let strangers into their personal lives. They are very selective in choosing a mate , and will make high demands on the chosen one. The same excessive demands These women present to themselves that they are able to always achieve what they want and can reach any heights in their career.

    Gray color - what kind of girls love gray color?

    This is another color from the line Akhromov , which stands between black and white. Gray color is the color of the autumn sky, rain, dust, it able to muffle and soothe, hide and soften . Gray color is designed to shelter a person from outside influences and views , do not draw the attention of other people to it. Very often, adherents of the color gray are called "gray mouse" and these people really timid , shy and very secretive .

    Women who prefer gray any other color able to reason for a long time , and sometimes devote a huge amount of time floating in your illusions . They don't like take excessive obligations , remain due . As a rule, these women seek to shift duties and responsibilities to other people , be free from any obligations. But under the gray shell of such women it is often hides a very hot temperament and a whole storm of passions . They may worry excessively, but outwardly they rarely allow emotions. They have very developed pride, they sometimes cherish completely extravagant ideas. As a rule, they are distrustful of men, but if they fall in love, they can make passionate emotional outbursts.

    Red color and girl's character. Who loves red?

    This color speaks for itself. This is the color victory , celebrations , vitality, activity and optimism . This color will be happy to share energy, stimulate action, and ignite. But with its excess red color may suppress weak people, make them nervous, worry them .

    Psychologists say that the classic red color is more of a “masculine” color, speaking of strength, power, and energy. Women who prefer red in their clothes or interior, have some qualities of the “stronger” sex – masculinity, temper, enormous will to win, optimism and courage. These women are very hard to win they will be the first in everything they undertake. Women who like the color red are very fond of communication, they make a lot of acquaintances. They are proud and willful, but they are altruists and will always selflessly help their neighbors if necessary.

    Orange color and girl's character. What girls love orange?

    Sunny and bright color, which many associate with the sun or orange. Orange challenges others , He bold , revolutionary , defiant . Many people love the color orange, but in too much of it can tire, exhaust person, therefore only very strong individuals are able to constantly withstand this color.

    Women who love orange-colored things in the interior or wardrobe, have Fine developed intuition . They are different strong will and determination, love to rule . In life, such women are not conservative, they easily cope with any changes and strive to travel and communicate. These women endowed with extraordinary energy , they are often are in constant motion , they are not satisfied with stability. In relationships, these women are more inclined than others to flirt, jealousy, and stormy scenes. Such women are characterized by ambition, prudence and frivolity.

    Brown color and woman's character. Who loves brown?

    The color of earth, tea, cinnamon, chocolate, tree bark. Brown gives stability,reliabilityb , it can be described as warm, solid . This color has a lot of shades, from the lightest to almost black. Traditionally brown chosen for decorating the floor of a home and finishing parts. As is known, room having wooden furniture or details, becomes more comfortable .

    Women who choose brown color in interior or wardrobe details, thorough in their judgments, calm, moderately demanding . These are real keepers of family traditions , hearth, very attentive and caring mothers. In relationships, they value calmness and trust; they will not throw tantrums or scenes of jealousy over trifles.

    Yellow color and feminine character

    Such light and warm , the characteristics are very similar to orange, but has much more shading nuances. This is joy and delight, the color of the bright sun, dandelions and buttercups in the meadow. From yellow exudes joy, warmth, optimism and sensuality . But it is very difficult to combine with other colors, because it is self-sufficient .

    Women who prefer yellow to all the remaining flowers, very sociable, curious, courageous . They are not interested in the opinion of society, they purposeful And original . Such women are very easily adapt to any living conditions , and will also accept any character of their man. This woman will never become boring and dull, she always strives to develop and learn, and will strive for something new all her life.

    What girls love pink?

    Today it is often called “glamorous”, doll-like, “Barbie” color . In fact, the color pink is much deeper than it seems, it exists in many shades, from soft pink to bright flashy fuchsia. Modern stereotypes have attributed many negative qualities to the color pink, but it is necessary to remember that it is the color of flesh, birth, the human body, it can soothe and give warmth.

    Pink color is preferred in clothing or interior design women who don't want to grow up . This is very kind and caring mothers , which are simultaneously capricious, spoiled girls who want to have strong patrons. These women love and know how to flirt, they are romantic, proud and ambitious. As a rule, women who prefer pink in their clothes receive increased attention from men.

    What character do women like the color blue?

    This is the color of water, sky, air, ice. He conducive to reflection, peace, tranquility, harmony . This is a symbol stability and accomplishment, rest after victories and reign . Psychologists call blue - the color of fidelity, devotion, depth of feelings .

    Women who choose blue in things for themselves and the things around them, don't like fuss anddisorder . They prefer traditions, organization . This soft and very kind natures Those who are able to empathize are prone to philosophizing and idealizing other people. Such a woman will become equally good and successful in her career and in labyrinths. family life. She - caring mother and skillful housewife , who will guard the bastion of her family. This woman a little melancholic . She has extensive knowledge in many areas of life, she knows how and loves to try her hand at almost all matters that fascinate her.

    Green color and woman's character. What kind of girls love green?

    Color of grass, foliage. This is the color optimism, determination, healthy ecological space, knowledge, growth . Green in any interior calms, calms, allows you to be closer to natural sources . However, we should not forget that there are many shades of green - from delicate light green to sea ​​wave, which have additional characteristics from the complementary color that is also included in its spectrum.

    Women who love green things in the interior or clothing, very proud, principled . They always ready to zealously defend their own opinion, and will not tolerate injustice . These women know how to control not only their emotions and strengths, but also the people who are nearby. They have the desire to assert oneself, achieve heights in education and career . In relationships, these women are maximalists who are very strict and demanding of themselves and their chosen one. It is impossible to control this woman, she will always be independent , like those forces of nature that are reflected in her favorite color.

    What girls love purple? Character of a woman by color.

    The color of mysticism, magic, winter fantasy. This color awakens emotions and imagination , it refers to “mixed” colors that can be liked very much or completely rejected different people. Purple color is often found in natural habitats familiar to us - this is iris, pansies, phlox, peonies, asters.

    Women , passionately loving purple in clothing or interior decoration, large individualists . They prefer harmony and tranquility , and just designed to delight and charm men . In their emotionality, these women are superior to others, they easily suggestible, easily susceptible to panic or cheerful euphoria . These women - highly spiritual natures that like to set and follow rules, live by laws, are conservative . Women who love the color purple really need protection and support, they inner world very gentle and vulnerable, although outwardly they can look monumentally calm in all situations. You will never be bored with them, they are very they love to dream, they always see in ordinary reality what passes by other people unnoticed .

    Blue color and feminine character. Who loves blue?

    He's very soft able to calm . Different from deep blue, blue is the color of the morning sky, clean water, planet Earth. He evokes slight sadness and nostalgia, but is able to inspire, delight and envelop . Blue-colored things make even gray days bright and clear.

    Women who tend to choose a soft blue color in their wardrobe or interior items are quite conservative and strict although they capable of reflection and change . This respectable mothers and housewives , they put the interests of their families above all else, inclined even To sacrifice for the sake of your loved ones. Women who love the color blue can easily cry even from a slight offense or a sensitive series. They are very careful , and are incapable of rash actions. Strength in their character is harmoniously combined with softness and tenderness.

    Turquoise color and feminine character. What kind of girls love turquoise?

    This color is quite complex and contradictory. It is gentle and light, but combines different shades blue and green colors, being at the same time both warm and cold. Although this color not bright and not intrusive , many people subconsciously avoid turquoise items in their wardrobe or interior.

    Women who love things turquoise color, Very secretive, arrogant and proud . They have a very complicated ornate character , it is difficult to get along with them and find common ground. These natures are very rich imagination , they can never exactly decide on their requirements and desires, and often seem disorganized, eccentric and wayward to the people around them.

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