Fortune telling with a needle and thread on the gender of a child. Fortune telling with a needle and thread - a simple way to look into the future

Fortune telling with a needle and thread is very common. This ritual goes back far into antiquity. Our ancestors also believed that this is one of the most accurate ways to determine what awaits us in the future.

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Fortune telling with a needle and thread

This kind of fortune telling is also called “ Road of Desires" Our great-grandmothers used it. With its help, you can significantly change your life 40 days after you finish the magical embroidery.

You will need fabric and a needle. The thread must be very long. While you are threading it through the eye of the needle, quietly voice your desire. Very soon you will find out whether it will come true or not.

In total you will have to make exactly 40 stitches. If there is not enough thread, this indicates that the wish will not come true. Important: if you receive a negative answer, you cannot make this wish again. Otherwise Higher Powers they will punish you for trying to be cunning.

When you begin fortune telling, make the first stitch and mentally ask the Higher Powers to fulfill your special desire. Once the first stitch is completed, leave the work. The next day, make one stitch again. It can be placed next to the first one or superimposed on it.

This ritual is carried out for 40 days. The smoother your path is, the easier your path to fulfillment will be. If the work is done sloppily, crookedly, then the path to fulfilling your dream will be the same, there is a high probability that everything will not turn out the way you would like.

When the last stitch is completed, say your wish again (4 times). In this case, you need to bow to all cardinal directions. You need to wear the finished embroidery until your wish comes true.

Alphabet ritual

This is one of the most ancient methods of fortune telling. In order to carry out the ceremony, you will need to arm yourself not only with a needle and thread, but also with a sheet of paper on which the alphabet will be written.

This fortune telling session is held from 5 am to 6 pm. It is better not to perform the ritual at night. It is also undesirable to take up the ritual during depression, after intense physical activity, after eating and after a sleepless night. Otherwise, the body will not have enough energy to complete the fortune telling process.

This practice is similar to or using a magic tablet. Only in this case, instead of a specially enchanted pendulum or a special board, a needle will appear.

How to get ready for work?

Before you start telling fortunes with a needle and the alphabet, you need to get in the right mood. To do this, first of all, you should cleanse yourself and the main attribute of fortune telling.

To do this, you can simply hold the needle over fire or, as an alternative, use cleansing with holy water. In this case, it is advisable to leave the attribute in holy water for one night.

It is very simple to prepare for the ritual yourself. Firstly, you need to have a good rest, gain strength, ask the Higher Powers to allow you to find out everything that was hidden until this moment.

Before you start guessing, be sure to check the magic attribute. To do this, hang the needle by the thread, wait until it stops swinging from side to side, and ask a simple question. Pre-explain to the attribute that if it swings left and right, the answer will be negative, if back and forth, then positive.

Now ask:

My name is (your name)?
Am I (required number) years old?
I live in the city ( real place residence)?

If the first test of the attribute is successful, then this indicates that it is ready for use.

Now do the final test. You will need a piece of paper on which the alphabet will be written. The alphabet of the language you consider native is used. Now you should also ask any simple question. It's best to ask what your name is.

If everything is done correctly, the Higher Powers are ready to help you and reveal secrets, then the needle will begin to move from one letter to another, smoothly swinging in the air. Pay close attention to which letters it stops at. If the answer to your question is correct, then the attribute is ready for fortune telling.

Subtleties of the ritual

Almost always, with such fortune-telling, the help of the spirit is necessary. Therefore, when you begin to perform the ritual, you can say three times:

Spirit, come. Help me find the answer to the question, help me make the right decision, become my assistant and ally.

Although when carrying out such a ritual, the call of a spirit is almost inevitable, sometimes its appearance can be quite dangerous, since you cannot always be sure that it is a good spirit that will come to the rescue; perhaps an evil entity from the other world will come and will not want to leave after the ritual .

Therefore, if you are inexperienced, you can rely on the help of your ancestors. In this case, before the ceremony, you can, if you were in good relations during life, and ask him to help with fortune telling.

If the needle begins to return chaotically over the alphabet sheet, then this indicates that the spirit is either angry or not in the mood for contact. In this case, be sure to immediately ask him for forgiveness for disturbing him and let him go in peace.

It is advisable to place the letters in a circle when writing the alphabet on a sheet of paper. This way you won't get confused and will be able to more clearly understand which letter the needle is pointing to. You can also write “yes” and “no” inside the circle. This will help you get a clear answer to the question asked.

Detailed fortune telling on a circle with a needle can give answers to 3-5 questions that interest you. Remember, if you ask for help from higher powers, you should not be overconfident and assume that they will tell you everything about the past, present or future.

Select only the most important questions that interest you and ask them slowly, carefully. As soon as you feel that the Higher Powers are not ready to give an answer, ask the next question or stop the ritual.

Fortune telling on needles for children

Using a needle and thread, you can tell fortunes for children. If you want to find out what gender your baby will be, you will need to prepare a white thread and a needle. Thread the thread through the eye and grab it with your right hand.

Place needles under the sharp edge left palm and lower the sharp end three times into the space between the thumb and the entire palm. Now place the pendulum over the center of your palm and ask the question that interests you.

If the needle begins to move in a circle, this indicates that you will have a daughter. If the needle swings from side to side, then you will have a boy. If the needle remains motionless, then for now you will not have children.

We are all sinners

Despite the fact that any fortune telling is a sin, each of us has committed it. After all, I really want to know about my future fate, about what the husband will be like and whether there will be one at all, about whether there will be children and how many. And, although the church prohibits engaging in such “obscurantism,” we still continue to guess. It turns out strange, of course: we don’t believe in God, but we don’t believe in predictions, although we perceive them rather as fun. And one of the most beloved and harmless is fortune telling for children with a needle.

Process description

How to do it? Very simple. You need to take any needle with a white thread threaded through it. Left hand you need to turn your palm up and move your index finger. We take the needle by the thread to make something like a pendulum, and lower it three times between the index and middle fingers. According to another version of fortune telling, it needs to be lowered between the thumb and forefinger, so choose the more suitable option. After this, we raise the needle on a thread above the palm and, without moving, hold it until the “pendulum” begins to swing. If it turns in a circle, it means there will be a girl, and if it swings evenly, from side to side, it means there will be a boy. Thus, this fortune telling about children indicated to you the gender of your first baby. To find out who will be second, repeat the procedure with a triple lowering of the needle between your fingers. Repeat the fortune telling until the “pendulum” stops. It is possible that the needle will not move anymore after the prediction

the first child, and perhaps will point to three, or even four kids. This fortune telling for children is considered one of the most reliable. Many people test it for those who already have small family members, and in most cases everything matches. By the way, men can also tell fortunes this way. Their wives will probably be delighted if the results of the prediction turn out to be the same as theirs. It is worth noting that the needle “takes into account” only born children. Abortions and miscarriages don't matter.

An interesting story from which you can draw a conclusion

By the way, there is a curious case when a needle changed its “readings.” For one girl, this fortune-telling for her future children always predicted three children: two girls and a boy. She guessed periodically, but the result remained the same each time: three, and in that order. Years passed, but the girl did not expect to have any children. One day she managed to go to the hospital, where doctors informed her about a disease that required immediate surgical intervention, otherwise she would not have been able to give birth at all. The girl underwent surgery. After some time, for some reason she remembered that fortune telling for children and decided for the sake of

curiosity to check what the needle “tells” her. The needle showed only one child - a boy. The girl still has no children. But there was still hope that her “train” had not left yet, and one day she would become a mother. Many conclusions can be drawn from this story: perhaps the girl simply once missed the person who could give her three, or perhaps fortune telling for children simply did not “work” in her case. Therefore, it is unlikely that you should blindly trust all kinds of needles, cards, crystal balls and other “fortune tellers”. It is better to perceive any fortune-telling as a pleasant pastime. In addition, if its results predict something good, it can set one up for positive thoughts, which, as we know, are material. By constantly thinking about something good and having the inspiring result of fortune telling as confirmation, it is quite possible to attract to yourself everything that you prophesied.

Issues of motherhood concern almost every woman. Many representatives of the fair sex played with dolls in childhood, dressed, fed and took baby dolls, so similar to real children, out on the street. And already in their youth they wondered how many children they themselves would one day have. Surprisingly, there is one very old and incredible accurate fortune telling on a needle and thread for children, which coincides one hundred percent with reality for almost every girl.

What can you learn from fortune telling with a needle and thread?

Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children allows you to answer two exciting questions at once. The first is how many children will the girl have? Second - what gender will they be? Everyone is allowed to do fortune telling lovely ladies without exception, and even to those who are already in a situation. It is interesting that sometimes men also turn to this ancient prediction - and the result also turns out to be true.

But in the case of representatives of the stronger sex, there is one nuance that is worth mentioning in advance. Sometimes, a girl tells fortunes for the first time, and then wants to check the accuracy of the fortune-telling on her spouse. And here surprises may lie in wait, for example, a difference in the number of children. The point here is that in our time, unfortunately, not every couple is able to carry their love throughout their lives and maintain a strong relationship.

It also happens that people meet, fall in love, get married, have children, and then get divorced and find new life partners. And this, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Naturally, after the divorce ex-spouses children may appear from subsequent partners - then the difference in the number of children during fortune telling will be obvious. Another question: do we want to know about this in advance? This is why we do not recommend performing fortune telling twice. Better to resort to the old way for myself and only once. And then let fate itself decide.

Rules for fortune telling

There is nothing complicated in this technique. All the items necessary for manipulation can be found in every home - this is an ordinary sewing needle and thread. It is believed that it is better to take a new needle that has never been sewn before. Although, many do not think about it at all and take the first one they come across - this does not affect the result of the prediction. But there are strict requirements for the thread - it must be white.

Now about how to guess correctly. You need to choose a time when nothing and no one can distract you - this is important. Cut a piece of medium length from the prepared thread so that after folding it in half you get a kind of pendulum 15-20 centimeters long. Focus on your feelings: how comfortable the chosen length is for your work.

We thread the cut thread into a needle and tie its ends with a regular sewing knot. We take the resulting pendulum into right hand by the knot, allowing the needle to dangle freely. Now open your left palm so that thumb stuck out to the side, and we begin to lower our needle into the space formed between the thumb and forefinger. We lower and raise it. We repeat the procedure three times.

Right after you raise the pendulum last time, bring the needle to the center of the palm and observe its rotation. She will either begin to sway from side to side, or will make circular movements, or will simply freeze. The meaning of fortune telling the gender of a child using a needle will be as follows. If the pendulum moves from side to side, then the first child will be a boy, if it is all around, then a girl, if there is no movement, you will not have children.

Wait about half a minute, and then repeat lowering and raising the needle again and again remember the pattern of its movement over the center of the palm. Now we are looking at what gender the second child will be. If the needle stops immediately, you will only have one baby. If it moves again, repeat the fortune telling procedure until the needle freezes over your palm. This way we find out the number of children and their gender.

Important note: if the needle first went in a circle, and then changed its movement and began to swing horizontally, or vice versa, congratulations, you will have twins. If the pendulum swayed, stopped for a few seconds, and then swayed again, this also indicates twins, but the children will be of the same sex. The pendulum does not show miscarriages and abortions - it only takes into account those who are certain to be born.

Is it possible to tell fortunes for those who have children and pregnant women?

As we have already mentioned, fortune telling with a needle and thread for children can be performed by those who have already become a parent, as well as during pregnancy - the result will still be reliable. In this case, the first child to be shown by the needle will be considered the one who has already been born, or is awaiting birth, sitting in the mother’s tummy (for pregnant women with their first child).

How reliable is fortune telling?

Many, wanting to verify the veracity of the results, ask reasonable questions about fortune telling with a needle and thread for children: is it true or not, why does this happen? How is all this known, why does the same person, when trying again, always have the same result? We cannot answer these questions, but we know for sure that thousands of people conducted experiments on themselves - and almost everyone’s prediction came true exactly.

Just go to thematic forums on the Internet, which are replete with numerous positive reviews about this method fortune telling. Apparently, it is not without reason that it has been popular for many years. If suddenly you have 11 or more of them, just add up the components of this number and look at the corresponding value. 11 is 1 + 1 = 2, 12 is 1 + 2 = 3 and so on.

As you can see, fortune telling by electronic watches, ordinary ones and their number is very exciting activity. Be sure to try it!

Centuries pass, and the desire to know the future unites people of all continents. Fortune telling is a way to find out your destiny, to reveal the secret behind which lies an unknown future.

It is believed that the needle is a magical object. She is capable of conducting energy, and her ear creates a powerful biofield. Disputes about this method can often be heard in conversations between friends. But just go to any women’s forum and read - most of them have the right thread and needle. “I don’t believe it!”, you say. But let yourself check - tell your fortune.

This fortune telling is for those who want to find out the gender of the child - will the baby be born a boy or a girl? And will the woman even have children? So, for fortune telling you will need a needle and thread.

The needle must be new, and the thread must be red or white.

You need to take the needle, hold it in your hand and hold it for a couple of seconds. Imagine your desire. This way you won't lose energy. Sit in the room, prepare everything for fortune telling. Take a needle and thread, let it hang from your hand and move.

Now unclench your hand. Pass the needle three times between your index finger and thumb. Place the needle exactly in the middle of your palm and make sure that the thread can move.

  • Moving in circles- this means the birth of a girl.
  • Movement in different directions– the first male child will appear.
  • Needle in one place- the woman will not have children.

The fortune telling must be repeated immediately. If you see the needle moving again, it means the birth of your second child is just around the corner..

Every single girl thinks about what her life will be like. family life who will become her lover.

They tell fortunes strictly in the morning. The sun has not yet risen, and you must already begin the ritual. Take a red thread. The evening before fortune telling, you need to attach leaves with the names of men to the edges of the bucket and place it under the bed. Place the needle on north side windows. Tie a thread on your right hand.

When you wake up, remain in night clothes and do not utter a word until the end of the ceremony. We take out a bucket of water. It is necessary to evenly space the lit candles around the bucket..

Then sharply break the red thread on the hand and insert it into the prepared needle. Now the most important thing. You need to close your eyes and throw a needle and thread right into the middle of a container of water.

Now take a look at where the “eye” of the needle is. This is the name of your future spouse.

The night before, write on separate pieces of paper the names of men you are interested in or just familiar names. Place the leaves in a wide container. Stir. Place the container on the window.

Take a needle and thread. The thread must be strictly white. Thread a needle and place it under your pillow.

Get up early in the morning. Strictly from 7 to 8 am. Take a needle and thread, go to the window and, with your eyes closed, insert the needle into the container with pieces of paper. Whose name you fall into will become your husband.

Suitable for girls who already have a lover. Loves - doesn't love? Let's tell fortunes not with a daisy, but with a needle.

You only need to guess once a year. Exclusively on your birthday.

Take two needles. One big, one small. The smaller one is a woman. More - a man. You need to dip the needles in oil and place them in a container of water. First the “female” needle, then the “male” needle. First a small needle, then a large one.

  • If the needles immediately found their way to each other - you will be together.
  • If at first the needles “floated” to each other, and then separated, then your relationship is fragile, soon you will part.
  • If the needles “float” away from each other - you will never build a relationship.

This fortune telling is very ancient. Our ancestors also resorted to it.

Thread the needle. Say your wish out loud several times. Thread make it long enough, your structure should resemble a pendulum.

Place the coin on the table, with the needle hanging above it. Ask the pendulum a specific question to which you can only get two answers: “yes” or “no.” Watch how the needle swings.

  • The needle swings left and right - most likely your wish will not come true.
  • Towards you - will soon be fulfilled.
  • Standing still - It may be fulfilled, or it may not.

If you receive the answer “no”, under no circumstances repeat this wish fortune telling again.. The parallel world does not like deception.

Are you faced with a choice? Continue the relationship or break it off. This fortune telling will give you answers to your questions.

Insert the needle and thread into the fabric and pull sharply.

  • If the thread comes out hard, then your path with your lover will be difficult and winding.
  • If the thread breaks, this is a warning. You should not make plans for the future with this person.
  • And if the thread easily passes through the fabric - the path is clear, a wonderful future awaits you!

A needle is a rather unusual object that can be used to mend a hole, make clothes, and also be used in magical ritual. A needle, like the others hardware, is capable of interacting with energy, and the eye of the needle forms a powerful biofield, turning the object into its receiver. This form directs the power of energy to the tip of the needle, where the capabilities used in witchcraft and alternative medicine accumulate.

Anyone can tell fortunes with a needle and thread at home. This method will help you fulfill cherished desires, look under the veil of the future, find out the number and gender of children.

Preparing for fortune telling

Before telling fortunes about future children using a needle and thread, prepare carefully. If you do not follow the rules, the result may be inaccurate.

☞ Rules for magical paraphernalia:

  • The main items are a needle and white or red thread. For this purpose, buy new products.
  • When purchasing items, do not haggle and pay without change. If you have change, don't take it.
  • On the eve of the ritual, be sure to consecrate the needle: dip it in blessed water or hold a church candle over the fire for a little while.

☞ Requirements for a fortune teller:

  • The ritual should be carried out in complete solitude and silence.
  • It is prohibited to apply makeup and wear jewelry (earrings, rings, bracelets, chains, etc.).
  • Clothes must be from natural fabric, which does not hinder movement.
  • It is better to let your hair down or braid it.
  • To get the right result, fortune telling is performed after sunset, preferably at midnight.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children

Using fortune telling with a needle and thread, you can find out not only the gender of the child, but also the number of future children. Let's talk about how to perform the ritual. First, we prepare the main items - a needle and thread. Next we adhere to the following simple steps:

  1. Cut a thread of medium length and thread it through the eye of the needle.
  2. We relax and concentrate.
  3. We take the needle and thread in our right hand, and turn our left hand with the palm facing up.
  4. We place the pendulum over the central part of the palm, and then lower the sharp end down 3 times between the index finger and the palm.
  5. We return the needle and thread to its initial position and monitor the actions taking place: the needle swings from side to side - the first-born will be a boy, if the movements are circular - a daughter, the needle stands still - until children are expected.

To find out the number of future children, repeat the entire process again after the answer about the firstborn is received. Lower the needle and thread again between your finger and palm, then return it to the center of the palm and watch what happens. If there is movement, there will be another baby. Guess until the needle stops moving. The lack of movement means that no more children are expected.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread on paper with letters

Fortune telling using a thread, a needle and paper with letters is an equally reliable method for lifting the veil of the future.

☞ Attributes for fortune telling:

  • Needle.
  • Black thread.
  • Pen.
  • Paper sheet.

☞ How to guess:

  1. Create a suitable atmosphere - place candles and aromatherapy lamps in the room.
  2. Take paper and pen and draw an alphabet circle. How to do this: write all the letters of the alphabet in a circle, inside which also write the numbers from 0 to 9. Write the words “yes” and “no” on the right and left sides of the sheet.
  3. Thread the thread through the eye of the needle, creating a pendulum.
  4. Focus.
  5. Place the point of the needle in the center of the alphabet circle, ask the question you are interested in mentally (or out loud) and wait for an answer. At a certain moment, the pendulum will begin to point alternately to the letters, giving the answer to the question.
  6. At the end of the ritual, burn the leaf and throw away the needle, since it cannot be used for household purposes.

To make fortune telling for children with a thread and a needle go smoothly, and for the predictions to be as accurate as possible, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Use only new attributes.
  • Do not tell anyone about the ritual, especially about the answers you receive.
  • Perform the sacrament alone.
  • Try not to worry and fully concentrate on the issue of interest.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

Sometimes fortune telling does not come true and there are reasons for this. Let's briefly list the main ones:

  1. Lack of concentration and extraneous thoughts during the process.
  2. The fortune teller is feeling unwell.
  3. Strong emotional arousal.
  4. Too frequent fortune telling on the same topic.
  5. The desire to know the truth is not strong enough.
  6. Fear of receiving a negative response.

Fortune telling for children using an ordinary needle and thread is simple, quite accessible to everyone, does not require much time to carry out and gives results if properly prepared.

However, it is important to remember that fortune telling will turn out to be true if it is taken seriously and performed properly. Magic and witchcraft do not like carelessness and do not accept jokes.