What metal is better for a frying pan? Which frying pans are the best and safest? Which pans are best not to use?

It is known that cooking most dishes without a frying pan is problematic, if not impossible. It is best if you have several products at your disposal.

In order to accurately choose quality utensils, you need to know some nuances. So, the decision to buy a frying pan has already been made. However, in the store the buyer will be faced with a huge assortment. It is natural that he will have a question: “How to choose a good frying pan?” It is worth noting that these devices differ in the materials from which they are made.

How to choose a cast iron frying pan?

This is from the “good old” section. Cast iron frying pans have been used for centuries. It is assumed that she will not leave numerous kitchens any time soon. Do you have any doubts? And ask your grandmothers, would they exchange a time-tested frying pan for some newfangled one, with a Teflon coating? No way in the world!

For members of the older generation, there are no difficulties with how to choose a frying pan. Reviews from many housewives indicate that this utensil is ideal for products that require cooking for quite a long time. This is possible thanks to beneficial properties material. It is known that cast iron heats up very well, more than aluminum. It is this property, according to experienced housewives, that is necessary for a high-quality frying process.

Many women note that when cooking in a cast iron frying pan, there is no need to constantly stir the food. This is due to the fact that the material has a porous structure. A fatty film forms on the walls and bottom of the pan. It, in turn, is a natural non-stick coating. So don't be afraid to add lemon juice or vinegar, if so written in the recipe.

In this case, nothing bad will happen to the frying pan. Many housewives consider one of the undoubted advantages of such utensils to be the fact that when caring for them, you don’t have to use detergents. The fact is that cast iron does not need this at all. It is customary to heat the container over a fire and then rinse it with cold water.

Cast iron cookware is susceptible to rusting. In order to avoid this, experienced housewives advise not to store ready-made food in it. You also need to ensure that no moisture remains on the product after rinsing. A cast iron frying pan has a number of disadvantages. The first thing to note is its weight. Such dishes will not be light.

In addition, cast iron is a rather brittle metal. Accordingly, if a frying pan falls on the floor, the likelihood that it will break is quite high. It is not recommended to cook anything with it immediately after purchase. You should remember the need for a preparatory stage. The product needs to be washed and dried. Next, grease the inside of the pan with vegetable oil. In this case, savings are inappropriate. Then you need to bake the new product in the oven or on the stove. One hour is enough for the entire procedure. This creates a so-called natural non-stick coating.


When talking about which coating to choose a frying pan with, you should pay attention to this material. Housewives consider the cost to be its only drawback. Otherwise, this utensil is an excellent assistant in the kitchen. Frying pans with titanium coating have all the advantages described above. In addition, they do not rust. That is why many experienced housewives prefer them.

Stainless steel

Many customers want to know how to choose the right frying pan. A good option is stainless steel products. It is believed that food cooked in them is the healthiest. This is due to the fact that stainless steel is a material that does not interact with any substances. Experienced housewives do not recommend leaving an empty frying pan on the fire. In this case, it may become covered with blue or greenish stains and take on a very unpresentable appearance. It is not recommended to wash such dishes using abrasives.

Teflon products

This material was developed by American specialists. This happened back in the 30s of the last century. The development was carried out by employees of a chemical concern. Then they managed to create polytetrafluoroethylene, which, in turn, is a polymer. Its properties include resistance to alkalis, acids and high temperatures. It should also be noted that it is quite slippery.

This substance became known as Teflon. Its true name is too cumbersome and long. It was not very suitable for commercial purposes. Teflon was not immediately used to coat frying pans. However, when this happened, he received widespread. And since the question arose about how to choose non-stick frying pan, you should look into products with a Teflon bottom.

Modern realities

Today, many people tend to choose a frying pan with a non-stick coating. Product bodies are made primarily of steel and aluminum. For everyday use, Teflon-coated products are mainly used. They are readily used by both ordinary people and chefs. Many foods are perfectly cooked on them.

For example, fish, meat, vegetables or scrambled eggs. Promotional videos they assure customers that they do not need to use oil or vegetable fats to prepare them. It is worth noting that the manufacturers exaggerate slightly. It is still possible to cook vegetables this way. However, this trick will not work with fish, even if you use flour. It won't cook as well as it should. Next, we will dwell in more detail on the question “how to choose the right frying pan with a Teflon bottom.”

Important Feature

When studying the question of how to choose a good frying pan with a Teflon bottom, you should know that most products are smooth inside. However, there are also those that have a relief pattern. Such dishes have more advantages. Thanks to the relief, the effectiveness of the coating increases. Therefore, the food will burn even less. This is due to its minimal contact with the heated surface.

Rules of care

When discussing how to choose a frying pan with a Teflon bottom, you should say at least a few words about the operation of the product. It’s unlikely that anyone would want caring for a frying pan to be a hassle. It is well known that non-stick Teflon coating is not friendly with metal objects. Accordingly, you can stir food only with a plastic or wooden spatula. It is also not recommended to overheat such a frying pan. Under the influence of high temperatures, the coating can simply... evaporate. Of course, this happens gradually. In addition, the process is accompanied by the release of compounds that are dangerous to human health. It is also possible that the coating may crack.

Cooking temperature

Medium to low heat is best for cooking in a Teflon pan. There is also information that the operation of such products is best carried out on gas stoves. This is due to the fact that their heating temperature is lower. Currently, most modern frying pans are equipped with a heat spot. As a rule, it is located at the bottom of the dish. The thermospot shows the user exactly when to put food in the pan. If it turns dark red, then the heating temperature is about 180 degrees.


You should also note that you should not use a frying pan with a damaged Teflon coating. This product must be thrown away. You need to pay attention to the fact that such dishes need to be changed periodically. The thing is that Teflon will not retain its properties forever. Speaking about how to choose a frying pan, it should be noted that it is not advisable to purchase products with a thin bottom and walls.

It is believed that such a purchase will be useless. It is recommended to choose dishes with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm. You should also take a closer look at the double steel bottom. It is considered an ideal option. Pans with a cellular Teflon coating can last up to five years. Please note that this period is maintained only with proper use. The durability of a future purchase can be judged by the rough and thick layer of Teflon.

Aluminum products

This metal is considered “winged”. This is due to its widespread use in aircraft manufacturing. Pans are also made from this material. They have their advantages and disadvantages. Experienced housewives include high thermal conductivity and lightness among the obvious advantages of these products. Plus, they are quite cheap. However, in their reviews, women often note that food in such pans burns badly.

It is not recommended to use these products in the oven. In this case, we are again talking about the high “burning” of dishes. In addition, due to stuck-on food residues, aluminum pans are quite difficult to clean. It is also worth noting that such products are susceptible to alkalis and acids.

This pan is very easy to scratch. This is due to the softness of the metal itself. In this case, when mixing food, it is advisable to use only plastic and wooden fixtures. In general, according to many housewives, aluminum products are not advisable for preparing serious dishes. As women note, they rarely have to use such pans.

Aluminum products do not like overheating. For example, if the bottom of a frying pan is thin, it can easily change shape. This, as housewives note, happens with most stamped products. The likelihood of warping increases when using an electric stove. When purchasing, it is recommended to pay special attention to the bottom of the pan. It should be no thinner than 5 mm if you plan to use the cookware for cooking meat.

The non-stick coating for aluminum frying pans is most often Teflon, which is also not friendly to high temperatures. In addition, deformation will not benefit the product. Because of this, the coating is damaged. This, in turn, contributes to the burning of food. It is worth noting that even high-quality aluminum frying pans generally do not last very long.

How to choose an aluminum frying pan? In this case, it is recommended to purchase only a cast and not a stamped product. This pan will last longer. It is worth paying attention to the bottom of such containers - it should not be thinner than 4-5 mm. These pans can also be used on electric stoves. They are very easy to distinguish from stamped ones - they are significantly heavier. It is recommended to consult with a consultant before purchasing.

Slab compatibility

Previously, the question of how to choose a frying pan was much easier to solve. It is known that some products can be used on some stoves, but not on others. Previously, there were only two types of appliances in use: electric and gas. Currently, the range of slabs has expanded significantly. For example, induction and glass-ceramic hobs. Majority famous manufacturers supply their pans with appropriate instructions. In this way, it is possible to determine which type of heating is suitable for the product.

For example, any frying pan can be used on gas stoves. On ordinary electric ones you can use everything except stamped aluminum. It should also be noted that in this case the diameter of the product must coincide with the burner. Glass-ceramic stoves require the use of only those pans that boast a perfectly flat bottom. In this case, all are suitable except the above-mentioned stamped aluminum products. Induction cookers Requires the use of stainless steel utensils. Aluminum products are also suitable, but their bottom must be steel. The magnetic effect is very important here.


Frying pans are also divided according to their purpose. There are ordinary products. They are designed for cooking almost any food. There are also special dishes for fish. As a rule, it has an oval or oblong shape. There is a special pan for pancakes (which one to choose will be discussed below). They are equipped with low sides. Some may need a grill pan. How to choose the right one from the presented assortment? First of all, you should accurately determine the tasks that the product will perform.

Grill pan

How to choose a product so that it lasts longer? Firstly, it should be said that such dishes have a square or round shape. The first one is more spacious. The gutters are designed to collect juice. Thus, it evaporates more slowly. Accordingly, the dishes turn out more juicy. That is why many experienced housewives prefer square-shaped products. When choosing, you should take into account the thickness of the walls and coating, the reliability of the handle. At visual inspection The product must not have any defects (chips or cracks).

"Special Purpose"

Many people wonder why buy a pancake pan at all? It is known that in most families they are not baked daily. In addition, you can use a regular frying pan to cook them. However, we note that pancakes will burn much less on special dishes. In addition, they are easier and faster to turn over. How to choose a frying pan? Features of the product include the following:

  1. Low sides (usually no more than 1-2 cm).
  2. Thick and smooth bottom.
  3. Long handle.
  4. Thick walls.

It is best to select one frying pan in which exclusively pancakes will be cooked. Accordingly, you should not use it for other products. Also note that these pans most often have a ceramic coating.

Eco-friendly option

Today, many experienced housewives strive to choose a frying pan with a ceramic coating. What is the reason for this? First of all, as the customers themselves note, when using such a product, there is practically no need to constantly add oil. Women also appreciated the height of the sides of such frying pans. Due to the quality of the material from which the lids are made, steam is reliably retained inside the product.

Additional information

How to choose a ceramic frying pan? Buyers should take into account a number of nuances. In particular, you should pay attention to the size. It is usually indicated on the packaging. Please note that this refers to the upper diameter. If the stove is electric, then it is necessary to correlate it with the size of the burners. You should not buy a frying pan with a smaller diameter.

This also applies to larger sizes. In this case, the food will burn in the middle and undercook at the edges. It is also recommended to choose the size of the pan according to the number of family members. If many people live in the house, then, accordingly, you should purchase a large and spacious product. For small families, a medium-sized frying pan will be enough. Small dishes are great for heating food. It is recommended to choose a high-quality model from the very beginning rather than periodically buying new products.

Frying pans are a necessary element in the kitchen. With their help, a variety of dishes are prepared, and not necessarily fried ones. Depending on the type of cookware, you can use it to stew, create desserts and even soups. However, which frying pans are the best and safest? To answer this question you will have to understand a number of factors.

Now it's easiest to find in stores standard options with Teflon non-stick coating, but in fact there are many more types. This applies not only to the shape of the frying pan, but also to the thickness of its walls, and also, of course, the material of manufacture. When choosing the best option, you need to pay attention to all aspects.

Types of frying pans

Most often, people buy the classic round version in stores. These pans are quite versatile, you just need to buy a few pieces and you can fry and stew almost anything. However, there are also more highly specialized species. For example, a grill pan is square in shape and has ribs on the bottom. It is very heavy, but it allows you to fry fish or meat as if on coals.

In any Chinese restaurant you can find dishes with high sides and a very small bottom. Theoretically, it can be round or flat, but round would not allow the use of woks on stoves. This has led to the fact that food in such a container needs to be constantly stirred; it heats up unevenly.

Something between a saucepan and a standard frying pan is a sauté pan, which is most often used to create sauces. It is distinguished by thick walls, which allow the heat to be evenly distributed. At the same time, there is a grooved bottom, which reduces the likelihood of food burning. Sauté pans allow you to prepare not only sauces, but also almost any dish.

Pans designed for creating pancakes have a minimum side height. This design makes it easier to turn them over. Pancake pans are always small, round and, as a rule, covered with a non-stick coating. Usually it is enough for a housewife to have a couple of standard frying pans in the kitchen different sizes and one pancake maker.

What should you pay attention to?

When choosing the best and safest frying pan for yourself, you first need to decide on the type. You need to think about what is cooked most often, and depending on this, choose a classic type or, for example, a stewpan. You shouldn't buy all the options, since most likely, most of the time they will only take up space.

The next aspect is also individual – the shape of the handle. There is no one best option that would suit everyone. Even in the store, you need to hold the handle of the frying pan and evaluate how convenient it is. An additional bonus is the ability to remove the handle, in which case the dishes can be used for the oven, and are also easier to clean in the dishwasher.

After this, it remains to deal with two very significant indicators. The first is the thickness of the bottom. This determines how food will cook under low heat and how evenly the heat will be distributed. The thickest bottom (about one and a half centimeters) can be found in cast iron frying pans. They are especially good for making stews.

Finally, you need to decide on the type of coverage. In specialized stores you can find the most various options. In addition to Teflon, marble, titanium and even pearl coatings are sold, but most often the choice is between Teflon, ceramics and cast iron.


The cheapest and most common type of non-stick coating is Teflon, which is also called fluoroplastic or polytetrafluoroethylene. Only DuPont, which patented it, has the right to use Teflon to create frying pans. However, this does not interfere with other companies at all; they simply indicate the name of the chemical compounds on the labels.

In fact, Teflon is a slightly modified plastic, and therefore for many years scientists have been arguing about how safe it is to use. Perfluorooctanoic acid is used to create this component. People don't have to worry about buying a new Teflon frying pan, but everyone knows how easy it is to damage the non-stick coating.

If this happens, or the dishes overheat, the perfluorooctanoic acid will begin to release carcinogens into the food. At the same time, “overheating” does not mean really serious temperatures. Negative reactions in Teflon begin to occur after the thermometer shows more than 200 degrees.

According to studies, the carcinogens released during this process lead to a variety of diseases, such as pathologies of the endocrine system and oncological processes. In this case, Teflon surfaces are damaged even if only plastic or wooden spatulas are used for cooking. Such frying pans are dangerous and short-lived, but they are the cheapest.

Food steel and alloys

Food grade steel is usually labeled as 18/10 medical grade steel. This means that it is created from chromium and nickel, 18 and 10 percent respectively. In general, this is high-quality stainless steel, which is not only resistant to corrosion, but also durable and meets GOST standards.

To be sure of the quality of food steel, it is better to look for the brand designation on the packaging or specific requirements. For example, GOST 27002-86 may be indicated or the steel grade AISI 304 may be specified. Some researchers believe that nickel contained in the material can get into food and poison it, but this is only true for utensils that do not comply with GOST.

A wide variety of frying pans are made from alloys. By combining minerals and hard metals, manufacturers began producing stone, marble, titanium and other non-stick coating options. They stand out from many of their own kind due to their ability to use metal blades and durability.

Dishes of this kind have two main disadvantages. The first one is very high cost. Secondly, sometimes manufacturers are cunning and keep silent about the fact that, in addition to alloys, Teflon was used in the manufacturing process. You need to carefully study everything that is written on the label to make sure that there are no such substances.

Cast iron

Just a few decades ago, almost all frying pans were cast iron. And now they can be found in kitchens, and owners will note that food in such containers turns out especially tasty. Over time, many people abandoned cast iron for one simple reason - dishes made from it are very heavy; in this regard, Teflon is significantly superior to this material.

But cast iron can be used both in the stove and in the oven. It is not afraid of various acids, and therefore you can safely cook food with a large amount of it. citric acid or vinegar. The material has pores in which oil gradually accumulates, which is why a natural non-stick coating is formed.

With all these advantages, cast iron stands out for its main thing – safety. Reaction with temperature or environment does not lead to the appearance of any harmful substances. Moreover, during cooking, iron ions can enter food, which, on the contrary, are beneficial for the human body.

Unfortunately, in addition to its heavy weight, this material has several other disadvantages. It cannot be placed in dishwasher, and not all cleaning products are suitable for it. Unlike stainless steel, cast iron is quite susceptible to corrosion, and therefore you need to try to remove ready-made food from it.


According to experts, ceramic is now considered the safest non-stick coating. Ceramics are made from very simple elements - earth, stone and sand. Even if damaged, no hazardous substances can be released. In this case, the coverage:

  • Calmly withstands high temperatures,
  • Doesn't scratch
  • Can easily be washed in the dishwasher,
  • Does not cause food to burn even without the use of oil.

The most important thing is to avoid sudden temperature changes; no similar frying pan will survive this. Also this type The cookware is not suitable for use on induction cookers. Modern ceramic coatings are usually painted white or black.

Manufacturers use stainless steel and several types of aluminum as a base for ceramics. Thin extruded aluminum is considered the worst, as it is not functional and does not last long. The cast version and stainless steel are approximately at the same quality level.

When choosing the best and safest frying pans, many choose the Fissler Protect Alux model. On top of the cast aluminum body is two layers of ceramic coating that can withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees. The disadvantage here is the high cost.

When choosing a frying pan with a ceramic coating, you should give preference to the option whose walls are not narrower than 4 mm. It is better that not only the walls, but also the bottom are thicker than these indicators. The handle must be heat-resistant or at least removable so that the cookware can be used in the oven.

Each frying pan must come with instructions that describe all its characteristics. In particular, the proprietary ceramic composition must be specified. This can be found in products from companies like ILAG Ceralon, Whitford Fusion, Greblon Ceram and others. Every frying pan should have two types of warranty, one covering the body and the other covering the coating itself.

There is a frying pan in every home. This is one of the most necessary items in the kitchen, which is used almost daily. Naturally, we want our frying pans to be high quality and safe. We'll tell you how to choose these.

There are different types of frying pans: classic, wok, stewpan, grill, pancake, with removable handles, tagines. They are made from different materials, with and without non-stick coating. Let's figure out which one is better to choose for safe cooking.

Teflon/PFOA/PTFE - harmful or not?
Disputes about the safety of Teflon coating are still ongoing. We tried to collect the latest data on this matter. So, Teflon is a popular name polymer coating tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), patented by DuPont back in 1938.

Another substance used in the production of Teflon coating is perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Five years ago in the United States, at the request of the Americans, chemical products containing PFOA were sent for independent examination. Based on its results, PFOA was recognized as a toxic poison. Numerous studies indicate that regular use of dishes with PFOA can cause various serious diseases: diabetes, hormonal disorders and immune system disorders, oncology, Alzheimer's disease - the list goes on. According to experts, the most vulnerable are the thyroid and pancreas glands. However, again, in order to feel the negative effect of PFOA, you need to heat Teflon cookware for a very long time.

Today, the production of cookware with PFOA is legal throughout the world. However, in the USA the ban on it comes into force in 2015.

Which pans are best not to use?

Aluminum frying pans

Pros - costs less, heats up quickly. Otherwise, there are only disadvantages: burnt food, easily damaged surface. As for health risks, according to some researchers, aluminum salts formed as a result of the reaction of the metal with water are a possible cause of diseases associated with memory loss. But this effect has not been definitively proven. But what is known for sure is that aluminum gets into food. True, to avoid this, today some manufacturers coat dishes with an oxide film. The main thing in this case is not to scratch the dishes.

Copper pans

They should not be used for cooking at all, even though they heat evenly and distribute heat well. You cannot cook food in copper cookware. high acidity, because then the metal gets into food especially actively. Researchers say that copper ingestion can cause nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. But you can safely buy frying pans where copper is used for outer covering- this way the metal does not come into contact with food.

Safe pans

Ceramic frying pans

Perhaps the most best option in terms of security. They are durable, resistant to temperature changes and dirt. Another plus is that they keep heat for a long time, so the food can be ready if you remove the pan from the stove 7-10 minutes earlier than usual.

Stainless steel pans

Steel is more stable and less active than aluminum. If you use such a frying pan according to the instructions: heat it slowly, with good oil, it is safe. When choosing a stainless steel frying pan, look for the inscription surgical grade stainless steel and pay attention to the numbers 18/0, 18/8 and 18/10 in the description, indicating the chromium and nickel content, respectively. The best indicator considered 18/0 (no nickel).

Cast iron frying pans

Excellent for those cases when the dish takes a long time to prepare. The pan heats up to very high temperatures - and, unlike Teflon, it is safe. True, cooking in a cast iron frying pan takes some getting used to. And immediately after cooking, you should transfer the food from the frying pan to another container.

Enameled frying pans

Plus - you can store a dish in it for a long time; food in such a frying pan does not oxidize. The downside is high sensitivity to shock.

Pans with granite coating

Another name is marble, stone. The coating is made of fine granite chips, which prevents food from burning. It does not separate when high temperature and safe for humans. The frying pans are strong and durable, but they are also sensitive to scratches, so you should handle them carefully: use only a wooden spatula when cooking and a soft sponge when washing dishes.

What to look for when choosing

Let's name a few characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a frying pan:

1. Weight. The pan should not be too heavy, but too light is also bad. Look for a middle ground.
2. Bottom. Frying pans with a thick bottom (at least 5 mm) are considered to be of higher quality. They heat food evenly. It’s good if the size of the bottom matches the diameter of the burner or extends beyond it by a maximum of 1-2 cm. This way you can avoid heat loss.
3. Handle. It should fit comfortably in the hand, not too thin (if the dishes are heavy, they may break), and not too thick, otherwise there is a risk of not being able to hold the filled pan. The surface of the handle should be smooth. Check that the handle is securely attached to the body of the frying pan by moving it left and right, up and down. The backlash should be minimal.


Pans made of heat-resistant ceramics can withstand temperature differences from –30°C to +900°C, the manufacturer promises. They can be heated over a fire and immediately lowered into cold water- It won't hurt them. Suitable for cooking in microwave ovens. The pans can be washed with any sponges and cleaning agents; it is allowed to use metal objects when cooking - the coating will not be scratched or cracked. The cost is about 6,000 rubles.

Traditional stainless steel frying pans, as well as frying pans with a thin but durable ceramic coating and chrome steel. They have a weighted, multi-layered bottom, so the pan heats up evenly and maintains its temperature for a long time. For example, Forza series frying pans, which are made of hammered aluminum coated with Bekadur Ceramica ceramic coating, can withstand temperatures up to +400°C. Contains no heavy metals, PFOA or PTFE. Cost - from 1000 rubles.

Le Creuset(France)
Cast iron frying pans are treated with special enamels on both sides, which protect against scratches, chips and perform a non-stick function. The cost is about 7,000 rubles.

Green Pan(Belgium)
Non-stick pans without PFOA or PTFE are suitable for all types of cookers, including induction. Can be used for cooking in the oven. The frying pan can withstand temperatures up to +450°C and does not release hazardous components when heated strongly. Cost - from 1190 rubles.

Stylish cast iron frying pans heat up quickly and evenly, retain heat for a long time, and food does not stick to them. Cost - from 3000 rubles.

Neva Metal Tableware(Russia)
Frying pans with metal-polymer coating. Stainless steel (18/10) combined with internal non-stick coating on water based without the use of PFOA. Heats evenly and maintains temperature for a long time work surface. The pans are not afraid of scratches and can withstand abrasive influences. There are several series, including those with ceramic coating. Cost - from 1000 rubles.

A frying pan is an indispensable piece of utensils in any kitchen. If you choose it correctly, you can greatly simplify your life. With good and comfortable frying pan The cooking process will become pleasant and fast.

Rating of the 9 best frying pans

For those who want to purchase high-quality and proven frying pans for their kitchen, let's look at the rating of the most popular models. After all, their range is so large that you can get confused when choosing. When choosing this cookware you need to pay attention to:

  • brand;
  • direct purpose;
  • manufacturing materials.

Modern frying pans can be coated with ceramic, Teflon, or minerals, cast iron.

The Best Ceramic Coated Pans

When choosing ceramic cookware, you need to pay attention to:

  • product thickness;
  • availability of a quality certificate;
  • price;
  • appearance.

Ceramic coated products meet the requirements of professional kitchens. Their main advantages include:

  • the presence of a two-layer ceramic coating;
  • uniform and fast heating;
  • possibility of cooking without vegetable oil;
  • preventing food from burning;
  • ability to withstand high temperatures.

Important: frying pans with ceramic coating are resistant to sudden temperature changes.

Bergner BG 6787

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of use;
  • practicality and durability.

Attention: when purchasing ceramic products, you should remember that this material needs special care. Ceramics are easily scratched and subject to mechanical stress.

The Bergner BG 6787 model is produced in Austria. When studying the technical characteristics, it should be noted:

  • product size – 28 cm;
  • height – 7.5 cm;
  • material of manufacture: aluminum with two-layer coating;
  • features: the presence of two removable handles and a colored heat-resistant coating.

This model is popular due to its practicality, convenience and affordable cost.

Gipfel ZENIT

Main technical characteristics are:

  • size: 28 cm;
  • material: cast aluminum;
  • Features: fast and even heating of food, heat-resistant handle and multi-layer induction bottom.

Important: this model has a non-removable handle and does not have a lid.

The best cast iron pans

The advantages of cast iron products include:

  • presence of non-stick coating;
  • long service life;
  • practicality and reliability.

Biol 0120

  • diameter – 20 cm;
  • height – 4.5 cm;
  • weighing 1.5 kg.

This model has a die-cast body. The presence of a small removable handle makes it possible to cook food on the stove or in the oven.

To the benefits of cookware trademark Biol include:

  • excellent heat capacity characteristics;
  • chemical inertness;
  • high quality surface.

Cast iron products are easy and simple to care for. If you take proper care of this type of cookware, it will last you for more than a century.

This manufacturer also offers a cast iron grill pan with a 1028C lid. It has good technical qualities:

  • diameter: 28 cm;
  • height – 4.5 cm;
  • weight 4.9 kg.

Features of the model include: the presence of two removable handles made of metal and wood. This cookware can be used for all types of stoves. The presence of a tempered glass lid allows you to cook delicious dishes in the oven.

Frying pan Biol 1020 C pleases housewives high quality. Special heat treatment of the product significantly improves its characteristics. This model has a ribbed surface, which allows you to prepare juicy and appetizing dishes.

The best models with Teflon coating

Teflon-coated cookware allows housewives to save time on cooking. When choosing worthy models of frying pans, pay attention to the manufacturer Neva - metal.

The advantages of this product include:

  • high quality;
  • long rock guarantee;
  • use of safe and environmentally friendly materials;
  • abrasion resistance.

Attention: products with Teflon coatings must not be overheated or subjected to mechanical stress.

German frying pan Fissler Protect Alux Premium 28cm with Protectal Plus Teflon coating:

  • suitable for electric, gas and induction cookers;
  • The presence of a reinforced bottom prevents food from burning and guarantees uniform heat distribution and quick heating of the dishes.
  • has a unique Protectal Plus non-stick coating, which is applied in several layers using an innovative method. This coating makes the dishes environmentally friendly and resistant to negative factors.

The Rondell Stern RDS-092 model is made of stainless steel with a non-stick Teflon coating. The brand was originally founded in Germany, but now the dishes are made in China. Features of this cookware include:

  • non-stick coating;
  • triple stamped fused bottom;
  • long warranty from 2 to 20 years.

The Ballarini 76547A.24 model from the “Professional” series is distinguished by:

  • security;
  • practicality;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Frying pan Vitesse Madeleine VS-1154:

  • made of aluminum;
  • equipped with a three-layer non-stick coating;
  • has a transparent cover made of impact-resistant glass. This allows you to monitor food preparation.

This model is equipped with a removable bakelite handle and is suitable for use with all types of stoves. The diameter of the product is 26 cm, height – 5 cm, handle length – 20 cm.

Mineral Coated Pans

Products made from mineral substances not only have high technical characteristics, but also impeccable appearance. These products have high non-stick characteristics and can withstand high temperatures. Since the inside of the product is slippery, you can cook on it without oil.

Berlinger Haus 1297 28 cm frying pan is made of cast aluminum and has a non-stick marble coating. This coating prevents food from burning and eliminates mechanical damage from spoons and metal spatulas. This cookware is suitable for all types of ovens, including induction. Its features include:

  • presence of marble covering;
  • the presence of a three-layer bottom;
  • interesting design;
  • ergonomic handle;
  • Dishwasher safe.

The Zenit model from Gipfel meets all consumer requirements. The presence of marble coating guarantees:

  • uniform heating of food;
  • durability and reliability of cookware;
  • ease of use and maintenance.

This model has a comfortable handle that does not slip and is securely held in the hand.

Important: the more layers of coating a marble-coated product has, the longer the service life of the cookware.

To summarize, it is worth noting that no matter what option you choose, choose the manufacturer wisely. Trust only trusted brands, read reviews from previous customers and make your choice. By complying with the manufacturers' requirements, the selected frying pan model will serve you for many years.

Useful tips

In almost any home, a frying pan is one of the most popular items kitchen utensils. And no matter how much we are frightened by unhealthy fried foods, it is unlikely that anything will change dramatically in the near future.

If we use a frying pan so often, it is quite natural to want to choose the most convenient and even universal option of this product, which would not burn and would allow you to easily prepare all sorts of delicacies.

In fact, the household rarely uses more than two or three frying pans on a regular basis. Some even make do with just one, universal one. Let's take a closer look notable features of frying pans, differing from each other in material and purpose, taking into account their cheapness or high cost.

How to choose a good frying pan

Cast iron frying pan

Do you remember what happened to Korney Chukovsky in “Fedora’s Mountain”?

“Oh, you, my poor orphans, my irons and frying pans! You go home, unwashed, I will wash you with spring water. I'll clean you with sand“I’ll douse you with boiling water.”

Obviously, in this imperishable children's work we were talking about a cast iron frying pan, because no teflon frying pan or a frying pan with a marble coating will not survive if they start “rubbing it with sand.”

However, there is a small nuance that should be kept in mind: the fact is that modern cast iron frying pans can also have special coating – enamel or non-stick. You should clarify this point when purchasing cookware.

Now we are talking about the classic - a cast iron frying pan in pure form, which you can actually use sand to clean. Of course, it’s no good to mock the frying pan, brutally rubbing her with sand- this will only make the cast iron even rougher. We are talking about the so-called sand sauna - heating a frying pan filled with sand.

What are the advantages of a cast iron frying pan?

One of the main advantages of a cast iron vessel is its indestructibility. A cast iron frying pan can last forever proper care . Dishes made from this material are unpretentious; The excellent heat capacity of the material ensures uniform cooking of any dish.

A huge army of fans of cast iron cookware is sure that food cooked in such utensils is more tender and tasty. Moreover, it is believed that if you cook in old frying pan which has been used for many years, the food turns out even more delicious than in a new cast-iron vessel.

It may seem paradoxical to some that in a cast iron frying pan that has been used for many years, food burns much less often than, say, a non-stick frying pan that has only been used for a year.

A caveat is required here - to do this, the cast iron frying pan must be properly cared for. Since cast iron is a porous material, the pan should wipe dry after washing so that it does not rust. Before storing it, you should rub it inner surface vegetable oil.

How to care for a cast iron frying pan?

To wash a cast iron frying pan, you should not use modern dishwashing detergents. In general, this unit of kitchen utensils there is no point in washing it until it shines– it’s better to periodically give her that same “sand sauna.” You can also use salt for these purposes.

This procedure should be carried out immediately after purchasing a cast iron frying pan. The fact is that this will help clean the product from technical oil, with which it is coated after production. Some cast iron skillets are sold with a edible oil "shell" (check with your retailer) so you can cook with them right away.

After several uses, a cast iron frying pan will develop carbon deposits, which is actually a natural non-stick coating. By the way, about durability: of course, cast iron can crack, if you hit such a frying pan with a hammer or drop it on the tile. I would like to hope that few housewives would think of checking their utensils in such a barbaric way!

Are there any disadvantages to a cast iron frying pan?

No one is perfect and nothing is perfect. However, the disadvantages of a cast iron frying pan are very insignificant compared to the advantages of using it. And yet: This frying pan is quite heavy; Since cast iron is not indifferent to an acidic environment, you should not leave some sauces in it for a long time after cooking. And in general, frying pans are used for cooking, not for storing food.

Nowadays the market offers cast iron cookware of the most different manufacturers– from cheap Chinese frying pans to quite good examples domestic products. It is very important when choosing this position - not to go cheap.

Take the product in your hands. If light frying pan by weight, then this is cast iron of the lowest quality. Having chosen decent cast iron cookware, you will receive a frying pan for all times, which can rightfully be called universal.

Stainless steel frying pan

Metal frying pan

Metal utensils are quite durable kitchen utensils. Despite this, popularity of frying pans, made of steel, aluminum or copper, is slightly lower than the popularity of cast iron pans or products with a non-stick coating. Let's try to figure out what the pros and cons of such products are.

Steel frying pan

Usually we are talking about a steel frying pan, which is made by forging. These pans are not inferior in strength cast iron products . The thermal conductivity of ordinary steel is not much lower than cast iron, therefore food in a well-heated frying pan is fried evenly.

What can you cook in a steel frying pan?

This frying pan is not afraid of high temperatures and sudden changes. You can cook on it almost anything, which also gives this product universal status. The only thing that such kitchen utensils can be afraid of is rust.

However, you don’t have to worry about rust if you buy a frying pan from stainless steel. This frying pan does not rust, but like a cast iron one, it does not like to have cooked food left in it for a long time.

A stainless steel frying pan should not be left empty on the fire, as this will lead to a loss of aesthetics on the inner surface. By the way, relatively low thermal conductivity of stainless steel for a long time underestimated the popularity of such pans. However, modern products have a multilayer (capsule) bottom, which ensures uniform heating.

A stainless steel frying pan looks very aesthetically pleasing; it is easy to clean using regular detergents(essentially she less whimsical than a cast iron frying pan). In other words, a good stainless steel frying pan is in no way inferior to cast iron products. Moreover, this kind of dishes are often used in advertising because of its aesthetics.

Are there any disadvantages to a stainless steel frying pan?

The main disadvantage of such a frying pan is its high price. You can, of course, find very inexpensive stainless steel frying pans, but such products usually have single layer bottom. Everything will burn in a frying pan like this; In addition, it can become deformed when heated.

Under no circumstances should such a frying pan be cleaned with abrasive agents, although you can also clean it before using it for the first time. heat treatment using salt. After which the pan should be thoroughly washed, but this should not be done until the dishes have cooled down.

Before pouring oil into a stainless steel frying pan when cooking, you need to warm it up for three to four minutes. over medium heat and then add oil. Afterwards, it makes sense to wait for the oil to warm up, and only then can you add food for frying.

Universal frying pan

Aluminum frying pan

Lightweight, inexpensive and very common in its time, an aluminum frying pan has become a rare guest in our kitchens. The reason is simple - modern frying pan manufacturers offer a lot of modernized options products, while an aluminum frying pan has a number of disadvantages.

Another disadvantage of an aluminum frying pan is that it is difficult to wash off carbon deposits. Aluminum – metal is not the most durable. Washing such a frying pan with abrasive materials (or, for example, a brush) means damaging it.

Of course, now such pans are made mainly with various coatings, from which we can distinguish ceramics and teflon. However, at the moment we are talking about aluminum cookware in its pure form. As for coated frying pans, we will talk about this a little later.

The fact that aluminum has a very high thermal conductivity increases the likelihood of deformation of this product. Many have probably seen old soviet frying pans made of aluminum from their grandmothers, deformed and scratched, to which literally everything sticks when frying.

Is aluminum from a frying pan harmful to humans?

Aluminum can actually get into food if the frying pan is old and worn. There is a theory according to which it is very harmful to the human body. In fact, amount of aluminum, which hypothetically could end up in prepared food, is so small that talking about its harm to health is simply not serious.

It would seem that this product is a complete inconvenience. However, despite being susceptible to deformation, an aluminum frying pan can last much longer any modern frying pan with Teflon or ceramic coating. Deformation rather violates aesthetics (unless, of course, the bottom of the pan is curved).

An aluminum frying pan is indispensable when you need to quickly heat or fry something (for example, cook scrambled eggs in a matter of minutes). You can wash it with modern detergents. It is also recommended to ignite this product with salt before first use.

Copper frying pan

A copper frying pan is a rather rare occurrence in our kitchens. But if you've ever used a copper frying pan, you've probably noticed how instant speed it heats up. And this is not surprising - after all, copper has a noticeably higher thermal conductivity than even aluminum.

Copper is a low-melting metal, so a frying pan made from this material can easily be called the most demanding not only in maintenance, but also but also in use. At one time there was a lot of controversy over whether copper, which could enter the human body with food from dishes, was harmful.

In reality, it is not so much copper that is harmful (the amount of it that enters the body is insignificant), how many are those connections?, which are formed by the acid contained in some products when it comes into contact with copper.

Is it safe to use a copper frying pan?

Copper pans that can now be found on the market are absolutely safe, if only for the simple reason that you are unlikely to be offered products made from pure copper. Such pans - it's more of a tribute to aesthetics: the inside of such dishes is usually coated with tin or stainless steel (not to mention modern types of coating).

Thus, each housewife determines for herself feasibility of use copper frying pan in your kitchen. This frying pan, like other copper utensils, looks very impressive somewhere in a restaurant kitchen.

It is very good to cook foods that require quick frying in a copper frying pan. A number of dishes that require long roasting Just according to the cooking process, it’s not very convenient to cook in such a frying pan.

Maintenance of a copper frying pan should not be done with aggressive means for washing dishes. Such kitchen utensils do not tolerate moisture - after washing, it is recommended to wipe the copper frying pan dry.

Non-stick frying pan

Teflon frying pan

Non-stick coating is not something modern. By and large, humanity has been using frying pans with this coating for seven decades now. Certainly, there are different coatings, including those that appeared relatively recently on our frying pans.

Teflon coating began to be used for frying pans back in the last century, right in its middle. Wonderful chemical and physical properties This material (in fact, it is correct to call it fluoroplastic) has ensured its wide popularity throughout the world.

The pans themselves, which are coated with Teflon, can be made of various materials. Usually coated with Teflon aluminum and steel frying pans. Moreover, non-stick material is applied to the inner surface, while the outer surface is covered with enamel.

What is the advantage of Teflon coated frying pans?

If you have ever purchased such a frying pan, then you probably experienced delight in the first months of using this product. Teflon layer which applied to the pan, turns frying any product into a pleasure - nothing burns, even if you don’t get to the stove in time.

However, how long does this pleasure last? Alas, the Teflon coating is low-strength, so you should not count on the long service life of this product even with very careful use. The best examples of Teflon-coated frying pans “live” without problems and vagaries for up to two years. Extremely rarely - longer.

Careful use of such products involves the use of rubber, plastic or wooden spatula. If you forgetfully poke a fork into the bottom of your frying pan to catch the next cutlet, the likelihood of leaving a scratch is very high.

With the appearance of such scratches, using a Teflon frying pan gradually turns into torture. This product should only be washed warm water and soft sponge(fortunately, you can use regular detergent). This type of coating does not like sudden changes in temperature.

Is Teflon really dangerous to human health?

Alas, this is a fact. Moreover, it is scientifically confirmed. True, a Teflon frying pan (or rather, Teflon itself) becomes dangerous when when the product warms up to temperatures exceeding 350 degrees Celsius. This is when poisonous gases and their derivatives appear.

A Teflon frying pan is an excellent option for those who prefer fried foods without oil (or with a minimum amount of it). Unfortunately, good Teflon pans are pleasure is not cheap. And you will be forced to update such dishes from time to time (perhaps more often than you would like!).

Ceramic frying pan

Frying pan with ceramic coating

A frying pan with a ceramic coating brings the same joy in the first months of cooking as a Teflon frying pan. You quickly get used to something good, however, this joy can be darkened very quickly and very unexpectedly. Moreover, because of your own carelessness.

The material of the frying pan for which a ceramic coating is used is usually the same - it is stainless steel or aluminum. The similarities between Teflon and ceramic coated frying pans do not end there, although the latter have some advantages over the former.

What are the advantages of a ceramic frying pan?

A ceramic frying pan is harmless. In other words, the coating of such a frying pan does not form any toxic compounds at high temperatures. At the same time quality frying pan with a ceramic coating can heat up to a temperature of 450 degrees Celsius without any unpleasant consequences.

Manufacturers position such pans using the word “environmentally friendly”. Perhaps this definition has the right to life. Self ceramic coating- more durable than Teflon (although its tensile strength is far from unlimited).

The same manufacturers often claim that a ceramic frying pan does not lose its non-stick properties over time. This is not entirely true, to put it mildly. Certainly, thanks to greater strength coating, your ceramic coated frying pan is much less of a hassle than a Teflon frying pan. But to say that there will be no worries at all is wrong.

How durable is ceramic coating?

The ceramic coating begins to lose its properties if a frying pan with such a coating is exposed to sudden temperature changes. Under no circumstances should a hot frying pan be doused with a cold one or even warm water After cooking, you need to let it cool.

Don't give it right away big fire– let the pan warm up. When cooking in such a frying pan, you should also not use metal spatula or fork– the ceramic coating can be easily scraped off the surface of the product, after which the food will definitely begin to burn.

Is it worth saying that such dishes cannot be washed with an abrasive brush? Also keep in mind that cheap examples of ceramic frying pans will less durable than expensive samples of Teflon cookware. The production technology itself is such that a good frying pan with a high-quality ceramic coating cannot be sold for next to nothing.

When choosing such a frying pan, pay attention to the thickness of the product. Alas, although the thickness adds strength, it increases the weight of such a frying pan. (sometimes up to two kilograms or more). You may not even be able to hold such a frying pan in your hands (and the ceramic coating, by the way, can crack if it hits a hard surface!).

Unfortunately, the high cost of ceramic frying pans against the backdrop of a relatively short period of its “life” negates many advantages of this product. Yes, it is stronger and more durable than Teflon. But in order to extend its service life, such a frying pan must be used very, very carefully.

Marble frying pan

Frying pan with marble coating

Until recently, marble coating for frying pans was a kind of know-how. Pans with such a coating entered our lives gradually, which is not surprising - manufacturers were required a lot of effort and time, to explain how this frying pan, also coated with Teflon, differs from the regular Teflon frying pan we talked about just above.

This difference lies in the additional material that is “implanted” into the non-stick coating - marble chips. This product was born thanks to the tireless work of technologists who went out of their way to somehow extend the life of the Teflon coating. And guess what? They succeeded.

The main advantage of a frying pan with a marble coating

Thanks to particles of a special material (let's call it marble, although this is not entirely true - but more on that later), the manufacturers managed to extend life your Teflon frying pans. And extend it significantly - up to four to five years! Moreover, most of this time, the products that are cooked in such a frying pan do not really burn.

Another advantage of such a frying pan is its ease of maintenance - it can be easily washed with a sponge and a standard (but not abrasive!) dish soap. But it is very, very undesirable to use abrasive materials (for example, a dish mesh) to wash a marble frying pan.

A frying pan with a marble coating can truly be called universal, as it is suitable for cooking literally everything in the world. When cooking, it is quite possible to use a minimal amount of oil, or do without it (especially when it comes to a new frying pan).

The basis of this product is the same stainless steel or aluminum, which is coated with a non-stick coating. Despite durable and stable coating, you should not use a metal spatula for mixing (although some manufacturers claim that their product is designed for this).

Granite frying pan

As mentioned above, the term "marble" is not accurate. It would be more accurate to use the term "stone covering". Some manufacturers claim to use granite chips for combination with Teflon coating.

Taking such a product in hand, the average person is unlikely to be able to tell what kind of crumbs are added to the coating - marble, granite or something else. Therefore, it would be more correct to call such a coating stone, although in everyday life we ​​are already accustomed to calling such pans marble.

If you treat your marble frying pan with care, keep the product clean at all times and do not expose it to sudden temperature changes, this frying pan will serve you well faithfully and truly for many years, delighting with tasty and evenly fried food. This utensil is not cheap, but still quite affordable.

Titanium coated frying pan

Titanium frying pan

Production technologies do not stand still (as does marketing), so frying pans with amazing characteristics. Such a product is a metal frying pan, which is coated with an environmentally friendly, safe and very durable non-stick ceramic coating based on titanium oxide.

What is the main advantage of a titanium frying pan?

Unlike all its predecessors (except, perhaps, metal products), titanium coated frying pan is not afraid of mechanical impact, so you can safely use a metal spatula or even an ordinary fork with this kitchen utensil.

Of course, you shouldn’t mindlessly scrape this same fork over the surface of the frying pan, trying to test its strength in this way. Indeed, in fact, such a frying pan is covered with coatings already known to us (for example, Teflon) with titanium microparticles. However, it’s also not worth blowing dust off this product.

A titanium frying pan can rightfully be called a high-tech product, since it is used in production to spray a durable coating. plasma method. In terms of strength and durability, a titanium frying pan is second only to the good old cast iron frying pan.

Thanks to unique properties non-stick coating, you can use a titanium frying pan for many years no added frying oil. High thermal conductivity and the ability to distribute heat evenly makes it possible to create culinary masterpieces in a titanium-coated pan.

Are there any disadvantages to this frying pan?

The service life of this product, according to some manufacturers, can be 25 years. It is clear that such a frying pan cannot be sold at a bargain price, since we are talking about original product. But its cost is quite justified, if we are talking about dozens of years of service.

Another relative disadvantage of such a product can be considered its weight - there are examples made of cast iron, which, for example, a slender girl can “handle” it will be very inconvenient. However, there is always the opportunity to choose a product based on aluminum. This frying pan will be much easier to use.

Finally, when it comes to maintenance, titanium coated frying pans can be washed with a regular sponge using regular detergents. However, you should avoid abrasive materials and iron sponges if you really want to enjoy using this product for many years.

Coating for frying pans

Pancake pan

If you arrange a battle between housewives who often cook pancakes, there is a risk that instead of dialogue there will be a fight. The fact is that people's opinions about which frying pan is most suitable for frying pancakes are completely different from each other.

It should be said right away - frying pan manufacturers do not have a clear trend in the manufacture of pancake frying pans (and many others) from one material. In other words, the modern market offers us pancake frying pans made of cast iron, aluminum, steel, as well as non-stick frying pans, which can also be used for frying pancakes.

What are the specifics of a pancake pan?

In fact, pancakes can be fried in almost any pan. The product is called pancake because it is more convenient to fry on it. General feature pancake pan - low edges. This allows you to flip the pancakes without the risk of them falling apart. But this is the only thing that supporters of pancake pans made from various materials can agree on.

Manufacturers add fuel to the fire by accompanying each of their new products with harsh and intrusive advertising. It was worth the appearance in due time, for example, of Teflon frying pans, as they immediately began to prove to us that only these (and no others!) frying pans should be used to prepare proper pancakes.

However, remember (who has such an opportunity) what kind of pan your grandmother used to cook pancakes! It was an ordinary cast-iron frying pan (sometimes a cast-iron pancake frying pan). Were they tasteless or falling apart? It's unlikely! Proponents of such a pan for pancakes insist that it must have a thick bottom - supposedly this is the only way to get the most delicious pancakes.

Aluminum pancake pan

But what to do with those who claim that the most suitable pan for pancakes is thin aluminum or steel frying pan? Despite their fragility, such frying pans, if used only for cooking pancakes, can last for decades. And the pancakes in them will turn out no worse than in a cast-iron pan or in a frying pan with a non-stick coating.

What conclusion can be drawn? Any frying pan (preferably with low edges) is suitable for making pancakes. However, when cooking with each of them you need specific skill. Teflon, marble or titanium frying pans are suitable for beginners, for whom everything always burns.

On aluminum frying pan pancakes can turn out the same as on a Teflon one, but you should choose optimal combustion mode(so as not to burn the pancakes or fry them for too long). The combustion mode is no less important when using a cast iron pan for pancakes. And the product can be ruined even in the most perfect frying pan!

Which frying pan to choose

frying pan

The range of dishes that can be cooked in a frying pan is, of course, large, but the range of actions with certain dishes(wider) offers a type of frying pan called a stewpan.

A stewpan is a kind of hybrid of a saucepan and a frying pan. Actually, this determines its functions - in a saucepan you can not only fry, but also cook, stew and sauté foods. Among other things, this piece of kitchen utensil offers wonderful opportunities for sautéing.

What are characteristic features stewpan?

A saucepan is a very convenient kitchen utensil in which food can be turned over by tossing it. This possibility is due to high walls of the product. The saucepan usually comes with a long handle, which makes tossing more convenient. The walls of the stewpan descend to the bottom almost at a right angle.

Thanks to this feature, the stewpan is perfect for cooking at high temperature. It is recommended to prepare various sauces, all kinds of cooking creams, and a number of other dishes in this dish.

To make a saucepan, all the same materials are used as for a regular frying pan. You can purchase an aluminum or steel saucepan; non-stick saucepan (very popular lately) and even a cast iron saucepan.

Such kitchen utensils, especially those made of cast iron, are much heavier than a regular frying pan. This vessel differs not only thick bottom, but also thick walls. In addition, a lid must be attached to the saucepan, which further increases the weight of the product.

What dishes can be cooked in a saucepan?

There are hundreds and hundreds of options for saute pan dishes. This frying pan is very useful in the household if you often stew vegetables, cook pilaf, meat or vegetable stew . In principle, a saucepan can replace a frying pan (just not a pancake frying pan!), since you can quite easily cook cutlets or meatballs in it.

Many people disagree that a stewpan is a type of frying pan. Indeed, this product looks like a saucepan with lower edges, to which a massive handle is attached. But it just so happens that this kitchen utensil is used just like that - a frying pan.

How to choose a good frying pan

Wok frying pan

As usual, a lot comes into our culture from the West and the East. And if the stewpan is a “gift” from Western Europe (the frying pan came to us from France), then the wok pan migrated into our everyday life from the East (this kitchen utensil is an integral part of Southern Chinese cuisine).

The traditional Chinese wok looks like a bowl without a flat bottom (the bottom was cone-shaped). Modern wok pans, of course, have a flat bottom(otherwise how would they stand on our slabs?). Such products are very stable; They are convenient for cooking not only in the kitchen, but also outdoors, on an open fire.

What is a wok used for?

The wok is multifunctional. It can be used for frying foods, stewing, boiling and even smoking. Thanks to its specific form, such a frying pan can even perform the functions of a stewpan (it is also convenient to turn food over using the tossing method).

Experts believe that modern frying pans, adapted to our kitchen conditions, do not provide required temperature regime cooking, which was achieved using a traditional Chinese wok.